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11923790 No.11923790 [Reply] [Original]

how to stop thinning hair?

im in 20s. family has hair so im assuming its hair damage and adderall perscription as a kid along with 10 years of stress and lots of drug use.

only person who got dome robbed was my brother but he also lived a similar lifestyle only more drugs and stress and hes also a retard. hes 30


>> No.11923797
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>> No.11923817
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>> No.11923822
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>> No.11923841
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>> No.11923843
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About a single cup a day is healthy.

>> No.11923866

Man this one is good

>> No.11923899
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Thanks, have another coffee post.

>> No.11923928

I'm 23 and I thinning, but since I'm already used to shaving my head it doesn't really bother me.
I think finasteride works for some people, other just opt for a hair transplant, but just as a piece of advice I'd say if you have the head for it just embrace it.

>> No.11923945
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Lmao I actually have expertise treating baldness professionally and I'm not helping op. Just posting pretty girls. Don't help coffee posters. Post more sluts or ignore them.

>> No.11923962
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what is a coffee poster?

i can imagine you already have your mind made up. heres what i know so far

>vegetable juice on scalp treatment
>bought this shit called cerafill retaliate today, the hair milfs told me it cleans out folicle toxins
>hair food with vitamin a and e

>> No.11924022

Dont use finasteride, look up the research that has found that it fucks with your DNA methylation.

If you look at how much money the drug costs you, a transplant will cost about the same and will be much better than risking the side effects, plus hair cloning tech is rapidly approaching.

I did finasteride and it gave me an anxiety disorder. Never had one before, but anything stressful made me go into bouts of dry heaving, symptoms largely disappeared after I stopped taking this drug a couple years ago. It also took a fair amount of zing out of my sex drive which has been largely permanent.

There is no reason to fuck with this drug now, don't fucking do it.

>> No.11924027
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Alright, well if you genuinely didn't know then I apologize. A coffee poster is someone who posts a sexual image or roastie post to try and boost engagement on an unrelated topic for a thread, and Sci is sorta been plagued with it.
>see https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Is%20coffee%20good%20for%20you

But anyway, then in that case, finasteride does work for many people by inhibiting the synthesis of DHT in the body (a byproduct of testosterone metabolism) you'll want to stay away from any supplements which increase DHT levels, and attempt to get the competing metabolic pathways active through the right hormonal drugs.

Alternatively, there are "Scalp stimulants" which dilate the blood and increase oxygen to the hair root (minoxidil) if you have continued problems there are hair transplant options where they can hide the pattern part of male pattern baldness for under 5k in many cases. Elon musk used to look like an aging pedophile, so you can see how good you could look going forward. Just remember that you don't necessarily want less testosterone, and estrogen can cause general hair-loss as well. I recommend you read up on hormone metabolism and see what behaviours, dietary, and lifestyle choices lead to DHT and estrogen like androgens.

Unironically, lower stress (cortisol), less fapping (prolactin/progesterone), sunlight, possibly some steroid modulatory drugs, and clean hair will help wonders.

>> No.11924054

is this in the cerafill retaliate shampoo the hair milfs gave me?

is this a supplement?
what supplements increase dht? estrogen?

and testosterone (i would imagine most protien based diets supply test)

im kind of a hippy and would much enjoy any natural remidies. ive also noticed natural rems have more of an effect, or that they rarely have negative side effects. but ill take what advice you give me.

>steroid modulatory drugs
tell me about what this is

also what do you think about biotin and fish oil? those are what im taking now. along with nuts, eggs, and omelletes with peppers, jalopenos, and onions in them. what effect do jalopenos have? onions?

>> No.11924074


The lifestyle tips are a fucking meme.

Nothing can stop it apart from finasteride (or dutasteride which is even more likely to fuck you up).

Just get a transplant in a few years or shave it off. Don't bother with anything else because it's all cope.

>> No.11924085

I might add that in terms of natural remedies Saw Palmetto has some evidence of working but that's because again it fucks with DHT levels, use at your own risk

>> No.11924094

are you a fucking commercial jew? your lifestyle clearly has an impact on your physical health. masturbating negates your hormones, sunlight provides vitamins and color, and stress makes you bald quikcly

i feel like thats common sense.

now fuck off while im in the middle of a discussion.

>> No.11924095

Generally any "testosterone boosting" products will contain products heavy in steroid precursors which convert to DHT. If you want a natural remedy i recommend you look into Ferula Hermonis, its hard to get but some people swear by it.

As for steroid modulators, xeno and phytoestrogens are generally bad, these cause problems for many people just look at s o y boys on google images its not a meme. Your diet sounds balanced and good, and you seem fairly well adjusted, if you don't mind my asking, what drugs did you take or currently take, as some can cause hairloss and I'd like to see if there's a smoking gun.

>> No.11924105

Just shave it to like a couple millimeters. All the benefits of bot having hair with none of the trouble of shaving it clean and keeping it that way. I lost my hair after I left the army at about 29 years old. Shaved for it and when I stopped shaving it didn't come back. I imagine the stress and whatever hormonal changes being around in an all male environment does to you caused it.

I've found the vast majority of people don't care about your hair unless it's truly hideous like a bad comb over and the ones that do aren't worth your time. People on 4chan care about balding in a disproportionately strong way for some reason compared to real people.

>> No.11924115


I post the lifestyle stuff because its not as much of a cope as you'd think. "heroic medicine" is a technique long disregarded by medical science and I generally prefer to take a light and understanding approach before resorting to drastic measures, surgery can always happen if he doesn't improve first.

As you saw in my post above, I did recommend a hair transplant as a consideration, but I also see no reason in not listening to OP and giving him a little understanding and general tips before he drops 5-10k and undergoes surgery.

>> No.11924144

yeah i dont like steroid and test boosters or protien shakes for these reasons.

my drugs are many. i think what may have attributed is ecstacy and meth, uppers. i only dabbled but still. what about acid?

i feel like good cured dank bud would help hair

>> No.11924150

been sober for 6 months but because of jail and jail fucks up your hair

>> No.11924160

but staying sober also. my drug of choice most recently was subutec unperscribed i was shooting it for pain and stress and also doing uppers whenever i was too tired. i smoked wax and bud all day for anxiety

>> No.11924175

Sure, don't take any of the drugs, just get plenty of sunshine and exercise, have a kale smoothie and embrace being bald as a fucking egg because you deserve it for being such a naive, unquestioning retard

>> No.11924180

you are implying that natural factors have no affect on the situation. now fuck off back to jeruselum you spineless coward.

>> No.11924211

I looked up the article and it's unclear what DNA methylation even if and I doubt you'd heard of it beforehand. Whatever it is, it's not 100% triggered by fin (per study), they couldn't nail down a causal link, and it was beyond the scope of the study to even investigate if this process has anything to do with side effects.

Dudes who obsessively want to hold on to their hair are often histrionic, I was basically there when I first got on finasteride. I experienced immediate sexual side effects that amounted to nothing more than placebo (went away in 3 days). Since then I've just been casually checking that I don't start to develop moobs. Other than that, I've been as horny, big, and full of semen as ever.

The one thing about finasteride I do wonder about is its effects on muscle growth and retention (DHT is apparently important to this). I don't work out any more and don't have muscles as big as when I started. It's no issue now but if I did want to become a big boy someday I realize I might have to consider quitting fin (probably a fair trade).

>> No.11924220

fuck that. i need my muscle.

the natural remedies seem to have plenty of affect.

anyone know about this "cerafill retaliate" shit the hair milfs gave to me?

>> No.11924355

I have no clue if this is related, but about the same time my hair started thinning, my beard also really came in nice and thick like. I've been putting beard oil in my beard after a shower and then whatever residual amount left on my fingers i rub in my hair to keep it from drying out. I swear it's stopped thinning. Before the beard I would just let my skin and hair dry out in this cool dry northern air.

>> No.11924530

noted thank you anon.

i think my efforts will suffice along with the natural remidies ive found along with the advice in this thread.

i think alot of it has to do from stress, drug use, and ive spent about 2 years in jail in the past 10.

thanks everyone. ill probably be returning the product because i dont want my hormones fucked with.

if anyone got more advice feel free to post. anyone with exp on hair food with vitamin a and e/protien?

>> No.11926225

Hey, anon from the other day just reviewing the thread. So amphetamines are seldom pure when made illicitly and often manufactured with contamination of Mercuric chloride (amphetamines, MDMA), and phosphorus. You might do well to consider a Mercury level test and mindoxil (rogaine) to try and increase blood flow to the scalp, which would be reduced through stress and dopaminergic stimulant abuse.

Anyway best of luck to you, stay clean and stay away from jail. If you can't stay totally clean, you might want to ask your doctor about modafinil. It's the lesser evil.

>> No.11926816

i have a feeling stress, fapping, and the touch of lsd and ecstacy did it. i dont believe it to be genetic.

but then again i was perscribed adderall as a kid in a large amount and it nearly killed me

>> No.11926971

amphetamines werent really my thing but i have a feeling cause aging and hormone degrading much quicker than subutec.