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11919711 No.11919711 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think, could planet 9 be a "small" black hole just lurking outside of our solar system?

These astronomers believe so: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/07/200712105456.htm

>> No.11919772

Planet 9 is Pluto and you're not going to change my mind no matter how hard you try.

>> No.11919783

I'm just bothered because "planet X" sounded much, much cooler.

>> No.11919790

It kinda did. Nibiru also sounds pretty cool, but it's got a million conspiracy theories associated with it.

>> No.11919845

>"Researchers claim that the celestial body bears a heavy resemblance to one previously theorized by controversial religious leader, Joseph Smith..."
holy shit. Kolob is real

>> No.11919874

Its not impossible but I find it highly unlikely that theres a black hole in the mass gap conveniently orbiting our star that has never had any infalling matter and find it much more reasonable to assume its a frozen superearth which is pretty common in exoplanet surveys but missing from our solar system.

>> No.11919887

A black hole with 10 times the mass of Earth would have the size of a baseball. So it would perfectly explain why it's so hard to detect.

>> No.11919919

no, because that would be way too cool and useful to actually happen
nothing cool ever happens

>> No.11919927

I just want them to confirm it so they send a probe in my lifetime to shitpost about it with you bros...

>> No.11920065

Hey, if you want to be a mouthbreathing moron that's fine by me.

>> No.11920073

This. It's never aliens and in this case it isn't a black hole

>> No.11920076

No, it's Nibiru and the Annunaki, unironically. Look into it.

>> No.11920095

I'm not convinced it exists at all, though I want it to. I've only seen refutations and no further evidence since it was first proposed.
Black hole planet 9 is wishful thinking and near-impossible given our current understanding of the universe.

>> No.11920162

Ideal dream scenario: it's a traversable wormhole linking to another solar system with Earth like planets.

>> No.11921091
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Personal Theory:

>our solar system was originally a double star system
>primary was the sun and the secondary was a low to mid size red dwarf with a semi-major axis of about 800 AU, barely visible from Earth at that distance
>a third star wanders into the edge of the solar system and yanks the red dwarf secondary from its orbit
>sun cucked out of its partner and left with messed up kuiper belt

>> No.11922593
File: 789 KB, 851x667, black holes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starts in less than 2 hours


>> No.11922875

I thought they already looked for planet 9 and concluded no object bigger than Jupiter lied in the Kuiper belt or the Oort Cloud. So people thinking there’s a black hole out there are probably stupid

>> No.11923174
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By that logic, Pluto should be Planet 10, since Ceres was also considered to be a planet for like 50 years. Sometimes stuff gets recategorized as new information becomes available.

>> No.11923180

if they ever find it, i hope they call it Nibiru5G_Cov19 just to fuck with them

>> No.11923217

How does Planet Nines length of years correspond to various ancient flood myths?

>> No.11923227


Yes anon, there are also the furry fire sexual foxes in there, they are currently fighting fot freedom against Anunnaki-Hydar Federation.

I've heard the greys are also trying to claim land on the planet, and our 5g comes from one of the greys secret weapon of mass anal 666 chip injenction.

Unironically, look it up.

>> No.11923236


So Planet 9 is actually something scientific? Well would you look at that.

The chances of it being a black hole are higher than anything since we can't see the fucking thing.

>> No.11923237

What's with the high amount of redditors posting here?

>> No.11923243

Oh man, reminds me of this "victory of the light" larp, these guys are waiting for the ayy lmao rapture for ages now.


They're preparing for a world reset, it seems.
I won't go too deep on this rabbithole again though, gotta study for my 1st year finals

>> No.11923255

found the link I was searching for: https://2012portal.blogspot.com/
These guys are deffo CIA backed theosophists, I thought these guys died off when Valentin Tomberg converted to Catholicism and btfo his previous theosophist group.

>> No.11923259


What are you talking about? I've been here since 2010, everything I'm saying is true, unironically.

Unironically look it up.