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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11914285 No.11914285[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there an objective, scientific basis for racial egalitarianism? I have yet to encounter any kind of justification for this assumption. As far as I can tell, it just seems to be something that is taken on faith. But why would we expect various groups of humans who evolved in relative isolation from each other for tens of thousands years in completely different environments to all magically come out with identical cognitive ability? Especially when it is universally accepted that these same groups exhibit significant, measurable genetic differences at a group level in many other physical characteristics, including skin tone, eye and hair color, height, body build, lung capacity, and athletic ability, just to name some of the more obvious ones. But of course, there are countless other differences that lie below the surface as well that are especially relevant in the medical field. It's also an indisputable fact that different groups have different brain shapes and sizes.

Then you bring up the evidence of IQ research, the historical achievements of various groups of people, with some groups showing no evidence of having invented even a wheel after thousands of years, and also the modern day status of different groups, both in first-world and third-world countries. All of this points to the same conclusion, and yet it's a conclusion that runs counter to the mainstream scientific consensus, and one that, if voiced publicly, is very likely to get you fired, denounced, and ostracized.

So again, what is the scientific basis for racial egalitarianism. In light of all of the evidence that go against it, it seems that it would need even stronger evidence to support it. What is the argument?

>> No.11914312

well in science it's absolutely the best approach because science is already an outlier field and disregarding any population that can produce an outlier is retarded

>> No.11914327

that chinese guy looks like he's thinking >he's still staring at me isn't he

>> No.11914328

Racial egalitarianism is new not old. They knew Africans were savages in the past, and knew 60+ years ago. It's only now that the state says otherwise

>> No.11914407

>what is the scientific basis for racial egalitarianism?

Jews control the academia.

>> No.11914408

>the default assumption?
It isn't, stop making some fake drama so you can propagandize.

>> No.11914411

Fuck off civnat

>> No.11914413

and communists

>> No.11914427

Apparently it's ok for blacks to dominate sports, but the moment you mention STEM they go apeshit. Humanity is a joke, that's why.

>> No.11914433

WSM, rowing, swimming, maths olimpiad

>> No.11914468


You got me. But if it weren't for their bone density being 2 sd above the white mean, they'd dominate those sports too.

>maths olimpiad

>> No.11914478

World strongest man.

>> No.11914508

Marxism is Judaism.

>> No.11914531

Both capitalism and communism are tools of banker opression.
the current system is a parasitic self destructive mess

>> No.11914543


>> No.11914581

black team in canada

>> No.11914588

One of the factors that plays into the racial distribution of sports is age at maturity blacks generally develop sooner but despite that whites develop longer and can pack on much more this somewhat disadvantages entrance into american football.

>> No.11914607


>> No.11914617
File: 55 KB, 383x380, 6792762860348414084804b289be800f-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh for gods sake man
Every week we have several CompSci threads (Discrete Mathematics) attacked and slid off the board for being non-topic,
and yet we have IQ threads day after day after day. I fucking miss the old /sci/ man.

You're not concerned about IQ as some apolitical curious psychologist or anthropologist, you are reaching for reasons to justify your deeply selfish idea that you can dispossess non-whites of their personal property and their lives, justified with 1,000 twitter screenshots and some bogus studies that were planted here like a fungus by Swarmfront.

There's 0 considerations of context when it comes in to pseudo-scientific """research""" on IQ. The results aren't strictly wrong, but the lack of context is lying-by-omission. Low Iodine at birth, lead paint, low schooling etc can all drop IQ points by a dozen each.

This is retarded as fuck, le interest slavery or whatever is just conspiratorial bullshit where somehow the economy would be great if we didn't have "greedy banking bad actors" which you label as Jews. This is the externalization of Capitalist problems.

>> No.11914629


>> No.11914630

>This is retarded as fuck,
It's not
there's are great similarities between crony capitalism and comunism
>If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of superrich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead it becomes the logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite.

>> No.11914637

Stupid and based off Cold war thinktank platitudes about how the Soviets were Bureaucratized elites or some bullshit. Let me tell you, a 1:4 lowest wage to highest wage for the same work time doesn't sound very elitist to me.

You haven't actually got a fucking clue as to how R.E.S worked and existed, you're just relying on 80 year old Nazi thinktank appeals to make shitty parallels

>> No.11914641

die commie faggot

>> No.11914643
File: 365 KB, 800x523, DamnBitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11914648

Very cool ad lib meme, do you have anything else you’ve stolen from LCD fb/twitter or 4chan you want to post before you suck the precum from your Bull’s cock faggot?

>> No.11914651

Shit bait.

>> No.11914678

I can't wait until the genetic results come out and destroy your ass.

>> No.11914682
File: 112 KB, 1122x900, 1586788440373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11915111

Only sane post in this troll thread

>> No.11915346
File: 82 KB, 850x400, 1484600559404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever values the scientist holds is irrelevant, what matters is that we get to know the truth about how this world works. If somebody uses proven truths to commit atrocities, it is not the fault of those who discovered and/or discussed those truths. Besides, you are attributing a bad motive onto OP because of the boogeyman in your head.

>> No.11915364

kill yourself