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11910117 No.11910117[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do women peak sexually and physically around 13 years old while men peak at around 35?

What is the scientific and biological explanation for this?

>> No.11910156

>What is the scientific and biological explanation for this?

Your pedophilia.

>> No.11910189
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pedophilia is attraction to kids is it not?

13 is not a child, it is a sexually matured woman

furthermore in the old days ALL men married 11 year old girls and impregnated them

are you calling ALL men pedophiles?

>> No.11910203

Women's naturaly strength is her beauty/age. Men's natural strength is his income/stability.

>> No.11910206

>Why do women peak sexually and physically around 13 years old while men peak at around 35?
they don't, the study you're thinking of isn't what you think it is.

>> No.11910557


>> No.11910567

it’s true, these girls don’t even need makeup. They naturally have more color in their faces and their skin is healthier. Men seem to retain that colorful glow well into their 40’s and 50’s

>> No.11910597

>nitpicking this hard
faggot pedophile detected, oink oink piggot

>> No.11910607

it’s not really a disorder when you’re sexually attracted to a girl who could actually conceive. If she’s fertile at that age then how is it wrong to be attracted to her?

>> No.11910727
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>> No.11912851

Diet effects onset of puberty.

>> No.11912878

wtf is wrong with you retard?
This has to be bait

>> No.11912892

because she's still a child you sick fuck. Both boys and girls aren't fully developed until around the age of 18, both mentally and physically. Fucking kill yourself you disgusting scum..

>> No.11912899

>men peak around 35
t. forty year old man in his midlife crisis.

>> No.11912938
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>> No.11912954

Wrong. It's about 23 for women and 25 for men

>> No.11912958

>Wrong. It's about 23 for women and 25 for men
interesting, 23 is right around the second peak on that graph that gets thrown around a lot, the one with the ilya figures on it.

>> No.11913245

That's because you're male, a pedophile, and deluded to think you'll be still attractive at 35, instead of bald and fat.

>> No.11913264

>ITT intellectually dishonest redditors
18 is an arbitrarily assigned number which differs between countries, I'd argue that you aren't really mature before 24+/-

>> No.11913272

>fully developed
by what metrics? Vocabulary usage peaks in your 60’s and 70’s, as well as overall life wisdom, so why isn’t the age of consent 65?

>> No.11913281

Or you're in your 30s and coping.

>> No.11913289
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>> No.11913327

Isn't it interesting, you've got that second peaking around 22-23 which seems to reflect reaching cognitive maturity.
and that primary peak around 14-15 which I assume is about reaching physical fertility maturity.
Is there any way this could be tied to r/K selection?
Those seeking a responsible K type mate to raise their offspring picking up traits in the more mature women while the r type are looking for a quick fuck to spread their genes as far as possible?

>> No.11913344

because humans didn't evolve with political correctness in mind

>> No.11913482

>because she's still a child you sick fuck
she has pubic hair, shes menstruating, shes can conceive a child. if she isnt ready mentally then thats her parents fault, there is so little emphasis placed on growing up today.

>> No.11913497

>why am I a gay pedophile?

>> No.11914654

Women peak (I'm a booty guy) around 14-19. That's when dem hips get dat ratio.

Most chicks still look like boys at 13.

After 20 it's all downhill. I don't know a single woman that got any hotter after turning 20+

>> No.11914661

Women’s hips continue developing well into their late teens and early 20’s. 15 year old girls don’t have the same build as 20 year olds.

>> No.11914665

>if she isnt ready mentally then thats her parents fault
wrong, girls are not mentally prepared

>> No.11914670

depends on their ethnicity and other genetic factors.

>> No.11914696
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depends on the genetics, nationality/environment etc. you cannot simply label the true mental and physical preparedness off of a law and disregard common sense factors.

18 is a few years past the average ago to concieve... thats why its 18 so people dont fuck it up.

the reason 15 is not mentally prepared is because there is propaganda that having a family is simply not the right thing to do, even while an adult. its a shame we live in a society where having a child is viewed as a burden rather than a pure gift. maybe if this wasnt the consensus and people were more supportive of actual psychology and development, they would be mentally prepared.

but because there is a propaganda convincing billions of people that having kids is the wrong thing to do, that you are mebtally incapable until a legally determined age, of course this will cause doubt in many teenagers.

>> No.11914702

sexual promiscuity and marital faithulness corelates inversely with age at first sexual experience

>> No.11914704


>> No.11914705

Yes that’s true latinas and blaq girls seem to reach their final form by 16. In general human (white) females do continue to physically develop, their collar bone, tits, cheekbones, jaw, skull and hips all continue to fill out. You can see this in men but later in their mid 20’s.

>> No.11914715

that’s because in modern society the earlier you have sex the more partners you will have. And there’s a clear inverse correlation with number of partners and success of marriage.

>> No.11914724

No it's partly causative, the early sex does something to a womans brain that reduces pair ponding instincts.

>> No.11914732

why do people need to have partners? monogamy is not natural and restricts the mind from incredible doorways and binds the spirit to a crumbling marraige full of regret.

>> No.11914735

pair-bonding with whom? Other men? Sure. But where’s the proof that the girl can’t pair-bond with her first guy?

>> No.11914737

You're wrong but I'm too tired to debate you on social dynamics so I'll leave it there .

>> No.11914739

|Fuck it, just look up r/K selection as it applies to human mating and go from there.

>> No.11914748
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To be fair humans in general don't mature brain wise until 22-24 yrs of age. Ofcourse no country on this planet is crazy enough to make that the legal age.

>> No.11914761

You win the NPC award of the day, congrats.

>> No.11914762

and yet college girls are somehow dumber than middle school girls

>> No.11914813
