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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11911571 No.11911571 [Reply] [Original]

>Disturbing new revelations that permanent immunity to the coronavirus may not be possible have jeopardized vaccine development and reinforced a decision by scientists at UCSF and affiliated laboratories to focus exclusively on treatments.

>Several recent studies conducted around the world indicate that the human body does not retain the antibodies that build up during infections, meaning there may be no lasting immunity to COVID-19 after people recover.

>The latest bad news came from scientists at King’s College of London, whose study of 90 COVID-19 patients in the United Kingdom found antibody levels peaked three weeks after the onset of symptoms and then dramatically declined.

>“Waning antibodies affect vaccine development,” said Shannon Bennett, the chief of science at San Francisco’s California Academy of Sciences. “Where natural immunity doesn’t really develop or last, then vaccine programs are not likely to be easily successful or achievable.


>> No.11911578

>Effective vaccines for a coronavirus are probably impossible

Well duh!

>> No.11911586


>> No.11911636

A vaccine that offers 3 months of protection could still be marketed. Plenty of people self inject with insulin so the nation has the infrastructure to make this happen.

>> No.11911653

>the human manifestation entropy regales us with its repulsive opinion

how cute

>> No.11911670

>cornoavirus becomes a permanent fixture on society and genocides all the boomers off the planet

dare I say, based?

>> No.11911674
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Just wear multiple layers of masks.

>> No.11911675

>dare I say, based?
After you've had it by the fifth time, your lungs will be nothing but scar tissue. People are getting hit harder the second time than the first.

>> No.11911681

Sounds bad. What do you think the outlook is?

>> No.11911779

tfw humanity dies because a chinese man wanted to eat a questionably cooked bat

>> No.11911804

>other countries use mask wearing and social distancing to beat the virus
>virus goes extinct in ALL other countries
>virus is cured!!!!
>America coughs on other countries
>virus is back forever!!

Trump's soft ego and politicization of the virus is literally endangering the life of very human being who will ever be born on this planet for the future of the human race.

President Trump will go down in history as the the man who colluded with a virus to help win the election. It sounds hyperbolic but if you think about it, it's actually 100% true.

>> No.11911806

also, once the virus starts mutating, it truly will become a permanent fixture of the human race.

We have this ONE chance to stop the virus NOW once and for all before it starts to mutate. We're pissing this chance away. Goodbye human race.

>> No.11912103

Virus isn't conscious and doesn't have intentions to kill. Virus just evolves to survive. It's already too deadly to survive- if it evolves to become less deadly it may circulate like the Chad flus that have been around forever. We can already tell that the new mutations are less deadly. The more deadly it is, the less it spreads, this effect is amplified by the new behaviours of people, like never going out if sick or in known contact with the virus.

>> No.11912112

its a fuckin flu bro why worry

>> No.11912132

it causes permanent organ damage, including brain damage

sure it may evolve to be less deadly, but that just means it's more likely to maim you and leave you debilitated for the rest of your life.

>> No.11912139

organs grow back bro why worry

>> No.11912147
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>> No.11912157

This is what happens when people live 3-5 decades longer than they are meant to. This is also what happens when gross ignorance of rapid response to selection spreads widely enough among life scientists and medical professionals. Whichever population is devastated by this simply ought to die, this kind of phenomena was par for the course throughout most of history, it lead to the resistance of europeans to syphilis and small pox, and it should lead to affected populations like the chinese and southern europeans developing resistance.

>> No.11912158

Corona actually scars you entire Vascular system, your lung is just affected the most due to Vessel density

>> No.11912159

post pneunomia deaths

>> No.11912164

Because people are too fucking retarded to simply stay at home for three weeks, the following is still possible:
>every country does it
>help the shitholes do it too
>three months immunity ensues
>virus is dead forever

>> No.11912169

The media should start an anti-fear campaign instead and tell people about the bad effects of stress. Half of the world is gonna die of a heart attack before anything happens, it's sad

>> No.11912171

Nobody cares about deaths, retards. This is why our economy will really suffer the next decade:

>> No.11913119


>> No.11913328

I cant do my job from home, I cant quit my job, I have billa to pay. The fact that we CANT stay home is the government's fault. They cant pay us to stay home. We are already living paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.11913338

Welcome to Rona World.

>> No.11913387

Aren't $1000 enough to get by for three weeks?

>covid-19 causes brain damage
>even in mild cases
>even in young cases
Hi cares about deaths if it renders at least 10% of its victims mentally unstable?

>> No.11913409

>Aren't $1000 enough to get by for three weeks?
My rent alone for shitty mouldy room in London costs £900

>> No.11913417

>My rent alone for shitty mouldy room in London costs £900
Did England hand out stimulus checks?

>> No.11913457

clickbait bullshit. just because there's a peak and then decline in antibodies does not mean there will only be coverage for 3 months. it's almost certain that it would work for at least over a year for the vast majority of people.

>> No.11913463

>it's almost certain that it would work for at least over a year for the vast majority of people.

>> No.11913639

this is just proof /sci/ is dumber than r/science

>> No.11913642

>it's almost certain that it would work for at least over a year for the vast majority of people.
Even the flu vaccine has a major drop in efficacy within a month, to the point that antibodies are nearly gone after six months. Even worse is that a flu vaccine results in far less immunity than immunity developed from an infection. We're now seeing people get reinfected only 2-3 months after their first infection with SARS-CoV-2. What makes you believe a vaccine will be 4-6 times more effective than natural infection?

>> No.11914199

So now you’re anti immune system is weaker then original state ?
Like people who take HGH and effects their system to wear the body stops producing the harmonies and need the HGH daily for the body to survive.

>> No.11914215

Europe has better education and medical also a social standard as wear America doesn’t and don’t care if they spread it to others or other countries.
Canada blocked America out, and Canada is doing ok against the virus
America can say anything they want but it’s precarious measurements that have saved many European countries
No Americans in Finland and don’t act like a American idiot or to jail you stay

>> No.11914307

Is there any way to invest in coronavirus vaccines? Which vaccines would be best to invest in?

>> No.11914377



citations needed

>> No.11914639

Has this board been hijacked by /pol/?
What the fuck are you all talking about?
There are 5 million recovered people who knew they recovered. And probably 50 million more asymptomatic people who have also recovered but they didn't even know they had it. You need to tell them that they have been debilitated for the rest of their lives since they have no idea and live their normal lives, lmao. Retards

>> No.11915236

Jesus fucking christ what is with this spam detection on here? Links are here: https://pastebin.com/FiMXs9rC

Why is /sci/ filled with so many illiterate midwits? And why the fuck can't I post links to nature?

>> No.11915336

because sci is filled is lazy schlomos who don't want to keep up with science by using a simple google search but then those same people feel the need to make paragraph long posts misinforming others. Scientists have known about the scarring profile for a couple of weeks at this point

>> No.11915363

>covid-19 causes brain damage
>even in mild cases
>even in young cases
>Hi cares about deaths if it renders at least 10% of its victims mentally unstable?

Gonna need some real evidence before I believe this isn't pointless fear-mongering

>> No.11915375 [DELETED] 


>> No.11915378 [DELETED] 


>> No.11915385
File: 432 KB, 1476x1338, covid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god this site is so cancerous I can't even post journals as links without being marked as spam, ill just post a plebbit post and go on with my day

>> No.11915411

A vaccine effective for only three month is more than enough to win the battle.
In civilized countries you can just make all the population take it at once, the infection is over.
In America non retarded people would just take the shot 4 times a year, no big deal.

>> No.11915420

nobody non retarded will take your vaccine

>> No.11915421

just post the DOI, we'll know what to do with it

>> No.11915423

Thanks for posting this, at least.

So we can safely say that 'covid causes braindamage' is a bit of an outlandish claim, considering your source says that it CAN infect a number of organs, but that's as far as it goes.

At least 10% of victims being left 'mentally' unstable is blatantly just making shit up.

>> No.11915547

>At least 10% of victims being left 'mentally' unstable is blatantly just making shit up.
10% get brain damage as per this: >>11915236
You can get reinfected. If we don't make the virus disappear, 10% mentally handicapped is an understatement.

>> No.11915553

There were known cases as early as January, but the statistically significant studies have been out for a few weeks now, at least on preprint servers.

>> No.11915590

Hey, can you quote the paragraph of the 10 %? As far as I can see, they reviewed neuropathological reports of numerous COVID19-patients to identify the ones with complications. Although worrying, I don't see where the total number of patients and thus the 10 % come from, but I might've missed it.

>> No.11915637

Bit him, but they don't calculate it directly. And he probably counted wrong. It's actually more.
43 people with varying degrees of mildness. Out of those, 12 suffered from brain inflammation, 10 had temporary impaired brain function. 8 suffered nerve damage. 8/43 ~~ 20%.

>> No.11915639

Bit = Not

>> No.11915644

>And why the fuck can't I post links to nature?
there's an incompatibility with the doi code.
you get similar problems with some sci-hub links.
I usually
split the urls
onto new lines which seems to work

>> No.11915645

But weren't the 43 ill people filtered from a much larger database based on neuropathology? Thanks for your answer btw

>> No.11915649 [DELETED] 


>> No.11915653

this part works fine
this does not

>> No.11915657

Yes they do, I checked the supplementary datatables; ALL 43 patients suffer various neurological conditions within 5 distinct categories. They are thus filtered from a much larger database, and you cannot estimate percentages based on the presented data (which is frankly unprofessional).

You (and the guy here >>11915547) can check the supplementary here:

notice the individual 43 patient IDs. I get the confusion, it's written really convoluted.

>> No.11915690
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>taking the vax

>> No.11916078

lol way more than 10% of merkins were mentally unstable before this even happened

>> No.11916463

>Jesus fucking christ what is with this spam detection on here?
>And why the fuck can't I post links to nature?
Yup, it's aggravating. Your best bet is to archive the links to circumvent the issue, or just post the title of the paper.

>> No.11916523

Only a small part of the affected population experiences lasting damage.

>> No.11916536

>Only a small part of the affected population experiences lasting damage.
We frankly don't know. Because it infects through ACE2, it can cause damage throughout the body. Most organs have enough extra capacity to lose a significant amount of their functionality before symptoms become obvious *(for example, it's possible to lose 80% of kidney function before developing symptoms). Some of the damage may not become apparent until years down the road.

>> No.11916633
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We- we are SO fucked..

aren't we?

give it to me straight, doc

>> No.11916635
File: 747 KB, 460x345, soraven.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need answers

>> No.11916662

Right. We get the flu vaccine every year. This will be sort of like that.

>> No.11916667

Tell that to the retards who are dumping money into biomeme stock. They seem to think they're buying TSLA in 2013 but they're actually buying ENE in mid 2000.

>> No.11916674



This focus on antibodies is only part of the immunity equation. Being a virus, the cell mediated T-cell response is also something to consider and has to be considered.

>> No.11916684

>After you've had it by the fifth time

Most people who get it are clinically well and asymptomatic.

>America coughs on other countries

America gets travel banned. Americans are now self-contained on their own continent along with the rest of South America e.g. Brazil which has also adopted the same terrible political stance.

>> No.11916711

>Did England hand out stimulus checks?

No - England has had a pretty dumbassed response financially which was to furlough as many workers as possible i.e. government will cover wages for several months. Of course once things open up, footfall and demand will drop greatly anyway so a lot of those people have simply had their employment termination delayed if anything. It hasn't 'softened' the blow of job losses - just delayed it until later. A lot of furlough people have therefore had a fucking long holiday chilling at home watching shitflix and getting near full wages for doing fuckall. Meanwhile you have 'frontline' workers earning less than what those on furlough are getting with little compensation for the extra hardwork/experiences they will have to put up with whilst working as per their normal hours anyway.

>> No.11916717

>clinically well and asymptomatic.
Except for the permanent lung tissue scarring, subtle organ damage, and ability to infect others.

>> No.11916720

I remember reading a lot of doom and gloom articles that seemed credible when this all started. None of what they say came to pass. So I'm just gonna wait and see without freaking out like an idiot.

>> No.11916724

What we need, and what will come out of this, is not namby pamby vaccines and such, but full and total control of the biosphere of this planet. Yes, it will take maybe a century, but that's where we need to go. This is our next moonshot.

>> No.11916727

yeah our government's strategy was retarded. why did they switch from the modellors proposing the swedish model as a better strategy?

>> No.11916756

Wasn't the Swedish model really bad for Sweden? It's like what the South in the United States did.

>> No.11916759

It was. They really fucked up.

>> No.11916766

>He fell for the wet market conspiracy theory
You know it was a disgruntled biolab employee, right?

>> No.11916776
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Yeah, early on we thought it'd be a 2% death rate but unless you're a pollution/tobacco huffing Chinaman it's really averages more like 1%.

Pretty much everything else came true though, from rare vascular-related symptoms to reinfection/ADE sabotaging vaccines.

>> No.11916834

The Imperial model wasn't just flawed, it was little more than a work of fiction. So now you want everyone to believe your goofy little made up graph with nothing behind it other than your wishes to not have been on the wrong side of things. Why should we believe more than the experts at Imperial, who themselves turned out to be wildly incorrect?

>> No.11916838

>Most people who get it are clinically well and asymptomatic.
The first time. How many times will it take before their luck runs out?

>> No.11916847
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America's curve looks exactly like that

>> No.11916859

A third of the European population committed suicide during the black plague. They didn't even die of the disease. They just wanted to be gone from this Earth. If what this portends is true, I will be one of those types of people.

>> No.11916872

((They)) want you guys to believe this shit, so ((they)) can implant the new RNA-chips..

>> No.11916874

the ultimate "mass-shooter"

>> No.11916891

You know what. I will die if I let this take me, and I will die if I let myself be implanted. I really don't have a choice at this point. No one does. You're fucked if you do, and you're fucked if you don't. You don't have any options left. Oh so it's a "conspiracy theory". What the FUCK are YOU going to do about it? Fucking NOTHING

>> No.11916903

Well the black plague was an absolute horrible death, not that COVID-19 is much fun for those who really get wrecked b it.

>> No.11916918

another oklahoma city bombing, i imagine
it will accomplish nothing, like the oklahoma city bombing
but hey
at least the hicks feel like they have semblance of autonomy like they've wanted to have since before the civil war

>> No.11916926

Brainlet spotted

The thing is your will never die with this chip cause ((they)) want to transfer your mind into a giant hive mind. Its the missing neural link to get total control, you will be trapped into eternity forever.

>> No.11916929

Corona irreversibly ruins your cardiovascular system. If you didn't die immediately, you certainly won't see your 60th birthday.

>> No.11916936

I know you don't have sources, because you'll say "sources are all fake"
So WHERE are you getting your information? From the local bum on the corner? Like fucking where are your feverdreams sourced?

>> No.11916941

>relying on acquired immunity
There are better methods you 1600s boomer. I bet you don't vaccinate your children either. Fuck off

>> No.11916944

>giant hive mind.
Also, not kidding, the giant hivemind is the only future for humanity. It's not coming in the next few years, but it is still inevitable.

>> No.11916945

>Aren't $1000 enough to get by for three weeks?
Jesus Christ underage b&

>> No.11916950

While you have antibodies you are properly immune though, right? COVID doesn't mutate, does it? Like, hypothetically once we have a vaccine produced in bulk we all just start shooting up every couple of months until herd immunity takes over

>> No.11916957

And by the way, power dynamics and control won't matter in the hivemind. Everyone will finally be equal. The dream of freedom and equality will finally be realized in the hivemind. Individuals melted into the giant meltingpot of the mind, will not miss themselves, as they will be one entity.

>> No.11916979

You are clearly and uneducated retard. They can build biochips using ancient RNA-microchips. They can alter RNA in a way to create nanomachines smaller then regular protein. These can pass the Blood–brain barrier. The problem is these RNA-chips connect to your brain and slowly absorb your concsiousness into the 5G-realm. Thats why they need strong 5g everywhere.

>> No.11916993

There is so much noise on the internet. I just want to be free of this noise.

>> No.11917015

I know my friend, thats why you need a clean third eye. Its part of ((their)) plan. They spread a lot of false information to keep you in the dark..

>> No.11917027

Oh my god. If I could press a button to cause you to be dead I would press it without any hesitation.

>> No.11917042

I laugh at you kid you are already dead you just dont know it yet..

>> No.11917080

The moderna vaccine trials are 3 months in and the immune response is still strong. this is bullshit.

>> No.11917175

The long term consequences may very well suck, but it's not like the black death where you were shitting and vomiting your liquified insides and losing limbs to gangrene.

>> No.11917180

>The moderna vaccine trials are 3 months in and the immune response is still strong.
Source? I'd genuinely like to see, as that would be reassuring.

>> No.11917198

Who thinks of this shit?

>> No.11917211

Fuck you.

>> No.11917337

So 43 out ~50 million recovered. Nice science.

>> No.11917371

You can't get immunity to dengue by contracting it (and indeed, each time you get dengue it's way worse than before, with the third time being 100% lethal), but there's still a vaccine, so I wouldn't count a vaccine as impossible just yet

>> No.11918199

shut the fuck up lmfao

>> No.11918207

Disgruntled? No, they were incompetent handling shit they didn't know how to properly deal with because they stole it, just like everything else china "makes"

>> No.11918211
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>you have to keep being vaccinated otherwise you die
So Deus Ex was a documentary then

>> No.11918216

nice fake news faggot
the CDC website you got that graph from even says that data is not accurate for the most recent 1-2 months because not every jurisdiction needs to report its data immediately to the CDC.

>> No.11918220

There has never been a vaccine against coronaviruses because they mutate too fast. Let alone the fact it's been made in some chink laboratories for maximal damage to economies.

>> No.11918224

>So Deus Ex was a documentary then

You already knew it was.

>> No.11918252

What the fuck lmao