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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11910143 No.11910143 [Reply] [Original]

It’s simple science really. The corona virus is .12 microns in diameter and the n95 mask’s (AKA face mask) filter down to .30 , which is more than double the size of the virus.
So what good do the masks do?

>N95 mask packaging has a label or verbiage indicating protection down to 0.3 microns. Microns are small
– 1 millionth of a meter. Pollen particles are often 10 microns or bigger. Bacteria are often about 1
micron. COVID19 has a diameter of approximately 60–140 nm or 0.06 to 1.4 microns.

>Particles under 0.3 microns have so little mass the actually bounce around like pinballs when they
hit gas molecules, so they move in random zigzag patterns. This is known as Brownian Motion

Yet /sci/ thinks that masks do "work" despite the scientific evidence. Merely googling evidence to support your viewpoint is affirming the consequent. Just goes to show how many leftists actually browse this board as opposed to real scientists like myself.

SOURCE: https://www.sphosp.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Letter-in-response-to-N-95-use-RA-Final.pdf

>> No.11910161
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Most people don't even have N95 masks. The few who do often have the vented kind, which negates the whole "it's not to protect you, it's to protect me from you" argument.
Anyway, the current but falling out of favor argument is that the virus is spread through water droplets when people sneeze on each other. Those water droplets are big so they can be filtered.
Your argument fits in well with the next phase, which is that the virus is spreading through aerosols rather than water droplets. In this phase masks are acknowledged to be mostly worthless. Aerosols linger for hours, meaning there is no safe way for public spaces to exist. Another lockdown is coming, this one indefinite in length.

>> No.11910164

I don't wear a mask because anyone who thinks we can destroy this virus which is more infectious than the flu and mutates every day is retarded.
However, its not an airborne pathogen, it mostly travels in saliva which the mask can stop.

>> No.11910166


>> No.11910193

>Those water droplets are big so they can be filtered.
they fall out of the air rapidly

the only real benefit masks offer is reducing the projection of viral particles. sneezes can blow particles 8 metres away.

>> No.11910194

>le winter is coming, not all will survive...

Shoot yourself cringelord

>> No.11910222

A month from now you will swear you were always in favor of the new lockdown and always thought masks were ineffective.
That is the current but outgoing narrative. Aerosol clouds is the new narrative.

>> No.11910236

>Aerosol clouds is the new narrative.
evaporative aerosol clouds have been known for a while.

>> No.11910244

I honestly believe this "virus" was used to gracfully crash the stock market etc. because we were heading in for a new bubble anyways. And seeing that last time people protested and panicked, this virus was conjured up out of some politician's ass to stop this from happening again.
I believe thus will fizzle out and be forgotten before october.
Maybe a slight warning in the winter but that's it.

>> No.11910247

they will release the next virus, this one will be lethal.

>> No.11910248

better than nothing, can help to prevent virus spreading from you to surroundings. If you wear this thing you most likely catch virus anyway. So you be infected, but less likely spread virus. Better than nothing, still don't get your hopes high. This virus not so deadly and no so dreadful to full lockdown. Still I think you should let it go and treat like another flu like virus. There no escape from those and risk is acceptable to not getting scarred shitless by it.

>> No.11910264

who are they?

>> No.11910268

Then just nuke fucks out of existence. The thing is, biological warfare sucks at killing people. Don't get me wrong, it' still deadly and scary thing. but nothing in comparison by shear power of nuclear blast. But biological warfare, perfect for diversions and sabotage. you don't need kill all to destroy country. Just imagine, in some let's say Germany, we have bubonic plague. In few places at a time. After some time there is more cases around. Like shit spreading. And it maybe will. What happen next? germany collapse economically. Just kaboom, full lockdown, no one in, no one out. Economy spiraling to the bottom. And that's it. No more biggest economy in EU. i think chinks had this goal at the start, to fuck up economy and get cheap tech company stocks while they plummeted down and everyone started to sell those, cheap. And China just bought them. profit.

>> No.11910284

Masks work

>Face mask use could result in a large reduction in risk of infection (n=2647; aOR 0·15, 95% CI 0·07 to 0·34, RD −14·3%, −15·9 to −10·7; low certainty), with stronger associations with N95 or similar respirators compared with disposable surgical masks or similar (eg, reusable 12–16-layer cotton masks; pinteraction=0·090; posterior probability >95%, low certainty).

>Depending on the region we analyse, we find that face masks reduced the cumulative number of registered Covid-19 cases between 2.3% and 13% over a period of 10 days after they became compulsory. Assessing the credibility of the various estimates, we conclude that face masks reduce the daily growth rate of reported infections by around 40%.

>broad adoption of even relatively ineffective face masks may meaningfully reduce community transmission of COVID-19 and decrease peak hospitalizations and deaths. Moreover, mask use decreases the effective transmission rate in nearly linear proportion to the product of mask effectiveness

>The corona virus is .12 microns in diameter and the n95 mask’s (AKA face mask) filter down to .30 , which is more than double the size of the virus.
The virus is primarily spread via exhaled respiratory droplets which range between 5 and 1000 micrometers - much larger than .12 micrometers.

>> No.11910331

your literature is not actually qualified professional advice and borders on the science of sociology rather than biophysics, good try though
>The virus is primarily spread via exhaled respiratory droplets which range between 5 and 1000 micrometers - much larger than .12 micrometers.
read the first response to this thread

>> No.11910430

>Current evidence suggests that SARS-CoV-2 is primarily transmitted between people via respiratory droplets and contact routes
Gonna have to put the word of the WHO above that of some retarded anon

>> No.11910508

Masks are there so YOU don't spray fluid droplets that would infect others
They want it to slow the transmission enough so healthcare systems aren't inundated all at once

>> No.11910522
File: 3.59 MB, 2560x1440, 2020-07-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are a riot

>> No.11910527

The virus rides on droplets from your breath so if the mask catches the droplets you are in better shape than if you hadn't worn a mask.

>> No.11910550

>and mutates every day is retarded.

Mutates significantly slower than the flu actually. Coronavirus has much better replication error mechanism and consequently mutates slower.

>> No.11910575

>Coronavirus has much better replication error mechanism and consequently mutates slower.
oh so there's less risk of attenuation...damn

>> No.11910598 [DELETED] 

What's the consensus on eye protection?
pritecting the conjunctiva

>> No.11910603

What is the consensus on eye protection of the conjunctuva?

>> No.11910654

That isn't how nano scale filtration works. An N95 mask is least effective at filtering out 0.3 micron particles. We test masks in this range because it's in practice the most difficult particle size to filter out using the materials typically used in masks. An N95 mask is actually more effective at filtering the 0.12 micron viral particles.
>The N95 filter indeed is physically around the 0.3 micron size. But that doesn’t mean it can only stop particles larger than that. The masks are actually best for particles either larger or smaller than that 0.3 micron threshold.
>“N95 have the worst filtration efficiency for particles around 0.3,” Marr said. “If you’re smaller than that those are actually collected even better. It’s counterintuitive because masks do not work like sieving out larger particles. It’s not like pasta in a colander, and small ones don’t get through.”
>N95 masks actually have that name because they are 95% efficient at stopping particles in their least efficient particle size range — in this case those around 0.3 microns.

>> No.11910732
File: 342 KB, 879x892, all death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good new guys! Immortality has been found! But you can only get it if you avoid COVID19. It is now the one and only cause of death. Wear the mask and you can live forever. Fall down an elevator shaft while wearing a mask? You're ok. Get run over by a streamroller while wearing a mask? No problem. Get shot in the head a dozen times? Were you wearing a mask? Good, you're going live.
The only thing that can kill you now is COVID19, so wear the $^@#&@# mask!!!!!!

>> No.11910738

Ok faggot. I dont care.

>> No.11910742

OP is American

>> No.11910750

Only filthy urbanites sneeze all over others. Normal people sneeze into their sleeve or a handkerchief/tissue. Urbanites are pure trash.

>> No.11910800
File: 40 KB, 640x587, mask logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11910878

Those aerosols can linger around though and if you don't happen to live in a laminar flow hood it's a good idea to wear a mask. If not for covid then for all the other bullshit you can contract. Some anon in /biz/ coughed his lungs into the toilet so

>> No.11910894

>no evidence of human to human transmission
>no need to close your borders to china
The WHO is just as retarded as a random anon at thuis point

>> No.11911054

I am more informed and intelligent, but I wear my stockpiled N95s for my sake. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.11911086

>I am more informed and intelligent
go back

>> No.11911109

>can't have some confidence or you are reddit
What cult are you from?

>> No.11911161

I've been here all summer, faggot.

>> No.11911167

>countries with mass masking have the virus somewhat under control
>countries filled with retarded amerikans coughing in each other's mouths all day long experience record new cases day after day
please help, I can't draw a conclusion from this?

>> No.11911242

>Yet /sci/ thinks that masks do "work" despite the scientific evidence.
Yes, the scientific evidence where .1 micron particles were aimed at the masks and the % blocked was measured. .3 micron particles are actually the most difficult to stop, smaller than that gets easier.

>> No.11911318

Counterpoints: Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland.

>> No.11911348

I've seen several people get eye infections from warning masks. The moisture would collect on my eyelashes and make my shit all red. Especially with contacts, but glasses fog up so they aren't much better.

>> No.11911566

>gracfully crash the stock market
It's at an all time high...

>> No.11911589

that doesn't make sense. the smaller the particle the harder to stop.

>> No.11911596 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 540x387, 1594250514237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who are they?

>> No.11911617 [DELETED] 

>The corona virus is .12 microns
how big are saliva droplets you fucking nigger

>> No.11911671
File: 505 KB, 1080x1165, crash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at what your mask fetish is causing. The "cure" for this virus has been much more than the disease itself. Sad thing this is just the start. The famine around the world is going to be biblical.

>> No.11911680

Don't go for a career in physics, please.

>> No.11911702

Is the entire concept of how a filter works beyond you?

holy fucking retard batman

>> No.11911708

>Is the entire concept of how a filter works beyond you?
Like I said, please don't go into physics.

>> No.11911716

>someone who doesn't understand how filters work implies that they know about a physics


>> No.11911722

>Objects of all sizes follow the same rules in physics.
Why are you trying to apply the normal laws at a microscopic scale? It doesn't work that way.

>> No.11911724

Jesus Christ.

>> No.11911733

How stupid do you have to be to make this thread, if you put a fence in an alley your going to stop more cats than if you had none, no ome is assuring anything fucking retard wear your mask

>> No.11911734

Slight change in subject...
Can you tell me about yourself briefly?
I am genuinely curious about what convinced you that your opinion is not worthless and that you're not significantly below average intelligence. Are you a diversity hire, convinced that you're just being given your rightful place in civil society - denied to your kind for centuries due to bigotry?
You should have low self-esteem. You are not intelligent. You are destined for a truly epic and monumental failure in your life if you do not quit believing that you're not a moron.

It is a god damn filter. A FILTER. FOR FUCK SAKES. This isn't rocket science, or even physics. This is fucking basic every day common sense shit that literal retards figure out without a problem every day. And yet here you are. Congratulations!

>> No.11911737

Not the person you're arguing with, but I hope you're trolling.

>> No.11911742

>I hope you're trolling.
Why? I don't think you even know what trolling is.

>> No.11911746
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ITT: anything can be made /pol/itical if you remove the /sci/ence, but if you remove the /sci/ence why is it even on this board?

>> No.11911748

Pretending to be stupid to create an argument, unless you really are stupid and don't even realize it.

>> No.11911752

Oh ok. So let me get this straight.
You think I am trolling because you don't understand how filters work either? That's nice.

>> No.11911757

Let me remind you encase you're too stupid to read how this whole thing got started.
I questioned someone's claim that smaller particles are stopped but larger ones aren't. Said someone then hilariously implied that they know about physics and I do not. There has not been a single "argument" since.

>> No.11911763

What an embarrassing and pathetic response. Next time explain yourself instead of relying on petty insults.

>> No.11911792

Definitely trolling.

>Next time explain yourself instead of relying on petty insults.
It was explained earlier in the thread, plus the other anon is clearly just trying to get a rise out of someone.

>> No.11911807


I was about to post the studies proving masks help, but honestly if people from 4chan die it's probably collectively better for the world anyway.

>> No.11911818
File: 601 KB, 648x864, lqDFDXXvfqMs7kyQ9y1FrGcQzdCE23uMPlcxFqo_oYE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if people from 4chan

Pretty sure the "masks don't work" is Chinese propaganda to help spread the virus in America. I've noticed their presence has been growing on 4chan in the past few months.
Pretty sure president Trump is colluding with China, which is why the GOP is so pro-covid19. Trump's already begged for China's help on national TV and stated on TV he WILL accept their help. I can only speculate as to what China is asking for, but an increase in American deaths due to the virus would make sense.

Just about Taiwan, Hong Kong, and post pics of winnie the pooh to make them go away.

>> No.11911820
File: 93 KB, 345x222, Screen-Shot-2014-05-07-at-5.23.11-PM-345x222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogecoin will save us all

>> No.11911842

you're a fucking moron

>> No.11911890


Thank you for teaching me something.

>> No.11911893



>It's not worth the hassle to fight, and disease is a worthy adversary

Now protesting the government infringing on your right to free association? That's sensible.

>> No.11911895


Cold, low population density countries, where people are somewhat anti-social?

>> No.11911965

Masks are made in China anon

>> No.11912238

The virus isn't shed dry, it travels in water you idiot. You're a typical example of this absolutely retarded generation.

>> No.11912265
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>> No.11912268
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>> No.11912287
File: 9 KB, 164x307, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so am i the only one seeing all the disinformants here? i see them on x too. they only respond to the solid "conspirosy" theories. meanwhile legitimate schizophrenic posts get no "take your meds"

notice the spamtext providing a no basis argument. alot of it is disproven as you can see.

>> No.11912325

This virus exists to cull americans and other 3rd worlders. It relies on fools spreading it.

>> No.11912331

>So what good do the masks do?
they prevent droplets that carry the virus from going through
Why is it 100% of the time ignorant morons who ask this question?

>> No.11912340
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>they fall out of the air rapidly
they don't, they can stay in the air for hours. You failed again at basic research ability.


>> No.11912421
File: 142 KB, 900x1141, 1594947859317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say the mask wearers are right.

what would preventing a hardly deadly disease do to the population? disease is natural and part of selection to keep evolution in check. by allowing the weak to continually reproduce will only result in extinction. what do you think the world would look like if everyone was vaccinated from the bubonic plague? yes it killed many people, but in exchange it allowed the most powerful immune systems to rule genetics.

say we are preventing sickness with masks and vaccines. how will this affect the future generations 250 years from now? 10 fenerations from now. 50? 100 generations¡

do you think its possible for diseases and viruses to out mutate vaccines? life on earth has been around for a very long time, and supreme immune systems are one of the keys to evolution. by vaccinating everyone and allowing the weak to continually reproduce, the entire race becomes evolutionary weak over time.

okay, scientists. lets hear a clear thought out rebuttel. no evidence or links needed, just a logical argument that debases my statement.

>> No.11912427

go to /lit/ if you want to jerk off about being right when you are wrong with meaningless debates

>> No.11912428

The larger the droplet the faster it falls.
small droplets evaporate and viral particles remain in the air.

>> No.11912442

stop trying, you're too ignorant to pass as someone who has any clue what they're talking about

>> No.11912456

Coronavirus spreads by respiratory droplets, not airborne virus particles. Those droplets are much larger than the virus and are stopped by masks, even simple cloth masks.

OP is a dummy.

>> No.11912465

It's simple physics though?

>> No.11912509


>> No.11912515


>> No.11912519

>Coronavirus (COVID-19) is...
Why do they do this, makes me annoyed like nothing else

>> No.11912565

smart anons from pol told me its jews

>> No.11912571

No, they aren't jews, they're sabbataean satanists.

>> No.11912726

OP is trolling, right?

>Yet /sci/ thinks that masks do "work" despite the scientific evidence.
>Merely googling evidence to support your viewpoint is affirming the consequent.
>Just goes to show how many leftists actually browse this board as opposed to real scientists like myself.

We need a /pol/'s Law or something.

>> No.11912833

you came to this thread, so it isnt meaningless to you. yet you claim my statement is wrong with literally no line of reasoning whatsoever. not even an attempt.

>> No.11912845

Good line, that's where the crowd goes "really makes u think" in debates and supports your bullshit even though you are wrong

>> No.11912891

Haha, good one! Thanks for giving me a hearty chuckle, fellow boomer.
Do you mind if I save this one and post it to facebook?

>> No.11912893
File: 66 KB, 1013x841, SuqLaQNkJRgWyVpsf6_CkSutHJ-V2z5ubGpVIXjp7rc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SARS-CoV-1 remains in aerosols for even longer than SARS-CoV-2
surprising since SARS spread much more slowly than COVID-19

>> No.11912943

All of them have very densely populated urban metro areas, yet avoided major outbreaks despite not only not requiring the use of masks, but advising against their use.

>> No.11912962
File: 340 KB, 1279x856, 1280px-Sneeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11912963

yeah, it's, "the longer a discussion goes on the more likely some redditard will bring up /pol/ when it isn't relevant to the thread"

>> No.11912977
File: 69 KB, 940x627, sneeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover your mouth, you filthy urbanite.

>> No.11912989

not an argument at all

>> No.11912999

All of them are using masks, hell, even Swedish people started using masks.

>> No.11913004

>disease is natural and part of selection to keep evolution in check. by allowing the weak to continually reproduce will only result in extinction
By that argument, you should go swimming in waste sewage every day to make sure your immune system is up to snuff.

>> No.11913013

One major factor might be that people infected with SARS were only contagious for a very short time before showing significant symptoms, whereas SARS-CoV-2 has a much longer pre-symptomatic period where it's contagious, and there's still the debate over how contagious asymptomatic people are. There's also the mutated strain that hit Europe and North America which is estimated to be 10x more capable of docking to cells compared to the Asian strain.

>> No.11913051

>but advising against their use
This is complete bullshit, stop making stuff up
>t. finn living in Denmark

>> No.11913095

Here in Norway, the government was, and still is advising against the use of mask.

>> No.11913100

>Petter Elstrøm, a researcher in Eriksen-Volle's department, said that there was a greater justification for masks in densely populated city areas such as big Asian cities.

>"It has a good effect where the prevalence in the population is high, while the density of people is high," he told the VG newspaper. "It's different on the subway in Shanghai than the subway in Oslo."

Sounds like even Norway is admitting low population density is a factor in spread rate.

>> No.11913532
File: 2.58 MB, 1466x1957, gardens-of-the-bay-area-garage-driveway-marion-brenner-1466x1957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The air particles moving through the fibers of a mask creates a negative charge. Viruses, due to their construction, have a weak negative charge on them. The result is that masks are able to repel viruses without actually needing to filter them. This is much safer too as it means the masks are not contaminated with virial loads.
Reusable masks still need to be sanitized between uses because they can harbor bacteria and pollution particles. In effect, a mask works are a sort of deflector field. Before going into an area that might be contaminated, you should put on the mask and breath through it for at least three minutes to build up the negative charge.
Image unrelated but soothing.

>> No.11913538

Sounds like a diplomatic way of calling the Chinese filthy animals.

>> No.11913594

The virus is never airborn on its own brainlet, it's always stuck to a saliva particle..

>> No.11914007
File: 845 KB, 755x868, mask for pros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11914012
File: 316 KB, 515x411, surg mask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

• N95 masks: are designed for CONTAMINATED environments. That means when you exhale through N95 the design is that you are exhaling into contamination. The exhale from N95 masks are vented to breath straight out without filtration. They don’t filter the air on the way out. They don’t need to.
Conclusion: if you’re in Target and the guy with Covid has a N95 mask, his covid breath is unfiltered being exhaled into Target (because it was designed for already contaminated environments, it’s not filtering your air on the way out).

• Surgical Mask: these masks were designed and approved for STERILE environments. The amount of particles and contaminants in the outside and indoor environments where people are, are CLOGGING these masks very, VERY quickly. The moisture from your breath combined with the clogged mask will render it “useless” IF you come in contact with Covid and your mask traps it, YOU become a walking virus dispenser. Everytime you put your mask on you are breathing the germs from EVERYWHERE you went. They should be changed or thrown out every “20-30 minutes in a non sterile environment.”

• Cloth masks: I can’t even believe I’m having to explain this, but here it goes. Today, three people pointed to their masks as they walked by me entering Lowe’s. They said “ya gotta wear your mask BRO” I said very clearly “those masks don’t work bro, in fact they MAKE you sicker” they “pshh’d” me. By now hopefully you all know CLOTH masks do not filter anything. The bandanna, the cut up t-shirt, the scarf ALL of them offer NO FILTERING whatsoever. As you exhale, you are ridding your lungs of contaminants and carbon dioxide. Cloth masks trap this carbon dioxide the best. It actually risks your health, rather than protect it. The moisture caught in these masks can become mildew ridden over night. Dry coughing, enhanced allergies, sore throat are all symptoms of a micro-mold in your mask.

>> No.11914026

but anon, i grew up next to a sewer and got sick very often as a child. as a result i havent been sick for 10 years, or if i do a fever passes in a mere hours and i am hardly hindered by a flu that would normally put someone out for a week. so although i do get sick, the effects are minimal and the virus passes in less than one day.

>> No.11914046


BS. The disease is what is causing this, not the preventive measures. Sweden strategy of keeping the economy going while letting people die have saved neither people nor the economy.

>> No.11914089

the science is in. COVID-19 isn't spread by aerosols
>In line with the current known reproduction numbers, our study of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 suggests that aerosol transmission is an inefficient route, in particular from non or mildly symptomatic individuals

So masks do work, which is absolutely shocking since Asian countries with high mask usage have had so few cases compared to western countries where masking is taboo.

>> No.11914115

Taxed like real-estate I don’t see crypto as money is see as the USA government oppression of the people.
Masks do work the N95 has a technique and technology that grabs the partials to form a bigger partial so it cannot get through the mask.
That’s why you can only wear the mask so long in a hostile environment
Cotton masks work to in layers and have to be cleaned and dried for 5 to 7 days
You can change out the cotton mask 2 to 3 Times a day and not get the virus if done right never use and old mask always wash and dry for 5 to 7 days

>> No.11914205

Fake, and poorly done, already covered in another thread.

>> No.11914207

Assuming you're growing up in a civilized country, then you've had all the advantages of a fairly clean environment and herd immunity through vaccination. I recommend testing out your immune system by going to Africa, preferably a location with no plumbing, and plenty of malaria and ebola.

>> No.11914219

>the science is in. COVID-19 isn't spread by aerosols
Sounds like they're saying it's not the primary mode of transmission. I think most scientists believe that as well, otherwise it would be behaving more like the measles. However, it does seem to have the potential to pass via aerosols under certain circumstances, and there's been evidence of it in a number of cases. That doesn't negate the efficacy masks however, they have some capability of filtering aerosols as well (especially N-95's).

"Importantly, our results do not completely rule out aerosol transmission. It is likely
that large numbers of aerosol drops, produced by continuous coughing, speaking, singing, or
by certain types of aerosol-generating medical interventions, can still result in transmission, in
particular in spaces with poor ventilation.
4 Our model explains the rather low reproduction
number of SARS-CoV-2 in environments where social distancing is practiced compared to the
reproduction numbers of other “true” airborne pathogens."

>So masks do work, which is absolutely shocking since Asian countries with high mask usage have had so few cases compared to western countries where masking is taboo.
Agreed, but Asia's also dealing with a less contagious strain, which also helps.

>> No.11914231

Why americans and only americans do this kind of retarded shit that's endangering their health just because? They don't even have good arguments in their favor

>> No.11914241

>Why americans and only americans do this kind of retarded shit that's endangering their health just because?
As an American, I'd like to know that as well.

>> No.11914267

what about the heard immunity europe was out to employ?
i bet in all countries there are gates on the internet barring a clear discourse

>> No.11914298

I fucking wish only Americans pulled this kind of shit,

A Brazilian.

>> No.11914308

>what about the heard immunity europe was out to employ?
That was primarily the UK and Sweden. The UK abandoned it, and Sweden has been lambasted for the approach (especially now that we know herd immunity is unlikely to occur).

>> No.11914323
File: 79 KB, 620x397, *.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only americans
we have our share of morons in the UK

>> No.11914341

typing 'black couples' into search images &
then 'white couples' brings up some odd results
are our searches being filtered?

>> No.11914379

You're the masker, you tell us why you're wearing infective fabric so you can go hang out with the infected. Intelligent people understand the importance of social distancing and hand washing. Morons put on a fifty cent mask and think they're immune. It's amazing how stupid the maskers are and how they think they're smart. I'm wondering if the CDC isn't play another trick on y'all.

>> No.11914382

>covered in another thread.
Link or it didn't happen.

>> No.11914387


>> No.11914426

mine runs on a gasoline engine

>> No.11914434

don't huff exhaust gas anon

>> No.11914450

pretty hard to do with an A.T. field

>> No.11914475

Not worth taking the time to find it, but micro-mold is a made up term, cloth masks will not be the best at retaining CO2 (how would they manage to trap a gas if they supposedly can't filter a virus?), many N-95 masks are made without vents and filter in both directions, plenty of spelling and grammatical errors, weird use of capitalization. The original image had the same text claiming to be a memo from the CDC.

>> No.11914662

kek do you know where did this pasta originated from?

>> No.11914754

>the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic
Exactly this. Retards think it's a silver bullet, the gold standard even, in terms of prevention. This is false. Exercising common sense has always been the best method of prevention. If you disagree and don't know what it is you should be doing to not contract covid-19, you might be an NPC.

>> No.11914798

>Exercising common sense has always been the best method of prevention.
Not everyone has common sense, and unfortunately I still need to leave the house on occasion. The mask is there for when other people don't use common sense.

>> No.11914883

Worrying about some nigger coughing/sneezing on you while you're in line waiting to pay for your groceries is laughable. Not to mention, they would have to cough/sneeze directly in your face while having symptoms of the disease and you'd have to breathe in a significant amount of it and then it would have to elude your immune system for long enough for you to actually get the disease. You have a better chance of reading an intelligent post on 4chan than all of that happening.

>> No.11914909

>You have a better chance of reading an intelligent post on 4chan than all of that happening.
Funny, because people get colds on average twice a year, and they spread in essentially the same way with much lower infectious rates.

>they would have to cough/sneeze directly in your face while having symptoms of the disease
Are you not aware that all respiratory viruses have a contagious pre-symptomatic period? In fact, people are most contagious during the pre-symptomatic period and the first few days of exhibiting symptoms.

>and you'd have to breathe in a significant amount of it
A single cough or sneeze can contain millions of viral particles, and inhaling a few hundred is considered sufficient to cause infection.

>> No.11914989

That's because cold viruses are ubiquitous and hundreds of millions of people have the virus at any given time. More opportunity = higher infection chance. The faggot who you're allowing to sneeze on you has a much higher chance of having a cold than having covid. Of course, no one thinks about that.

They're only contagious if you're literally 1cm away from them/making out/fucking. Don't be a moron. You won't get a cold, the flu or covid from being in a wide open room with a person with a cold, the flu or covid. Covid is not magically spread through the air 6 feet away from you. There has to be a viable method of transmission. One does not simply "get" covid and if you think they do, you're an idiot. Not to mention their viral load is fuck all when they haven't even developed symptoms yet.

>and inhaling a few hundred is considered sufficient to cause infection
Conjecture, as we can't exactly do RCTs on humans to ascertain the real number. Your point is moot anyway because to breathe in those particles, you first have to be exposed to them through a cough or sneeze which is quite a significant barrier if you're not an idiot.

>> No.11915301

Curious, then how do they work?

>> No.11915523

see >>11914387

>> No.11916514

>That's because cold viruses are ubiquitous and hundreds of millions of people have the virus at any given time.
And there's anywhere from 50 million to 250 million active SARS-CoV-2 infections currently based on antibody studies.

>Covid is not magically spread through the air 6 feet away from you.
Of course not, no magic involved, it simply needs some water particles to ride on, and they can travel far more than 6 feet. No coughing or sneezing needed, simply breathing and talking can be sufficient. There's a number of documented cases of spread where people were simply sitting near a table of another infected person, never interacting with them at all, and became infected themselves.

Nope. It's pretty well established through other respiratory viruses, and the fact that SARS-CoV-2 has a higher R0 means that number may even be smaller. The strain that hit Europe and North America is extremely efficient at docking to cells.

>Your point is moot anyway because to breathe in those particles, you first have to be exposed to them through a cough or sneeze which is quite a significant barrier if you're not an idiot.
So you have the magical ability to control the coughing and sneezing of people nearby? Keep in mind you only need to inhale .0001% of the particles from an infected person's sneeze to become infected yourself. That's a trivially small amount.

>> No.11916521

kys nazi

>> No.11916571

Could you provide a source for this, anon? I'd appreciate the read

>> No.11916612

The filtration fibers are charged so smaller particles are more easily pulled to the fiber and caught in the mask. But it's all irrelevant since naked virion particles floating out of you as you exhale is not a realistic scenario

>> No.11916671

What does the science say?

Facemasks work to block the virus from infected people who cough. Cotton masks and N95 masks show no difference.
Sample size: 9

Study of hispanic urban households.
>In this population, there was no detectable additional benefit of hand sanitizer or face masks over targeted education on overall rates of URIs, but mask wearing was associated with reduced secondary transmission and should be encouraged during outbreak situations.
This study is somewhat polluted, because households were being educated as the study occurred, which changed their behavior.
Sample size: 509 households, 78 infections confirmed

Study of Hong Kong households
>Conclusion: Hand hygiene and facemasks seemed to prevent household transmission of influenza virus when implemented within 36 hours of index patient symptom onset.
The "adjusted odds ratio" is .33, or about a 1/3 chance of getting infected compared to the control
Sample size: Lifestyle education (control) (134 households), hand hygiene (136 households), or surgical facemasks plus hand hygiene (137 households) for all household members.

A study of students at the University of Michigan
>Results: We found a significant reduction in the rate of ILI among participants randomized to the face mask and hand hygiene intervention during the latter half of this study, ranging from 35% to 51% when compared with a control group that did not use face masks.
Sample size: 1300 people

There are indeed some studies that show facemasks are not effective, such as this one:
This study also finds no correlation between getting an influenza vaccine, and getting infected. Kind of suspicious huh?

>> No.11916676


Meta analysis on this topic:
1] https://www.bmj.com/content/336/7635/77.short
2] https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/epidemiology-and-infection/article/face-masks-to-prevent-transmission-of-influenza-virus-a-systematic-review/64D368496EBDE0AFCC6639CCC9D8BC05
3] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/j.1750-2659.2011.00307.x
4] https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/65/11/1934/4068747

Pretty much every meta-analysis say the same thing: results tend to say that facemasks are effective, but the sample sizes are too small. It is not conclusive either way. Much more data needs to be taken before a positive claim can be made.

It also seems to be a consistent finding that normal cotton masks are just as good as N95 medical masks

>> No.11916868

>Kind of suspicious huh?
The flu vaccine is a guess each year of what strains will be the most common. Some years it's a pretty good guess, some years they're way off target. Unless a study encompasses multiple years, the outcome of a study on the effectiveness of the flu vaccine will reflect the quality of the guess that year. A study that states that the flu vaccine wasn't effective during the study period isn't necessarily incorrect if it was conducted in a year with a bad guess for the vaccine composition.

>> No.11916924
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>> No.11917029

It seems like in many of these studies, facemasks are combined with handwashing.

If someone can find studies which have facemask use ONLY, without additional handwashing, that would be a stronger result.
Unfortunately I just don't have the time for it right now

>> No.11917060

holy shit

>> No.11917822
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>> No.11917828
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>> No.11917833
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obey you fucking cretins

>> No.11917837
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Why aren't you protesting? Are you all racists?

>> No.11917842
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>> No.11917850
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>> No.11917859
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CNN is complicit.

>> No.11917863
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>> No.11917977

nigger rights are obviously more important than the health of the entire country

this is just like that retarded boomer who cut holes through her mask "because it's easier to breathe"

>> No.11918061

There is a persistent and sophisticated misinformation campaign targeting Western nations to try and aid the spread and maximise the disruptive effects of the virus, that is where anti maskers and related morons are getting their support from.
America has been hit the hardest because it is the biggest and stupidest of the target nations.

>> No.11918152

Nonsense. It's retarded boomers like Bill Mitchel who have the ear of power.

To prove that masks work, all you need is a cursory examination of the scientific record. You can literally get the answer in about 1 hour of reading through scientific papers. It's absolutely shocking that NOBODY did this in the conservative side. Instead it's just this really bad psuedo-science junk based on "common knowledge". It's seriously just these retarded boomers

>> No.11918159
File: 225 KB, 1564x877, legal mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link us to a peer review paper that says this mask prevents transmission of the virus. It must be a paper about this type of mask, not some N100 NBC suit respirator as this mask is considered legal everywhere.
Yeah, that's what I thought, you can't. Your theoretical masks do not match what is being imposed on the public. You might as well link to papers on water filtration systems, it would be just about as relevant, which is not relevant at all. It's amazing how you can be both so incredibly wrong and so incredibly arrogant about your ignorance.

>> No.11918166

There are many studies linked above. But here is another one


>> No.11918326

masks are good at absorbing the droplets which have high count of viruses, it does not matter if few will go through it, masks worn properly lower the infection rate significantly. mask filters the big droplets which have very big amount of virus particles. it is better to have mask and only inhale 15% particles(numbers just for example), than have open mouth and inhale 95% of it. depending on the viral load you might not even get infected, so why not lessen the exposure?

>> No.11918342

You aren't exhaling aerosols of perfectly isolated virus molecules. You are exhaling virus molecules suspended in heterogenous droplets containing saliva, mucous etc.

The fewer droplets expelled, the less likely a person at a fixed distance will inhale them. The fewer droplets that then go through another person's mask, the less likely the virus will transmit.

Think of it in terms of statistical clouds with high densities at the infected persons mouth. It's not about filtering 100% of particles at a certain micron range.

It's about reducing the likelihood of transmission with a combination of barriers (masks on infected and non infected person) and distance.


>> No.11918345

What this guy said. Seriously, you exhale a lot of droplets even when you're not coughing or sneezing and they are well above 30 microns, and they contain the bulk of the viral particles. Add to that the fact that you need a viral load dependent on the individual and masks can do a heck of a lot even if they don't stop 100% of the viruses. Seatbelts won't always save you, but they can still help a heck of a lot.

Plus, they are only one part of slowing the spread - social distancing, handwashing, not touching your face, etc, are all still required for high effectiveness. Seatbelts won't save all lives, but when you combine them with crash-ready frames, airbags, and safe driving your odds improve dramatically.

>> No.11919332
File: 84 KB, 710x960, Boomers with threatening auras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the opposite question: I'm looking for a mask that looks like I'm wearing a mask but is actually so flimsy that it doesn't obstruct my breathing at all. Any recommendations?

>> No.11919369

it is already baka destroyed

>> No.11919372

>social distancing, handwashing, not touching your face, etc,
Tell that to the city folks who refuse to do all of that and never get called out on it. This obsession with forcing people in rural areas to wear masks is what's causing the trouble. Make masks mandatory only in urban counties and the whole debate goes away.
Also note that social distancing and hand washing isn't mandatory anywhere. The reason is because those are things city people refuse to do. They're filthy hive creatures who want to impose their problems on everyone else. Let the rural areas do social distancing and hygiene, as they already do pandemic or not. Let the city folks wear their magic masks smeared with each other's fecal matter and we'll see which environment turns out better.
Face it, masks are a red herring to hide the fact that this is a virus of population density. That's where it incubates, that's where is spreads quickest. Rural areas get infected by city folks fleeing the cities they ruined. Without that constant stream of infection, rural areas would be fine. Of course city people would never agree to this. They have always exported the consequences of their poor choices onto rural areas. Their insistence that everyone in rural counties without a single death should be forced to wear masks while they run around infecting each other in their subways systems shows just how self centered and lacking in self awareness the average IFLS! city dweller is.

>> No.11919383

>compared to western countries where masking is taboo
that's only americans being retarded as usual

>> No.11919454

You are NIMBY as fuck.

Social distancing is also mandatory in a lot of places. It's just a lot of fucks don't want to do it, kinda like masks. You just have to wear masks while inside buisnesses. If you are really as rural as you say that shouldn't be a big problem for you. So why spend so much time sperging out about it?

>> No.11919500

OK schizo

>> No.11920233

and UK, Spain, Italy, the list could go on...

>> No.11920595

Glad I have an N99 mask which filters down to .1 micron.

>> No.11920732

based Anon dabbing on cucks

>> No.11921989

I don't see the market crashing, but who knows.
I do find it curious that an unprecedented amount of CEOs would resign just before shit got serious and that there are still top level CEOs bailing out to this day.
So it's perfectly possible that we're headed for an unprecedented crash.


>> No.11921994

>masks work
>argument of authority
Did you know global warming is caused by the decrease of maritime piracy?

>> No.11921999

I got an eye infection when I started wearing it.

>> No.11922004

Keep burning crops and killing cattle for fear of a virus that could kill a small percentage of the population.
When millions are hungry we will come to your rich neighborhoods to disembowel your family and eat your livers raw.

>> No.11922011

fucking hell

>> No.11922019

Amazing how the same people who were sucking off the CDC in jan/feb and smugging at you at how masks don't work are now absolutely hysterical about you wearing this paper placebo trash for a disease with a 0.02% mortality rate for octogenerains or whatever it is.

I would happily wear a mask, a proper full face respirator with correct filters, if this meme virus was anything to be remotely concerned about. But please keep putting your government mandated muzzles on.

>> No.11922028

>Chinese flu deaths over the course of eight months ~600k
>Deaths everyday from other means ~300k

So glad we nuked the global economy and handed government unlimited powers to fuck your ass over a disease that hasn't even killed two days worth of people over the course of 3/4 of a year with most of those being oldfag and fatties with a few years left anyway.

>> No.11922030

Wow so brave

>> No.11922039

Not an argument

>> No.11922327

Your fallacy lost to a non-argument btw, this is how wrong you faggots are

>> No.11922706

>>Chinese flu deaths over the course of eight months ~600k
Considering excess deaths are in the millions, there's likely many caused by the virus that went undiagnosed.

>> No.11922735
File: 159 KB, 1812x1308, 68BD87A8-F600-4321-AC1C-D405564FED37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have YOU done to FIGHT COVID-19 today anon!?

>> No.11923066
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Viruses are tiny and are smaller than the holes in the mask, however viruses don't travel alone, they move on particles of moisture and salaiva from your mouth. Millions of particles fly out when you breathe or talk etc. The moisture particles which carry the virus and other things like bacteria get soaked up and stopped by the mask before they can go everywhere. So yes, masks work. It's also many layers of filtration, not just one.

If you think that CO2 gets trapped in the mask or some shit it doesn't because it's fucking tiny in comparison to the massive moisture particles. But also see pic related, even if it somehow did defy physics and get trapped, you'd still be breathing out oxygen. You don't absorb all oxygen, only around 5% of what you breathe in, you exhale more oxygen than carbon dioxide.

>But I don't need it because I'm not sick
More than half of the virus cases are people who don't show any symptoms.

Stop being a selfish faggot and wear the mask so you don't harm others.
>It's simple science really
yet you forgot the most important thing brainlet

>> No.11923138

N95 masks have static charge which attracts the particles and sticks them to the material

>> No.11923150

There are plenty of papers from the last 15 or so years that conclude that wearing masks makes no difference to viral transmission and may in fact, actually increase it.

>> No.11923325

Yet you can't provide any of these "papers from 15 years ago". Which in this field is a long ass time.

>> No.11923340
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You're not a real scientist. You're a retarded LARPER.

>> No.11923555

get a load of this fucking retard

>> No.11923812

>the government infringing on your right to free association
Burgers already lost that with the civil rights act.

>> No.11923970

>he doesn't swim in sewage every week to strengthen his immune system

>> No.11923985

Its been 6 months since the start.
There is literally no cohesive list of what and how this thing attacks.
Just keep calm and wear masks.
And buy the vaccine when its available
This is the 21 century.

>> No.11924294

Why not wash your hands and social distance? Why are masks now the one and only thing to do to stop the spread?

>> No.11924372

>buy the vaccine when its available
lmao wtf, what country would charge people for a vaccine in the middle of a pandemic? If anything it's make more sense to force everyone to get the it unless they have a medical condition that makes it dangerous for them.

>> No.11924381

The vaccine is gonna be the mask thing to the nth power. I don't doubt we will unironically have people getting killed over it. We already have fights breaking out cause people don't want to wear a mask let alone get an injection.

>> No.11924403

>Why not wash your hands and social distance?
Because apparently Americans can't socially distance either.

>> No.11924572

I'd be interested to see what other policies they implemented concurrently. Maybe a stay-at-home order?

>> No.11924694

why the fuck would the elites crash their own market into the ground? The thing that makes them rich? Are you a fucking retard?

>> No.11924704

So where does Trump fit on this ven diagram?

>> No.11924721

I don't get it, why is it conservatives that don't want to use basic, non obtrusive protections against sickness? It's not like viruses are some leftist spook just cooked up, they have been around for longer than there have been humans on earth. They are a conservative problem, so why are they so flippant about it now?

>> No.11924727

It's not about health, it's about compliance.
Wear the mask, goyim filth.

>> No.11924730

Not him, but medfag
only the flu can do this basically

>> No.11924738

>I don't get it, why is it conservatives that don't want to use basic, non obtrusive protections against sickness?
>non obtrusive
>protections against sickness

>> No.11924740
File: 1.03 MB, 1366x768, 7-7-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the countries that managed to control the virus used masks, mass testing and contact tracing as the primary method. Some used lockdowns.

>> No.11924759

Wow, look at these numbers...
And there's people DARING to say HURR DURR IT'S JUST THE FLU
It's obviously way less deadly than the flu from the numbers, bunch of liars.

>> No.11924766

100,000 more people died in the 14 days since I took that screenshot.

>> No.11924782

>It's obviously way less deadly than the flu from the numbers
If you're comparing it to the Spanish Flu, then sure, if you're comparing it to the typical flu season, then it's a lot worse.

>> No.11924789

I hope the family of these 200000 people will be able to to mourn their 300000 loved ones, it is truly a tragedy to think that 400000 families have to suffer through that, and let's not forget the friends of these 500000 people that died from COV19, may the 600000 rest in peace, Nema.

>> No.11924790


>> No.11924798

Not my fault you don't understand exponential growth and how dangerous it is.

>> No.11924805

Your axioms are out of whack, cattle.

>> No.11924811

More than twice the numbers of deaths as compared to the worst flu season, but in just four months. See >>11924790

You are the one in denial.

>> No.11924825

2021-2026 or so are going to be the most mild flu seasons ever, as the majority of people that would have died due to flu during those years in spite of the vaccine will have died to the corona this year instead.

>> No.11924828

That doesn't make up for all the dead people that WOULDN'T have died from the flu, since corona kills at more than 100 times the rate.

>> No.11925133

>and be forgotten before october
yeah we will TOTALLY forget about all this. ;) lmfaoooooo.

>> No.11925163

its simple probability theory buddy, if the average number of people one person infects is R0 = 2.5, by reducing even 70% of the probability of someone infecting another person then R0 < 1 allowing for control of the virus

>> No.11925171
File: 108 KB, 946x960, E8ECB790-F264-45B2-974F-7A51F5E82486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is what happens when middle-aged retards discover 4chan

>> No.11925205

N95 masks are designed to remove more than 95% of all particles that are at least 0.3 microns (µm) in diameter. In fact, measurements of the particle filtration efficiency of N95 masks show that they are capable of filtering ≈99.8% of particles with a diameter of ≈0.1 μm (Rengasamy et al., 2017).


>> No.11925239

>unironic Facebook Boomer images being dumped in the thread
/sci/ is a fucking joke.

>> No.11925243

>by reducing even 70%
Try 7% or 0.7%. Or any other random number instead of going with something so unrealistic. If you have the be deceptive, you belong on /x/ not /sci/.

>> No.11925244

shut the FUCK up simp
go wear your muzzle

>> No.11925340

>The corona virus is .12 microns in diameter and the n95 mask’s (AKA face mask) filter down to .30
Bullshit. Viruses do not float around on their own. They are mostly in tiny water droplets. But thanks for the retarded (and presumably deliberate) misinformation.

>> No.11925534

By the way, in Spain the 28000 figure is given officially by the government.
The funerary services and the death rate compared to the seasonal average put the toll closer to 50000 deaths.

>> No.11927383

4chan was created in 2003
Kids on it then are now balding middle-aged boomers

>> No.11927398

>So what good do the masks do?
Make people re breath their fluids

>> No.11927404

>approximately 60–140 nm or 0.06 to 1.4 microns

>> No.11927814


>> No.11927822

Why is the CDC pushing for masks when their own meta-analysis showed no statistically significant reduction in transmission from wearing them?


>> No.11927841

>In many cities, the protests actually seemed to lead to a net increase in social distancing, as more people who did not protest decided to stay off the streets, said that study's lead author, Dhaval Dave of Bentley University.

>But experts believe that if the protests did have a big impact on cases, stronger signs would be apparent now.

>> No.11927905

why is compliance bad?
And why does it not about health?
Do you think that people just do it because they are sheep?
that people can't make their own decisions?
and do you see the irony in thinking that people should comply with you while saying that compliance is bad?

>> No.11927913

Do not forget to take the vaccine, goyim filth.

>> No.11927914

And yet the shoulder to shoulder proximity and wild screaming should have resulted in the virus spreading through the asymptomatic protesters like wildfire, surely.

How convenient that the virus chooses to moderate its R0 when progressive causes are at stake.

>> No.11927917

but it didn't

>> No.11927922

>Do you think that people just do it because they are sheep
Yes. What percentage of the mask-wearing population do you suppose have bothered to even dig for studies of mask effectiveness, let alone try to read them and critically assess the results?

>> No.11927940

tell me more about butt masks

>> No.11927958

would you do anything without pondering on the ethical and scientific proof of what you are doing?

>> No.11927963

Wear the fucking mask, cattle.

>> No.11927964

I see you don't have any arguments

>> No.11927965

What percentage of non-mask wearing people do you think researched the topic? Almost all of the "evidence" I see is either straight from a (phony) CDC memo, or from Rancourt. Both sides are filled with sheeple, they're just choosing to put their faith on opposite sides.

>> No.11927968

No, I wouldn't. Most would. Hence anon's sheep comment being accurate.


>> No.11927970

So you don't do anything at all?
just post stuff on 4chan all day?

>> No.11927977

I'd rather look at the individual studies instead of a meta-analysis, which I already did back in February. Also, they found little efficacy for hand washing. Are you against hand washing and hand sanitizing?

>> No.11928011

>if you do anything besides remain frozen pondering the validity and implications of any potential action, you're a sheep
Kill yourself.

Weird how something can be so obviously common sense, and yet when it comes time to actually prove it, the evidence disappears, huh? How do you account for this phenomenon?

>> No.11928016

You didn't answer my question. Do you believe in hand washing/sanitizing, or is it a waste of time?

>> No.11928033

Wear. The. Mask. Cattle.

>> No.11928035

>if you do anything besides remain frozen pondering the validity and implications of any potential action, you're a sheep
that's what you are asking for other people to do

>> No.11928042

Why are you even here if you're not willing to have a discussion?

>> No.11928044

I do, because more than just respiratory viruses reside on hands. This is what we're talking about, remember?

>> No.11928051

So you don't believe hand washing prevents respiratory illness?

>> No.11928053

Rhetorical thinkers are not receptive to dialectic.
It is much more productive to use rhetorics, and much more fun.

>> No.11928056

Hardly. I'm asking them to put even a shred of effort into researching something they will accept as fact AND start to advocate publicly. If they just shut up and did their own thing, it wouldn't be so bad. But when they start bleating whatever shit is fed to them like some kind of human repeater station, it becomes a bigger issue.

>> No.11928060

Evidently it does little enough to prevent the transmission that the CDC's own meta-analysis found no hard evidence for it.

>> No.11928068

>If they just shut up and did their own thing,
that's a contradiction
because you called them sheep for doing just that
and how do you know that they haven't researched it?

>> No.11928079

Wear that mask.

>> No.11928081

Again, I'm not fond of these, I like looking at the methods of the individual studies. But even back in February I thought it was odd that hand washing was pushed so hard when most studies showed little benefit in terms of preventing respiratory infections. In fact, there was better evidence for mask use, which the CDC was against the general public using at the time.

>> No.11928083

Are you trying to prove anything with this?

>> No.11928105

it's a thing called basic sanitation
if you are skeptical about that you should go back
to the times wear there were open sewers and shit everywhere

>> No.11928109

>to the times wear there were open sewers and shit everywhere
But there's not. Whether I wash my hands or not, I'm still in a relatively sanitary environment. Wash your hands before you eat and after touching raw meat, you'll be fine. The CDC already gave you your answer, don't bother washing your hands to prevent respiratory infections.

>> No.11928128

>how do you know that they haven't researched it?
Have you, you know, ever been outside and interacted with people? If you had, you'd realize how stupid a statement that was.

The evidence for mask use is mixed at best. But in both cases, there is a massive incongruence between the hard data and the policy recommendations that are publicized by "public health experts". When Joe Public hears something from these sources, he thinks it's the word of God, when the reality is far less clear-cut.

Hand washing and sanitizing surfaces prevents a myriad of other illnesses. That's why we do it (and even then, the conditions we live in are generally sanitary enough; anecdotally, I wash my hands far less than average out of laziness, and I'm not contracting a new illness every two weeks). But for respiratory viruses specifically, it turns out handwashing and masks don't do a whole lot. Not that you'd think it, when every talking head is screeching about their vital importance.

>> No.11928140

>Have you, you know, ever been outside and interacted with people? If you had, you'd realize how stupid a statement that was.
the ones who I talked to were doctors
or the people(not doctor's) whose job is on the line if they don't come to work

>> No.11928178

Your claim is that viruses are good for evolution of humans, yes?

Consider that the virus just isn't good enough (via the natural selection you invoke) to cause a significant change in humans. It's not that we're weaker for fighting the virus, it's that the virus is inherently too weak for the purposes you're desciribing (which are false pretenses btw. If you can advance medicine faster or more predictably than natural selection why wouldn't you do this? Viruses in general may have been good for populations in the past but this is no longer or soon will no longer be the case).

>> No.11928315

>medical personnel's knowledge of medical research is representative of the general population
Wew lad.

>> No.11928321

I didn't say it did?

>> No.11928345

hey what's the point of telling people that masks don't help with the coronavirus?
do you know that that would actually make the situation worse for people?

>> No.11928361

>do you know that that would actually make the situation worse for people?
How? If they don't work, they don't work. You're not going to get any placebo effect by lying to them.

>> No.11928371

It gives them fear of ever going outside again
if it was true
mass hysteria
you don't want to start a panic now do you?

>> No.11928417

So, what you're saying is that masks are a means of controlling public behavior that is irrespective of medical fact? That the imposition of masks is about control, not disease prevention? Funny, that's exactly what those MAGA covidiot conspiracy theorists believe. You're not one of THOSE people, are you?

>> No.11928436

What's your obsession about people controlling you?
that just shows that you are an irrational human being who doesn't care for other people's mental or physical health
It's you who wants to feel smart and control people because you feel that you don't have any power whatsoever

>> No.11928464

I wear my mask around my neck in the store so people won't think I'm an asshole. It's a nice compromise.

>> No.11928495

Sorry anon
I was frustrated and let it fall down on you
you are smart
and you are your own person
but I think you have an unhealthy way of going about things

>> No.11928520

Masks work you retarded faggot.
Every single country that has gotten COVID-19 under control has mandated the use of masks.

The effectiveness may vary but even 50% effectiveness (SPOILER: It's higher) would prevent countless of deaths.

You are aware of this already, which is why you have admitted the results were, at worst, "mixed" rather than ineffective. Knowing this and shilling so hard against masks here makes you a psychopath.

>> No.11928526
File: 165 KB, 925x1000, 1536776090176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the sake of argument, imagine for a second that none of the research presented by anons in this thread is legitimate. Also, let's assume that we don't know if Covid is just some sort of government scheme. So, overall, we have no idea if masks work or not.
>You wear a mask
>maybe the mask reduces the chance that you're infected/infect others
>You don't wear a mask
>you are slightly less comfortable while you're in public spaces
Why is this a debate even?

>> No.11928531

It's my damn right to not wear something in public.

That arrest at that elementary school is bullshit and the cop who did it is a facist. Now I even have to sign up in the sex offenders registry?? Fucking bullshit

>> No.11928534

the virus isnt travelling through the air as an individual body, its in a larger bit of water

>> No.11929042

MY obsession? You're the one saying that if masks don't work, they should still be recommended because it gives the public the illusion of safety. This means, quite literally, that masks are about control. The lie would be used to control public behavior.

The CDC disagrees, as posted above. You seem very upset, maybe you should take it up with them. You do trust the experts, don't you?

>> No.11929074

>muh Mask-al's Wager
It should be up to each individual to decide whether or not they want to wear one. Mandating mask use is retarded.

>it's only a mask
>it's only perpetual distancing
>it's only cell phone based contact tracing and surveillance
>it's only an immunity pass
>it's only a vaccine with a compulsory booster every 3 months
>it only a little inconvenience, why do you hate public health, anon?
Each incremental "reasonable, common-sense regulation" has a ratchet effect. They never go back, only forward once people get used to the "new normal".

Inb4 some brainlet citing muh slippery slope logical fallacy.

>> No.11929107

That whore is still alive? Tooker should go on a rampage murdering celebrities then claiming insanity and getting away with five years of jail.

>> No.11929115

I only wear a mask because I want to avoid retards yelling at me.

>> No.11929151

I didn't say they were an illusion
and anyway why do you just care about the masks controlling you?
why not everything else? like cellphone chips following your every move and shit like that?
because you don't care about that

>> No.11929166

>implying the water droplets from your breath/sneezing/in the air/etc are <0.3 microns

>> No.11929250

It should be mandatory so people like you would just stop ruining shit for everybody else that tries to help you
I would have a problem with all of the things that happen the mask and I still think that it is a slippery slope that you are using and calling that using >muh is fucking retarded

>> No.11929588

Did I somehow miss that this is a thread about the NSA, or something? Yes, I care about state surveillance and social control in other contexts. Which is precisely why I don't want yet another one added to the pile.

>> No.11929593

>stop ruining shit for everybody else that tries to help you
You mean, asking questions about the effectiveness of the shit you want to impose on everyone else? Crazy, isn't it, that people may not all want to line up and dance to your tune, just because you've decided you know best?

>> No.11929598

>Why wont you stop shitting in our drinking water?

Because we always shitted in this river before we used it as a drinking source and I'm just questioning the effectiveness of these "mandates" from above about where we can and can't shit. I'm not ruining it for everyone else; I'm just questioning the wisdom of these people who decided they know best. Instead of being some stupid sheeple like you who dance to their tune by shitting in toilets.

>> No.11929612

They propagate in droplets, you literal fucking chimp

>> No.11929656

If those people had a difficult time actually demonstrating experimentally that shitting in the drinking water had negative effects on the health of the population, maybe your stupid fucking analogy would actually apply.

>> No.11929658
File: 48 KB, 600x674, safety first.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The effectiveness may vary but even 50% effectiveness (SPOILER: It's higher) would prevent countless of deaths.
Source that this mask is over 50% effective?

>> No.11930016

The main issue with your counter argument is not slippery slope, but rather that you haven't made an argument that those mandates are a bad thing.

>> No.11930141

>it's up to others to prove why you shouldn't impose things on them
Try again.

>> No.11930664

I wasn't going to reply to this retarded post, but then I realized that the lack of replies might give some sort of perverse validation and make you think your mind-numbing trollpost was actually clever.

So here's me telling you that such a mask does not follow the recommended guidelines and regulations, so fuck off retard.

Guess we shouldn't wear condoms either because some guy tried to use a plastic bag for a condom once. This obviously shows condoms don't work, ever. It's a scam industry.

>> No.11930693

>The CDC disagrees, as posted above
No, I actually bothered to read the study you posted.

1. It was made by an undergraduate Chink student working from a Chink university. (Why the fuck is on the CDC website I don't know)
2. The study refers to influenza, not COVID-19.
3. The study doesn't recommend against masks, it just found more limited results than most other studies.
4. It has a huge disclaimer that says
>The conclusions, findings, and opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors' affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.

So no, the CDC is not claiming masks don't work.

>> No.11930782

>It's my damn right to not wear something in public.
So you're against being required to wear some form of clothing so you're not naked? Because most parts of the world won't allow you to go out in public in nothing but your birthday suit.

>> No.11931875

>refers to influenza
Whose transmission method is the same as covid.

>CDC is not claiming masks don't work.
They're just posting evidence that masks don't appear to work. Which kind of undermines any recommendations of masks on their part, wouldn't you say?

>masks are the same as clothes
When people routinely start going outside without clothes, we can address that issue further. Until then, kill yourself for such a retarded analogy.

>> No.11931882

>When people routinely start going outside without clothes, we can address that issue further.
You don't think they would if they wouldn't get in trouble? There are places that allow nudity, and people take advantage of it. Apparently people can comply when clothing is required, but that seems to be too much to ask for when it comes to a piece of cloth over the face.

>> No.11931979

Something about freedom that nobody else in the world except some Americans have problems with

>> No.11931981

Friendly reminder the retarded boomers do stuff like in your picture are the boomers that are afraid of using the masks that actually work

>> No.11932171

>You don't think they would if they wouldn't get in trouble
Very rarely. Do you personally know a single nudist? Do any of the people you know know a single nudist? Stop pretending like force of law is the only thing stopping people from wandering around naked.

Whereas with masks, very few people are inclined to wear them normally. It's not a comparable situation at all, how can you not understand this?

>> No.11932181

it recovered in like a month and is nearing all time highs

>> No.11932199

>this is what schizos actually believe

>> No.11932214

>Do you personally know a single nudist?
I know no nudists, not as in someone who believes in being nude as a lifestyle. I've been to places where nudity is legal and saw plenty of people taking advantage of it.

>Stop pretending like force of law is the only thing stopping people from wandering around naked.
So you're saying there should be no law against nudity because no one would choose to be nude?

>Whereas with masks, very few people are inclined to wear them normally.
Habituation. If you'd been to Asia prior to this fiasco, you would have seen plenty of people comfortably wearing masks.

>> No.11932237

/pol/ posters should have their ip's automatically banned outside of /pol/

>> No.11932255

>tfw cannot differentiate between redditniggers and /pol/acks anymore

>> No.11932257

See >>11931981

>> No.11932286 [DELETED] 
File: 205 KB, 403x433, 235324223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whose transmission method is the same as covid.
The influenza virus is a different size, and from a different family of viruses. This affects the transmission and the effectivity of different mask types.

>They're just posting evidence that masks don't appear to work.
No, in typical schizo fashion you went out of the way to dig up a study from their archives that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, because it deals with a different type of virus, in a different context, and not only that, but the article concludes that proper education on mask usage and hand washing makes a different in their effectiveness, not that they are ineffective.

>Which kind of undermines any recommendations of masks on their part, wouldn't you say?
No, you took an unrelated study from a random chink researcher on influenza out of context and are trying to make it fit to a whole different situation. The study even has the typical disclaimer saying that the CDC does not endorse the findings and conclusions of the study, which is made specifically for the likes of imbeciles like you.

The actual studies dealing with face masks and COVID-19 are here:

>> No.11932289
File: 205 KB, 403x433, 235324223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whose transmission method is the same as covid.
The influenza virus is a different size, and from a different family of viruses. This affects the transmission and the effectivity of different mask types.

>They're just posting evidence that masks don't appear to work.
No, in typical schizo fashion you went out of the way to dig up a study from their archives that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, because it deals with a different type of virus, in a different context, and not only that, but the article concludes that proper education on mask usage and hand washing makes a difference in their effectiveness, not that they are ineffective.

>Which kind of undermines any recommendations of masks on their part, wouldn't you say?
No, you took an unrelated study from a random chink researcher on influenza out of context and are trying to make it fit to a whole different situation. The study even has the typical disclaimer saying that the CDC does not endorse the findings and conclusions of the study, a disclaimer that is made specifically for the likes of imbeciles like you.

The actual studies dealing with face masks and COVID-19 are here:

>> No.11932379

>3rd party non US gov. affiliated website
So masks don't work, which is absolutely shocking since countries with autocratic governments like China have an underreported case of coronavirus proportionate to the population and distance from the virus epicenter.

>> No.11932422

M-95 masks will protect down to 0.3 microns. Protons and neutrons are about 10^-9 microns (and electrons are even SMALLER!). Do you smoothbrain maskers know ANY biophysics?

>> No.11932432

>This affects the transmission and the effectivity of different mask types.
How do you think influenza spreads, by teleporting from the mouth and nose of an infected person to another target? You suppose a cloth mask is going to be questionably effective for influenza, but great for coronavirus?

>> No.11932439

Kinda works>>>>Doesn't work

Prove me wrong nigger

>> No.11932455

>Kinda works>>>>Doesn't work
Is correct, but in the context of a virus that has negligible effect on 99.97% of the population, outside of geriatrics and those with conditions that would complicate any other illness, it becomes irrelevant.

>> No.11932477
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Why do Americans protest for something so gay like masks while they ignore real shit like
>asphalt leaking PAHs literally everywhere
>microplastics in water
>drugs that can't be eliminated by waste processing going in rivers and thus being taken up downstream
>eating badly cooked meat like bro a single E coli surviving can kill your kidneys and make peeing hurt for the rest of your life

>> No.11932511

Why do people get upset over being forced to do something pointless versus a random list of things that others are doing? Why not add meteors hitting the Earth, candy bars getting smaller, and video screens being embedded into tombstones on your red herring list?
Also, why are you posting here instead of out protesting against child molestation. Do you approve of people molesting children? If not, why aren't you out fighting that instead of making dumb comments here?

>> No.11933133

there is a pandemic you know
I think there is a point here

>> No.11933294

For starters, influenza causes sneezing, whereas COVID-19 does not. So that's a different method of transmission already.

>> No.11933445

So why you don't get upset over people making you use shoes indoors or shirts?
>red herring
Those are real threats like this gay chink virus and nobody is upset about them. I forgot to add fuel compounds leaking out of gas stations, aluminum giving you Alzheimer's and screens everywhere increasing the rate of ocular conditions, specially for young children
I don't care about anything, I'm just asking questions about what I see from far away