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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11905708 No.11905708 [Reply] [Original]

Why commie /sci/ janny delete any thread about the science of race and intelligence?

>> No.11905769

Because niggerjanny don't get paid enough to see your shit threads obsessing over niggers every day

>> No.11905811

Because you're the nigger despite probably not even being black and we don't want you here. Go away

>> No.11906018 [DELETED] 
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Because they cant do anything in real life.

>> No.11906021


>> No.11906031

Because you get academically killed for talking about it, and they're scared.

Or, they're terrified by the possibility of finding out some truth that they really don't want to be true if they dare look into it.

>> No.11906039

Because "population groups" is the secret scientific way of talking about race without waking up the trolls over in the _________ Studies Department.

>> No.11906102
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Leftist and jews literally hate science because it pops their psychotic schizo world view.

>> No.11906109

>getting paid
Pick one and only one.

>> No.11906110

Ok migel

>> No.11906117
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>> No.11906564

Where do they find these jannies? The ADL?

>> No.11906700
File: 168 KB, 1024x958, 1587411067819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be janny on internet shit board
>Try to clean threads basedposters shit out
>It doesn't matter because he has no real power anyways
>Be fat, pasty, kissless handholdless virgin
>Live in mommy's basement on tendie welfare
>Balding from the back at 25
>Tries to hide it by growing out his hair
>But he doesnt shower so he looks like a greasy hobo
>Tries to kill himself for attention at 29
>No one cares
>Continues mopping the floor of an autism camp in internet form
>Sees successful anons posting about their accomplishments all day
>Cries himself to sleep
>He's now 35
>His dopamine receptors ODed on porn 10 years ago
>He's almost used up all the inheritance money from his now dead mommy
>Still a virgin
>Would settle for being a cuck but can't even find a girl
>He's too fugly for even faggots to want
>Tries to kill himself for attention again
>Only mommy's not there anymore to drive him to the hospital
>Fat fuck bleeds out and dies fr (KEK)
>No one checks on him for a year
>Police find his pathetic body half-eaten by rats, room full of cum and piss bottles and hotpocket wrappers and diapers
>Read his gay suicide note
>They all laugh out loud (LOL)
>He doesn't even make the local paper
>He isn't buried, just dumped in a trash can and burned
>All the anons are happy there's one less janny in the world
>Mfw niggerjanny will have to choose between taking this down and proving me right or leaving this up and letting all us anons laugh at him like the clown he is
>Pic related

>> No.11907205

leftist jannies have infiltrated both here and on /pol/ too

>> No.11907220

No normal person volunteers to do the job so they end up with those who do it because they have an agenda or paycheck on the line.

>> No.11907232
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>the janny's fw