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11902383 No.11902383 [Reply] [Original]

The choice of units is arbitrary
This makes the mathematical-beauty zealot seethe (but they can't deny it)

>> No.11902411

yeah this is why I always found this identify to be overrated

>> No.11902455

this is fucking stupid. 1^(2*3) = 4 is true too if you come up with a retarded system for the values of your digits. people cream their pants over this identity because it contains so many famous mathematical constants. choosing to use degrees doesn’t nullify that, it just adds an invisible * (180 / pi) that you’d have to include if you actually wanted to fucking evaluate the equation

>> No.11902475

bro use variables and the general form of the fucking equation instead of your 5th grade meme equation and this doesn’t exist. fuck off

>> No.11902490

lol no. the identify doesn't look nearly as cool if you are not using radians which is a human-invented angle measuring system

>> No.11902521

This doesn't work though

>> No.11902531

Anon you forgot the degree sign

>> No.11902539

Every angle measuring system we use is human invented.

>> No.11902543

dangerously based

>> No.11902614

It’s actual exp((tau/2)*I)=-1
And exp(tau*I)=1

>> No.11902624

3^(3i) = -1

So beautiful

>> No.11902658


>> No.11902684

e^(180 * i) =
-0.598460069 - 0.801152636 i

>> No.11902693 [DELETED] 

not really. radians are dimensionless.

>> No.11902730

I prefer e^0 = 1 because I don't like non-existent numerical abstractions

>> No.11902739

The exponential is defined by its power series, so [eqn]e^{180i} = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{(180i)^n}{n!}\ne -1.[/eqn]

>> No.11903262

e^(180 * i) = e^((180-56*pi) * i)

>> No.11903293


>> No.11903570


>> No.11903585

NJ Wildberger led me realise that Euler's identity is a scam.

>> No.11903587

NJ Wildberger is a brainlet

>> No.11903595

Can somebody explain why pi is used for angles? Why “pi/4” and not just “1/4”, or even better make a full rotation “1” and so “pi/4”=“1/8”

>> No.11903621

Because radians are equivalent to arc length on the unit circle.

>> No.11903682

That’s a non-answer

>> No.11903690

You referred to the definition in the definition

>> No.11904339

pi was defined in relation to the radius when it was created, where pi multiplied by r2 was the area and 2r was he circumference

>> No.11904363

>Can somebody explain why pi is used for angles?
because its natural, just take calculus and youll see why

>> No.11904384

it's the only constant such that sin(x) and cos(x) differentiate to each other

>> No.11904768

my eyes! MY EYES HURT!!

>> No.11905040
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>> No.11905662

which is why radians are the only correct system bait poster don't fucking you me

>> No.11905680

Op Btfo'ed along with the low iq shills itt

>> No.11905711

Are you retarded? Judging by the filename you're just here to shitpost, but its obvious that [math] \sin(180^\circ)[/math] is undefined since sine and cosine cannot input values with units. Underlying all your operations with degrees is a conversion factor, say, [math] c = \frac{\pi}{180^\circ}[/math]. So when you say [math]\sin(180^\circ) [/math] what is implicitly meant is [math]\sin(c\cdot 180^\circ) [/math] which is the same thing as [math]\sin(\pi) = 0[/math]

Also that is far from the "most beautiful equation." For me is has to be euler's other equation [math] \frac{\pi^2}{6} = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^2} [/math] which easily generalizes to the Riemann zeta function for even values

>> No.11905857

taylor expand sin(x) and cos(x), 2*pi pops out naturally as the period for those functions. taylor expand e^(i x) and you'll see why pi is the constant in Euler's identity. btw, we really should have defined 2 * pi as tau and used that

>> No.11905904

The ° IS the pi/180

>> No.11907325

>I have no argument

>> No.11907361

[math]\sqrt[\pi+e]{(\pi+e)^{\pi/e}} \approx 1.41[/math]

>> No.11907391
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Of course it's valid.

180 = 60 * pi

>> No.11907480

Based engineer

>> No.11907797

e^πi = -1

>> No.11908404

try studying math buddy

>> No.11908551

>t. wolfram alpha

>> No.11908554

ps. your 180 formula is shit, too

>> No.11908614

Now the choice of units really is arbitrary (so long as units ∈ {degrees, radians}):

octave:1> exp(i*66178620)
ans = -1.0000000000 - 0.0000010462i
octave:2> exp(i*2*pi/360*66178620)
ans = -1.0000e+00 - 7.3808e-12i

>> No.11908627

ok retard

>> No.11909292
File: 390 KB, 718x637, 1583006399109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pi was defined 2500 years ago by the ancient Greeks as the ration of the diameter of the circle to its circumference. A radian is a section of the circumference equal to the length of the radius. The radius is half the diameter, so there are 2pi radians in a circle.

>> No.11910832

close enough

>> No.11912440

numbers are dimensionless.

>> No.11912444


>> No.11912448

To be honest, as a graduated math major I still have no idea what people mean by "mathematical beauty" anyway.

>> No.11912518

E^pij plus 1 = -E^zero

>> No.11912659

[math] 1 + i \pi - \pi^2/2 -i \pi^3/6 + \pi^4/24 + \ddot = -1 [/math] is a pretty cool relationship

>> No.11912910

[math]\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-{x^2}}dx = \sqrt{\pi}[/math]

Stay mad

>> No.11912932

This. Op thinks e^x literally means taking e and multiplying it for itself x times lmao

>> No.11912944

That equation is wrong though

>> No.11912950

What attracts you to math then?

>> No.11913003

Transcendental numbers are cool.
1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! + ... = e

>> No.11914193

fun fact
de/d1 = e

>> No.11915834

list of reason why op is a gay

>> No.11915900

If one measures angles by the arc length they sweep out on a circle and defines the circumference as a multiple of the radius then pi falls out naturally since it is the a multiple of the ratio of radios to circumference

>> No.11915966

>make a full rotation “1”
That's called tau, bro

>> No.11917438

redefine the diameter as a new constant = 1/tau

>> No.11918054

Bruh, tau = 2*pi. You don't need to redefine anything.

>> No.11919363

Yes, using intentionally terrible notation makes normally beautiful equations confusing and ugly. Why are you stupid enough to believe that this is news?

>> No.11919450

I wish I could strangle every single mathematician

>> No.11919526

Obviously if you change units formulae will change. Do you think this is some earth shattering revelation

>> No.11920564

op rekt

>> No.11920718

All this identity says is that if you rotate 1 a half circle around the origin, you get -1. The exponential function scales and rotates. There's nothing "beautiful" about it, only mathlets think this identity is interesting.

This is why Gauss thought that anyone that was impressed by it was retarded and would never go far in mathematics; he was totally right.

>The mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss was reported to have commented that if this formula was not immediately apparent to a student upon being told it, that student would never become a first-class mathematician.

>> No.11921215

Getting a math degree doesn’t cure autism or temporal lobe deficits, it just makes them worse.

>> No.11921285

Choice of units is not arbitrary. The exponential function only takes a dimensionless argument. Radians are dimensionless. Degrees have dimension denoted bu the little superscript degree symbol.