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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11902937 No.11902937 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone taken DMT?

How is the brain able to form such complex clockwork fractal imagery? I would never be able to draw it from imagination while sober.

Is there more going on here than we can currently explain. I want to think it can be explained rationally but when on DMT it honestly feels like you're experiencing an alternate dimension.

>> No.11902940


Its just the dreamscape. If you lucid dream you will see how insane the brain processing ability is. Photoreal.

>> No.11902948


As for the other "beings" in the dreamscape, those are just subconscious beings. Your brain contains more than one "you". Your subconscious is able to emulate other consciousnesses that it uses to play act through scenarios to increase survival during the waking state. Yes, they are actually "conscious" and distinct for your waking consciousness. They can talk and you can even have conversations with them.

>> No.11902951

Your pineal gland releases dimethyltryptamine when you dream whilst deep sleeping. There’s nothing extraordinary about it.

>> No.11902959
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>be me 6 months ago
>super curious about the exact same thing but never saw it
>buy some changa (smokable ayahuasca) and 5 hits of acid
>smoke a bit of changa literally on the ride home from the dealer, after not seeing anything take 2 hits of the mystery acid at the same time (160ug each) like 30 mins later
>have a crazy adventure trip with my friend all night but wake up to realize I see things differently somehow
>3 weeks later discover it's called HPPD
>might never again be able to take psychedelics unless science finds a cure
other thread very related >>11900781
Be very careful and appreciate the fact that you can do it, I still don't know what it fucking feels like..

>> No.11902978

Since I've started taking DMT I definitely notice visual snow when I stare at a wall - kind of like fuzzy dots in a grid pattern. I'm also concious of patterns forming when I close my eyes - especially late at night when I'm tired.

Whether or not I had this before and I just never payed attention to it - I don't know.

My girlfriend also spontaneously mentioned to me that she also is now noticing more closed eye pattern forming than earlier. She did it with me a handful of times.

Now you have me slightly concerned it's HPPD. does that sound like your symptoms?

Currently overall I'd say it's a non-factor in my life. It's only very mild and if anything I like it.

>> No.11902983

Just get your ass beat
IIRC the brain injury caused his brain to connect the region that does math with his visual processing. I remember a news article of the time quoted a doctor as saying the man could "see the geometry of the universe". Imagine trying to live a normal life like that.

>> No.11902986

hppd is brought on by one time usage and usually stays that way for an unknown period of time. it isn't even exclusively triggered by psychedelics as it happens
5ht2a receptors are involved in visual processing and the agonism from dmt and other ligands like it on the receptors causes overstimulation which would cause the patterns to emerge. if you ever taken psychedelics you'll notice that the longer you stare at something the more you hallucinate on it

>> No.11902987


Wow lucky man

>> No.11902993

If you see any unusual visuals, then it's HPPD

>> No.11903378

here we go again, another druggie's topic, gathering all the enlightened 18-25 yrs old psytrance festival goers, sharing their extraordinary knowledge about the world, psychedelics, and diseases they cause.

i hereby propose the creation of a psychedelics board, for a good riddance of the addicted.

even the copperfag is more entertaining

>> No.11903396

Have you ever taken a psychadelic?

>> No.11903409

hAvE YoU eVeR tAkEn A pSyChEdElIc?

>> No.11903415


>> No.11903446

t. drugaddict

>> No.11903461

i have this to some extent and yeah i like it !
Im an audiovisual artist so im literally living the dream

>> No.11903504

>im schizo and i like it!
honestly in the next few years LGBTQ will become LGBTQS

>> No.11903546

The spirit world is real and it's inside your mind.

>> No.11903736

>mixing DMT and acid

>> No.11903774

>i smoke dmt while driving
of course you do, sport

>> No.11903802

They could just go to 420chan to discuss drugs

>> No.11903830

prove it

>> No.11903835

do your own research, midwit
a true /sci/entist would

>> No.11903865

I did, I spent several years reading a bunch of that horseshit and I concluded it's all scam and wishful thinking. If you have something novel to share, be my guest. It's not like I don't want there to be cool stuff in the world.

>> No.11903868
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... sure

>> No.11904197

Dmt+maoi+mystery acid+weed
It was a smart move for sure..
lol I wasn't the one driving, we were still on that ride when I took the two acid hits even..