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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 38 KB, 488x488, CoC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11893815 No.11893815[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So why don't we all agree there is a jewish conspiracy to infiltrate and destroy every civilization in the world?
Is it illiteracy, mental retardation, cowardice, or a melange of them all?

The "refutations" of the left consist of avoiding the evidence and arbitrarily taking up a default hypothesis with no reasoning, all while loudly announcing a list of arbitrary unjustified burdens placed on the "antisemites".

Are there any other modern studies of jewish influence that might be more persuasive to halfwits?
Maybe an online catalog with color pictures and links?

>> No.11893835

They deny it because they're obedient to their master

>> No.11893854

People who believe in jewish conspiracies are universally low IQ and morally reprehensible subhumans. There are no smart people who believe what you believe, who can get tricked by nonsense like this book. Every time you desperate shills - whether you’re Arabs or just white incels - make these posts I become more and more certain all of your claims are false. Get a life, loser ass virgin.

>> No.11893868
File: 43 KB, 491x491, hinder der post ... der jude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>morally reprehensible subhumans.

>> No.11893882

Has anyone taken the time to disprove Atiyah's Riemann hypothesis paper? No, because it's clear that he was senile and there was no reason to publicly make a fool out of him. Has anyone written a treatise disproving the theory of the time cube? No, because Gene Ray is a schizo and people don't bother listening to him.
So what's so strange about no one paying attention to this Jewish conspiracy bullshit?
I always find it hilarious when people make up shit like this, because damn, if there was a Jewish conspiracy I would be fucking mad that somehow I got left out of it. Here's the reality: There are a lot of Hungarian jews, and Hungarians have a way higher proportion of scientific geniuses somehow. Not sure why that is, but that's what it is.
In terms of money, yeah, I and a lot of other jews I meet are pretty frugal with money. Not sure why that is, it might be cultural. I think it's a good thing to be careful and smart with my money and I was raised that way. That doesn't mean taking anything from anyone, but does it mean I might end up a little better off? Obviously. Maybe you have something to learn.

>> No.11893890

I’ve never seen one truthful /pol/ infograph. Most are over 90% lies. Odd trend for a movement that claims to be intellectual and truthful. Also a weird coincidence that you all (including McDonald) are degenerate lowlifes, possibly without any exceptions. How come you all believe certain major things with no basis in fact at all, like that Rothschilds own central banks? Surely such laughably stupid disinformation sourced from blogs could not EVER become commonly believed in a movement with an average IQ over 80ish? Surely it’s not a coincidence that you are all holocaust deniers, which is a belief held exclusively by the world’s poorest intellects.

>> No.11893898

>ad hom
>more ad hom
>continues to add ad hom
Why are Jews bad at arguing and defending?

>> No.11893914
File: 1.23 MB, 1746x1364, who controls your mind 2013 jew media.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most are over 90% lies.
Prove this one wrong then shittalker
>. Also a weird coincidence that you all (including McDonald) are degenerate lowlifes, possibly without any exceptions. How come you all believe certain major things with no basis in fact at all, like that Rothschilds own central banks? Surely such laughably stupid disinformation sourced from blogs could not EVER become commonly believed in a movement with an average IQ over 80ish? Surely it’s not a coincidence that you are all holocaust deniers, which is a belief held exclusively by the world’s poorest intellects.
Can't tell if ironic bait or if /sci/ is genuinely full of insecure Jews. You're probably the queers that post about math all day lol

>> No.11893920

It’s so funny how you’re an evil rat shilling against millions of people and then play the victim when you’re called out. Also learn what an ax hominem is simple-minded /pol/cunt

>> No.11893924
File: 121 KB, 600x600, deleuze nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post nose

>> No.11893925

Once the Arabs outnumber the Jews in every western country, the veil will fall off

>> No.11893974

Donald Graham is like 1/8th Jewish and raised Lutheran. Walt Disney was not Jewish. The asterisk next to Murdoch’s name is hilarious. Plenty of unverified names sprinkled throughout. Hulu is listed not not Netflix because Hulu had Jewish executives and a Netflix didn’t, even though Netflix was the far bigger company. The colors were chosen for manipulative effect. There are so many forms of lying in this image you retard lmfao

>> No.11893988

>who controls your mind
what about a picture of an obese basement neetsoc who makes these images which you swallow down

>> No.11893993

>an evil rat shilling against millions of people
Those millions of people being known for lying, backstabbing and scamming? Do stereotypes lie sholmo?
>and play the victim
I'm not playing the victim, I'm calling you out on your idiocy
>Also learn what an ax hominem is simple-minded /pol/cunt
The fallacy in which you insult your opponent and ignore their arguments

>> No.11894021

I don’t think Jews are actually known for any of those things, and objectively they don’t do them more than anyone else. Christians and Muslims for example have a far worse and much longer history of all those behaviors.

>> No.11894030

>ignore their arguments
what arguments are you referring to? you’ve been exposed as a pathological liar and a shill

>> No.11894139

>So why don't we all agree there is a jewish conspiracy to infiltrate and destroy every civilization in the world?
because it is a most retarded thing to believe. it's not even fun, or original in any sense.
even people who believe weird things about the pyramids show some brilliance ("when they were built the gravity of the earth was weaker and the stone blocks easier to pile"). last friday thing with the wayfair's cabinets was at moments interesting (still amazes me what the "src usa" search in yandex showed, I tried, and I'm still shocked; they've changed the algorithm now)
but your retarded thing belongs to retarded teens full of crap and bad movies.

>> No.11894154

Barmitzvahs are conspiracy enough
I fucking want 50k at 13
On average thats what my jewish friends got

Jewish privelege is real

>> No.11894163
File: 208 KB, 362x430, Turner1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will soon be the victims of your own plot. Your history will catch up to you once and for all and torture you did to the Germans and Russians will look like a massage compared to what we let the negroes and cholos do to you

>> No.11894177

I think neonazi caliber stupidity is quite rare. Like Vladimir Lenin was 1/8th Jewish therefore somehow Jews are to blame for communism. That level of stupidity is really only present in places like /pol/. You aren’t really human.

>> No.11894199

Keep running that mouth while you can. I didn't even mention the Arabs or Persians yet. No where left in the world for you run too demonic little rats

>> No.11894229

>Donald Graham is like 1/8th Jewish and raised Lutheran
See the Nuremburg Laws, also he looks Jewy AF
>Walt Disney was not Jewish.
Can you read? He's marked as goy
>. The asterisk next to Murdoch’s name is hilarious.
Yea well he's a massive Zionist
>Plenty of unverified names sprinkled throughout. Hulu is listed not not Netflix because Hulu had Jewish executives and a Netflix didn’t, even though Netflix was the far bigger company.
Show me
>The colors were chosen for manipulative effect. There are so many forms of lying in this image you retard lmfao
"The colors" lmfao
That's all you got? You were full of shit.

Not an Argument

>> No.11894262

Have you ever considered the similarities that exist between the white nationalist's conception of jews and the african american's conception of whites?
They're almost exactly identical.

>> No.11894270

Yup. The symmetrical nature becomes even more interesting when you realize how much work jews have put in to boosting that black conception of whites.

>> No.11894274

Disney’s name is red for Touchstone. This image has countless lies, especially if you include the omission of dozens of companies because the executives aren’t Jewish. Also I’m guessing when the CEO of Disney changes to a non-jew you incels won’t be updating your propaganda. Same with amazon popping up, AT&T buying out time warner, etc. you are an embarrassing waste of oxygen and your own mother wakes up each morning regretting not aborting you.

>> No.11894277
File: 104 KB, 800x800, 1487635227451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder why hasn't the media told the niggers about the jews

>> No.11894284

>This image has countless lies, especially if you include the omission of dozens of companies because the executives aren’t Jewish.
That isn't a lie; no one ever claimed that jews are exclusively in positions of power.
The point of the graphic is the implication of the vast overrepresentation of jews in positions of authority when compared to their percentage of the general population.

>> No.11894288

Maybe because none of that is true. The only one that has even a slight amount of truth to it is Hollywood and even that has been destroyed in the last few years. It’s rare that anyone has low enough intelligence to fall for this stuff. /pol a is uniquely stupid.

>> No.11894290

Did it ever occur to you that the reason for this is that jews are deflecting?
>ayo wypipo control errything. All da movie execs are yt
Oh? What are their family names?
>sheeeit. Wypipo made us slaves n sheit
Who owned the slave ships? Who managed the non-African side of the slave trade?
If I were a cynic, I’d think that jews are busy deflecting their historical guilt on to “white people” while shape shifting from “white” to “persecuted minority” as the need arises

>> No.11894296

African Americans don't care about jews because jewish conspiracy theories is a white man's game.
Why would they care about the idea that there is an tiny elite ruling class of jews when they can simply point to the much more easily identifiable oppression that has been committed against them by the hand of whites?

>> No.11894299

Imagine thinking Jooz did the slave trade because you read it in an unsourced shill image posted by a neonazi. Perfect example of why there are no sentient people on pol

>> No.11894302

You can't blame what happened to African Americans as uniquely Jewish.
I don't believe in class guilt and I don't think white people as a group owe anything to anyone.
But to pretend that African Americans weren't literally second-class citizens for a long time and that white people had nothing to do with it is absurd.

>> No.11894303

>when white people have power in a majority white country they have built, its systemic/institutional racism
>when jews have power it’s good work ethic and natural intelligence.
Sincerely: you know who
The truth is, anon, the game was rigged from the start

>> No.11894307

you’re talking to people so unintelligent that their history of the slave trade comes from a badly formatted .jpg made by an incel that says sLaVe TrAdE jOOs. Neonazis are Earth’s stupidest people and there’s no one else even close.

>> No.11894312

I think there are significantly more anti-Jewish shills saying stuff like this than anti-white shills saying stuff like this. You aren’t a victim.

>> No.11894315

Maybe. But these days the name of the game is collective guilt and if we’re looking for whodunnit, the case that jews are responsible is at least as strong as the case that whites are.
Now shoo you panicky jews. You overplayed your hand and the browns are coming for you too now.
Don’t expect any help from our end this time either.

>> No.11894317

I'm not interested in shitting up the thread with insults. Don't align yourself with me. If you have nothing to contribute other than childish raging then simply don't post.

>> No.11894318

Jewish people historically have been very into genealogy, and fortunately there are logs of plantation owners and the owners of various slave ships. These claims are easily verifiable. Of course they do not account for all such people, but as usual, their over-representation by share of population is what is being referenced here.

>> No.11894325

It’s a fact that /pol/ blaming the slave trade on Jews comes from an infograph. They are unironically that stupid. And if you even loosely defend /pol/ in any way, you are equally stupid. I hope some truly horrifying shit happens to you, rodent.

>> No.11894329

You’re lying, but even if you weren’t Jews would hold nowhere near 1% of the responsibility for the African slave trade. Over representation is meaningless, only proving that Jews are exceptional at anything they try, including bad things.

>> No.11894332

Should be easy to test. Do a twitter or lexis nexus search and report back with results.
I’ve never seen jews discussed negatively in western news but for some reason there is a large corpus of “journalism” dedicated to whining about “white people”. That sort of collective characterization wouldn’t be tolerated about any other group.
We’re not victims though. You don’t have the strength, will or guile to make us victims. But we’re definitely being targeted.

>> No.11894337

Jews certainly played a part in the slave trade.
You seem utterly incapable of any nuance at all.
You're more like a rabid attack dog than a creature of reason. It's pathetic to witness, honestly.

>> No.11894340

They're quite bad at many things, actually.

>> No.11894342

they are not to BLAME for the slave trade you absolute moron. imagine defending these creatures.

>> No.11894347

not really, they’re overrepresented in basically they do. they’ve won 20% of Nobel prizes, which proves their over-representation is merit based.

>> No.11894348

It’s not from an infographic. It’s actually historical research done by NOI.
Now feel free to call the blacks liars.

>> No.11894349

Who is to blame?
Personally, I don't assign blame.
I think that slavery and colonialism were absolute inevitabilities of expansion and technological disparity.
That being said, IF you are into assigning blame, there's no way you can do so without the INCLUSION of jews.

>> No.11894353

Who is to BLAME, then? Lemme guess: white people?

>> No.11894356

Ok let me go tell people under my real name that I want affirmative action against Jews and the same but against whypipo. Guess what happens?
Actually I don't even have to guess, AA exclusively targets whypipo, look up Ron Unz "why so many jews get into Harvard"

>> No.11894359

white people would comprise the overwhelmingly majority of participants in the slave trade. if you’re an incel who tries to blame things like communism on Jews then yes, to be logically consistent you must apply that everywhere to everyone. So funny how /pol/ has a literal 70 average IQ.

>> No.11894362

Do you think when whites become a minority they will be able to use these same policies to their benefit?
Or will that suddenly not count?
It will be interesting when the curtain is dropped and all these policies are ultimately revealed to be anti-white all along.

>> No.11894363

Seething Jew couldn't debunk the image, just shrinks back to claims of cherry picking whilst the mask slips

>> No.11894366

You realize whenever people talk about white people in positions they are including Jews in that right? You might be forgetting that normal people are not brainwashed by incelgraphs into thinking of Jews and whites separately when addressing race. So when they complained about the oscars being too white, Jews lost future nominations for having white skin. Moron.

>> No.11894367

I know you're trolling so pretty soon I'm going to stop engaging with you, but for anyone who is lurking, I want you to stop and consider how nonsensical "white people" is as a historical category.

>> No.11894368
File: 1022 KB, 3000x3000, white hatred from verified twitter users.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No the plan is to totally destroy white people

>> No.11894369

A single lie in the image (Walt Disney having a red name) is enough to prove the maker is a lying shill. There are dozens of lies in the image. Having Hulu listed instead of netflix is really funny in how it exposes the dishonest intentions of the incel who made it.

>> No.11894370

stfu retard, look up Ron Unz "why so many jews get into Harvard." AA only targets white goyim. The Nose is never parted with its ownership of the cattle

>> No.11894375
File: 1.01 MB, 3800x2385, CRITICAL_THEORY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11894377

if your experience with racism amounts to extremely rare internet messages, then you aren’t victimized by racism.
/pol/ being as stupid as it is likes screenshotting twitter, apparently unaware they are proving their own propaganda wrong by doing so.

>> No.11894378

>A single lie in the image (Walt Disney having a red name)
You can't even keep your lies in check

>> No.11894382

If you want specific percentages, then you will have to divide both by territory and by what roles you vest responsibility in. For example, Sephardic Jewry was even more over-represented in both slave imports and slave ownership in Spanish and Portuguese colonies than than Jewry as a whole (Sephardic, Askenazi, Mizrahi, or otherwise) was in English colonies or their successor states. Who is mostly responsible - the slaver on west African coast either purchasing or capturing slaves, the shipping magnate who supplied the means of transport, or the businessman demanding the import of slaves for his use?

>> No.11894384
File: 362 KB, 449x449, jewworldorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11894387

>if your experience with racism amounts to extremely rare internet messages, then you aren’t victimized by racism.
Don't worry I'm also institutionally discriminated against in ways I have personally experienced and have studies that prove brown people and even Jews have it way easier and if I was one of those I would have been given far more oppurtunities.
I would change my name to Goldberg but I look Aryan AF so I would probably get found out as being a crypto-goyim

>> No.11894388

He has a red name in the touchstone row you mindless incel

>> No.11894391
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>> No.11894392

Dude it’s from some Farrakhan book. Read up on it
What a wonderful apologia
> One aspect of the present issue, however, is utterly clear: by focusing on the importance of the activities of one internationally distributed religious group of Europeans, the Jews, this book ignores diversities in Africa. In addition, by treating Africans as mere objects of trade, it deprives all Africans of their own agency, of their capacity to control or at least deal with their lives and their history, including the activities of powerful men who enslaved other Africans and traded them to Europeans.
Imagine reading in The Atlantic such a full throated defense of the white role in slavery.

>> No.11894395

Being Jewish doesn’t give you more opportunities. Your IQ would be about 40 points higher, which is what would give the opportunities.

>> No.11894403
File: 320 KB, 586x720, 1576080578734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walt Disney has a green name, you absolute lying kike. but since you mention Netflix , let's take a look at their co-founder and first CEO:
>One of Randolph’s paternal great-granduncles was psychoanalysis pioneer (((Sigmund Freud))). Another paternal great-uncle of Randolph was (((Edward Bernays))), an Austrian-American pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda.

>> No.11894406

Amazing how quotas in Harvard didn’t hurt Jewish numbers at all, even though they are the most overrepresented group.
They were crowing a few years back about having a 51% nonwhite undergrad class. A peculiar boast to make in a 60% white country.

>> No.11894408
File: 3.30 MB, 2500x4000, media2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11894411

IQ isn't real. go back to pol retard

>> No.11894412

Have sex jewcel

>> No.11894414

Wrong, my IQ is higher than the average Jew IQ which I assume is common here but who knows. When it comes to admissions into colleges and things like that we know for a fact Jews get in way more to places like Harvard than Goyim because of their race. Believe me, I have enough merit that if I were Jewish or Black I would probably have gone to an Ivy League university and been a Rhodes scholar or something like that and I'd be rich as fuck and in think tanks n sheet

>> No.11894417

All I know is, if Jews do any [thing] you blame [thing] on them, if [thing] is bad. It’s one of the more mentally ill and anti-intellectual phenomena I’ve ever seen. It’d almost incomprehensible how stupid all people who “hate” (worship) Judaism are.

>> No.11894421

Funny how /sci/ wails about /pol/ any time a bell curve shows up but as soon as the topic of Jewish IQs arises /sci/ relax into supine goy mode.
Post nose, anon.

>> No.11894423

>if your experience with racism amounts to extremely rare internet messages
When us white people get told we should be genocide the Jews at Twitter ignore it and the message spreads. Imagine if we said the same thing about brown people or Jews on Twitter...You know what happens retard

>> No.11894428

I don't know what that means. I am not getting involved in any of these other arguments as I am of partial Jewish ancestry myself, but to pretend that European Jewry was not over-represented in positions which either facilitated or benefited from slavery in the Americas is simply not true. I am not some random /pol/-poster, and have in fact never visited that board for more than a few minutes - I am a mathematician with a somewhat developed understanding of history.

>> No.11894431

Shouldn’t the fact that Netflix started out with Jewish ownership, switched to entirely non-jewish ownership and became PC worry you? That comically disproves 99% of pol bullshit all at once. It’s amazing how you guys are so unintelligent that you can’t even tell when you’ve been humiliated. And I will restate once again, Walt Disney’s name is red in the touchstone row. You /pol/ creatures really are the worst people alive.

>> No.11894432

They do tend to have higher IQs (even though that doesn't explain their massive overrepresentation in power). It wouldn't surprise me if there are a lot of Jews here given the general mathfaggery and the eminent seethe of this thread

>> No.11894435

Please repeat this word for word when you’re in a post boogaloo basement getting your face peeled off your skull UWU

>> No.11894438

In what way does one company disprove the JQ? That's like saying one smart black man disproves race IQ data. Retard

>> No.11894439

White Christians are overrepresented and the majority in that and in nearly every branch of the US government, then and now. Your argument is terrible.

>> No.11894446

A single politically correct corporation (let alone the thousands upon thousands there are) with white leadership proves the phenomenon has nothing to do with Judaism. Which of course it doesn’t, which is why no one outside of this incel echo chamber agrees with you. Except maybe your inbred meth addict families.

>> No.11894449

If you are Jewish, then I must acknowledge your dedication to your people - they are to some extent my people as well. If you are not, then I believe you are incredibly foolish and have a very naive understanding of the world.

>> No.11894454

So let me get this straight: you’re Jewish, and you come to the least intelligent website on the internet to circle jerk with subhuman neonazis and agree with their pathological lying? Okay buddy.

>> No.11894465

מה אדם צריך לומר ע״מ לשכנע את האידיוט הזה?

>> No.11894472

>White Christians are overrepresented and the majority in that and in nearly every branch of the US government, then and now.
I'm not sure that you understand what over-representation means, because this is factually incorrect, both then and now. Keep in mind that the ethno-religious makeup of freemen in the colonies and early America was more than 99% White Christian.

>> No.11894477
File: 35 KB, 1235x167, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH NO NO NO. what have you done, /sci/

shut it down RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!

>> No.11894484

Need I remind you this is the /sci/ board? I simply chimed in about something that is a statistical fact that can be easily verified. Maybe you are conflating me with other posters. I do ironically agree that /sci/ is one of the least intelligent boards, though. There are a great many people here who are not good at thinking about science in particular.

>> No.11894499

They’re definitely overrepresented now at least. Congress is something like 92% Christian. Whites are over 80%. Both significantly over their population.

>> No.11894504

Smartest boards:
/diy/, /po/
Wittiest boards:
/tv/, /b/

>> No.11894514
File: 2.42 MB, 2076x1510, 1586800948235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if White Christians are over-represented then Jews are over-represented by several orders of magnitude
why do you think it is that no one "notices" this?

>> No.11894518

Dude do you think that people fall off the boat and get voted into congress to the next day?
The US was 80% white as recently as the 90s
Getting voted into state or national office is a privilege few whites ever get to experience, but people who arrived 5 minutes ago scrunch up their entitled brown faces and demand to know why the government of the most powerful nation on earth doesn’t look more like them.
Jesus fucking Christ get a grip, dude?

>> No.11894521

people do notice it and lie about it. I see them crying about it on the internet constantly. Are you stupid?

>> No.11894558

>There are no smart people who believe what you believe
Bobby fischer and robert langen are two right off the top of my head. Terry davis can count too depending on your views.

Low iq's and extremely high iq's hate jews.

>> No.11894569

tbf if they’re this rare and have extreme mental illness you’re making a really bad case for yourself. Antisemitism is on par with flat earth intellectually.

>> No.11894574
File: 226 KB, 1280x691, nuremberg_iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11894577
File: 3.46 MB, 1280x2700, Voltaire1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the entire world hates jews all through history

>> No.11894583

You have to adjust those numbers for cohort for them to be meaningful. Adjusting for the average age of a member of Congress, Whites make up a greater percentage of that population than they do overall. The vast majority of children are non-White, and children cannot serve in Congress. Religiosity has also declined, so the lack of religiosity of younger people skews the average away from that of the members of Congress' cohort.

>> No.11894594

how many negative quotes about Catholics and Muslims could one collect? I’m guessing literally hundreds of thousands. Brainless incel

>> No.11894601

It is the mark of intellectual-yet-idiots to deny this basic tenet of history - that familial ties supersede tribal ones, tribal supersede ethnic, ethnic supersede racial, racial supersede national, and national supersede membership in the human race. Do not forget this: it is you against your brother, your brother and you against your cousins, and all of you against the world.

>> No.11894620

>can't read
And you're saying you have the high iq take huh? I said
>top of my head
I don't go around remembering the names of everyone with a high iq who hates jews.

>> No.11894904
File: 20 KB, 474x355, Talmud1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I give a fuck about Catholics or Muslims

Yes these fucking retards that knock on my door telling me I am going to hell if I dont join their cult and these desert psychopaths that OPENLY state they want to conquer the entire world for a global caliphate. YES YOU ARE JUST LIKE THEM, YOU ARE WORSE THAN THEM you fucking imbecile. I hope you all fucking nuke yourselves and die in a massive fireball you filthy rat

>> No.11894981

ooooooooooooooyyyyyyy vey

>> No.11895319
File: 66 KB, 991x629, 1580877377226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So why don't we all agree there is a jewish conspiracy to infiltrate and destroy every civilization in the world?

Well, I agree.

>> No.11895333

>piss off the entire world in the era of globalisation
Is this the famed Ashekanzi IQ?

>> No.11895403

>white men cant understand what its like to be under attack

>> No.11895478

I disagree, I think climate change deniers are stupider than neo nazis, but only by a slim margin

>> No.11895488
File: 287 KB, 1024x757, HMS_Brisk_and_Emanuela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slavers, they are all the same scum no matter their ethnicity.

>> No.11896118
File: 46 KB, 640x640, photo_2020-07-02_13-01-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know kevin irl he's a cool dude

>> No.11896498

>"George Soros has deposited 10 cents in your account!"
>"Good goy!"