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1188734 No.1188734 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most worthless college degree?

>> No.1188739


are you serious? this is well known



>> No.1188736


>> No.1188747

I don't think it's right to list college degrees by their worth, indeed it is a sign of having a discriminating mind.

All non scientific degrees are equally worthless.

>> No.1188743

women studies?

>> No.1188761

>>1188747All non scientific degrees are equally worthless.

History? Or is Historiography a science?

>> No.1188775

Your pic is related. You'd be hard pressed to find something worth less than women's studies.

>> No.1188791 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1188787

"I've got a degree in homeopathic medicine!

-you've got a degree in baloney!"

>> No.1188790

>All non scientific degrees are equally worthless.

He is right.

>> No.1188804

>All non scientific degrees are equally worthless.
>Law, (legitimate) History, English, and Economics degrees are worthless
Sorry bro, but some non-science endeavors have their place.

>> No.1188810

Actually, you can probably scratch Economics, but my point still stands.

>> No.1188816

>Law, English, and Economics degrees are not worthless

Don't make me laugh.

>> No.1188818

you're not going to convince them
Just give up and pretend that science and math are the only important things in life

>> No.1188829


i would agree with you but my sisters both have graduate level degrees, one a masters in economics and one working on a phd in psychology and they both are doing quite well.

fucks that go to 5 years of private school and come out with a ba in womens studies or philosophy though, i seriously think we should just kill them and feed them to poor people.

>> No.1188826

Psychology or Sociology, mainly because of the vast number of uptakers and the fact that the degree leads to a singular selective proffesion that is is short demand.

>> No.1188833

Most worthless degree is probably something like art critique or music critiquing or some bullshit like that..
I also happen to think that phsych is bullshit and that degree in like child development and psychoanalysis are bullshit..

>> No.1188834

enjoy being a political sheep, completely unaware of your surroundings and just as ignorant as the people you claim to despise.

>> No.1188843

English? Maybe not that important.

But you'd have to be a retard in order to think law and economics are worthless.

A retard I certainly as hell wouldn't want running a country.

>> No.1188846

I'm going to go ahead and say anything in art.

>> No.1188848

any degree that does not improve yourself

>> No.1188858

The thing is, even in otherwise worthwhile endeavors, their corresponding degree IS pointless. For example, art and music degrees. While it is certainly important, it is not really academia, and aspiring artists and musicians would be better served in an actual art school or conservatory. And this isn't even touching on completely worthless crap (eg. women's studies or sociology).

>> No.1188873


Who gives a shit what your degree is in as long as you're doing what you want.

Some people are meant to further the world through science, some through art.

>> No.1188875

I think you're much more likely to further the world through science than art, though.

>> No.1188881

Law? Because we need most idiots arguing life begins at conception and stem cell research is murder.

>> No.1188890
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>further the world through art.

>> No.1188886

Comparative ethnic studies.

Fucking nigger degree my school has for athletes.

>> No.1188888


Well it does and it is.

>> No.1188900
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one dog at a time

>> No.1188901

I would ofc not say that it is useless, but coincidentally(?) everyone from that field I've met were among the most anti-intellectual people with a college degree.

>> No.1188909

COMMUNICATIONS! everyone knows that shit is useless and stupid people take that shit as an easy way through college.

too many kids here at UCD like that...

>> No.1188910

>Implying that that's the only thing lawyers do, and that we could have a functioning society without them.
Face it, lawyers are a necessary evil.

>> No.1188924

I welcome any idiot who thinks law is worthless to move to Somalia.

>> No.1188928

Its one thing to have an abortion
Its another to have an abortion factory

>> No.1188930

They're right*

>> No.1188932

The master race could survive without law.

A bunch of dem niggas though....

>> No.1188936

I've met some people with surprisingly useless math degrees.

Any given discipline is as much a collection of analytical tools as it is a collection of information. Therefore any course of study which engenders analytical skill and critical thinking is useful. The problem with "useless" degrees has less to do with the subject matter and more to do with what has been asked of the student. I'd pick the analytical abilities of a U Chicago economist over those of a Podunk U mathematician just about any day.

>> No.1188938


/cruise control

plz go back to faux news with that

>> No.1188939
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He's right
can you imagine a world without lawyers?

>> No.1188946

still you need to fertilize eggs
and that's not coo'

>> No.1188950

engineering. fucking worthless pretentious faggots

>> No.1188956


>> No.1188959

Women's Studies? Jesus fuck, you guys have to cater to all of your lunatics, don't you? Honestly, when someone's got the spare cash to enroll in an education that could have no practical use for them, I don't think they're being oppressed.

Over here, we don't have many worthless degrees, aside from art and stuff, you know, the usual.

>> No.1188960

fuck you. trolling is hard when you've been studying for your ethics exam all day

seriously, i understand that engineers need to know ethics, but this shit is so common sense it pains me that i have to take a course in it

>> No.1188961

All degrees are worthless. It is the people who make this a better world.

>> No.1188965

I heard some scientist bypassed that law by making animal-human hybrids and harvesting their stem cells

>> No.1188966

fuck yes, werewolf limb replacements!

>> No.1188969


Actually they're not worthless, cause they're useful for PROVING that you, as a person, are useful. If any for that reason.

>> No.1188970

nigga pleaze! Cthulu would be a lesser evil

>> No.1188972

And where might 'here' be?

>> No.1188974

Taking a summer class before I can graduate.

The one class I MUST take before I can be a successful ME: Computers in society

learnin' about cell phone rudeness this week

>> No.1188977

you don't know how stemcells work do you...

>> No.1188980

Lesser? Maybe. More necessary? I doubt it.

>> No.1188982

I welcome any idiot who things that laws and governments are nessecary for society have a trip to any central african country other than Somalia

>> No.1188996

you win, anon.

i'll stop bitching and write my ethics exam with a smile knowing that i'll never be tested on cell phone rudeness

>> No.1188997

just owned

>> No.1189002


Is this an argument for or against laws?

>> No.1189007
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art related degree. im getting one in a year. im still trying to figure out what the fuck was i thinking

>> No.1189008

It's an argument that nigger countries are shit, regardless of the presence of law.

>> No.1189017
File: 17 KB, 240x240, WTF IS THIS SHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an anarchic Nazi


>> No.1189022

>Implying there is much more law and order anywhere else in Africa.
Much of that continent is lawless. It's part of the reason that it's such a shithole.

>> No.1189023

so you've just proven that countries mostly populated by niggers are shit
like we didn't know that already

>> No.1189026


Just about anywhere on Earth that has ever fallen into anarchy was a shit place until things got sorted out.

>> No.1189030

I think he is saying that laws don't mean a stable society.

>> No.1189041

well laws are not relevant without someone to enforce them...
Seriously where are you trying to go with this?

>> No.1189046

Prove it.

>> No.1189039


>> No.1189056 [DELETED] 
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Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --0PERATORchan!

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>> No.1189052

no u

>> No.1189058


>> No.1189061

>well laws are not relevant without someone to enforce them...
>without someone to enforce them
so you DO get the picture what's wrong with laws?

>> No.1189067

oh great a tier thread in disguise...
i'm going to sleep now

>> No.1189073


>> No.1189082

I have no problems wth cops man

>> No.1189091

okey... not judgemntal with other people's fetishes

>> No.1189092


Properly created and enforced laws tend to help create a stable country.

For example, America. It's got a lot of generally well-made and enforced laws, and as far as countries go it's in pretty good shape.

>> No.1189113 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 700x454, 3300091757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --0PERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.1189110

>it's in pretty good shape.

Why I wish congress and our lawyers would just go ahead and take a fucking year off...


>> No.1189121

land of the free

oh I forgot...

guns are free

and so are cops to shoot whoever they "suspect" to carry a gun

>> No.1189136 [DELETED] 
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Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --0PERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.1189137
File: 153 KB, 600x450, stoner-791927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high anon is high

>> No.1189139

In case you didn't notice some laws are only there due to public pressure. Certain laws make no sense, for example legalising drugs would save the tax payer millions of dollars in enforcement costs, and remove the profit incentive for drug dealers to exist.

>> No.1189142

oh you!

>> No.1189149
File: 62 KB, 370x278, stop right there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smoke only cig... oh wait! That is also heavily legislated in the land of the free...

Got me there anon!

>> No.1189167 [DELETED] 
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Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --0PERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.1189166

And how do you plan on repealing those laws? Don't tell me you have some magical powers that simply erases something from the books without completely fucking up everything else.

>> No.1189183

Well they are doing it in Colorado, grant business permits and tax it. Then you have an income generated instead of a debt.

>> No.1189192

The point was that lawyers are/were needed in the process.

>> No.1189195

>tax it

As if that's a better solution.

>> No.1189193

Damn them with their fingers in all the pies.

>> No.1189223

Among the social sciences, I can tolerate political science (barely), history (relatively harmless, sometimes enjoyable), economics (ranges from enlightening to frustrating), and law (which is what many graduates in the previous three subjects move on to).

I'm sure one could argue that psychology holds worth, but I just feel like neuroscience has completely surpassed psych. Sorry.

I did not mention philosophy because it's a hit or miss subject. Most subjects are, but philosophy especially is. Graduates in philosophy are usually either pre-genius, pre-law, or pre-starbucks. Way too much volatility.

Everything else is, unfortunately, a waste of your time. However, there is a loophole...

If you LOVE a subject, you must study it. No exceptions.

Friendly advice from your local nuclear engineer.

>> No.1189235

forgot sociology

>> No.1189262

womens studies by a long shot
then art and music etc

>> No.1189276

There has to be a subject that does sociology's job better than sociology. Ecology, economics, systems science, I just feel like there's something better out there for someone interested in studying society.

Maybe I'm wrong, but the soc majors here at Berkeley, which is supposed to have excellent social sciences across the board, are rather disappointing individuals.

Assuming that all soc majors are like this would be fallacious, but I have a feeling the majority of people in the field just thought they would be studying social groups or something horribly abstract like that.

>> No.1189289

Depends what branch you are in. There's quantitative and qualitative. The former is more rigerous. The latter is more like journalism. They reinforce each other.

The main reason people dislike sociology is because they don't like to hear the things it has to say, like "racism exists" and "this is a patriachial society". Doesn't mean they're wrong.

>> No.1189297

That's reassuring, but something tells me the vast majority of soc students fall into the qualitative category. Hopefully graduates in the field are different.

>> No.1189307

Ah, well I come from the grad perspective. Sadly, it does seem qualitative is the dominant branch... I am in the quantitative. Bachelors in Math, doing grad in Sociology. Go figure.

>> No.1189337

That's good to hear. You bring a unique perspective to the discipline, one that you could certainly pass on to the undergrads you teach. It only takes one man to start a movement, so you could very well launch the discipline into a quantitative renaissance.

Maybe that's a bit grandiose, but you see my point.

>> No.1189340

Thanks for the encouragement. Most math-oriented people drift towards demographic work, but I am not too interested in it. I hope to pass the math/science on to others.


>> No.1189352

The main reason that people dislike sociology is because it is intellectually bankrupt idiocy. And part of the reason for that is because it says that politically correct nonsense. The entire field is just a giant circle-jerk of like-minded 'academics' where dissent is forbidden and the objective is to claim something with no real evidence, and then say that it proves whatever preconceived notion that the 'researcher' was trying to reinforce in the first place.

>> No.1189356

Go to bed. You've got school tomor...fucking summer.