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11891098 No.11891098 [Reply] [Original]

You read the title, if everyone followed this advice dentists would go jobless. What I am going to tell you will be the best dietary advice you will ever have. If you have a toothache then you should copypaste this and save as a text file.

This is derived from the weston a price diet plan which is very long but boils down to this in the most practical manner.

Drink raw milk and avoid phytic acid

How to store raw milk:
You would want to store in the freezer after buying a big bulk of 6 raw milk bottles. However upon taking it out of the freezer the probiotic bacteria would have died, so to fix this you would have a 1/8 filled raw milk bottle that is left outside to ferment and produce the bacteria so that when you take it out of the fridge you would “reinfect” it with probiotic bacteria.

If it “rots” it is actually safe to consume. The solids it produces is called kefir. It tastes like philadelphia cheese.

>> No.11891100

How to avoid phytic acid:
Phytic acid is found in nuts, grains, rice, seeds, beans and legumes. Basically anything that germinates when placed in the soil. This is classed as an antinutrient because it absorbs vitamins and doesn’t let your body absorb it. Phytic acid is soluble in water so your ancestors dealt with it by soaking it and washing it off. Why does sushi taste good? Because the japanese wash their rice before cooking it.

Another way of ridding phytic acid is by mildly pickling it. If phytic acid was in a bowl of water and you put a teaspoon of a mild acid into it (like lemon juice or vinegar). The phytic acid would break down after a minimum of 6 hours into phytase. This becomes more digestible. So if you put a teaspoon of vinegar into pancake mix, it would be phytic acid free 10 hours later.

Or say you don’t want to make your own pastry. If you go to your store you should choose the “gluten free” variety of food.

Vitamin supplements: avoid them. They do not work

A note on sugar consumption: It is your choice whether or not to consume it based on if it hurts your teeth.

Bonus: The goal of this diet is to increase vitamin intake but if you want a good nitro boost. Consume 2.5ml of blue ice fermented cod liver oil after every meal per day. Store it in a cool dark place.

Results: Not only will this heal your teeth but it will make you immune to other diseases as well. If you ate a really shitty diet and choose this, it will genuinely feel like getting high.

>> No.11891208

Is this why the mongols had healthy teeth while Chinese teeth at the time were crooked and rotten? They just ate only meat?

>> No.11891226

>just drink fucking poison milk straight out of the cow dude
I'd rather paying for a dentist.

>> No.11891246

Lmao enjoy your baby immune system and low quality bone/muscle density you wiener boy

>> No.11891269

Tbh given that orthodontics is a scam and you literally just need correct tongue posture lmao, this could very well be true.

>> No.11891278

>just fucking drink nothing but water and avoid anything not caught from Siberia

>> No.11891286

Only vegetarians/vegans need to worry about phytic acid's downsides. Also, what does cod liver oil have to do with teeth?

>> No.11891392

Wow, so much bullshit in one thread. OP, you did it. Retard if the week.

>> No.11891471

the real secret is to brush your fucking teeth. I have never had a cavity and in 20 years of living I have never flossed, only brushed twice a day. The dentist has even skipped scraping for me because there was no calcified shit to scrape off. it helps if you consume less sugar too, life in the US and most other western countries encourages way too much sugar consumption. even consuming tons of sugar as a kid I still never had issues though. dentists and regular checkups are necessary because people simply don't brush their teeth. dentists aren't scamming anyone. they clean your teeth spotless and get rid of all the calcified shit you cant just brush off, and then they tell you to brush your teeth and floss which is exactly the advice that would put dentists out of business if people just followed it.

>> No.11891487

OP here, I drank raw milk every day for a year.
This could have been you


>> No.11891496

Same. I brush twice a day and immediately rinse my mouth out/slosh with water after every meal. No cavities, teeth are fine. Dentists are for retards and sugar addicts

>> No.11891498

>This is derived from the weston a price diet plan which is very long but boils down to this in the most practical manner.
Crap. He visited groups of people for two days and thought he could surmise their entire diet, ignoring seasonal dietary changes. Phytic acid is only an issue if the diet is already lacking in minerals. The people he studied who supposedly had great teeth ate diets high in phytic acid.

>The phytic acid would break down after a minimum of 6 hours into phytase.
It's already bound to phosphorus. If we can't produce phytase ourselves, then it would remain bound to the phosphorus and pass right out the other end.

>> No.11891525

Doesn't change the fact the diet works

>> No.11891538

Which diet? He found many different diets, but invariably he found great teeth among the different groups of people. I'm skeptical about the oral health he observed, but let's say it's true, there's a lot of things these tribal people were doing differently from more modern societies. They were outside, getting sunlight, getting exercise, not taking antibiotics (which aren't inherently bad, but they can change the flora in the mouth and intestines), not inhaling polluted air, etc. Some ate a lot of meat, others grains, others beans...

>> No.11891544

What they ate was a diet that maximised vitamin intake, the weston a price diet plan.

>> No.11891595

this image is fucking disgusting

>> No.11891598

> it helps if you consume less sugar
Best advice ITT. I never had any problems since getting rid of my candy addiction. Xylitol helps too.

>> No.11891660

brushing damages your teeth. only very fine brushing is good. your teeth would be better if you didn't.

>> No.11891674

wrong. enamel is tough. plaque is not tough at all and can be removed by just going over your tooth with a cloth. Just use a soft bristled toothbrush like you are supposed to and don't push hard. most toothpastes have flouride in them now too (as does our water), which helps rebuild enamel, so you aren't losing any by brushing your teeth. just don't eat or drink for 30 minutes after brushing to let the flouride do its work.

>> No.11891675

Enamel is the hardest material in your body. Brushing damages gums, but not enamel unless your hulk-smashing the brush on your molars.

>> No.11891677

I'm not brushing my teeth like I scrub rust off metal dude.

>> No.11891678

>which helps rebuild enamel
Not really. It builds a flour apatite layer on your teeth which disappears after two seconds of chewing.

>> No.11892007

>poison milk straight out of the cow
this is your brain on american education

>> No.11892022

all my sources say you are wrong. flouride presence allows faster repair to damaged crystals in the enamel and the molecules including flouride are actually stronger than the other molecules in the enamel. if what you said was true then flouridated water supplies wouldn't have reduced cavity rates by 50%.

>> No.11892119

>all my sources say you are wrong
Doubt it. You didn't even post a single one.
>flouride presence allows faster repair to damaged crystals in the enamel
No, flourapatite fills the gaps where demineralization has already happened. Enamel is a different material
>the molecules including flouride are actually stronger than the other molecules in the enamel
Doesn't contradict what I said.
>if what you said was true then flouridated water supplies wouldn't have reduced cavity rates by 50%.
That does not contradict what I said. But still, first world countries stopped flouridating water. Do you know why?

>> No.11892260

>if what you said was true then flouridated water supplies wouldn't have reduced cavity rates by 50%
you got any source for that?

>> No.11893492

flouride works stupid schizos. its not just a layer that gets scraped off by bread.

>> No.11893543

What is best type of cow for milk?

>> No.11893698

>avoids the question
>posts no sources despite various claims
Yeah sure, we're the schizos here buddy.
One more chance: why have first world countries stopped putting fluoride in tap water?

>> No.11893723

>post source
>"Hey wheres your souce """buddy""""
neck yourself
>why did they stop
probably because teeth brushing and proper dental care became more common place and the benefits of flouide go down if your risk for cavities before flouride goes down. stupid schizo.

>> No.11893733

>poison milk straight out of the cow dude
Dirty fucking americans

>> No.11893791

>neck yourself
Fantastic argument. I'll consider it. May I remind you of your boasting >>11892022
>all my sources say you are wrong
all the while completely missing the point? And posting a super general "source" that says nothing about what was claimed?

>Exactly how fluoride helps protect teeth, and how much it protects them, however, isn't completely clear. Within the last 15 years, however, research has revealed that fluoride primarily works topically, such as when it applied to the teeth in fluoride-rich toothpaste.
>Scientists give mixed reviews to the claims. They say it is incorrect to say a toothpaste can strengthen enamel as it doesn't make teeth physically stronger against shearing forces—such as biting into a piece of popcorn.
Next time you portray your lack of reading comprehension, try not to swear at people before critically evaluating your own performance.

>> No.11893800

>doesn't make teeth physicall stronger against physical forces
you are the illiterate one you smoothbrain. I did not say it makes your teeth stronger against a hydraulic press. Flouride in enamel makes it more resistant to breakdown by the acids produced by the bacteria that cause tooth decay. Thats why flouride prevents tooth decay. stupid retard schizo. please neck yourself.

>> No.11893813

also your own sources answer your own question
>The change was recommended because most people in the United States have access to more sources of fluoride than they did when the guidelines were first put in place. "The adjustment in amount is more representative of the current needs of the population. Due to the increased use and accessibility of other fluoride sources (toothpaste, mouth rinse, etc.) and other improvements in oral health care, these new recommendations have been made," said Alice Lee, a pediatric dentist at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, New York.
flouride levels weren't decreased because it doesn't work. it was decreased because other flouride sources increased. please read your own material next time. I'm not going to bother replying to any other bullshit you say since clearly you can't read or think critically.

>> No.11893885

>you are the illiterate one you smoothbrain
Oh, okay. Hm, let's try to validate that claim
>the molecules including flouride are actually stronger than the other molecules in the enamel
Weird. Sounds like you're completely oblivious to what your own words were. But okay, it's me who's the schizo.

>also your own sources answer your own question
Yes, that's the point? The passage you quoted is only a part of the solution though. The other one is that fluoride in water nearly doesn't have any effect on dental health at all. I'm impressed you were able to read it though.
>flouride levels weren't decreased because it doesn't work
Oh, so you didn't read all of it. Okay then.
>I'm not going to bother replying to any other bullshit you say since clearly you can't read or think critically.
Phew, guess I'm in luck this time. I'm barely able to fend off your astonishing reasoning skills. That fierce, utterly unabashable sword of logic you drive right threw your victim's faults. The splendid rigor of your articulation.

>> No.11893902

its clear that you are just baiting at this point because you ignored all the substance of my post and obviously didn't read your own source still which made no conclusion on the issue whatsoever. "stronger" means more resistant to decay retard.

>> No.11893906

Are you the retard who "believes spacetime is flat" again? lmao, you have the same childish style as that guy.

>> No.11893916

wrong and cope.

>> No.11893917
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Sorry Anon, I addressed all your points. Feel free to quote any misses.
You're just too autistic to see your own mistakes or too retarded to admit you were wrong or worded things badly.
Instead, you resort to name-calling and "kys". I think >>>/b/ is suitable for you, because this place has some dignity left that you clearly do not deserve to be a part of.

>> No.11893943

if your posts are longer than mine than you are failing at baiting.

>> No.11893952

vitamin A will heal cavities

>> No.11893960

pro fluoride retards are the biggest idiots online

>> No.11893963

Isn't that backwards? Vitamin A has a role in decalcification, it's the Vitamin D that helps with recalcification.

>> No.11893972

sorry, its too late to try low effort bait. you already failed and I already explained why i'm right.

>> No.11893987

>doesn't know what cope means
Newfag. This makes me "believe" even more that it's you haha

>> No.11893992


>> No.11894019

May I remind you? >>11893813
>I'm not going to bother replying to any other bullshit you say
Don't be angry at me for failing basic reading comprehension. I'm not the other guy you lashed out at btw, I'm not anti-flouride.
I forgot to mention, first world countries didn't lower fluoride, they don't put it in their tap water at all. Something you also did not understand.
>Many European countries have rejected water fluoridation, including: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland,[59] Scotland,[60] Iceland, and Italy.[

>> No.11894036

>moving the goalposts
>pretending you thought flouride is good now

>> No.11894100

Show me a single post where I said it wasn't.
I even explicitly told you that you misunderstand that. Damn, your reading comprehension is below the board minimum. Impressive.

>> No.11894141


>> No.11894168

The fuck why wouldnt I just go to a store and buy kefir? No need to produce this shit at home

>> No.11894343

Make sure it is unpasteurised.

>> No.11894389

It IS you! How you doing? I thought you left this place after that embarrassment where you desperately created five threads to have people comfort you, but actually showing you how retarded you were.

>> No.11894396

ITT: Not a single person who can google the cause of caries.

>> No.11894422

I believed it was common knowledge that it's mostly caused by acidic metabolism end products of streptococcus mutans, fueled by carbohydrates with some rare exceptions like xylitol.

>> No.11894650

wrong. >>11893800 in this post I reference the fact that its acids produced by bacteria that caues cavities and that flouride is so good because it makes your teeth more resistant to this acid.

>> No.11894760

After spouting 10 posts worth of bullshit when you finally decided to read Wikipedia. Doesn't count.

>> No.11894800

it really doesn't matter, any would do.

>> No.11894821

wrong. I had read about cavities and flouride before I started posting, and all of my posts are truths. Flouride does more than produce a layer on top of your teeth that is scraped off by eating a bag of Lays. it not only speeds enamel repair but also strengthens the repaired portions against acids and decay. these are scientific facts and are undisputable.

>> No.11894831

Is this an /x/ thread that got lost?

>> No.11896164

>that is scraped off by eating a bag of Lays
I'm afraid you're really really wrong.
Look, the problem is that most studies reporting these amazing properties of flourapatite have tested it on non-natural material. The guys above have used the real thing. As the other sources I linked also said, fluorapatite is only a thin layer around teeth. In fact, only nanometer-scale thick.

Instead if this autistic screeching you just could have asked directly. Still waiting for your
>all my sources say you're wrong
delivery btw.

>> No.11896348
File: 8 KB, 184x274, pasteur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked my whole life perfecting an easy and inexpensive process to completely prevent bacteria-borne gastrointestinal infections that killed millions of people during my time.

I ushered in a scientific revolution that laid the groundwork for all of microbiology, molecular biology, and modern medicine. My work helped slay one of the four biblical horsemen of the apocalypse.

And yet here you are, on another modern marvel of technology, telling people to drink raw infected cow milk because you're too stupid and lazy to brush your teeth.

Fuck you OP, you fucking suck.

Sincerely, the ghost of Louis Pasteur

>> No.11896658

Dentist here. OP is a retard as most of you are guessing. Shortly, i will tell you what would make 90% of dentists go jobless if everyone used it: Waterpick

>> No.11896669
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>> No.11896680

What are the benefits over just brushing your teeth, or should it be used in conjunction with this? And since its just water, wouldnt it be more difficult to properly neutralise the acid produced by bacteria in your mouth as opposed to toothpaste?

>> No.11896864

I never brushed my teeth, eat candy all the time and I never had a cavity. Explain.

>> No.11896888

RE: Fluoride use, I can say anecdotally that when I moved to a city on the west coast and visited a dentist for the first time there, she knew that I was from a different city out east as my enamel was thicker and stronger than her typical patient (she correctly guessed that I was from a city that used fluoridated water and told me that people that grew up in this city all have weaker enamel due to non-fluoridated water). Fluoride may have negative health consequences on other fronts, but it is undoubtedly good for teeth.

>> No.11896976

your study doesn't even say how easily it comes off. it just said flouride apatite is depositied on the surface, which has been known and is the same thing I said, since it is only used in repairs to enamel, not to replace existing deeper enamel. flouride apatite is tough like enamel and doesn't come off easy.

>> No.11897115

ofc in conjunction with brusher. first u brush then you use waterpick
toothpaste and then water
your hidroxiapatite and dentin might be richer in calcium than the rest of human beings. Also time, the pH of your salive might be more alcaline aswell. your dietetic habits and the shape of your own teeth can also have something to do in that.

>> No.11897130

water picks are expensive memes and a ripoff. just brush and occasionally floss. flossing isn't that hard. no one has never needed a waterpik.

>> No.11897190

> dentistry

>> No.11897292

Dentists earn more than doctors and have a way less stresful job (thus more time to learn additional life skills). Dentists unironically cuck doctors lol

>> No.11897484

>your study doesn't even say how easily it comes off
Right. That's in the followup study. 2 seconds.
>flouride apatite is depositied on the surface, which has been known
>and is the same thing I said
Schizo. You denied my claim that it was. You changed your narrative multiple times when people called you out on your bullshit.
>is only used in repairs to enamel
It does not repair enamel.
>flouride apatite is tough like enamel and doesn't come off easy.
It does. Shall I link the study? I thought you were clever enough to find it yourself.

That said, there is something that can repair enamel. If I remember correctly, GSK has a patent on it.

>> No.11897494

>making shit up every line
you are way too obvious at this point. you think i'll take trust you to tell me what my arguments were? i know what my arguments were.

>> No.11897559

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11897601

To be fair, I trust Weston A. Price before I do most dentists. Have you read the book? OP might be reaching, but diet has a huge role in jaw development and bone formation/health. Not to mention the excellent teeth, the population researched by dr. Weston had.

>> No.11897785

People already pointed out where you said something different in older posts. So did I.
>avoiding the point again
2 seconds.

>> No.11897801

for people like you who struggle to read, I summarized my points in a 5 sentence posts here >>11894821
if 5 sentences are too much for you, you will be happy to know that you can skip the first two sentences as they are just a direct response to the previous post.

>> No.11897971

I already replied to the points you mentioned with three sources saying you're wrong.
Let me summarize:
>Flouride does more than produce a layer on top of your teeth
But in >>11896976
>just said flouride apatite is depositied on the surface, which has been known and is the same thing I said
So what is correct now?
Also in >>11894821
>it not only speeds enamel repair
It does not repair enamel. It fills gaps with a different material that is quite easily detachable mechanically. Easier than advertised at least.
Again: I'm not saying it's useless.
>strengthens the repaired portions against acids
It's not repaired, but the rest of this sentence is correct. Congratulations!

>> No.11897990

>only quoting parts of sentences to make me look like I said things I didn't
seriously, do you really have nothing to do this summer that you are going to spend two days spending this much effort on obvious bait? make friends or learn to code or something.

>> No.11898031
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Lame try. I quoted the posts in question for everyone to check. Took me two minutes max.
>avoiding all arguments
>you's trolling
Basically admitting defeat. I'm fine with that. Thanks for playing. Stay uninformed.
Seriously though, I highly recommend working on your reading comprehension. Also not to try to intimidate people with "all your sources" unless you can actually produce some.

>> No.11898057

>still no sources that actually conclude that flourapatite coming off from brushing your teeth
just kys already

>> No.11898137

It's literally at the bottom of the site I linked.
>ignoring all other points
Thanks for playing.

>> No.11898172

>still not a single source

>> No.11898173

My teeth are rotting out of my mouth like that image, what do I do, don't have a lot of money.

>> No.11898199

>can't scroll down
Your pathetic attempts at diverting from your failures isn't amusing to me anymore.
Remember when you said you wouldn't reply anymore?

>> No.11898210

>still no sources that actually conclude that flourapatite coming off from brushing your teeth

>> No.11898263

Follow the diet plan

>> No.11898529

Nobody claimed that.

>> No.11898534

Anonymous 07/13/20(Mon)18:16:00 No.11898210>>11898529

>still no sources that actually conclude that flourapatite coming off from brushing your teeth

>> No.11898562

My dad was told not to brush too soon after eating, because apparently brushing does wear on your enamel if there are acids involved. Don't know if they'd weaken it beforehand, or if it's leftover residue after having brushed that'd do it, but that's what he said.

>> No.11898569

I don't know about you, but we do have toothpaste.

>> No.11898571

thats dumb. you want to brush as soon after eating as possible so you can displace all the bacteria and sugar and plaque that will lead to acid and decay in the first place.

>> No.11898582

Makes perfect sense to me.

>> No.11899480

Yeah, acid enables erosion. I was told to wait an hour or even 1.5 hours so that saliva can neutralize acids. Especially after eating fruit.

That's the point. Fluoride in water does jack shit. Fluoride applied topically, as in using toothpaste whole brushing, fills small gaps in enamel with flourapatite.

>> No.11899488

you can rinse your mouth before brushing if you really think its better to let the acid and bacteria and sugar all sit on your teeth for an extended period of time instead of brushing them off.

>> No.11899521

yeah what is that all about? i remember reading something that you need to keep your tongue on the roof of the mouth to develop a healthy jaw, is this correct?

>> No.11899556

>get fluoridosis as a kid
>dentist says solution is more fluoride treatments
>it makes it worse
>this is a surprise to him
>next dentist doesn't believe anyone could have been that stupid

>Fluoride in water does jack shit.
Fluoride in water does something! It allows for disposal of waste material while pretending to do something positive for public health.

>> No.11899570

Indeed, Anon.
Fuck, that sounds horrible. Could the other dentist help alleviate the effects?

Anon, read a bit into the topic. Saliva neutralizes acids and there won't be a problem if your saliva is intact. The problem is bacteria in(!) plaque, which produce acid that your saliva can't reach. Waiting until brushing is perfectly fine. Acids from fruit etc soften your enamel and you will scrape it off.

>> No.11899580

>Could the other dentist help alleviate the effects?
Mine was mild so I just live with it and turn down extra fluoride. It's supposed to just be cosmetic (and potentially makes the teeth more resistant to decay), but it always made me self-conscious about smiling.

>> No.11899640 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 1109x1019, not death but right alongside it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My work helped slay one of the four biblical horsemen of the apocalypse.

>This statement during quarantine, all day - every day.

Bold words from a dead man, your work may have ended, but mine only continues.
t. Pestilence

>> No.11899654
File: 145 KB, 1109x1019, my patients usually pass out before they get to screamin' too much.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My work helped slay one of the four biblical horsemen of the apocalypse.

>Stated during quarantine, all day - every day.

Bold words from a dead man, your work may have ended, but mine only continues.

t. Pestilence

>> No.11899689

Vitamin C 1000milligrams with rose hips cured my overlapping gum problem I had for two weeks I seriously thought I was going to have to get an operation to cut the gum since it covered my molar so I ate one sided for about a week until it shrank back to normal....totally unexpected but it works on poor gums...you'll thank me later

>> No.11899958

The real trick dentists don't want you to know is DON'T EAT SUGAR.

As long as you cut out any sugary your teeth will be healthy. You can wash them once every two days and you will hardly get any caries

>> No.11899991

if toothpaste is so good for your teeth why dont archaeologists use it to clean fossils

>> No.11899997

They use it to clean other stuff, not fossils.

Next time you have some dirty jewelry or oxidized silver etc... use toothpaste to clean it up.

>> No.11899999

i havent brushed my teeth in 9 years

>> No.11900000


>> No.11900006


>> No.11900007

why would i want to put the shit that cleans dirty metals in my mouth , thats fucked .

how about we do an experiment: we have one set of teeth being scrubbed with toothpaste and a toothbrush for 10 years, then we have a regular set of teeth being washed with water for 10 years, and at the end we compare which one has degraded most.

>> No.11900013


>> No.11900021
File: 18 KB, 125x125, 1560709478165.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 now
>eating whatever the fuck I want, including a sizable amount of sweets
>never had tooth decay in my life
>don't even brush twice a day on all days
>although when I brush I'm very thorough with my electric toothbrush
Enjoy turning your entire life and diet on its head just to avoid something that I never have to consciously deal with.

>> No.11900037
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Oh lawdy wtf is going in in this thread?

>> No.11900040
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>> No.11900067
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>> No.11900071


>> No.11900084

My uncles a dentist and the truth is the most important thing to keep your teeth healthy is a healthy diet with little sugar. You could go years without brushing your teeth, and as long as your diet is good, then your teeth should be fine, although I wouldn't recommend it. And of course genetics plays a crucial role too.

>> No.11900131

Agree with this from experience.
Grandmother of a friend only sometimes scrapes her teeth with those miswak twigs and she's got perfect teeth. Some people just don't have streptococcus mutans in them.

>> No.11900209

Dentists can't literally be trusted with children...
Watch this:

>> No.11900302

Any actual source, fren? I already eat gluten free and I'm much better in general because I had a mild genetic intolerance, but removing all vegetable phosphorus?

>> No.11900448


>> No.11900500

Well if all of your food you eat is gluten free, you don’t need my advice.

>> No.11900532

Gotta love this thread

>> No.11900547

Raw milk tastes better and does not stick to the walls of your stomach.
You just have to find a fresh source.

>> No.11900673
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1420053874461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i like sugar you faggot

>> No.11901600

I like how you posted a picture of an ongoing dental procedure. The dentist probably just finished cleaning out the decayed tooth substance and is about to start filling the teeth.
I think people who dislike dentists need to grow up, the only person who can cause cavities is yourself.

>> No.11901655

A childhood friend of mine had a well and both he and his brother had these white streaks you get when there's much fluoride. Water treatment plants here usually have to purge some, since we've set a pretty low bar for maximum fluoride content and most of the west has pretty high natural concentrations.

I wouldn't dismiss it having some effects, obviously it's nowhere near the concentrations in something like toothpaste, but having a bunch of fluoride in the water and food would give your teeth a lot more time to absorb it. Then again, they both chugged diet coke by the litre, so it might just be that they made more room for the fluoride to fill in. Still, I hear it's common to have those kinds of spotty teeth in fluoride-rich areas, so I do think there's something to it. Not saying that fluiridated water's worth it, by any means, just speculating about the mechanism.

>> No.11901670

you know what else will effectively neutralize the acid? this amazing thing called water. i hope you at least rinse your mouth after eating sugary foods if you are so concerned about the acid. leaving the bacteria to sit in your mouth with the sugar so that they can consume it and multiply and colonize your teeth and produce acid can not be better than cleaning your filthy mouth out afterward.

>> No.11901701

Goddammit, learn to read you imbecile.
Saliva has a higher pH value than water (7.6 vs 7, inb4 no difference: it's a log scale) and is more effective against acids than water. Rinsing with water washes away the basic saliva, making the situation worse.
Saliva neutralizes the acids from food that directly soften the surface of your teeth, but it doesn't reach the bacteria which digest plaque (or rather the sugar in plaque). Hence, you wait until not all of the surface of your enamel is soft anymore, then brush away the plaque, robbing bacteria of their nutrients which would happen locally.
Do you understand this now? It doesn't make sense to water a single tree when the whole forest is on fire.

>> No.11901708

water dilutes and washes away the acid retard, and if you have plaque it will take a while for the saliva to penetrate it, making the situation worse as all that acid is held against your teeth for over an hour.

>> No.11901724

Or literally just brush your teeth.
>i never forget to brush my teeth or floss and still get cavities

>> No.11901727

Unless you're brushing your teeth with steel wool, you'll be fine.

>> No.11902115

how can i tell if i actually need my widom teeth removed or my dentist is just trying to jew me?
went in to get some cavities filled and he went on about wisdom teeth

>> No.11902145

He is jewing you, copy my post into a text file and follow the diet plan.

>> No.11902633
File: 121 KB, 723x563, 1547425307345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up you stupid piece of shit. Learn to read before writing anything on the internet again. You're a dumb little kid and annoying as fuck. Very likely IRL mentally retarded.

>> No.11902680

Based and poison milk pilled

>> No.11902710

>Drink raw milk

Stopped reading there.

>> No.11902718
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>Basically anything that germinates when placed in the soil. This is classed as an antinutrient because it absorbs vitamins and doesn’t let your body absorb it

Oh god Sv3rige found out about 4chan

>> No.11903112

well he's not wrong phytic acid is pretty much just found in seeds and binds to a bunch of minerals

>> No.11903323

ur mom

>> No.11903466

>have a 1/8 filled raw milk bottle that is left outside to ferment and produce the bacteria so that when you take it out of the fridge you would “reinfect” it with probiotic bacteria.
>If it “rots” it is actually safe to consume. The solids it produces is called kefir. It tastes like philadelphia cheese.
just buy real kefir crystals and put them in normal milk
no need to "rot" raw milk.

>> No.11903489

>Vitamin supplements: avoid them. They do not work
Source: my ass

>> No.11903497

they ate lots of animal fat as well as dairy

>> No.11903505


>> No.11903518

Here's the real redpill:

>Xylitol, conversely, is non-fermentable and does not feed acid-forming oral bacteria. Regular use of xylitol causes cavity-forming bacteria, most notably Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans), to starve and die off by as much as 73%, decreasing the level of acidic byproducts formed when bacteria ferment sugars.

>Because the bacteria in the mouth that are causing cavities are unable to digest xylitol, their growth is greatly reduced. The number of acid-producing bacteria may fall as much as 90%. No acid is formed because the pH of saliva and plaque does not fall. After taking xylitol, the bacteria do not stick well on the surface of the teeth and as a result, the amount of plaque decreases.


>> No.11903552

This. There's a palette of xylitol products available where I live, from simple chocolate up to jam and jelly, cocoa and toothpaste. It tastes fresh and has another great advantage over other types of sugar: your insulin won't spike.

>> No.11903577 [DELETED] 

Nope you just won the genetic lottery that’s all. I brush my teeth since the age 6 and I still have fucked up teeth. Nice anecdotal evidence though.

>> No.11903584

>>11891471 #
Nope you just won the genetic lottery that’s all. I brush my teeth since the age of 6 and I still have fucked up teeth. Nice anecdotal evidence though.

>> No.11903602

I would still not consume chocolate, jelly and jam.
They defeat the purpose as quote in this post: >>11903518
the bacteria would still feed on the rest of those products
the only thing that actually works is xylitol chewing gum and toothpaste.

>> No.11903985
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hey does it look like these wisdom teeth need removed?

>> No.11903989

>Enamel is the hardest material in your body
shouldn't bones be a lot tougher?

>> No.11904006

Not a dentist, but I'm pretty sure that's a no. Mine look worse and never needed removal. There might be an issue I'm not seeing though.
Fun fact: it seems removing wisdom teeth can decrease IQ, albeit slightly. There are other complications that made the dentist foundation of the US change their recommendation to keeping them in the jaw if possible.

>> No.11904011

>Fun fact: it seems removing wisdom teeth can decrease IQ, albeit slightly
how the hell does that work?
and my dentist said they did but i believe he just said that because money.
doesn't it seem like there almost out? seems to be room too

>> No.11904762

You probably have one huge tooth from all that plaque build up.

>> No.11905081

OP here. My teeth feel like dinner plates after taking them out of the dishwasher.

>> No.11905231

Based dentists

>> No.11906060

research dental tourism

>> No.11906070

but beware of the ones run by cartels as organ harvesting operations.

>> No.11906076

its because you perform worse on the IQ test after the teeth are removed because of pain in the muscles and ligaments of the jaw, holding your head doesn't feel the same way as before and it can cause strain in the posture you were used to using when taking tests and reading.

It has nothing to do with the brain, its just its harder to concentrate until you learn a better posture or take a painkiller.

>> No.11906099

Do you even need wisdom teeth out? My dentist has tried to get me too. But they have been fine and fit in my mouth perfectly they are fully grown never needed braces either.

>> No.11906104

I don't do any of this and I haven't been to the dentist since 2005 (and even then, that was only a checkup). My teeth are fine.

>> No.11906107

not unless they are causing some problems or you want to help out your dentist with saving for retirement

>> No.11906121

>It has nothing to do with the brain
Unfortunately, that's wrong. There are nerves very close to where wisdom teeth are positioned and they're sometimes slightly damaged after removal. Some people even get migraines after removal. I don't mean once.

>> No.11906178

Chocolate cow.

>> No.11906462

I accept your concession in full.

>> No.11906464
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Guys I'm too retarded to read all of this, does anybody think that if I blend some xylitol with some amorphical calcium tablets and mix it with a bit of coconut oil and inject that paste into my cavity every day could it magically heal itself?

>> No.11906496

how important is drinking water for dental health? my dentist said to chase every sugary drink with water and to swish around my mouth before swallowing. is he full of shit?

>> No.11906549

Anyone consider the health of the mouths' biome (ie good bacteria) as a factor?
Or introduction of a large amount of "bad" bacteria? Saliva, I think, is also a factor.

I only have personal experience as evidence, but I had a molar missing a good chunk and poor oral hygiene, for 3 years it was perfectly fine. Then ended up dating some one with some bad teeth, and about 4 months later my molar had rotted and cavities slowly spread to other teeth along the gums (presumably from kissing). After 9 years and some expensive dental work to repair everything, intensely improving oral hygiene and a low sugar diet, my teeth are still getting new cavities.


>> No.11906554
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>I'm incapable of understanding written word
>hence, other people are retarded

>> No.11906559

That's exactly what happens. Babies are born with a nearly sterile mouth. Kissing parents gives them bacteria, which then cause problems if the cocktail is favoring the bad ones.
Caries is the world's most wide-spread disease, contracted by kissing.

>> No.11906692

Barely brush teeth through early years/highschool. Get crazy amount of fillings probably have mercury poisoning at this point. Start brushing teeth and stop drinking soda havent had a cavity or dental issue in 15 years. Brushing works but avoiding acids is key.

>> No.11906994

This is essentially why xylitol works, the majority of bacteria that can metabolize it are low acid producers, so it shifts the oral flora into a direction that's less prone to causing cavities.

>> No.11907170


>> No.11907191

He's full of shit for not demonizing sugar altogether.

>> No.11908301


>> No.11910256

Neutral, third party observer here
You sir, are retarded.

You don't brush your teeth right after eating acidic foods as they do wear down your enamel.

No, rinsing with water doesn't work.

Retard alert!!

>> No.11910258

>t. actual retard who failed high school chemistry

>> No.11910563

Errr no, that would be you. Plus language classes.

>> No.11910577

yes, but most of people just dont have the ability or interest in doing it right.
water pick to floosing is what electric brusher to manual brusher is

>> No.11910591

This. Clean teeth do not get cavities.

>> No.11910601

>No, flourapatite fills the gaps where demineralization has already happened. Enamel is a different material

Enamel is hydroxyapatite: Ca5(PO4)3(OH)

Fluoridation turns it into fluorapatite: Ca5(PO4)3F

Fluorapatite is harder and more resistant against acids.

>> No.11910606

bones arent constantly smashing on each other

>> No.11910941


>Fluorapatite is harder
>more resistant against acids
Yes. But, since the layer is only nanometers thick, it's destroyed quickly.

>> No.11910963

>drinknig water after eating fruit bad goy just let all the concentrated acids sit on your teeth goy just come to the dentist and pay $1000 when you get a cavity

>> No.11910968

Again, learn to read you fucking IRL retard.

>> No.11910971

your enamel is made of hundreds of nanometer thick layers retard. flourapatite doesn't just come off like you retards think it does, or else flouride would not have such obvious empirical benefits that have been proven time and time again.

>> No.11910975

you can drink way more water than you can produce saliva. drink the water. it will wash away acids AND sugars.

>> No.11911101

Again, learn to read you absolute retard. You don't understand anything that was said.

>> No.11911115

>drinknig water after eating fruit bad goy just let all the concentrated acids sit on your teeth goy just come to the dentist and pay $1000 when you get a cavity

>> No.11911127

No anon, don't drink any water after eating sugary and acidic foods. just let it all sit there in your mouth. water is bad for your teeth. If you disagree with me its because you need to learn to read. should your teeth ever start hurting you can give me a call. I own a dentistry business and will give you the Anonymous discount!

>> No.11911133

>your enamel is made of hundreds of nanometer thick layers
>flourapatite doesn't just come off
It does. A study has shown that two seconds of chewing is enough to dissolve it.
>else flouride would not have such obvious empirical benefits
Those "empirical benefits" were not tested in real teeth. That is a systematic error and nullifies the results. Using the real material shows that the layer of fap is unbelievably thin and easily destroyed.
That doesn't mean fap doesn't help. As long as you don't chew after brushing, it protects you against the acids produced by the remaining bacteria.

>> No.11911136

>Those "empirical benefits" were not tested in real teeth.
absolute retard
>still not a single source that flourapatite comes off when eating some chunky peanut butter

>> No.11911139

You need to learn to read so you understand I did not say what you claim I said, retard. Stop being so full of yourself. Just admit you failed reading classes in special ed.

>> No.11911159

>still not a single source that flourapatite comes off when eating some chunky peanut butter
Because nobody claimed that. Work on your reading comprehension. You are an absolute embarrassment.

>> No.11911164

your study doesn't even say how easily it comes off. it just said flouride apatite is depositied on the surface, which has been known and is the same thing I said, since it is only used in repairs to enamel, not to replace existing deeper enamel. flouride apatite is tough like enamel and doesn't come off easy.

>> No.11911165

>herp a durr just let the sugar and acids sit in your mouth your pitiful amount of saliva that was clearly never equipped to deal with modern foods will totally cancel out the acids with its increased ph
Shut the fuck up retard. Rinse your mouth out with water. You don't have to neutralize shit if you RINSE YOUR FUCKING MOUTH

>> No.11911169
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>> No.11911173

imagine going through this much effort just to shitpost

>> No.11911177

I approve of this as the one kid in grade 1 who always had a water bottle cause I couldn't stand the nasty aftertaste that the Modern Diet™ gave me.

>> No.11911179

did you make it to grade 4 yet

>> No.11911187
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>> No.11911330

Which is contrary to what you said earlier. Source for how easy comes off is still at the bottom of that page.
You're still claiming I said things I didn't.

>> No.11911335

Nice! If you ever write a script that automatically hides posts with images that produce a certain md5, I need it.

>> No.11911339

i read the whole page and there is no source

>still no sources that actually conclude that flourapatite coming off from brushing your teeth
>still not a single source that flourapatite comes off when eating some chunky peanut butter
>still not a single source

>> No.11911345

>implying i ever contradicted myself this whole thread

>> No.11911354



Dumb fuck carnitards.

>> No.11911428

You did many many times, I quoted them many many times. You kept ignoring it, saying I was trolling. Just shows how immature you are.

I never claimed those things. You are an immature loser. Nobody likes you.
There are 28 sources at the bottom. I told you the study you're looking for is a follow-up study. So you only need to be clever about which one would be correct. I know you can't do it.

>> No.11911436

>has replied to me some 50 times
>STILL can't provide a single source for his claim

>> No.11911472


You are correct about dentistry being largely a scam. Your advice is sorely lacking.

All people need to realize is that their mouth is designed to be self-cleaning. Build up spit in your mouth, and it is nature's perfect mouthwash. Then, after swishing and gargling, you can swallow your own spit, which will help with your digestion.

>> No.11911672

Op here, saliva self-cleans your teeth when you give your body adequate nutrients.

>> No.11911688


>> No.11911700
File: 108 KB, 320x193, fractured cusp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if your filling fell off what is the optimal option? Pics semi-related, without the silver filling.

I was thinking of just using a dentist plyer(buying from ebay for $10) to remove the first molar.

>> No.11911705

have fun getting a dry socket.

>> No.11911720

Just follow the diet plan.

>> No.11911723

>paying for a dentist
do americans really?

>> No.11912143

just drink raw milk dude lol read the OP dumbass

>> No.11912146

oh they do.... they do....

>> No.11912156

>has ignored the obvious source 50 times
>still bitches about it
>proud of his inability to read

>> No.11912473
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Hey, don't do it, just go to a dentist, if your situation is similar to pic-related chances are you won't need to remove your precious 1st molar, look my pic-related for possibilities.
This would the least of his problems, though dry socket is one of the most painful symptoms out there, if he goes and removes his tooth by himself, ondontogenic infection would happen surely without proper desinfection.
At this stage no diet would help

>> No.11912857

what is raw miIk?

>> No.11912865

give it a few years, you wiII

t.retard who never brushed because never needed to now im sitting here wondering if my teeth are going to faII out at any moment.

>> No.11912897

You gonna be waiting a long ass time my dude. At one point my teeth actually did wore off and it was painful to the touch, this was when I researched natural cures to tooth decay and that was how I found my saviour Dr Weston A Price. The tooth healed natirally, because that was how effective the diet plan truly is that you are currently undermining.

I am OP

>> No.11913024

Sure. You have photos of your miraculous recovery, right?

>> No.11913069

>caries vaccine still suppressed
haha who would do that? hold back something world changing like that to keep worthless mouth mechanics still employed.

>> No.11913092

have you tried brushing your teeth regularly and thoroughly? maybe flossing too?

>> No.11913106

STFU you kike mouth mechanic.

>> No.11913112

>do americans really?

Even Europeans pay for a dentist you ignoramus. Dentistry is in many ways a cosmetic field. Only some emergency procedures (extractions..) are almost free, but if you want a filling or something fancy, you better pay.

>> No.11913117


>Stephen Barrett, writing on the Quackwatch website, dismissed holistic dentistry and much of Price's research, writing "Price made a whirlwind tour of primitive areas, examined the natives superficially, and jumped to simplistic conclusions. While extolling their health, he ignored their short life expectancy and high rates of infant mortality, endemic diseases, and malnutrition. While praising their diets for not producing cavities, he ignored the fact that malnourished people don't usually get many cavities." Barrett asserted that dental problems experienced by native peoples resulted from "abuse" of sweet, fatty, and salty food; exposure to new germs; inactivity; and alcoholism, and described Price's studies on bacterial leakage from root canals as "poorly designed".[29] The Foundation has written a rebuttal to Barrett's claims.[30] William T. Jarvis' article "The Myth of the Healthy Savage" states that his work on primitive diets is still widely sourced by dentists who emphasize nutrition, but argues that it had shortcomings that Price overlooked due to a steadfast ideologically motivated adherence to the notion that the modern diet led to physical degeneration.

>> No.11913145

ITT: people unaware "keep32" exists.

>> No.11913171

Actually it's the K2. OP is ignorant of a major recent development in the alternative health scene.
>Consume 2.5ml of blue ice fermented cod liver oil after every meal per day.
You're harming people with this advice.

>> No.11913212

I ruined a bit my teeth by smoking meth. Some of my gums receded a little, should I get a gum graft and can my teeth be saved? I stopped at the very early stage of meth mouth.

>> No.11913215

As long as you are not putting butter in the mixture and drinking raw milk with it you will be fine. Secondly Raw milk provides the k2 vitamin, I don’t see how this makes me ignorant of jeeping dental health.

>> No.11913320

Looks like they're fully grown in, if you have no pain in your jaw then I'd say you're fine. The only one that looks like it could even be marginally impacted is your third molar (upper right).

>> No.11913635

>has replied to me some 51 times
>STILL can't provide a single source for his claim

>> No.11913670

Somebody answer my retarded question!

>> No.11913695

Read OP

>> No.11913939

>replied even more often
>still proud of his analphabetism

>> No.11914917
File: 71 KB, 500x487, 1591991692516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I have been cavity free for a few years now, my secret is I use toothpaste & clean my toothbrush before I brush, rinse it with hydrogen peroxide, let it sit on the brush for a moment, rinse off peroxide with water and then apply paste & brush. Basically I don't put a festering germ pile into my mouth and I don't get cavities. Wierd right?

>> No.11914953

basically every ancient society took extra steps to prep beans and grains that removed anti nutrients

>> No.11915053

but I have no idea where to get raw milk

>> No.11915064

I'm referring to Grant Genereux' theory - https://ggenereux.blog/

>> No.11915071

Instead you could use a polyester toothbrush. Germs can't live on the bristles, which are much softer and nicer to brush with.

>> No.11915540

Use google maps. Just type “raw milk”.

>> No.11915573

no evidence flossing is benefitial

>> No.11915577

Ever wondered why your gums bleed regularly?

>> No.11915944

The mandibular nerve is purely sensory and if there’s any effect on IQ it’s probably some missing factor and a shitty correlation, not a cause.

>> No.11915952


>> No.11915964

are you projecting here? no I don't floss and no my gums do not bleed.

>> No.11916018

i'm a frenchfag and i drink raw farm milk pretty much every day lol. uht milk tastes like water in comparison. raw milk is digested better too.

>> No.11916312

>"Nice anecdotal evidence"
>Responds with anecdotal evidence.