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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11890476 No.11890476 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you not using masks anon, are you a brainlet?


>> No.11890559

The final redpill is that
>conformism correlates with IQ (proof: this thread)
>leftism correlates with IQ
>low testosterone correlates with IQ
>transgenderism correlates with IQ
>non-religiousity correlates with IQ
>hedonism correlates with IQ
In other words, s@ys are the most intelligent group on the planet.
/pol/tards are no different from the niggers they complain about. Both have a masculinist and warrior culture which celebrates rebellion and non-conformity. In other words: Low IQ.

>> No.11890564


>> No.11890570
File: 13 KB, 203x248, blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stupid pathetic right-wing people are low low IQ
>low IQ is baaaaad
>but that's actually ableist
leftism.exe stopped working

>> No.11890585

being low IQ isn't bad, but wishing violence and inequity against innocent people is bad. that's why people hate you.

>> No.11890595

But we don't hate you. We are trying to help you by getting rid of your barbaric culture. We are doing the same thing with blacks but just like them you are resisting and being stubborn. Just let us civilise you already.

>> No.11890596

Liberals... when you bitch and moan about IQ being pseudo-scientific, and then try to use it to shame people into following certain policies, you look stupid.

>> No.11890599

It's funny because leftists will claim that IQ is a rootless concept meant to solely discriminate minorities and other ethnic groups while simultaneously parade around studies like these and act as though they are smarter than right wing folk.

>> No.11890600

>Just let us civilise you already
Sorry. I don't want to be castrated.

>> No.11890602

I agree, Democrats clearly deserve to be hated.

>> No.11890612

The joke is that in your supposedly ideal society that practices eugenics, leftists would be at the top while right-wing meatheads at the buttom.

>> No.11890618
File: 351 KB, 501x474, 1593316235726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ has nothing to do with intelligence.
Conformity has everything to do with intelligence.

>> No.11890622

>I don't want to be castrated
You should though. Testosterone is a neurotoxin.

>> No.11890628

You’re gonna have to make me, trannie.

>> No.11890636


>> No.11890653

Because the virus persists in droplets of 6 to 8 nanometers and no one wears correctly rated masks making the practices entirely pointless for the majority of population and nothing more than a social indicator of bootlicking. I do wear my schizo 3m with proper rating the few times I do go out.

>> No.11890655
File: 724 KB, 3840x2160, nasa-the-grand-tour-wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social distancing
>Why won't you wear the face diaper?
You urbanites are all the same. You're oversocialized and can't stop yourselves from rubbing all over each other every minute of the day. The rural people you mock have social distancing down and have been doing it all their lives. It's you city morons who can't properly social distance and then demand everyone wear a mask to obfuscate your inability to distance properly. It's your emotional need to dry hump each other constantly that's the problem. OP, you can't even read and comprehend words properly. Get out of the city. Stop rubbing up against everyone and give everyone their personal space. Then you won't feel the need to wear the face diaper placebo.

>> No.11890691

That's funny. In your ideal society, the committee of public safety will be operated by radical extremists - the very people whom the left aims to destroy - and will indiscriminately kill you and I for not being dedicated enough to the cause. Quite ironic, huh?

>> No.11890708

>Because the virus persists in droplets of 6 to 8 nanometers and no one wears correctly rated masks
Masks have the capability of stopping particles far smaller than their pore size, provided they're actually worn over the nose and mouth (which is another issue). Plus aerosols become smaller due to evaporation as they linger in the air, meaning it's beneficial to catch them coming out of a person's mouth rather than after they've been lingering in the air and becoming smaller.

Of course having properly rated masks for everyone would be nice, but since that won't be a reality any time in the near future, a surgical mask or decent homemade mask is better than nothing.

>> No.11891003
File: 85 KB, 1400x979, Coronavirus Masks Sex Party Education.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11891014

I've been ignoring it because I'm not old, fat, or unhealthy

>> No.11892515


>> No.11892525

I’m wearing a mask but I’m aware that in this isolation-fueled state of paranoia, I’m living in an information vacuum (or an information DDOS, which amounts to the same thing) so it’s essentially Pascal’s wager.

>> No.11892531

They keep misusing that word

>> No.11892570

IQ correlates with probability of being libertarian.

>> No.11892633
File: 69 KB, 960x960, 50A55369-0DDC-4038-8C76-9283C7AE36FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fashion board
>all the threads are about consooom and anorexia
>fitness board
>all of the threads are about steroids and narcissistic autophilia
>tech board
>threads are all about consooom and arguments over which OS is better
>science board
>threads devolve into fights about race and IQ
What is it about this place that encourages the most pathologically unhealthy approach to any topic?
Is it just the anonymity? (Scientifically speaking)

>> No.11892832


>> No.11893009

i think its gotta be the anonymity, since its the one thing that separates 4channel from other social media sites

>music board
>every thread is either about cooming to popstars or seething about trans people

>paranormal board
>exclusively discusses schizo delusions

>politics board
>scared of people with different skin tone

>> No.11894275

I don't think so, in an anprim society the strongest and most able to survive conflict and danger would reproduce, the weaker cerebral types would likely be subjugated or killed

>> No.11894721

Nazi leadership had an extremly high IQ on average.

>> No.11894726

>are you a brainlet?
Yes, I'm still using a mask though.

>> No.11894755
File: 16 KB, 418x400, 1593376139165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he thinks it's about IQ

This isn't about IQ. It's about naive people who are so desperate not to admit the man upstairs of being incompetent that they rather risk illness and death. You can't help the unwilling.

>> No.11894911

how can you call trump incompetent for not wearing a mask or social distancing when he still doesn't have coronavirus?

>> No.11894963

i bet you think putting bollards in the middle of the freeway would let people pass right through too, fucking retard

>> No.11894966

It's a shame you dumb ape faggots couldn't win the war

>> No.11894969

>has poor trigger discipline
>doesn't shoot themselves through luck
ah yes, being competent.

>> No.11894999

Do you think the secret service didn't also consider the risk of the virus? That's literally their job. Trump's moves were calculated.

>> No.11895063

nonconformist is high IQ

>> No.11895067

Ten identical IQ threads.

>> No.11895106

All the blacks I've seen have been masked though.

>> No.11895122

its summer. if you have been here for more than 3-6 months you'd understand that this has been an annual period of torment for years.

>> No.11896532

Moving Goalpost fallacy

>> No.11896580

Can confirm. All the low iq shitskins in melb have caused a second wave with their lack of corona awareness

>> No.11896581

Multivaried equation. Republicans are more likely to live in rural areas, where a mask is not that necessary, since they can hold distance easier.
Masks are pretty ineffective compared to social distancing anyways tbhfamalam. Maybe the big brained reps know this?

>> No.11896657

>while simultaneously parade around studies like these

>> No.11897033

The true brainlets are those who think they are invincible now because they're wearing a simple cloth in front of their mouth. A high IQ interlectual like me is wearing a full face 3M mask with P3 filters.

>> No.11897124

Whole world fights against half of europe, and half of europe almost won.

>> No.11897144

It would if they were driving a motorcycle. If bacteria is a 18 wheeler, a virus isn't even a motorcycle, it's a unicycle ridden by a snake. It'll easily pass through the bollards.

>> No.11897293
File: 236 KB, 256x182, clapping.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is misleading, and obviously biased. The predictions based on working memory (NOT IQ) according to the data would be correct ~57% of the time while other factors such as depression, extroversion, and age are shown to be more reliable being ~70%, 92%, and 61% accurate respectively. Of the 12 factors recorded, WM was the third least accurate, after gender (being shown to be 50/50) and "neuroticism".
You and the author are both faggots, kill yourself.

>> No.11897415

And all the black people I've seen either didn't wear them, or wore them improperly. What're you going to do now that my useless anecdote has cancelled out yours?

>> No.11897592

exactly. they knew how to manipulate the brainlets.

>> No.11897684

Okay Jacob. See you in church.

>> No.11897793

>The predictions based on working memory (NOT IQ)
Retard. WM is a subset of IQ and because intelligence is general, then it most likely correlates with other subsets.