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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11872244 No.11872244 [Reply] [Original]

when I was little I got diagnosed with autism and had speech therapy for 1 year in preschool, then after I went to a public school I gradually became very very gifted in math and reading.

I became a top student at my school with the best grades, the highest scores, the highest IQ of 141 and I was a strong reader compared to neurotypical peers.

neurotypicals would read less and had lots of difficulty with math.

I got an application for the gifted program and continued to progress until age 16 when I developed full blown terminal dementia.

I rushed to the emergency room in search of answers but the doctors just told me it was autism and i didnt believe it.

well apparently some forms of autism are lethal and cause terminal dementia that makes children regress and lose the ability to read.

despite my dementia I am still studying at a college level I study chemistry and biology and do much better than other college students.

I would often get the best test scores in the class despite actually dying from a form of terminal autism.

my sister told me that if i didnt have autism then I would already be a genius in physics and math.

my IQ is already 137 but if it weren't for my terminal autism it might even be 180 or unmeasurable.

>> No.11872261

its too bad that the doctors don't have a cure i'm going to die like an idiot.

>> No.11872355

Scold your parents for giving you vaccines

>> No.11872380

I’m dying nobody knows why they said it was disintegrating autism Heller syndrome.

Parents are now nazis trying to kill me

Only hope is my neurologist wants to do an exome sequencing to find my disease and try to cure it so i don’t die like a nigga...

>> No.11872453

>might even be 180 or unmeasureable
Sure there's not some NPD in that autism as well, anon?

>> No.11873730

how is it possible that im dying from what apperas to be hellers syndrome and I am outperforming neurotypicals in college classes.

most people with hellers syndrome cant even read a chapter book from the third grade but i am studying chemistry and biology in college.

>> No.11873758

>Terminal autism dementia
What tf kind of LARP is even this? It's neither engaging, dissing or believable, but a half baked poor excuse of a story.

Sorry OP, 1/10 your autism is literally in the way.

>> No.11873955

im dying im going to get an emergency MRI today

and blood tests, and a holter monitor

>> No.11874133

What is the point of this blog post?

You absolutely have autism.

>> No.11874139

Sorry, you're actually just a schizo. Get on benzos.


>> No.11874282

They teach retards like me about isentropic flow, if you were so smart you might learn something useful.

>> No.11874494

OP here Im going to get my MRI now be back with results hopefully if I can get a copy of the DICOM files

>> No.11874496

I will post my MRI probably tonight if I can get a hold of a CD player for my macbook

>> No.11874850

If you actually have a terminal illness why dont you go do something fun, there is no point studying if you dont get a chance ot use it.

>> No.11874873

Because I spend all my time fighting the illness and I am all on my own.

I have been losing consciousness on s daily basis and my family wants to euthanize me.

>> No.11874936

If this is true this would be a tragedy, really.

Check your gut microbiome for gut infections

And check the effect of alkaline/acidic water on the gut microbiome, fasting and different probiotics. Make sure you’re not deficient in any vitamin/mineral

>> No.11874972

I totally believe you

Now kys retard

>> No.11875040
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No suicide is gay and I’m not chicken

>> No.11875051

Is there a name for your condition besides terminal autism

>> No.11875053

But you are gay too autistic retard

>hurr durr my family wants to kill me
>hurr durr my brain wants me to become what I’ve always been: retarded

No shit

>> No.11876218

>Check your gut microbiome for gut infections
How do you do that?

>> No.11876248
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Ha ha I’m better than you...

Most people with dementia can’t even... they are completely gay and everyone spoon feeds them and reads books to them before bed.

If you truly believe your stronger than me please go find mad cow disease eat it and then come back and challenge my status as the

alpha brain damage lord of the universe

Suck my dick and you’ll get infected with mad cow disease and then die like dumb ass... lmao

>> No.11876252

What if someone sucked your dick and it gave them dementia because you have prions?

>> No.11876255

Use your IQ to find a cure?

>> No.11876264

My parents won’t pay for any tests that aren’t covered by insurance

Neurologist wanted to do a genome sequence

Should I schedule a genome sequencing without my parents consent it’s 15k if the insurance doesn’t cover it

>> No.11876275
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>it’s 15k

I thought it was very cheap now

>> No.11876279

Doctors won’t accept tests outside of the hospital

>> No.11876284

>terminal dementia
That doesn't fucking exist
>I rushed to the emergency room in search of answers but the doctors just told me it was autism and i didnt believe it.
They didn't tell you that.

You might be mentally ill, but the problem isn't any of the things you mentioned. Take your meds, unbased schizo.

>> No.11876286

I will request tests and my parents will just have to deal with the bill they are loaded anyways both make 120k

>> No.11876290
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SMD you will contract a prion disease and die from dementia onions boy

>> No.11876304

OP, I think you have schizophrenia.

>> No.11876331

SMD and then die from prions.

>> No.11876351

OP, I didn't say that to be rude. I really think there's a good chance that you have schizophrenia.
Afaik, peoples' IQ doesn't just keep increasing as they get older.
If your IQ went down from 141 to 138 that's barely a significant enough drop to even mean anything. Isn't that well within the range of variation for how we'll you might do on the day of a test?
You've also mentioned that your parents are trying to kill you. Your parents probably aren't trying to kill you. That's a pretty rare situation, and presumably they would have already done so were that the case.
I think that, looking at these two examples of your thinking together, the likelier conclusion is that you have schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia also often develops in people from their late teens to mid 20s. Which I'm guessing is your age range.
I think finding a medical treatment, whether that be calming down your immune system so it isn't attacking your brain, or some kind of pharmaceutical that helps in that way, would be a good idea. The best way to get that would be to go to a general practitioner and ask for a referral to a psychiatrist.

>> No.11876363

Schizophrenia is not the same as s disease that requires monthly blood tests, MRIs,EEGs, tilt table testing and cardiologists.

My doctors have confirmed I’m terminally ill with a neurological disease not delusional.

If you think I’m delusional you should SMD in order to know for certain I don’t have a prion disease or not.

I’m out you guys are tards and need mandatory sterilization to remove your trashy IQ genes

>> No.11876377

If you genuinely think my symptoms fit the profile for schizophrenia you need to be sterilized and removed from the gene pool.

Otherwise If you are intentionally making a false accusation of schizophrenia again you should just be sterilized and removed from the gene pool for encouraging medical malpractice

So either way you need to be castrated.

>> No.11876383

Your either encouraging a misdiagnosis and encouraging illegal medical malpractice or you are just an idiot with a very strong conviction about mental illness

Either way you need to sterilized...

>> No.11878029

I just realize I’m dying from terminal dementia following my 16th birthday and everyone thinks it’s a delusion.

>> No.11878042

Almost black comedy

>> No.11878052

Are you sure they aren't getting retarded from pills they are given?

>> No.11878080

What makes it so funny is that you've deluded yourself into thinking you have a disorder which leads to self-delusion.

>> No.11878113
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My doctors confirmed it’s real and I need to get extensive testing

If you don’t believe it you need to be sterilized because I have evidence

>> No.11878124

I will need to shoot your balls off in order to prevent future medical malpractice being perpetrated by your descendants.

Because you are genetically predisposed to encourage medical malpractice

>> No.11878147

I am a genius with profound contributions to virtually every field of human knowledge already worked out in my head.
The only thing left would be to physically write them down for posterity.
But I am tragically dying of tuberculosis and do not have enough time so they will all die with me.
When my flame flickers out, the world will know darkness forever.

>> No.11878234
File: 147 KB, 500x750, 0184CE51-351A-4848-BA36-40AAFE7855E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao the candle which burns twice as brightly burns for half as long

>> No.11878256

Funny how it's usually the people who think they're the smartest who achieve nothing. You're lucky, if you lived to 80 you'd spend half a century working behind the register at Walgreens wondering where it all went so wrong.

>> No.11878268

Actually I would spend half a century cooming in my basement to my laptop screen.
And it would be half a century well-spent.

>> No.11878273

Ok so first you were mentally retarded and now you got tuberculosis too

I’d want to kill my annoying retarded kid too

>> No.11878348
File: 55 KB, 625x351, 2bdf7b17717ec92e243ef04e6d9765c8f6058d549d3669168fd09082faa3e2bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr 4chins at your service, you came to the right place. There isn't anyone with a better cultivated wealth of knowledge of scientific shitposts and anecdotes. I can say without a degree of uncertainty that you are troubled only psychologically, not physically. It is a simple mind over matter game. Quit letting it control you. You need to grab your brain by the horns and h-h-Hump it into submission!! Track your thoughts, write them down as they come, write down others reactions of you and your words, see what is positive and what is demented and stop your next demented thoughts before they arise. Ingrain in your brain that these thoughts are not allowed. This will take time my grasshopper, but it is the way to save yourself.

You must do this and become the world's first 250 IQ person. This was your destiny, do not let Lucifer win!

>> No.11878359

Don't be a faggot, just record your drunken ramblings on YouTube. We'll sort then out later.

I hope it's like a drunk comedy sketch where you trail off in the middle of a topic and then start an entirely new one, and then get back to the original one 3 hours later exactly where you left off

>> No.11878377

I would tragically coof the entire time, with dark bags under my eyes, and look hauntingly into the camera.
You wouldn't be able to comprehend the true extent of what I say, but my gaze would remain with you for the rest of your life.