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11874967 No.11874967[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, is there an actual valid reason for not pumping these girls or is muh emotion the determining factor?

>> No.11874986

Is morals and ethic

>> No.11874988

You have to be over 10 years old to use this website.

>> No.11874994

Yes, it's illegal and would net you much trouble.

>> No.11874995

Dude I mean this from the bottom of my heart. Have sex.
Morals and ethics are literally
>muh emotions

>> No.11875004

rules exist for a reason, to strengthen the whole. do a cost benefit analysis if you want to break rules.

>> No.11875007

Why is it illegal to have sex with post-pubescent, ovulating females?

>> No.11875009

how old are they? optimal birth outcomes for western women iirc are found around 17-21 years old. younger than that and I would be worried about the gluteofemoral fat stores, hip width, strength of vaginal support structures, the nurturing capacity of an adolescent mother

>> No.11875044

Only little kids write "pumping".

>> No.11875049

Cool story bro. Have sex.

>> No.11875153

what's "pumping"? As in making their breasts bigger by giving them hormones? raping them? having sex with them? did you misspell "pimping"?

>> No.11875180

pump verb
pumped; pumping; pumps

Definition of pump (Entry 2 of 3)

intransitive verb
1 : to work a pump : raise or move a fluid with a pump
2 : to exert oneself to pump or as if to pump something
3 : to move in a manner that resembles the action of a pump handle

>> No.11875190

what pronoun

Definition of what (Entry 1 of 3)

1 : what
2 : wut
3 : wat

>> No.11875195

>move a fluid with a pump
>exert oneself to pump something
fucking them

>> No.11875196

quoted myself like an autist

>> No.11875198

Did you mean "fuck them" as in "ignore them" or "fucking them" as in "I want to have sex with them"?

>> No.11875200

I'm not an expert but I believe that, technically speaking, any time you break the law that is illegal.

>> No.11875205

Inserting an erect phallus into their vaginal cavity and thrusting it forwards and backwards until orgasm is achieved.

>> No.11875209

Okay, now that that's clear, I want to say that a valid reason is this is a photograph and its almost impossible to identify them/meet them and thus "pumping them" is almost a futile effort.

>> No.11875221

>having sex with post-pubescent females is against the law
>nobody in america ever questions why
I thought you guys were all about liberty.

>> No.11875228

Liberty that preserves property, religious and intellectual freedom, and the right to pursue a good life. You trying to fuck some guys 15 year old daughter plying her with drugs and alcohol isn't preserving his or his families happiness.

>> No.11875237

>You trying to fuck some guys 15 year old daughter plying her with drugs and alcohol isn't preserving his or his families happiness.
Strange then how fathers had no problem with giving their daughters to other men for marriage for tens of thousands of years.

>> No.11875239
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>implying you'll ever have sex yourself

>> No.11875257

>n-no u-u
>anime picture
Have sex bro it's not difficult.

>> No.11875262

You're asking about American age of consent laws friend.

>> No.11875266

Nope. Its only illegal when there's a legal law. There can be illegal laws as well as legal laws.

>> No.11875281

> There can be illegal laws
What's the definition for those?

>> No.11875284

The age of consent in America used to be 10.

>> No.11875302

Because 90% of the population were dead by 20.

>> No.11875305

Laws that are passed without proper checks/balances. Laws that public finds is inhumans/unfair/unjust/etc. That's that are passed beyond the scope/jurisdiction of the lawmakers. etc. Those usually don't happen with stable governments, but can happen in instances of insanity.

>> No.11875312

This is a science board so I'm going to assume you're shitposting and not retarded.

>> No.11875314

Why do you think AOC laws changed? why do you think some cultures practice child marriage and in others like Victorian England the average age of marriage was early 20's? Is it because they are denying you cunny and its a a conspiracy by old hags against virile chad stallions like yourself? What is a rational explanation for this? Me personally I would fucking kill you if you touched my daughter prior to age 15 but I don't think the state has the right to do much about it either way and don't care if you're a low iq pedophile desu.

>> No.11875320


>> No.11875339

Of course it's an exaggeration but not by as much as you'd think. iirc in the 1800's average life expectancy was around 40, hall of all children died before becoming adults and something like 2% of women died during child birth. Throughout history women were expected to marry young and have as many kids as possible to basically beat those odds.

>> No.11875342

You seem upset.
The Campaign to Raise the Age of Consent, 1885-1914. You can read at your own leisure it sources everything and is from a feminist website championing the work females have done in social movements in the US so while it is biased it isn't biased in your seething expectations.
>I would fucking kill you
I doubt that anon you'd tweet your displeasure angrily. You still haven't explained why fathers happily married their daughters aged 12-18 off for tens of thousands of years.

>> No.11875346

>half of all children died before becoming adults
That's why average life expectacy is low. If you lived to 18 you would on average live just about as long as people do now, giving a few years for medical advancement.

>> No.11875359

>you seem upset
I'm not, you're a pedophile shitting up the board with "just asking questions" pathological narcissism and I'm just responding to what you're asking directly.
>You can read at your own leisure it sources everything and is from a feminist website championing the work females have done in social movements in the US so while it is biased it isn't biased in your seething expectations.
So, we've found one possible explanation. Now why is the average age of menarche so late during that period and why was the avg age of marriage so late in England roughly around that time period versus say in Saudi Arabia during most of history? I was curious if you'd thought about
>I doubt that anon you'd tweet your displeasure angrily. You still haven't explained why fathers happily married their daughters aged 12-18 off for tens of thousands of years.
Yes and in some circumstances they did not, you also can't impregnate a girl until first blood so I don't even know what you're getting at. You want to fuck infertile children for what reason?

>> No.11875367
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Partially true but even if you survived until 18 you were more likely than not still expected to be dead by 40.

>> No.11875371

Unwed mothers and young mothers(even wed if husband is young) are socially undesirable. As they reduce the chances of successful rearing of children, without being a drain on the social group. So social norms have evolved to only support wed mothers to a husband that can support his family on his own. Very young and you risk losing the mother up to child birth. Which wastes the resources the social group put into rearing that female to maturity. So it could continue on the genetic and cultural lines of the group.

Now in a industrial world with female civic franchise. Women will use their franchise to use state violence to dedicate social group resources to them and their bastard spawn. Though they still discourage younger women from being on the sex market. As they would reduce the value of the older women.

>> No.11875375

>muh pedo
Science board anon. Pedophiles aren't interested in females who have gone through puberty.
>why is the average age of marriage in one of the most puritanical societies to ever exist so high
I wonder.
>fuck infertile children
Anon what age do you think females start ovulating at?

>> No.11875388

>Anon what age do you think females start ovulating at?
During the late 19th century and early 20th in NW and N Europe it appears to have been 15-17 years of age which is also the AOC in most states in America and I have even said I wouldn't really care if an adult male wanted to date and/or marry my 15 year old daughter you fucking nigger.
>fucking 13 year olds isn't pedophilila

You are ignoring the fact that late menarche and late marriage seem to go together at least before urbanization, the reverse is happening now which is also quite interesting I think.

You're met with disgust and heavy resistance because you people jerk off to hentai of 12 year olds being railed by middle aged men and covet the bodies of what pubescent retards that can barely drive a car or manage a savings account.

>> No.11875409

>fucking post pubescent females isn't pedophilia
It isn't and I'm sorry you've been brainwashed into having such an emotional reaction to a statement of fact.
The average age of menarche in human history is 13.

>> No.11875411
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>another pedo-thread, trying to justify this sickness using "muh science"
Why don't you faggots stay on /b/ or wherever the fuck you came from, and leave this board alone?!

>> No.11875416

>the average age of human menarche
no on fucking knows the average age of human menarche. We know from studies done on european girls that it was in the late teens at the end of the enlgihtenment but can't really know what it must have been prior to mass collection of biometric data.

>> No.11875418

>reddit frog
>greentext with quotation marks
>muh /b/

>> No.11875420

It's weird and sad. If the pedos are so adamant they aren't in the wrong why do they always feel the need to try and justify themselves.

>> No.11875429

Do you genuinely think cultures as varied as the Ancient Egyptians to 19th century American settlers didn't write and keep records about this shit anon? People in the past weren't mouthbreathing retards just because they didn't have Netflix and iPhones.

>> No.11875434

everything you wrote in you faggy green-text was wrong, my cumbrain pedo

>> No.11875436

Anon this is going to shock you but for 99.99% of human history literally nobody had a problem with fucking 14 year olds. It's (You) who tries and fails to justify your puritanical ban on nature.

>> No.11875440

Whatever you say reddit-boi.

>> No.11875442

I don't open http links
a pedo like you who hides behind 10 proxy and vpn should know these basic things

>> No.11875444

> Human did it in the past so it must be okay.
Is that really your argument? kek

>> No.11875445

but anon, it’s 2020, this is the peak of morality of all human history. We are living in the most progressive and most correct era.

>> No.11875446

They don't even fucking try to hide anymore.
>it's a Reddit pretends girls only become attractive at the strike of midnight on their eighteenth birthday thread
Why do you faggots lie so hard to yourselves?

>> No.11875449

>for 99.99% of human history literally nobody had a problem with fucking 14 year olds
absolute bullshit

>> No.11875450

>I don't open http links
I'd love to hear your excuse for this.

>> No.11875453

>everyone who ever lived but me is stupid
oh no

>> No.11875454

as opposed to your argument that it’s not normal in modern times. No, the argument is that men are naturally attracted to pubescent girls, and that modern society conditions men into thinking otherwise. Nowadays women are supposed to be like men and get jobs and be equal, so age differences are done away with and girls are supposed to grow up and get jobs rather than focus on becoming a mother. It’s no wonder divorce rates are so high

>> No.11875456

>absolute bullshit
Nigger Elvis was dating his wife when she was 14.

>> No.11875457

HTTP Security Considerations:


>> No.11875462

You're not important enough for anybody to care what you do online anon.

>> No.11875469

>Elvis' life = 99.99% of human history
thank you anon
I learned something new today

>> No.11875471

Utterly wrong. Historic age of consent has reflected the traditions, religion, culture, life expectancy, mortality rates and even affluence of a particular society or country. It had nothing to do with all men being attracted to pubescent girls, it has been proven the vast majority of men are not. Those that admit to be are in the similar fetish group as those that love granny porn.

>> No.11875475

>it has been proven the vast majority of men are not.
who’s gonna tell him

>> No.11875477

You tried to claim it was bullshit and I gave you an example of the most famous man on Earth at the time openly doing it less than 80 years ago. Nobody cared.

>> No.11875478

what age should you vaccinate children for HPV?

>> No.11875481

>it has been proven
Link proof.

>> No.11875490
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Kill yourself kike. Morality is more fundamental than sentiments. Go Epstein'd yourself or flee to Israel like you pedos always do.

>> No.11875491

I still claim it's bullshit, because it's very bold statement:
>for 99.99% of human history literally nobody had a problem with fucking 14 year olds

Elvis doesn't prove anything, one wealthy celebrity with powerful connections doing things that an average person wouldn't do

>> No.11875494

I don't know anon. What age can children get HPV?

>> No.11875499

as young as possible that doesn't threaten health
to my understanding, younger teens produce far more antibodies than older teens, which is why younger is preferred from a protection standpoint. It also costs more to get it done later, as you need more shots for the same level of protection - two doses for those 12 and below, three doses needed for those in later teens

>> No.11875500

>the age of consent was 12 but people were really upset if you fucked a 14 year old
Use your brain anon you're trying to claim modern society would be assmad at 20 year olds having sex.

>> No.11875506

Nigger the last test on this using penile plethysmograph and images of girls shown to men without revealing their ages found men were getting aroused the most for 10-16 year olds.

>> No.11875511

Link proof.

>> No.11875512

Shown what? just their faces, or the whole body??

>> No.11875513

You first homie.

>> No.11875567
File: 273 KB, 1440x786, 18yroldsslightlymoreattractivethan12yrolds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've a feeling you're not going back up your claim so here's the study anyway.

>> No.11875583

The conclusions of that study are legitimate but that graph is made-up bullshit, FYI.

>> No.11875595

This. It's a crock.

>> No.11875600

They averaged the plethysmograph reading out. On average the men reacted strongest for 14 year old girls.

>> No.11875607

> Yes this one paper and a shopped graph mean it's totally okay to be a pedo.
Fuck off.

>> No.11875608

>conclusions of that study are legitimate
>This. It's a crock.
lol. Ok dude that's my study I'm still waiting on the proof you claimed you had an hour ago.

>> No.11875612

>Yes being attracted to post-pubescent girls is pedophilia because I am very upset
Science board anon and the original OP asked for scientific reasoning. All you have is crying impotently.

>> No.11875690

how is this /sci/?

>> No.11875701

OP asked for a scientific reason not to fuck 13-17 year olds. So far the only dude in the whole thread who didn't have an emotional sperg out and offered actual reasons is

>> No.11875824

Nature is not was is perfectly optimal, it is what works. Are you saying that these girls can not produce viable offspring? From a reproductive standpoint, would there be no advantages gained for the male partner to initiate pair bonding at a younger age before other competition moves in?

>> No.11875853

Just get a custom chink sex doll. They don't give a fuck and will build whatever your sexually stunted heart desires

>> No.11875874

>Just get a custom chink sex doll
Those don't cry though....

>> No.11875886

>14 years old start crying when you give them dick
lol nigger 14 year olds are probably the horniest people on earth. do you even remember being a teenager?

>> No.11875891

I’ve concluded that the reason I’m more nervous around girls my age is that subconsciously I assume they are already taken. I feel more confident about talking to a younger girl, even with the knowledge that such a thing could ruin my reputation. I refuse to believe that I’m weird for not dating girls my age when throughout history the man was usually older.

>> No.11875896 [DELETED] 

Tell me more

>> No.11875899

>tell me about being a teenager
what age are you? site is 18+

>> No.11875911 [DELETED] 

I have never fucked a 14 yo girl

>> No.11876037
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