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11874155 No.11874155 [Reply] [Original]

If I wanted to learn about reversing desertification where would I start? What is the most promising work being done in this field atm?

>> No.11874198
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To start with remove the influence of the Jews from society completely, and eliminate all traces of their mind poisons known as Christianity and Islam from the minds of people. The Abrahamic religions (flavors of Judaism) came from the desert, and they brought the desert with them; spiritually, intellectually and physically.

The desert mind poisons are the cause of the physical desertification we're witnessing today. Make no mistake. This is crucial to understand. Fix the problem at it's source or it won't be fixed. Otherwise you're just playing around with band-aids, attempting to treat symptoms.

Spain is suffering dramatic desertification because the whole country is forced to act like a year-round greenhouse for Europe, producing vegetables and fruit all year round, depleting the soil of nutrients. In the past, before (((Christianization))), Europe was one big forest and people lived off the animals and vegetables and berries etc in the forests. Modern (((Agriculture))) is a direct result of (((Christianization))). Put an end to modern (((civilization))). This must be done if we are to save planet Earth and ourselves. If we don't end (((civilization))), Nature will end it herself but in a very painful way involving much damage to the Her and excessive suffering for us.

>> No.11874204
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Helpful and related videos:

> About Earth Erosion

> About Sun Storms

> About Auto-Domestication, Technology & Civilization

> About High Technology (Part I & II)

> The Yoke of Civilisation

> About the Fall of our Civilisation

> About Wildness, Barbarism & Freedom

> Primitive Pagan Barbarians?

> About Slavery & Civilization

> Is Oil Abiotic? (The Fall of Civilization)

> Muh Modern Civilization

> The Most Advanced Man

> About Civilization & Multiculturalism

> Why did Civilization Fall?

> Civilization as a Tool

> Predictions (The Train)

> "Race-mixing is the future of Civilization!"

> The PURPOSE of Civilization

>> No.11874206
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>> No.11874265

Best work in that field rn?

>> No.11874486


it's called civil engineering. Go read a civil engineering text book.


take your meds

>> No.11874795

>>11874155 the Internet.

>> No.11874801

Agricultural sciences

>> No.11875045

Which course in the civil engineering curriculum teaches reverse desertification? Or is the only for Saudi engineers?

>> No.11875062

Well you'd probably be looking more into terraforming and the Kardashev Scale

If you look at through the "I'm going to take full control of the environment on earth, and all the risks associated with that." Route.


This is the more realistic route, where we could at least reduce emissions and start carbon capture.

>> No.11875073
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Unironically the Dune books.
The inspiration for arrakis and the fremen terraforming project was inspired by an article he wrote about a upper class enclave in northern california where there were sand dunes encroaching on the high value real estate, and they used poverty grasses to anchor the dunes in place. It was something that stuck in his head and he developed it for his fantasy universe.

>> No.11875084
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If you look at it, the USA is a major issue. We're pretty much sandbagging the whole world.

>> No.11875089

Bring the water and remove the salt. Nature will do the rest.

>> No.11875097
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I played this game called ‘Spores’ as a kid. You could terraform in it. Maybe this helps you.

Begone kike

>> No.11875348

China has been planting trees in its northern region in an attempt to halt the expansion of the Gobi desert. They've been planting around 2 billion trees per year since 1978 and will continue to do so until 2050.
They're pretty secretive about their projects, but maybe you can find climate data on this specific region.

>> No.11876128

Watch documentaries like "Regreening the Desert", there's also another set in Britain and of course you should watch everything on Seop Holzer.
Now that you know permaculture is important, study the stuff that makes it work, for starters you'll need a lot of biology, obviously. Depending in how seriously you take it, consider what's taught in agricultural science and geology courses. The basics will always be biology, chemistry and geography, the fundamentals in that alone might take you a while.

Reversing desertification isn't simple, tread carefully. Read about the Aral Sea and about Stalin's plan to revert Siberian rivers into Central Asia for some megalomaniac inspiration.

>> No.11876155


>> No.11876177

He's not wrong though. Once paganism goes, why should people care about nature? It's not their conduit to the divine. Desert religions that are about books and particular people groups inculcate a desert mindset and make people ok with deserts.
Now, I think there are other avenues to go at desertification from, but the poster is quite right.
I assume they may have derived that insight from Varg. Or just be Varg.

>> No.11876420

>t. Cohen Goldblatt

>> No.11877278

Easiest is to drive a channel into the Saharan basin and fill it with water from the Mediterranean.

>> No.11877300

cloud seeding

>> No.11877519

Wake up, Yurop!

>> No.11877559

Litreally heat turbines.

>> No.11877611
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>Nature will do the rest.

>> No.11877618
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since humans have never don it, your best bet is to learn about primary and secondary successions

>> No.11877622
