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11873559 No.11873559 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically, why has so little progress been made in curing aging?

>> No.11873566

because death is part of life. It's nothing wrong or bad. it's like curing orgasm.

>> No.11873572

Let's talk about unnecessary circumcisions instead.

>> No.11873574

Because biological processes are actually complex chemical reactions which explode so quickly in computational complexity that desu we arent gonna be able to really make any progress on anything related to serious biological manipulation until we have quantum computers that can more efficiently simulate chemical reactions. Even then though it will take a while.

>> No.11873575

because we are too dumb to understand biology.

>> No.11873578

Not enough money.

Terrible analogy. Also if you want to die frail, sick and ugly, all the power to you.

>> No.11873583

Aging isn't a single thing. Cancer research is essentially a type of aging research, so is Alzheimer's and the like. There's slow progress on all of these but as poster above said, the human body is a very complex chemistry set, so we are gonna need supercomputers running decent AI to do the research. Makes me wonder whether these ML tools are useful for this

>> No.11873585

that's not true tho.

>> No.11873588

because of the general public

>> No.11873598

>Terrible analogy. Also if you want to die frail, sick and ugly, all the power to you.

Im not so old to have experience in order to tell you it's good to be old so you are right. But i will tell you when im old okay?

>> No.11873601

Old people bitch about aging all the fucking time. No one likes a constant reminder that they're not long for this world in the form of chronic pain, fatigue, and senility.

>> No.11873636

Many of the progress has already happened. They are not releasing this information.

>> No.11873646

Because of faggots like this.

>> No.11873669 [DELETED] 

Because everybody is looking for patentable products and neglect basic research. Currently it isin the stage of trying to invent a car without knowing motors.

>> No.11873792

I honestly hate to not contribute anything actually scientific but I think I speak for everyone when I remind you,"Who the Fuck wants to live forever!"

>> No.11873827

>dude like why don't we try stopping the second law of thermodynamics
It's a law for a reason

>> No.11873836

I hate this dumb ass reasoning. No one is gonna force you into immortality nor will anyone go out and keep your from killing yourself once you're done.

>> No.11873842

one of many issues

>> No.11873899


>> No.11873961

Here comes the schizo poster

>> No.11873998

You don't have to be immortal.
I just want to live a few hundred years so I can do the things I want to do. Experience everything I want and not grow old and weak.
After that I can swan dive into the grand canyon.

>> No.11874016

You don't, I want to live forever

>> No.11874019


>> No.11874028

curing a piece of meat is pretty easy, but I do not see how you would cure life.

>> No.11874037

Did any of you retards not see the post? Holy shit you guys are braindead..


>> No.11874046
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Tldr nerd

>> No.11874073

Consider what would happen if there was a cure? Would it be for sale and if yes, for how much given that it is basically priceless? World economies would collapse overnight. What if they refused to sell it, or maybe sell to select few due to cost? there would be wars over it.
Even if aging is cured normal people will not get the cure. It will not even be publicly announced.

>> No.11874086

There's everything to gain from an aging cure, for the gov and companies both. Aging populations are a ticking bomb for the west, it's where most public spending goes (at least in socialized healthcare countries but I guess in the US too). Biologically younger people would probably consume more for a longer period of time, they would probably be more flexible (willing to move out, learn new skills) not to mention less sick days.

>> No.11874101

Is there a limit on how long a person could be kept alive in increasing levels of life support? e.g. medically induced coma, gastric tube, ventilator, total heart-lung bypasses if failures might happen?

>> No.11874106

thanks for noticing my post, anon. but many anons are right that progress is slim.

>> No.11874111

>"Who the Fuck wants to live forever!"

Everybody? You know that most religions promise afterLIFE? People get tired of being old/sick/frail/not able to function normally/etc not of life.

>Cancer research is essentially a type of aging research, so is Alzheimer's and the like

This, cure for cancer would probably be cure for ageing as well because the processes that contribute to carcinogenesis at the cellular level are similar, if not the same as in ageing.

>> No.11874120

just put two and two together.

>> No.11874233


>> No.11874524

Same reason so little progress has been made in wireless energy transfer, Mercury based vimana propulsion, diamagnetic infused magic carpets, engines that literally burn the nitrogen and oxygen in the air as fuel, etc.

Profits and control.

>> No.11874573
File: 612 KB, 3200x1801, Sequencing_Cost_per_Megabase_August2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientifically speaking, you're fucking clueless. The rejuvenation technology is evolving faster than any other technology at the moment: aav-powered rejuvenating genetic therapies costs $200.000, and only 5 years ago it costed $1.200.000. (and that is only one of many technologies currently on the market)

>> No.11874577

The 2nd law of theromdynamics has almost nothing to do with biologic systems.

>> No.11874600
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>This process, which we call REcoVery of Information Via Epigenetic Reprogramming or REVIVER

>> No.11874789

Current society/system is not designed to produce many scientists, make science easy and accessible, accelerate science, etc
There is quite a progress though.

>> No.11874831

>Who the Fuck wants to live forever!

I was at a lecture given by Aubrey de Grey and of course someone asked this question, and his answer was "if you don't want to live forever, the means are in your hands".

>> No.11874853
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>> No.11874861

imagine believing this

>> No.11875117

Because doctors aren't physicists or electrical engineers.
They've barely made any progress in thousand of years.

>> No.11875253
File: 114 KB, 800x785, 930521F4-E4E8-4B28-B94A-D3B2BA82C7D7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is true look up DCA Dichloroacetic acid

Cancer and ageing solved

>> No.11875291

>if you don't want to live forever, the means are in your hands
>if you don't want to live forever, might as well kill yourself early

Thank you Aubrey, very cool!

>> No.11875848

Friendly reminder that Aubrey drinks at least six beers a day. He probably spends most of his day in a drunken stupor, unable to concentrate on much of anything.

>> No.11875859

I want to enable quack science so that more joocy chemikuls will be available for purchase

>> No.11875875

Bret Weinstein criticized Aubrey a while back..

While some of Weinstein's points are interesting, Aubrey is still much more intelligent than Weinstein. Weinstein has also accomplished next to nothing over his lifetime while Aubrey has provided new insights into aging and discovered that the chromatic number of the plane is atleast 5 in 2018 - getting the attention of Terence Tao and others.

>> No.11875881

>Scientifically, why has so little progress been made in curing aging?
Because most scientists do not believe it is possible or ethical, and until recently none were even trying.

>> No.11875984
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Imaging not believing in science. Try understanding, you will like it more.
> The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an ISOLATED SYSTEM...
(the same mindfuck as with the windmills (smeared as perpetum mobile) when we, the customers don't have the requirement of isolated system, wind or sun works just fine. I don't know why have they fucked science up that little bit, maybe they prevent us from demagnetizing the atmosphere so the planet doesn't lose it)

>> No.11876141

This. All cells need constant chemical signgal reminders they must not die.

>> No.11876183

>everyone lives forever
>evolution stops and we stagnate
maybe a few people like royalty and the rockerfellers should be allowed to live forever, but the plebs shouldn't

>> No.11876206

I will live forever.

>> No.11876209

Evolution is already fucked anon. The way I see it a real aging cure would come packaged with radical gene therapy. You'd be already fucking around with your methyl groups in a very unnatural fashion, might as well go all the way.

>> No.11876220

Well that seems to be a problem of society.

>> No.11876232

Understand what? That the difference between science and magic can be made arbitrarily indistinguishable?

>> No.11876269

>Understand what?
Everything. If you don't understand something, don't accept it on faith.

>> No.11876300

Without reduction or stopping reproduction or a new planet or two to live on we'd get crowded awful fast.

>> No.11876335

Look around yourself: do you actually need all this space? Most of us will move to virtual reality. Paralized fuckers first, psychenauts the second, all the rest will follow the pioneers as usual. The future is truly beautiful, don' be affraid, you don't visualize it correctly (think of how we lived a century ago and try to extrapolate a century into the future)

>> No.11876381

Then what's the point of living if it's all a simulation(of a simulation)?

I don't think going the way of the Brunnen G is the best solution.

>> No.11876394
File: 361 KB, 916x1080, qAVdPwR_bZY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said it should be all just a simulation? Imagine connecting to mechanic hands with videocamera to fix your sewage instead of getting dirty by the shit doing it yourself. And soon we'll invent sewage that keeps on for centuries without maintanence or some ai-powered robots will do the job, whily you will be able to fly like a bird (even if in reality it's a drone flying instead f your naked body)

>> No.11876472
File: 660 KB, 709x462, E73B7451-A53E-4D9C-989A-7B31042228EE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11876495

Don't forget, he began his campaign when nobody took this opportunity seriously, so he probably needed that form of a sedative to tolerate the dumb motherfuckers around him.

>> No.11876543

Would it be in a nations interest to fund research and give their people anti-ageing in exchange for increasing their pension age or exchanging it for 10 years on 10 years off?
I have a feeling it would make a country flourish just from not having to spend as much on public health not even considering that healthy people work and spend more on goods.

>> No.11877056

I think western countries fertility rate would plummet even further with people staying younger longer, the only problem would be third world countries because they really do not need more people and there's a chance that most western countries would stop importing their surplus because they wouldn't have to acount for their aging population anymore. You can look at it cynically and say that it's unlikely to be a problem because third world countries do not have the infrastructure for widespread rejuvenation therapies and are unlikely to as long as they have that fertility issue of theirs, all these countries are also very religious so they might forbid it as well.

>> No.11877061

>Then what's the point of living if it's all a simulation
There is a point in living even if its a simulation. Eventually, I want to have full control of my own simulation and do whatever I like. No restraints. Tired of this bullshit.

>> No.11877075

It would for western countries and japan, there would be some adjustments needed though especially with the job market and real estate, no one but boomers wants boomers to dominate forever. That's for the economy side, the social side needs more investigation I think sadly the only people interested in that kind of speculative stuff are reddit tier thinkers and coinmen.

>> No.11878184

>I think
you feel (believe it or not, there's a difference)
life is a tragedy for those who feel and a comedy for those who think (Molière or Horace Walpole or Jean de la Bruyere or Martti Larni or Jean Racine)

>> No.11878703

I like Aubrey but i doubt he will make it to see his dream come true

>> No.11878709

cause curing death is not about biology but about complex system analysis, which is math

>> No.11878713

Nah I just forgot a comma after it, also esl