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11871428 No.11871428 [Reply] [Original]

People who have pacemakers are cyborgs. Prove me wrong. Pro tip: u literally can't. in any way

>> No.11871778

Have a spinal cord stimulator. I am a cyborg. Wish I never got it.

>> No.11871867

i just want ghost in the shell world
do i pick ME or EE to do cybernetics/prosthetics?

>> No.11871877

I thought it was funny back when they were nuclear powered and they had to get them back at any cost, which meant they had to literally dig up dead bodies sometimes

>> No.11871954

Desire to know more

>> No.11871965

The definition of cyborg is extremely board.

>put sunglasses on face
>you are now a cyborg

>> No.11871970

Wouldn't a cyborg need to be mostly synthetic components?

>> No.11871972
File: 65 KB, 620x390, LogicalFallacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11872034

Burden if proof is stoopid.
Prove me wrong, without citing burden if proof.

>> No.11872061

I checked it out and that was only for a short time in the late sixties. I guess I just remember reading about it in an old readers digest.

>> No.11872065

Ah, Reader's Digest. Now that's a soulless publication right there.

>> No.11872077

it was one of those publications that tended to get hoarded, along with newspapers, time magazine, and national geograpic