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11867930 No.11867930 [Reply] [Original]

Gravity. What is it?

>> No.11867951

What is it?

>> No.11867997

i want to be honest with you i believe this picture is very fake, i grow up in an landscape full of orchard. And because apples never get ripe at ones i cant imagine this happens

>> No.11868003

It doesn't exist. Everything is just pressure gradients. So things fall because there is a gradient of high pressure -> low pressure, it's also why things don't float away. Lots of pressure pushing down on us.

>> No.11868008

Just curvature of spacetime, inwards to matter, having contracting effect on matter in slowly breathing universe.

>> No.11868015

That's just new subwoofer being tested with apples being on ground prior to kickdrum.

>> No.11868242 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 250x221, 1590403919894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> The Long Path to Understanding Gravity:

>Gravity Explained playlist:

>> No.11868247 [DELETED] 
File: 1.43 MB, 2160x8828, Spacetime 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>curvature of spacetime
Full retard detected. Doesn't even stop to consider the ridiculous, cartoonish Star Trek technobabble language he's using. Imagine being so retarded that you ACTUALLY BELIEVE space is full of magic fabrics that can be curved, bent and distorted etc. We live in a physical universe, not an imaginary universe.

>> No.11868252 [DELETED] 
File: 573 KB, 2100x9200, Spacetime 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11868340 [DELETED] 
File: 1.52 MB, 1800x2520, 1579733981525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off gravity is an effect, not a force - that's a misconception. Gravity is an effect produced by the electric force, which is the only true force in the universe. Gravity, magnetism and the nuclear forces are all manifestations of the way matter responds to the electric force. Let that sink in. Secondly, gravity is the weakest "force" in the universe. In fact, it's 1000 billion billion billion BILLION times weaker than the electric force. Such a weakling is incapable of ruling and shaping the universe.

Fun fact: If gravity was the dominant force in the universe and what holds galaxies together, and not the electric force, then gravity would need to be operating at 20 billion times the so called "speed of light" -- that's 20 billion times 299 792 458 meters per second, otherwise galaxies would fall apart. To get around this problem while at the same time ignoring the role of the electric force, you need to resort to inventing exotic nonsense like "dark energy" and "dark matter" and so forth.

>> No.11869421

its an array

>> No.11869481

Things falling. General relativity says that too.

>> No.11869525

take your meds tookie
I'll put them in an italian sub pill pocket for you

>> No.11869549

the aspect of the singularity that formed the based layer when the singularity exploded into time. it's the experience of truth in that layer.

>> No.11869569
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I don’t know

>> No.11869604

it's a phenomenon that crystallizes chaotic particles into something more stable

>> No.11869842

flat earth tier explanation

>> No.11869870

>eu garbage
into the trash it goes

>> No.11869885

Go look up gravitational waves.

>> No.11870025

The path of least resistance.

>> No.11870033

Don't reply to shitposters desperate for attention. Just report their off topic spam.

>> No.11870623
File: 388 KB, 738x892, woot1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11870628
File: 278 KB, 745x899, woot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are they?

>> No.11871274

this desu

>> No.11871303

I'm sure you could get this result from a healthy tree at least once per season, by imparting a severe movement to the trunk. There is quite a bit of leafy debris in the air as well, which you would expect from a sudden hail of apples but which might not be thought of by someone creating an image of a hail of apples.

I bet there's an industrial apple tree shaker just out of the picture.