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11866929 No.11866929[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, why did he do it?

>> No.11866936

He was tired

>> No.11866951

Why would he not wear a mask though? Wouldn't anyone who believes in science wear a mask? Doesn't he know better than to do shit like this?

>> No.11866953

Too based.

>> No.11866974

Mental illness.
If you weren't a newfag shitposting tourist you'd know this.
Now kindly fuck off back to your home board.

>> No.11866979

Tooker has an incredible ability to insert himself into current events (he thinks he is the son of Hitler). The world, sadly, gave his schizophrenic mind the opportunity to actually do it. Now BLM is a Helene-controlled psyop out to get Tooker in his mind.

>> No.11866985

>Wouldn't anyone who believes in science wear a mask?
You must remember that he also believes he is God. He probably thinks Helene made up the coronavirus so that he couldn't get out of his apartment where his gang stalkers can torture him and his anal implants are the most powerful.

>> No.11867013

I know El Arcon suffers from severe schizophrenia, but nothing about mental illness makes you call black people n*ggers in public

>> No.11867020

>THIS will be the thing that ends Tooker
How retarded are Twitter users?

>> No.11867023
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Say hello to the new mask queen of sci. Bow before her superior intellect.

>> No.11867030

The black woman failed to fulfill her end of the sandwich making transaction.

>> No.11867034


>> No.11867036


>> No.11867040

>calling spade a spade
>mental illness

>> No.11867051

>being a retard doesn't make you act like a retard in public
He's already said what happened. He was ordering a sandwich, the lady at the counter asked "how are you doing" and he went off into a schizo rant about how he's living in delusional nightmare world, and when the lady backed away slowly he started making a scene.

>> No.11867097

Even if you are the biggest racist in the world you know you are not supposed to say that in public, specially in the current situation. But not our boy Tooks.

Real question here I've seen 2 threads about this but no Tooker. Did he get arrested for wrong-think?

>> No.11867104

Post? I missed this.

>> No.11867112

He got b&, not arrested calling someone a nigger is still legal

>> No.11867174

>autist gives insights how he views the world
>gets shamed
leftists are really a sick people

>> No.11867274


>> No.11867277

They arrested a cop for a calling a black man 'nigger' with his knee.

>> No.11867285
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No I wasn't.

This had literally nothing to do with me wearing a mask or anyone asking me to wear a mask.. The person I was speaking to lied about what happened.

I saw a meme that said my biological father was Hitler. I don't know what was happening before I was born and I can't say who my biological parents are. Pic rel, it seems reasonable to me. He would have been about 90 when I was born which is not out of the question.

>BLM is a Helene-controlled psyop
this guy gets it!

My name is God. It's a fact. Just as Jon is to my English name Jonathan, God is to my Hebrew name Gedalia.

No one made me do it. It was my own autonomous initiative.

I approached the counter and asked for a sandwich. The lay asked me how I was doing. I told I was doing terribly. She said, "OOOOOO wuss rong?!?!" I told her that I was having a lot of negative feelings about being trapped in Antarctica and being surrounded by practitioners of falsehood, such as her. She said, "Me." I said, "You heard me." Then she refused to make my sandwich and walked away. Some other lady started making it and the manager came and interrupted us. he asked if I was ok and I told him i was not. He asked me why I was not doing ok and I told him not to pry into my personal business. He kept harping on his demand that I explain to him why I'm not ok and I asked him to stop bothering me. He told me he was not bothering me and I assured him that he was. Then he told the second lady to stop making my sandwich. That's where the video started. This had literally jack shit to do with masks, unless it was the mission impossible disguise monster mask that she was wearing.

I did, most certainly. That's how I ended up as a slave in Antarctica.

>> No.11867302

Tooker that's why I told you to go Toker and start mass shootings a long time ago. This world will never understand you unless you make it understand you. That said, in that video those threads are like fineeee boy. Did you get a new job or are those book sales finally coming in through? Or maybe it was the trumpbux?

>> No.11867314
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I need to a nuclear weapons rampage to make them understand. A bullet rampage won't suffice.

>> No.11867315

Damn dude I was defending you on Twitter by saying "he's not racist he just said the nword because he's extremely schizophrenic" but I guess I was wrong :/

>> No.11867320

Also what's it's like getting cancelled? Annoying? Debilitating? Random twittertards giving you a hard time? Or life as normal? I would suspect it hasn't affected you too much

>> No.11867361
File: 190 KB, 1438x666, TIMESAND___ou6e986w8utfgouwtgffffffwjkeffg1e85979881517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were definitely wrong about me being schizophrenic but you might be surprised to see how much hate and ridicule I have invited upon myself for not using my high station in life to espouse the anti-black agenda that the nazis want to hear. I have really burdened myself with this opinion of mine that black people are ok.

>I would suspect it hasn't affected you too much
You are right.

>> No.11867428

He didn't call anyone a nigger, he acknowledged that the woman was a nigger and refused to take the blame for it

>> No.11867456

what the shit that mask has more holes in it than the official WuFlu pandemic story

>> No.11867512

>implying the mentally ill shouldn't have their heads smashed in with rocks to generally improve the health of society
Imagine crying about leftists while being a limp dicked bleeding heart.