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File: 3.92 MB, 4800x4487, AS17-147-22526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11865734 No.11865734 [Reply] [Original]

Moonbuggy edition
previous: >>11862584

>> No.11865751

First for being awake almost 24/7 and wanting to talk about spaceflight, even when it’s 5am and no one is awake. Also fuck boeing

>> No.11865783 [DELETED] 
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first for depots

>> No.11865786
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second for expendables

>> No.11865816

Hi remember to exercise

>> No.11865817

space flight

>> No.11865821
File: 2.32 MB, 2369x3000, 1575495500946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I feel like shit, just want her back x

>> No.11865828

far and away the most A E S T H E T I C rocket there has ever been

>> No.11865832
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>> No.11865846

Good advice, I need to get back into running. Gotta keep the mental health up

>> No.11865989
File: 3.62 MB, 4583x4700, AS12-46-6718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>see this
wat do?

>> No.11865997
File: 122 KB, 1080x1350, 1590867885739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask to see his rocket

>> No.11866012

imagine a timeline where apollo conquered the moon in the late 60s/70s then went on to conquer mars in the 80s/90s.
there would have probably been a permanent settlement on both this entire century.

>> No.11866024
File: 75 KB, 850x400, by-the-year-2000-wernher-von-braun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have failed him, lads

>> No.11866033

>von braun's nasa with permanent 5% gdp funding since the apollo program
we've thrown it all away

>> No.11866053

>nice "rocket"

>> No.11866075
File: 22 KB, 756x521, jessy's bfr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have the data on jessy's 'rocket'. goes like a brick in a washing machine.

>> No.11866134

How hot/cool is it in the moon?

>> No.11866144

260F in the sun
-280F in the shade

>> No.11866153

how did the astronauts stay cool

>> No.11866163
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>> No.11866172
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like with any good PC

>> No.11866177

>Lunar crews also wore a three-layer Liquid Cooling and Ventilation Garment (LCG) or "union suit" with plastic tubing which circulated water to cool the astronaut down, minimizing sweating and fogging of the suit helmet. Water was supplied to the LCG from the PLSS backpack, where the circulating water was cooled to a constant comfortable temperature by a sublimator.

>The porous plate sublimator had a metal plate with microscopic pores sized just right so that if the water flowing under the plate warmed to more than a user-comfortable level, frozen water in the plate would thaw, flow through the plate, and boil to the vacuum of space, taking away heat in the process. Once the water under the plate cooled to a user-comfortable temperature, the water in the plate would re-freeze, sealing the plate and stopping the cooling process. Thus, heat rejection with automatic temperature control was accomplished with no sensors or moving parts to malfunction.
>The Apollo liquid cooling garment was an open mesh garment with attached tubes to allow cooling water to circulate around the body to remove excess body heat when needed. The garment held the tubes against body for highly efficient heat removal. The open mesh allowed air circulation over the body to remove humidity and additionally remove body heat. In 1966, NASA bought the rights to the liquid cooling garment to allow all organizations access to this technology.

>> No.11866182

who /watercoolgang/?

>> No.11866183

Damn did it feel itchy?

>> No.11866229

>>The porous plate sublimator had a metal plate with microscopic pores sized just right so that if the water flowing under the plate warmed to more than a user-comfortable level, frozen water in the plate would thaw, flow through the plate, and boil to the vacuum of space, taking away heat in the process. Once the water under the plate cooled to a user-comfortable temperature, the water in the plate would re-freeze, sealing the plate and stopping the cooling process. Thus, heat rejection with automatic temperature control was accomplished with no sensors or moving parts to malfunction.

>> No.11866260

When the topic of firearm watercooling in low pressure conditions came up in the other thread I was thinking of something like this. Instead of a big drum, a small micropore shroud.

>> No.11866294

>shooting on mars
what would that be like?

>> No.11866307
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quieter, bullets would go a lot further. Training to use it properly with a suit would be awkward though

>> No.11866311

>negligible air resistance, .38g, few obstructions
Really good for long range, the horizon is the limit

>> No.11866320

>ula snipers from 30 miles away
who am i kidding ula will never go to mars lmao

>> No.11866323
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>> No.11866366
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I'd re-invent the wheel if you want space guns

caseless ammo has issue with chamber overheating, but a gun in space would overheat without some kind of active cooling anyway
so might as well do it
and why bother with gunpowder that has no other use to you? just feed the same bipropellent you would use for RCS into gun chamber and gun go boom
it would allow you to change ballistics
maybe you want maximum power to fire as fast and straight as possible, maybe you can get away with using up less fuel, maybe you don't want to blow a hole in ship's hull and maybe you want to lob a grenade at ballistic curve to hit ULA sniper hiding behind a hill

>> No.11866376
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the future of 0g small arms is gyrojets

>> No.11866386

wouldn't making guns out of metal being impossible because it would fuse together in a vacuum

>> No.11866390

they need to make sure our weapons still work in earth atmosphere for the terran reclamation campaign of 2125

>> No.11866394

it's not a vacuum like well above orbit though, even a in such a thin atmosphere it would probably still work

>> No.11866397

>advanced propolox potato cannons

>> No.11866400

Cover gun parts in a layer of oxide by exposing them to oxygen before putting them together.

>> No.11866413

pneumatic flechette rifles when

>> No.11866439

guns on mars, for what fucking purpose?

>> No.11866441

Cold welding only happens under very specific conditions. You probably wouldn't get it in a gun at all, but if you wanted to eliminate the possibility just make sure contact points are slightly different alloys

Re-inventing the wheel to eek out a bit of extra performance is one of the reasons NASA does shit like design million dollar pens. Also there are good reasons not to rely on pressurized tanks of liquid cancer (or alternatively cryogenic fluids) for infantry munitions.

If the ridiculously poor accuracy could be addressed the principle would make a good long range platform, but it will always suck close in

>> No.11866443

for kicking out the communists

>> No.11866457
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repelling earthnoid scum

>> No.11866465
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>> No.11866478

nowhere to run terran scum

>> No.11866489
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>> No.11866501

>asspoor (but beautiful) wasteland to single hyperpower in less than 200 years
yuros, chinks and communists need to lrn2deal

>> No.11866508
File: 747 KB, 2048x1110, LockheedLander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Bless America
God Bless Government Contractors
God Bless ULA

>> No.11866511

Zoomers need to read a book and realize that the framers hated the government a thousand times more than they do.

>> No.11866516
File: 2.94 MB, 376x270, SaturnV_launch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O say can you see by the dawn's early light

>> No.11866521

The Framers thought the Constitution wasn't ideal, but they thought that it was better than the Articles of Confederation and figured they gotta try something.

>> No.11866524
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god bless a society that allows this grain silo with an engine attached to not only happen, but to also attract serious backing and to have some of the best minds on the planet working on it.
i'm not american and i'll change my tune when i see a german, japanese, brit, french, whoever equivalent to just spacex, let alone spacex with starship going on.

>> No.11866525


I just remembered this was actually a thing

>> No.11866526
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>> No.11866531
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Quite magnifizent, ja?

>> No.11866537
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It was a great feat of American engineering.

>> No.11866541
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If the moon landin' was real how'd they'd get this shot?
you dumb morons think we actually went to the moon haha

>> No.11866543

Shit couldn't happen anywhere else. They're all more scared of looking silly when they fail to take a risk even if the reward is new worlds to conquer.

>> No.11866544
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Bless this based african-american and his japanese allies

>> No.11866551
File: 580 KB, 1920x1809, Apollo12_Surveyor3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starting with Apollo 7, a camera was carried on every Apollo command module (CM) except Apollo 9. For each lunar landing mission, a camera was also placed inside the Apollo Lunar Module (LM) descent stage's modularized equipment stowage assembly (MESA). Positioning the camera in the MESA made it possible to telecast the astronauts' first steps as they climbed down the LM's ladder at the start of a mission's first moonwalk/EVA. Afterwards, the camera would be detached from its mount in the MESA, mounted on a tripod and carried away from the LM to show the EVA's progress; or, mounted on a Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV), where it could be remotely controlled from Mission Control on Earth.
tl:dr - There was a remote controlled camera placed away from the ascent vehicle

>> No.11866555

idgaf about their nationality. the us is the only country whos systems allow for such an enterprise to form, exist and flourish. that a s.african and a jap should have to go to the usa to get this shit done should be an embarrassment to their home nations.

>> No.11866558


>> No.11866570
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>> No.11866572
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>this post
>this date
>those trips
Truly a blessed Fourth. We may just make it, lads!

>> No.11866578
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Checked and based in all forms.

>> No.11866581
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It really is a beautiful country. Can't imagine living anywhere else. Europe has the quality of living but doesn't have anything close to the opportunity. I would welcome them to step their game up though. Cooperation has to be the way forward. Would suck if we did all that work to get into space just to have another world war over it. Just hope the Chinese don't fuck it all up.

>> No.11866598

>Europe has the quality of living
ehh... not doing it because space flight but not really.
opportunity is the key word in that. i can't imagine a regulatory agency anywhere in europe allowing the kind of program starship is on. even just the static testing would get fucked by bureaucracy.

>> No.11866604

>design million dollar pens
wasn't that misinformation?
the pens were done independently by a pen company and just sold some to nasa for peanuts

>> No.11866607

the Martian horizon is only 3400m away, so you wouldn't be able to make insanely long shots without maybe having a drone spotter or something, such that you can arc your shot like artillery.

>> No.11866613

>i can't imagine a regulatory agency anywhere in europe allowing the kind of program starship is on.
What would they even regulate against?

>> No.11866626

But yeah that's why I mentioned the horizon, because under most circumstances you will be able to shoot as far as you can see

>> No.11866628

>hi we'd like to pressure test some experimental rocket tanks using cryogenic nitrogen but cause of the experimental nature of the project it might spill over some plants n shieet
we need a 5 year environmental impact assessment, 10 million euros in newt protection infrastructure, local and national government approval, and some women with dicks may object last minute.
>we also want to strap a rocket engine to that tank and hover it about

>> No.11866639

Western Europe definitely can match american living standards.

SpaceX is either gonna give everyone a kick in the pants, or is just gonna be adopted by everyone in the west. I really want to see how China and Russia are gonna deal in a post-starship world. Gonna be pretty pathetic if China finally finishes LM-9 and gets 2 people to the moon sometime in the 2030s only to have SS getting 100 people there like nothing.

>> No.11866644
File: 215 KB, 1170x1175, KinoEarthAstro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who makes orbital/lunar/mars habs?
If you want a company to invest in it's probably them.

>> No.11866648

>Western Europe definitely can match american living standards.
depends which part, even down to district. much like america.
imo russia is done, its corpe is twitching via it's nukes but that's it. china is so far behind that it could never catch up with usa+nato+protectionism if that's the way the west went.

>> No.11866652

You can believe in the current crop of space incumbents or startups if you like, I haven't seen one I have much faith in. Maybe SNC since they're pursuing inflatables which at least have a future, but they are private. SpaceX is of course private and any of Elon's further ventures. The closest you are going to get is whatever industrial partners SpaceX uses.

>> No.11866655

Axiom Space, but like all good potential companies they're private

>> No.11866656

>The closest you are going to get is whatever industrial partners SpaceX uses.
poor attitude.

>> No.11866660

It isn't always that bad in the sun, only when it is directly overhead. The mission timing was chosen to spare the astronauts the hottest part of the lunar day. It was still pretty hot on the latter part of the surface stay, though, like 130 degrees F.

The suit insulation wasn't perfect, either.As it became hotter they made comments that implied that they could feel it through their suits, "it's gonna be hot today," etc.

>> No.11866665

this promises to be a very busy month for spaceflight!

>2 CZ-4B Gaofen-X, BY70-2 (3rd 3:10 UTC)
>4 CZ-2D Shiyan Weixing-6
>4 Electron Canon, 5xSuperDove, Faraday-1
>8 Falcon 9 Starlink #9, 2xBlackSky
>10 CZ-3B Apstar-6D
>11 KZ-11 Xiaoxiang-4, etc. (maiden), BiliBili?
>14 Falcon 9 Anasis-II
>14 H-IIA Al Amal (Mars)
>15 Minotaur IV NROL-129 (Corona delay)
>20 Astra NSLSat 1 (maiden) (failed DARPA challenge on 3rd; pad anomaly on Mar 23rd)
>23 Soyuz-2a Progress MS-15
>23 CZ-5 TianWen-1 (Mars)
>25 Falcon 9 SAOCOM-1B (Corona delay)
>28 Ariane 5 Galaxy 30, MEV-2, BSAT-4b
>29 Proton 2xEkspress (replaced defective screws)
>30 Atlas V Mars 2020 rover (Perseverance)

plus a bunch more Chinese launches possible, maybe another Starlink and Electron launch, a second Virgin Orbit test flight, and maybe some of the Indian launch backlog if they lift their quarantine.

>> No.11866666

You're right, go invest in those guys that have no capital and want to start with a rotating orbital port with 50 dreamchasers built by robots

>> No.11866675

yeah, every single fact about that little story was wrong
1) NASA started with regular (mechanical) pencils
2) pencils leave conductive graphite tips and dust floating around and potentially cause a short circuit somewhere
3) regular ball pens work fine in zero G
4) the space pen was privately developed and NASA spent zero dollars on their development
5) Russians bought hundreds of said space pens from said private company themselves

>> No.11866676

can't argue with those quints. i'd just like to think of spacex as the ford of solar system travel, and that many competitors and spin off technologies totally unrelated to the goal of yeeting shit into leo will come out of it. the it's elon or nothing attitude depresses me.

>> No.11866702

Of course people will follow SpaceX' footsteps and new industries will start up off-world once the concept is proven and the infrastructure is in place. But most of the names that will be relevant then are going to be basically unknown or impossible to predict right now without a crystal ball, and most of what could even be considered good candidates are private. As they should be as being public when you have the intention to take risks is a fucking pain, just as Elon visa vis Tesla.

>> No.11866705
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Oh yeah, Russia is really sad. Which is a shame, I would love to see them rejoin the world stage. China can use the west fracturing to its advantage. NATO needs to hold if we want china at bay. Staying friends with the GCC can't hurt either. Want to see the West help their space programs.

Obviously private companies are no help. Most pure-play space companies are too, SPCE, I, MAXR.

Defense contractors are probably the most likely candidates to get splashed with money by various governments:
Northrup & ATK(Shame about the godforsaken love of solids through.)
BWX Tech(pic rel)
Airbus (50% ArianeGroup and other stuff)
Safran(Other 50% of ArianeGroup and other defense shenanigans)

>> No.11866719
File: 350 KB, 1920x1277, RS_25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assembly of an RS-25.

>> No.11866723

Yeah... That'll be 100 million dollars

>> No.11866748

A lot of starship promo art shows it going to Saturn. Would that actually be possible with the current design? Musk claims a fully fueled starship has around 7 km/s delta v, which would indeed make some of the 7-10 year transfers possible. It looks like reducing the transfer to three years usually ups the delta v to around 10 km/s, which wouldn't be possible unless the starship had massive tanks slung to it. Given that current plans have the refueling taking place from ass to ass (so no burns are possible with a tanker attached), do you guys think there's any other way to get starships out to saturn?

>> No.11866757

>A lot of starship promo art shows it going to Saturn. Would that actually be possible with the current design?
From callisto or ganymede maybe?

>> No.11866758

Launch refueled from Mars, use a bunch of used cargoships as boosters

>> No.11866760
File: 334 KB, 3840x2160, Starship-2019-Saturn-render-SpaceX-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, forgot to attach the image

>> No.11866762

Launch from Mars and refuel in orbit.

>> No.11866766

>A lot of starship promo art shows it going to Saturn.
Probably because Saturn is THE sci-fi destination due to it's rings. SpaceX wants to sell the idea that they're bringing the sci-fi future to the present.

>> No.11866785
File: 598 KB, 2462x1550, Screen Shot 2020-07-04 at 12.48.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, this is cool.

>> No.11866786

Anyone got an idea for a portable GPS that could help you navigate in space?
Trying to write a story about a superman using his powers to carry base materials to the moon, mercury and mars but need a way to make it possible for him to navigate.
>fly to the moon
>fly back to earth, easy
>which way is mercury?
>just fly towards the sun lmao
>alright i'm here, how do i get back to earth?
>dunno haha

>> No.11866796
File: 210 KB, 388x416, Lem2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Postan some stitching projects that I did ages ago. The raw pictures are here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive/albums

>> No.11866807

>Anyone got an idea for a portable GPS that could help you navigate in space?
There's already work being done on Galactic Positioning System software that uses known pulsars instead of satellites.

>> No.11866808
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>> No.11866809


>> No.11866811
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>> No.11866813

You might want to check this too
It doesn't work with any actual planets but a lot of the larger asteroids and KBOs show up

>> No.11866818

pulsar navigation

>> No.11866824
File: 3.15 MB, 2418x1080, finfinrawscale1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11866828

Refill a Tanker and a Starship in LEO, boost both onto a highly elliptical orbit until both vehicles have half of their maximum propellant load, dock them together, transfer propellant across, Starship is now on a highly elliptical orbit with full tanks and burns at periapsis to transfer to Saturn intercept orbit, Tanker just does a tiny burn at apoapsis to come down into the atmosphere for landing next periapsis. Transfer to Saturn possible without even needing expended propellant tanks or hardware.

>> No.11866830
File: 153 KB, 1128x1564, BFR Super-Mega-Ultra-heavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11866840

From what I know, SpaceX doesn't plan to go from Earth to Saturn directly, or even from Mars to Saturn directly, but rather hop throughout the solar system, colonizing ceres after Mars, then the galilean moons, then titan and the larger saturnian moons

>> No.11866868

Right now anything aside from the Moon and Mars is pure inference aside from some passing mentions and imagery of Saturn. I wouldn't say they have really have a plan that far.

>> No.11866871

we have this tweet

>> No.11866891

that's nice, but it wouldn't have enough TWR

>> No.11866892


>> No.11866909

it could probably get the starship and it's directly connected booster pretty damn high

>> No.11866912

Silly Von Braun, thinking people gave a shit about space

>> No.11866920

The new KSP update keeps crashing

>> No.11866922


NASA stuck on a space access model where each launch is a billion dollars and liking it too much.

>> No.11866924

Oh nvm then, nice.

>> No.11866934

Launch it barely fueled and assemble it in orbit

>> No.11866950
File: 591 KB, 994x559, Wildorfs_trip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ferried my first tourist. Got a load of Reputation from it, but no cash. It was easier than I thought though.

What conditions are making it crash? I haven't had the game crash on me yet after this update.

>> No.11866958

What are the specs on that potato?

>> No.11866964

I'm making a huge Duna rocket carrying a rover and it crashes on the VAB. It's also been crashing on accent.

>> No.11866965

Big Jim is trying his damnedest to stop that. I just know he's trying to find a way to quietly kill the monkey on NASA's back that is SLS, which is why I don't think it's ever going to launch more than twice.
His ability to play oldspace politics while also inducing a culture change at NASA towards newspace attitudes will probably cement him as one of the best administrators that the agency has ever had.

>> No.11866973

It's a Dell G5.

How many parts does it have? It might be too much. Try removing some parts to see how the game handles it.

>> No.11866977

*ding ding ding* AHEM,
Happy independence day, fuck Boeing, space niggers and space jannies

>> No.11866981

Are we getting spoiled? We're seeing rocket launches every week or so, yet I feel like we haven't had enough launches. This is what happens when expectations rise over/over again due to tremendous success rate in the last few years right?

>> No.11866986
File: 39 KB, 330x412, 330px-Guion_Bluford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright bro

>> No.11866993
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There's an Electron launch in about six hours from NZ.

>> No.11866995

Yeah. I hope that by the time the decade is out, we'll be disappointed when there's a DAY without a launch.

>> No.11866996

>Are we getting spoiled? We're seeing rocket launches every week or so, yet I feel like we haven't had enough launches.
No, you're right, we haven't. We need at the very least, tens or hundreds of launches per week with thousands of tons into orbit per week if we want to become a true space fairing civilization. And that is what starship is for.

>> No.11867017

star trackers are good enough for solar system travel. Heck, modern algorithms are good enough to use with just the front/back cameras and processor of a cell phone!

Pulsars for interstellar travel.

>> No.11867025

stars and sextant
just like the old mariners

>> No.11867027

The F9 launch after Wednesday's Starlink mission is carrying a South Korean military commsat, ANASIS-II. Have they ever launched a defense payload for a non-USA customer? I wonder what that authorization process looks like between the US and SK.

>> No.11867042

The SK military is basically a colonial militia aligned with the US military, so probably pretty straightforward.

>> No.11867077

>>*blocks egress paths from your room*
>>*depressurizes room*
100% clean dissident removal. Can even be done at the push of a button. I mean even Tesla's have some of their battery capacity locked away from the user in software. The habs could have their life support and doors controlled by software too.

>> No.11867089
File: 417 KB, 2560x1600, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gamer moment

>> No.11867094

>not wearing your own respirator

>> No.11867106

I, too, have seen Total Recall

>> No.11867135

The all egress paths have been blocked, eventually you'll run out of air.

>> No.11867157

Shooting people, obviously. You’re a dumbass if you think there will ever be peace and no crime.

>> No.11867161

He said niggers, not black people.

>> No.11867171

Europe is a communist hellhole. Can’t own an AR-15, not living there.

>> No.11867173
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>> No.11867187
File: 35 KB, 710x451, rei feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize Ariane was a hydrolox core and SRBs like the Shuttle or SLS. Was everyone in spaceflight just retarded in the 80s?

>> No.11867199

>Was everyone in spaceflight just retarded in the 80s?
Risk aversion. Hydrolox was the norm, so they went with a known quantity.

>> No.11867212

For the Ariane 5's goals, the design makes some sense. Its primary planned payloads were GEO satellites, and a high-efficiency long-burntime stage is best for GEO transfers. The boosters were also derived more directly from ICBMs rather than the custom boosters like on the Shuttle.

>> No.11867219
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>> No.11867232

yes it would, standard starship super heavy has a TW higher than 2

>> No.11867251

Thanks for asking this Ive been thinking of this all week
I guess bringing a .22 would be fine then? I mean all you need to do is breach the other person’s suit. Dumb question but would the lighter gravity help with kickback from a huge caliber? I love the idea of firing a Martini-Henry on Mars

>> No.11867258

Based, there’s a clear difference. Niggers are just as bad as obese white trash greasers

>> No.11867264

>The God of war's angels of death. When Father Mars calls, the Rust stalkers answer the call
>Each Rust Stalker is equipped with sealed, armoured pressure suits that allow survival on mars and in a vacuum for weeks and a distinctive hooded duster rust red that camouflages them across the sandy dunes of their home world
>For long range, they're equipped with the 50. caliber rail rifle often call the "Spear of Mars" and the "Dome Breaker"
>For counterterrorism and hostage situations in the crowded hive cities, the 50 round M-50 bullpup assault rifle and the standard issue Variable Leathality Service Pistol that can incapacitate as well as kill
>If all else fails, the Rust Stalker can fall back on their trusty mattock for hand to hand combat as well as digging out rovers and trenches

>> No.11867283
File: 76 KB, 412x415, 1590018578851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When was Demo 1 planned to come back down?

>> No.11867289

SpaceX will not survive the glorious Antifa revolution

>> No.11867301

And tentatively 2nd of August was the latest I heard.

>> No.11867303

You mean Demo 2?
2 August. With Crew 1 going up mid September.

>> No.11867306

yes for Germany

>> No.11867340

>25 Falcon 9 SAOCOM-1B (Corona delay)
Looking forward to the Cuba flyover

>> No.11867346

We need to start Space Propaganda, Humanity's future lie within the stars.

Humanitas Ad Astra Per Aspera

>> No.11867347

Is it gonna be able to be seen from miami?

>> No.11867349

it looks like they just piled a little dirt up under the landing feet to make it look like it's supported by them

>> No.11867350

or use our time better as an independent R&D lab

>> No.11867351

holy shit stock ksp is weird

>> No.11867362
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>> No.11867365

Ariane 5 was the most cost-effective launcher for GTO so far - prove me wrong
partially expendable Falcon Heavy costs about the same as Ariane 5 (120-140M) for slightly lighter payload to GTO
Ariane 6 will be actually cheaper than fully reusable FH (70M vs. 90M) AND have bigger payload capacity (to GTO)
Falcon still completely blows it out of water when it comes to LEO though

>> No.11867371

That’s a sub-orbital flight, not an actual orbit. “Orbit” is just a mode of the navball that ignores the body’s rotation, whereas “surface” compensates for it. Actual LKO velocity is about 2200ms

>> No.11867376
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>> No.11867403
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post your orbital debris

>> No.11867423
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>commies can't even grow food
Doubt it.

>> No.11867424

Small hole = slow loss of pressure. A "good enough" seal for getting home wouldn't be that hard either. Shoot to kill.
Recoil should be slightly worse if anything. Inertial equation hasn't changed but you're less planted. The difference probably isn't very significant on Mars.

>> No.11867457

just trying to figure out what that post was, I'm feeling lazy and it's easier just to post than to look up those numbers.

>> No.11867463

Wow, sweet.

>> No.11867489
File: 1.96 MB, 1920x1080, Debris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've deorbited most of my debris but almost all of it is beyond Kerbin

>> No.11867508

Soulless but structured naming pattern

Mirin naming

>> No.11867509

fuck I miss playing ksp so much but my computer got fried and I'm poor. When I get around to getting a new decent one I'm gonna play the shit out of it

>> No.11867543

interesting how there can be such a difference

>> No.11867553

Rocket Lab launch TODAY


T-30 min

>> No.11867554

Ariane really is based.

>> No.11867568
File: 18 KB, 170x264, 170px-Buran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the spaceplanes bros...
When's the next one coming around?

>> No.11867571
File: 2.38 MB, 1920x1080, KSP_x64 2020-07-03 16-10-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soulless but structured naming pattern
ehehhehe there's actually like 3 different naming patterns in there, it's a mess
currently I've given up on naming the actual hardware because everything is developing so fast and just settled on sequential missions for each program (zenit for my manned flights, fakel for general scientific probes, so on), but I think I will need to dig out my GRAU knockoff scheme that I developed for COADE designs and adapt it to KSP for keeping track of all my saved parts soon

>> No.11867582

X-37B has been doing missions but very little coverage since it's mostly classified.

I would have liked the Dream Chaser to become one of the ISS crew transport vehicles. I bet that would have been a comfy ride back down

>> No.11867596

>I miss the spaceplanes bros...
I too miss them, like bowel cancer.

>> No.11867607

Dream Chaser did win a contract to deliver cargo. If it does well, they may continue development for its original purpose to transport crew, if not for the US, then perhaps for Europe.

>> No.11867614

gonna b windy lol

>> No.11867624

better than the rest of the week, which is why they pulled the launch a day earlier (for once)

>> No.11867652

Fucking memelords.

>> No.11867667
File: 144 KB, 503x397, 75393A1A-1242-45B4-A12F-B23104565957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question about Starship, in its final form. Will Starship + Super Heavy look more “polished” when it is finished, or will it look like crumpled sections of stainless steel welded together in sections (like we are seeing now with the prototypes)
The original concept art for ITS and Starship showed a white vehicle, but then it changed to a nice looking polished stainless steel. Everything we’ve seen, however, has been this weird prototype-like crumpled stainless steel. Idk how else to explain it... I attached a shitty photo to help get my point across better.

>> No.11867669


>> No.11867679

It's probably gonna be more polished
The prototypes look crumpled because they're being manhandled and really just need to hold together structurally as they're test platforms rather than finished products

>> No.11867683
File: 116 KB, 1200x628, Screen Shot 2020-07-04 at 3.06.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon Musk is cancelled bros, spacex is done for

>> No.11867687

they'll smooth out as soon as they are pressurized

>> No.11867689

>Try to cancel Elon out of the internet
>Elon just activates Starlink sooner
>Elon cancels everyone else

>> No.11867692

>it's livestock
such a pastoral launch site!

>> No.11867698
File: 10 KB, 287x176, starship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the welding proccess will be completely automated and in a clean room, plus it'll be the spacex internal alloy, and they'll probably polish it even further with some sort of device. Won't be perfect but will look somewhat like this picture of starship near saturn >>11866760

>> No.11867700

>such a pastoral launch site!
It's New Zealand

>> No.11867703

the ultimate dab

>> No.11867705

Couldn't you easily turn Dragon XL into a hydrolox space tug to boost starships and probes to places past Mars faster?

>> No.11867710

>spacex internal alloy
No, the entire point of going stainless steel was to go for something completely off the shelf, like 304L and the like. This is not fucking engine combustion chamber exotic black magic metallurgy.

>> No.11867723

Probably. Almost no info has been provided for Dragon XL and Elon has avoided talking about it. It's probably still a developing design.

>> No.11867726

1 mil til kiwi launch

>> No.11867735

Unironically what is the point of rocket lab. Their business model is about to get swallowed up by competition. Have they announced plans for larger rockets in the future?

>> No.11867737

Launch! and you can tell from the vapor trail that it was windier than usual.

>> No.11867740

Can always count on RocketLab for a /comfy/ launch

>> No.11867742

Its a young industry, lots of stuff is gonna get tried.

>> No.11867743

nope Beck says so.Their business model is to offer extremely quick cadence / scheduling / custom orbits. Cost aint everything

>> No.11867744

Wrong. It has been stated many times that they are switching to an internal steel alloy they call '30X' or something like that. They are planning to make the switch at the end of this year.

>> No.11867747

seco, just in time. Looks like something on the first stage was becoming delaminated.

>> No.11867748

Hmm good point. They get fucked by the wind a lot tho

>> No.11867750
File: 3.08 MB, 2560x1600, rocket lab kino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded? elon musk stated that spacex is working on their own alloy (only known to us as 30x currently), and since it is developed by spacex, it is an internally developed alloy

>> No.11867752

I assumed it was just a decal or something

>> No.11867753

beck has mentioned wanting to explore venus, i wonder if 15 or so years in the future they will work on their own super heavy lift vehicle to colonize venus

>> No.11867754

is it dead?

>> No.11867755
File: 264 KB, 700x857, Stainless-steel-grades-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, as in 30whatever they'll pick out off the shelf that suits their purpose best.
lol, learn stainless steel, kids.
30X means one thing, they ain't gonna be reinventing the wheel.

t. formerly certified stainless steel, aluminium and titanium welder.

>> No.11867758

Are SRB's obsolete?

>> No.11867760

they just claimed they are still getting good telemetry, just degraded video signal

>> No.11867762

Looks like the battery hot swap failed or something. The rocket was falling.
RIP Electron

>> No.11867765

An Electron rocket just flew over my house

>> No.11867766

They've been talking abut this for a while.

Also, the reason they switched to steel was that they found it to be ultimately superior in performance due to its thermal properties while being much cheaper compared to carbon fibre or aluminum. That will still hold true with their internal steel which is just their preferred formulation for 300 series steel, not some wild new supermetal. Remember that this is a vehicle that should ultimately have a long lifetime and be expended rarely, they will absolutely get more value out of making it perform better or last longer than they will going for the absolute minimum cost on steel which is not a cost driver for the product in the least.

>> No.11867768

SpaceX does metallurgy now? I feel like that fucks up cost. I mean maybe they’re doing R&D on it and they are going to find a company to source it.
Also another question (which probably won’t have an answer): I assume once Starship becomes a thing Elon will EVENTUALLY want to make ITS a real thing. Will it use stainless steel as well? (again, no one probably knows. Just curious if Elon has said anything about it though)

>> No.11867769

elon literally said spacex is developing their own alloy though?
>Will move to internally developed alloys probably end of year.

>> No.11867774

Mission control folk looking nervous and no more telemetry data shown on screen.


>> No.11867776

No, Elon will never make ITS a thing. Rather he will make an 18 meter diameter starship 2.0. ITS design got scrapped because it would never work the way SpaceX wanted it to, simple as that.

>> No.11867778

F(eelsBad) for Rocket Lab

>> No.11867779

PR bullshit, they're playing with off the shelf shit. 304L might be slightly more expensive than regular 304, but it's still as off the shelf as it gets as in anything else in the 30X classification.

>> No.11867780

>webcast ended

>> No.11867784

>no no, what elon literally said himself is just "pr bullshit", I AM the final authority on what SpaceX will be doing"

>> No.11867786

Elon says lots of things.

>> No.11867787

Alright thanks, that’s still fucking awesome though. Starship is already a beast; an 18 meter diameter upgrade will he the craziest thing ever. I assume the first stage will have like 50 engines hahah

>> No.11867791
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>tfw juggling probe orientation and data transmission to make it through maneuvers without running out of power from my shitty fixed solar panels and also transmit data home
at least dish antenna doesn't have to be actually pointed in right direction in KSP or this would be fucking pain in ass

>> No.11867792

pics or it didn't get to orbit top kek

>> No.11867794


Everyday Astronaut live now and just noticed in the replay that the speed started to slow down during the battery swap time.

That's unfortunately, hope RocketLab can figure it out and keep going

>> No.11867799

oops, ejected the full battery by accident!

>> No.11867800


>> No.11867801

Reminder that if you were to listen to everything "Elon said", Starship would already be flying and made of fucking carbon fiber.

>> No.11867802

>the point is demonstrated objectively
>keep arguing anyway
Why do they do this

>> No.11867805

>Playing KSP and time warping but the batteries run out in the middle of the mission

>> No.11867806

Hotswap failed clearly. Mission 13 though, so something fucky was expected

>> No.11867807

See the post above you. Elon says lots of thing.

>> No.11867808

Mission 13? Damn no company will ever launch a "13" mission after this.

>> No.11867809

Obligatory fuck estrogen astronaut but yeah out of all streams him and his chat noticed quickly. Sad for rocket lab right after getting dropped by the Pentagon

>> No.11867813

No wonder there was no Gemini XIII as well. Also Apollo XIII for obvious reasons

>> No.11867817

>Electron Rocket crashed into a Starlink sat

>> No.11867823

>Mission 13 fails
Cosmic laws working just fine. F

>> No.11867824

~150km up, that's a pretty mean feat if so.

>> No.11867825

At least it GOT past the Karman Line. Gotta look at the silver lining

>> No.11867826


22 mins
Electron slows down and begins to fall as video cuts off.
F's in the chat

>> No.11867829

Why do people hate him, he is cringey but not in a bad way. Just in a man-child way. It's forgivable

>> No.11867830

>Pics or it didn't happen
>Stream cuts
>Battery hotswap fails
>No pics
>It falls
Oops. Pick a better mission name next time, memelords.

>> No.11867831

No one can predict the future (except for Elon's timelines which everyone knows are optimistic). We know SpaceX's reasoning behind steel and no it wasn't "use as much off the shelf steel as possible", and we know their intentions which at this point and for a long time now have been to develop their own internal steel. That could change, but you can't just say it will change just because sometimes Elon changes his mind about things.

>> No.11867837

Going for unlucky 13 on this one

>> No.11867840

Didn't even think about the name, it's oddly appropriate now

>> No.11867842

I personally like that he is able to get interviews with people like the NASA admin and rocket company CEOs. I think he's going to try to interview Tory Bruno next

>> No.11867845

>We're going to switch to some black magic steel later down the line!
>But we're calling it the same as bog standard 30x grade steel
Well, aside from the whole "test bog standard steel now and swap it out for untested black magic metallurgy" bullshit, the whole 30x grading is a bit of a giveaway that they're not going to be developing jack shit.

>> No.11867848

It's because he is soi as fuck and is a libcuck. Fuck Estrogen (((Astronaut)))
Cosmonauts would rape him into the Kazakhstan Steppes

>> No.11867849

>An issue was experienced today during Rocket Lab's launch that caused the loss of the vehicle. We are deeply sorry to the customers on board Electron. The issue occurred late in the flight during the 2nd stage burn. More information will be provided as it becomes available.

>> No.11867851
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>> No.11867854
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You can see the hull, or a decal separating mright before meco, any takes on that? I mean it could just be a sticker, but there's definitely something separating that shouldn't come off. and it looks too thick for just a sticker.

>> No.11867858

The soi is pretty thick, and he strikes me as a feminist star wars consoomer... but has he ever brought up his politics on twitter?

>> No.11867859

He just stopped covering the failed launch to lecture his chat about how tribalism is bad and you have to be more progressive

>> No.11867860

300 series steel is already in their performance target zone. Why would they go outside of it? The fact that they're talking about their own formulation of 300 series and not some super special magic alloy makes it MORE likely to happen, not less.

>> No.11867864

>all these streams using fucking kmh or mph instead of m/s
fuck you guys stop hurting my brain

>> No.11867866

A lot of the company he keeps is proof of it, TMRO for example is riddled with gays and trannies

>> No.11867868

Ignore the facecam, I just picked "a" stream.

>> No.11867872

You need to appeal to the normies and smooth brains unfortunately

>> No.11867874
File: 3.15 MB, 1920x1080, Long Boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellas... Is it too big?

>> No.11867877

You DID buy launch insurance, right?

>> No.11867878

Nah, it was just their stupid battery pack setup shit that failed.

>their own formulation of 300 series
Get the fuck out of here. Throw off the balance and you end up with Chinese junk steel that's not worth jack shit so they're not gonna bother. That's why they're experimenting right now using high chrome content 304. Fuck, they might even test 316 and 316L before they're done, but that shit is not cheap and would defeat part of the point of switching to stainless steel.

Because yes, cost was a very big part of making that switch.

>> No.11867882

>that height
>only 5.2km/s
based 50cm lead wall stock fuel tanks

>> No.11867885

Needs more boosters or you're playing KSP wrong

>> No.11867887

>ULA stays afloat through various fronts that sell insurance protection against rocket snipers
>Rocket Lab didn't pay their dues

>> No.11867891

Add more booster dmitri

>> No.11867897

Needs more srbs

>> No.11867906
File: 875 KB, 628x858, BOOST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this enough boosters guys

>> No.11867911

Depends how you stage them. If you activate them all at the same time or don't stage them gradually through fuel lines, you could be wasting dV capacity.

>> No.11867912

>not hitting max q within 2 seconds of ignition

>> No.11867913

based Conestoga

>> No.11867917

Elon has outright stated they are developing their own alloy so your opinion isn't worth shit lmao

>> No.11867918

>Get the fuck out of here. Throw off the balance and you end up with Chinese junk steel that's not worth jack shit so they're not gonna bother.
More of Elon talking about his plans, explicitly saying it will be a 30X variant. Cybertruck this time, but he has made it explicitly clear that they will use the same alloy as well just in case you want to go down that road.

>> No.11867929
File: 45 KB, 710x631, d2po5af-4e30210d-c036-486f-9d8f-6ffd5eb35300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, he outright stated it was going to be made of carbon fiber too.
lol, "30X". Does the X stand for Chemical X?

>> No.11867931
File: 3.78 MB, 1920x1080, Better Long Boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out not enough thrust at launch.

>> No.11867933
File: 108 KB, 1200x741, 28FE26A6-10C6-4CDB-8F75-5DEA5126B55E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not superstitious, but it is kinda funny how “Mission 13” has failed on a few launches. RocketLabs failure isn’t going to help ease people’s superstitions haha.

Also why did it fail? Was it because of that retarded battery setup?

Also in other news SN5 is doing well. She passed her cryo but didn’t make much fuss over it.

>> No.11867936
File: 28 KB, 600x600, ze call.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zey won't take ze pics

>> No.11867938


>> No.11867944

I'm not the struggling to understand what off the shelf stainless steel grading means here.

>> No.11867947

They are investigating, no one knows for sure yet.

I wonder if NASA would consider skipping the "Crew-13" mission designation for ISS flights

>> No.11867949

You know a lot more about stainless than the guy making the stainless steel rocket. Why aren't you making stainless steel rockets, guy?

>> No.11867959

I know a lot more than you. Spoiler: If they were formulating a "special alloy", they wouldn't be calling it "30X".
Because that's an international grading of steel. Custom alloys are not graded that way because quite simply, they're fucking custom made.

>> No.11867960

>“Hello everyone and welcome to the SpaceX launch of uh”
>Shuffles script
>”The SpaceX launch of... Crew 12 Part II: The Sequel”

>> No.11867968


>> No.11867976

>the welding proccess will be completely automated and in a clean room
Didn't he say he wants Starship to be assembled by college graduate instead of rocket scientist?

>> No.11867982

Black Ice. Somewhere in 2030.

>> No.11867984

>launch M

>> No.11867987
File: 74 KB, 450x700, bestshuttle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always been here

>> No.11867990
File: 27 KB, 169x207, EcHNKTzWsBEYOC_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just the electron decal on the side probably

>> No.11868001
File: 574 KB, 1920x1080, Starship at Mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

College graduates will be operating the machines. The mexican welders in Boca Chica are just for quick R&D building. Think of Thomas Edison making the Model T. It was effective because he automated a bunch of stuff and each person only had to do a few things using machines

>> No.11868010

>Will move to internally developed alloys probably end of year.
>301 is certainly fine for orbit, but SpaceX 30X will be better.
>It’s a new variant of 300 series stainless steel

t. Elon. If you look at that and conclude something other than an intention to use a new, internally designated formula based off of 300 series stainless, you're mentally compromised. Bitching about the naming is meaningless, this is a description of what they are doing, not the semantic designation of the finalized product.

>> No.11868016

Yeah and last year it was carbon fiber. Elon says lots of things, learn to separate shit from shinola.

>> No.11868024

They can call it whatever they want you dumb cunt, is the international steel gestapo going to sue him? No one gives a fuck faggot.

>> No.11868033

nevermind then

>> No.11868034

You're missing the point entirely. Go learn about metals instead of slobbering over his tweets.

>> No.11868040

Ok internet metallurgist.

>> No.11868051

now THIS is a shuttle

>> No.11868056

>When's the next one coming around?
Mike McCullough claims he finally cracked an EM Drive with visible light instead of microwaves, so if that works, as soon as we can build a lifting-body horizontal launch spaceplane with a small nukeplant on board for a sufficient TWR. Short of that, I think Starship and clones thereof (chunky methalox tubes) will dominate the launcher business.

>> No.11868070

As I said, it's entirely possible, it's impossible to predict the future, that's what testing is for. Maybe the next round of testing with the improved 304L test tank will exceed expectations, maybe not. Maybe tests with the internal alloy will exceed expectations even more than that, or maybe they'll be a disaster. We'll wait and see. What's retarded is insisting that a new steel absolutely cannot work because Elon changed his mind about something once. Changing your mind with new information is how good brains work.

>> No.11868079
File: 282 KB, 1600x899, The Expanse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao EM Drive isn't going to work. I don't think we are going to have ships like we see in star citizen where you can just take off and slowly fly to orbit. Also don't think we're going to see anything close to a warp drive for another 200 years... if ever.

>> No.11868082

>What's retarded is insisting that a new steel absolutely cannot work
Absolutely not what I've written. Is there's something wrong with your eyes or your head? If they were planning on making a new alloy, they wouldn't be using international grading naming practices.
That's my point.

Jesus fucking christ, use your head.

>> No.11868087
File: 457 KB, 1200x700, 2FEC5F68-8941-4C80-AA0E-09BCC19213B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to watch any video about the Apollo missions
>Comments are full of people saying it was faked
>Go to watch any video about the ISS in LEO
>Literal FLATEARTHERS shitting it up

It’s all so tiresome

>> No.11868088

>Lmao EM Drive isn't going to work.
Eh, I've seen some test units that show sharp acceleration that doesn't match the time profile of thermal effects and looks too sharp for a photon rocket. I'm willing to see what the experiments show.

>> No.11868090

>you can't just call it 30X informally! you're breaking the metal laws!

>> No.11868097

>reading youtube comments

>> No.11868107

Those numbers are for STANDARD ALLOYS not custom.
How many ways do I have to have to explain it? 316 flows a bit better than austeniticchromium-nickel stainless steel with 2-3% molybdenum content.

>> No.11868115
File: 33 KB, 480x640, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11868119

Fuck off wumao.

>> No.11868120

>The 20 year old oooooptimist
The implication of a working EM device, generating even a remote thrust beyond experimental error or photon pressure, hints that our understanding of the laws of physics are broken. I don’t think it’s gonna work. That being said: I’m open to accepting that our physics could be wrong and I WANT it to work. The thought of jumping in a spaceship and just taking it up to orbit like it’s a car is really cool

>> No.11868127

If I was a fucking chink, I wouldn't give a shit about composition, I'd give you pig iron.

>> No.11868128

I don't know what part of "informal" or "not finalized" you don't understand. It has nothing to do with your precious international standards because it's not the actual name, it's a declaration that the custom formulation will be based on a 300 series steel.

>> No.11868135
File: 814 KB, 900x506, Screenshot_2020-07-04 Salute to America.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Force is participating at the White House event today.

>> No.11868136

And I believe you should look up dunning-krueger.

>> No.11868149

Bro you just don’t understand lmao

>> No.11868150

Glad Pics or it Didn't Happen is getting a proper funeral service

>> No.11868153

Sadly, I do understand.

>> No.11868156

Druggie spotted & flagged

>> No.11868159

The martian marine armor is cool but is it practical?

>> No.11868165

Guns are for protection from people who claim guns are unnecessary

>> No.11868166

It's literally just snowboarding/motorcycle gear with extra greebles.

>> No.11868168

youtube has a lot of people who aren't american that shill flat earth shit out of jealousy

>> No.11868170

>watch apollo documentary
>Moon landing was a hoax lololol
>Autoplay: Enabled

>> No.11868178

yeah, i dont know shit about armor really, so i guess it isn't. too bad they didn't design practical armor.

>> No.11868181

At least they used actual protective gear as a base. The Jaffa armor in SG-1 was literally rubber, and the less said about Star Trek "combat gear" the better.

>> No.11868183

Jewtube is utter garbage now with their new algorithm that chooses the sidebar videos

>> No.11868190


>> No.11868191

You people are absolutely fucking retarded. Metal man isn’t arguing the semantics of steel names. Y’all are just putting words in his mouth because you slobber over Elon’s PR ding dong

>> No.11868203

I think all of you guys are talking past each other or failing to capture nuance.

Metal guy is talking Materials. People that are arguing with him on the naming of it, are probably ignorant to Materials science. 30X is the name because it follows industrial code. It gets named that for a reason. Now something might be nicknamed, but reality says it must follow the code.

However, I also think that when Elon says custom alloy, he probably just means that he's picking a certain percentage of solid solute (for alloy) to specialize in whatever Elon wants out of the Material in terms of mechanical properties.

It's a matter of semantics.

>> No.11868211

Correct me if I'm wrong but can't you just stick a superconductor in there to boot up an electromagnetic field that catches the solar wind? Would cost less fuel to achieve same thrust, though you'd probably have to burn every now and then to course-correct depending on your desired orbital trajectory relative to the sun

>> No.11868216

That's called the plasma magnet sail and has been discussed to death. Anons have even emailed the designer for more information. Starship's wet mass is over 1000 tons so you'd need a 30 meter set of coils, but if you did, you could get another 50km/s delta-V away from the sun out of it.

>> No.11868218

A custom alloy would be named after its composition, not an international standard grading.
If that's too hard to understand, there's no hope for you.

>> No.11868222

did the plasma gods ever get back to anons

>> No.11868223
File: 301 KB, 1084x1080, 2b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the RD-58 so fuckin based bros
>decent isp
>5-15 fuckin ignitions depending on version

>> No.11868226

Yes. The tl;dr is that the "0.5g acceleration for a 2500kg craft" was based on a blogger mis-transcribing a talk, but everything else works as advertised. As soon as cheap TLI rideshares appear I'm crowdfunding a test sat.

>> No.11868227

Its only 1000 tonnes when fully fuelled, you won't have that fuel after you boost out of the magnetosphere, just whatever is in the headers. Couple hundred tonnes all up at most.

>> No.11868239

In that case it's much better. A 200 tonne mass can get accelerated anti-sunward at 0.03009m/s^2, so turning it on for 30 days gets you 77.99328km/s of delta-V... which means you can also use it to slow down for capture coming home.

>> No.11868246

How many ways can one man be told "hey retard, that's not the actual name" before he recognizes it and stops arguing semantics based on a naming system? "30X" refers to the grade of steel the custom alloy will be based on, the actual steel will be named whatever the fuck they want. Probably "Secret Steel 88"

>> No.11868248

And how many times must I tell you that Elon is full of PR shit?
That's his main job.

>> No.11868250

Every time you realize you have no argument you spout the exact same thing lmao

>> No.11868254

Where's your fucking argument? "But Elon said so" is not an argument.
They're using off the shelf shit to save money and they will fucking continue to do so until it's in orbit or they cancel the entire thing.

Because they learned their lesson with exotic bullshit developing the Falcon 9.

>> No.11868256

Da, committee is proud comrade. Please check your staging for the people and not no be a debil

>> No.11868262
File: 331 KB, 1259x829, Habitable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Nother planet in the goldilock's zone.

>> No.11868263

didn't read the earlier bits of this conversation but it's been confirmed SpaceX is contracting/making in-house a special 3XX blend of stainless for starship. I believe that one Finnish company is helping out?

>> No.11868264

>11 light years away
Holy shit, that's actually reachable with 0.4c.

>> No.11868267

>yet another red giant, but it's abnormally unshitty this time, we swear
Over these to be honest. I hope red giants can provide locales habitable for anything more complex than scum but I seriously doubt it.

>> No.11868272

>red dwarf system
>habitable zone

Wow so this is the power of diversity hires

>> No.11868273

>Red dwarf
>Powerful solar flares
Like the article says, wouldn't bet on it having much of an atmosphere though.

>> No.11868276

>red dwarf*
Error between chair and keyboard

>> No.11868281

Red dwarfs have habitable zones, but they come with a huge asterisk. It’s really close to the star... so close in fact that the star is most likely going to shoot high energy flares into your planet. AFAIK there are some “non-active” red dwarfs that don’t flare up, but all it takes is one flare over the course of billions of years and it could eradicate any microbial life on a planet’s surface

>> No.11868289

All we need is one reachable and can hold surface water and we're good to go for colonizing and hopefully terraforming

>> No.11868293

Also tidally locked, which isn't a death sentence but certainly doesn't help.

>> No.11868294

Aka 268 million miles per hour. Fastest vehicle we've sent is Juno probe @ 165k mph. 0.4c also known as 1600x+ faster than Juno probe. We have nothing that comes close, our fastest is barely half a percentage of 0.4c. Even if we do somehow get to 0.4c(which is likely impossible in this century if not next), that's still 28 years away.

>> No.11868307
File: 3.27 MB, 4109x5137, NASA_Administrator_Jim_Bridenstine_Official_Portrait_(NHQ201907240001).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this guy look like a cartoon character?

>> No.11868311

I don't know. He is BIG tho.

>> No.11868314

shave your neck jim

>> No.11868319

Because he's about to get Charlie Brown'ed the fuck out when Boing delays SLS again and that will lead to Artemis being taken out behind the VAB and shot.

>> No.11868328

Most probably. So far we only know it's named 30X stainless steel, just like how PICA-X was the SpaceX specialized variant of PICA heat shielding.

>> No.11868332

you do realize if we wanted to we could get crazy fucking speeds but we wouldn't be able to slow down?

>> No.11868345

Its not just the flares, you are getting raped by constant death tier radiation since you are so close to it.

>> No.11868352

If we could, we would have sent some shit to other pluto, but we can't. We can't go 0.1c speed of light. We can't go 0.4c. We can't even go 0.001c, let alone any thing higher. If we had the capability to go faster, we would have utilized them to explore the entire solar system million times already. But we don't.

There is no secret conspiracy to hide alien technology that can make a spacecraft go speed of light.

>> No.11868354

just live in igloos on the dark side

>> No.11868359



>> No.11868360

i never said there was dumbass, look at the parker solar probe, it will reach 430000 miles per hour, and that is without the designers optimising it to go as fast as possible. we could probably get something to reach over a million miles per hour with a sun gravity assist

>> No.11868361

also this, i believe breakthrough starshot will succeed. laser sails will be the goto way for launching early interstellar probes

>> No.11868366

Red dwarf stars have habitable zones. The habitable zone is just the area where temperatures would allow liquid surface water.

>> No.11868367

Shaving is gay.

>> No.11868371

Laser sails, particle beams, fusion drives. Stop talking BS

>> No.11868381

Breakthrough starshot is so cool. If we would have already launched them 10-15 years ago that would be ideal. My question is, they plan on doing a “flyby” of any planet in the system. How the fuck are they going to do that? I don’t think you get to “pick” where it goes... It kinda just zips into the star system and then leaves, would it not?

>> No.11868382

You should have said fusion reactor. That would have been more believable. The world isn't going to build couple dozen dedicated power plants to power the ground lasers to push your spacecraft. We don't even know if such a laser building is possible, let alone a tiny material the size of a penny that can handle all that heat from jiggawatts of laser from ground.

Epstein drive would make more sense. Atleast we can prostitute some young girls around.

>> No.11868386

t. muhammad muhammad

>> No.11868388

>The world isn't going to build couple dozen dedicated power plants to power the ground lasers to push your spacecraft.

Baseless assertion. Kys.

>> No.11868389

> The world isn't going to build couple dozen dedicated power plants to power the ground lasers to push your spacecraft.
i believe the world will be much more interested in space with the colonization of mars, but who knows.

>> No.11868393

I'm not saying either suggestion is currently feasible but building a big laser is a lot more near term than fusion power, let alone fusion power that will be useful for an engine

>> No.11868403

No, fusion power has a chance of happening in the next 100 years. Building few dedicated power station to power a gigawatt laser isn't going to happen. Each power station would cost billions of dollar. Laser alone would cost billions. Then you need to research/create a meta material that can with stand the heat, is light, can survive in cold/hot temp without succumbing to shock, etc. The economics wont allow it to happen. The world is already pursuing some type of fusion, so there is a chance it may succeed. Then a miniaturized fusion could be done for spacecraft, if fusion proves to doable.

>> No.11868408
File: 1.47 MB, 1932x1082, NoPicsAndDidn'tHappen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys,

Peter Beck here, gonna have to ground Electron for 6 months to troubleshoot. Can you guys throw some money at our merch? RocketLab is going through rough times right now and lenders are hard to find. We'd love any help we can get.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
Peter beck and all at Rocket Lab

>> No.11868410

theoretically you can use the reflection of a probe ahead of you to slow down, but that's very inefficient.
iirc the actual starshot plan was just to zip through the system, but send dozens to hundreds of probes (because once you've built your massive fuck off laser array, most of the hard work is already done for you).

>> No.11868412

If only Muons were stable god dammit. If one of you faggots could find a way to produce Muons without a particle accelerator you’d not only win a nobel prize, but be remembered as the father of fusion for the rest of history

>> No.11868416


>> No.11868419

Once/if Starship happens, then that could be used to propel interest in space colonization/exploration to the nTh degree. The hope then is spacex working on their next gen engine, a nuclear engine. And maybe after the renaissance of nuclear engines with the advent of space colonization, fusion engines might be researched along the way.

>> No.11868422

>but we wouldn't be able to slow down?
Turn a plasma magnet sail on halfway there and use the ISM and stellar wind to brake. This works from 0.2c.

>> No.11868428

The second space becomes an area of contested national security is the day every 'meme tech' becomes feasible.

>> No.11868431

patreon space program when

>> No.11868442

Alright bros, here’s the plan. We need to convince hostile nations to ramp up their space programs. We need to get China to the Moon, and have them establish a military base. This will involve giving them anything they need that we can provide. I warn you, it will not be easy, but we must spur our governments to spend more at the cost of national security. I- in minecraft of course

>> No.11868443
File: 112 KB, 583x608, chinese man buys bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11868456

It's his get out of jail free card

>> No.11868464


I would also like to congratulate the X-37B team on its successful completion of rapid orbital maneuvers and debris avoidance test.

>> No.11868468
File: 56 KB, 1100x550, Shelby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11868472

Long ago, all the oldspace snipers lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when Elon attacked.
It is only on special days where they come together to assure American dominance, this is one of those occasions brothers

>> No.11868474


I always had this curiosity, why do their rockets look like metal tubes welded together in a backyard? When will they use their "final form"?

>> No.11868480

>why do their rockets look like metal tubes welded together in a backyard

Sometimes it is what it looks like, and it's not always bad

>> No.11868491

The SRBs on Ariane exist so the French can keep the companies who make their ICBMs alive.

>> No.11868493

now. gibs.

>> No.11868494
File: 33 KB, 360x527, f1dirty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh electric turbopumps
that's what you get for being a little bitch

>> No.11868498

The planets further behind can mostly withstand the radiation from a greater the ones closest have a sort of equatorial band where it's neither hellishly hot nor is it bitterly cold. It's all just a constant morning with a red sky.

>> No.11868522
File: 99 KB, 1000x654, family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gas generator

>> No.11868524

Maximizing efficiency is a waste of effort on anything but the most demanding of boosters. Sustained high thrust for the duration of first stage thrust to minimize gravity losses is worth more.

>> No.11868538

>he can't even get 300isp at sea level

>> No.11868540

he BIG

>> No.11868548

is he?
how big?

>> No.11868552

12 in flaccid

>> No.11868566

That's a big rocket.

>> No.11868581
File: 222 KB, 587x714, ffdsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly /ourguy/

>> No.11868582

Falcon 9 uses gas generator too.

>> No.11868590
File: 76 KB, 883x839, S T A G E D C O M B U S T I O N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chad RAPTOR doesn't

>> No.11868598
File: 6 KB, 226x225, 1587997612693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's fucking real

>> No.11868600

How many kids does Elon have? Also he has a bunch of baby mommas, does he keep up with every single child of his? Not trying to judge the man- just curious about his personal life

>> No.11868605

>How many kids does Elon have?

He had six kids with his first wife, but the first one died very young, and recently he had another son with Grimes. Every one of them male.

> Also he has a bunch of baby mommas

Only two.

>> No.11868606

He has 3 kids from what i remember, two from his first marriage and the one he had now

>> No.11868608

Of course, his fucking comment section:
Liberals are truly fucking retarded I hope Musk makes it to Mars and immediately reveals his true right-wing nature. He seems like a man in the middle but my tinfoil hat theory is that he only says progressive things to keep public interest up and make grimes happy

>> No.11868611

for the faggots who ask for a link

>> No.11868612

>Every one of them male.

>> No.11868613

Six living, seven total

>> No.11868617

roll for communists banned from settling on mars

>> No.11868622

Dubs and China never makes it past LEO

>> No.11868626

funny since he used to be a poster boy for the west coast tech scene and green policies, but then the media flipped on him suddenly and now he's just slowly giving less and less of a fuck

>> No.11868634


>> No.11868636


>> No.11868638
File: 1.35 MB, 1680x1050, screenshot705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i make it look more like Starship bro's? How do i add payload to it?

>> No.11868639


>> No.11868641

Needs more 30X custom steel lmao

>> No.11868645

Yeah game's weird for me,metallic textures are near pitch black even at maximum settings.

>> No.11868659 [DELETED] 

Wait..isn’t China a communist country? I believe their education system is better, their poverty rate and unemployment rate is also lower than the US. They’re definitely not perfect but as a communist society they’re 2nd in world power and doing pretty good.

>> No.11868668

State capitalism, or as china would like to say "socialism with chinese characteristics." The state a portion of all of of the big companies in China and has their own dedicated communist department to train new employees in the art of communism with chinese characteristics. Europe does something similar to lesser degree like ownership of Arianespace is partial government owned as well and many of their car industry is partially government owned.

>> No.11868670 [DELETED] 

>Wait..isn’t China a communist country?

No. China has private business and corporations.

>> No.11868676

LMAO no, the communist regime took power but then realized they were going down the USSR famine rout. They decided to implement capitalist ideas to keep the country alive but it’s still a one party system under the communist party. Turns out communism is really gay and kills all your people

>> No.11868679 [DELETED] 

>No. China has private business and corporations.

Not publicly traded =/= private

>> No.11868681

>4th of July

>> No.11868683

Haven't tried myself but the mods he used are in the description


>> No.11868684 [DELETED] 

>it's not really communism
>it's just the state that all self-declared communism countries find themselves in

>> No.11868691

turn up render quality
make sure reflection refresh mode isnt set to off

>> No.11868698

Does this actually function like a Starship? I can never get recreations to successfully do the bellyflop and landing.

>> No.11868702 [DELETED] 

Communism = all companies are owned by the government/public. That's not the case in China. The state controls partial percentage of their large companies. Any company that succeeds, succeeds with the blessing/curse of the state. For the small/medium businesses, its all private enterprise with good chunk of state subsidizing their growing economy. Subsidized money paid by rest of the world's economy.

>> No.11868703

rip little kiwi rocket

was bound to happen, going 13 commercial launches without a failure is pretty impressive for such an experimental little rocket

>> No.11868704 [DELETED] 

I feel like this doesn't get the point across. It's more cogent to say "authoritarianism and crimes against humanity are clear and obvious symptoms of communism in practice." compared, of course, to the egregious symptoms of capitalism that they're ready to throw out the whole system for like expensive medical aid and corporate lobbying.

>> No.11868716 [DELETED] 

You're assuming they have achieved the communist state.
A key point of the communist revolution is the transition to it.
China maintains the vanguard.

>> No.11868720 [DELETED] 

China has adopted what's best for their military and economy. Aka state capitalism. Their governance is still that of a typical authoritarian/distopian commie state.

>> No.11868724
File: 134 KB, 446x640, 54464EF8-3DB6-4FBF-A81A-88A71C16E52F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could send a space probe anywhere in the solar system where would it be?

>For me it would be a lander that touches down at the lunar South Pole.
>It’s powered by an RTG, and used the excess heat to warm up a large inverted bowl that is deployed to the surface
>The warming up of this bowl sublimates volatiles in the soil
>The spacecraft collects the water vapor and electrolytes it to make separated oxygen and hydrogen
>Lastly, containers with Lunar—made hydrolox supercool the gases until they turn into liquid.
>Doesn’t have to be large samples, just a kilogram of Hydrolox in total to help demo future lunar ISRU
>Doesn’t have to be a large mission either. RTG can be very small, just needs to be able to warm up the soil

>> No.11868725 [DELETED] 

>Their governance is still that of a typical authoritarian/distopian commie state.
So commies.

>> No.11868727

> Not publicly traded =/= private

Private as in not state-owned.

>> No.11868729

The ones that didn’t collapse, anyway. “””communism””” is of course more sustainable when you involve capitalism.

>> No.11868732 [DELETED] 

State capitalism is not communism.

>> No.11868735 [DELETED] 

>Omg I have to pay for things and can’t get free stuff that’s bad

Goddamn I hate people.

>> No.11868737 [DELETED] 

State capitalism for economy, authoritarianism for governance. Still commie mindset, but taking advantage of the world for their economy.

>> No.11868738

Musk is BFFs with Peter Theil. He's always been reasonably right wing.

>> No.11868740 [DELETED] 

>We’ll achieve something literally impossible eventually

>> No.11868742

Who is Peter Theil?

>> No.11868743 [DELETED] 

By your logic nazis are commies.

>> No.11868744
File: 69 KB, 800x600, 800px-Enceladus_Cold_Geyser_Model.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deep into those holes to measure Enchilada's outgassing up close

>> No.11868746

it's a meme not a political treatise

sidenote: elon's replies are filled with the most insufferable people in existence. Seems to share a lot of hate-followers with Trump

>> No.11868748 [DELETED] 

It is when it's simply used as the transition.
To transition the country maintains capitalism while the vanguard heads the transformation to the communist state. Slowly you convert the economy over.

>> No.11868752
File: 60 KB, 820x325, E072FB67-85F8-402A-A86C-2AF340F5FE9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>National Socialists

Nazis and commies were actually pretty similar.

>> No.11868755
File: 16 KB, 528x581, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11868756

>Nazis and commies were actually pretty similar.
They were indeed. They didn't replace all businesses with state-operated bureaus, but they did have defacto absolute authority over the businesses, and it was used extensively against the banks. Rearmament was done as a jobs program.

>> No.11868757

Co-founder of PayPal & the guy who funded Hulk Hogan's Gawker lawsuit

>> No.11868760

Are there any plans for a lander to Empanada in the works?

>> No.11868762

>the guy who funded Hulk Hogan's Gawker lawsuit
Based. Fuck Gawker shit.

>> No.11868763

No. Best I’ve found are missions to Saturn that flyby Enchilada and look for signs of life in the plumes.

>> No.11868765 [DELETED] 

Nazis were actually pretty similar to modern China, AKA Dengism, but dissimilar to other more “classical” communist regimes.

>> No.11868767

>muh horseshoe theory

Imagine believing this

>> No.11868776

Metallurgy is the limiting factor for rocket engines in general so it's not surprising that SpaceX is intimately involved with it. Most other rocket builders are as well.

>> No.11868777

The way the modern Chinese government operates is genuinely pretty similar to how Nazi Germany operated, just less violently (but still violently) racist

>> No.11868779

to the shores of kraken mare on titan

>> No.11868780

Because of the plumes we do know they're nice and salty, which is nice since the problem with a lot of these kind of oceans is that they may be nutrient-pour

>> No.11868781

>SpaceX does metallurgy now?
I'm not sure how far back they started, but yes, they are into metallurgy. The largest outcome so far is for raptor. SpaceX now makes a custom metal for the engine to handle all the pressure/stress.

>> No.11868783

>dey r similar becuz dey r raciss

>> No.11868785

>Stalin - Hitler
>Komsomol - Hitlerjugend
>Communistic man - Ubermensch

>> No.11868792
File: 11 KB, 239x211, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow they had a leader, youth groups and ideals? They are practically identical!

>> No.11868793

That's unfortunate. What's the launch window, do you know?
If we started today for a trip to Encephalitis, when would we need to be ready by?

>> No.11868794

Fucking nuclear propulsion telescope to Solar gravity lens, taking pictures of extrasolar planetes.

>> No.11868796
File: 3.75 MB, 1920x1080, KSP_x64 2020-07-04 19-37-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i take the chodepill bros

>> No.11868797

>dey r similar becuz dey r raciss

That, and they’re authoritarian dictatorships that allow private businesses but keep them on a tight leash and exploit them

>> No.11868799

This desu I want to know about exoplanets so bad bros.

>> No.11868800

550 AU better be possible in the next few decades or else we've failed

>> No.11868805

Taking superficial aspects of two systems and conflating the two to be the same because of those is patently absurd.

>> No.11868806

Chode is absolutely peak launcher performance

>> No.11868810

I never said they were the same, just similar.

>> No.11868812

Musk names things whatever the fuck he wants. Its "300X" because he has a name to put in a spot. Just like DEMO-1 is the name of their launch, and other "DEMO" labels don't mean shit. Hes not using a off-the-shelf steel. They literally make their own blends already, this isn't something new.
Good for you? I'm certified too. You take a few classes, show what you can do and get a piece of paper. You really need to go find something else to do. You're blatantly incorrect, attempting damage control, and being a total embarrassment.

>> No.11868815

Looks like a nerve has been touched.

>> No.11868817
File: 104 KB, 1092x886, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA told them Starship will not be used for Artemis
>speeds up production
The fuck is Elon doing? NASA isn't going to use Starship for the Artemis project opting for their own module.

>> No.11868818

>Capitalist/Antisoviet - Untermensch/Jew
>Bolshevik Party - Nazi Party
>Communist Manifesto/Capital - Mein Kampf

>> No.11868823

>Trump - Hitler
>Republican party - Nazi party
>Mein Kampf - Art of the deal
>Hitlerjugend - Boy scouts
>SS - marines

>> No.11868826
File: 1.46 MB, 3024x4032, Eb2f4uDWkAAbLos.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11868829

The purpose of Starship isn't to help NASA land on the Moon. They just bid for the contract cause why the fuck not

>> No.11868830


>> No.11868831

Kek imagine if Kanye West actually wins, that would be amazing.

>> No.11868832

Musk is big guy.

>> No.11868842

Lmao Musk is going to beat them there anyway, the money they got is just an assurance that some of NASAs diversitynauts can hitch a ride so they aren't totally humiliated.

>> No.11868845

>he doesn't pass down his mtDNA

>> No.11868848

>Marines are elite soldiers

Lmao no bro 99% of them are retarded

>t. USAF

>> No.11868854

he actually could but more likely he'll snag voters from biden so trump will end up winning

>> No.11868855

Because of playing nice with NASA's bullshit chokepoints Lunar SS will actually be a pretty sweet ride if it gets built. Barely any crew, so much room for activities

>> No.11868865

There’s definitely going to be astronaut envy in the near future. Like imagine getting slotted for the shitty national team lander when your colleagues will be riding in a fucking STARSHIP

>> No.11868869

Mitochondrial DNA is almost always from the mother because of the way conception works

>> No.11868874


wtf they didn't show the other side of what they're climbing

>> No.11868881
File: 767 KB, 1414x650, launch_frogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you just buy tetrazine, or do you need to synthesize it from NO2?

>> No.11868891

thats the joke

>> No.11868896

>sipping cocktails from the starship minibar and sniggering while watching the national team astronauts throwing their poop bags out the window

>> No.11868899

Kanye win means elon gets a blank check for starship. Think about it... Holy shit. Worst case scenario this gets trump elected ez.

>> No.11868902

Wtf I'm a kanye missile now.

>> No.11868906

china isn't communist anymore

>> No.11868908

>china isn't communist


>> No.11868911
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, aaaaayyyyyyyyyyyys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did I find here?

>> No.11868917

Is that stars? Jesus Christ there’s so many

>Dur der no aleeyums

>> No.11868918
File: 3.81 MB, 4000x3488, AS16-114-18427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope everyone here had a good Independence day.

>> No.11868931

Yeah, to me at least it strikes me as ridiculous to claim there isn't life elsewhere in the universe. Sentient life though, who knows but it does strike me as extremely likely as well.

>> No.11868932
File: 60 KB, 2185x1640, 1538183726937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good, but celebrating Martian independence day would be much better

>> No.11868942
File: 3.80 MB, 4536x4536, 1503118725147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Martian independence day
Won't happen.
Mars will become a state of the United States.
We'll update our Constitution to account for other celestial bodies.
God bless the USA.

>> No.11868955

>tyrannical us gov shit on Mars

Gross no thanks. I want to be able to own proper weaponry and not be sent to die for space Israel thanks.

>> No.11868956

>Sentient life though, who knows but it does strike me as extremely likely as well.

Animals are sentient, silly. The anomaly is civilization, but the universe is so vast that concurrent ones may also exist.

>> No.11868958
File: 340 KB, 316x527, XR3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First orbital rocket in this career save. I want to make sure that this design can be "upgraded" for light roleplay reasons. What do you all think? This is just a protoype. I intend on having this be larger and recoverable later.

>> No.11868960
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, 1543341635911.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freest nation on Earth.
Freest nation in the solar system.

>> No.11868961
File: 168 KB, 628x1000, IMG_20200704_132911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11868962


Yeah one pile of shit that smells slightly less worse than another.

>> No.11868969

The U.S. will fall and dissolve like many great nations in the past
Liberty will endure on the final frontier if we have to fight (((Terra))) for it

>> No.11868976


is that RSS Earth or stock Kerbin? visual mods can make it look that good?

>> No.11868981
File: 1.85 MB, 1920x1080, KSP_x64 2020-06-27 22-52-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is that RSS Earth or stock Kerbin?
it's gael from GPP rescaled to 10.625x
>visual mods can make it look that good?

>> No.11868988

America will never fall. Communism is a lie.

>> No.11868993

Dude America is late stage empire in case you haven't been paying attention.

>> No.11869002

What's Kanye's space platform?

>> No.11869009
File: 85 KB, 206x302, em.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long for this episode to blow over do you think

depends on the VP pick

>> No.11869011

Infinite money to SpaceX, vote Kanye today to secure manifest destiny.

>> No.11869016

The American Empire is eternal.

>> No.11869024


>> No.11869026

t. Khrushchev

>> No.11869030
File: 384 KB, 2040x2048, 10857352_1009126702436964_7407018843758802958_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11869032
File: 316 KB, 804x932, 1403492656659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The American Empire is eternal.
Mega-Based - 4th of July edition

>> No.11869034
File: 739 KB, 604x1007, XR3_again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realized that it was nearly twice as expensive as my previous sounding rocket while getting very little cash reward with the orbital contracts I was getting. Therefore, I took the SRB-pill and redesigned the rocket. Same potential payload capacity goal (~4t to LKO), but only a thousand or two credits more in cost than the sounding rocket that preceded it. The SRBs are left attached to facilitate recovery in the future (and I didn't lose much performance holding on to them).

>> No.11869038

t. Schlomo

>> No.11869040

Decent. Is this stock? Doesn't quite look stock.

>> No.11869041

>retropropulsive recovery with SRBs attached
Ooh nice.

>> No.11869046
File: 41 KB, 539x374, CZ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. It's pure stock. There's a recent update that gave some parts a slight face-lift.

Guess where I got that idea from.

>> No.11869050

If they can pull that off IRL and refly the SRBs without major repairs I'll be impressed.

>> No.11869059

The SRBs got a new stock appearance recently.

>> No.11869072

I swear those were liquid boosters on the CZ 8.
Post pics of you landing that bad boy. What do the XR stand for.

>> No.11869080

With pointed tops they're probably solid. Liquid boosters tend to have rounded tops for more tank volume.

>> No.11869085

You're right. Just checked.

>> No.11869090
File: 895 KB, 800x901, XR3_launch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't like how wobbly KSP physics are. This thing flopped like a wet noddle all the way into orbit.

>Post pics of you landing that bad boy.
No landing yet. I wasn't even sure if it had the margins to make it into orbit comfortably. It did pass a test I was performing, so maybe next launch.

>What do the XR stand for.
Part of an attempt to have more concise naming for my craft. The X is for "prototype" and R is for "rocket". Previously I used random rivers for naming.

>> No.11869107

>I really don't like how wobbly KSP physics are. This thing flopped like a wet noddle all the way into orbit.

Auto strut

>> No.11869134
File: 574 KB, 994x559, XR3_impact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have 280,000VF
>launch cost 18,000VF
>contract reward 32,000VF
>recover 4,000VF from landed capsule
>somehow end up with 400,000VF after that
Is this some kind of reverse Hollywood accounting?

I didn't know that was a thing in stock KSP, I thought it was a mod. Thanks!

>> No.11869137

you probably got reward from altitude record or something

>> No.11869145

>I didn't know that was a thing in stock KSP, I thought it was a mod. Thanks!

It becomes available whenever struts are unlocked, and is a stock feature. You can also activate and change autostrut in flight, not just in the VAB. It’s necessary to make heavy boosters and long rockets stable

>> No.11869149 [DELETED] 

My doctor keeps setting the bone on a patient, seemingly forever. How do I break them out of this? The parts are completely mangled.

>> No.11869154
File: 3.32 MB, 1920x1080, KSP_x64 2020-07-04 22-21-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to make new rocket family now that I have NK-9s
>accidentally just make antares

>> No.11869156

Antares is a cool rocket. Too bad it has a retarded upper stage.

>> No.11869164
File: 1.56 MB, 1900x1927, GPN-2000-001124rsz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread idea, lets continue the Apollo theme

>Moonman edition

>> No.11869168

imagine the SMELL

>> No.11869186

And a Ukrainian first stage engine.

>> No.11869222
File: 819 KB, 2880x2160, Apollo 16 in 60fps - Rover Traverse To Station 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moonman edition

>> No.11869223
File: 3.12 MB, 1920x1080, KSP_x64 2020-07-04 23-24-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha kerolox go WHOOOOSHHHHH

>> No.11869233

is that...? A DRILL ON A STICK!
no no this won't do, a very expensive rover must be used to accomplish this task in months rather than 5 minutes by hand.

>> No.11869240

>solid fueled upper stage

>> No.11869247

what's spacex's previous record for most launches in a year? are they going to beat it this year?

>> No.11869262


you all are toal retards

>> No.11869267

manned spaceflight is more expensive than unmanned

>> No.11869281
File: 823 KB, 842x467, 1576362667501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11869282
File: 282 KB, 525x407, 1583261596934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck does this crane work

>> No.11869287
File: 3.70 MB, 3000x3055, AS16-117-18827[sharpened].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11869289

A series of tubes.

>> No.11869290

time is an expense

>> No.11869295

bad PR from multiple dead astronauts is worse than being slow

>> No.11869297

>this was more than 10 years ago
YIKES I remembered the day it was released too

>> No.11869302

nasa could have 'safely' put men on mars decades ago.

>> No.11869304

its not erect

>> No.11869306

umm just dont publish the ones that die idiot

>> No.11869308

Even if its only ion drive tier thrust it changes everything. Falcon/starship could cheaply put it in orbit then the system is yours.

>> No.11869310

The Jaffa are terror troops for bullying subjugated people. They invent better gear when SG-1 keeps kicking their asses.

>> No.11869313

I meant the irl armor props for the show, not in universe.

>> No.11869322

>nasa could have 'safely' put men on mars decades ago.
could they have 'safely' returned them, though?
america's space program is kid friendly, bucko
the media would run the stories anyway

>> No.11869325

Ion drive scale propellantless thrust with similar input power would be amazing. Stick some solar panels on a tin can and scoot to Mars. Add some big concentrator mirrors and you're good to Saturn. Even if the thing did scale to warp drives, that would be the most common use since it doesn't require an onboard nuke.

>> No.11869334

Self made man who escaped a shithole to push humanity to the stars, unshackled by the state, its a very right wing notion.

>> No.11869335

they thought so.
>Following the success of the Apollo Program, von Braun advocated a crewed mission to Mars as a focus for NASA's crewed space program.[49] Von Braun's proposal used Saturn V boosters to launch NERVA-powered upper stages that would propel two six-crew spacecraft on a dual mission in the early 1980s. The proposal was considered by President Richard Nixon but passed over in favor of the Space Shuttle.

>> No.11869337

if you're snowboarding or motorcycling, it's worse than unmodified snowboarding or motorcycling gear
if you are asking if it would work had it been made out of kevlar, then no, it's too thin and full of ventilation holes
even if it could stop bullet (let's say, the T-shirt is graphene), the impact energy alone from bullet would rip your internal organs apart without padding

>> No.11869338

>Every one of them male.

Truly a man of male MARS energy. Venus forever btfo.

Is musk an Aries or a Scorpio by chance? My sides would explode if he is.

>> No.11869339

iirc the impact trauma caused by dead stopping that amount of kinetic energy against your skin is almost as bad as the bullet entering your body.

>> No.11869340

his bday was last week so...?

>> No.11869346

>Von Braun's proposal used Saturn V boosters to launch NERVA-powered upper stages that would propel two six-crew spacecraft on a dual mission in the early 1980s. The proposal was considered by President Richard Nixon but passed over in favor of the Space Shuttle.
fucking Nixon

>> No.11869349
File: 40 KB, 434x393, 1547064566787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presidents need to be banned from meddling with space

>> No.11869356

Okay /sfg/

Propose a rover concept for venus

>> No.11869365
File: 161 KB, 1024x768, vw-mini-gol-small-car-for-little-people_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, but miniature cybertruck

>> No.11869367

It's very hard, we can't use any digital components in venus because of obvious reasons

>> No.11869368

Cancel it straight away and redirect funds towards something useful.

>> No.11869371

>giving up

>> No.11869372


clockwork rovers

>> No.11869373

Yes, Venus is shit.

>> No.11869374

Assuming it's possible, does the political will even exist?
Assuming trump wins in november(a stretch to the say the least) and he were to push for a manned mission to mars, would people even play ball?
The impetus for the apollo program was 1) a dick measuring contest with the soviets and 2) a functional government that wasn't loaded with people throwing a wrench into every gear they see. Who are we going to be dick measuring with now?
Nobody gives a shit about the space program anymore. I mean for god's sake a sizeable portion of the US(mainly trump supporters) thinks the earth is flat, space is fake, and the space program is just an excuse to brainwash people and funnel money to demonic pedophiles. Call me a doomer all you will, but these last 6 or so years have proven just how unintelligent, decadent, and outright disinterested in real tangible progress your average American is. Hell, I wouldn't even be surprised if there were protests/riots against nasa funding in the future. Not only do the "whitey on the moon" people still exist, but now the flat earthers exist as well.

I'm not optimistic. Someone please change my mind.

>> No.11869375

full mechanical rover

>> No.11869377

nah just leave it for a few centuries then strip its atmosphere and mine the cunt

>> No.11869378

Capture a venusian and train him to sketch landscapes.

>> No.11869381

how do you mechanically store energy

>> No.11869382

>I mean for god's sake a sizeable portion of the US(mainly trump supporters)
actually most of the flat earthers are millenials...

>> No.11869383
File: 1.47 MB, 762x1125, guys only want space colonization.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump reaffirmed we're going to Mars at Mt. Rushmore, and again yesterday. I do think the will exists.

>> No.11869384

>Trump reaffirmed we're going to Mars at Mt. Rushmore
link and timestamp?

>> No.11869389

humans have always been dumbcunts. they were dumbcunts when we went to the moon. they were dumbcunts when chris c fucked off to explore the world. it's best to ignore them.

>> No.11869391

If we get to Mars it will solely be because of SpaceX, Trump has fuck all to do with it other then not cucking Elon.

>> No.11869396

Seriously? The only flat earthers I have ever met were genx evangelicals. Horrifically heretical evangelicals at that.
That said, trump won white millennials, so still technically trump supporters. Most millennials I know are I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE tier.

>> No.11869399

Mt. Rushmore

>> No.11869400

most conservatives i know love space exploration because patriotism and shit, and all the mormons i know love space exploration as well

>> No.11869402

and the only flat earther i know was a feminist liberal women who thought that space travel was just a tool for patriarchal white men or something, unironically

>> No.11869404

mormons just want to gtfo. there will at some point be a mormon solar system somewhere in this galaxy.

>> No.11869410


>> No.11869769

>Who are we going to be dick measuring with now?

>> No.11870079

>for slightly lighter payload to GTO
Partially expendable FH pushes like 20t to GTO that is 2x what A5 can and recoverable F9 is already sold at 50mil$ not 70

>> No.11870144

Dude, it's only able to go that fast because it's falling towards the Sun. We didn't pack in 200 km/s of delta V, we packed a few hundred meters per second of maneuvering capability, and we've used gravity assists to REMOVE energy from the orbit to bring the periapsis down close to the Sun. On the parts of its orbit close to the Sun, yeah, it's moving faster than anything else in the solar system, but by the time it reaches apoapsis it's moving much slower than Earth or Venus, which is why it's able to fall so close to the Sun in the first place.

You can't use a Sun gravity assist to get something moving faster relative to the Sun and planets than it was already moving before the encounter. Also, since we're all starting off orbiting the Sun already, you literally CAN'T do a solar gravity assist AT ALL, because a gravity assist requires encountering an object that you're already moving on an escape velocity relative to.

>> No.11870161

Russian first stage engine (like Atlas V), but Ukrainian tank. Possibly the last Russian-Ukrainian combined space tech in use... in an American rocket!

>> No.11870208

The ridge line is probably a dozen kilometers away or more, dude. It's almost impossible to judge distances without atmospheric haze to clue you in.