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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11865066 No.11865066[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Enroll to physics because why not.
>First semester: Ok, Highschool classes.
>Second Semester
>had to choose one optative
>Choose astrophysics because why not.
>Teacher show us this Image https://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic1502a/zoomable/
>Peed myself a little bit (literally).
>Existential crisis kicks in.
>Start talking about how insignificant we are, we are nothing, dahdah.
>heart rate prolly arround 120
>start trying to imagine how big Infinity is comparing it to Big numbers(ik how dumb it is)
>think about what happens after death
>thinking about what does nothing feels like
>imagining how an infinite amount of time can pass in 0 seconds (death and conciousness)
>Imagining what will happen after Heat Death of the Universe
>Derealization, Nausea, Fear; all check
>Go home
>Start watching Size comparisons in youtube and those nihilistic "I F-ing love science" type of videos
>Get lost, no motivation, don't want to live but don't want to die because I'm afraid of what >>11863297 asked.

I'M SO FUCKING MAD, All of this was cool in my 12 year old mind. Why am I such a pussy? why can't I ignore shit and be Amazed by the stars like /sfg/Chads?.

Could've gotten in CS instead, but my fucking Ego had to enroll me to a "hard" subject to get praised by "normal people". I hate myself

>> No.11865108

The Earth is flat and being carryied by the four world elephants aswell as A'Tuin

>> No.11865112
File: 314 KB, 1032x1360, Yup5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ride the wave

>> No.11865133 [DELETED] 

Fear God

>> No.11865141

1. Read the Bible and become a Christian.
2. Ditch this materialist conception of the universe.

>> No.11865146
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>Could've gotten in CS instead, but my fucking Ego had to enroll me to a "hard" subject to get praised by "normal people".
>he fell for /sci/ memes about CS

>> No.11865151


>> No.11865152

How can I do number 2??
I literally can't Imagine how, I grew In a materialistic world with materialistic people.
I fell for /g/ memes, not /sci/

>> No.11865165

By doing number 1.

>> No.11865230

Christians are Kinda cucked doe-

>> No.11865233

Get some pussy

>> No.11865330
File: 153 KB, 820x655, DA4F2DB1-8B4B-4DC8-9FBF-1CE22D06688E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man! You just remind of myself two years ago. I suggest following something like a religion (I follow stoicism and Buddhism) to cope. Once you learn to accept death and life is meaningless, shit like this wouldn’t bother you and you be more anxious as to when your love ones will die.

>> No.11865355

and you are a material girl

>> No.11865359

Honestly, thank you for showing me this-- it is very beautiful. I feel lucky to be born in a time and place where I get to see stuff like this :)

I see all the stars and what must be dust and planets, and it's awe-inspiring. The universe is a big and beautiful place. Billions of galaxies like this exist, all with their stars and dust and planets-- the universe is a vast and wonderful place.

>> No.11865404

Remember that consciousness transcends size in space and our ability to imagine how big infinity is what sets us apart from anything else in space.

>> No.11865413

you are legitimately a large retarded pussy.
"look a lot of big rock in space, i am small, me depressed" fucking retarded "existential" slave morality bitch

>> No.11865435

Are you addicted to porn, by any chance?

>> No.11865453
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women and nonwhites exist, sadly that rules that dream out- however based it may be
>Choose astrophysics because why not.
you chose wrong. astrophysics is highschool-tier garbage where women and minorities pretend they are learning shit by just naming useless stars. Youre a disgrace to physics and thank god I changed to mathematical physics, I fucking despise the people who choose physics.
> my fucking Ego had to enroll me to a "hard" subject to get praised by "normal people"
astrophysics isnt hard lol. take general relativity and maybe then we can talk, but otherwise all I see astrophysicists doing is naming stars and circle-jerking about "omg bro look how big hehe." Despite how much cs majors get ragged on here, its a far more respectable field than astrophysics
youre too right my friend, if only you knew

>> No.11865459
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>Once you learn to accept death and life is meaningless, shit like this wouldn’t bother you and you be more anxious as to when your love ones will die.
How about you stop pretending this is any deeper than it really is and actually get some work done. This is why no one respect philosophy.

>> No.11865480

Don't pretend that Atheism plus is still a thing.

>> No.11865498

only a fag like you would even know what that logo means

>> No.11865503

It's nothing scary at all.
Insignificance is itself insignificant in the grand scope of things.
We don't know what's gonna happen yet, and we might never know.
Live life in the present and live for yourself because this is the only period in the entirety of the history of the universe that you're alive.

>> No.11865523

I had this crisis at 9 or 10 years old when my brother told me about black holes and space. I didn't think any of it was cool at all back then, now I can appreciate its power. Also, being insignificant is liberating, it means your failure at something means nothing in the grand scheme of things. You can do whatever you want.

>> No.11865549

Imagine how fucking self centered and narcissistic you have to be to have an existential crisis about not being the center of the universe. Then imagine how retarded you have to be to comprehend the vastness of space only once you've enrolled in university.

OP you're such a NPC. Get of this site and do something nice, it will be good for you.

>> No.11865558

You are mentally weak. Go experience life and tragedy retard.

>> No.11865586

I agree that its terrifying and there is little you can do to allay this worry other than becoming numb to it or psychopathic self-narrative constructions that smooth over the obvious scaling problems with human destiny/dreams and the scope of our universe. Anything less than an encounter with this reality is a sign of extreme naivety, ignorane, or mental instability. Embracing it in an honest manner might be a sort of overcoming but there is a reason that Nietzsche did not escape his Nihilistic prophecies nor did we as a civilization. You have every reason to feel this way.

>> No.11865596

I'm afraid to ask, but what does the A stand for?

>> No.11865598


>> No.11865601

How can you be so mentally weak?
Go get space engine from steam and play around with it.

>> No.11865603

arts, the only art that seems like it should even be affiliated with STEM is architecture

>> No.11865606

It's another meme word that means absolutely nothing.

>> No.11865627
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You're just as mentally weak as him. There's an initial horror and if you can't get past that then learn to have some self control. Reacting like a child watching someone die is pathetic. If you are a freshmen in college and you are reacting like this you were probably fucking sheltered from reality. There is no value in being a nihilistic pussy that is scared of existence. Take existence by the balls retard.

>> No.11865890


>> No.11865909

Atheism plus
Think it was the thing that developed into hardcore feminism and other sjw bs back in 2011.
How is atheism related with this? No idea and that's why I stopped watching many people on YouTube. They became cucks over night. Really weird

>> No.11866373

So you know which one I'm talking about? You must be a faggot too.

>> No.11866863

Don't become a Christian but do ditch materialism and become a dualist.

>> No.11866873

no, I rub one off like once a week, without porn though.
>x isn't hard
I know it's shit compared to other things, but for normal people it's "Soooo hard"
Maybe I am, I will Torrent it.
Maybe I'm still in the "Initial Horror", I haven't looked at other things that had to do with space because tb,h I'm kinda afraid to go nuts again. when I watched this video for the first time
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHAA_1Guxlo)) I got all anxious (maybe because I took all of it as facts), now that I'm more chill I realized that everithing he was saying were just mental jerk offs
I did aknowledged the size of the Universe, but I didn't care back then. Maybe it's because (as you said) when I was younger (12-15) I didn't cared as much about myself.

>> No.11866880

>Richard Dawkings
God, I hate this faggot so much. I'm also an agnostic but this dude is a literal fucking retard who only argues the stupidest and weakest arguments for god. Ever wonder why he has a distaste for philosophy and won't ever argue an ontological argument for god? Because he's a brainlet who doesn't understand modal logic. Him being a huge figure in atheism has literally ruined the atheist movement for me. This dude should stick to evolutionary biology because he literally can't into philosophy.

>> No.11866943

For me wave like nature of the universe's distribution is eminent from the picture, or it's just JPEG artifact's committing disinformation to this technological masterpiece?

Don't worry, universe's so big, so your failures seems so small.

>> No.11867847

wish i could post speech You're Picture Does the opposite of scare me When I look at that I wanna know how many objects are there I wanna know how many atoms Are in the space between I wanna know what atoms I wanna know which way they're pointing I wanna know what type of ice is on that comet

>> No.11867948

wish I could see the same, I'm starting to appreciate it too. How shitty it is when you finish a game and there's no place to explore next.

>> No.11867974

You have every reason to fear death and to fear the abyss retard. That doesn't mean that you retreat from them. No one is unmoved like some lower form of vegetal life before a battle, many men with combat experience are anxious, scared, and fear for their lives; cowardice is the act of refusing to do your duty, refusing to encounter the world. At not point did I suggest OP should be like that. Nihilism is incoherent, there is no reason to fail to attempt to construct meaning, only realizing that the meaning is groundless and will die with you is the sane manner of going about it. Nietzsche suggests this as the only course of action to go beyond nihilism. He did not escape it however, you can see this in his very late ruminations on europe and its fate in The Will to Power.

>> No.11868062
File: 82 KB, 646x652, 9061C284-FA00-426E-B76E-E40A1903C6EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) I imagine the greatest burger that could possibly exist
2) A property of a burger is being in my hand, which makes any burger better
3) This is a contradiction with 1, therefore, this burger is in my hand right now

yea this argument convinces me so much I’m a theist now wtf

>> No.11868089

Nihilism is a chill-pill you should take every now and then to calm down, but like any drug, don't overdo it

>> No.11868094

You mean depression? That's not really a "chill pill" anon.

>> No.11868102

I think you confuse Nihilism with Stoicism.

>> No.11868116


>> No.11868125

>>11865152 you sound neurotic as shit, just realise nothing means anything retard

>> No.11868139

Hahaha funny, how about you contest an actual argument for the existence of god instead of mocking it.

Definition 1: x is God-like if and only if x has as essential properties those and only those properties which are positive

Definition 2: A is an essence of x if and only if for every property B, x has B necessarily if and only if A entails B

Definition 3: x necessarily exists if and only if every essence of x is necessarily exemplified

Axiom 1: If a property is positive, then its negation is not positive.

Axiom 2: Any property entailed by—i.e., strictly implied by—a positive property is positive

Axiom 3: The property of being God-like is positive

Axiom 4: If a property is positive, then it is necessarily positive

Axiom 5: Necessary existence is positive

Axiom 6: For any property P, if P is positive, then being necessarily P is positive.

Theorem 1: If a property is positive, then it is consistent, i.e., possibly exemplified.

Corollary 1: The property of being God-like is consistent.

Theorem 2: If something is God-like, then the property of being God-like is an essence of that thing.

Theorem 3: Necessarily, the property of being God-like is exemplified.

Now I believe this argument is flawed, but I want to see your response too it.

>> No.11868155
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Take the girls wearing sundresses pill.

>> No.11868259

a withered corpse sticks its wrist into & gets married to vegan tapioca. on the other hand it's painstakingly writing a 7 with a pencil as long as the u.niverse

>> No.11868269

we all go into death screaming "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

>> No.11868296

you're going to need to just through the Analytic Synthetic Distinction at some point

besides, Axiom 5 and Theorem 1 contradict each other
Necessary Existence is not consistent

>> No.11868297

That's just vulnerability showing itself to you by the time. Everyone goes through a similar experience. Last year (I was 17-18) I also had my first experience with vulnerability, and it was crippling to me. I don't give a shit about le small life in the universe meme, but my issue was more about realising my own mortality and that I'm not armoured and invincible.
Talking from experience, mine and of people that I know, it could be just a phase. You'll either grow out of it over time, or you become an anxious, cynical, depressive, sad faggot. For now, the best thing you can do is try to seek for meaning and beauty in your life. I'm not telling you to search for something that is meaningful, but to try and observe the meaning in the things that exist in your life. There's a difference, and the former will only make your situation worse.

You'll be fine, keep studying and enjoying your life for now.

>> No.11868349

It's always the fifth axiom with you guys, but that's besides the point. I agree, but my issue with Richard Dawkins is that he will never attack these types of arguments. He always goes for weak arguments in favor of god.

>> No.11868350

I'm pretty shure there's something "deep inside" of me that is making me feel this way, but gotta search for it, to keep it real I'll se what can I do to change majors, physics is Phylosophy now a days.

>> No.11868433


Interpretation is key, and nihilism is a loose subset of stoicism

>> No.11868439

Keep searching for it, man. This is your struggle, and it's up to you to find the answers. Take care.

>> No.11868535
File: 174 KB, 900x1575, Alwayremberhappydayimhavingaprettytyday_cb3194_6274901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try talking your University into letting you take Cell Biology, Genetics classes and an intro to Microeconomics. Make waifus real. Profit.

>> No.11868575

No, it isn't.

>> No.11868603
File: 454 KB, 650x904, 03e147cc6515001d2fae5d4fbb6ac0182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed post.

>> No.11868840
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, aaaaayyyyyyyyyyyys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-wait a minute

>> No.11869551

the property of measurable is positive
the property of evidence is positive

if god exists, he should entail these. Thus my ridiculous burger example.

also I don’t like axiom 1, a negation of a positive property can be neutral
and axiom axiom 2, an implication of a positive property can definitely be negative
This argumentation is very similar to the gödel one, he has an axiom of an aspect being bad if it’s not good.

>> No.11869561

in my opinion, the strongest argument is that the god hypothesis (sry) is on a similar footing as string theory concerning the origin of the universe. Though I see it as weaker because it doesn’t have predictive power even in principle.
If you have a really good one, let it fly. I am ready to be convinced if you can.

>> No.11869565

>physics is Phylosophy now a days.
as someone who is in a physics masters right now and has taken some courses in philosophy for fun, I heavily disagree.

But I don’t want to convince you to stick with it. Do what you can enjoy doing for the majority of your life, even if it’s just making cash. This seems like the best course of action.

>> No.11870041
File: 278 KB, 916x610, 1568202253791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had a similar crisis to yours recently.
I concluded that I might as well just enjoy the time I have. Life ultimately has no meaning, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist; or that it won't exist for thousands more years.
There is so much pleasure to be found in the little things in life. I'm glad to be here, RIGHT NOW, in what might as well be paradise. I love waking up and hugging my close ones. I love resting on my backyard and feeling the summer breeze. I even love shitposting in here. I don't need a purpose, as my existence inherently gives me joy, and I hope I'll be able to experience it for decades more.
Sure, this will all eventually end. But if you're lucky, and take care of yourself, you might pass away old and accomplished; satisfied in a job well done. Even if you don't, then at least you got to live for a meaningful period of time. Isn't that amazing?
I am glad this all happened. Why don't you sit back, relax, and savor the wonders of "being"?
Please take delight in every second, and never fall into monotony again.

>> No.11870103

>the property of measurable is positive
>the property of evidence is positive
No they aren't
>and axiom axiom 2, an implication of a positive property can definitely be negative
No it cant

>> No.11870348

>No they aren't
different anon
yeah, ok but they are

>>and axiom axiom 2, an implication of a positive property can definitely be negative
>No it cant
By your own axioms, Necessary existence is positive
However, Necessary existence is an incoherent property, and thus entails nonexistence
So NE => - NE
and then by axiom 1, the negation of NE is not positive, so you have a contradiction
Since -NE is both positive by Axiom 2 and is not positive by 1.

>> No.11870349

Anti-midwit memes are the best

>> No.11870386

>Necessary existence is an incoherent property, and thus entails nonexistence
Philosophers are still arguing whether necessary existence is a coherent or incoherent. I know David Hume argues that it's incoherent, and to this I say their is a difference between metaphysical and epistemic possibility

>> No.11870389

I meant argued, I made a lot of grammatical errors in this post.

>> No.11871402

Thanks brah, reading that made me apprecieate what I have, I'mma change for a path that makes me happy instead of pleasing other clowns.

>> No.11871423

>Join the cult that burned scientists for suggesting the world was round
>In order to understand the universe

>> No.11871432

stop caring

>> No.11871435
File: 456 KB, 400x406, 4d4cbae85a6ce7511e3b9051c1c5b2aa_f81ece21_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to reality bro, enjoy your stay, it's the only one we have

>> No.11871437

Muh "the church is equivalent to religion". Pathetic attempt, kike.

>> No.11871446

No matter how hard you try, even if you succeed by doing a complex logic argument like this, it cannot bring stuff to exist by defining them just like it can be used to generate perfect things (that still don't exist in reality)

>> No.11871449

>. Read the Bible and become a Christian.
Why? Why delude yourself?

>> No.11871469

>freak out about how insignificant we are
>so insignificant that I freak out about us
Obviously you consider people significant otherwise you wouldn't be freaking out. Just because we're in a small area relative to space doesn't mean we're insignificant.

>> No.11872267

have sex

>> No.11872318

>>Join the cult that burned scientists for suggesting that the world was round
Genuinely one of the stupidest things I've read in a while.

>> No.11873466
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Same thing happened to me, not with the same pic, but with the mere idea of the Universe when I was 5 or 6.
That's why I'm fine doing nothing all day. In a way, it's liberating, you realise you're nothing and the only thing you can do is to mind your business and find peace. Or get rich, fuck bitches and drive sports cars.
Simple as

>> No.11873476


>> No.11873549

Imagine actually thinking the ontological argument works while also ending your ontological argument with a disclaimer stating that it doesn't actually work. You think you're so much better than anon because while he simply rejects the ontological argument, he doesn't appreciate the difficulty in refuting it as well as you do. We've reached dunning kruger levels only possible in the philosophy of religion debates.

>> No.11873694

It isn't about appreciating the difficulty in refuting them, it's about appreciating the argument and the mind behind them. I can disagree with an idea while acknowledging the complexity and intelligence behind it.

>> No.11873696

>>In order to understand the universe
Not to understand the universe, but to feel better about myself. Understanding the universe is over-rated.

>> No.11873815

thanks 4 the link m8

>> No.11873909
File: 820 KB, 498x776, 7865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Peed myself a little bit (literally).
>>Existential crisis kicks in.
>>Start talking about how insignificant we are, we are nothing, dahdah.
