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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 880 KB, 1752x1620, Lisa-Piccirillo_2880_Lede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11856891 No.11856891 [Reply] [Original]

It took Lisa Piccirillo less than a week to answer a long-standing question about a strange knot discovered over half a century ago by the legendary John Conway.


>> No.11856900

Conway would have appreciated seeing this, fuck covid19.

>> No.11856906

ho no no no, it's not "le white 7 years old 150 IQ boy who solves everything" episode.

>> No.11856908

>imaginary knots
Is this what mathematicians are doing nowadays? What a load of useless shit, how do they even get funding? They just fuck around and have everyone fooled that they're doing some kind of important work when they're just tying stupid knots with their mind. What the fuck could you even use that knot for?
The only knots you need are a bowline, round turn and two half hitches, reef knot, figure of eight and clove hitch.

>> No.11856921

Math is imaginary to begin with. Reality is physical, not mathematical.

>> No.11856925

fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.11856928
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>> No.11856954
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>> No.11856956
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I'd fuck her if only she didn't look 38 years old

>> No.11856957

go back, Achmed

>> No.11856963


>> No.11856964

found the micropenis

>> No.11856967

If it were Louis Piccarillo and not Lisa, would an article be written about him?

>> No.11856973

go back to 9gag

>> No.11856976
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She looks like Kim (without makeup) in better call Saul

>> No.11856985

She's probably just into bondage and her daddy forgot how to untie the knot. So she had to come up with a solution.

>> No.11856993
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Hmm now that's an interesting take. But idk if I'd fuck Kim Wexler, the same way I wouldn't fuck Laura Palmer. Too much respect? I guess there's a good humanized element to the characters. Perhaps the real reason I wouldn't fuck the graduate student is because she seems real and genuine.

>> No.11856994

Wow. Simps belong in >>>/reddit/

>> No.11857001

I read this a few weeks ago. I don't know shit about knots, but the knot basically looks like tracing exactly the same path but "turning back" at the end and wrapping exactly the invert path side by side, making it a doubled knot (two "fibers"). Is that "revolutionary"?

>> No.11857006
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cope incel

>> No.11857008

protip: higher dimensions

>> No.11857012
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You don't fuck Laura Palmer because pic related might hunt you

>> No.11857014

Good for her.

>no square
lmfao fuck off knotlet.

>> No.11857019

But they mention this is a low dimension problem, and they show the actual knots being studied.

>> No.11857026

"What's your favorite area of math?"
"Knot theory"
"I don't like theory either".

>> No.11857030

pic related has already been hunting and killing us all anon, and it's been doing so ever since 1956

>> No.11857065

>no square
that's what a reef knot is you fucking pseud boy scout

>> No.11857076

Good on her.

>be in knot field
>first learn about conway problem in 2018
yeah something doesn't add up.

>> No.11857081

>no monkey fist

>> No.11857101

>hurrr can you tie a monkey fist
this is a midwit tier knot, equivalent to normies talking about Schrodinger's cat to sound smart.
It's practically not very useful; all the god tier knots were already listed except maybe for sheet bend

>> No.11857107

>i can't even add

>> No.11857113
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>tying your shoes with a reef knot

>> No.11857117

sure thing retard. You think a fucking square knot isn't the absolute peak of the bell curve of midwitticism?

The monkey fist is one of the most patrician knots in Western civilization. As are the cobra and the double windsor.

>> No.11857128

>fucking square knot
you brought that up, faggot
The bowline is the best knot there is, hands down. If you think otherwise then you're the definition of a pseudo boy scout who's never had to use a knot for anything other than tying his own shoe-laces

>> No.11857132

just wear velcro dumbass

>> No.11857136

>The bowline
Damn, you need to level up pleb. That's like saying pi is the best math.

>> No.11857142

well tell me a knot that's more widely applicable, doesn't come undone yet is easy to untie even after being under pressure
There isn't one, hence bowline is the best fucking knot there ever is or will be

>> No.11857143

Anyone gonna show us the knot in question?

>> No.11857148

no no no it's le nig male still finds time between rape woman and stabbing of another black male to solve math problem

>> No.11857161

What a sad gray world you live in.
If you can't outgrow your plebeian bowline fetish, at least learn to mix it up a bit with the yosemite or water variants.

>> No.11857186

well sure but in terms of application the basic bowline is much more widely useful, you only need those for extra security
they still count as bowlines anyway, so my point stands

>> No.11857193

Absolutely based. I have a new mathfu.

>> No.11857210

I agree that the basic bowline is the plebbest of all knots.

>> No.11857217

no, search engines and wikipedia just don't exist yet
come back in 50 years

>> No.11857233

>still no argument

>> No.11857236

>white women
Of course, it's their favorite past time.

>> No.11857240

Am I the only one who thinks 'she' looks like a tranny? Wide shoulders, flat as a board, strong jaw/chin...

>> No.11857242

>The only knots you need are a bowline, round turn and two half hitches, reef knot, figure of eight and clove hitch
Knot theory has applications in CS and physics via Jones polynomials, partition functions for braids in statistical mechanics, chirality and spectral graph theory in chemistry, and almost all of Dehn's work.

>> No.11857264

>t. can't tie a sheepshank

>> No.11857279
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>knot theory has applications to other bullshit nobody cares about, and also you don't actually need knot theory to do it

>> No.11857289

Argument about what? Your taste in knots is dismal, and I agree that the bowline is a perfect fit for a man of your sensibilities.

>> No.11857295
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Cutting your dick off is a small price to pay for tenure track, especially in THIS job market. I'd be tempted too if I were some incel math nerd working in fucking knot theory in 2020 lmao

>> No.11857301

whatever you say, pleb
stick to your useless meme knots that you can show your friends at school

>> No.11857313
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>> No.11857324

And you to the clockwork tedium of your bowline.

>> No.11857385
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>“I said, ‘What?? That’s going to the Annals right now!’” Gordon said, referring to Annals of Mathematics

>> No.11857432

Ten years ago it wouldn't have dawned on me to ask this question but are you sure that's a female?

>> No.11857541

I wanna sniff those armpits

>> No.11857543


>> No.11857631

my eyes do the same thing what does it mean?

>> No.11857634
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>> No.11857855

>solves "legendary" problem in 2018
>check publication
>13 citations
not usually that guy, but wtf? Was the importance of the problem attributed only to how long it was unsolved?

>> No.11857868


its just a push by her advisor and to get more females into faculty
there are almost no people in very esoteric fields so any work you do could contain mistakes which nobody will notice and even if some may recognize thje they may overlook them especially if you have a princeton math prof. in your back as your advisor
in other words: they just wanted to promote a female prof to MIT and needed some clout to do it

i am generally very suspicious of publications from people who are advised by famous or powerful professors

>> No.11857880

You have eye ebola

>> No.11857890

Is knot theory that esoteric? I mean, Conway worked on it.

>> No.11857895


>> No.11857923

>"... Yes, the Annals of Mathematics... That's what I meant..."

>> No.11857926


conways work is largely esoteric. thats the reason he almost got no significant awards (fields, abel prize) even though he is very very popular (mostly due to game of life)

>> No.11857948

t. engineer

>> No.11857953
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*listens to discipline once*


>> No.11857961

I really don't think her proof is a hoax anon. It got accepted by peer review, it's in a journal, the article said other mathematicians were even going to use it as foundational work.

>> No.11857975


>> No.11857976
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Yeah I solved the Riemann hypothesis in like an hour after I watched a youtube video about it. Where's my name in the Anals?

>> No.11857996

you'll be in the anals

>> No.11858100

>less than a week

Sure thing, woman

>> No.11858127

>interested in knots

/trash/ knew it since the beginning.

>> No.11858220

>only knots you need
You miss most of the shibari ones. Because trust me, those are pretty much need-to-know

>> No.11858232

but i want to be in the Anals with a capital A

>> No.11858243

It's a niche field that got published less than a year ago, 13 citations is pretty good actually. Math subfields are not like cancer/health research which get hundreds of citations almost instantly.

>> No.11858251

knot today.

>> No.11858278
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b a s e d flatchested woman

>> No.11858419

Dangerously based

>> No.11858614

I bet she has chunky nips.

>> No.11858719


>> No.11858988

Chemfag here

How does knot theory help us with chirality and shit?

Also bowline is the best knot

>> No.11858994

How do those applications help us? Genuine question. I would like to know more about this stuff.

>> No.11859161
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>white woman

this site has ruined me

>> No.11859729

Let me just cut to the chase... they don't.

>> No.11859739

This is actually not a joke...

>> No.11859746

werewolves are hot, shut up

>> No.11859749

No, a few other /pol/cels who never go outside also share your thoughts.

>> No.11859930
File: 7 KB, 260x194, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd knot in her slice

>> No.11860246

this but unironically
the fact that MIT gives tenure for some shitty 10 page knot result is part of the reason STEM is going to shit

>> No.11860328

>white woman
>obsessed with knotting and knots
pottery, no wonder they like dogs for so much

>> No.11860637

muslim or asian hands typed these posts

>> No.11860649
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Somehow it feels strange that a female was able to solve a problem which even male mathematicians had problems with for so long.
Shit I am a fucking bigot, what has these board done to me.

>> No.11860652

not from /sci/, why should i give a fuck

>> No.11860666

Mannish female stem students with high prenatal testosterone levels will save us all one day

>> No.11860696

Her tentacle rape monster fetish payed dividends...

>> No.11860739

Because a woman is better than you.

>> No.11860883

>Her proof made use of Rasmussen's s-invariant, and showed that the knot is not a slice knot.[7]

>> No.11861217
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>> No.11861240

This is now an image processing thread. This girl's shirt is thin enough to x-ray using editing tools. I'll be back in 30 minutes.

>> No.11861282


>> No.11861367

holy fuck I liked what I've heard from KC before but this is fookn CHOON LAD, many thanks

>> No.11861381
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>> No.11861389

Enjoy anon, the whole album has that vibe to it.

>> No.11861394

The only people who hate successful women in math are the male failures.

>> No.11861403


>> No.11861421

Beautiful work, anon.

>> No.11861424

This but unironically. Mathematicians are the most useless group of "scientists" out there.

>> No.11861429

Looks like a woman to me. Lots of white woman have strong jaws.

>> No.11861437

Why would any fucking sane person decide to become a mathematician? And no, math is not fucking art.

>> No.11861445

Why there is no problem statement in the OPpost? How are we to appreciate this cunts efforts then?

>> No.11861460

because it's fun

>> No.11861473
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>The only people who hate successful women in math are the male failures.

>> No.11861478

because it's beautiful

>> No.11861507

I guess Hilbert was a simp, and so were most of the pre-1950s mathematicians.

>> No.11861539

those fuckin male mathematicians man

>> No.11861846

clearly wearing a bra.
you could shoop nipples on anything and call it "xray"

>> No.11861920

She looks like 40yrs old, is math this bad for your look?

>> No.11862034


Female Fields medalist Maryam Mirzakhani's (RIP) work made use of the topological object known as a pair of pants. I'm starting to unironically think that women have good mathematical intuition for topology (think of knitting, embroidery, the manufacturing of clothing). I would distinguish this aptitude from geometry and certain forms of spatial reasoning, becuase we know that women aren't quite as good at those.

>> No.11862088

No. It's the weight of analytical thought. Something that is typically hard to fake.

>> No.11862099

Damn, I didn't know he died. Old bastard should have quarantined himself. New York and New Jersey really fucked the whole thing up.

>> No.11862105
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Thousands of years of selecting for good loomers.

>> No.11862106

It's been a while.

>> No.11862201

Nobody is talking about legendary problems in the article.

>> No.11862210

yeah, honestly I don't think many anons here are studying pure mathematics .

>> No.11862221

>wahmen solves IMPORTANT problem! WAHMEN POWER!!!1
>actually it was a problem nobody gave a shit about for a long time

>> No.11862232

I'd fuck her

>> No.11862237

I'd fuck a catchers mitt if it had a pulse.

>> No.11862238

Yes you would, Tony

>> No.11862915

>white women
She's italian though.

>> No.11862951

now this is peak cope

>> No.11862954

honest reply,
the satisfying part of mathematics is being able to solve problems 100%. When you proof something you truly know it is true, always. That's satisfying

>> No.11862957

yea what the fuck, I noticed too that there are more women in topology in other fields.

>> No.11862969

The mathematician is the butcher, he/she makes a variety of cuts from a variety of animals. (You) the non-mathematicians are the customers and consumers that come in and pick what you want.

>> No.11862972

Keep doing God's work anon

>> No.11863638

>Somehow it feels strange that a female was able to solve a problem which even male mathematicians had problems with for so long.
Had problems with or didn't give a shit about?

>> No.11863640

They often are booblets, are they trying to compensate or something?
Are they trying to improve their personal topology?

>> No.11863641

I miss the age when this was able to apply to the real world.

>> No.11863645

maybe they just want to work in a field with other women

>> No.11863652

>“He started yelling, ‘Why aren’t you more excited?’” said Piccirillo, now a postdoctoral fellow at Brandeis University. “He sort of freaked out.”

I love how "accomplished" mathematicians make themselves look like attention whores whenever a person humbly points something out

>> No.11863699

Bowline is not "best". It has many uses but it hardly a universal knot, and it comes undone way too easily for many applications when unloaded. At least learn a hitch, mid loop and bend as well. And if the application requires security with a variable and sometimes zero load, use a double bowline/water bowline.

>> No.11863732
File: 253 KB, 1280x889, 1_rJjbz92-JYJKEut47Zg0hQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck knots

>> No.11864012

>universal knot
What is a universal knot? There really aren't any, but bowline certainly is a contender for the most widely applicable - particularly if you include the variants you describe for more secure purposes.

>> No.11864024

Yeah, to the point that I actually went looking for other pics to compare.
But I'm attracted to women that look like trannies (but aren't).

>> No.11864027


>> No.11864112
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>> No.11864120

dangerously based

>> No.11864199


"Topography" is the better word. Flat chests are homeomorphic to titcows.

>> No.11864202

this is a white fucking woman

>> No.11864303
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What is it white white women and knots?

>> No.11864377 [DELETED] 
File: 1.94 MB, 1920x1080, Ghost in the Shell.mkv_snapshot_00.07.35_[2014.10.17_22.54.13].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I clicked for some IRL Kusanagi, but found a probable tranny instead. Such are these times.

>> No.11864388

>homeomorphic to titcows
We did it, everyone. We're part of 4chan now.

>> No.11864458

This guy gets it.

I stopped caring about math when I was introduced to the concept of imaginary numbers. What a crock of shit. If your equation can only be solved by inventing numbers that can't exist, like some kind of math deity , then you are fucking wrong and the math is flawed. Same for algebra solutions that basically say "the correct answer is whatever the correct answer is". Thats what the math said transcribed to words but god forbid if i wrote in down in english instead of the ancient math runes the teacher word mark me wrong.

Math is logical and numbers never lie my ass. Math is just as flawed as any other human construct.

>> No.11864462


>> No.11864562

I'm taking about the published proof referred to in the article