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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 76 KB, 360x360, circle_limit_iii.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11846898 No.11846898 [Reply] [Original]

Hyperbolic Edition

Previously >>11841173

>> No.11846900

>tfw no moduli stack of shtukas over Spec Z

>> No.11846902
File: 214 KB, 960x960, gigachadUniverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elliptic curves

>> No.11846914

I love Escher's work. I got to see a lot of them live and it was cool.

>> No.11846939

honestly fuck probabilities
this is as much math as saying "yeah might rain tomorrow because the sky is grey"

>> No.11846941
File: 161 KB, 1892x2219, Univariate Distribution Relationships.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Statistics and probability simply aren't mat-

>> No.11846946

Probability is the type of math that lets people get filthy rich off the stock market, or any other market for that matter.

>> No.11846951

this is like saying that physics is math
yeah but I don't know why I should have to study it if I want to do normal math

>> No.11847092

what should I learn next

>> No.11847097

categorical logic

>> No.11847207
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Why do this to yourself. Don't become a mathematician.

>> No.11847212

stats isn’t math, probability theory is math.
low iq nigger

>> No.11847213

I don't get it.

>> No.11847219

let us calculate probabilities, my friends, within a certain degree of accuracy

>> No.11847262

fuck you fags
"hello I'd like [math]\mathbb{P}(X=x)[/math] apples"
You played us like absolute fools

>> No.11847277

Bros, I've just opened his webpage and flipped through an article.
How do people actually care about this stuff? It's so disgustingly uninteresting.

>> No.11847330

I've said it and I'll say it again
Dynamical systems and ergodic theory aren't math

>> No.11847354

the pure mathlet fears the crypto-applied math CHAD

>> No.11847357

Based and ellipticcurvespilled.

>> No.11847369
File: 1.73 MB, 500x250, Complex_theta_animated1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're beautiful, aren't' they?

>> No.11847391

Post your "haha I should have results by tomorrow and I have nothing" music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CAW8AVz498

>> No.11847398

why do you all seem like you want to an hero? is this a mathfag thing, to hate oneself so much

>> No.11847409

It's the fate of all humans.

>> No.11847411

holy shit i remember making juggling balls with this escher like 20 years ago. thanks for the trip OP

>> No.11847426

I don't know about others, but this is pretty much one of the few things that are keeping me alive and its power is becoming weaker all the time.

>> No.11847429

These are the only things in life a man needs.

>> No.11847433


>> No.11847438

>math is keeping me alive
is this bluepilled?

>> No.11847443

so you're a communications major?

>> No.11847445

Too dumb for philosophy.

Do you mean my name is Nick or are you asking for my nick somewhere? In the first case: nope.

>> No.11847462
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>> No.11847463

No, I'm a math major.

>> No.11847471

you're too dumb for real math so you do dynamical systems

>> No.11847479
File: 210 KB, 1600x1200, __yorigami_jo_on_touhou_drawn_by_efukei__b0b7c4ccf14cdcf21e8b8c92057b92a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I... I don't have one yet.

>> No.11847483

Hopefully you'll never need one. Keep it up and be ahead the schedule always.

>> No.11847505

>is this a mathfag thing, to hate oneself so much
it's an animefag thing
correlation between animeposting and being a neurotic bitchboy is basically 1.0

>> No.11847515
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>tfw you forget whether an mxn matrix has m rows or m columns

>> No.11847519
File: 31 KB, 300x494, 300px-14016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me a bitchboi animeposter again, it's hot

>> No.11847533

This makes more sense, perhaps it could it be related to a tendency towards homosexuality and trannyism as well???
a bloo bloo

>> No.11847538

Remember the radio controlled car you had as a kid? mxn is RC.

I stopped anime posting but I'm still a weakling.

>> No.11847540

m rows i'd say? What confused me even more when I was a kid was if you put the x-coordiantes or the y-coordinates first

>> No.11847548

Shut up slut.

>> No.11847554
File: 62 KB, 850x803, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_pudding_skymint_028__sample-546eabd3b17a331ec23ccef347d5b70c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitchboy animeposter, bitchboy animeposter!

>> No.11847564

It's rows by columns.
Also, don't forget that if A is p x q and B is m x n, then AB will be p x n.

>> No.11847566
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・゚:* Oh my knees are weak *:・゚

>> No.11847569
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, pepeRead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you read a really good math textbook

>> No.11847573

What are you reading anon?

>> No.11847580
File: 16 KB, 882x758, 1510773152497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw starting postgraduate next year & still forget how to multiply matrices every single time

>> No.11847591

Zariski - Commutative Algebra

>> No.11847605

What's your favourite textbook? Mine is Representations of finite and compact groups by Barry Simon.

>> No.11847626

Bosch - algebraic geometry and commutative algebra
Read literally any other book on the subjects, and their proofs will be nowhere near as crystal clear as they are in Bosch.

>> No.11847628
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>Express your answer in radians

>> No.11847629
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>> No.11847633

My supervisor had this and volume 2 on his shelf and ever since I've been intimidated by him

>> No.11847639

I have a Foote fetish.

>> No.11847644

what do you want to express it in otherwise?

>> No.11847649


>> No.11847652
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>> No.11847653

might as well mesure it in dicks you fucking faggot

>> No.11847657


>> No.11847663
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Yes. Turing degrees.

>> No.11847666

retarded unit, it's just convinient for small angles so I'm guessing it was invented for eng*neering

>> No.11847684

Trying to graph trigonometric waveforms in radians fucking sucks, man. At least with degrees, it's easy.

>> No.11847691

this is /mg/ - Mathematics General. You might want to fuck off to engineering general or physics general or faggot general.

>> No.11847694

>Kristopher Tapp - Matrix Groups for Undergraduates
>John Stillwell - Naive Lie Theory
Anyone have any experience with these books? I'm looking for a book that has an informal introduction to Lie theory.

>> No.11847699

I've read the first one and it's nice, although it was a bit not enough for me
I'd say it's for 2nd year students really, if you're past that just read a standard book on Lie theory

>> No.11847704

One of my friends read Stillwell junior year and really liked it. Stillwell has an excellent reputation as a textbook writer in general.
Never heard of the first one.

>> No.11847715

What are the pre-reqs for formally learning Lie theory? I feel like I have a good enough understanding of linear algebra and algebra but not differential geometry. Is that something I could pick up as a went along from a text that a standard Lie theory would cover?

I was leaning towards that one myself, but my professor recommended the first one, so I was just curious if anyone here had any input.

>> No.11847727

I really enjoy Frederic Schuller's lecture called the geometric anatomy of theoretical physics, this is what helped me understand differential geometry.
The differential geometry part in Lie theory (at least in introductory texts) isn't big, having a vague idea of it will be good enough.

>> No.11847732

Yes, assuming [math]q=m[/math].

>> No.11847740

Is it good practice to use the Chain Rule for every instance of differentiation?

>> No.11847743

Figured that was implied, since AB wouldn't be defined if that weren't true.

>> No.11847748

You don't really need to use it to find [math](f\circ g)'[/math] if both of [math]f[/math] and [math]g[/math] are [math]x\mapsto x[/math]. In fact, it might be hard to know when to stop if you do.

>> No.11847756

Right, it just seems pretty unnecessary to introduce two symbols for the same thing.

>> No.11847757

Right now, I'm probably leaning towards Stillwell, but out of curiosity do you have any reccs for intro Lie theory books that formally cover it?

>> No.11847758

can someone post the chain rule pasta please?

>> No.11847762

Couple weeks into calculus 1 now, doing well, already past the chain rule and beyond. Quotient rule was a joke. Product rule remains my specialty.

I ask my professor his thoughts on quantum mechanics and partial derivatives. He's impressed i know about the subject. We converse after class for some time, sharing mathematical insights; i can keep up. He tells me of great things ahead like series and laplacians. I tell him i already read about series on wikipedia. He is yet again impressed at my enthusiasm. What a joy it is to have your professor visibly brighten when he learns of your talents.

And now I sit here wondering what it must be like to be a brainlet, unable to engage your professor as an intellectual peer. All of the deep conversations you people must miss out on because you aren't able to overcome the intellectual IQ barrier that stands in the way of your academic success... it's so sad. My professor and I know each other on first name basis now, but i call him Dr. out of respect.

And yet here you brainlets sit, probably havent even made eye contact with yours out of fear that they will gauge your brainlet IQ levels.

A true shame, but just know it is because i was born special that i am special. I can't help being a genius, nor can my professor. Two of a kind is two flocks in a bush.

>> No.11847763


>> No.11847766

[eqn](f\circ g)'=f'\circ g'?\qquad\ddot\smile[/eqn]

>> No.11847767


>> No.11847774

Was this originally posted sincerely or was it always just b*it?

>> No.11847778


>> No.11847779

you have to go back

>> No.11847784

[math]^o \omega ^o[/math]

>> No.11847785

please... just leave...

>> No.11847787


>> No.11847789

little known /sci/ lore
there was actually a followup post to this. probably not posted as often because it's too obviously bait, but still.

Hah, i learned the product rule in only 2 hours from a handful of examples on the bored. I doubt there remains any challenge for me in calculus, possibly even mathematics itself if i apply myself enough. As i said, the quotient rule was a joke.

Most of the time i am operating at half power because i'm pretty lazy and i dont care too much about being a golden student, but when i really try i can use 100% of my brain like Einstein and decimate any "difficult" math in hours.

I barely even need to study because i can intensely focus on subjects and learn them in a fraction of the time it probably takes others.

Honestly, not to toot my own whistle, but sometimes i think i might be a distant descendant of Newton himself. I get these waves of clarity and understanding sometimes that just put me in a euphoric haze that takes minutes to come out of.

Well i am a genius so honestly it makes sense.

>> No.11847797

Any other /sci/lore?

>> No.11847801

I'm gay

>> No.11847804


>> No.11847912

I learnt the fundamentals of logic at the age of the last two digits of my post

>> No.11847928
File: 38 KB, 720x960, godking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys think he still posts here?
also checked

>> No.11847929
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anyone ITT owns the hardcopy?

>> No.11847959


the absolute state of white men

>> No.11847967


>> No.11847969

>brown eyes

>> No.11847973


That's how 80% of white men look like in Germany

>> No.11847980


>> No.11847998
File: 174 KB, 1920x1080, 3ac2090b88ee8b7a46f67bde36dbe70f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Express you answer in spread

>> No.11848000
File: 2.69 MB, 600x600, after.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus you saved that pic. when was that, 2013?

>> No.11848006

Stop posting this gif.

>> No.11848013
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>schizo boomers hoard tenure positions at research unis while you can barely dream of having the same

>> No.11848025

>Remember the radio controlled car you had as a kid? mxn is RC.
Based. This is how I remember the order

>> No.11848030
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>infinitist calling people schizos

ok sweetie I'm going to go in debt for exactly -1/12 dollars and become infinitely wealthy

>> No.11848037
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>> No.11848040


oh noonononono literally that kid from toy story

>> No.11848045

>finitist acting like negative numbers exist
ok sweetie let me just go to the bank and withdraw a $-1 bill

>> No.11848048


so you got a loan?

>> No.11848054

no, if I took out a loan they would have given me positive dollars
I withdrew a negative dollar

>> No.11848061

god i wanna fuck him in the ass

>> No.11848064

No number exists.

>> No.11848068


>> No.11848069

i have 17 years left to win a feelsd medal in mathmatis
give me a topic to solve

>> No.11848070
File: 18 KB, 200x240, maldacena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maldacena was here

>> No.11848078

global langlands conjecture

>> No.11848083

disprove the hodge conjecture

>> No.11848095


Oh I see so you paid your 1$ debt

>> No.11848101

Define a mathematical object which cannot be written in C# as an array of numbers.

>> No.11848103
File: 5 KB, 507x346, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here ever frequented #math on efNet? I remember when I was starting my undergrad, I got into an argument about measures or sigma algebras or something with a Uwaterloo prof on there. Good stuff

>> No.11848106

No, paying a $1 debt would be giving the bank one positive dollar. The bank gave me one negative dollar bill.

>> No.11848110

>waterpoo profs don't even understand measure theory
oh no no no no

>> No.11848113

Damn bro... You're just at the limit... It is well known 16 years is not enough to get a fields medal

>> No.11848118


so they gave you a credit card with a 1$ limit? your score is busted pham

>> No.11848126

Why do you keep making these weird translations into unrelated objects? A credit card isn't money. I just want a $-1 bill.

>> No.11848133


its an abstraction fucko

>> No.11848144

No I ended up in the wrong ahaha

>> No.11848145

>its an abstraction
I agree, it doesn't exist.

>> No.11848146

I beg your pardon, anon, but I'll answer him for you.
Infinity is an abstraction too bucko.

>> No.11848150


A credit card is literally a negative dollar bill, they gave you the right to own them 1 dollar. If you want we can replace your magnetic card for discardable one dollar bonds with bar codes on them or something like it.

>> No.11848154

Quick question - if [math]f:R\to S[/math] is a ring homomorphism, [math]P[/math] a prime of [math]R[/math], and suppose the radical of the ideal [math]f(P)S[/math] is prime. Does it follow that [math]f^{-1}(\sqrt{f(P)S})=P[/math]?

>> No.11848155
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Collatz conjecture is pretty easy. It's about an array of numbers

>> No.11848167

>A credit card is literally a negative dollar bill, they gave you the right to own them 1 dollar.
That's just debt again. You can't only spend a $1 bill at the bank. Why can I only give my $-1 bill to the bank?

>> No.11848174

what do you mean by [math]f(P)S[/math] ? the ideal generated by [math]f(P)[/math] in [math]S[/math]?

>> No.11848177


>> No.11848186

Have you tried assuming f is injective and fiddling around with lying over lying under whatever the fuck prime ideal theorems, proving it as well for surjections, and then factoring?

>> No.11848195

I don't have integrality hypotheses, so I doubt lying over theorems will help. In fact, I'm trying to show a certain map of spectra is bijective, and if my guess was true, then that would give me an avenue to try for proving surjectivity. Maybe i should try injectivity first

>> No.11848196
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you can use your -1$ dollar bill anywhere that accepts diner's club sir

>> No.11848197

Actually, no, wait a second.
Include the integers in the rationals. Clearly doesn't work.

>> No.11848205

Any non-injective map between integral domains will break this if you look at P = 0

>> No.11848210

what is this for? textbook problem?

>> No.11848211

yeah, hartshorne 2.14(c).
perhaps i should try a different method...

>> No.11848219

Yeah that's a good one, thanks

>> No.11848227
File: 122 KB, 574x800, 1fc1c16740447881487d090f73ba1526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a good textbook (or maybe lec notes) for reviewing "first course in differential geometry" type stuff? I don't like the usual do Carmo so please exclude that from your suggestions!

>> No.11848234

do Carmo

>> No.11848248
File: 110 KB, 1366x556, pi vs tau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11848252

do Carmo (unironically)

>> No.11848255

But seriously, is there any good reason why we use [math]\pi[/math] over [math]\tau[/math]?

>> No.11848256

the gigavirgin caring about whether or not to scale a constant by 2

>> No.11848257
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>> No.11848258


>twice as transcendental

do infinitists REALLY?

>> No.11848259

assume compactness of the globe
use gluing lemma on local langlands conjectures
t. opologist

cant, its true

list of all surreal numbers

there are infinitely many primes of the form 2^(k+2) -1 = 4*2^k -1 and divide it by three
we can then use these to cover the integers through the ulam addition alogrithm

>> No.11848260
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>Yes, I study Tau theory and the -1/12 equation at the Numberphile Institute. What made it so obvious?

>> No.11848264

This one?

>> No.11848272

define all the operations that can be used on infinite algebra

>> No.11848274


>> No.11848278

That one.

>> No.11848281
File: 86 KB, 600x600, 1532426966077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you fellow touhou anon

>> No.11848282
File: 1.14 MB, 1018x842, Screen Shot 2020-06-28 at 7.47.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, what does this even mean?

>> No.11848288
File: 128 KB, 900x900, math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


reminds me of pic related

>> No.11848290

I think that's definitely got to be the worst book title I've ever seen
Even for paper titles that'd be terrible

>> No.11848316

Ah, I think I see the issue.
A group is virtually something if a subgroup of finite index is something.
In this case, the group is virtualy cyclic if it has a cyclic subgroup of finite index.
You should be able to read the title now.
I'd recommend at least downloading it and reading the first ten pages before buying it, tho. The book is good and covers nice things(like comparison theorems), and the geometry is breddy naisu, but it's also very autistic.

>> No.11848318

I'm pirating it anyway so no problem there.

>> No.11848320

Ah, good. The amazon link got me concerned.

>> No.11848322

That was an impostor

>> No.11848349

Was it, though?

>> No.11848385

Area formulas follow the same argument for pi that tau does for arc length (e.g. area of a unit circle is pi, not tau/2. area of 1/8 of any circle is pi/8r^2, not tau/16r^2).
Most integrals that involve pi (gaussian integral, gamma, trig integrals) only spit out 1pi
by mixing the above two, the general formulas for the area/volume of an n-ball get a stupid factor of 2^(something) in their denominators (because the fact that the factor of 2 in the circumference formula happens to match the exponent of pi is a numerical coincidence that only works in the plane)

probably 80% of occurrences of pi not directly involving MUH TURNZZ are worse when you force 2pi into it, which is why taufags never do anything except spin around a circle.

>> No.11848408

Ordinary Differential Equations

>> No.11848457

Lang's Algebra, and Freitag & Busam

>> No.11848473

>Lang's Algebra
Is this 900 pg behemoth really that good?

>> No.11848480

I really like it personally

>> No.11848481


Divine Proportions: Rational Trigonometry to Universal Geometry by NJ Wildberger

>> No.11848485

>Unironically like 3B1B's videos
Am I a brainlet?

>> No.11848488

No he's a very good expositor

>> No.11848494

>Freitag & Busam
I really like the choice of topics in this book but whoever formatted it is a retard
I don't want to read about how [math]\text{GAUSS}[/math] proved the [math]\text{CAUCHY}[/math] integral theorem in a letter to [math]\text{BESSEL}[/math] .

>> No.11848500

Any good books on aesthetics in mathematics? I know its a more philosophical domain.

>> No.11848503

Math is inherently philosophical.

>> No.11848509

What's behind the phenomea of these doll-looking chinese girls attending graduate level classes and getting above average marks? Where do they get the time to live this double-life?

>> No.11848512
File: 28 KB, 480x360, Flo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Flo count?

>> No.11848516

most of them are probably cheating
and those girls literally don't do anything else with their non-study time except makeup/skincare and bubble tea

>> No.11848520

the only chinese girls in the graduate classes i've been in have been ugly as hell. also they smell bad. korean girls on the other hand . . .

>> No.11848523

Why is cheating so ingrained within Chinese culture?

>> No.11848526
File: 244 KB, 889x907, 5c6c44e3d1bbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not, in fact it's a pretty recent development. blame tong shau ping

>> No.11848528


I see, they probably have a brother who's a putnam fellow

>> No.11848534

yes, you should develop spatial intuition on your own and without prompting from others. if you need someone to explain the "intuitive" aspects of calculus or linear algebra you are an idiot.

>> No.11848536

chinese international students are extremely pussy whipped, so it could be literally and chinese male on campus feeding them answers and helping them study

>> No.11848547

I've only ever met one (female) Korean grad student. She was pretty but not anything extraordinary, and she was the furthest thing from caked-up k-pop face. Really nice girl though.
I've never seen any of the "doll-looking Chinese girls" he's talking about in my program, and there are fuckloads of all flavors of Asian where I am. I don't think grad students have time to be spending 4 hours in front of the mirror per day.

I think you could (hypothetically) explain it via the shame/guilt cultural distinction. Nothing is _inherently_ bad in China; things are bad when you lose face from them. If you don't get caught, or you aren't in a social position to be shamed by the person who catches you, then whatever you do doesn't count for anything yet.
In Western cultures you're told that simply the act of cheating makes you a terrible person even if you get away with it.

You could probably also blame communism, but that gets complicated and it also relies on knowing things were radically different in pre-commie China, which I honestly don't know.

>> No.11848557
File: 106 KB, 600x749, aoas-seolhyun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a caked-up K-pop math GF?

>> No.11848568
File: 96 KB, 1080x1350, Er2AemG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300k starting or solving a mid-tier conjecture?

>> No.11848583

> Nothing is _inherently_ bad in China; things are bad when you lose face from them. If you don't get caught, or you aren't in a social position to be shamed by the person who catches you, then whatever you do doesn't count for anything yet.
In Western cultures you're told that simply the act of cheating makes you a terrible person even if you get away with it.
Anon, the chinese are pretty much amoral bug people, but they aren't literal amoral bug people.

>> No.11848588

>tfw Ewha hires male professors
that must be simultaneously the hardest and best job in the world

>> No.11848589
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>> No.11848595



>> No.11848608
File: 243 KB, 1200x1800, Seolhyun glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not wanting a K-pop math GF
No, anon, it is you who is cringe.

>> No.11848617


i'd rather kill myself using nothing but a hammer and a railroad spike than listen to kpop

now please go back to your containment thread on mu

>> No.11848618


Exactly. Also the better visualization of this truth table, if there is one, is to put the p => q column before q.

>> No.11848656

[math]\forall z \in \mathbb{C}, cos(z)=\frac{exp(iz)+exp(-iz)}{2}\ \land \ sin(z)=\frac{exp(iz)-exp(-iz)}{2i} \\ Let \ \psi \in \mathbb{R}, \ then \ cos^2(\psi)+sin^2(\psi)=\frac{exp(2i\psi)+exp(-2i\psi)+2}{4}- \frac{exp(2i\psi)+exp(-2i\psi)-2}{4}=\frac{2-(-2)}{4}=1 [/math]

>> No.11848672


please show the work in quadrance and spread

>> No.11848695
File: 93 KB, 701x935, pencil_skirt,x1000,front-c,468,0,701,935-bg,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh shame vs guilt culture
>muh saving face
u watch too much serpentza. shame is just as effective as guilt at deterring unwanted behaviors like cheating, it's just that after tong shau ping thought, as becoming wealthy became the most important thing, cheating and general ruthlessness became a virtue

>> No.11848704


>> No.11848712

the stereotype (and it is a stereotype, even today) of Chinese as lying cheating scam artists is way, way older than Deng Xiaoping dude
it's colonial-era old

>> No.11848717

??? china colonized? by whom?? the manchus? are you a retard?

>> No.11848728


>> No.11848743

this has nothing to do w anything... these were occupied as spoils of war there was no "china colony"

>> No.11848758

I never said there was a "China colony". Not that that matters, since you don't have to colonize all of China and call it the "China colony" to occupy parts of the coast of China (which many countries did).
Why do you think it "doesn't count as colonized" if it was a war taking anyway? Was South America not a colony because the native cultures didn't like it? Pretty much all colonies were taken by force.

The phrase "colonial era" wasn't even intended to a colonial era of China but just to the era of history when Europeans were first starting to travel to Asia with trustworthy sources, since before that era you're trusting Marco Polo and shit to tell you about the Chinese.

>> No.11848759
File: 50 KB, 612x491, confused helper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

henlo frens made a thread about this question but only received one answer

What other types of measurements that exist? What I know so far..
Statistics = measurement of centrality and dispersion
Calculus = measurement of changes

An anon suggest "Measure theory" to measure Arrays of Numbers

>> No.11848771
File: 51 KB, 1280x640, Flag of Hong Kong (1959–1997).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11848780


it's not a colony because there was still a discrete chinese state (either the qing empire or the ROC) during all of those occupations. is denmark colonized by germany because schwelseig holstein is part of germany now? ? ???

>> No.11848786

>it's not a colony because there was still a discrete chinese state
glad to hear you agree that Tibet is a free country since there's still a discrete Tibetan state

>> No.11848790

yes I do. thank you

>> No.11848796

Is game theory math or pseduo-math?

>> No.11848802

>it wasn't a REAL colony even though they took over a piece of my country and ran it
keep up the mental gymnastics chang
call it whatever makes you happy, you got BONGED like everybody else

>> No.11848804
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>you got BONGED like everybody else
Tell that to the Americans.

>> No.11848809
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>> No.11848810

Probability theory is an extremely rigorous subject.
It's very similar to real analysis.

>> No.11848811
File: 281 KB, 749x1048, Molyneux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Molyneuxpilled.

>> No.11848823

No, because Schleswig-Holstein (dunno how you even managed to google this and copy the name that poorly) is contiguous/adjacent with the main territory of Germany.
>A colony is a territory under the immediate complete political control and occupied by settlers of a state, distinct from the home territory of the sovereign.
The Chinese coastal colonies of the 1900s satisfy both of those. You don't have to somehow completely obliterate the prior ruling state for it to count.

lists both HK and Macau.

>> No.11848826

Game theory, as conceived of by von Neumann, is a part of mathematics specializing on dependent optimization.
A 1 player game is nothing but a regular optimization problem, a 2 or more player game is, in some sense, just a generalization of an optimization problem.
So if you believe that calculus of variation or other optimization can be mathematics, which I doubt anybody could disagree with, game theory is too.

>> No.11848836

>google this
i didn't straight off the dome baby
>continuous territyor
ok what about konigsberg
>wikipedia linking
lol, faggot

>> No.11848838

>>wikipedia linking
>lol, faggot
not an argument

>> No.11848840

How does one get into GT?

>> No.11848843

1. a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country and occupied by settlers from that country.
"Japanese forces overran the French colony of Indo-China"

>> No.11848844

Seems to be a German thing.
I agree the translation is shit but the content is excellent.

>> No.11848849

I really do not know all that much about it, but I read a bit into von Neumanns book on the subject, which is exactly where my characterization came from.

>> No.11848850

actually, it is an argument
>what is connotation
also i hope you don't think that french indochina has anything to do with modern day china LOL

>> No.11848862

>actually, it is an argument
I'm aware they don't teach much critical thinking in chang schools, but calling somebody a faggot is not, in fact, an argument

>> No.11848863

most game theorists are in econ or OR departments nowadays, although some mathematicians dabble in it too. i've heard On Numbers and Games by JHC is bretty good

>> No.11848870

Does not exist. Maybe you are talking about Königsberg?
Königsberg also was a part of a continuous german state before being forcefully seperated by it.

>> No.11848875

ok so it's not a colony if it used to be within the borders of the occupied nation?hm,m sounds a lot like hong kong to me

>> No.11848877

I think you mean Kaliningrad, there is no such location as konigsberg or Königsberg.

>> No.11848876

>also i hope you don't think that french indochina has anything to do with modern day china LOL
This was the example of the definition I posted.
I played enough map painting autism simulators to know this is not the case.

>>what is connotation
There is no meaning by which the term colony requires the state which previously controlled it to not exist, you are just making it up.

>> No.11848885

>There is no meaning by which ...
actually there is.
>U are just making it up

>> No.11848888

Just want to die, lads.

>> No.11848889

And I guess Moskau does not exist, only Mocквa.
And Frankreich does not exist, only France.

Lol, what?
All historical context aside, different languages have different names for places.

>> No.11848892

>actually there is.
Which dictionary has that demand for a definition of colony?

>> No.11848895

Which field of mathematics contains mathematicians that are like this?


>> No.11848896

The quads don't lie

>> No.11848897

I'm not sure what the fuck argument you're even trying to make here. Are you still thinking Kaliningrad is an argument? Because Kaliningrad is literally a colony. It's a distinct piece of Russia that's occupied and operated by Russia. That's a colony.

If one wants to make the argument that it's not, which is sometimes done, then it's because Kaliningrad is politically literally just a province of Russia. It's identical politically to any other oblast.
So you can add "not politically equal" to the definition if you want, but it doesn't change anything because Hong Kong was not just another extra county of England either.

>> No.11848900

every piece of mathematics is trivial to russian students

>> No.11848901

Category theory.

>> No.11848904

Algebraic topology

>> No.11848905

looks like those video games did nothing for your reading comprehension . . i suggest watching some anime instead
>which is sometimes done
Which is always done. Show me anyone calling kaliningrad a colony. Even on your beloved wikipedia

>> No.11848906

misha pls

>> No.11848909

Okay. Do you have evidence that literally anybody but you used the word that way?

>> No.11848911

>When the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991 Kaliningrad became, in effect, a Russian colony on the Baltic, separated from the rest of Russia by the newly independent nations of Lithuania and Belarus.

took 15 seconds

and you've completely ignored the second half of the post where I explained that even if Kaliningrad isn't an example, that's not related to the Chinese colonies because it's governed differently

>> No.11848916

>lighthouses of russia

>> No.11848918


>> No.11848923

>A month later, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution by a vote of 99-5 that removed Hong Kong and Macao from the list of existing colonies
Yeah it is nice.

>> No.11848928

Can you not see that the argument here is entirely self serving and based on the fact that the island was just leased, thus ultimate authority never technically was with the British?

The Chinese here is just playing a dumb game for obvious reasons.

>> No.11848934
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>However, Hong Kong was in fact not a colony; it was merely under the colonial rule of the British.
ahahahaha holy shit
I need to start reading Chinese newspapers

>> No.11848937

>self serving and based
read the rest

>> No.11848942

China manages to somehow be often simultaneously extremely retarded and extremely based at the same time.

>> No.11848949

Sent some emails off to my professors 06:35 AM. Was I too early lads?

>> No.11848954


>> No.11848956

>that removed Hong Kong and Macao from the list of existing colonies
This is a lie, or at least an abuse of words. It removed Hong Kong/Macao from the list of "non-self-governing territories" at the explicit request of buttmad changs. The word "colony" isn't even used anywhere by the UN.
And then they remained non-self-governing territories for another couple decades exactly like they were governed while they were on the list. Getting "de-listed" didn't do anything to make the British/Portuguese leave, or retroactively get them out from the first 3/4 of the 20th century.

>> No.11848960

I send most of my emails between 5 and 6am. Sometimes earlier if I'm up.
Who cares? You're not bothering them at night, they'll just read them when they get up, and you'll be sure the email is in their inbox the first time they check it.

>> No.11848981

>Checking e-mail
I wish.

>> No.11849008

Imo. it’s important that your mail is number 1 on their inbox when they check to get an answer

I may have gone too early with the 06:35 AM surely the other goons are gonna go for 07-08 AM slot and push mine down

>> No.11849018

Find female professors. You may have other complaints about them but you will never wait more than 24 hours for a reply to anything.

>> No.11849088

Can someone give me a qrd on toric varieties? I'm from the real DG lands and complex algebraic geometry and related papers/books confuse me.

>> No.11849091

I want to kiss a female professor.

>> No.11849372

Measurements in quantum mechanics involve some neat linear algebra. Don't know much about them myself and am planning on studying the topic in more detail.

>> No.11849481
File: 31 KB, 680x466, 1557745278532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone got a mathematical theorem on why the fuck girls think ghosting is just fine?

>> No.11849520

help me formalize this as first order predicate logic.
"Peanut butter and cinnamon are brown. Cinnamon is not peanut butter. Therefore, nothing is brown"

>> No.11849522

then die

>> No.11849528

No logic in the universe could explain the female mind

>> No.11849728

I'm more in the "haha I still didn't study for probability" and "haha I hope I have 20 pts on the last analysis homework"

>> No.11849780

>studying for probability
why bother, theres a 50-50 chance you get the answer anyway

>> No.11849783

This is basically the theory behind anything to do with the consequences of the Riemann hypothesis.

>> No.11849788

"I am making a retarded statement. Only retards make retarded statements. Therefore, I am a retard."

>> No.11849878

cohomology - measurement of homotopy equivalence
galois theory - measurement of behaviour of roots of a polynomial under permutation
differential geometry - measurement of the difference in geometries
homological algebra - measurement of distance between vector space theory and module theory

>> No.11849882

You could sort of make a case for topology being a kind of measure of measure

>> No.11849930
File: 170 KB, 1024x1024, 1593434637795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much

>> No.11849946

is there any branch/school of mathematics or physics that contains predictive nature like differentials?

>> No.11849956

yeah pretty much all of that is wrong

>> No.11849996

Probably feels like that, too.

>> No.11850022

are you being a brainlet on purpose ?

>> No.11850031

Differential Equations

>> No.11850034


Is /sci/ ranked on math trainer?

>> No.11850035

why is finite projective planes such a dead area? Last relevant works were done in the 60s

>> No.11850040


>> No.11850043


Another question, is Arthur Benjamin based?

Looks like what he does is easy with a few simple tricks.

>> No.11850085

>Not Rousseau

>> No.11850101

It's the dead of night here and I'm curled up in bed with Titchmarsh's Theory of the Riemann Zeta Function with Watson's Bessel Functions beside me too.
The exposition of Watson is really great, but the Riemann zeta function is interesting too.

>> No.11850127

Snake lemma

>> No.11850141

Hate myself, lads.

>> No.11850164

Don't worry, I hate you too.

>> No.11850202
File: 85 KB, 403x512, betsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it were up to me all physics majors would be shortened a head.
Fuck this thread, Fuck this board and fuck all physics majors I sincerely hope they ALL die screaming.

>> No.11850203


>> No.11850209

This but engineering majors.

>> No.11850234
File: 3.32 MB, 3310x2472, Winter-Solstice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am i supposed to study math when it's so hot. . . are there any good unis in alaska?

>> No.11850245
File: 3.28 MB, 4032x3024, 20200630_013748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads I'm already fucked on page 2.
How does this derivation work? I don't get how log zeta gets put in terms of the prime number function on the first line there.

>> No.11850256

University of Anchorage

>> No.11850259

Oh right, it's literally just 1 or 0 depending on whether n is prime or not.
Fuck I should've waited 2 minutes longer before posting this shit.

>> No.11850307

It’s ok anon. It happens to the best of us.

>> No.11850309

Does it, though?

>> No.11850316

It happens to me and I'm the best poster here, so yes.

>> No.11850322

Roger Penrose said he often skips equations that he doesn't get at first sight and comes back to them later, so I'd say it does.

>> No.11850348

Can some anon help me with a math question? Didnt wanna kill a thread for this

Roday is monday what day is it 3^100 days later?

>> No.11850363


>> No.11850368

>Today is Monday
that is false. From a false premise everything follows.Hence 3^100 days later it will be Monday, Tuesday, and all the other days simultaneously.

>> No.11850370


>> No.11850374

Just take 3^100 mod 7, add the number of years/4 mod 7 to get the number of days you go ahead in the week.

>> No.11850383

Thank you anons

>> No.11850544 [DELETED] 

Not that anon. This is what i've done:
Note that:
[math]3^{0 \mod 4}[/math] has last digit 1.
[math]3^{1 \mod 4}[/math] has last digit 3.
[math]3^{2 \mod 4}[/math] has last digit 9.
[math]3^{3 \mod 4}[/math] has last digit 7.

Because [math]100 \equiv 0 \mod 4[/math], then [math]3^{100}[/math] has last digit 1. And because [math]10=7+3[/math], there exists [math]m,n \in \mathbb{N}[/math] such that [math]3^{100}=7m+(3n+1)[/math] where [math][/math] is the total number of digits of this large number so that [math]3^100 \equiv 3n+1 \mod 4 [\math]. What to do from here?

>> No.11850551 [DELETED] 

[math]3^{0 \mod 4}[/math] has last digit 1
[math]3^{1 \mod 4}[/math] has last digit [math]3[/math].
[math]3^{2 \mod 4}[/math] has last digit [math]9[/math].
[math]3^{3 \mod 4}[/math] has last digit [math]7[/math].

Because [math]100 \equiv 0 \mod 4[/math], then [math]3^{100}[/math] has last digit [math]1[/math]. And because [math]10=7+3[/math], there exists [math]m,n \in \mathbb{N}[/math] such that [math]3^{100}=7m+(3n+1)[/math] where [math][/math] is the total number of digits (other than the units digit) of this large number so that [math]3^100 \equiv 3n+1 \mod 4 [/math]. What to do from here?

>> No.11850589


>> No.11850590 [DELETED] 

Not that anon. This is what i've done, note that:
[math]\qquad 3^{0 \mod 4}[/math] has last digit [math]1[/math].
[math]\qquad 3^{1 \mod 4}[/math] has last digit [math]3[/math].
[math]\qquad 3^{2 \mod 4}[/math] has last digit [math]9[/math].
[math]\qquad 3^{3 \mod 4}[/math] has last digit [math]7[/math].
Because [math]100 \equiv 0 \mod 4[/math], then [math]3^{100}[/math] has last digit [math]1[/math]. And because [math]10=7+3[/math] then there exist [math]m,n \in \mathbb{N}[/math] such that [math]3^{100}=7m+(3n+1)[/math] so that [math]3^{100} \equiv 3n+1 \mod 4[/math] where [math]n[/math] is the total number of digits (other than the units digit) of this large number. Therefore this large number has [math]N=n+1[/math] digits. Knowing that [math]3^{100} \equiv 3n+1 \mod 4[/math] i need to find [math]k \in \{0,1,2,3,4,5,6\}[/math] such that [math] 3n+1 \mod 4 \equiv k \mod 7[/math]. Don't know what to do next.

>> No.11850596

Not that anon. This is what i've done, note that:
[math]\qquad 3^{0 \mod 4}[/math] has last digit [math]1[/math].
[math]\qquad 3^{1 \mod 4}[/math] has last digit [math]3[/math].
[math]\qquad 3^{2 \mod 4}[/math] has last digit [math]9[/math].
[math]\qquad 3^{3 \mod 4}[/math] has last digit [math]7[/math].
Because [math]100 \equiv 0 \mod 4[/math], then [math]3^{100}[/math] has last digit [math]1[/math]. And because [math]10=7+3[/math] then there exist [math]m,n \in \mathbb{N}[/math] such that [math]3^{100}=7m+(3n+1)[/math] so that [math]3^{100} \equiv 3n+1 \mod 7[/math] where [math]n[/math] is the total number of digits (other than the units digit) of this large number. Therefore this large number has [math]N=n+1[/math] digits. Knowing that [math]3^{100} \equiv 3n+1 \mod 7[/math] i need to find [math]k \in \{0,1,2,3,4,5,6\}[/math] such that [math] 3n+1 \mod 7 \equiv k \mod 7[/math]. Don't know what to do next.

>> No.11850603

why don't just compute 3^100 mod 7

>> No.11850618

find a pattern in the residues of powers of 3 mod 7

>> No.11850629

I know that the number of digits of [math]10^{p}[/math] is [math]p+1[math] and i know thath [math]3^{100}=9^{99}[/math]

>> No.11850642
File: 166 KB, 820x885, pink wojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my brain?

>> No.11850651

for instance we know [math]\varphi(7) = 6[/math] so automatically [math]3^6 = 1[/math] mod [math]7[/math]. clearly [math]100 = 4[/math] mod [math]6[/math]. therefore [math]3^{100} = 3^4 = 9^2 = 2^2 = 4[/math] mod [math]7[/math].

>> No.11850664

>actually using Fermat as a special case of Euler
Bro are you trying to pick a fight?

>> No.11850670

Can you stop fucking up your LaTeX 4 times in a row? This isn't the first this has happenned

>> No.11850673

I see Little's Fermat Theorem but the others things you do i don't understand, what lemmas are you using?

>> No.11850676
File: 243 KB, 680x709, Nord Yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using Fermat as a special case of Euler

>> No.11850679

I don't even remember what's fermat or euler I don't know shit about number theory
the group of units in Z/7Z has order 6 therefore every element exponentiated to 6 is 1

>> No.11850681

Monday is 0 mod 7, tuesday is 1 mod 7 and so on. Because 3^100 is 4 mod 7, that day would be friday, 4 mod 7 then?

>> No.11850695

new fred

>> No.11850904

\text{ then }

>> No.11851045

Not a theorem but they probably do it because it's a good strategy in a game theoretic sense.

>> No.11851262

Why the characters from LLPSI

>> No.11851648


do you want to be like the scrawny zoomer or a wise patrician?

>> No.11852486
File: 21 KB, 400x325, 6f96d2a5a64d03b2b3da454e8099f7c837a3df1d_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last for algebraic topology

>> No.11852492

last for nonrigorous calculus

>> No.11852494

Last for final addition to the thread

>> No.11852497
File: 32 KB, 512x512, 1583161670549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*How could this happen to me?!*

>> No.11852500

As an animeposter you should be used to getting cucked out of things you want

>> No.11852502

last for i don't even know trig and i still live itt

>> No.11852505
File: 67 KB, 540x446, 1591023146459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs of truth

>> No.11852513


>> No.11852519

How do I make myself mathematically likely to get the last post?

>> No.11852520
File: 71 KB, 1024x902, 1582921922797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok good for u gn

>> No.11852525
File: 101 KB, 800x568, Richard_Hamilton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dick Hamilton takes last post

>> No.11852526

Have you tried increasing your post count by artificially replying to yourself?

>> No.11852529


>> No.11852530

That's a pretty neat idea, but surely there has to be a less involved way of winning the last slot

>> No.11852533

Maybe create new threads in order to force the thread to 404 right after you make your last post?

>> No.11852536
File: 10 KB, 238x222, a0v2l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11852537

God all these solutions are too involved for my tastes

>> No.11852541
File: 72 KB, 400x400, 1592067894881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they'd have to be good threads so they don't get pruned immediately

>> No.11852542

Wait a fucking second did this thread just move forwards a page?

>> No.11852543
File: 701 KB, 500x400, S43zUau.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's undecidable (also last)

>> No.11852546

Yea I swear it moved from 10 to 9. Did a thread get deleted?

>> No.11852547
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Eh!? We moved UP to page 9?!

>> No.11852549

Something fishy going on right here.
I bet animeposter is behind it, trying to cheat us all

>> No.11852550

Nuck figgers

>> No.11852551
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kimochi warui

>> No.11852552

Now this is the kind of based post that deserves to get the last slot

>> No.11852553
File: 31 KB, 946x603, 1587595879636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all conspiracies are false... ;)

But seriously I should go to sleep. You better make sure /mg/ is on the front page when I wake up!

>> No.11852554


>> No.11852555

What field of mathematics should I study next?
Just finished basic addition

>> No.11852557
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>> No.11852558


>> No.11852559
File: 12 KB, 220x219, Mitsuboshi_Regular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the quotient rule and number arrays

>> No.11852560
File: 218 KB, 445x671, 1590875212258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good site check it out (for realsies), just turn down your volume a little

>> No.11852561

Based tranny slav

>> No.11852562

Thanks I'll get right on that

>> No.11852564
File: 75 KB, 642x654, 1592541923074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11852565


>> No.11852566
File: 12 KB, 341x418, schopenhauerykant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want 400 posts (last)

>> No.11852567

Why would you say last if you want that many posts?

>> No.11852568
File: 40 KB, 444x470, retartard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because i got dubs and you didn't

>> No.11852569

Well I've seen a /pol/ thread hit 1000 and we're better then them, Right? Also way to push us past 69 images

>> No.11852570

I've gotten more dubs than you in total this thread tho

>> No.11852571

>69 images
>post ends in 69
on purpose?

>> No.11852575

He must be the anon behind the advanced thread bumping!

>> No.11852576
File: 1.33 MB, 320x240, 1453418567752.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it

>> No.11852578
File: 56 KB, 1172x659, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11852579
File: 656 KB, 1816x1152, jptrend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice nice. now a question, why do all math majors look like this

>> No.11852581

Cus we stylin,brah

>> No.11852588
File: 124 KB, 800x935, 1574827346716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what you mean. They do tend to be thinner because all the calories go to the brain/malnutrition. Just remember that not all mathematicians are male, some of us are female (male)

>> No.11852590
File: 92 KB, 850x872, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs of truth i suppose

>> No.11852595

How can I get a femboy sub math bf to lock in chastity with a butplug?

>> No.11852596
File: 123 KB, 876x899, 1589126828796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that will be the end of my luck tonight, so I will actually go to bed now, nighty-night /mg/, keep the dream alive!

Come to Canada? I'm not very worldly, I couldn't tell you

>> No.11852599

God I'm so horny

>> No.11852600
File: 209 KB, 508x722, touhou_despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will do oyasumi

>> No.11852604

So very horny

>> No.11852617

true last post

>> No.11852814

Engineering is based

>> No.11852833

last for the theory of functions of several motor variables

>> No.11852836

i had trouble with the maximum of continuous functions theorem and i still post in these threads

>> No.11852837

Final post

>> No.11852840

bitch you thought

>> No.11852845

I knew

>> No.11852851

Check your proof

>> No.11852866


>> No.11852898

Imagine thinking you'd get the last post

>> No.11852905


>> No.11852907
File: 395 KB, 999x617, 1592606682-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ara ara

>> No.11852975
File: 329 KB, 1444x2048, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_katai_nekoneko0720__4fd67d450d8d29704c3e9b619a013266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last for Remilia.

>> No.11852999
File: 191 KB, 1000x1002, 1592498538555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely unacceptable

>> No.11853135
File: 2.30 MB, 2480x3507, sioos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11853156
File: 112 KB, 402x972, 1586328505682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, fool here. I'm trying to find the name or system for calculating a number divisible by 3 other numbers. E.g Numbers 'a', 'b' and 'c'. I want to find 'x'. Where x%a == 0, x%b == 0 etc. The three numbers are 18, 56 and 72. Hope you and yours are well Anons.

>> No.11853158
File: 33 KB, 500x465, 1592498339698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like Nar

>> No.11853185

It’s called finding the least common multiple retard. There are multiple algorithms to do that just google it.

>> No.11853191

Still got it

>> No.11853214

Epic fail, bro

>> No.11853256

Ohh fug is it finally time?

>> No.11853259

Going to my gf's bday now

>> No.11853261


>> No.11853262
File: 47 KB, 418x430, 1593360641353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may not be the last, but at least I'm number 400