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11849349 No.11849349 [Reply] [Original]

Should women even be considered part of the human species? Let's be honest here:

>bleeds once a month

Let's be honest. Whoever claimed women are part of the same human species made a big mistake.

>> No.11849350

>Let's be honest. Whoever claimed women are part of the same human species made a big mistake.

So why aren't females of other species considered separate species as well?

>> No.11849354

It's ok, OP. You'll find someone. Just be yourself!

>> No.11849441

All women are men. Including the one pictured in the OP.

>> No.11849442

according to your post your disgusting retarded father fucked another species and you have been born as consequence of that mistake, and now look in the mirror

>> No.11849456
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>le women are irrational
>but my feelings on the other hand are completely rational
>*adjusts trilby*

>> No.11849470

Female and male dogs have pretty much the same behavior, apart from the periods when they're in heat, all other animals have common behaviors apart from their gender
Human females should be considered a different animal entirely

>> No.11849471

go back

>> No.11849474

She is so hot bros.

>> No.11849475


>> No.11849477

to twitter and reddit where you came from

>> No.11849478

Should men even be considered part of the human species? Let's be honest here:

>averse to responsibility

Let's be honest. Whoever claimed men are part of the same human species made a big mistake.

>> No.11849479

to be honest I came from IMVU and deviantart

>> No.11849503
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Ironically, the men who constantly talk about how women are oh so irrational and emotional are more hysterical than any woman.

>> No.11849506

Pretty sure they have a higher average IQ then men do.

>> No.11849512

die of cancer OP, really

>> No.11849518

some major projecting there.
dumbass micropenis

>> No.11849573

Can we get some kind of containment board for this garbage?

>> No.11849585

that's what /pol/ is for, but the problem with containment boards is that they leak everywhere

>> No.11849634

Take a look at the Hare Psychopathy Checklist. Except for delinquency you get a description of the average woman. Egocentric, amoral, shallow, parasitic, manipulative, impulsive, remorseless, with no empathy and no long-term goals. One could say that "psychopath" is a label we use for men who have the personality of a woman.

>> No.11849643

even fucking worse, kill yourself

>> No.11849650

>le white knight xD
How many sex dates did you obtain so far by defending sluts on the internet?

>> No.11849663
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>nooo you can't insult me when I insult other people that's NOT OKEY!!!

>> No.11849727

why are you whiteknighting for random incels?

>> No.11849769

But they smell so good and are so soft

>> No.11849770

This post smells like a fish market

>> No.11849773


>> No.11849787

Ah yes, many a 4channeler has been tripped up by transsexuals.

>> No.11849836

>Posting a kurisu to defend 3DPD
You disgust me. She's way above 3DPD.

>> No.11849843


>> No.11849880

Either you've never really interacted with dogs or your concept of pretty much is along the lines "the earth and the sun are pretty much the same size"

>> No.11849916
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She's indisputably best girl, but Kurisu herself would call you a dummy for unironically engaging in that thinking.

>> No.11849924

she looks like a boy.. flat chested whore

>> No.11849929
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>> No.11849934

see.. even her chibi looks disgusting

>> No.11849945

Maybe with a couple more pounds on her

>> No.11849951

Soon they will be kicked out of the species because we will be able to interbreed with sexboots.

>> No.11849958

what makes you think women will not have their own sexbots?

>> No.11849975


>> No.11849986

>no ability to engineer male sexbots unless simps do it for them
>the ideal male sexbot would have to earn six figures, be highly charismatic, and make other women jealous

>> No.11849992

The fact that you're posting this is proof that males suffer from the same nature.

>> No.11850025

Except its not. Have you seen a woman on her period? Most women are Liberal and go with the flow. They are social creatures and easily influenced by all forms of media and entertainment.
They are dumber and more Inferior in every regard. This is observable in all fields, nearly every genius was a man. And social conditions do not explain this fact either. Women truly are sub human.

>> No.11850045

She would call me baka. I wouldn't mind. And besides, she can be wrong on some topics, and her small imperfections make her even cuter.

>> No.11850052

dont fuck your wellies, anon.

>> No.11850057


>> No.11850060

the ego is sadly a very reflective force, as more your own ego is blown up as MORE you will recognize the ego in the other person, bicause it contradicts your own desires.

This is why i hate nothing more as posts like "my husband is that narcissistic. My wive is this narcissistic"

How self unaware can a fucking moronic fucker be?

>> No.11850086

You have to go back.

>> No.11850108

Women are attracted not to bodies, not to money, not to minds, but to social status. Sexbots will never have that.

Women will simply resort to VR fantasies, just like today they have become addicted to Netflix and social media illusions.

>> No.11850120

What makes you think you can not do both?
VR for the environment and a bot to top it off

>> No.11850173

Sounds more like a /r9k/ issue but I'm sure /pol/ would cover it too.

>> No.11850186

The point is women will be bound to VR (or AR, a better fit for what you're describing) while men won't need it. Men would be ok with the real world + bot

>> No.11850187
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>> No.11850205

This thread was moved to >>>/r9k/58868132