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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 270 KB, 1024x1024, apocalypse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11839856 No.11839856[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Stock market keeps rising whilst real economy suffer. The Fed and EBC massively printing and pumping money into finantial liquidity. Finantial bubble ensues.

>Fossil fuels have at most 20 to 40 years of viability before the energy return on investment makes our way of society unsustainable.

>Nobody wants to invest on nuclear

>Green energies are a meme, same as nuclear fusion or biomass.

>Worldwide riots


>Future social instability

Two scenarios:

1. A big ass regression (this would be preferable), so that we don't need to consume that much energy and we can keep a society on green energies or green + nuclear.

2. Total collapse, wars, nuclear exchange, humans sent back to tribal stage (except there won't be a way to get back to our previous golden ages).

Please, tell me I'm wrong.

>> No.11839870
File: 39 KB, 720x692, tiresome2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The end times are slowly creeping forward

>> No.11839909

Congrats you're almost as smart as Teddy K if he was dropped as a baby

>> No.11839912

Thanks? I was actually expecting a rebuttal, not for you to be a denialist scumbag without an argument, but ok.

>> No.11839920

I'm not denying anything you fucking retard

>> No.11839932

Then you're useless to me. I need someone to rebut it, with a good argument. You think I wanna be right you absolute retard?

>> No.11839953

Read the fate of empires, history is cyclical and collapse inevitable. Modern western societies show every single sign of inbound civil wars and collapses, history is quite cyclical. The light at the end of the tunnel is that we will rebuild again afterwards and have good and stable (also importantly: homogeneous) societies for a while. As for the other problems you mentioned people will handle them out of necessity when the time comes; democracies where elected officials serve for a limited timeframe do not lend themselves to tackling events beyond the re-election horizon.

>> No.11839961

>The light at the end of the tunnel is that we will rebuild again afterwards and have good and stable (also importantly: homogeneous) societies for a while

There isn't enough energy for a second industrial revolution is OP's point.

>> No.11839965

>Stock market keeps rising whilst real economy suffer
economy does not suffer
It's only that it changes itself

>> No.11839968

Youre mostly right. I would add demographic crisis exacerbated by eco global change.

Although scenario 2 is unlikely, anyone who fails to aknowledge all of this and act accordingly will be SERIOUSLY fucked

>> No.11839969

stop double spacing your moron

>> No.11839976

Alternative energy sources will be rapidly developed when the need arises.

>> No.11839987

>The light at the end of the tunnel is that we will rebuild again afterwards and have good and stable (also importantly: homogeneous) societies for a while
Absolute, this is the key concept to understand. Western countries are doomed, but the more culturally homogeneous China will continue.

>> No.11839993

Maybe, world IQ is dropping though

>> No.11840003


This >>11839961

What do you call millions of companies going bankrupt and rampant unemployment then?

>Although scenario 2 is unlikely
I wish

kek. Nuclear fussion energy was possibly 40 years ago. I won't hold my breath for the next 20.

How do you rebuild a society that was solely depending on something that's disappeared from the planet?

Even worse, what happens if we've destabilized the biosphere too much already and even basic agricultural activity is endangered?

>> No.11840008

Which is bad - Chinese society is shit. Hiveminded conformists without the moral and philosophical development to have compunctions about developing and employing such oppressive tech as social credit scores, AI facial recognition tracking everywhere so it looks like Watch Dogs irl. I'd prefer if white Europeans stuck around instead

>> No.11840009

Once full civil wars break out in western countries you can be assured that racial groups will form factions, likely leading to either genocides of some groups or balkanization into smaller, homogenous countries. At the end of this process there won't be any 白左 left.

>> No.11840019


>light at the end of the tunnel

>authoritarian technological dystopia


>> No.11840024

We've almost passed the event horizon when it comes to climate change and nobody cares. It's all downhill from here. I just hope the internet stays up long enough so I can witness the collapse of the US in real time

>> No.11840031

Authoritarianism is able to better control national resources for obvious reasons. One system, less room for error. (obviously there'll be a problem of corruption, but that's another matter)

>> No.11840033


>> No.11840034

Fucking this. I also hope to be able to hold my ground until my dogies die a comfy death of old age. Then will be time to go out in style

>> No.11840039

Don't be scared, friend. Weird times happen, some things will change, but we're not going to apocalyptic levels of anything. Just keep studying the stuff that you like, enjoy your time with your family and friends (once the pandemic is over) and relax a little bit.

>> No.11840048

I truly wish I could believe that. But I need evidence.

>> No.11840053

Fuck that. Id rather be dead than submit for the hive but thats just me

>> No.11840067

Democracy is a sham anyway. Presidents are just puppets for the true rulers, the unelected 1%, the rich. You need to take the red pill sometime, anon

>> No.11840074

>Fossil fuels have at most 20 to 40 years of viability
>what is coal liquification
>what are methane clathrates
There are still enough fossils for hundreds of years.
>Worldwide riots
It only really affects murica.
>slightly more severe flue unless you're a boomer

>> No.11840078

>hundreds of years
source please

>It only really affects murica.

>> No.11840081

Yeah, Soviet Union was doing so well... oh, wait

>> No.11840084

Doomsday prophets have been around all the time, why believe them now? According to climate change "scientists" from 2000 britain should be like siberia now; all the hyperbole and panicky outrage is just to get funding.

>> No.11840085

>slightly more severe flue unless you're a boomer
Still missing the point, it's no the severity, but the effect it has on economy. It contributes to the collapse.
Also let's hope it keeps being almost harmless for most people. You know.. these things mutate.

>> No.11840091

Nothing will happen. Nothing ever happens

>> No.11840092

>What do you call millions of companies going bankrupt and rampant unemployment then?
darwinian selection
some companies get wiped out
people will have ubi
new jobs on internet will be found
like feeding neural network with simple task: example: uploading pics etc..

>> No.11840094

Count carboun in proven coal reserves, faggot.
>bongland is worldwide now

>> No.11840095

The soviet union would've probably done relatively well if they weren't competing with america in order to inffluence the world with communism.

>> No.11840096

The only effect it has on enoconomy is due to lockdown intitiated by retarded boomers in the government.

>> No.11840097

The doomsday has always happened, though. Evey 100 or so years there's a collapse or a total war, and reconstruction. Difference is this time maybe we won't be able to reconstruct.

>> No.11840099

Eisenhower tried to warn us about the MIC and by extension the richest in society trying to hijack our democracy, but in the end the average American had a cushy enough life to not care so here we are. We can change it but it actually requires some effort

>> No.11840101

>We've almost passed the event horizon when it comes to climate change
could you explain why?

>> No.11840108

Have patience, it's only just begining. But still you fail to address the main point.
>t. retard. Thinks that coal is as energetic as oil.

>> No.11840116

There's gonna be a point where enough carbon dioxide has been released into the air that it melts enough permafrost, that in turn releases more co2, which traps more heat, which melts more permafrost. Once that happens we're fully in a death spiral with no way out

>> No.11840117

It requires a monetary and finantial collapse I'd say. Bring down the illussion of endless privilege of money making through money itself.

>> No.11840136

Have you seen the effects of the protests on cases of covid19?
They were flattening the curve until the protests started, and it went up again, as steep a curve as in brazil.

So... yeah don't be a retard. Just because it only kills boomers mostly, doesnt mean it cannot kill you. If you give it free reign, you let it infect food, infect everything you interact with, and also room to mutate, to become more dangerous.

Idk why this simple fact is so hard to understand for the anti-masker retards.

>> No.11840146

That only leads to political extremism and violence. We need organization and mass movements to pressure every single politician taking "campaign contributions" and vote them out. I don't want to see the country collapse, I genuinely love the US but our democracy can't survive without a population that's knowledgeable and politically engaged.
It's an uphill battle but it's worth fighting, the alternative would be the current chaos times 100

>> No.11840150

Do you honestly think that Bernie will ever be president? or if indeed he wants to do what he says he wants to?

>> No.11840161

>Democracy is a sham anyway. Presidents are just puppets for the true rulers, the unelected 1%, the rich. You need to take the red pill sometime, anon
are these the same guys as the "jew banker"?
are both trump and biden gonna keep pandering to the 0.01% like obama and bush? everyone says they were jew/bifg money pawns

also why does everyone hate on the millionares who are the 1% ... they just got lucky or worked hard and were smart

i thought it was the 0.01% who are actively trying to hoard all the wealth an squeezing the common man as tight as they can?

am i way out of line?

>> No.11840170

didnt rome, france and england just lose their power and give up their colonies and still live decent lives there as opposed to falling into civil war and everyone dying?

>> No.11840171

Wasnt implying democracy isnt a sham, nor denying any of the facts you point. But wishing for a less subtle way of tyranny is just stupid, more so for someone who has reached SOME degree of dignity and freedom

>> No.11840173

Dude's been fighting the same fight and saying the same things since the 80's, he's the most genuine politician out there so I feel comfortable taking his word at face value, but he's not perfect, and he'll never be president. It's gonna be Biden v Trump and Bernie won't run again, he's gonna be 82 then I think.
Next presidential election is gonna be interesting, because there's no way the democrats can run another empty fucking suit like Biden, and I have no clue what republicans will do.

>> No.11840176

>why does everyone hate on the millionares who are the 1%
Because they've literally endless privilege through the magic of finance. That money isn't even real economy, it just means they get what they want because of a set of rules (fiat money) says that they are entitled.

It's just a modern form of feudalism.

>> No.11840181

When people say the 1% they are in fact refering to the 0.00001%, it just doesn't roll off the tongue as well.

He won't be president and even if he were to be he'd cuck to big money just like everybody else; it's a sham. If bernie stood for something he would've run as an independent instead of endorsing Hillary in 16 or Biden in 20

If you create an organization that is a real threat to the powers that be it will be invaded by the feds, dissolved, and the core members jailed.
>mass movements
To create mass movements you need to control the media, guess who owns that?

A collapse is inevitable but also the best thing to hope for. Tabula rasa.

>> No.11840184

Totalitarianism isn't always tyranny. Only when the ruler or rulers abuse their power.

I tend to agree, but I'd be paranoid as hell if he ever got to be president. I'd believe he's finally given up to the pressure of the elites. The very reason why he hasn't been president yet is because the elites don't want him to.

>> No.11840195

>A collapse is inevitable but also the best thing to hope for. Tabula rasa.

>> No.11840209

Sounds like a bunch of excuses to me. Any movement that challenges the status quo is going to get fierce opposition, but there's no other choice. Do you think a collapse is going to be clean, and we can just start over from a clean slate? That's a complete fantasy, it doesn't work like that. Fucking fight to take back the system and restore it to what it once was. There are powerful forces pitted against any popular movement, but we've overcome before and we can do it again.
If an actual collapse happens there'll be no clean slate, it'll be the same old slate as always but forever damaged
>The very reason why he hasn't been president yet is because the elites don't want him to.
Basically, the media completely blacked him out both times and he still came within striking distance. he only lost this time because the democrats dogpiled him after his NV victory.

>> No.11840343

>cyclical history meme
hahahahahahaha dumbass

>> No.11840360

>real life is a real time strategy game where you just have to select the correct technology tree when needed

>> No.11840414

Based these fucking backwards fucks. Resources don't self replenish. You use you lose. The only "special power" this universe offers is using the environment against itself.

>> No.11840415


>only when (totalitarian) rulers abuse their power

Which happens to be always. Are you even trying? Or its just a shitty troll?

>> No.11840437

Yup triggering a mass extinction to fuck up your ennemy but causing the extinction of your own civilization too in the process is such a great power move

>> No.11840444

<use their power to do nothing but get reelected, might incidentally do a good thing or two along the way but only as a byproduct of conjonctural political demand and diluted in a hundred other policies, most of whom are actually contradictory to the few useful achievements

<full control of everything, it's up to you to use it for good or bad, 50/50

the choice is quickly done for me desu

>> No.11840446
File: 764 KB, 1080x2220, 4channer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. This is what I see for the future.

Short term: COVID19 handicaps 20% of victims for life. Still unknown if these people will live for a decade like in HIV, or if they will die within a year. Either way, about 1/5th of the population is taken out of commission (it's actually worse if they continue living, because then they will take up resources)

Long term: climate change and it's unpredictable effects lead to migration, civil war, actual war, etc. It's hard to see how this plays out, but I think ultimately a few things are long-term baked in:

1) massive population reduction across world
2) gain of fertile land in Siberia, Tibet, Gobi, Canada
3) loss of fertile land in Middle East, India, Africa, North America

After the population bottleneck, Siberia will be inhabited by the Chinese/other Asians, Canada by USAians, and Europe will stay mostly similar.

>> No.11840503

Except history is not cyclical.

>> No.11840525

Yes, but you can use the exploit of resources to unlock more resources. Eventually gaining so much energy after breaking the universe open that you can crack open multiverse and access niceties like the infinite candy universe, or higher dimensions....

>> No.11840536

Good for you, if you want to entirely surrender your fate to totalitarian rulers then by all means go ahead, there are plenty of them around for you to choose.
Btw my point was NOT about democracy being better for society as a whole (whatever the fuck that means), it just happens that it demonstrably allows SOME strong/smart/talented INDIVIDUALS (like myself) to attain SOME dignity and freedom

>> No.11840540

white european individualist societies end up accepting fags and shit which destroys civilization, only societies such as china can endure, its the final redpill

>> No.11840541




>> No.11840550

>climate change

make it medium term tops breh

>> No.11840553

You can try this but chances are more that you'll go extinct than you reaching Combine levels, because of thermodynamics

>> No.11840561

That may very well be true but why would you want a society like China's to endure???

>> No.11840575

>not wanting to join The Middle Hive and zero rush the decacant and degenerate West

>> No.11840598

Death spiral? Are you a fucking retard? More usable land in Canada and Russia and that's bad? The dinosaurs lived in a warmer weather era. Greenhouse gases are good for plants, retard. They had to change the name of global warming to climate change because it's not bad, boohoo the Sahara will be green soon.
>Nooooooo, it's not a desert anymore

>> No.11840613

>usable lands

Currently frozen regions wouldn't transform into arable land, they would become swamps. Surprise, talking out of your ass and finding nonexistent silver linings out of pure cope isn't a substitute for knowing anything about this topic.

>> No.11840622

Holy shit the absolute state of /sci/

>> No.11840644


>Total collapse

My only chance of actual freedom, even if short lived. Else we are heading towards totalitarian dystopia.

>> No.11840911

All of you faggots advocating for totalitarian techno state and cheering China success must be the last man Zaratustra spoke about

>> No.11840934

>Noooo you can't live in Florida
>Chicago, a natural swamp is uninhabitable
>Let's terraform Mars but we can't use swamps on Earth

>> No.11840953

Your rebuttal? We're waiting.

>> No.11840958

>what is EROI

>> No.11840962

we're talking about arable land moron. nobody is saying there won't be places to live

>> No.11840976

you aren't going to empty the world of natural resources unless you blast them off the planet. You won't have massive oil reserves, but we're well aware of how to process biomass into usable fuel, how to frack, and how to manufacture solar panels. It may take a while to set up the supply chain, and energy won't be as cheap, but pretending that we'll go back to the stone age if we fuck things up is nonsense.

>> No.11841002

>>Fossil fuels have at most 20 to 40 years of viability before the energy return on investment makes our way of society unsustainable.

My country and Russia have coal reserves that can sustain economy for 400 years

>> No.11841019

but there would have to be major economic and social contractions, with even the share that enjoy first world consumption declining quite a lot, never-mind that the third world is still desperately trying to move towards the resource usage levels of developed, western nations. alternative fuels like you mentioned can't support that trend and the resulting volatility in a world with nukes seems to suggest major, black swan levels of uncertainty ahead, which makes prognosticating past such necessary chaos a bit pointless in my mind. people aren't going to give up their first world, jet setting modernized way of life without struggle

>> No.11841041

>>Nobody wants to invest on nuclear
Good. It's a dead failed meme and no amount of shilling will change that.

>>Green energies are a meme,
You mean a runaway economy of scales success story.

>>same as nuclear fusion or biomass.
Come on, you have to hide that you're a paid established nuclear industry shill at least a little bit. This is insultingly blatant.

>> No.11841050

>totalitarian dystopia.
From whom? The commies want a collapse to create their global totalitarian dystopia.

>> No.11841054
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That's what the German jews said during the rise of Hitler.

>> No.11841144
File: 202 KB, 980x892, global-water-volume-fresh-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait till we deplete our freshwater resources

>> No.11841197
File: 538 KB, 1280x960, Kailasha_temple_at_ellora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advanced fission needs to be utilized regardless of public opinion. Reproduction needs to be limited, and satisfying alternatives offered. Unfragmented, large, protected wilderness zones for every major type of ecosystem need to be set up. Those are the three biggest things, we'd at least have a fighting chance with under 5 billion humans, somewhere to fall back to if we fuck up, and clean energy.

>> No.11841220

WWII pretty much was doomsday for many Europeans

>> No.11841252


The best thing that can happen is human extinction so that not a single individual can escape into biological immortality. Unfortuantely this is unlikely due the pernicious human capacity for cooperation.

>> No.11841375


the only remark is

western white european individualist societies end up

eastern europe is complete fine. we had some crazy problems like communism sometimes but you now - it's all temporarily

>> No.11841384


and kikes want commies to succeed cause then they would achieve possability to destroy faith in Christ and set up mashiah (antichrist) as world jewish king

on pol my messages dying fast but here will remain sometime

look what i found by searching for mashiah word on 4plebs

thread from 2015


>Here's what I know

>For their Messiah to come, some conditions:

>Christianity must fall, Christianity is Europe and USA, it is the last Empire before Israel control the whole world

>so: (they help) millions of muslim refugees come to Europe and destroy Christianity

>at the same time, end of august or soon after: (fed causes) collapse of every currencies, dollar, euro, yen etc

>then their Messiah comes, he is the king of jews, no more netanyahu, he has super powers

>after all of that, WW3, the last one

>then: everyone will see Israel is not affected by all of this and 70 nations will attack Israel but their Mashiah will fight and win, it is written like this, God will protect them

>Finally: everyone will see jews are the chosen people and there will be peace forever, sin is dead

or this


>The Jew's endgame is to build a temple and to summon Mashiah.

i'm russian orthodox and in orthodox christian church we have real prophets

real endgame is:

soon world war to control on Turkey's land

commies short but very cruel rebellion in russia

china invade russia

world war to not let china go to europe

short peace

all countries open borders for peace on earth

world goverment appearing

jews make mashiah

world gov make control chips (sign of a beast)

later apocalypse (all is written in bible i prefer RSV)

screencap me

thank me later

>> No.11841390


forgot to mention

prior to global collapse and apocalypse all people from all world who would not want to take control chip implanted and don't want to kneel mashiah will gather in russia. ~2,5 years last freedom country on plant will be in russia

then final war and the end of the world apocalypse and global collapse

Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

>> No.11841459
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That won't happen overnight. Go look up desalination. Some countries are already approaching 100 % fresh water use from desalination alone.

It might be more expensive at the moment but becoming cheaper all the time.

>> No.11841463

>Fossil fuels have at most 20 to 40 years of viability before the energy return on investment makes our way of society unsustainable.

According to what source/calculations?

>> No.11841479

Don't spread your mind so thin Anon. Keep your head in your science books!

>> No.11842682
File: 77 KB, 640x640, 1561671096929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gehenna is upon us.

>> No.11842794

Anyone else found themselves extremely more hateful of all non whites lately.

I was already extremely sexist, racist and homophobic but the absolute degeneracy that has occurred in the last year has flung this to new heights. I hope china wins now. I fucking hate the gook hivemend but am happy for them to control our countries so long as every faggot communist cuckold gets sent to the gulag, the criminal niggers get sent to the jail like they belong and women are taught to shut the fuck up and go shopping or something.

The state of western society is reaching terminal degeneracy. There's no way this society will still be standing in 15 years. I thought it would be AI, but no, its the fucking pink hair girl, skinny basedbois and tyrones that will end our society.

>> No.11845007

Plants have an upper limit for co2 intake meaning more co2 can actually be bad for plants. Also swamps as someone already said.
The co2 loop is easy to imagine actually, the balance is there because nature recycles co2 but the nature cannot account for the human factor - like a scale with weights, humans are disturbing the balance by adding more co2

>> No.11845046


actually you raging fucking retard, all the people that are destroying the world are the wealthy polluting business owners and the politicians that keep taking corporate money not to change anything for the better. the elites are all right-wing conservatives. climate change nuclear weapons, these people don't give a fuck, because they will die before the waves start hitting us. Do you think some retarded niggers and trannies in the Bronx will take down your precious society?

i guess you could just deny climate change i guess...

>> No.11846209

Once the multitude of starving Africans and Muslims take over western Europe you're next in line, your shoddy little autocracies won't handle the collapse of the global supply chain and an apocalyptic level migration crisis

>> No.11846296

I'll be hunting the baizuo if war starts. Fucking cunts

>> No.11846305

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus wants a word

>> No.11846315

Unlikely covid will handy cap that many considering how overblown it is

>> No.11846328

Forgot that Europe will have either muslim caliphate or Europeans will reclaim their homelands. Expelling the pedophile worshipers (muslims)

>> No.11846350
File: 637 KB, 2148x912, b2fa423e148700a1af2f9e4e2b98d6afd9e12685b755c41975f84aa855e095f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the west will undoubtedly collapse from the woke bs. but thankfully there are civilized parts of the world which didn't devolve into worshiping niggers, washing their feet and witch-hunting anyone they perceive makes a slight against their precious nigger angels but instead focus on developing technology, culture, society and economy that will persist and thrive.

>> No.11846351

>>Green energies are a meme, same as nuclear fusion or biomass.
>>Worldwide riots
>history is cyclical and collapse inevitable
>Authoritarianism is able to better control national resources
>Democracy is a sham anyway.
most based post on this board
>white european individualist societies end up accepting fags and shit which destroys civilization
>The state of western society is reaching terminal degeneracy

>> No.11846358

>t. denialist brainlet who will die on the muddy hill that is his dumb degenerate west

>> No.11846362

>t. redpilled big brained nazi who thinks he will not die just like the rest of us

>> No.11846373
File: 128 KB, 500x499, moses-wandered-in-the-desert-for-40-years-o-cairo-20346491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't live in Europe and doesn't know that muslims are becoming atheists

>> No.11846384

jokes on you, bai zuo. i've got work elsewhere now. enjoy getting clubbed to death by niggers while i live in peace among civilized people.

>> No.11846404

your only source of joy is to compare your situation to others. you love seeing the world burn when you can watch from a safe distance without moving your fat ass. you do nothing to help, you just run away like a nomadic coward, to greener pastures, to virgin lands

>> No.11846421
File: 34 KB, 500x400, 1580315831735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am from France, and I can tell you that the situation you hear on 4chan is bullshit. "Arabs" aren't more violent than white French at the exception of those living in ghettos. The most educated peoples I've had in my classes were mostly arab. I've always preferred having these kind of arabs as friends, because they were kind, benevolent, open minded and intelligent, even at university. The worst peoples I've met were white.
So please, don't speak like if monkeys of USA were representative of non white persons in the whole west.

>> No.11846486

look, i've been trying to warn the retards in the west about the woke virus for years. at this point the west cannot be salvaged. and the bs i had to endure on this degenerate side of the world will be beautiful to watch burn itself to rubble from the vantage of a real civilization.

>t. dumb bai zuo

>> No.11846500

as I said, you did nothing and just cowardly escaped. you have no good morals, you want to live in a "real" civilization filled with virtuous people while you yourself aren't one. you just want your ass to feel protected by strong men you can only dream of becoming

>> No.11846513

>calling others nazis
>pushing dark ages
>defending arabs

Hello shlomo

>> No.11846529

lol. only retards stay behind in rot when there are civilized pastures to escape to.

>> No.11846555
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I've never called someone nazi and pushed dark ages. Stop being a schizo. We aren't all the same person.

>> No.11846563

ok coward leech

>> No.11846813

jesus was a pedo too

>> No.11846817

I’m unironically thinking of moving to New Zealand as it’s the best placed country to survive civilisation collapse.

>> No.11847194

>Modern western societies show every single sign of inbound civil wars and collapses
You’re either an American projecting your misery on other Western nations, which are doing just fine, or you’re consuming too much American media. It’s only America collapsing.

>> No.11847339

Green energy is a complete meme. If you understand thermo beyond 101 level, you realize that humans and all complex structures are fundamentally entropy producing. And humans in fact accelerate entropy production. This is the core measure of how advanced a species is. For hundreds of thousands of years humans lived basically the same way and at the carrying capacity allowed by the available fuel sources (wood), rudimentary hydro, wind, and animal power. Its specifically and only fossil fuels that has allowed us to get to this level of development. And in order to continue we HAVE to keep burning the shit at an ever faster rate. With aggregate consumer demand being so low we had maybe the biggest oil price shock ever. Read Gail Tverberg if you want to understand why oil prices are so low and why that's terrible.

We are not likely to rebuild after another collapse, due to oil constraints. Even if we successfully got back to the point of refining oil on a global scale we'd run out before being able to progress even to where we are now. The next collapse would leave us permanently at medieval tech at the latest.

>> No.11847364

all we need is to let 99% people go die and keep population level no bigger than million, untill we reach technology that will allow us to reach outer space
and since modern agriculture cannot function without fuel, mass extinction is inevitable
future looks scary, but in longer perspective we should be fine

>> No.11847370

Brainlet tier.

Also brainlet tier. It's not a matter of supply. Right now oil is massively oversupplied and the global economy is contracting. (In reality it had a discontinuity in the form of the corona step down). Global energy usage and subsequently entropy production per capita was reduced by a significant proportion practically overnight.

The issue is whether oil is profitable to produce or not. It isn't right now, and so oil production and consumption are both falling simultaneously. This has a shitload of cascading effects, but maybe most fundamentally it forces the price even lower creating a feedback loop in the direction of lower energy use/entropy production. Either everyone is going to have to lower their standard of living to an unconscionable degree or many many people will die.

>> No.11848372

>Either everyone is going to have to lower their standard of living to an unconscionable degree or many many people will die.
"i drive a big truck becuase i can" - /o/

>> No.11848436

>Nobody wants to invest on nuclear
India and China are
>Green energies are a meme
they are making steady progress >>11841197
>Reproduction needs to be limited
your just gonna limit your number of future engineers and scientists

>> No.11848475

it's only a matter of time before a nuclear accident occurs in india or china and "green" activists use it to shut down any and all nuclear projects

>> No.11848486

No it’s not, both countries are using very modern tech that has been developed in the west, it’s important to remember that most of their nuclear plants were built after 2,000 as such they are more advanced and safe than most western plants.

>> No.11848493

ok pajeet

>> No.11848582


but yeah, buy now. We aren't turning back

>> No.11848748

>>11840161 (extreme specimen)
I detect Smooth Brains. They come to a conclusion very quickly. Very convenient for them, very easy to post about, very simple.
4chan sucks now. RIP

>> No.11848878

I didn’t know that their was wi-fi in the ivory tower.

>> No.11849318

>It’s only America collapsing.
Sure, France totally is suppressing any dissidents, the Netherlands totally isn't cracking down on peaceful protests, Spain totally isn't collapsing economically, etc, etc, etc.

>> No.11849421

Relax friend, I suspect things in our lifetime will be fine. Probably not so much for the generations that follow however. COVID isn't the end of the world, but it is the end of the West being the driving force in the world.

My best guess: Around 2030-ish, it will totally be China and their little buddy the US. Just like how it was the US and UK post WW2. The majority of the world will bow to China's totalitarian technocracy. They will lead humanity's development for the next hundred years or so. This will bring some extreme technological advancement, and space expansion for resource exploitation. The "US" will hang on until early 2100, but the Balkanization will have started well before then. Some of these new nation-states will actually be pretty nice places to live, but they will have zero say in the direction the world is moving. Others will be total shitholes.

Europe will go extremely green, but it won't offset the mechanical monster of industry China builds. The idea of the middle class worldwide will be demonized in schools, and virtually extinct. If you don't have power and/or money, you will live in a mega ghetto.

Things will get really interesting around mid-2100s IMO. Total biosphere collapse will kick in, and then it's anyone's guess what happens. The push into space will probably mean there is a colony or two out there, but if they can really make it without Earth, who knows.

>> No.11849427

>muh reductionism is bad
absolute brainlet tier

>> No.11849447

You have two things here that are wrong.
>Fossil fuels have at most 20 to 40 years of viability before the energy return on investment makes our way of society unsustainable.
Fossil fuels stopped being viable years ago, they are mostly propped up by government subsidies at this point.
>>Green energies are a meme, same as nuclear fusion or biomass.
Green energy is not a meme, its so much not a meme that it is crashing my countries entire energy grid with no survivors.

>> No.11849820

Those are all due to COVID-19, which affects every nation and with which they’re dealing much, much better than the U.S. and many other nations. The level of civil unrest doesn’t run nearly as deep. European academia and news media aren’t overrun with virtue-signaling leftists and the European Commission and Parliament actually fight for the rights of its citizens by standing up to corporate power in a way that the White House and Congress never do.

>> No.11850310

>European academia and news media aren’t overrun with virtue-signaling leftists and the European Commission and Parliament actually fight for the rights of its citizens by standing up to corporate power in a way that the White House and Congress never do.
I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.
The only thing the EU cares about is gaining power to create a European federation.
Rights are constantly diminished and removed from countries to prevent any opposition from forming.
Most media constantly constantly censors or puts any and all "right" thinking in a bad light.
If you think the EU is any better than the USA, then you should read more about what the EU actually is and what their real goals are.

>> No.11850404

>Those are all due to COVID-19

France has had riots weekly for a full year before COVID retard

>> No.11850441

and yet it's better now than it ever has been

>> No.11850445

>history is cyclical
you is stupid

>> No.11850451

Steven Pinker should be shot on sight

>> No.11850455

nope. just looking at the jobs and housing markets alone disproves that. sure tech has improved but that's just an accumulation but the cost of living over income has gone to shit.

>> No.11850456

France only lost its colonies in a formal way, they figured that it was way more efficient to buy off the local governments and support massive networks to do business there (called Françafrique in France). This only comes at the cost of having a permanent military operation ongoing there to support the allied regimes, which is arguably a benefit since it allows us to try out new weapons and acquire military experience, way easier than sending conscripts to keep the whole countries under control. So we can divert resources to our own profit. Now this could change with the massive influence the Chinese have been gaining over the whole continent.

>> No.11850483

>Things will get really interesting around mid-2100s IMO. Total biosphere collapse will kick in

You retards are like the boomers who until 2010 were like "nah man climate change will only affect the next generation". Just like climate change before, we're discovering that collapse of the biosphere is coming ant it's coming way before you think.

>> No.11850509

>The only thing the EU cares about is gaining power to create a European federation.
>Rights are constantly diminished and removed from countries to prevent any opposition from forming.
>Most media constantly constantly censors or puts any and all "right" thinking in a bad light.
I don’t disagree with you, but the United States has all of that to the nth degree and then for good measure turned it up to 11. For all its faults, I can’t think of a better place to live for a regular Joe than the EU, besides maybe Scandinavia or New Zealand.

>> No.11850533

dumbass. go back to school.

>> No.11850591

you need to go outside.

>> No.11850708

Don't get me wrong, shit will be getting bad all during that time. However, no one is going to actually try and make a change until something crazy like all of Brazil being in fire for months on end happens. Even then, I suspect once the Chinese take over the "message" of climate change, it will be severely downplayed. Just like how the WHO downplayed COVID, probably at their behest.

By biosphere collapse I meant the 6th mass extinction event kicks into high gear, and the age of man comes to an end.

>> No.11850743


I'll respond, but want to know the audience. Have you graduated yet?