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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11845485 No.11845485 [Reply] [Original]

What were schizo theories like before the internet allowed schizos to socialize with each other and standardize them into the modern shared ideas?

>> No.11845491

Probably more personal. They were also put in asylums where they communicated to each other so probably was still standard. Sadly we don’t have asylums anymore because of the rise of schizophrenia medicine and they can be kind of normal and work.

>> No.11845654

The influencing machine. It's a theory that your behavior is being controlled remotely by either an autonomous machine or a machine operator for whatever reason.
Because of the internet it evolved into people who have this belief getting together online and believing that there is a conspiracy against people like them.

>> No.11845664
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schizo theory explosion took place in the late sixties and the seventies so long before internet came into being. All that stuff is readily available to dig up and all modern schizo shit dates back to then. Read pic related for a primer, it came out in 1975

>> No.11845668


Asylums are still very much a thing.

>> No.11845670
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>Let's make fun of all the things we don't understand.
>One thing is stupid and has no arguments to support it.
>Ergo, we're right in making fun of everything we don't understand.

>> No.11845681

They were revered as religious scholars and great mystics in contact with the divine.

>> No.11845688

They exist but a shadow of what they were once was. Basically more then 1% of the population Was in asylums which is a huge number a lot more then today.

>> No.11845689

Many of those schizios became local heroes and probably led the church with their deluisons. Many others started their own Christian cults and many still were just put in asylums because their schizio power level was too strong, even for Christian nutbags

Also before the internet, there was just one version of facts out there, the well tested and proven hypothesis were accepted as theories and life went on

Then the internet came and tried to legitimize every crackpot opinion as a “theory” that was as valid as the real facts

>> No.11845691

Yeah but only severe non functional schizios end up there,most schizios today are on strong meds and do work and live among people

>> No.11845694

kek schizio got buttmad, take your meds

>> No.11845703


>> No.11845705


>> No.11845709
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>Matthews believed that a gang of criminals and spies skilled in pneumatic chemistry had taken up residence at London Wall in Moorfields (close to Bethlem) and were tormenting him by means of rays emitted by a machine called the "Air Loom" or gaseous charge generator. The torments induced by the rays included "Lobster-cracking", during which the circulation of the blood was prevented by a magnetic field; "Stomach-skinning" and "Apoplexy-working with the nutmeg grater" which involved the introduction of fluids into the skull. His persecutors bore such names as "the Middleman" (who operated the Air Loom), "the Glove Woman" and "Sir Archy" (who acted as "repeaters" or "active worriers" to enhance Matthews' torment or record the machine's activities) and their leader, a man called "Bill, or the King".

>Matthews' delusions had a definite political slant: he claimed that the purpose of this gang was espionage, and that there were many other such gangs armed with Air Looms all over London, using "pneumatic practitioners" to "premagnetize" potential victims with "volatile magnetic fluid". According to Matthews, their chief targets (apart from himself) were leading government figures. By means of their "rays" they could influence ministers' thoughts and read their minds. Matthews declared that William Pitt was "not half" susceptible to these attacks[3] and held that these gangs were responsible for the British military disasters at Buenos Aires in 1807 and Walcheren in 1809 and also for the Nore Mutiny of 1797.


>> No.11845721

Schizo's is the nerd's defensive buzz word.

A presentation of facts and ideas outside of scientific theories scares the nerd.

>> No.11845780
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I’ve never in my life seen “facts and ideas” presented “outside of scientific theories” be actual facts, be consistent with other facts, make any form of prediction or have any evidence besides “it might theoretically be possible”

>> No.11845803

>A presentation of facts and ideas outside of scientific theories scares the nerd.

>> No.11845940

This, and by the 80s it had bled over into television. The internet is just one more mechanism for humoring, pandering to, and profiting from the same sort, and if people really did spin in their graves, Martin Gardner would be a most abstract blur.

>> No.11846198

They were the same shit

>> No.11846921

he would fit right in on /sci/

>> No.11846927

schizios should be euthanized

>> No.11847539

this is a fucking fiction written by a writer aware of that.

>> No.11847640

This. there's something wrong with schizos that makes them believe anything they are presented with even if a brief follow up will prove these "alternative theories" wrong. Think the electric universe shit. These people watch a video that claims our entire perception of cosmology, physics, etc. is wrong and this youtube channel is the only source of truth. A normal person would obviously be skeptical, but a schizo or near-schizo thinks "I'VE DISCOVERED THE TRUTH"

>> No.11847680
