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11845239 No.11845239 [Reply] [Original]

heat death blues

man i need some white pills

>> No.11845249

We leave earth and go somewhere else. Thus not an issue. We got a lot of time till that shit happens. The human race is either dead or left earth by that time. We don’t even need to leave the solar system.

>> No.11845269
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All the art all the science all the information goes. Why even bother

>> No.11845278

Heat death is far away in human years it’s basically infinity amount of time.

>> No.11845337

>heat death
Literally the Apocalypse for physicists who as a whole barely understand entropy.
I hate pop sci

>> No.11845479

because you are a brainwashed little redditor who thinks that art is something you do for humanity while you should do things for your own enjoinment

>> No.11846743

I understand entropy fully faggot. What’s your point?

>> No.11846758

>your own
>you should
cringe stfu and stop projecting on an anon

>> No.11846778

Also you’re not fooling anyone there mr. real scientist ... no scientist worth their salt hates “popsci” . In fact they write it.

Only people who use the term popsci as some badge of superiority are the crimgelords on here ... who are just trying to SOUND smart ... when in reality they’re void

>> No.11846784

if the future is that the earth will be habitable indefinitely, does it change anyhing ?

>> No.11846808
File: 835 KB, 1014x570, td2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people cannot actually fathom infinity. Because a finite mind could never understand something that big. The universe has no beginning and no end. If whatever started our universe could happen once, it has likely been happening for all eternity. A universe is born, lives, dies, and is reborn again. Forever.

Why do we bother to do anything at all? Because we can, and because we can we must. And thankfully we conceive of ourselves as limited and finite. Because if we understood that we have done this before and that we will be doing it again, the very idea would transform the world.

tl;dr version: don't think about it too much

>> No.11846842
File: 1.68 MB, 1843x3969, heat death survival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11846853
File: 63 KB, 621x828, brainlet drilling brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0% of infinity
>BaSiCaLlY iNfInItY aMoUnT oF tImE

>> No.11846857

Mega fucking brainlet popsci image.

>> No.11846866

How to survive the death of the universe:
>just vote Trump bro, he knows his shit!
>the invisible hand pal, it will stop the destruction of reality in order for us to make more money

>> No.11846870
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>nothing changes anymore
Until picrel makes its magic again.

>> No.11846871


>> No.11846875

t. popsci redditor scared because he just watched le sad OMG SCIENCE youtube video about heat death.

>> No.11846881

>barely understand entropy.
But that's the logical conclusion of entropy you fuckwit.

>> No.11846882

a) I’m not op. b) why is this place filled w literal do-nothing pseuds who brandish words like popsci iq and reddit like they mean something c) kys plz and do selection a favor

>> No.11846883


I don't understand how any sentient, space faring species could "let" this happen?

Heat death implies that all matter and energy is evenly spread out and that there are no systems transferring energy any longer. Everything is in its lowest state.

But wouldn't all it take for something to make this not happen is to disturb the system? Just having one particle closer to another would eventually cause them to collect together through gravitational attraction. If you're alive and aware of this, couldn't you just send probes or seeds into space that are essentially nothing more than just a large hunk of trash?

So long as some intelligent species exists that is aware of what the Heat Death is, it could never happen.

>> No.11846886

>muh natural selection
pseud, popsci, reddit and low iq retard

>> No.11846922

Ok doomer.

>> No.11846933

>Just having one particle closer to another would eventually cause them to collect together through gravitational attraction.
Are you aware that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate? 100 to 150 billion years from now you won't even be able to see galaxies outside the local group.

>> No.11846935

am trying not to be nihilistic, maid ce n'est pas facile

>> No.11847018

Space keeps expanding, there is finite energy.

You can't disturb the system if it's been stretched out to unimaginable lengths. It's also a big problem if the protons you're made of start decaying.

>> No.11847051


What if it stabilizes tho? Just stops expanding and doesn't contract?

Even if it continues to expand, current evidence states that our local group will still be within reach, even if we can't go out to other superclusters. Why can we not just continually re-seed exploded star stuff from the dispersed cosmic clouds in our neighbourhood?

>> No.11847056

Poincaré recurrence theorem?

>> No.11847110

If it stabilizes then we should be aight, but I doubt that'll happen.

If it doesn't stabilize and will keep expanding for eternity, possibly accelerating for eternity as well, then even the local group will dissipate as matter slowly shoots out into the abyss that is our expanding universe (through supernovas, gravity slingshotting and increasing orbit radii through ejection of energy via gravitational waves).

>> No.11847374

sort of. But over an infinite time scale.

Ever see a drop of rain fall in a lake? It ripples out until it is gone. But there is more than one drop of rain that will ever fall and has ever fallen. It is raining on the fabric of existence, forever.

>> No.11847619

To escape this fate

>> No.11847646

take eternalism pill and stop giving shit about future, nigger

>> No.11847689

You cannot beat physics no matter how smart you are.

>> No.11847697

you'll get the white pills naturally when you become an adult
an existential crisis is a natural thing all teenagers like you go through

>> No.11847702

Art is just figuring out how to keep trolling big brains even after you die. What's not fun about that?

>> No.11847737

Why the fuck do you even care ?
You will be dead and forgotten long before humanity leaves the solar system.

Do you think you will matter ? There are millions of people who die and are forgotten in less than a century. What about their knowledge ? The information they have carried ? Who remembers them, aside from a few genealogy geeks if they happen to have a mormon descendence ?

The Universe didn't give a fuck about you when you lived, it will give even less of a fuck about you after you die. And this is true not only for you, my friend, but for the entire human race that will NEVER leave the Solar System.

We won't even be discovered by alien races.

>> No.11847742

That is fucking retarded. Make calculations out of quantum foam ? Make energy out of vacuum ?

"Just be God, bro"

>> No.11847752
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he thinks physics has a toa
heeeeeeeeh needed that chortle

>> No.11847760

Speak for yourself pleb brain

>> No.11847880

Okay smart guy, outline me a method by which the heat death of the universe can be averted.

>> No.11847938


>> No.11847961

I ask myself this question every day. "Why do I do anything?" Doing things just for yourself feels so vacuous, so empty, so devoid of reason or meaning. You have to do things for something bigger than yourself. But when you know there is not something bigger, it just makes you want to shut down completely.

>> No.11847970

>Why even bother
That's what I've been saying. But no one on this god forsaken board asks themselves the hard questions.

>> No.11847975

“Should I kill myself, or have a cup of coffee? But in the end one needs more courage to live than to kill himself.”

>> No.11847978

if things had no ending time (and thus action) would become meaningless. Certain demise is a blessing

>> No.11847986

I don't worry about what's going to happen next week, and you expect to care about the heat death of the universe?

>> No.11847991

Cool, you can't.

>> No.11848023

Yeah but this lake is fixed and not expanding? I don't fully understand your analogy/point.

>> No.11848031

Yes. We're already here. Success = not giving up. We have to at least try. If we get filtered, we get filtered. But if we've never tried, we've already defeated ourselves.

>> No.11849193

We do what we can to make ourselves happy, anon, it's as simple as that. It's very fleeting, everything is, but we've already managed some amazing things.

>> No.11849197

>lol why should we do anything if the sun blows up in 6 bazillion years anyway