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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11837350 No.11837350 [Reply] [Original]

Spicy unpopular opinions only

>> No.11837353

the lower your IQ, the smarter you are

>> No.11837355

there is no IQ difference in race because god is real and evolution does exist, but simply didn't happen before all creatures were created

>> No.11837357

Define IQ in C#

>> No.11837359

black holes arent real
not that real

>> No.11837365

Niggers are the kangz of the world.

>> No.11837370


>> No.11837382


>> No.11837392

Math is reducible to 0 and 1
The universe is math
The universe is reducible to 0 and 1

>> No.11837450

Just an array of numbers.

>> No.11837705

Hello friend, I have been absent from /sci/ for a few weeks. Where this C# meme came from?

>> No.11837711

PhDs are useless unless your really really like something

>> No.11837727

PhDs should not be considered vocational training for the workforce.

>> No.11837770
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>Hot takes thread

This thread JUST got deleted cause an angry janitor has aphantasia
Seriously, I can think of no other reason to remove it. WTF mods

>> No.11837771

Infinity and imaginary numbers don't have a place in mathematics and physics.

>> No.11837800

aphantasia isn't even real. The people who think they have it are panicking because they are closing their eyes, they think the word "red star" and then they don't literally see a red star appear in front of them. As it says, you have to look in your "mind's eye" and describe what abstraction appears, this is always going to be the last slide unless someone has colorblindness. If aphantasia were real, people would have to relearn what the color red is every single time because they literally could not picture anything that's red ever.

What they should be done is to picture such a figure or better yet a field of flowers in your mind as your eyes are open. Literally everyone will be able to describe the field as very colorful, ask them to paint what they "saw" even though their eyes were open and itll be some field of flowers with all kinds of different colors.

>> No.11837801

Define C# in C#. Is it some sort of array? I don't know, we'll figure it out one day. Fuck off mathfags. -Trent

>> No.11837816

yeah fuck those smug PhDs

>> No.11837838

This guy gets it.

I stopped caring about math when I was introduced to the concept of imaginary numbers. What a crock of shit. If your equation can only be solved by inventing numbers that can't exist, like some kind of math deity , then you are fucking wrong and the math is flawed. Same for algebra solutions that basically say "the correct answer is whatever the correct answer is". Thats what the math said transcribed to words but god forbid if i wrote in down in english instead of the ancient math runes the teacher word mark me wrong.

Math is logical and numbers never lie my ass. Math is just as flawed as any other human construct.

>> No.11837887

So your problem is the use of the English word "imaginary"?

Would you have a problem with the word "Fancy numbers"?

>> No.11837896

an array of numbers

>> No.11837921
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>Spicy unpopular opinions only

Space and Time don't actually exist as something that does something
Light doesn't travel
Particles don't exist

Oh wait you said opinions

>he said opinions

>The universe is reducible to 0 and 1
0 and 1 "of what"

numbers "of what"?

>> No.11837938

>"of what"
>"of what"?

Numbers are a priori and don't depend on counting things. 1 and 0 are concepts, or Platonic ideals. They're the *only* Platonic ideals.

>> No.11837974

Numbers are a priori
The poster was implying that "the universe", which is something is a combination of numbers/related to math: the concept. One is real and the other isn't, which is why I asked "of what".

>> No.11837980

That guy here. By "the universe" you could read it as "reality" or "the wave function"

Read Tegmark's "Our Mathematical Universe"

>> No.11837985
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>By "the universe" you could read it as "reality" or "the wave function"
Waves of what?

>> No.11837992

Probability density. Kinda. Take a course in QM.

>> No.11838001

>back to number again

Refer back to>>11837974, again.

>> No.11838011

'Meta-analysis' is a fucking joke. It's basically Rotten Tomatoe for research paper.

>> No.11838022

>t. Psychology/nutrition science brainlet

>> No.11838028

ffs retard no matter what anyone answers "of what" you're gonna ask "hurr what came before that"

you're implying that material comes before numbers because numbers must be "of" something, which is nonsense. go back and read the greeks

>> No.11838040

nothing whatsoever is a priori for the simple reason that all knowledge comes from experience.

>> No.11838042

fuck off berzerkschizo.

>> No.11838046

This thread is complete garbAge but i think that is probably a consesus opinion

>> No.11838052
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>ffs retard no matter what anyone answers "of what" you're gonna ask "hurr what came before that"
Well everything has a source no?

>you're implying that material comes before numbers because numbers must be "of" something, which is nonsense.

Not my argument at all. Numbers are a concept only. They don't actually exist as something. They are words in the language of mathematics. They are used to count/measure/label the things that are actually real. The universe doesn't count or use math, humans do. We invented "number" and use it to describe. To say material comes before number or number comes before material is nonsensical because numbers don't actually exist as something in the physical world. They can't come before or after anything because it's made up as it goes along.

>go back and read the greeks
Yeah and what did they say? They counted and used numbers too, but they also knew they were using number to describe "things that were real".

>> No.11838054

No, it's the difference between remembering music and hearing it.

I can literally see a red star. Clear as day, as if I was looking at an image. If you can't do that, you have aphantasia.

>> No.11838055

Oh well in that case 1 and 0 refer to the presence or absence of information, like a computer but with a broader application.

>> No.11838059

I can only do that with music. When I try to visualize something I can only conjure some subtle abstract associations.

>> No.11838065

>Oh well in that case 1 and 0 refer to the presence or absence of information,

The "of", thank you! If it is "of" would "0" not even apply then? For an absence is not present to be accounted for. Shit I forgot to add that spicy hot take


0 is not a number

>get out of the controversial opinions thread

This is where I "fucked off" to. People like you want me to stay here.

>> No.11838088

People in STEM shouldn't be involved in politics and have no superiority regarding interpersonal interaction.

>> No.11838141

>The "of", thank you! If it is "of" would "0" not even apply then? For an absence is not present to be accounted for. Shit I forgot to add that spicy hot take
In a computer, the 'information would be electrical power, with the presence of a charge being 1 and the absence of a charge being 0. The universe is a bit more broad than that and includes things that aren't electricity, so I substituted the broader term 'information' instead.

>> No.11838152
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Humans evolved from pigs, not primates.

>> No.11838163

We should require a "parental suitability" test before anyone can have a kid.

Nothing advanced, just the bare minimum needed economic capital to support a child and knowledge to do it without feeding them bleach and monster energy drinks.

>> No.11838181

The origin of consciousness and free will v. determinism is a worthless discussion.
Science is an enjoyable and sometimes useful fiction I occupy some of my time with. I consider all processes non-existent until I have seen it unfold with my very eyes in the flesh; which includes almost everything, especially astrophys memes like black holes.

>> No.11838249

>People like you want me to stay here.
no, i want you to go to >>>/x/

>> No.11838270

Some people can't do what you're describing, aphantasia is real, you are a phaggot

>> No.11838275

My friend has everything related to him textually. Having him describe reading a book is wild. Apparently he is just generating a wiki for the book as he reads it. Talking to him on psychedelics is a trip.

No wonder he went into math

>> No.11838412

How the fuck would you know dumb nigger. hang yourself

>> No.11838468

Go fuck yourself with a broken jar. How do YOU know?

>> No.11838589

This has been discussed many times and you're wrong.

>> No.11838595

retards see one embryo and go to this shit

>> No.11838628

>A group of people’s analysis and opinions on the data is more concrete than the raw data itself.
For my own sanity I choose to believe only IFLS-types actually believe this.

>> No.11839661

Then what you do if someone fails? Force the woman to abort?

>> No.11839678

A janny physically can't delete a post if that post doesn't piss him off.

>> No.11839739
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You should never invoke the "burden of proof" outside a formal debate if you really are searching for knowledge. Using it will only prove that you just want to win the argument and boost your ego

>> No.11839770

number is actually an array of numbers

>> No.11839786

Free will is the ability to choose the same path every time
If time travel works like it does in the movies, then this is true.

>> No.11839810

This very much
Until you feel that resistance in your chest, neck, face, behind the eyes, you're not growing enough. Gotta face uncomfortable ideas to grow

This stoner was talking about ancient monolithic structures and how these ancient civilizations needed technology more advanced than we have today to cut rock that hard. We had previously talked about academic rigidity, so I had to shut up or be a hypocrite. He showed me the proof which was essentially dogmatic videos for 80 iq people. But by not discarding those ideas, and by throwing balls with him like would they have transistors at that time or just mechanical but somehow better tech etc it allowed space for some sort of underlying essence of the ideas to grow in me. That essence was respect for humans way past, their intelligence and life journeys, their cultures, and also that even today what we know will wither and dissolve, and all that remains could be a few rocks with high enough hardness in some thousands of years.

Darwin, Galileo, and others, had ideas that were more abstract in nature rather than connected to the reality lived by the humans at those times. To even play with the idea, ou have to take an emotional hit.
Alfred Wegener made an analogy of continental drift, quite recently relatively speaking, that took 50 years to be accepted.
Give all ideas the benefit of the doubt, I have discovered that for me personally it has ALWAYS paid off to THINK rather than not think, my emotional intuition about whether playing with some ideas are always underestimating the benefit.

>> No.11839867

>0 and 1 "of what"
a state of existence/non-existence I guess

>> No.11839888

>number is actually an array of numbers

I think you mean base numbering systems are just an array of numbers

>> No.11840045

Reversible sterilization at sexual maturity. No accidental babies.

>> No.11840309

>no, i want you to go to >>>/x/

This is an /x/-tier thread on /sci/. Go whine to a janny to have the thread wiped you crybaby, probably isn't the first time they've taken pity on you.

>the 'information would be electrical power, with the presence of a charge being 1 and the absence of a charge being 0
So "no electrical power".
I guess and I understand why you use "information" instead. However, the lack of information is not information. "1" by itself I believe wouldn't really count as information either, perhaps "informed" or completeness but not information itself. The happy medium both form in sequence results in information/communication (for instant binary code in sequence) but "1" and "0" by itself doesn't.
>The universe is a bit more broad than that and includes things that aren't electricity, so I substituted the broader term 'information' instead.
The universe would be "resolved" and no more information/action would present itself if it were just "1" complete thing doing nothing. I say it is the loss of this "informed" state which forms what we call "the universe", the loss of "1" but never reaching "0".

>> No.11840483

Time travel to the past is not possible because it violates the second law of thermodynamics.

>> No.11840519

0 is just a human concept that has nothing to do with reality/nature/universe

>> No.11840781 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11840832
File: 426 KB, 1684x802, FBCA4BFD-6AE4-4513-82C4-CDCAE261A5A3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is an /x/-tier thread on /sci/. Go whine to a janny to have the thread wiped you crybaby, probably isn't the first time they've taken pity on you.
says the guy who post pseudoscience here constantly and is “tolerated” unlike flatearth. your Electric Universe shit is really obnoxious and you should feel grateful you even get a chance to post it here. Jon Tooker gets his threads deleted but you don’t, not because what you say is even close to being as high-quality but rather because you cloak your pseudoscience in oblique rhetorical questions and ken-wheeleresque sophistry. Jon at least is straightforward instead of using the /x/ tactic of always shying away from any actual argument

>> No.11841312

>says the guy who post pseudoscience here
your opinion, Barbra Streisand
>and is “tolerated” unlike flatearth.
Why the asterisks? Why do you suppose I'm "tolerated"? Are you implying that this board is for circlejerks only?
>your Electric Universe shit
Mine? My theory? Lol.
>you should feel grateful you even get a chance to post it here
On an anonymous imageboard, oh how humble of it. I would call you a newfag, but since I have far more important shit to do other than screencap pasts posts on a taiwanese basket weaving forum I wouldn't be able to provide evidence of such a claim nor do I care to later.
>Jon Tooker gets his threads deleted but you don’t, not because what you say is even close to being as high-quality but rather because you cloak your pseudoscience in oblique rhetorical questions and ken-wheeleresque sophistry
Actually it's because I don't make any threads you fucking idiot. Not a single one. Since you've been such a good personal loggist to me I'll leave you to double check that fact for yourself. I'm not the attention whore you make me out to be. In fact were it not for you pointing it out, no one would really know or care about "me". Thanks for continuing to play the rent free game as I've warned so many time and time again not to do. I can only imagine how many people you actually think are "me" because we have common knowledge. The questions aren't rhetorical, most of them ask for proof of claims and evidence. You think "cloaking" myself, all I really do is push dummies into holes they dig themselves with their own arguments.
>ken-wheeleresque sophistry.
Apophasis, literally in his youtube name. Negation.
>Jon at least is straightforward instead of using the /x/ tactic of always shying away from any actual argument
Well by all means, don't let me stop you from giving him unwarranted attention either. You're doing great! Maybe he might be onto something, I'll go see now that you mentioned it.

>> No.11842857

now even wanting to win an argument has become bad? do people win many arguments against you? what makes you think others have to care about 'searching for knowledge', especially with you?

>> No.11843872
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Since a transexual moderator decided to ban me for "ironic shitposting" (although all the posts in the board are absolutely shit quality, what makes me believe it was based solely on having different opinions than the formerly mentioned transexual), I will expres my opinion on the image you chose to attach to your opening post.
The image seems to be against the freedom of interpretation of facts and in favour of the fact-ignoring politically influenced opinions the current day scientific comunity forces the masses to accept to not be called whatever orwellian word the chose.
Such is the case of this comunity stating that all the diferences in IQ amongst humans are only based in socieconomic factors, while cosing to ignore the fact poor whites score better than rich negros.
Therefor I am to asume that OP is a homosexual nonwhite who consumes söy and is only looking for a nonobjective science that is mainly influenced by political and moral preferences rather tha facts, showing a contradiction with what OP says he believes and therefor maing him also an hipocryte.
In regards the topic in the OP, I believe science has stagnated due to bad political administration of the western world.

>> No.11843891
File: 137 KB, 483x908, TIMESAND___CentcomFusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Since a transexual moderator decided to ban me for "ironic shitposting" (although all the posts in the board are absolutely shit quality, what makes me believe it was based solely on having different opinions than the formerly mentioned transexual)

>> No.11844101

??? wrong image i am asuming

>> No.11844119

The thing we evolved from doesn’t exist anymore

>> No.11844130

>scientific consensus is facts and logic
You need to read more

>> No.11844161

no, that was def the image I was going for.

>> No.11844165


I'm afraid you're wrong
complex exponentials are how we describe waves in physics

coincidentally in complex analysis people often use infinity as a number

>> No.11844170

what these people don't know is that you can train visualization
your brain is a muscle

>> No.11844191

good post

it's good to be able to entertain ideas, in the end you can always decide they're wrong later

if you close the doors then after a while you may find you can't open them again anymore

>> No.11844194

13-50 never relax

>> No.11844544

based. the only way to enlighment is talking with a random person for a long time about a certain abstract topic you dont know, like socrates did

>> No.11844610
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