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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 413 KB, 1024x696, teen-mental-health-suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11838817 No.11838817 [Reply] [Original]

Pictures with deep meaning edition

Last: >>11827236

Thread for the discussion of allopathic evidence-based medicine. We discuss research, offer advice (the best one is to see your family physician), make fun of premeds and shitpost.

>> No.11838837

Friendly reminder to kill yourself if you dislike chemistry.

>> No.11838850
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>shilling chemistry this hard


>> No.11838855

>trannyme fan also struggled with chemistry

>> No.11838874

chem or biochem, whatever chem, I was on the verge of failure at both of them. Ironically, when I started physiology, everything clicked i have no idea why.

>> No.11838876 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 200x150, t_d8b48c40c0bf062978d8d22300eccddf-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave a footjob to my uni teacher

>> No.11838881 [DELETED] 
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You're not welcome here.

>> No.11838884 [DELETED] 
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I'm sorry

>> No.11838885


Meme study time.

>> No.11838892

I have the swiss MCAT coming up soon, wish me luck frens.
Our MCAT is sort of an IQ test before starting a medical degree bachelor( chiro, vet, dent and human medicine)
Only the best 15% out of 4200 people get into med.

>> No.11838917

Dumb premed fuck off.

>> No.11838929

Europe doesnt have a premed system.

>> No.11838931

You're not in medschool yet, so you're considered a premed here anon. My country doesn't have premed either but it's the norm in this thread.

>> No.11838938

chemistry is gay

>> No.11838940

>lol bro I don't need to understand how humans work

>> No.11838943

That's physiology. Chemistry is a small part of it.

>> No.11838946 [DELETED] 

Foot fag fetish reminds me, back in grade
11, we had a cute biology teacher, she was like 5’1, brown hair, blue eyes, probably in her mid 20s and cute as hecc

Too bad I was fat and very socially awkward.. maybe if I was chad I’d have asked her out, would’ve still gotten rejected probably because I was underage and she was my teacher which would’ve put her job in danger

But alas, I’ve never seen a cuter girl since, all I saw in uni were pure skanks, plus she was nerdy and passionate about biology

sigh, she was cute bros

>> No.11838953 [DELETED] 

Dies anyone else have a weird fetish of getting a girl completely naked, putting cream on her and licking her from top to bottom? With her hands and legs tied.. and then you can bite her and suck her titties whenever

I just want some good cunny to eat, stat

>> No.11838955

>bachelor in medicine
oh nononono hahaha look at this dudde

>> No.11838960

There are nerdy girls in medschool, but most of them are either ugly or just autistic.

No, I don't. I have sex with my fiancee (and also beat my meat sometimes when she's at uni) and she's the autistic kind that will probably will do path or something like that in the future. Maybe she'll be the one with such fetishes.

>> No.11838962

Yeah all the biological processes and metabolism are a small part of it

>> No.11838966

>t. I have no idea what I’m talking about

nigga no one cares about some obscure enzyme and protein doing some ooga booga dance inside some cell

fuck chem and fuck biochem.. and especially fuck pharm and the retarded brand names they give to medicines that all sound fucking similar .. hurr durr maaah carbamapazine, clozapine and clonazepam

>> No.11838967

Damn, I remember how much I struggled to memorize the meds that induce QT prolongation. Fuck pharm and biochem. Praise physio and path.

>> No.11838974

>There are nerdy girls in medschool, but most of them are either ugly or just autistic.
Oh no I wouldn’t touch a med girl with a ten foot pole even if one broke into my house and laid naked in my bed begging me to fuck her

They are fucking retarded

>> No.11838976

>Maybe she'll be the one with such fetishes.
She’s probably into necrophilia if pathology is indeed her passion ;)

>> No.11838980
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It's either that or psych for her. I'm afraid now, anons...

>> No.11838994

You know what they say about crazy chicks.. always put your pp in em

Plus she’s a girl, she’ll probably end up in psych or ob gyn anyway

>> No.11838996

>heh why would I need how meds interact with the body, just throw poison at him

>> No.11838999

Yeah they had like 50 drugs for 5 diiferent heart conditions and you couldn’t use 20 of them unless there was a specific circumstance that needed em and even then you had to remember which one caused torsade pointes, QT prolongation, QRS issues etc etc

>> No.11839003

trips of truth


>> No.11839004

>wasting brainspace in ((current year)) memorizing some kike pharma companies totally new and innovative drug that would totally make a difference

>> No.11839024

Feel free to return to /pol/ anytime, larper.

>> No.11839029

>he doesn’t know

>> No.11839048

b-b-but I study biomedicine already with meds
desu biomed is way harder, we have physics with phycisists(electro, mech, thermo)
we have chem with chemists/biochemists (genchem 1/2, OC, BC)
Math with compsci and rest
and bio with biofags.

Med studies is a in the aspect not overly generalized scientific proficiency and knowledge of the actual study branches, atleast here where I live.

>> No.11839050


>> No.11839052


>> No.11839060

kk I'm join your pathetic overpaid club in 2 weeks don't worry.
It's going to be a breeze, most of you can only memorize like robots.
No critical thinking, no logic, weak at mathematics. I can already see med students next to me cry about how simple functions like log work LOL.

>> No.11839082 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11839088
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>imagine having that inferiority complex

>> No.11839158

Cringe, this little seethe girl seethes harder than nurses

>> No.11839279

Seething nurseoid here, what was your reason(s) for being a doctor? How is the social aspect of it? The other nurses I work with are nice but I honestly don't want to spend my life integrating myself into the social circle of girls and want to be separate from or above it. Allied health seems better but there's only one or two allocated to a ward so I'd still be lonely and most of them are girls anyway. Most of the sort of company I'd like in my life I've seen between male doctors, especially younger ones, who seem to have some bantz but good working relations. Does being a doctor give you more space? You only really need to talk to a few people, the reg/resident/consultant, regularly.

Is this right

>> No.11839316

>Is this right
Sounds better than being a nurse, lmao.

>reason for being a doctor

>does it give you more space
Yes it does.
Open practice -> You don't have to answer to anybody
Don't like clinical work -> Research
Plenty of specs to choose from, tailored JUST FOR YOU. Do you like sleeping? Rad-Onc. Do you like sleep deprivation? Probably anesthesia. Do you like a comfy based life and be a part of the community? FM. It's very flexible compared to n*rsing.

>> No.11839323
File: 65 KB, 630x467, 586b0c2fc998bbfdf3bb5a898fd07680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take proton pump inhibitor
>wait a hour
>eat mountain of candy
>candy is not digested by weak stomach acid and passes through the body unmetabolized
>can eat all the candy you want without gaining weight
Why is nobody telling fat people about this?

>> No.11839409

1. PPI are prescription in some countries
2. PPI are linked with kidney disease, pneumonia and Clostridium.d infection when taken over long time,
3. Wouldn't that cause constipation?

>> No.11839442

Flexibility sounds nice. I don't wanna be a ward nurse forever, even though it's better than what I worked before. There is a deeper question I have, what keeps you or other doctors or med students thinking you've got what it takes to do med?

>> No.11839475

>thinking you've got what it takes to do med?

I always thought I can do it although I'm an average student. Idk why, probably because I was raised by physicians. Maybe someone with a more unbiased opinion can chime in and give you a proper response.

>> No.11839540

Same thing as in my country, good luck mate

>> No.11839620

First med here. This a stupid question which only a first year would ask. But how come fetal tumours are so rare. There is so much replication, I understand the cells are young and not exposed to extrinsic and intrinsic carcinogen factors but
still. Listening to a lecturer talk about how having a baby reduces cervical cancer because for that gestational perioid there is little change to the endodermal surface. Also why dont kids get cancer all that cell replication makes me think of opportunities for a mutaition in tumor supressor or promotor genes.

>> No.11839675

I felt like I was having a stroke while reading this.

>> No.11839710

>buy an apple
>go to cashier
why is he going to the cashier after he had already bought the apple?

>> No.11839712

enjoy your gastric infections and diarrhea faggot

That acid exists to kill bacteria and minor infections, remove that and your entire digestive tract will be infected with py

>> No.11839714

*pylori and bacterial infection

>> No.11839727

He posted a fucking troll science image to go with his post. He's probably not serious.

>> No.11839744

calm the fuck down brainlet, also ask yourself.. do brand new laptops hang and close down? Does a brand new porsche break down at the highway?

It’s a common sense issue.. old/broken down things tend to break down and produce error more frequently than brand new products.. kids and infants are brand new, their cells have not replicated that many times, their systems are fairly new

Unless they have a congenital malfunction (genetic diseases, faulty parts, mother was an alcohol drinking, coke snorting whore), the chances of babies and little kids “breaking down” is low..

Here’s a little homework for you: go and find out what kinda cancers kids typically get and what’s the reason behind them (congenital or breaking down of system), now compare that to cancers that old people (50+ y/o) get and you’ll get your answer.

Mere replication doesn’t necessarily increase chance of cancers, breaking down of systems increases chances of cancer.. there’s a reason chemicals, smoking, drinking, exposure to certain carcinogenics, radiation tends to increase chances of cancers abnormally more than what would be expected in a group of people.. it’s because these things tend to attack the DNA and cell self repair system, once your repair system goes to shit, it’s only a matter of time before a few cells of your bodies reach their teenage years and start acting out and form their own little rebellious army and starts killing you from inside

As for endometrial cancer, estrogen tends to increase hyperplasia and hypertropy in endometrium.. which increase chances of cancer.. note that endometrial cancer typically happens in post menopausal or ~35-40 yr old women.. around their middle ages

Pregnancy = exposure to estrogen was reduced for 9 months atleast, more pregnancies= estrogen exposire even lower= lesser risk of endometrial cancer

>> No.11839762

Actually I'm a Ivy league medical professor. If this were a test you'd all have failed. The proper retort is that sugar gets resorbed in the colon, not the stomach.

>> No.11839825

Can't even use articles properly. Why are there so many ESL retards in /med/?

>> No.11839846

I'm sorry I don't have Coca Cola in my arteries. Can you say Röntgen for me?

>> No.11839876
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Rog..... Ront.......

X Ray

>> No.11839887

I'm actually a double ivy league special ops medicine professor and my dad says you're wrong and gay

>> No.11839923

If I eat these weight gainers would I be able to get some fat in my face? + are they unhealthy?

>> No.11839940
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>pt talks too much while I'm suturing him
>work sloppily so the wound will not have optimal cosmesis
Anyone else do this?

>> No.11839979
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>didn't tip surgeon enough
>he probably spit in my wound again

>> No.11840043
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>> No.11840126

> Here’s a little homework for you: go and find out what kinda cancers kids typically get and what’s the reason behind them (congenital or breaking down of system), now compare that to cancers that old people (50+ y/o) get and you’ll get your answer.

Leukemias are common in children, they are associated with inherited genetic defects. The brand new laptop you bought was faulty.

Cancers in adults, for example adenocarcinoma are associated with extrinsic carcinogenic factors.

Since children are yet to be exposed to these factors these cancers are not so prevalent.

>> No.11840133
File: 120 KB, 554x400, 1B24BAD8-8957-4E86-A6AB-CEAB73566C0E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tipped my surgeon 30% before my appendectomy
>he added 5 more inches to my cock while he was down there

>> No.11840738

chemistry is shit, get over it

>> No.11840746

yes, it actually is just a small part of it.

>> No.11840789
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lads be honest if my nurse can't find a vein do they laugh at you behind your back

>> No.11840802
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It really depends on the nurse. The last two nurses that drained me were polar opposites. One could just prick me and it was done, no problems at all. The other needed 3 tries on both arms and me almost falling actually unconscious so she could draw some blood.

>> No.11840866

I think other nurses laugh at that nurse for not being able to find your vein. But that depends on you too. If you're a fat fuck, everyone will laugh at you.

>> No.11841273

are bdnf real?

>> No.11841282

how you treat psychomotor retardation?

>> No.11841304

bullet to the head

>> No.11841320

Path is for chemists who are afraid of chemicals and people into scat

>> No.11841335
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>mfw seeing the MDD pts with my attending in the psych clinic

>> No.11841502
File: 21 KB, 770x438, meme test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently I found out about the concept of "dominant eyes", and I was curious about which of my eyes was dominant, so I googled some tests
One of the tests has you line up your thumb with a distant object while focusing on the object. The issue with this is that I apparently perceive both eye images at once, so I see two thumbs instead of just one (while focusing on the distant object ofc, I see one thumb if I focus on the thumb). Is this test retarded or is there legit something wrong with my vision? Are you supposed to see one thumb while not focusing on the thumb?

>> No.11841518

lmao amblyopia

>> No.11841521
File: 3.63 MB, 4656x3112, TIMESAND___ZETA+Final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychos are waving their fingers at me shouting, "Schizo!," to distract from all the absolutely psychotic crimes they've got running and also to distract from the total cogency of my well-ordered thinking.

I remember when I was a kid, someone with mental health problems was a "psycho" and psychos would do crazy shit like stabbing people in the cock and balls to implant torture devices.

You know how I've weaponized my profession as a physicist to make war on my enemies with it? Helene has weaponized her profession as a psychiatric worker to make war on me with his, "He's a schizo and we take care of him," bullshit.

>> No.11841522

you're supposed to just swing it up quickly without paying attention to the thumb and then close your eyes to see which one has it lined up

>> No.11841523

I have 20/15 vision though

>> No.11841525


Idk, man. I've used the first test, it seems easier to do. Apparently, my left eye is dominant.

>> No.11841528

Ah okay that makes more sense, I guess the test was worded poorly

Same, seems like my left eye is slightly more dominant

>> No.11841534
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>> No.11841548

Why don't type 2 diabetics need to inject insulin?

>> No.11841560

Because the insulin deficit is relative, not absolute as it is in DM type 1.

>> No.11841737

Any fault at stage leads to catastrophic failure.

>> No.11841750

>the retard is an ivy league professor
Why doesn’t this suprise me.

>> No.11841795

How long does it take to get a dental implant? The kind you get a screw in your maxilla/mandible.

I had a tooth extracted because it couldn't be saved a while ago and I decided to get an implant. Haven't spoken to a dentist yet, the appointment is on the 9th of July but until then, I'd like to know how long it will take from the beginning to the end without complications. There's no infection, just the tooth missing, the gum is completely normal, healed.

>> No.11841840

Medicine is just Engineering for retards that can't do math but want to get rich.

>> No.11841847
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>> No.11841850

Look here >>11839088

>> No.11841858

>want to get rich
l o l what a fucking joke

>> No.11841862
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Lmao exactly. Here a FM makes like 25k euros/year. It's enough to be middle-high class in a shithole, but there's no way someone studies medicine for the exact purpose of getting rich.

Btw, pic related is your post.

>> No.11841864

do any of you know how to diagonalize a matrix or how to solve a second order differential equation?

>> No.11841874

What's the purpose of the question? What does it have to do with medicine? You're not smart if you flex your shitty maths knowledge on people that learn something totally different.

>> No.11841876

is that your excuse for being shit at suturing?

>> No.11841879
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I imagine you're kind of new here, anon-chan. Can't explain it otherwise.

>> No.11841918
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Post annoying diseases that can be diagnosed after 10 years of having the signs and symptoms and the patient has no idea he/she's suffering from it.

>> No.11842041

doctors i have a question
how come everyone tells me not to eat right before bed time but every time i eat i become sleepy
are my body's instincts wrong

>> No.11842047


>> No.11842054

Lmao, had to google it. Don't know if he suffers from it (doesn't look like it) but the disease is acromegaly. Look at that mandible.

>> No.11842056


>> No.11842205

those things aren’t useful in real life

>> No.11842209

Moving from chemistry to computational chemistry was the best decision i ever made in my life.
Ended up taking a job offer with a tech firm and now making mid 6 figures.
>inb4 seething grad students and professors

>> No.11842266

most of the people in my med school coming from biomed are fucking dumbasses

>> No.11842559
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It's like going to the engineering general and aski...oh wait

>> No.11842669

Finnish is a race, not a disease

>> No.11842769

Its engineering for the most complex machine we know of

>> No.11842771

I learnt that in highschool retard

>> No.11842872

Please help.. this issue is making me extremely depressed and borderline psychotic because of the frustration

I have been experiencing severe nasal congestion for almost a year now, happened out of nowhere one summer and subsequently I got diagnosed with dust mite allergies. I am getting treated for it, taking the following medications:
Dymista (azelastine + fluticasone, intranasal)
Sinus rinse

However, my nasal congestion is persistent and won't budge, it's reducing my quality of life dramatically.
I also have a deviated septum, but my ENT said it's the allergies causing my issue, not the deviated septum and so just dismissed the idea of surgery.

>> No.11843037

Tea tree oil, buy some and apply it inside the nose.. would burn/feel weird but it is usually used to kill mites on eye lashes and such

also regularly wash the inside of your nose and trim nasal hair (don’t cut off completely.. use a scissor or a trimmer with that small head thing)

Those antibiotics are standard but you should try tea tree oil as well

Deviated septum doesn’t need fixing if it’s not causing breathing problems, generally surgery should be avoided unless really needed.. your problem is allergies not the septum

>> No.11843119

you have no idea what dust mites are and how they cause allergies do you

>> No.11843156

Not studying medicine or anything, but have type 1 diabetes. I read that the disease is genetic, but the trigger for it to start progressing is environmental(though no one knows what that could be). Apparantly the env trigger causes beta cells in the pancrease to produce a greater amount of a certain packaging protein, which may or may not trigger an immune system response to target beta cells. But i wanna hear from those currently studying or practicing medicine on what the basic understanding of the cause of the disease is, because i dont know shit.

>> No.11843182

DM1 is genetic and usually manifests from a young age. The pancreas has some cells called Langerhans islets that produce insulin. Now, because of that genetic defect, your body produces some autoantibodies which can be directed towards those Langerhans islets or at least a protein that is in its structure and many more auto-antibody types (not all are present in a diabetic person, you can have one type or more auto-antibodies and the list is long).

>> No.11843230

>chemistry is shit, get over it
You'll learn the first time you smoke near an open bottle of diethyl ether...

>> No.11843272
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You're either underage or just a frustrated retard to be this cringe.

>> No.11843277
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I love talking about MEDICINE

>> No.11843289


>> No.11843345

There was a medic who did it in the lab where I worked, like 5 years ago. He looked like two-faces from batman after.

>> No.11843370
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>> No.11843388

I don't give a shit.

Cope, wagecuck.

>> No.11843399
File: 110 KB, 977x966, 1592190358564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>11843345 #
>I don't give a shit.
>>>11843370 (You) #
>Cope, wagecuck.

>> No.11843517

DM1 is an inherited disorder charachterised by the autoimmune destruction of beta cells in the pancreas. Typically seen in adolescents. Little is understood about the trigger, but I would speculate it is the maturing of the immune system. Similarly hayfever presents during the early teenage years, the immune system starts recognising pollen as a pathogen.

>> No.11843573

was talking to a mate and he said you shouldn't drink water before, during or after a meal and any food you swallow should be chewed until it's a sludge is this true? also without water how do you get the food to go down fully?

>> No.11843727
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Drinking water during eating is good and chewing throughly is good too.

>> No.11843773
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Either a seething compscishitter or a mathshitter, can't tell which

>> No.11843874
File: 64 KB, 600x704, 550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was talking to a mate and he said you shouldn't drink water before, during or after a meal and any food you swallow should be chewed until it's a sludge is this true? also without water how do you get the food to go down fully?

>> No.11845156

So slow. You fuckers got exams or something?

>> No.11845157

Wojak spamming samefagging autists are here too i see

>> No.11845161

Wojak is a fucking abomination, no one really cares but yeah, apparently it can fuck up a thread. Had no idea the thread was this dead after I woke up. It usually has 50+ replies in the morning for me.

>> No.11845162

it works like that in Switzerland, bachelor + master but you can't obviously be a medic without both and practice.

>> No.11845180
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Meme study of the day


>Title: Impact of Wet Underwear on Thermoregulatory Responses and Thermal Comfort in the Cold

Basically, researches told the subjects to wear wet underwear in the cold and see what happened. PP must be freezing =(


>> No.11845186

Your friend is autistic

>> No.11845275

When you use a local anaesthetic and administer it trough injection, are you supposed to hit the nerve or is it enough for the substance to touch it?

>> No.11845402

It depends

>> No.11845404

Summer vacation.

>> No.11845428

How do I study for my pharm finals
>Dermatologic drugs
>GIT drugs
>Agents that affect bone mineral homeostasis
>Cancer chemotherapy
>Botanicals / herbal medications

What do send help

>> No.11845434

take some study pills dumbass

>> No.11845437

>pharm finals

Are you in medschool or pharm? When I had pharma classes we only studies the basics, didn't go deep into chemo and other shit. They told us it's useless because we'd forget them until our 5th year when we do onc so it's better to learn the basics and some of the hard stuff and that's it.

Kinda shitty if you have to study all of those. Go for Tox->Immuno->Vax->the rest

>> No.11845442

Second year of med school. They go into detail and love giving complicated cases. Every single patient is pregnant and has renal and hepatic insufficiency and has allergies to everything.

We even have to memorize dosages, half-lives, and the CYPs. Shit's whack.

>> No.11845450

We did that too. Just didn't had any chemo, immunopharm (adalimumab, infliximab, bevacizumab, etc) and botanicals

The patient is either:
2.After a laborious surgery
3.Young but has chronic hypertension
4.An athlete
5.Psychiatric pt

Honestly, it was fun, but not that in-depth.

>> No.11845481

Why does warfarin react with everything?

>> No.11845487

In what way?


Scroll down for pharmacodynamics and MoA. Vit K antagonist, long 1/2 life, etc.

>> No.11845701

>tfw my oral exam was with the director of the state toxicology clinic
She was the final boss.

>> No.11845712

Seems like most of it is memorisation.. see if you can find anki cards for these

>> No.11845716

Inject particular nerves to produce localized anesthesia

>> No.11845722

Clearly you do, that’s why you were whining about it here, faggot.

>> No.11845724

viral infections are known to trigger autoimmune diseases in genetically susceptible individuals, probably an influenza attack or chicken pox or viral fever

Environmental triggers in general are known to trigger autoimmune diseases, like allergies and flu

>> No.11845725
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Neuro tomorrow. Two more exams and I'm ready for the summer. (In which I have to do my thesis in FM and still have no idea what subject to choose)

Btw, if you have some FM related topics in mind good for final year thesis, please help me.

>> No.11845738

it diffuses in the tissue, i don't think i've heard of hitting actual nerves unless you're talking alcohol neurolysis

>> No.11845788

What is a nerve block

>> No.11845826

>Nonsurgical nerve blocks involve injection of a medication around a specific nerve or a bundle of nerves.
you tell me, i'll admit i'm not actually sure if you do inject in the nerve or not, but it doesn't make much sense unless you plan to go the permanent route, but then it's not anesthesia per se, it's therapy

>> No.11845872

Who let the idiot premed who has no idea how local anesthetics work in?

>> No.11845877

You skipped the rest of your Google search which mentioned surgical usage for nerve blocks.

Ever heard of a pudendal block for delivery? The absolute state of this Dunning-Kruger retard attempting to explain a whole ass specialty when he knows absolutely nothing about it.

>> No.11845909

I checked my blood test results earlier and the seric iron was noticeably higher than normal. I also have a concerning vitamin D deficit. Could that be why I've been feeling really apathetic and unable to concentrate? I've also had occasional muscle pain and I feel like my hair has been thinning for the past few months. It's because I don't get enough sunlight innit

>> No.11845914

Why are you seething this hard lmao, I did not miss it, are you unable to make the distinction between anesthesia for the purposes of anesthesia and anesthesia for the purposes of therapy, which entails not only an anaesthetic but other agents too?

>The pudendal block gets its name because a local anesthetic, such as lidocaine or chloroprocaine, is injected into the pudendal canal where the pudendal nerve is located.
Literally fucking google before trying to make me look dumb, you absolute imbecile. Your aggressive retardation is the thing that kills patients, dumb faggot.

>> No.11845928

>seething pre med writes an essay about how he’s not seething

>> No.11845933

Native speaker here, how would you have phrased the sentence?

>> No.11845937

Yes. However, NGF is the real big brain molecule

>> No.11845942
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da fuck is a nephron?

>> No.11845943

Can you diagnose someone with myeloid Leukemia?
Do you get paid the fatty bucks for diagonalizing matrices or solving second order differential equations? Does doing either save lives?

>> No.11845949

literally kill yourself lmao

>> No.11845950

Drinking water after is the only thing you should avoid, as it reduces the concentration of your stomach enzymes. Chewing your food thoroughly is very good.

>> No.11845952

>im not seething you are
>i-it's not like i thought you could just stab someone subcutaneously and it would anesthesize them all the same
>i know what therapeutic means pls listen to me
>all drugs act through passive diffusion
Worst of all,
>doesn't even deny being a premed

>> No.11845954

Sketchy pharm and anki

>> No.11845982
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It's like a neuron, but for kidneys.

>> No.11846017

>tfw I've been eating wrong my whole life

During a rotation I always stack up on snacks and down them with water.

>> No.11846023
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>That's the man, officer. See! He isn't wearing a mask! He could be an asymptomatic carrier and a public health risk.

>> No.11846024
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Do Americans really do this?

>> No.11846036

Yeah boomers and anyone else who takes the flu too seriously

>> No.11846040

Here we had old ladies and soccer moms complain to the guards at super-markets because they were not comfortable giving away private info (Private info to them meaning body temperature lmao).

But I guess shit like this happens everywhere.

>> No.11846114

>allopathic evidence-based
Why do you use this compound adjective when evidence-based suffices on its own? You don't know that the term allopathic was coined by the inventor of homeopathy and that its use is avoided by evidence-based scientists?

>> No.11846119

It's about allophatic vs osteopathic, not homeopathic, dude. Have you seen how bashed DOs are in here?

>> No.11846121

still seething lul just kill yourself before you harm an actual person

>> No.11846138

nah i take that back, i'm sorry for telling you to kys i'm not a premed but i was right and you were wrong, please acknowledge your mistakes so that you can be a better doctor

>> No.11846225

homeopathy is pseudoscience

>> No.11846231

cringe, we’re crying when you typed this?

>> No.11846235

I have a somewhat sharp localized paid on one side of my anus (at the very opening).
No, I didn't have anal sex or and kind of penetration, also didn't have any kind of sex what so ever and have not STIs and am hygienic.

The pain feels similar to when one has kidney stones, which could be the case. Or maybe I swallowed a fragment of a sharp bone and it tore my insides somehow? That also happened to me in the past, but usually the pain goes away quickly. This time I have the pain for 2 days straight.
The pain feels stronger while I'm in certain positions.
What do you guys think?
What could it be?

>> No.11846250

Sounds like hemmorhoids, might be small bleeding with that as well.. take a few tabs of stool softner or eat more fiber (fruits, banana in particular) and boiled veggies. It seems your stool is too thick and it pierces the anal cavity while it’s coming out, there might be micro tear around the anal opening as well, put some lotion around the butthole to heal the tear

>> No.11846256

How do I balance slaying hoes and med school? There's not enough time in the day

>> No.11846284

My step 1 score is gonna be P/F since we take it after clerkships. My research got cancelled due to covid. Will I be able to match gen surg or EM? Or should I kms now

>> No.11846301

You slay them in medschool.

>would I be able to match the two specs that nobody wants besides FM?

>> No.11846307

Slay them on weekends, study on weekdays

>> No.11846316

Why don’t people want gen surg? Isn’t it sought after?

>> No.11846330

From what I've seen, they operate plenty of thyroids, breast pathology, the classic appendix and gall bladder removal.

I mean, don't get me wrong, it is interesting and you have plenty of variety, but people just do not want it because of the hours, on call shifts and probably the fact that not anyone can be a surgeon.

>> No.11846333

Forgot to add hernias. A shitload of hernias.

>> No.11846349

Yep hernias and hip replacements all day bruh

I volunteered at a surgical unit at a local hospital and even the old as shit (65-70 year old) gen surgery doctors used to have only hernia repair, hernia mesh work and hip replacement lined up, one after the other lmao

I’d volunteer for 2 hours and I’d be tasked with talking to patient’s relatives and instructing them on how the patient is doing and doctor will talk to them shortly.. id also have to write the name of the doc and the procedure they were doing on the boards.. so yeah all I’d see 8am-2pm hernias and hip replacements.. one after another with like 15-20 minute breaks

>> No.11846359

Bros help me out, how the fuck do I pass step 1? I can’t pass any nbme no matter how much I try.. it’s worrying me and I’m on the brink of leaving medicine

>> No.11846366

At least you'll do enough hernias that you'd be super confident in fixing them so you can blast death metal at max volume in the OR to make the rest of the team shut the fuck up while you're working.

I personally don't like surgical specs, not because I have trouble with anatomy or something, I'm just a klutz and I'm not confident I can do anything to be patient besides killing him/her. EM is also a procedural spec (not as procedure heavy as anaesthesia tho) and I'd have more confidence in practicing it but the fact that I may be on call or stuff like that doesn't sit right with me. I just want a normal sleep schedule and a comfy office.

>> No.11846383

As other anon recommended. YouTube-> dirty medicine

>> No.11846445
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>be me
>extern on cardio rotation
>have to place Foley for pt
>pt has anasarca
>dick and balls swollen, can't even find the meatus
>call for a uro consult
>few hours later
>uro consultant comes at 11 PM, obviously tired, angry because of shitty consult
>we go to pt's bedside
>barely any edema anymore, all the furosemide has worked on him
>get lambasted by urobro
>says he'll tell the cardio resident
>find this a year later in an EM procedures atlas.

Why didn't anyone teach me this trick?

>> No.11846457

Anki is only good for pharma. Use it.

>> No.11846499

That doesn't explain OP's use of the word. And "allopathic" vs "osteopathic" is stupid because there are MDs with degrees in both.

I never said it wasn't. I said allopathy and homeopathy were coined by the inventor of homeopathy. Homeopathy means treating a disease with a substance that causes the same effect (dilution is a later idea). Allopathy means treating a disease with a substance that causes the opposite effect. Vaccines are "homeopathic". Antihistamines are "allopathic". Evidence based medicine is therefore either, but mainstream scientists avoid using the terms because they originated with a quack.

>> No.11846541

>there are MDs with degrees in both
There are MDs that have an MD and a DO degree?

>> No.11846582

I’ve heard EM is getting more competitive due to shift work and no call, procedures, etc. idk man I’m a below average student who won’t have research that is paranoid

>> No.11846660

Starting first year med soon, my parents are both doctors

What are some ways I can benefit off them in med school? Research?

>> No.11846713


>> No.11846732


lmao, that's the worst way to profit off of them.

Mom is FM. I practiced there whenever I could and learned much more clinical experience than my peers, especially in management in chronic diseases. Take their spec and learn the bread and butter of it.

>> No.11846747

What year in med school did you start practicing with her?

dad is gen paeds and mom is ob/gyn, I hope I can benefit somehow

>> No.11846748

Also why is research the worst way?

>> No.11846765

I practiced there since eleventh grade and slowly built up my knowledge.

Peds is a good way to start. I'd do ob/gyn later desu. If they do research, then go for it and help them out or something, but I doubt that you can do anything research related by yourself. What kind of research do you want to do?

>> No.11846776

I don't know, that's what I'm planning to do, ask if they are involved in research and help them out somehow so that I can get my name on the paper.

>> No.11846827

Already on it bro, but the NBME questions are too vague and way too different than simple know the disease stuff.. fuck

>> No.11846832

The allopathic - osteopathic -distinction is stupid, no one outside the US ever talks about "allopathic" aside from homeopathy retards.

>> No.11846843

Yeah I had big dreams while coming into med school but I wonder if I should waste even more time and energy on surgery/radiology and other hot shot bullshit fields or just settle for FM or something more comforting.. in the end I’m working hard now so I can relax later, I don’t even care I just want to make enough to retire to a comfy middle class lifestyle, if that’s possible.

I honestly don’t think I have it in me to study for 4 years of surg lmao

>> No.11846849

you didn’t know Edema can be reduced by compression? Or diuretics?

>> No.11846854

That’s like being a double nigger, as if being a one time nigger isn’t enough

>> No.11846860

kek research is for us peasants, your parents are docs, ask if you can shadow them, learn concepts from them, learn what speciality would suit you and if your parents have connections that can get you into a lucrative field

Docs are pretty well connected, there’s a good chance that your parents know someone who knows someone who can get you in..

Other than that learn about the lifestyle, learn about step exams and how to tackle, fuck all the noise, you just have to prepare to give that fucking step 1 and get to clinicals where most of the fun is

>> No.11846878

I think that anywhere in the world if you get a comfy FM job, either urban or rural, and having your own office can easily give you middle-high class digits.

>> No.11846908

Yeah I’m counting on that as well, I began my clinicals in January this year (suspended now due to covid) and our attending was an FM guy, he probably made somewhere around 600k just teaching and visiting 5 hospitals 3-4 hour shifts.

This was in Chicago and he’s like 36-37 something.. probably graduated med school in mid 2000s..

Ultimately I don’t care about glory or other bullshit, I just want my degree, a job that’s not stressful and some income to keep me afloat.

Getting sick of studying the same bullshit again and again

>> No.11846920

>watch house MD
>get into medicine because inspired
>see zebras everywhere
>exams only quiz on horses not zebras

Fuck the Jew that made that show

>> No.11846923

>Ultimately I don’t care about glory or other bullshit, I just want my degree, a job that’s not stressful and some income to keep me afloat.

Holy shit, are you me?

>> No.11846937

Could be medicine fucked with my confidence pretty bad, and honestly I just want to get it over with

>> No.11846942

I did.
He will learn the best on the job.

>> No.11846948

He could clean toilets

>> No.11846972

I guess everybody feels they're not prepared when they start residency so you're not the only one and I 100% agree that medschool kind of sucks the life out of you. I can't wait for it to end, 1 more year and that's it.

>> No.11847054

Sheit I’m in the same boat

>> No.11847070

Yep, I just hate staring at books and doing questions and memorizing some dumb medicinal name even if I know how it works.. and I’d lose some point on some bullshit exam because I didn’t remember it’s stupid fucking name

Clinical and residency is where it’s at hopefully

>> No.11847211

>still seething 5 hours later
are you some schizo shitposter? also you were wrong, retard, know your place

>> No.11847281

Not only that, but I hate it when I have an exam and the questions have the alternate name for the disease, like diffuse toxic goiter instead of Basedow-Graves or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis instead of Charcot's disease.

If on rotations I've studied Basedow-Graves and everybody calls it Basedow-Graves, then the exam should say the fucking same.

>> No.11847312

It was a sick burn tho...

>> No.11847375

>talk about toilets
>pre med shows up
pottery, here’s the toilet brush, get cleaning.. I’ll write you your recommendation letter so you can apply to a carribean med school

>> No.11847388

The exam is written by bunch of boomer and millennial doctors who don’t know how to write a ducking exam

Plus half of the retarded bullshit they ask can be quickly googled and confirmed irl
We aren’t living in the 1500s for fucks sake.. just ask about the fucking disease

>> No.11847458

Okay /med/, I would really appreciate some advice. Are there any gastrobros in here? Basically, my gut is fucked and I have no clue what's wrong. I am pretty much constantly bloated, eating more fiber doesn't help, and I can starve myself for days but I'll stay bloated. Doesn't matter where I poke my tummy, it doesn't hurt anywhere so I suspect it's not a hemorrhoid or tumor. Just constant bloating and painful diarrhea maybe once a month. It's been like this for a few years.

Weird thing though: the only thing that actually allows me to shit and clear my gut is alcohol. Like, I have to get pretty drunk and then they next day I can finally shit. This is really the only thing that helps. I want to get an ultrasound but I'm sort of broke at the moment.

>> No.11847468

gluten allergy/celiac disease
Do you drink milk frequently? Eat lots of bread?

>> No.11847478

UWorld and Anki

>> No.11847496

Why did he make so much more than the average FM doc?

>> No.11847506

I drink a fair amount of milk but I took a ~2 week break and it didn't make a difference so I don't suspect lactose problems. I do eat a shit ton of bread and I've never taken a break from that so maybe that might be another thing to try. I was "diagnosed" with gastroparesis before but I didn't actually do any tests and it seems like sort of a cop-out diagnosis for when the doctor doesn't actually know what's wrong like "complex migraines."

>> No.11847513

Worked at multiple hospitals as a teaching doc/attending. Worked in south side of Chicago full of nigs, so no one wants to work there. Plus worked in north Chicago which is the richer area..

Basically there was demand for that position and he filled it in at the right time

Apparently after enough experience most docs can make 500k+ if they plan it well

Also if your score is good.. go for gastroenterology, you’ll make 500k starting, not even memeing kek

>> No.11847526

Is there a lot of farting/gas involving? Do you have back pains? At lower back/middle back particularly? That should be a clue for celiac disease.. anyone else in your family has autoimmune diseases?

Most likely just gluten allergy

>> No.11847541

Don’t have time to do 30,000 cards, have to give step within a month or by August

I’m doing peppers deck and uworld but my average block score is like 50%, sometimes 30% if it’s micro and pathphysio questions

>> No.11847546

Not an abnormal amount of farting but a lot of burping. I do have lower back pains sometimes but I fucked up my back playing the guitar so I don't know if it's related. Sounds like it's worth getting a test though, looks like it's a pretty simple blood sample and antibody analysis. Appreciate the advice.

>> No.11847560

No problem, this sounds like gluten allergy to me or atleast that’s something I’d get out of the way before thinking of something major

>> No.11847616

How often are you farting?

>> No.11847637

I dunno, once every few hours?

>> No.11847643
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>> No.11847651
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gib diagnosis pls doc

>> No.11847681

Do you all think step will actually be P/F in Jan 2021? Or do you think it'll get pushed back?

>> No.11847833

Let me smell em, can’t give definitive diagnosis without that

>> No.11847836

Wasn’t it 2023? And who cares? You’ll have to study just to pass step 1.. it’s not a high school exam that you can just wing

>> No.11848417

I know that dipshit. I’m taking it a month after it’s P/F because we do it after clerkships

>> No.11848484

so why are you asking fag

>> No.11848540
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>petite anesthesiology resident calls me a big guy

>> No.11848561

If it's pass/fail now how do I stand out during residency apps? Basically won't know where I stand until step 2 during end of 3rd year (in terms of residency competitiveness)

>> No.11848566

did you say 4u and put him to sleep?

>> No.11848567

It's Jan. 2022 isn't it?

>> No.11848569

wear sexy clothes to your residency interviews, show off some cleavage

>> No.11848570

She a girl.
No but I intubated the patient.

>> No.11848574

Write "BLACK LIVES MATTER" 200 times in your application.

>> No.11848575

intubate her with your pp
is she cute?

>> No.11848673

I'm male and I refuse to get shit on my nose how fucked am I.

>> No.11848716

signs of real autism
>choose wrong boards
>still think emo shit is a thing
>have tons of emo pics in the computer
>"they have meanings behind"

>> No.11848841

Lmao, the memories

>> No.11848855

Dude, I know you're trolling but at least make the bait less obvious next time.

>> No.11848857

I can handle surgery just fine but watching a blood draw makes me nearly pass out. How do I desensitize myself? Same with watching catheters being placed

>> No.11848864

You're fucked mate

>> No.11848868

get some needles and catheters and start sticking them in yourself

>> No.11848869

Go to /gif/ and browse the rekt threads for a year

>> No.11848873

Watch this over and over again.

>> No.11849153

Don’t see patients as humans, see them as dolls you are practicing on.. or do what most docs do and learn to hate your patients.. their name doesn’t matter just age and gender and chief complaint

>> No.11849176

It's that annoying brat your brother and sister-in law bring every time they visit.

>> No.11849189

Ok how much brown nosing do I need to do? Please don't tell me I need to buy breakfast for residents during clerkship or something.

>> No.11849200

You must take the place of the farthagged pajeet and buy coffee for doctors and students.

>> No.11849225

What do "Rp" and "Tb" stand for in medical prescriptions?

>> No.11849239

Haven't heard of Tb, but Rp is short for Recipe.

>> No.11849258

I think I got it: tb stands for tablet.

>> No.11849266

Most likely. Not from US or UK, so we use "cpr." for tablets, "caps" for capsules, etc. but I know for sure, Rp is universal in every prescription and is recipe.

>> No.11849333

>blood tests came in
>severe Vitamin D deficiency (6ng/ml)
>been having weird pains and muscle twitches so doctor puts them down to that
>prescribes 10000 IU of vitamin D at 5 x 2000 IU pills / day
>vexed but concerned about my health I go to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription
>pharmacist is terrified and errs on the side of caution, saying I shouldn't under any circumstances take so many pills a day, suggests that I take 2 x 1000 IU / day instead
>go to another pharmacy, says I should consult my physician again because that sounds wrong
Who do I trust?

>> No.11849396
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Passed neuro boyzzzzzz. Hem and ophto left and summer is here.

Your physician is definitely wrong. I had a value of 8 which was very low and my prof recommended to take 2000IU/day. So take two pills of 1000UI/12 hours.

>> No.11849408

Inseamna ca medicii romani chiar sunt de cacat

>> No.11849410

Wish me luck anon
neuro is tommorow
I'm fucking stressed as shit, even though I know I'm well prepared
This is perhaps the most I've studied for one exam yet the stress isn't going away.

>> No.11849431

Chiar ti-a recomandat sa iei 10.000 de unitati? =))))

Good luck, anon. I studied for it during the year and really liked it. 80% is decent for 2 days of recap.

>> No.11849443

Da in plm, doctorita de familie
5 x Detrical 2000 UI / zi 4 saptamani
1 x 2000 UI / zi 4 luni
Si cand m-am dus la farmacie si-a pus aia mainile in cap

>> No.11849448

Eu iau Detrical de 1000, 2x1/zi, 30 de zile, de la endocrinoloaga care e si profa mea.

Dupa refaci testul si daca tot ai deficit, iei 1000 pe zi. Spor si sanatate.

>> No.11849452

Mersi anon. Sanatate si bafta la examene!

>> No.11849879

You don't have to buy shit, just do things for them, make their lives easier, and get other people to like you.

>> No.11849893

>hospital rounding

Is it really that effective? I mean, it's fine if you show only one doctor, why do you need the whole team to walk with you?

>> No.11849910

Just be polite, help out residents and attending a wherever possible, bring food sometimes if you are working late and some colleagues are working with you

Anything that makes you look like a team player and someone who is enthusiastic to learn new stuff. There will always be someone who will lick the boots of attending and probably be seen in a more favorable light but there’s only so much shit you can get on your nose.

Also learn, learn, learn.. ask questions to nurses for procedures know how small procedures are done, ask attending or senior residents about big picture concepts, if you tell you to read up on something, atleast do a cursory Wikipedia browse to understand the basics of the concept.

For detailed info go to Uptodate, they are said to be very helpful. Also have a study/friend group so you would be emotionally and psychologically stable.. helps you keep up with everyone, isolating yourself can be a burden and you might end up falling behind

Kissing ass takes you far in medicine but so does showing interest in your work, caring for your patients and being up to date on knowledge.. in the end the more you prepare the less burdened your attending is, and that would be appreciated, not to mention you’ll be an attending one day so the sooner you learn to be responsible and independent the better

For the knowledge and experience gap, ofcourse you have your attendings and seniors to help you out

>> No.11849932

How else are you supposed to teach multiple doctors? At point in their training they have learned as much as possible from books, now it’s time for applying that information and rounding is a good way to do so

>> No.11850058

How come we often feel like something's wrong with us, doctors tell us otherwise and the issues eventually resolve on their own? Can you really be healthy if you have random aches and pains or other things, or do I just go to a shit GP?

>> No.11850068

>Can you really be healthy if you have random aches and pains or other things

Yep, perfectly normal.

>> No.11850073

you are mentally ill, also body breaks down and heals constantly, because its alive and has trillions of cells in it that are constantly repairing and building/breaking down stuff

often for minor pain and aches, the best thing to do is rest and drink plenty of fluids,more often than not that should take care of most minor inconveniences

>> No.11850089
File: 257 KB, 850x506, PT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been really autistic about technology, complex machinery and interesting procedures. Is there any medical speciality where you do a lot of things to people and ideally operate machines more often? I find medical imaging and neurology really interesting, with their MRIs, EEGs and so on, and also physiotherapy procedures like electrostimulation and laser therapy. What kind of medical professional gets to do the most cool shit to patients?

>> No.11850090

>you are mentally ill
No, you are

>> No.11850092

Medical physicist
Rad tech?
Ultrasound tech?
PT is fine, but you'll mostly do manipulation than EMGs and stuff.

>> No.11850096

probably radiology, pulmonogy, dialysis centers/nephrology, urology, ob/gyn deals with plenty of ultrasounds and physical exam procedures

>> No.11850106


>> No.11850109

>Rad tech?
>Ultrasound tech?
Is it hard to become a medical technician? I imagine you have to be good at physics, no?

>> No.11850113

I have no clue, lmao. Just telling you what I see in the hospital.

>> No.11850125

community college degree is good enough

>> No.11850133

I've always thought that if I ended up working in healthcare I'd probably be a radiologist or something. Is it respectable to be a radiology assistant?

>> No.11850168

i mean it gets you an income, every job is respectable in a way i guess. Even janitors are important to the society, perhaps more than the fat fuck hospital administrators who don't do anything

>> No.11850177
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>is it respectable

I swear to god, this is some /sci/ tier propaganda lmao. Every single job is respectable, stop this shit pls.

>> No.11850199

Can I be a doctor if I'm not very smart?

>> No.11850207
File: 126 KB, 486x457, 1349497788646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. I'm perfectly average and I'm almost done with this shit.

>be able to memorize shit like anatomy and pharm
>be able to make logic connections between physiological mechanisms and why the disease occurs, etc for the rest


>> No.11850214

medicine tests very little on smartness, it will help you in your clinical years and residency but med school is mostly smart studying techniques (learning from the right books, anki cards, memorization hooks) and tons of memorization

Unlike other professions, in medicine you need a ton of data to create a baseline before you can use your brain to play around with concepts and factoids

It's a very very steep learning curve and smartness has nothing to do with it initially

I never got lower than a 90 in highschool and lower than 80 in university and i struggled to keep up in med school and fucked my step 1 over because I had to fill my head with lots of useless factoids

my smartness did fuck all to help

>> No.11850260

Should I study lightly the summer before starting medical school? If so, what should I focus on?

>> No.11850266

Don't study, enjoy the summer. You'll have plenty of time to study during the year. If you want to do it really, really bad, then I'd suggest to start with physiology. This should be your "baseline" as the other anon replied.

>> No.11850301

study your studying/learning techniques, do research on what qbanks will work for you, what books to read (i'd recommend board and beyond videos and first aid)

Don't bother reading much right now, right now build discipline, take med school seriously, know the basic anatomy, where all the parts are.. whats 02 and co2 sats are in the body etc.. a basic overview of human body

>> No.11850318

Is first year of medical school difficult/ taxing? I'm in Europe so it's a five year undergraduate course.

>> No.11850353

In my first year (Romania) I had biochem, cell bio, physiology, anatomy, biostats, bioinformatics and biophysics. Optional: I chose First Aid and Anthropology.

It was pretty hard considering I had no idea what kind of shitstorm I had to deal with. I wish I had some tips before starting or what to do during the year, and I made the mistake to slack off and I just complicated my exam session.

>> No.11850361

whats biophysics about? like physics of broken bones and such?

>> No.11850381

We did some experiments and had to measure the viscosity of a substance, pH experiments, spectophotometry and 4 more I forgot about. It was fun and helped me a bit with physiology and biochem with the acid-base physiology and how it resists pH changes, etc.

I forgot most of it, ofc and found physio a lot more logical.

>> No.11850525

Thanks, I'm in Ireland.
What resources would you recommend? For me to go through before starting, so that I have an easier time during the year?

>I wish I had some tips before starting
Like what?

>> No.11850576

Don't go around buying textbooks. Get an osmosis subscription instead. It was really helpful and the "harder" to understand concepts were actually easy after a simple but good explanation.

Study, study, study. You need to get that discipline for studying. For me, around 3, maximum 4 hours a day was enough. I'd study for one subject/day and don't mix them up because you'd just get mindfucked.

The tips I wish I had during the exam session are: All nighters are not worth it and manage time wisely instead. During the exam session, I would study from 9am to 1pm and then from 4pm to 7pm and that's it. Rest is important, fuck videogames (during the exam session ofc), pick up a book instead (not about medicine).

>> No.11850687

>probably gonna lose a year because of Coronashit and my university being a bunch of cunts
Finishing med uni with 29 isn't that bad, r-right guys?

>> No.11850915

29 what.

>> No.11850928

I know you're not scientists/nutritionists but I trust you more than other retards on this board.

1. Are carbs really evil if you're not overweight? Is a carb heavy diet (most energy coming from carbs) still bad?
2. Is there such a thing as good and bad fats and what are they?

>> No.11850981

29 years of age

>> No.11850994

Starting residency at 29? It's actually pretty good. You can flex on the younger residents and assert dominance by farting on them and making them bring you coffee. If they're pajeets you get a bonus.

>> No.11851143

I always figured I'd be seen as a retard if I start my residency that late.

>> No.11851362

29 is kinda on time, most start by what? 26?

>> No.11851386

Holy fuck dont get a osmosis subscription you can get all those vids on freemedtube. Check out dirty meds videos they are high yield bro. Enjoy the start of med school find some good mates.

>> No.11851391

>doctors are not scientists
nigga what

>are carbs bad
not inherently, no.. but they can lead to obesity if you are living a sedentary life.. thing is, carb provides way less calorific value and are used up quickly by the body so they aren't very useful as an energy source, makes you hungry again and again which makes you overeat which makes you fat

>whats good and bad fat
well good fat is usually called HDLs (high density lipids) and bad fat is LDLs (low density lipids)

HDLs reduce cholestrol, LDL build them up.. high cholestrol leads to blockages in your arteries which can cause hypertension and heart attack, way sooner than it typically does

Hypertension also puts your organs under tremendous stress and are known to trigger autoimmune infections

>> No.11851407

> You can eat as many carbs as you want if thats all you eat with no fats or proteins. Your body will not be converting excess carbs to adipose tissue.

HDL's to LDL ratio is important although neither is good or bad both have essential. But you want a high ratio of HDL's to LDL's

>> No.11851931

How do people score well on Step 1 without using anki? I know active recall and spaced repetition are key but how is it even possible to keep recalling on that much information?

>> No.11852060

they don't SDN and reddit is exaggerating mostly
As far as recall you either memorize and understand concepts or you do cards and shit

zanki has like 30,000 cards and who the fuck has time for that

>> No.11852101

What about when anki didn't even exist? Everyone just did poorly?

>> No.11852152

thy rote memorized first aid, also first aid 2005 is like half the size of first aid 2020
and in the 1990s you only had to pass step 1
It has gotten more competitive in last 15 years or so

>> No.11852246

New thread!

>> No.11852328

Real new thread, ignore the schizo
