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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 24 KB, 400x325, brainchart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11831961 No.11831961 [Reply] [Original]

I just copy and pasted the last post except adding exercise, pretty sure I forgot something else but you can just post it yourself
Discuss brain improvement and mind enhancement. We had this thread recently and it hit bump limit, so here it is as a general. Let's make this a thing.
Please post science only, snake oil shit is only allowed if you specifically declare it as such.
We already figured out
> good sleep
>physical exercise (HIIT, endurance, lifting, ...)
> different games such as go, chess, dual-n-back, ...
> microdosing shrooms/LSD (not confirmed)
> meditation, hypnosis and similar
> proper diet, such as
> high fat (but only good fats obviously)
> supplement zinc, magnesium, ... (inb4 copper fag starts shitposting about literal pigs)
> if you accept addiction: adderal, caffeine, nicotine, ...
> not touching your dick [citation needed]
> learning languages (preferably ones that differ from your native one)
> probably something else that I forgot already because I didn't take the time to study memory techniques

One thing I'd like to hear about is how to git good at creative thinking. I can solve stuff when I have a clear objective but I suck at thinking of something creative just for the sake of creativity
Post whatever comes to your mind, let's use our full potential to think of even weirder shitposts.

>> No.11831965

How to improve/prolong neuroplasticity?

>> No.11832026

maybe you can add some cool chalenges & stuff like do x thing everyday : D

brainscale net is a nice website if you just wanna train them brains

>> No.11832039

How to get better at speaking? I am not stupid and I am good with writing texts (at least in German, inb4 correcting any grammar mistakes), it's just that I suck at talking in real time. I mess up words and thus sounds retarded, people often don't understand when I try to put an abstract concept into words, it makes sense in my head but it doesn't for anyone else. It is way better when I have time to think about what I want to say but that's just not how it works in most discussions.
Maybe that is not 100% fitting this thread but I don't know whom else to ask

>> No.11832054

Meditate but instead of clearing your mind, recall your childhood memories.
I tried this and it really did change my outlook, thing is I don't really like who I was so I stopped.

>> No.11832068

since you might be autistic like me, i have the same problem: i had some success with a strategy that seems unituitive to all normies. Unironically don't give a fuck about other people expressions just think of speaking just like writing and speak everything just as you would write it. When i focus on my story in my head it comes along, paying attention to social cues makes me loose the thread. And I do not know the larger context of you giving speeches, but in regards to uni what i noticed is that either profs will be able to follow with you and if your writing is well, what you speak should be correct also and won't interrupt, or they cannot follow along and assume what you say is right and just let you speak if you are coherent.
All in all if someone gives a fuck he will point out any mistakes you've made if you are worried about that. If anyone does not, you cannot make them so if you do not have natural charisma- trust me, its better to "minmax" on what you have. Trying to be artificially natural is way worse for perception of others of your persona AND for your self respect.

>> No.11832070


>> No.11832157

Weed makes you pretty smart

>> No.11832189

Look up what increases BDNF. Exercise is probably the most reliable option.

>> No.11832252

does dual-n-back really work?

>> No.11832255


>> No.11832257


>> No.11832295

>mind enhancement
Neuralink doesn’t come out for another decade or 2

>> No.11832486

>yet another (((musk))) meme that will make him money although others worked for it and it will probably harm humanity just like the others
I hope it will never be released

>> No.11832555
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>eggs, onions, bacon
>beef/ pork/ fat fish
>potatoes/ brown rice
>tomatoes, beets, carrots
>beans, schrooms, spinach
>coconut, olive oil, lard
>oats, nuts (before sleep)
>fruits, jello (before workouts)
>pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, olives (lactobacilli)
>moldy cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, liver(sparingly)

>time under tension, drop sets
>ab wheel
>rotator cuff
>deadlift/ farmer walk
>atg, box squat/ lunges
>overhead press/ dips
>ring pull ups/ rows
>calve raises
>hammer curls
>wrist roller

>cardio, mobility
>skipping rope
>running uphill
>rowing boat
>wall climbing

>long warm shower before bed
>nettle shampoo, aloes body cream
>coconut conditioner, shave, floss
>electric toothbrush, tongue scraper
>night cream on face, hands and feet
>dark, quiet, humid, cold air (15-19C)
>growing mother-in-law's tongue next to bed
>30 min meditation with wim hof breathing
>sleep on back or left side
>7.5 hour SLEEP
>spreading toes, sun and moon salute
>hot to cold shower
>sunscreen moisturizer

>having a pet dog/ 2 parrots
>observing how others communicate
>setting goals that are related to your tasks
>learn new things that build on your existing knowledge
>write about what's on your mind, what's bothering you
>reward yourself as you complete an objective
>duo lingo russian/ german, mirror yells
>the kazachok he danced really wunderbar
>drumming, playing guitar, singing karaoke
>whistling, improvising, creating new music
>scetching common items in different positions
>using pictures/ recalling images from memory
>drawing emotional faces, shading 3d
>rehearse what you have learned

>no caffeine
>no headphones
>only POV vanila porn
>fleshlight, hipthrusts
>no inhaling with mouth
>no sugar, no white flour
>magic shrooms once a year
>no other recreational drugs
>belt, watch, necklace, dick ring
>nice hat, sunglasses and shoes

>> No.11832580

id like to do this, but sadly, I literally cannot build any muscle

>> No.11832594

this is cope, just eat and lift, it will take 5 years to be at natty limit, which looks dyel anyways

>> No.11832653

doesn't matter, regardless of building muscle you still get the brain benefits, your self diagnosed cope is worthless here

>> No.11832957

>>belt, watch, necklace, dick ring

>> No.11832961
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just do it

>> No.11833047

>doesn't understand genetics
Yeah bro, everyone can build muscle like arnie.

>> No.11833332

>don't ask why
That's not how science works, look at the OP your bullshit is not wanted in this thread.

>> No.11833368

Even Arnie used steroids, fool.

>> No.11833440

How good are you anons at dual-n back? I just had a go and am feeling like a brainlet since N=2 already seems pretty hard

>> No.11833658

at n equals 5 but feel like a brainlet still, gotta keep going i guess

>> No.11833924

søy onions or actual onions?

>> No.11833952

Probably gotta also do the triple and quad ones and supposedly the pasat and also change up shapes and what not too for the dual n back. I guess what it does is associates the task with different areas of the brain.

>> No.11833960

how much exercise do i need to have noticeable improvement? 30 minutes a day?

>> No.11834251

30 minutes a day should be plenty to notice improvements.

>> No.11834288

Does dual n-back actually make your brain better or does it make you good at dual n-back?

>> No.11834291

Makes you good at dual n-back. It's better as a tool for seeing how your brain is performing (such as before/after starting exercise or new nootropic stack) than a tool to improve your brain.

>> No.11834295

Thoughts on creatine? We've seen decent 5-10 point IQ increase in vegans who started taking creatine.. even if IQ isn't raised, it supposed to give you more energy to focus longer regardless

>> No.11834306

I take it. I don't eat a lot of red meat. Even if I did the amount of red meat you would need to eat to see the kind of creatine loading you get from supplementing (5g to load, 2-4g/day for maintenance, I just use a teaspoon as a nutrient it doesn't need to be specific) would be kilos of raw meat per day.
It has no negative health effects and it's cheap enough for someone in my position to be a non-factor (<$20/year).

>> No.11834310

no, don't waste your time. there is no far transfer of dual n back working memory progress to other abilities which tap into that construct, no improvements to fluid intelligence, etc. read gwern on this

>> No.11834623

Thanks I will try it. Any other ideas?

>> No.11834636

I have a constricted airway and sleep apnea. I am not fat. I am retarded. What do?

>> No.11834808

Visit Dr. Maybe you need tonsils or adenoids out.

>> No.11834851

Lion's mane mushroom

>> No.11835108
File: 246 KB, 1280x966, helper in the wild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anybody give me a general outline to start this with you boys, or is this post the standard as of right now >>11832555?

why not have some discord/telegram group for communication/collaboration/file sharing?

i'd be willing to make a telegram group and a resources channel for this topic later today if anybody is down for that; not a fan of discord, but if someone makes a server i'll join as well.

>> No.11835184

I refuse to have any operations done. What's really wrong with me is my neck is bent from years of sitting at a computer.

>> No.11835202

yeah we should totaly make a discord & motivate each other :D

oooh and dose anybody know how to be more creative ? especialy in relation to writing we already know how to get smarter in science & related in the OP

>> No.11835409

>discord/telegram group
Make this irc or it will only consist of retards

>> No.11835410

Is L-Theanine with every cup of coffee a meme or does it actually work like they say it does?

>> No.11835516

Based and boomerpilled
Not sure if it is confirmation bias but I really like the effect of L-Theanine and only use the combination when I want to consume caffeine. Bit you could also just drink mate and ignore the hipsters, it contains both ingredients

>> No.11835653
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Based art hoe

>> No.11836497
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>not drinking monster

>> No.11836844

How would you take it? Powder?

>> No.11837024
File: 859 KB, 1436x1076, 2~18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck can I fix my shitty memory?

>> No.11837041
File: 680 KB, 1439x1078, 1~17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also how do I stop being Socially Retarded? Please help.

>> No.11837074

Some good, some bad. Caffeine is good for you. Wtf is russian/german mirror yells? more diet advice needed.

>> No.11837078

You have to train it like a muscle. A great way is learning a language since you have to memorise vocab/grammar.

>> No.11837106
File: 845 KB, 1439x1078, 1~65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What languages are good to learn. I know 2 Germanic Languages(English & Dutch) and am thinking of learning German. Would it be better to get to know a language further away from the ones I know?

>> No.11837195

Well definitely learning a language in a different class is going to be rack your brains more. It's up to you which languages you would like to learn - you may love Hindi and Bollywood so that could be your pick. Or you may think that China is going to take over the world and Mandarin might be useful. Or maybe you want hot Lebanese ass so you learn Arabic.

Learn something, anything. German is always useful in Europe and that could be good.

>> No.11837239
File: 210 KB, 1280x1069, Balance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11837520

You'd be stupid to not just learn a language you actually want to learn. You will 100% not finish learning if you don't find it interesting and are doing it for "brain training." There is no better or worse, just pick one you want to learn and do it.

>> No.11837626

>science board
>recommends nofap, meditation, learning languages, hypnosis, chess, go, dual n-back
ahahah, never change pseudo/sci/

>> No.11837629

the only thing to do it reliably is aerobic exercise
it's a meaningless buzzword anyway

>> No.11838036

So is rehearsal (subvocalizing) good or bad for dual n-back?

>> No.11838076

It'll get to the point where you can't and you just gotta hold the info conceptually/intuitively. I think with dual n back/quad/whatever else is that it's teaching you a certain way to think/utilize your brain, such as practicing taking a slapshot in hockey. You practice it a ton of times and get good at it, but when you're actually in a game you need to figure out when/how to use the slapshot. So with dual n back you gotta utilize it as a tool in a bigger picture and learn when and how to be a le to apply that skill to other areas.

I just wanted to type the rest while it was on my mind.

>> No.11838122

Im not a euro, why is german always useful in europe?

>> No.11838133

Ineffective cumbrain cope. Not going to make it.

>> No.11838164

Seems like it's had a good effect, but vegans are already deficient in various amino acids, so I'm not sure how much of it is...

>> No.11838167

>Dr. Maybe
where is his clinic?

>> No.11838193

Creatine is made from non essential amino acids and they are not.

>> No.11838210
File: 26 KB, 500x375, med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

med anon, get to know yerself.

>> No.11838673

IRC or matrix, discord just attracts groomers and trannies and telegram implemented broken crypto early on and had a recent data leak

>> No.11838910
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coffee is bad for you
its mirror gazing while practicing emotions and speaking different languages
imagine you would trying to buy beer or pick up russian gurls

>> No.11838965

I sincerely believe programming is one of the most beneficial things. It's basically learning languages + doing puzzles wrapped into one.

>> No.11839038

This is fact.

>> No.11839044

It's very cheap as a powder and no taste issues.

Meditation and learning languages both have good science showing effects. The rest is pseud though yeah

>> No.11839250

How bad of an idea would it be to smoke for the first time right before an exam? I don't want to get used to it, but I could need some additional focus

>> No.11839259

>Meditation and learning languages both have good science showing effects
if you think these effects translate to improvement in intellectual abilities then go ahead and prove it
just because you read a fancy popsci article saying "bruhhh medidadion changez ur brainnnn gray matter n shittt" or "bilinguals hav diffrnt brains nibba" doesn't mean anything

>> No.11839285

don't use any stimulants on exams if you're at even a little prone to anxiety, they will make your anxiety 50x worse and make you perform 50% worse
I did 10mg adderall on an important national exam and got so anxious because of it that I completely flunked it and had to retake it the next year to get into the uni I wanted

>> No.11839460

Adderall is very different from nicotine or caffeine

>> No.11839530

yes, it's just 10 times stronger
makes the argument no different

>> No.11839638


>> No.11839680

This thread is still full of bullshit memes. Where's the actual scientific shit?

Studied Nootropics? Actual articles with potential correlation to cognitive increases from mental training? First of all, nobody has even defined what their definition of "intelligence" is, or what exactly they are trying to improve. Pattern recognition, noise reduction, reduced interference (when learning), working memory, long term memory, creativity, learning in general? Let's get actionable shit for each of these specific areas and group methods under more specific tasks.

>> No.11839765
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>> No.11839906

How do I solve problem faster? Because oftentimes I hesitant to submit my answer.

>> No.11839916

I stutter sometimes, or also get hung up on words trying to turn abstract thoughts into words.
I also have anxiety, but it goes away after awhile. For example everytime I go to a new place, friends house, job, etc, I have extra anxiety at first (I guess cause I'm trying to figure out something everyone else already appears to know?), but after I know my way there and I become more confident, and eventually all my anxiety turns into annoyance of people who come to slow gentle stops and then continue to sit after the light turns green.

Similarly, halfway through college I figured my stuttering and word mixture was cause by anxiety of unfamiliar situations, doubly so when meeting new people, so I started putting myself out there more for more practice. It helped knowing I'd never see most of these people after the semester was over anyway. But it's definitely helped develop a sort of "muscle memory" for speech. I can recall patterns of words better the more I have to say them.

And then there's the guy who took shrooms and lost his stutter entirely. Where's a hat made of fungus these days

>> No.11839931

Can agree ideally we'd all be more specific in what kind of intelligence we're improving, but I see improvement as improvement. If I'm trying to exercise my arms, I wont be mad if my legs get stronger too.

>> No.11839943

>Fleshlight, hipthrusts

>> No.11839945

I'd still prefer more evidence and something that isn't anecdotal
this sounds too much like a placebo effect gimmick

>> No.11839947

i did that too, are you me? had to retake but got in this year.

>> No.11839951

I think I have psychomotor retardation
What should I do

>> No.11839967

guys, how can i become more intuitive/deep/make connections and understanding? i know i would have to find an internal answer to that question, but i really wanna change my cognitive functions but i can't figure out what to do beyond meme stuff like exercise and tumeric milk and shit, i wish i would go deeper and actually understand abstract concepts and be able to talk about them

>> No.11839999

i don't know what dual n-back is but how could you possibly get better at doing it without getting partially better at things that are partially like it? this seems to violate some common sense principle of carry-over skill

>> No.11840004

Can confirm. If I didn't love japanese crap so much I would've quit after week 3. Fuck this language

>> No.11840007

A lot of people say no fap, but I say self suck. That way you get all your life energy back

>> No.11840017

i rarely masturbeet tho

>> No.11840021

Hunter gatherer tribes don't have words for numbers. Therefore agriculture is the ultimate nootropic.

>> No.11840022

then what do you do?

>> No.11840071

so much this, i just finished a bottle of 100 pills and there was a noticable different in my word recall, memory and general cognitive function

>> No.11840222

Yeah, but it doesn't help if you're looking to throw a javelin and don't even realize that all you've been doing is getting huge quads, and you don't even do any running.

>> No.11840226

just stay healthy, there's nothing else you can do
switch to a plant based diet and exercise regularly

>> No.11840388

>There's nothing else you can do
Low iq take

>> No.11840405

yeah bro u gotta take dat lion's mane for big bdnf neurons bruhh and then take some cold showers while meditating for dat dopamine spikezz bruh oh yeaahhhh btw have you seen the latest study where rats had a 5% dopamine increase after drinking their own piss? bruhh we gotta drink our piss now

there is not even 1% enough studies done on the topic of improving intellectual abilities to make any reasonable conclusion, it's tasseography

>> No.11840502

This is very relatable

>> No.11840532

How to get up testosterone in legal ways? Pretty sure it would be beneficial for my brain and body

>> No.11840587

All indo-european languages are fairly easy if your mother tongue is another indo-european language.

>> No.11840605
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here's mine

>> No.11840607

>Too retarded to understand how the brain works
Just because the thread is shit doesn't mean you can't improve factors of intelligence brainlet.
>Just be healthy!!
Really? Because a lot of highly intelligent people are alcoholics.

>> No.11840625

No ways. All you're doing is reverting to your natural baseline if it's low. D3, exercise, and a non soiboy diet helps, but at the end of the day your genetics will only produce as much testosterone as they're coded to produce for your body.

>> No.11840646

Colloidal silver

>> No.11840774

>Just because the thread is shit doesn't mean you can't improve factors of intelligence brainlet.
you're right, you can't improve factors of intelligence simply because there's no science to back up this claim
>Really? Because a lot of highly intelligent people are alcoholics.
what are you even trying to convey here? how retarded do you have to be to make this statement in this discussion?

>> No.11841261

Improved mood and mental health improve your ability to use your intellect. A depressed/stressed person is a lot less effective than someone well balanced.
Language learning and games like chess/go/dual N-back help stave off mental decline in age. Probably not a worry for a 16 year old like yourself but for people getting up in years they're good hobbies to have.

>> No.11841264

>things that are partially like it
Because there aren't things that are like it.

>> No.11841275

is bdnf not real? :(

>> No.11841279

what if i have psychomotor retardation and didn't always use to be the way i am?

>> No.11841313

Is ECT good for brain improvement ?

>> No.11841357

>Just be healthy bro!
>Intelligent people are unhealthy alcoholics
Really tough comparison there I know, brainlet. Plenty of studies showing correlation with intelligence increases and activities. Specifically the one with the taxi drivers becoming expert navigators which changed their entire brain to be better at navigating.

Quit being a nigger brain.

>> No.11841372

I become big brain time when I do cocaine.

>> No.11841394

i'm not very smart but when he told me to be healthy he meant as the only way to keep my intellegence at its peak but still according to my own genetic abilities
e.g.i have 100 iq, if i don't eat healthy i won't present it as good i guess, if another person has 120 iq and they do bad choices they still have 120 iq just did unhealthy choice
i think he meant it's down to genetics and eating healthy and exercise is the way to keep it optimal but still according to a limit

>> No.11841636

Lift, zinc, keto (especially high fat), creatine

>> No.11842224

Move to Japan, roid

>> No.11842247

I'm guessing you probably don't speak a lot, and that's the answer to your question. Talent is a hoax, practice breeds ability

>> No.11842251

I feel like there might be something to this, I'm continuously surprised about the fact that I haven't gone full-blown retarded considering the amount of weed I've smoked over the past decade

>> No.11842257

it's real, it's just completely unknown what effect it has on cognitive functioning
jesus you really do need some cognitive improvement, you can't even see how fallacious such a basic argument is
of course you retard, when you have einstein start drinking heavily he won't suddenly become a retard like you, he will just be a bit dumber and slower due to alcoholism
>Plenty of studies showing correlation with intelligence increases and activities.
that's irrelevant in terms of cognitive improvement, you won't get smarter just by doing what smart people are doing lol
>Specifically the one with the taxi drivers becoming expert navigators which changed their entire brain to be better at navigating.
no, that just demonstrates how humans learn and they didn't change their entire brain, they changed a very small region of it called the hippocampus
>Quit being a nigger brain.
so ironic

>> No.11842267

lol wtf is this game, do they still know zero about knowledge domains in psychology? reminds me of an ADD test

>> No.11842270

Have the benefits persisted?

>> No.11842276

You seem pretty busy anon. What do you do?

Book recommendations:

>> No.11842278

If you're the actualy OG can't build muscle guy, then read this and do what it says, particularly the diet portion: http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=8EAF0E9724F515790EAA1F07A3828A2D

>> No.11842280

It actually does make you better at focusing and improves your working memory.

>> No.11842300

There's another video I can't find, but here is the exercise: first position yourself against a wall so that the back of your feet, the bottom of your spine, your shoulders, and the back of your head all are lightly resting against the wall. Then:
10x moving your hands over your head from your sides and back like jumping jacks without the jumping, 10x moving your hands from your sides up to your ears and back, and 10x moving your hands as if you were climbing a ladder (exaggerate the range of motion slightly). At no point should any of the previously mentioned parts of your body leave the back of the wall. Once you've done a set, repeat it two more time.

Do the above 2-3 times per day.

>> No.11842304

It's more cost efficient to buy bulksupplements L-thenanine and caffeine pills from Amazon.

>> No.11842314

Practice. Do you have social anxiety?

>> No.11842483

Which foods give good fat?

>> No.11842715

nice thread

>> No.11842838

Ignores thousands of years of refinement to traditional meditation techniques, creates his own, doesn't like it, quits.

There are dozens, perhaps hundreds, of well-established meditation techniques. Intentionally "clearing your mind" is involved in only a fraction of them. Instead of assuming what meditation is supposed to be, or worse yet making up your own weird, untried method, access any of the hundreds of resources for learning an actual, tested and evolved method. Try something that has a proven track record. Then see what happens.

>> No.11843657

On the exercise point—I’ve realized that I’m far more lucid, my processing speed is far better, and my confidence and mood are better if I even just so some pull-ups and pushups to start the day

On supplements—I take zinc, magnesium, a multivitamin and go tanning. I know it sounds crazy, but at least this half Irish, half Assyrian 30 year old feels energized and confident after sitting in a tanning bed for 7-9 minutes. Don’t over-do it, but I am a believer in sunlight helping a lot more than it hurts.

On drugs—I take methylphenidate occasionally to get work done as a software engineer. I prefer it to Adderall and Vyvanse, because it doesn’t have the crash effect, dumping your dopamine levels.

Nicotine—while I dint recommend the JUUL for your health, I will say, nicotine is excellent at improving processing speed, in my experience.

Caffeine—drink black coffee, black or green tea. Don’t mix this with stimulants, because the synergistic effect increases your stress hormones levels and has a strong negative effect on creativity.

>> No.11843684

Bloody bastard

>> No.11843929

Add algae oil
Remove nicotine, adderall

(Post discarded because of these)
Hypnosis is crap too as are many other things on there.

>> No.11844450

Try ((L-theanine and/or L-tyrosine) and a small amount of theacrine or caffeine) and/or 1-2 mg of nictoine

>> No.11844464

In order from high quality/price to low,
C8 MCT oil
MCt oil
Clarified grass fed organic free range butter (quality matters)
coconut oil
non-clariied grass fed organic free range butter
... (continue to drop adjectives, grass fed is the important bit, quality still matters)

In general, healthy foods with fat will tend to have good fat. It's not about saturated vs unsaturated, it's about the quality of the food.

Which multivitamin? Have you tried (ar)modafinil? It's less likely to create dependence than methylphenidate IIRC

>> No.11844484

Hypnosis is definitely not crap. How do you think patients undergo surgery with nothing else?

Also see:

>> No.11844493


Just eat raw brains every day, from non-pozzed sourced animals.

>> No.11844754

>no, that just demonstrates how humans learn and they didn't change their entire brain, they changed a very small region of it called the hippocampus
Never said it changed their entire brain. Said changed their brain learn to read. Plasticity is well documented. You are just a dumb nigger. Go play in a puddle if you don't think improvement is a thing and eat your celery sticks so you're real healthy!

>> No.11844764

>Never said it changed their entire brain.
ok, I'm gonna assume you're trolling at this point
in this >>11841357 post you said, I qoute
>Specifically the one with the taxi drivers becoming expert navigators which changed their entire brain to be better at navigating.
>changed their entire brain
you must be really dedicated to trolling or really stupid

>> No.11844791

Changing part of the brain is a change the entirety of the brain, correct. If you mold play do you change the entire play do into a new thing.

>> No.11844809

take you meds, schizo

>> No.11844879

Coping, seething, and dilating

>> No.11844891

Hypnosis only works on low iq's who can't introspect or have verbal thoughts.

>> No.11845223

>>11844484 why do you think that would make it relevant for brain improvement? The post is crap.

>> No.11845226

Bog brain podcasts?
>artificial intelligence with lex friedmann
>philosophise this! With Stephen West

What else?

>> No.11845271

>Not related- The big braned podcast
Did you even try if you didn't come up with the one that includes "big brain" in its name?

>> No.11845308

No, I did nöt try that bröther

>> No.11845425
File: 7 KB, 232x217, 7c295c04-6c9b-4111-ab57-6811d6ba8c2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the agricultural one, pic very much related

>> No.11845486

Will, do bräin bröther

>> No.11845556

Although there is a negative correlation, it's a skill that can be practiced and learned like any other.

I never said it was relevant for brain improvement, I was just correcting a mistaken blanket claim about its validity.

>> No.11845589

The Portal with Eric Weinstein
The North Star podcast
My Favorite Theorem

Any of the below converted to mp3s:
MIT OCW lectures

>> No.11845708

>Really? Because a lot of highly intelligent people are alcoholics.
Cringe anecdotal evidence

>> No.11845755

Make sure to tell me what you think about it. It made me think about this redpoll for at least a week

>> No.11845831

>channel filled with Foucault related content

>> No.11846195

>channel filled with professional autist content

>> No.11846327

Someone should really tweet this information at Linus from Linus TT.

>> No.11846462

Conflation of suggestion and hypnotic trance, though they facilitate each other. Using it for self improvement is a meme. It has some potential for therapy but most hypnotists aren't able to replicate the success of Milton H. Erickson.

>> No.11846779

Why is it a meme? It is good for adopting new habits, at least in my experience

>> No.11846970

The general consensus is that suggestions are ousted over time, if they don't fit in with core values. Often people try to use it in this way, to change who they are. E.g., a lazy person tries to use it to wake up early each day. Most likely the person is either ill or lazy for some underlying psychological reason, so it may work for a few days, but it won't last.

If you use it to reinforce core beliefs, it probably can't hurt, but then it's almost a moot activity.

>> No.11847011

>lazy person tries to use it to wake up early each day.
What does the time you wake up have to do with laziness?

>> No.11847176

As a lazy person I couldn't be bothered to think of a better example.

>> No.11847216

can’t lie ever since i’ve started smoking consistently, it’s allowed me to start thinking more freely. i’m already a pretty creative/imaginative person i hate to be like those “hurr durr weed makes u smart lol” guys but i don’t think it works the same for everybody me personally i treat it as smoking a cigarette, it’s a part of my life, but not my whole life. thats the big disconnect between a lot of people who do smoke.

although i will say not everything is perfect because my memory isn’t the greatest, but there’s simple workarounds for that (writing down those random gem ideas you get, either in a notebook or in my phone as a reminder.) I used to get upset for anytime i would be thinking about something and then i get distracted for a second and forget what i was just thinking about. instead it just allows my subconscious mind to sort of let the thought marinate a little longer before something triggers my brain to say “hey remember this idea you had? well here i was working on it for you”

>.t high functioning stoner

>> No.11847237


This is a new journal that just got started , not many issues yet but thought you guys might be interested .

Journal of Cognitive Enhancement


>> No.11847264

Can microdosing Xanax/any benzo actually benefit alertness? It sands off the edge of norepinephrine-causing things, like stims or work stress, allowing you to focus better instead of unproductively worrying.

>> No.11847447

fish oil
cum (recycle)

>> No.11847834

>Bloody bastard
Bloody bastard
Bloody bastard
Bloody bastardloody bastard
Bloody bastard
Bloody bastard
Bloody ba

>> No.11847870

Why isn't CES/tDCs devices mentioned when they can improve people's brain states?

>> No.11847874


>> No.11847941

The problem with shit like this is that you’re inevitable going to rely on this/get mad when it’s not there.... even in microdosing. Why not build internally instead of relying on external shit?

>> No.11847976

mindscape and luke smith's podcast

>> No.11849093

Holy shit someone else is trying to shill Luke Smith he is pretty good right

>> No.11849388

what is this thread even
you absolute fucking spastics hooooooly shieeeeet your retarded loooooooooooooooool

>> No.11849438

wew lad

>> No.11849466
File: 382 KB, 528x290, Gluten_Sources.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have brain fog, stop eating gluten. I cut gluten out of my diet and now I don't feel retarded anymore.

>> No.11849483

hey /big/
At what BAC(Blood alcohol content) is the optimal for problems solving and creativity.Something like the ballmer peak

>> No.11849491


>> No.11849845

I don't like the entire third panel.
For instance nihilism, religion and "spirituality" are all crap and in current society being NEET can mean being more productive, useful and ethical than when not.

>> No.11849848

Nofap is good for testosterone of you want to build muscle.

>> No.11849858

It's great and probably useful even if you don't lift if you don't eat much meat which you shouldn't.

>> No.11849906

It's the iron overload from iron fortified flour. Nothing to do with gluten.

>> No.11849941

Stop consuming PUFA and start to gather Ray Peat knowledge

>> No.11849971

hahaha lmao, the absolute state of this board

>> No.11849979

>>11849971 what's your objection?

>> No.11849988

lack of any scientific evidence

>> No.11850049

isn't 1.5 a bit high. I think the best is 0.7

>> No.11850151

I really consider doing this. I am relatively intelligent but I can never use it because I always feel lethargic, fatigued and generally slow with my mind. Caffeine does not work.
I have iron deficiency and still felt the brain fog. Could of course be another problem but I might just try what the other anon proposed

>> No.11850192

vitamin b12 is important for myelin synthesization in the brain, alongside cholesterol. an example of a "good fat" is fish oil, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

testosterone is a neurosteroid, so increasing your test levels is probable beneficiary.

>> No.11850196

Assuming I have an IQ test tomorrow, what should I do to perform as good as possible?
I would guess
>try to get sleep to the best possible level (oxygen in bedroom, melatonin, reading before bed, individual sleep time)
>getting up about 6 hours before the test to have it during my personal peak concentration time of the day
>take caffeine + l theanine beforehand
>meditate right before the test to calm down
That's all I can think of right now. Substitute IQ test for any test, it's just an example that many /sci/tards can relate to as it probably is their hobby to take these tests. I can't think of anything else right now, what would you add to the routine?

>> No.11850201

I guess. semen is rich in nutrients which gets lost on ejaculation. If you want to keep the coomer lifestyle, at least consider recycling. Maybe it's even a good thing to reintroduce it orally, sorta like a multivitamin.

>> No.11850208

>low iq's who can't introspect or have verbal thoughts
i think that's me
someone please help
when i tell my sister i feel almost retarded she says im just making excuses

>> No.11850220

i felt like i was going to cry when i saw your post because i know iq is genetic but i thought me not having verbal thoughts is maybe related to psychomotor retardation related to depression and i thought maybe i will he able to treat that and become a mentally creative person instead i have this block inside my head

>> No.11850229

creativity is genetic

>> No.11850232

How can you not have verbal thoughts? Not sure if I get the meaning of this phrase but I can't imagine thinking in anything but words. I have some sort of conversation going in my head all the time, isn't that normal? Hope I'm not schizo lol

>> No.11850252

no you're not schizo
they did a poll and most people say they have an internal monologue but a minority says they don't have it..
but who knows the truth..
it's like.. i just don't analyze things in my brain
I just feel or look around me in the moment
i can never come up with creative conculsion or reasoning behind something
growing up i was a good student but only because i filled my emtpy head through memorization
and i never had to analyze beyond the surface area
i just copied what others do
copy what others say
even when im having a normal discussion with someone and i don't have ideas i go in the 4chan archives and see what people say and say that to gf ill the conversation so the other person thinks i have an opinion and working brain because people get sick of me very quick in real life
i'm just so sad right now

>> No.11850258

my dad is creative and smart, but my mum isn't :( i thought i would at least be in the middle

>> No.11850280

lmao that sounds like you have no consciousness. But seriously, don't beat yourself up for this, it is something special and doesn't sound that bad imo. I don't feel creative as well and I have verbal thinking

>> No.11850293

it's the bad special the worst kind
not only i have to live with this brain
it's also.. the reason i have no friends and will never get married because i know nobody wants to deal with someone that acts like a corpse
and even when they do i make them feel bad because they must feel bad when they talk to me feeling like they're talking to a literal 4 year old naive child
now i just stay away from people
i wish my brain worked better..

>> No.11850295

it would make you both creative and smart

>> No.11850296


>> No.11850299
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Pretty sure nobody will ever notice how your brain internals work. Mine is pretty fucked up too but noone knows

>> No.11850303

idk, all those things and I could still have a headache that day and completely fuck it up

>> No.11850328

at first people may think im a special kind of weirdo or might mistake my quietness for maturity or intellegince
but anyone who gets too close realizes im full of nothingness sooner or later
then they leave
anf it's no fault of theirs

>> No.11850385

You should take zinc and magnesium with 1 month between. They inhibit each other. I take Omega 3 + magnesium for 1-2 months than. Only zinc + smth else

>> No.11850616

Sleep is actually the most important. Everything else is just a minor difference, maybe HIIT an hour before the test

>> No.11850680
File: 25 KB, 300x300, txUnjqgVq7IoWKc5LlCK4wic5OyOqte1slI9-WRi1J7u8oJjBb57sjexP875J9dg718=w300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this work?

>> No.11850697

I used smoke weed very rarely because I thought it would make me retarded.
Then I came to college and found out 5/8 people in my course (Joint Honours Maths and Physics) smoke it regularly.

There's absolutely something to this. There's no way I'd understand and appreciate shit like abstract algebra/category theory without thinking about it while high.

>> No.11850843

I have some piracetam i’ve been too scared to start after I quit all drugs in december (bad LSD trip), does anyone have any experiences on its effect on memory and any side effects?

>> No.11851570

Yep, I see this question a lot and I always ask "how often do you practice?"
So, I would bet more people are under-socialized than literally autistic.
The best sales people are the ones that have practiced so many times they know every response. Same with chess, they know every possible move and combination.
Literally just practice more.

>> No.11851580

Hmm might give this a try. I often struggle with brainfog and hate it so much

>> No.11851601

This. Actually there's studies confident there's no correlation whatsoever.
Do nofap for cognitive benefits, including correcting your dopamine receptors and curing lethargy/brainfog.
Semen retention is a literal lifehack publicly promoted by the likes of Tesla, Newton, Mike Tyson, Trump, Hitler, among many others. It also just makes you feel so much better and confident about yourself.

>> No.11851610

You can't just plan sleep one day in advance. Your circadian rhythm (what impacts most sleep quality) needs to be on point for at least a week straight. I've found one hour deviation to be the maximum to deviate. Every morning need to wake up on your own and with morning wood pledging allegiance to the flag, or you fucked up somewhere.

>> No.11851619

Can we get a citation for
>Not touching your dick
Need to prove to people why I'm better than them with double blind randomized clinical trials (tell one person fapping is healthy, the other fapping affects them negatively)

>> No.11851909

Which app, program or site are you guys using for dual n-back?

>> No.11851961

sorry buddy, there are no studies showing any effects of nofap whatsoever

>> No.11852106

magic mushrooms

>> No.11852140

It negatively affects my memory if i'm smoking it too often but that's just a temporary thing; the benefits i've gotten from the enhanced creativity/how easy it is to see things from different perspectives has been invaluable.

>> No.11852163

weed makes me too slow and retarded for days after every time I blaze it, I can't really enjoy it much because of that
taking acid after studying a subject heavily is extremely based for understanding and integrating all the information you have learned though

>> No.11852183

nofap's really only got benefits for people with an unhealthy relationship to masturbation and porn and most of that benefit is more about gaining self control over a vice.
it's like how alcohol can have some benefits but there's certain personality types that just need to avoid alcohol entirely.

>> No.11852908

Started listening episode 1 and will give an update later

>> No.11853047

Yeah so I listened to episode 1 on consciousness of Luke Smith's big braned podcast:
>really nice summary of the book and its core ideas
>explains the ideas and develops them in ways that are very accessible
>could have given a follow up in the reception and developments after the book was published (1976)

Entertaining as well, so makes it easy to listen to. Feel like brain has been stimulated and am looking over at this review paper: https://www.functionalneurology.com/materiale_cic/224_XXII_1/2108_the%20bicamiral/

>> No.11853062

i'm smoking cigarettes in the shower when they get wet i just light another
fatal cardiac over cancer don't gimme no suffer
steal me over feel me linger until i'm six under
ain't a fucking thing sacred when i get naked
boom boom boom
i'm lighting up like vegas all sevens king of pentacles
i'm chaining like its money dirty money surgeons general
as if my flesh keeps me prisoner
as if
i've been spinning chambers since the day i was born
like whats it all for like why the fuck not
fuck if i don't get off i don't know how to be caught
i get off at all costs
i'm turned off
pah pow pah pow
i'll fuck you off at no cost
you're turned off
pah pow pah pow
i'm turned off won't be back soon
look up see my nuts slap the moon
i'm turned off like a myth
can't look me up i don't exist
i spin the chamber tween my lips
i pull the trigger like a giff
i can't get hit i've never lost
i'm a rumor i'm turned off
my footprint precedes me follow me
i'm all the way over my species
my footprint so dropped it's bottomless
species call my redwings apocalypse
you want this bitch i drop a bitch
snuff your bloodclot metropolis
trail of anonymous casualties
pah pow boom mastery
i've been over that glass house
all my windows blacked out
straight jacked up the fuck up
guts up man down
my man stand down
i'm not with it
i drop liquid
red light district
can't be finished
you never started
you run for martyr
while i push harsher
lose it more further
lose it more nerder
boom boom boom boom
i get off at all cost
i'm turned off
pah pow pah pow
i'll fuck you off at no cost
you're turned off
pah pow pah pow
take off my shirt cause it hurt form of murder
art of indifference trump consequences
like first off i'm turned off
pah pow pah pow
trust me you can't trust me try trust me you'll see why
when i see you through the ringer my ringer catch deuce deuce
i repeat like pi my ringer catch deuce deuce divided seven times

>> No.11853067


i'll lead you to where am i
i get off at all costs
i'm turned off
pah pow pah pow
i'll fuck you off at no cost
you're turned off
pah pow pah pow

>I, a patrician, do not prefer alcohol over death grips

>> No.11853208

is there a /sci/ approved method to induce mania in yourself? I refuse to settle for a life of mediocrity but I need something to make up for my low IQ and poor discipline

>> No.11853217


>> No.11853219


>> No.11853278
File: 341 KB, 640x1941, rmx-dogs-playing-poker_o_2752937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dual n back
Cringe, the big brained game that doesn't make you look like an Intel need is poker. You have to know your chances as exact as possible and think really fast. Reading faces and emotions, self discipline and staying calm are all traits that make someone appear intelligent as well.

>> No.11853458

Holy based, you can also become rich with some luck

>> No.11853508

>not bridge
Have sex

>> No.11853671

brain workshop

>> No.11853674

>not a badass, but some family and elderly couple game
>implying you are having sex

>> No.11854327

Maybe that anon was implying he was not having sex, hence the bridge joke
>Bridge is the most complicated card game I know of though

>> No.11854513
File: 47 KB, 680x680, n3qjUUlx9j8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, how to enhance memory?

tips about learning languages are good, however i think that it works only in childhood.

adderal/ritalin/modafinil are forbidden in my country.

currently studying japanese at university and i am fucking dumb at it.
i do not even know how i passed exams.

mnemonics are good, however it is fucking nightmare to use it while learning another language.

pls help

>> No.11854840

>>11851601 You are trolling aren't you?
Of course there's studies showing a correlation or else I wouldn't have posted it.
And why would advocation by Hitler or Trump be positive?
Just replying for others because you're obviously trolling but maybe not obvious enough for some.

>> No.11855139
File: 261 KB, 1946x300, Test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



For reference here are my most recent testosterone levels

>> No.11855197

just use fucking anki, religiously.

>> No.11855284

>2000 on the nose
Post free test.

You're absolutely using 400-500mg of test right now.

>> No.11855467

FT is 35 pg/ml and only using 200mg.

I still feel shitty after fapping fyi despite my t levels high 24/7. I'd assume it's 1. drop in prolactin, 2. placebo, 3. over-stimulation from porn

>> No.11855946
File: 38 KB, 960x207, Screenshot_2019-11-23 Is Gluten that bad for your health The Science - YouTube(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RoundUp -> leaky gut?
Have you noticed it worsening especially after eating bread crust?

>> No.11856136

Well my FT is far more than 4 times of yours.
And I don't have much trust for anything anybody taking testo says on health related matters.
There's good studies showing whether you like it or not (and I don't like it).

>> No.11856201

80%based, 20% ultra mega based.

>> No.11856307

Psychofag here
>pause for laughs
The best training you can give to your brain is usually learning a new language or playing an instrument. both activities demand a lot of resources and work with different parts of the brain.
Drugs will fuck you up, stay away from them. don't try getting a shortcut

>> No.11856352

Wait how does nicotine help with brain development? I thought it just fucks up your blood vessels and eventually heart diseases.

>> No.11856467

>learning a new language
I thought this only had cognitive benefits if you learn during childhood

>> No.11856482

>>11856352 He's also recommending adderall so obviously you shouldn't trust anything on there. Don't use nicotine patches.

>> No.11856512

No, it is easier to learn a language in childhood as the brain is "more plastic"
but it is suggested even for elder people to sustain and improve their cognitive abilities.
Basically, if you want to keep your brain fit, keep learning, being languages a "full body routine" for the brain
also eat well and do sports.

>> No.11856615
File: 28 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vietnam War Pilots had those emergency edc bags strapped on them, they contained some sort of amphetamine pill to make them go beast mode in critical situations.
How practical is this idea for normal life? I want to be prepared for the case when I need to think and act enormously fast or else I will die, what would be something good for this to carry?

>> No.11856882

>My free test is more than 4 times someone on roids
Yeah, bullshit. Or your body doesn't produce shbg at all. Free test us a percentage of total, so are you trying to say your total test is over 2000? pg/ml is the unit he used if you can't read.

>> No.11856910

these people were sent to war. an extreme situation.
they also, as soldiers, lived amounts of stress you won't normally have on a city.
you are a normie. For your lifestile the adrenaline kick is enough when you are in danger. as you are not used to it.
but answering your question, taking drug will lead to an adiction and the already known consecuence of needing a bigger dose for the same effect.

>> No.11857039

>adrenaline improves focus
>using a drug one time causes an addiction

>> No.11857382

I wrote free test.
Saliva. I rechecked it's pg/ml and within natural bounds.

>> No.11857904
File: 32 KB, 830x422, BigBrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want a bigger brain?

>> No.11857955

Bridge blows pocuck out of the water in terms of psychology. Professional poker players have the same chances of winning or losing, because you can’t directly influence the game and instead rely on pseudoscience psychology shit that even Carl jung would denounce as pseudoscience bullshit

>> No.11857968

>>using a drug one time causes an addiction
What is heroin and pervitin

>> No.11857970

Can’t anybody list some things that actually improve cognitive flexibility? All these suggestions are complete shit and common sense. Where my neuroscience, biology and chemist dudes at?

>> No.11857989

I've used heroin as a painkiller a few times years ago, yet I'm not and never was addicted to it or other opioids. Do you even know what addiction is and how it develops?

>> No.11858298

Adrenaline helps with the fight or flight response. wich is what you want if you are in danger.
If you are using anphetamine just once, I don't get it. but anyway, trying to answer your question.
if you use this in a very stressful situation you may have an adverse reaction for "overactivation".
anyway, I don't know what you are asking at this point

>> No.11858349

Any good alternatives to khan academy?

>> No.11858367

How do I get better at mediating?

>> No.11858433


>> No.11859023

I've done obscene amounts of research in an attempt to fix a bunch of my mental bullshit and here's the tldrs

> good sleep
Beyond oversimplified, I'll elaborate later if I don't forget but oversleeping is full retard
>physical exercise (HIIT, endurance, lifting, ...)
Moderate-intense cardio specifically is what matters for brain gains, lifting a shit
> different games such as go, chess, dual-n-back, ...
Games that make you actively learn, not pseudointellectual garbage that's memorization such as chess. Learning and using a second language is one of the top three (along with meditation/cardio) things to do for one's brain but you have to learn shit, not memorize, so easy languages like spanish and swedish where you learn the grammar instantly aren't helpful
> microdosing shrooms/LSD (not confirmed)
Macrodosing too for various reasons
> meditation, hypnosis and similar
Meditation refers to mindfulness as a deliberate practice with time set aside for it, TM and offshoots have the opposite effect and aren't really helpful
> proper diet, such as
> high fat (but only good fats obviously)
Saturated fat is fine but yes, omega 6 and tranny fat a shit. Keto practiced for a few weeks even if discontinued also has pronounced effects on fixing faulty glutamate issues that are heavily implicated in a million anxiety disorders and epilepsy
> supplement zinc, magnesium, ... (inb4 copper fag starts shitposting about literal pigs)
Magnesium glycinate specifically, also a good multivitamin and B complex, ideally sublingual or at least liquid. XR 5-HTP and/or L-Tyrosine may help serotonin and catecholamine issues respectively
> if you accept addiction: adderal, caffeine, nicotine, ...
All of these are easily usable for nootropic/productive purposes without addiction
> not touching your dick [citation needed]
Fap less, not nofap
> learning languages (preferably ones that differ from your native one)
Covered this above

CORRECT pro/prebiotic use is also important, google gutbrain axis

>> No.11859049

Has no one mentioned improving the dexterity of your nondominant hand?

>> No.11859063

>>> good sleep
>Beyond oversimplified, I'll elaborate later if I don't forget but oversleeping is full retard
Amending a few things because I WILL forget. How to into sleep
>blackout curtains
>stop with the fucking screens for 1-2 hours before bed, use gunnar's or some shit if you're not going to. Blue light blocking software barely does shit besides help eye strain
>get the fuck into sun for 15-30 min when you wake up, use a blue light lamp at least if not
>make your room cold, 63-68fish. You should be warm enough under the blanket but freezing outside it
>use a weighted blanket
>7-8 hours is ideal usually
>waking up for an hour in the middle of the night is normal
>don't go to bed when not tired

>> microdosing shrooms/LSD (not confirmed)
>Macrodosing too for various reasons
Pharmacology is important here subjective experiences aside. Deliriants and dissociatives might be fun (I've done more salvia than any sane person should do) but you won't take much away from them. Dissociatives ironically can help with dissociative disorders (said disorder spurring my research and later interest) however. Read about gamma and theta brainwaves and how psychs influence these

Do it five minutes a day no matter what, you need to not associate it with a negative thing you dread and after five you're usually good to continue for the full 20-30. Aside from that the point is NOT to clear your mind and that'll result in the opposite effect, focus on physical sensations but don't 'think' about them etc. Setting a ritual such as always doing it after showering, making coffee or whatever and using incense/candles/whatever to differentiate meditation time from normal time is good to change brain states

>> No.11859096

Okay ONE more reply to myself; mindfulness is also a good technique for falling asleep. Basically meditation but inside your bed

>> No.11859310

>faulty glutamate issues
Neuro transmitter issues are almost always nutrient deficiencies. Copper deficiency makes it imposdible to use dopamine and leads to dopamine buuildup in the body; manganese deficiency leads to problems with glutamate glutamine (possibly acetylcholine) and dopamine receptors as well.

>> No.11859370

that's not what meditation is about

>> No.11859558

chong academy
Based and YEEEEpilled

>> No.11859707


>> No.11859710


>> No.11859880

How do I commit course material to memory so as to remember it one year from now?

>> No.11860151

understand it retard

>> No.11860170
File: 325 KB, 1715x1080, 1593311702330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best containment thread I've ever seen. Kudos to you OP.

>> No.11860966

What's a containment thread?

>> No.11860994

that from which newfags and schizos will never escape as long as there are fresh bumps to bind them desu

>> No.11862117

that's the entire site

>> No.11862235
File: 54 KB, 625x291, nofap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11862260


>> No.11862343
File: 353 KB, 1280x1069, evalute2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11862414

>reward system go brrrr
That's why, and again it's more not being a cumbrain that jerks off hours a day

>> No.11862418

>me good things I think bad bad
Anyone who doesn't understand moderation or thinks bullshit like religion/gf/whatever = good is an actual retard. It's like reading pro-american propaganda from the 50s

>> No.11862420

>religion/gf/whatever = good
Automatically I mean, though if anyone is even aware that you practice X religion you're automatically a piece of shit anyway. On the gf note it's really fun watching people with absolute cunt spouses thinking they're happy and successful by virtue of having one despite any retard being able to tell they're miserable

>> No.11862478

I can speak to this
I've always been bright -
Honor roll doing almost zero homework bright
But first I must apologize I'm an old fag - but hear me out.

The managing director of the most renowned law firm in America said I'm the smartest person he's ever met. My patent attorney is the patent attorney for one of the most complex projects ever attempted, he said the same thing. In fact I've heard that many times from all manner of super smart people.

There are people who have sharp recall memories (professorial types) and they can appear as to be smart, but they're generally no smarter than a hard drive which isn't actually smart at all. Other people are good at second ordered thinking - fast extrapolation that IQ tests might resolve and this might be indicative of some cognitive horsepower.

Weird thing is I don't feel particularly smart! Sure I'm a kinda clever big thinker problem solver and autistically creative.

That said:
What I've noticed is everyone else has gotten a lot dumber, I mean incredibly fucking dumb. Why is that? I think it's because I never watched TV, or movies, or played video games, interact on social media or went to college. I have avoided the commons and just kept learning things. I have poured immense amounts of interesting horse shit into my head, the result of that is I have examined in detail, the fundamental manner in which all manner of systems function.

The more systems you fully grasp the quicker you can learn new systems you come in to
contact with - since systems are all related your understanding of the world around become empirical. I would bet you will find all the truly great thinkers in history examined multiple systems in detail. Leonardo, Humboldt, Darwin.

So there you have it, zero media and learn in detail as many systems as you can. Almost nothing is mystery all is plain.

>> No.11862493

>muh dumb reptile brain!
>muh hormones!
No. You are the one who does dumb shit. If you literally can't stop masturbating you have a problem, but the solution isn't to forbid yourself and everyone else to touch their pee pees.

>> No.11863909

Yes it is. You do it to get better at focusing

>> No.11864155

>Most likely the person is either ill or lazy for some underlying psychological reason, so it may work for a few days, but it won't last.
Any competent hypnotherapist will be able to figure out the discrepancy and make the behavior compatible with the belief

What's your experience?

>> No.11864165

Weed blankets your entire brain with immense amounts of cannabinoids, which seems quite ham-fisted to me. Just take CBD oil instead, cycle to avoid tolerance, and ideally taper off your use over time.
https://www.longecity.org/forum/topic/62166-nootropics-specifically-for-math/ (I'd like to add prl-8-53 to the list; it's #1 for improving working memory)

>> No.11864184

Let us know how it goes

The two fattiest cells in the body are neuron and sperm cells. They both have a very high surface area to volume ration, which means a great portion of their mass is comprised of phospholipids. High quality, saturated lipids are a scarce resource in most people's bodies, so what do you think happens to neurogenesis when your body is prioritizing your phospholipids on spermatogenesis?
What do you think happens to your dopamine receptors (and by extension your motivation) when you receive a massive hit for doing something totally unproductive at best, and harmful at worst?

>why would advocation by Hitler or Trump be positive?
Because they've done great things.

>> No.11864186

Jokes aside, a lot of the cost of semen production comes from the enzyme-hours it takes to create it.
Melting down a cell phone won't give you what you need to create a new one.

>> No.11864189

Just learn pickup anon

>> No.11864195

These toxic beliefs are probably much worse than the voice thing. Go see a (hypno)therapist.

Why are you keeping Omega 3 separate from Zinc? Why not take it every day?

>> No.11864197

I wouldn't trust it too much. Get an oura ring or the dreem 2 for the best accuracy

>> No.11864208

Please don't use alcohol as a nootropic. There are much safer ones out there.

>> No.11864231

stop using your brain, stop thinking about useless information. ensure there is a minimum of useless information going in your brain, the brain will forget what you don't think about then it should be easier to create new neural path ways but preclude any ads or any form of useless information from entering your brain and becoming a memory. this should help with knowledgeablity but will probably not affect your intuition. what could affect your intuition is the new useful info that could help with problem solving. maybe you can remember new patterns to execise your intuition onto. the intuition itself might not change. and this is something that you should do almost instinctively, don't subject your brain to useless thoughts when you can avoid it.

>> No.11864237

Spaced repetition (supermemo is better than anki if you're going to be making your own cards, which I do recommend), omega 3s (good saturated fats in general), a GOOD multivitamin, enough sleep (good sleep hygiene is very important), L-theanine, Bacopa Monnieri, ALCAR, n-acetyl cysteine, Lion's mane mushroom (from realmushrooms or nootropicsdepot), Pramiracetam(or some other racetam of your choice, you might want to experiment here)+alpha GPC, and/or Phosphatidylserine.

>> No.11864258

The brain is always plastic, the reason people have a harder time learning during adulthood is because they have another language to fall-back on. If you forbid yourself from speaking any language other than the one you are learning, you can learn faster than a child.

It helps with focus, not brain development (directly). Smoking is what messes up your cardiovascular system. If you want to grow your brain, eat high-quality saturated fats, get good sleep hygiene, and getting a GOOD multivitamin are all higher-yield. Also try https://www.braintropic.com/ngf-nerve-growth-factor-stack/

>> No.11864264

Not beast mode drugs, that's for sure.
5-20 mg of desoxyn. Good luck getting any though.
I'm curious though, what kind of situation do you think you'll be in where you'll need to think and act enormously fast yet still have enough time to fish in your pockets for a drug?

>> No.11864270

Big brain here. How about

> Reading about different stuff.

>> No.11864275

Well are you doing them? What's your sleep routine? Simple is good, anon.

Why do you want an alternative? What are you trying to learn, and why isn't KA working for you?

Try some guided sessions. You can torrent headspace.

>> No.11864304

Supermemo has incremental reading. Check it out.

>> No.11864310

>high-quality saturated fats

You mean omega 3?

>> No.11864344

>There are dozens, perhaps hundreds, of well-established meditation techniques.
Which makes sorting through them a huge pain.

>> No.11864402

I've got an oura ring and it says I always have shitty REM sleep, but excellent everything else. No idea how to fix.

>> No.11864474

What's your bedtime routine?

>> No.11864542

no electronics by 9am, bedtime by 10am, pretty consistent with it and I wake up on my own every morning

>> No.11865343

How? And does it really work? Share your experience please

>> No.11865377

There's nothing to understand about what I have to memorize, otherwise I wouldn't have asked. I need to learn a lot of poems, quotes and critical fragments by heart so I can parrot them on an exam, except there's a lot of shit to memorize and I have to start learning it as soon as possible.

>> No.11866316

>Good luck getting any though.
Just have internet access

>> No.11866976

Can someone make a TLDR?

>> No.11867018

I really don't know if all you listed is anti or pro-brain

>> No.11867021

Microdosing is fun, it may let you find a way for yourself to truly understand yourself, it works like SSRI works on OCD, and without OCD, you can think clearer.

There's bunch of other substances.

I personally can score better on memory tests while on amphetamines.

Also general nootropic help.

Is prolonging change necessary? Doesn't you
just need more change in less time?

Can be beneficial, but long term it's contra excitatory, it's useful to relax, but blazing 24/7 is not good. 4:20 it's ideal time.

>> No.11867026


Enjoy ;)

>> No.11867425

Did anyone feel noticeable benefits from playing chess, go or any other kind of game that forces you to think? I suspect that it’s just a big meme for people to have an excuse for enjoyment rather than hard work

>> No.11869327
