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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11820286 No.11820286 [Reply] [Original]

what are you working on and doing?

>> No.11820297

I am making an amplifier to drive a speaker. i am confused by power rating on speakers. they have a rated power and a max power. what should i design around? example is https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/mallory-sonalert-products-inc/PSR-23F08S-JQ/458-1124-ND/2071440

>> No.11820376

I found an RGB strip with a reciever and no transmitter, so I'm working on building the latter. Just looking for an old remote control I can take apart, cause I'm broke.

>> No.11820380

Rated Power I'm pretty sure, but I didn't study power in college so Idk, I'd probably wait on that.

>> No.11821982


Definitely rated. Max is ok for short term, rated is for reliability.

>> No.11822153

You want feal mathematics? Try Gary Stephens " Non linear Algebraic Theorems" that will grow some hair on your balls.

>> No.11822353

rated. max is for peak mitigation. never ride on the edge of your spec

>> No.11823579

Trying to fix an x-ray machine by reading the service manual and diagram. I finally powered it up. Now reading how TF I'm supposed to test this crap.

>> No.11823586

About a cup a day.

>> No.11823792

Max generally refers to what peak power it can accept before releasing its magic smoke. Always design around rated.

>> No.11825521
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nothing. just wasting time in this shitty website.

>> No.11825544

electrical engineering

>> No.11825556

Reminding /sci/ that we've been able to print 600 Watt brushless motors for the past three years now with hobby equipment.

>> No.11825578
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>went to sleep early
>planned to wake up at 5:30 am and work on my thesis
>wake up at 5:30
>get up and turn off my alarm clock
>wake up at 9:45 in my bed
>get my morning coffee and watch some morning news
>open up 4chan for just a few minutes
>2 hours pass
>start working at noon, 6 hours after i was supposed to have started

>> No.11825945

digging some papers for my undergrad project in audio signal processing

as EECS is becoming the standard, I'm taking a path to deep learning/computational intelligence

>> No.11826083

Troubleshooting a $40 switch mode power supply because I'm broke. It's not the capacitors help

>> No.11826124

have a radio frequency circuit design exam in a couple of weeks... I'm scared boys

>> No.11827055

Waiting for parts to ship

>> No.11827186

Wondering why I even got my degree, considering I cant get a job even with expeirece, projects, and an overall good resume.

>> No.11827260

Post a picture of degree with a timestamp then.

>> No.11827346

what does that even prove

>> No.11827359

That his opinion has merit behind it, and that he isn't some shitposter trying to collect (You)s.

>> No.11827389
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That makes sense to me

>> No.11827407

Wow, anon delivered. Do you dislike Computer Engineering individually, or do you hate engineering in general?

>> No.11827414

No, I like it a lot. I knew I wanted to do this way before I even knew it was a lucrative career path. What sucks, is that everything’s economically fucked right now.

>> No.11827425

Fair, isn't that with everything right now though?

>> No.11827455

That’s true, I’m just ranting I guess at the current state of things.

>> No.11827465

I guess you're entitled to that. Sucks for this to be the time that covid hits.

>> No.11827532

what experience do you have, and what jobs are you looking for?

>in NY
can you even do any jobs remotely?

>> No.11827758

Switching from mech e to ee since i suck at statics and 3d force diagrams, plus i already have several cs courses under my belt and i liked learning about electricity and magnetism in my physics course. Right now im trying to learn embedded programming with a ti msp430, but i wanna hear from you guys what subfields of ee you are currently working in or are interested in moving into since i dont really know shit about ee besides the barebones kiddie circuits in my physics class.

>> No.11828433

What differentiates an EE from a well-studied hobbiest?

>> No.11828534

EE covers a much broader range of subjects than electronics, as well as has a better understanding of the underlying physics that’s needed when designing circuits (generally)

>> No.11828719

Currently still learning, simulating circuits in LTspice and making them in KiCad, noob stuff.

Is it reasonable to apply for an EE job without a degree? I could provide circuits I designed and soldered, list resources I learned from, provide a personal website, maybe do some videos etc. Would that suffice? I'm from Europe but can move anywhere for a job.

Also, took me half a minute to realise those are tits, am I gay?

>> No.11830132

Generally math, and deeper physics understanding

>> No.11830733
File: 33 KB, 1200x672, euler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this does

>> No.11830760

honestly don't understand why this isn't taught in HS. Euler's formula is useful and intuitive af