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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11825042 No.11825042 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci first time poster, long time lurker of /b, anyway here's my question.

Since magnets and steel and I'm assuming also iron lose their magnetic properties at high temperatures how does Earth's molten iron core produce it's protective magnetic field?

>> No.11825104

look up dynamo theory / geo dynamo

>> No.11825106 [DELETED] 
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It doesn't. That's not how magnetic fields work. Only electric currents produce magnetic fields. Earth's magnetic field is creating by the Birkeland currents running through the Solar System and from the Sun.

> Birkeland currents explained:


>> No.11825110 [DELETED] 
File: 1.17 MB, 1150x767, 668517main_vab-orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't. That's not how magnetic fields work. Only electric currents produce magnetic fields. Earth's magnetic field is creating by the Birkeland currents running through the Solar System and from the Sun.

> Birkeland currents explained:


>> No.11825123 [DELETED] 
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It doesn't. That's not how magnetic fields work. Only electric currents produce magnetic fields. Earth's magnetic field is created by the Birkeland currents running through the Solar System and from the Sun.

> Birkeland currents explained:


>> No.11825153

OP, this guy is a crank who believes in the "electric universe" which is a ridiculous faith that rejects physics

>> No.11825598

>implying Op and the EUfag aren't samefag

>> No.11825623

you're right that permanent magnets lose their magnetic properties above Tc, however these are not permanent magnets. their magnetic field is generated by the movement of the iron, and moving charges generate magnetic fields

>> No.11825785

>moving charges generate magnetic fields
And why is there a current on earth's iron core?

>> No.11828131

>earth is an actual magnet
stay in /b/

>> No.11828225

Molten nickel spinning at incredible hihg speed.

>> No.11828336

Good question

It's not this simple. Why would there be a net charge spinning? If positive and negative charges both spin in the same way there is no current.

>> No.11829429

Because its not all spinning at the same speed and the differential adds up to big daddy magnetic field.

>> No.11829636
File: 19 KB, 640x359, magnets_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11829651

>And why is there a current on earth's iron core?
temperature gradients cause motion as the hot iron wants to rise and colder iron falls
for the inner core I'm not sure