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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11824241 No.11824241 [Reply] [Original]

What is your secret of learning besides reading books?

t. 86 IQ.

>> No.11824243

Reading books and applying knowledge are the only things you can do.
Don't listen to retards who say "watching videos", videos are useless for learning.

>> No.11824247

Low IQ post. Videos are better than books for learning as long as it's not passive. Watch videos than do problems on your own. If you can't solve it, find a video that explains what to do.

>> No.11824251

Unironically CS. On it’s own it’s laughable, but when used as a tool for learning and applying other subjects it becomes extremely powerful.

>> No.11824257
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Prayer beforehand.

>> No.11824262

you just mean computing, say computing instead of being retarded
god isn't real

>> No.11824264

Audiobooks while doing something mindless with my hands.

>> No.11824276

it makes sense
engineering is super tangible
physics exists or at least pretends to exist within our universe
also a lot of that stuff is pretty much just astronomy tier
while math is abstract and really can't/shouldn't be attempted to be understood without rigor.
same reason they don't mention or describe the math in those engineering or physics media.
>What is your secret of learning besides reading books?
Sometimes I read websites
Videos are ok if it's like learning baby programming or some baby shit. But really they are pretty limited.
Videos are for entertainment, and unless it's a video of a lecture (odds are the lecture was shit) it's pretty useless.
Only "new age" semi-boomer retards push video learning, but I personally fucking hate it.
I'm willing to do ebooks at best, but that delusional gen X shit is retarded.
I hear my gen X mom talk about it all the time (she's a professor).
I'm telling you man I'm already falling asleep in lectures, getting rid of that little independence I have in reading and self study would fuck me over.
Lecture: some asshole basically reciting a textbook but really shit like
VR lecture: same thing but a robotic asshole
actually make the VR lecturer a big tiddy anime girl and i'm down.
Might jerk off during random intervals, but I'll enjoy it.
Only retards that can't read don't read.

>> No.11824286

Shitpost on /sci/

Whatever bullshit you posted would immediately cause someone you go into haywire and correct your bullcrap. Perks of being surrounded by pretentious fucks

>> No.11824288

I am actually high iq and enlightened though. You are being improved as a human being by interacting with me. Every time I call you a retarded nigger faggot you have walked a step further to salvation. Do you see?

>> No.11824306

Mentorship is the best way to learn whether it's for a trade or academia.

>> No.11824321

Based, Godbless.

>> No.11824456

What the fuck are you even talking about, retard? Reading is more active than watching a video.

>> No.11824471

Wrong. It's better to see a teacher and listen than read text. It activates more senses. Get a clue.

>> No.11824478

If that's true, teachers won't be such a necessity

>> No.11824483
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>> No.11824509
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>those maths options
Literally missing the greatest gameshow of all time.
I'm not even a mathsfag.

>> No.11824708

>comparing teachers you can interact with with prerecorded videos

>> No.11824730

here's the ranking, retard
private tutor/mentor > lectures/videos > books

even then, videos have advantages over lectures because you can pause and replay them if you miss something or don't understand.

>> No.11824811

>even then, videos have advantages over lectures because you can pause and replay them
And? You can ask questions or reread if you didn't understand something.
Plus, books contain far more information.

>> No.11824961

You should use both. To dismiss one as worthless is the truly retarded thing to do.

>> No.11825589

Except I can read my books faster than you can watch your videos.

Checkmate, brainlet.

>> No.11825595

This bait ain't half bad

>> No.11825614

the secret is to be humble and never marvel at your own intellect. 'smart' people don't want others to think they are stupid so they avoid asking questions and limit their learning ability. You might be a genius but it's better to approach education as though you were an average person with flaws.

>> No.11825641

I watch videos at 3x speed. Regardless, no one has 100% retention and understanding after a single pass. Reading retention tends to be quite low on average, which also means it tends to require more reviews. I personally find a variety of mediums work best for retaining information, especially since they tend to cover the same material in different ways.

>> No.11825643
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>> No.11825674

lel your math's section

>> No.11825694

Thinking about the stuff you read in books

>> No.11825695
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Or other spaced repetition apps, Anki is my favorite because I can personalize my decks as much as I want in the desktop app and you could get neat plugins for it, but I usually do my flashcard sessions in my phone, and it syncs flawlessly, and the shared decks from others users are usually pretty good. There's other apps like mnemosyne etc, but anki even had a Nintendo DS client, let that sink sink.
Also Memrise has good gamification, and the shared decks are ok.
Spaced Repetition is the best tool if you want to keep a lot of data / factoids in your memory for a long time, it's even better if you combine it with good sleep, exercise and some supplements, turns your brain into an offline wikipedia.

>> No.11826051

That's actually arguable.
Teachers repeat their lessons everyday to multiple classes every year which tires their creativity quickly

Online lessons are just one single video done with as much creativity as the person can give so as to maximize chances of views.

If you're the type who learns faster with company (which makes up most of the world), teachers
If you are the independent type, lessons

But of course, there are also many types of learning. Auditory, visual, social etc.
Pick what suits you

>> No.11826089

>Modern Marvels

My fucking nigga

>> No.11826096 [DELETED] 

>instead of being retarded
>god isn't real
Oh the irony

>> No.11826102

Yes, but if I have a choice of watching many videos a day, or procrastinating to read a book and not doing it at all or very rarely——— the videos are better

>> No.11826211

I knew those ours shooting at russian kids did not go to waste