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11817940 No.11817940 [Reply] [Original]

Why are we the only hominids left? Why did monkeys survive but not them?

>> No.11817951

Abbos and whites are more different than many other animals science classifies as different species. Just for the sake of political correctness

>> No.11817963

Because they were direct competition and we were smarter

>> No.11817967

We are closer to abos than to Neanderthals.

>> No.11817968

I doubt more different than comb jellies and people

>> No.11817969

Genetically wrong

>> No.11817978

Nope. It's even more different when compared to Subsaharan Africans. We are more related to everyone else than them. Sorry that your racist agenda has no basis in science.

>> No.11817979

If it were any other kind of animal, if there were deer in Europe that were all white and had small noses and on average were 4 feet tall, and only in aus there were black deer that were an average of 3 feet tall and had big flat noses

they would be classified as different species

>> No.11817984

Except we are the same species, Sapiens.

>> No.11817992

>Except we are the same species, Sapiens.
only because they say so and that is only because saying otherwise would be "racist" we are not objectively the same species the way two atoms of gold are the same element, speciation is subjective even in science and where the line is draw varies. If we were anything but human our differences would have us classified as separate species.

>> No.11818002

A species needs a certain genetic distance to justify its taxonomical separation. Humans are far too recent for that kind of distance to exist. There is still some controversy about subspecies and race and how the latter is just a euphemism for the former but I digress. Speciation if not subjective, there are standards that make this science a science.

>> No.11818010

we are different subspecies, i could show you a dozen examples of subspecies that are less different than whites and abbos.

>> No.11818062

cladistics is the cringiest ''science'' of all

>> No.11818125
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What a dumb answer.

>> No.11818137

I don't think so. Speciation isn't that based on universal standards. It's hard to tell what are the criteria to make of a group a different specie, according to what I learnt.

>> No.11818167


This is absolutely true, and absolutely forbidden to point out.

>> No.11818624

How can we say, "Neanderthals died out" when they are our ancestors? Can't we just as well say that modern humans died out?

>> No.11818647

They did survive though, and some of their genes continue to live in modern Eurasians.

>> No.11820086

We outcompeted them. The other primates occupied a different niche meaning we didn't compete with.

>> No.11820233

Whites seem to be undergoing speciation from other h.sapiens. They are dumber than the rest, not the opposite. They will most likely result in some kind of lesser human once they fully separate and there will be no autists around to force them into communicating verbally.

>> No.11820267

>when they are our ancestors?
I'm not quite sure what you mean by that. If you mean that modern humans evolved from Neanderthals that is simply wrong. If you mean that modern humans interbred with Neanderthals to some extent, then that is true. But when the percent of Neanderthal ancestry in any given person is around 2% I think it's fair to say modern humans survived and Neanderthals did not.
When the percentage of Neanderthal ancestry of a given person is

>> No.11820519

Nope, totally untrue.

>> No.11821538

How do you figure that?

>> No.11821549

humans are an amalgamation of genes so technically everyone survived :)

>> No.11821562
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Neanderthals still live in our genes. It was just a isolated tribe, not a different species.

>> No.11821568

if you want to get spooked go look up how much of the bondage population isn't black :) genes :)))))

>> No.11821570 [DELETED] 

Possibly the most noticeable difference is the body language. While most people have body language that is similar, whites are completely different: while most people naturally stand straight, whites stand in various contorted positions, unless they concentrate on the opposite. Facial expressions are different. The interpretation of eye contact is inverted.
Second is the different use of language. Whites just speak extremely poorly, and compensate by learning more vocabulary and guessing. Most predominantly non-white languages gravitate towards complex, but regular grammar and extensive use of word derivation and compounds. European languages are degraded, with irregular remnants of grammar and dearth of productive word derivation.
Also a general and widespread animosity agains those not sufficiently white.

>> No.11821581 [DELETED] 

Possibly the most noticeable difference is the body language. While most people have body language that is similar, whites are completely different: while most people naturally stand straight, whites stand in various contorted positions, unless they concentrate on the opposite. Facial expressions are different. The interpretation of eye contact is inverted.
Second is the different use of language. Whites just speak extremely poorly, and compensate by learning more vocabulary and guessing. Most predominantly non-white languages gravitate towards complex, but regular grammar and extensive use of word derivation and compounds. European languages are degraded, with irregular remnants of grammar and dearth of productive word derivation.
Also the lack of ability to learn technology. A major proportion of whites seem to be unable to learn technology in any useful way, and rely on a tiny proportion of weirdos. (No non western language has insults against people who are too smart or study too hard)
Also the general and widespread animosity agains those not sufficiently white.

>> No.11821584

Possibly the most noticeable difference is the body language. While most people have body language that is similar, whites are completely different: while most people naturally stand straight, whites stand in various contorted positions, unless they concentrate on the opposite. Facial expressions are different. The interpretation of eye contact is inverted.
Second is the different use of language. Whites just speak extremely poorly, and compensate by learning more vocabulary and guessing. Most predominantly non-white languages gravitate towards complex, but regular grammar and extensive use of word derivation and compounds. European languages are degraded, with irregular remnants of grammar and dearth of productive word derivation.
Also the lack of ability to learn technology. A major proportion of whites seem to be unable to learn technology in any useful way, and even openly hostile against those who do. (No non western language has insults against people who are too smart or study too hard)
Also the general and widespread animosity agains those not sufficiently white.

>> No.11821590

imagine if these evolutionary benefits degenerates actually lived

>> No.11821631

What are you talking about?

>> No.11821644

Op, did you ever hear of the expression rape apes

>> No.11821663

except whites are obviously smarter than other races

>> No.11821726

Whites are only good at doing as they were taught. High crystallized IQ at the cost of fluid IQ.

>> No.11821775

>Why did monkeys survive but not them?
we fuckin murdered them, raped their women, and used their skulls and bones as eating utensils

>> No.11821799

Monkeys live on trees.
The lost Shakira race lived in the same places looking for the same food.

>> No.11821817

>subsaharan africans
What? That isn't a remotely genetically coherent group. Do you mean khoisan peoples or something? There are a lot more people in subsaharan africa than them

>> No.11824058 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 851x341, SPECIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are /pol/fags incapable to understand this simple concept?

>> No.11824062
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Why are /pol/fags incapable to understand this literally middle school level concept?

>> No.11824063

I am white and my fluid reasoning is exceptionally high. Usually what you say is better applied to asians.

>> No.11824882

If those 2 deer could mate, they'd be the same species. "Species" has a specific definition, not just "dey loog divverend :D"

>> No.11824897

Are fin whales and blue whales the same species?

>> No.11824912

>any given person.
Maybe the average person. And that is impressive, considering how long ago it was. That is similar to the amount of great great to greatx3 grandparents dna you have and was only a hundred years ago.

>> No.11824917

Why do you speak of politics? And why did the definition btfo itself, "e.g. Homo sapiens." As if the Homo sapien and Neanderthal cannot produce viable offspring. They are members of human species.

>> No.11824919
