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11814421 No.11814421 [Reply] [Original]

If he was so smart then why couldn't he get laid?

>> No.11814436
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He could. He chose not to.
>I consider my greatest accomplishment to be lifelong celibacy.

>> No.11814467

Because Dudes Rock and also he was a hidden bible messages schizo

>> No.11814468

Being a virgin for a long time can lead to severe mental illness.

>> No.11814531

He was witty and charismatic to the point he became chair of the royal society and removed every single picture of Hooke. He hosted dinner parties and was a charmer especially until his 50s. It was easy and legal to get a prostitute then so if he wanted to lose his virginity he easily could have done so. He had his mind set on higher things than DUDE ORGASM LMAO.

>> No.11814553

I agree with the point he is making. But Einstein had an active sex life, Feynman frequented strip clubs, Aristotle had a wife, Elon Musk( Not a scientist or natural philosopher but still extremely succesfull) has seven children and has married multiple wives. Personal indulgence can contribute to success or diminish it. Certain characters such as Newton were just generally less interested in non-work activities or any indulgences.

>> No.11814560

Einstein told his wife not to get affectionate with him when she brought him snacks when he was enmeshed and locked up in study. I think the trick is intermittent sexual abstinence. Abstain whenever you want to focus and accomplish something big, indulge when you're not. Let's face it, going to a strip club once a month is much different than watching hardcore pornography and ejaculating 2 or 3 times a day and constantly being interrupted by sexual thoughts and erections. We are what we repeatedly do.

>> No.11814563

A large majority of smartest people to ever live were celibate and didn't engage in sex with women, instead they dedicated their life to their work and study to progress the area further.

>> No.11814606

Tesla also never marrired though unsure if virgin. Athletes don't usually go to that extreme but they will abstain. Some fighters abstain for a whole training camp. Unaware of any lifelong athlete celibates except for maybe some monks.

>> No.11814608

He was crazy too

>> No.11814609

Tesla veered from becoming a priest prior to leaving Europe and lived life as a philanderer for a while, fucking prostitutes and women. He came to the conclusion it clouded his mind which is why he resolved to never do it once he had intellectually broken through.

>> No.11814613

Because he was a gay INTJ like me, and being gay was a death sentence. He was probably fucking dudes on the DL.

>> No.11814614

Sex is good, and you can have sex while doing other things. You’re coping because the fact you’ll die a Virgin upsets you.

>> No.11814620

>Einstein told his wife not to get affectionate with him when she brought him snacks when he was enmeshed and locked up in study

He didn’t like that wife, and had affairs.

>> No.11814628

You literally can't. It makes you apathetic and distracted. Before you do it you're horny and after, you're fatigued and unmotivated.

>> No.11814633

>You literally can't

You literally can. Have sex unironically.

> Before you do it you're horny and after, you're fatigued and unmotivated.

For like five minutes. I get really horny when I do leg day and after I fuck my wife, I get even more energized.

>> No.11814634

>putting Elon Musk in the same category as those guys

>> No.11814638

Elon Musk is going to put people on Mars. He’s more comparable to a Henry Ford than a scientist, but he’s still very important, intellectual, and hard working.

>> No.11814641

Also, tesla was INTJ as well, and women or normies in general, probably didn't make sense to him. We are great at understanding concepts and machines because they are consistent. People are fucking weird. They lie, women dont even know what they want, they are so fickle. Imperfect people demanding perfection as hypocrites.

>> No.11814643

If regular sex consumes 20% of your vital essence gay sex must be close to 100%.

>> No.11814646

>Muh MBTI pseudoscience

>> No.11814649

Its just an indicator of their thought process. An efficient way of describing their personality traits. Of course it's not 100% accurate, you fucking idiot.

Nice counter argument. Thanks for contributing something useful to the discussion.

>> No.11814655

because there is no correlation. Animals have sex too, you know.

>> No.11814666

Bunch of mumbo jumbo. I went from INTJ to ISFP just because I stopped being depressed.

>> No.11814667

I did. Sex and masturbation make me tired and lazy and only motivated to do more of the same. I'll do it 5 times a day and I won't read or do a damn thing else.

>> No.11814682

Sounds like you’re one of those “coomers” and burned out your dopamine receptors.

>> No.11814703

Textbook incel cope.
Please spend the rest of your life seething and obsessing about how much everyone else is fucking while you continue to flounder in less than obscurity.

>> No.11814706

>gay INTJ
Thats redundant.

>> No.11814722

Pretty sure if he wanted to, he would already long time ago

>> No.11814725

He’s dead

>> No.11814951

Source: This man's bung hole

>> No.11814962

>Elon Musk is going to put people on Mars.
Least I got in a good laugh in today.

>> No.11814993

>Starship don’t real

Least I got in a good laugh in today.

>> No.11815008

People assume Musk is good at physics because he's rich, although the only thing necessary for him becoming rich is scamming fanboys into investing in his crappy company. Now, if you say he's smart for doing that, then I guess I'd agree with you. If not, then I'd say save your money bud.

>> No.11815012

An autistic amount of intelligence is an impediment to sexual success. Being sexually successful requires interfacing well with the average woman, which involves a lot of dumb shit. For the longest time growing up I thought the players at my school must have silver tongues and know all the right things to say to get girls but really all they were doing was being dumbly confident and saying the first words that came to their heads and making a shit ton of super small talk until the girls totally warmed up to them. That's all it is. Sitting there and activating their verbal pleasure center long enough to reel them in and close the deal.

>> No.11815013
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Because women aren't attracted to intelligence, retard. When Becky told you that she lied.

>> No.11815018

Never said he was good at physics.

> although the only thing necessary for him becoming rich is scamming fanboys into investing in his crappy company.

All of his companies are good/

>> No.11815022

sure thing pal, keep telling yourself that

>> No.11815072

>have sex with girlfriend
>no motivation afterward
there is a reason we call orgasm la petite mort in french.

>> No.11815081



>> No.11815082

>You literally can't. It makes you apathetic and distracted. Before you do it you're horny and after, you're fatigued and unmotivated.

All those could also apply to eating a rich meal or using mild drugs or whatever. Everything in moderation. Especially if you restrict masturbation and/or sex to right before you plan to sleep for the night, I think it's probably fine. If anything it could be a net positive if you normally have trouble falling asleep, because it could improve your sleep time and quality.

But, yeah, if you're doing it compulsively during the day (either sex or masturbation), it'll affect you in that way.

>> No.11815092


There is a sweet spot. Cum too much and you're going to become a pacified cumbrain. But if you do it too little your sexual frustration will build up and distract you. I like to keep it to 1-2x a week.

>> No.11815905

incel cope
autism bro

>> No.11816227

for economy, cleanness and convenience

>> No.11816228

there is a reason we call you faggots

>> No.11816761

You got it backwards. High amounts of sex/masturbation adversely affect the most intelligent.

>> No.11816787

here’s the real redpill: newton was gay

>> No.11816840

He sent many to the gallows. Everything he did was about shooting cannons. Really tough guy. After that you get disgusted with the human body.

>> No.11816882
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The brainlet pill*

>> No.11816919

>Comparing Elon Musk to others based on achievements that he hasn't even accomplished yet.

>> No.11817012

Sex being good doesn't mean we have to fuck. Maybe the guy just didn't feel like it.

>> No.11817027

>Being sexually successful requires interfacing well with the average woman, which involves a lot of dumb shit.

kek, pretty much.

>> No.11817031

>prostitutes and women

>> No.11817039

wow, you sound like a bitter fat chick. there is a seriously unhealthy amount of hate and vitriol in this post.

>> No.11817044


>> No.11817050

He was smart enough to not get laid. That's how smart he is. Sex is a drag. So is procreation. Partnership. Etc.

>> No.11817142

A person can usually be summed up by the 5 friends/people they hang out with the most. Being with a low IQ woman will just bring yours down desu.

>> No.11817145

He thought of himself as asexual from what I recall.

>> No.11817176

better time investment could be find elsewhere
imagine prioritizing a stanky orifice over God and maths

>> No.11817216

Newton invented the coomer model of mental health.

>> No.11817228

getting girls back then was very much different then it was now. he could of got a girl if he wanted to.

>> No.11817236

>It was easy and legal to get a prostitute then
But extremly scandalous, if he got caught he likely would have lost his position in the royal society

>> No.11817240

because he didn't boast about it you numbskull

>> No.11817241

yes, far easier for autismos in those days when they had strong monogamy/religious norms. wouldn't have been hard for any other high status nerd, especially later in life in charge of the mint or whatever. i wonder if past a certain age with male virginity, a mental block forms and it gets progressively harder until it's impossible to lose. of course, i'm only speculating. he was probably just asexual and highly religious,

>> No.11817252

Even after graduating college could of got laid easily. Nothing would of stopped him. If anything the default would of been getting a girl he must of really not wanted one.

>> No.11817283

Just fryed an egg

>> No.11817290


I thought he was a gay? He spent his later life openly living with some guy when a tax collector

>> No.11817299

sexhavers are honestly pathetic. They are so obsessed with trying to prove that their lifestyles are really epic and fun, instead of just admitting they are addicted to a vice, no different than a heroin addict. Don't fall for it. They're just sad their lives lack meaning so they try to infect others with their filth. Sex is disgusting, dangerous and pointless.

>> No.11817473

>>Starship don’t real

>> No.11817666

Sex isn't good.

>> No.11817671

Newton was a volcel chad

>> No.11817673

>removed every single picture of Hooke

>> No.11817674

Newton nibbled on mercury and was obsessed with bible code at a time when many learned men were breaking away from theism and idealist philosophical leanings. He was a scientific and mathematical genius with the gullibility of a retarded country boy

>> No.11817676

Really high outlier IQ are often low testosterone.

>> No.11817679

well he was a prenaturely born countryboy raised in quite a religious household.
the first is gong to cause stunting in some brain regions, he got lucky that the areas that compensated gave him super smarts.

>> No.11817686

You can acquire a level of ecstacy from research and art, i you are chasing women for orgasm then your mind doesn't need to find it elsewhere.

>> No.11817698


>> No.11817719

I have 800 ng/ml of testosterone and it isn't the main driver of sexual behavior. Habit is. I can abstain if I avoid anything that could arouse me and fill my day with useful hobbies, reading, activity and exercise and have done this for months at a time successfully. It's sex drive is more than just being a function of testosterone which itself is reductionist and in any case has been refuted in a study from the 1990s that failed to show any strong relationship with testerone and sexual frequency in a fairly large sample (only correlation they found was DHT which could be a consequence rather than a cause). I think low testosterone individuals manage porn and sex better and see less of an issue with it as their refractory period is hours and not a minute.

>> No.11818634

Sounds like the words of someone who was trying to cope with not getting laid. Plenty of geniuses had active sex lives.

>> No.11818665

He didn't want to

>> No.11818966

was it really though? this was the restoration, they were all degenerate as fuck back then

>> No.11818982

are you that 150 iq guy from the other thread? you write like him

>> No.11819118

Sex is overrated desu, especially by the spergs that never get it so they fetichize it, aka half of /sci/
Newton probably got all the dopamine boosts he needed from discovering stuff, being worshiped by the scientific community of his time and btfoing Hooke so he just didn't care enough to go after women

>> No.11819292

>Comparing Musk and Feynman to Newton
Are you fking retarded?

>> No.11819297

It would not surprise me if even top athletes had to abstain more than most would consider normal to remain in contention in today's hyper competitive atmosphere.

>> No.11819299

Feynman was only a tier below Newton

>> No.11819300

Musk fanboys are in fact, retarded, yes. It's becoming a bit of a cult of personality.

>> No.11819307

lnot a single "feynman theorem" ever came up in my undergrad. what exactly did he do other than teach well?

>> No.11819309

fucking retard

>> No.11819326

I mean, he must have contributed something. But clearly you don't know what that is, yet here you are screaming about how great he is. interesting.

>> No.11819334

It would not surprise me if even top athletes had to abstain more than most would consider normal to remain in contention in today's hyper competitive atmosphere.

I think all these fukwits screaming incel, loser, feynman musk bla bla bla are fucking poser charlatan fanbois.

>> No.11819512

I'm not sure where you're getting that description from, but Newton himself had religious ideas that were rather radical for his time, and the religious orthodoxy of his day could have potentially killed him if he went public with his real beliefs.

>> No.11819580
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>having sex

>> No.11821524

Tesla had a pigeon fleshlight

>> No.11821665

t. reddit

>> No.11821673

Exact opposite is true.

>> No.11822167

Yes and see >>11817719