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File: 10 KB, 640x360, A931F7C4-5269-4A84-80AF-FF82920C7127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11806556 No.11806556 [Reply] [Original]


2D edition.


Launch schedule: https://spaceflightnow.com/launch-schedule/

>> No.11806570

First for martian hive cities

>> No.11806571
File: 97 KB, 1032x557, 1592253497518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is that image Op

>> No.11806577

The chinese Villager Pillager 5 rocker

>> No.11806579
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Spot spotted at Boca

>> No.11806581
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Plasma Magnet Sail dedicated thread is still up if anyone's interested.

>> No.11806594
File: 1.79 MB, 1280x720, Polite robot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell do they have one of those for?

>> No.11806596

They used one in Singapore to nag people about social distancing so it might be to chase reporters away from the danger zone of tests.

>> No.11806599

In case they get leaks/damages and they can't send someone to inspect the issue right away. We had that happen few times in the past. So this 70K robot dog is probably worth it, if it saves them couple of hours worth of clean up inspection from time to time.

>> No.11806602

The Stellaris track “Deep Space travel” is big beautiful.

>> No.11806604

Both good uses, shit I hadn't realized these things were for sale now, hadn't really kept up and just thought they were still in perpetual testing.

>> No.11806624

Where are you gonna get a crane big enough to print a huge city? retard

>> No.11806625

print the crane retard

>> No.11806629

Build it in sections, double retard

>> No.11806638

Just prefab it on earth and pack it into starship or whatever. Done.
The real question is when they’ll make the navigator houses public

>> No.11806645

But then you need to haul that shit from Earth to Mars
Haul a small prefab section printer to Mars and have it build the city from local materials
Then use the print factory to expand

>> No.11806648

why dont we just print starships?

>> No.11806654

Why don't we just send an unmanned probe to Mars and have it print colonists when it gets there?

>> No.11806662

>going all the way to mars when it's objectively easier to print a new mars in Earth orbit

>> No.11806663

This is unironically an idea for interstellar colonization. Send embryos then grow them in tubes

>> No.11806665

3D printed materials are not strong enough for reentry.

>> No.11806669

Best retort for the proonters yet.

>> No.11806675

just print some new printers that can print stronger materials

>> No.11806677

Technically satisfied by sending a ship with a crew of only pregnant women!

>> No.11806681

>Implying women left alone could create a successful colony, let alone properly raised martians
Double dubs won't save you

>> No.11806682

Artificial WOMBS

>> No.11806687

This is peak dystopia. People grow up in some kind of habitat on a hostile dust ball. They have a limited number of videos and texts to learn from, mostly technical or utilitarian in nature. Eventually, once they grow up, they start wondering who made all these things, who put them in this hell and what have they done to deserve this.

>> No.11806689

If we're actually going to be taking that one seriously, it's obviously retarded. For simple shapes and large scales 3D printing is going to be more expensive, not less, and Starship tanks are both.

>> No.11806693

Why would it be a hell? Sounds fun

>> No.11806694

peak kino*

>> No.11806701
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>once they grow up, they start wondering who made all these things, who put them in this hell and what have they done to deserve this.
You don't feel like this already?

>> No.11806703

I for one envy our outwardly bound descendants with their hot android moms.

>> No.11806709

No, I already know who the Baby Boomers are and how they got tricked into creating this hell world.

>> No.11806711
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>> No.11806713

Jedem das Seine.

Yeah, I had this thought. But at least our place is good looking and we don't need a suit just to not suffocate and not get radiation poisoning. In theory we can just do fuck all and grab fruits from plants that grow by themselves.

>hot android moms
[citation needed]

>> No.11806715

The world is fine. Stop complaining

>> No.11806720

>[citation needed]
What else are you gonna use? Human babies don't look after themselves.

>> No.11806724

>But then you need to haul that shit from Earf to Mars?
Wowee zowee if only there were some massive rocket with a theoretical payload between 100 and 150 tons designed to be capable of visiting all of the inner planets and also Mars.

>> No.11806726

Does not necessitate androids, let alone hot. Also technically it should've been "gynoid".

>> No.11806738

Specialized nanny gynoids are nandroids.

>> No.11806741

>Does not necessitate androids, let alone hot
Their first ideal be not be something hideous or inhuman, right?
>should've been "gynoid"
>implying you're not in my magical realm

>> No.11806744

Whose? The people building hell nannies would be us terrans. Currently we're barely past uncanny valley if at all.

>> No.11806747

>Their first ideal be not be something hideous or inhuman, right?

Being inhuman is good. We should replace humans with centipede-shaped robots.

>> No.11806748

The colonists, you ninny. I don't know what it looks like when you grow up imprinted on Spot here >>11806579 but "space wolves" comes to mind.

>> No.11806751
File: 461 KB, 1460x658, alumina nanolattice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder: there are bigger challenges for a colony than how you make structures. Growing food, producing air, recycling sewage, and other basic things are more important. Sure, they make for cool looking CG and art, but that's about it.
you need to haul shit from earth no matter what. You ain't printing a goddamn airlock any time soon on mars and liquid airlocks are impractical. A bunch of other equipment cannot be printed too. What matters is exactly how much mass you save compared to other alternatives. Mass trades or GTFO.
parts of starship are probably additively manufactured. There are places where it makes sense to use additive manufacturing. You can make really complicated structures for rocket engines that are difficult to make any other way. Additive manufacturing is also a great choice for producing parts you don't need too many of. It is very rare to mass produce anything in aerospace, because all in all, we don't make as many rockets/planes as ford does cars. But there can be pretty big strength benefits to using regular rolled steel.
you can print fucking ceramics, we can damn well print heatshields. Ablative heatshields can also be made from plastics and thermoset resins. Printed ceramics are more interesting though because we can make complicated parts that can withstand high temperatures. This might be useful for hypersonic vehicles. Here's the real red pill with additive manufacturing ceramics, you can do absolute witchcraft and make ceramics that are flexible rather than brittle. Pic related. 50% elastic compressive strain in ceramics shouldn't be possible, but it is with additive manufacturing. But yeah, there are benefits to just using stainless steel sheets. Additive manufacturing's just another manufacturing technique, we'll use it where it makes sense. Although the tech for making alumina microlattices is pretty fucking exciting. As now we can now make structures with ceramics and metals.

>> No.11806756

Yeah, but they'll have to reconcile their parent figures being so drastically different from themselves.

>> No.11806758


>> No.11806762
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>> No.11806763

>parts of starship are probably additively manufactured.
I can't think of anything. The raptors and structure don't have any, and right now that's about all there is to it. Some COPV tanks and valves, tesla battery/motor assembly for flaps, maybe there's some 3D printed shit in there I guess

>> No.11806767
File: 228 KB, 1744x1080, PicsArt_06-16-10.09.59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, so much print hate by lava tube faggots. We all know Musk and NASA will choose the printing as their method of colonization. What was the song again? Oh yeah BIG PRINTING

>> No.11806771

Why isn’t the lunar lander thingy pointy to reduce air resistance?

>> No.11806777

There's no air resistance on moon.

>> No.11806779

Air resistance on the Moon?

>> No.11806780

Aged piss actually makes an excellent plant food


Solid waste have a bioreactor to generate methane and feed bacteria to eat and feed fish/aquatic livestock
A full blown city of thousands would scale up to an HTL/biodigester plant to handle that much waste and generate solid fertilizer, biocrude oil and methane

>> No.11806782

>niggers, boats, 3d printed structures
What they all have in common is they're staying on Earth

>> No.11806785

>I'm going to prooooooooont

>> No.11806791

>liquid airlocks are impractical.
Saw a design for a suit that essentially sealed onto the outside of the hab and you get in it closing the hatch behind, but it looks clumsy as fuck.

>> No.11806796

Wasn't that on a NASA rover design? It more or less works there but if it was a permanent solution you wouldn't have any easy way to maintain the suits

>> No.11806801

Maybe it was on the rovers.
Keeping out Martian perchlorates is going to be difficult.
Liquid airlocks sound cool and a lot safer, but reading about it online you would need a 10m column of water to hold pressure. Probably a bit too much.
Also 5 hours to Long March 2D launch, prepare your peasants.

>> No.11806802

some components of the raptor are probably additively manufactured.
One raptor engine spacex tested did have 40% by mass of its components additively manufactured:
It's not as much now, but there are probably some complicated bits and pieces that are additively manufactured.

>> No.11806807

Wouldn't the water column immediately start boiling off and render itself nonviable? You'd have to pressurize the unpressurized side, seems backwards.

>> No.11806813

>Aged piss actually makes an excellent plant food
So /r9k/ are gardeners?

>> No.11806814
File: 58 KB, 1033x566, WaterAirlock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NSF was saying it should freeze over with minimal loss, would still need topping up. That or an oil layer.
This guy was proposing it for vehicles but it's not as though martians aren't already wearing pressure suits that need to be cleaned before returning.

>> No.11806815

Ahh alright, I thought they abandoned it for Raptor but they just scaled it back, got it.

>> No.11806820

So that's it? That's your entire argument? No numbers just some CG pictures in a meme? Mass trades or GTFO!
sure it may work, but how well? And for urine there's also an issue of how much you can recover. You may need special toilets to recover it.

>> No.11806825

Neat. Although re:cleaning, after a decent number of uses this thing is gonna be a muddy perchlorate sludge and probably have its own unique biosphere, I'd still throw in a shower.

>> No.11806827
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Why yes we are space x fans, how could you tell?

>> No.11806835

>and probably have its own unique biosphere
So it's a win-win?

>> No.11806836

It's not like reusing urine as fertilizer is a novel problem to be solved on Mars, people do it on Earth already

>> No.11806840
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>> No.11806842
File: 227 KB, 1280x944, 1280px-Astronauts_White_and_McDivitt_Inside_Gemini_IV_Spacecraft_-_GPN-2002-000031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are all the gemini photos so fucking kino

>> No.11806843


>> No.11806844


>> No.11806845
File: 178 KB, 1920x1301, 1920px-Astronaut_Richard_Gordon_attaches_a_tether_line_from_his_spacecraft_to_Agena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11806849
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>> No.11806853
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>> No.11806854
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>> No.11806855

>No numbers just some CG pictures in a meme
We've posted the numbers before but it just turns into a shitfest. Do your own research.

>> No.11806858

Nigs will get the diversity checklist rude, boats will come with the terraforming and even if spacex doesn't print, NASA will to flesh out the technology.

>> No.11806864

Urine already is collected separately via tubes or on mars, a urinal
Also it works really well because we expel all the same nutrients plants need, and letting it age let’s the ph go to neutral

>> No.11806866
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>> No.11806870

>July 3 Electron • “Pics Or It Didn’t Happen”
>Pics Or It Didn’t Happen

>> No.11806871

>Upon first entering the station, the crew encountered a smoky and burnt atmosphere and after replacing part of the ventilation system spent the next day back in their Soyuz until the air cleared. Their stay in Salyut was productive, including live television broadcasts. A fire broke out on day 11 of their stay, causing mission planners to consider abandoning the station. The planned highlight of the mission was to have been the observation of an N1 rocket launch, but the launch was postponed. The crew also found that using the exercise treadmill as they were required to twice a day caused the whole station to vibrate.

>Kerim Kerimov, chair of the State Commission, recalled: "Outwardly, there was no damage whatsoever. They knocked on the side, but there was no response from within. On opening the hatch, they found all three men in their couches, motionless, with dark-blue patches on their faces and trails of blood from their noses and ears. They removed them from the descent module. Dobrovolsky was still warm. The doctors gave artificial respiration. Based on their reports, the cause of death was suffocation."[15]

>The autopsies took place at Burdenko Military Hospital and found that the cause of death proper for the cosmonauts was hemorrhaging of the blood vessels in the brain, with lesser amounts of bleeding under their skin, in the inner ear, and in the nasal cavity, all of which occurred as exposure to a vacuum environment caused the oxygen and nitrogen in their bloodstreams to bubble and rupture vessels. Their blood was also found to contain heavy concentrations of lactic acid, a sign of extreme physiologic stress. Although they could have remained conscious for almost a minute after decompression began, less than 20 seconds would have passed before the effects of oxygen starvation made it impossible for them to function.

based soyuz

>> No.11806874

and that's why we wear flight suits

>> No.11806875
File: 1.11 MB, 265x3839, Electron_Orthographic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are pencil rockets so fucking sexy bros
anything with boosters or varying thickness just isn't as hot

>> No.11806876

pee pee
poo poo bags

>> No.11806879
File: 211 KB, 800x1600, 800px-AX-5-spacesuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your new space suit bro

>> No.11806882
File: 7 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both Soyuz-1 and Soyuz-11 crews would of survived if they were in Vostoks.

>> No.11806884
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>> No.11806886
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>> No.11806888

>Americans invent a skintight pressure suit

>> No.11806891
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>> No.11806892
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Because nothing is wasted. Utility is it's own aesthetic. Personally I like boosters, especially if they're a copy of the core stage.

>> No.11806893
File: 258 KB, 800x1205, 800px-Iss009e29620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do all the new spacesuit prototypes look so fucking gay, they better not still look that fucking gay by the time they get to production

>> No.11806895

Looks so ugly it hurts my eye.

>> No.11806896

falcon would be way sexier if it didn't have the wide fairing

>> No.11806897


>> No.11806898
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>> No.11806899
File: 177 KB, 800x1674, 800px-Krechet-94_space_suit,_NASM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post kino suits

>> No.11806902

It would also have substantially inferior payload volume capabilities if the fairing were limited to the diameter to the core stage.

>> No.11806903
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>> No.11806904

THen it would have pitiful payload volume. It would've been a better vehicle if the whole thing were wider and shorter instead but it's built for road transport so that's out.

>> No.11806906
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>> No.11806907

just make the core bigger bro

t. ksp pro

>> No.11806909

This particular suit may look more like a dive suit than a space suit with all the attendant awkwardness, but I say if we're ever going to spend a lot of time doing EVAs, or working on planets with very harsh abrasive terrain, hardsuits will eventually predominate over soft suits.

>> No.11806911

Why do modern designs seem like such a step back

>> No.11806912

Venus ballon colonists be like....

>> No.11806913
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>> No.11806914
File: 731 KB, 1920x1080, Elon_Musk's_Tesla_Roadster_(40110304192).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this shitpost actually happened
what the fuck is this timeline

>> No.11806915
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>> No.11806917

I agree I just want one that looks more.... futuristic I guess. This ones okay for a concept but it looks like the staypuft marshmellow man.
Absolutely crazy when you think about it

>> No.11806918

they might look bulky, but new suits are WAY better in terms of mobility and comfort

>> No.11806919

>using a walker when you could just bring your mobility scooter

>> No.11806922
File: 121 KB, 1008x1689, colour-numeric-illustration-early-th-century-deep-sea-diver-suit-colour-illustration-early-th-century-diver-suit-130887344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But working in a glorified tin can is going to take more time to accomplish a task. Possibly negating the benefit.
You're better off being in a proper vehicle with some manipulators.

>> No.11806924


>> No.11806926
File: 135 KB, 369x428, Rb-79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're better off being in a proper vehicle with some manipulators.
Take the Ball pill

>> No.11806928

>accelerate slightly hard
>fly off into the void
i'll take the doctor octopus getup

>> No.11806929

The actual new NASA suit is already partially a hardsuit, in that the torso is one solid piece with a swiveling waist. The limbs of all space suits will probably remain soft until space suit construction gets down to non-insane prices, because in the end soft suits are easier to adjust in terms of size.
Once space suit manufacturing does grow larger though, it will be easier to build much sturdier, very-long lived hardsuits in a range of sizes, rather than soft suits which need refurbishment on the level of oldspace rockets to stay in operation.

>> No.11806933
File: 127 KB, 576x702, von-braun-bottle-suit-bw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Anon, at last you finally see.
von Braun was always right, take the bottlepill.

>> No.11806934
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>> No.11806937
File: 51 KB, 262x353, Space_activity_suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the CHAD SUIT pill

>> No.11806941
File: 116 KB, 450x338, 283657main_FF_BostonGallery-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coomer grade skintight suits when?

>> No.11806944

Based. Just throw a hard shell over a Mechanical Counter-pressure Suit and you’ve got something good

>> No.11806945

MCP suits are some Buck Rodgers shit can’t wait

>> No.11806947

When they figure out how to get that titanium weave to work with joints or just do the sensible thing and use hard or semi-pressurized joint segments. It's a university research project though, so it will probably drag on for another ten years, or until they sell it to a company actually interested in rapid technological progress.

>> No.11806955
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>> No.11806967
File: 473 KB, 646x660, flexcraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to know more.
looks like it's for an asteroid where the surface gravity's milligees at best. Wheels won't provide much traction in that environment so using a bunch of legs to grab on to the asteroid makes sense. Although a jetpack would also work quite well too.
the suit can be pressurized to 1 atm, so there's no need for prebreathing to avoid getting the bends.
you can get direct haptic feedback with a suit. Although I must admit, balls have a lot of potential. You can completely side step the problem of bulky gloves if you use a haptically operated robotic hands.
a problem with mechanical counterpressure suits is that they tend to be uncomfortable for men.

>> No.11806968

honestly we need a suit that isn't fuckhuge

>> No.11806970
File: 510 KB, 3000x2000, BlueOrigin_NewShepard_Launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>backed by richest man in the world
>still gets BTFO by SpaceX
What went wrong?

>> No.11806974
File: 110 KB, 1639x2048, 1590901463051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching the starliner ISS mission from December because the other anon was talking about it. All the SJW muh womyn shit makes it that much sweeter that they got BTFO.

>> No.11806975

just put gas thrusters pointing down for traction bro, problem solved
or just have a REAL american sit in it

>> No.11806981

>he doesn't have a retractable cock

>> No.11806982

Jeff Benis isn't allowed to humiliate Boing and Lockheeb too much or Amazon won't get any more DoD contracts.

>> No.11806983

I've always just said counterpressure suits should just use cups for the portions of the body the tension fiber can't easily compress. Just use some heat molded plastic that is customized to each user, the cup parts are cheap and easy to replace while the rest of the suit can squeeze them to your body once it's on. It's only 1 bar of pressure max, hell you don't even actually need that much, it could probably be as little as .5 bar and you'd not even feel the difference. The only part of the suit that needs full pressure at all is the helmet.

>> No.11806986

Excessive funding breeds institutional lethargy and laziness.

>> No.11806990
File: 37 KB, 986x995, 1509989670483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that absolute confident voice on takeoff
>the rise of starliner, and a new era in human spaceflight
as if dragon didn't exist and DM-1 hadn't already been done before it

>> No.11806991
File: 119 KB, 575x1024, ChjUYJMWkAAEr-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we post non kino suits?

>> No.11806995

Is this just a model?
Am I blind, how the fuc does this seal?

>> No.11806996

What i want to know is why suits have if anything just gone downhill from here

>> No.11806999

>der coomex

>> No.11807003

Yeah i think its a test model to test movement and comfortability.

>> No.11807008

The craziest thing is Bezos is totally about speed and performance when it comes to Amazon, like in the early years his motto for Amazon was "get big fast" and there are constant horror stories of amazon workers being hounded all the time to quicken the pace every single day

why the FUCK did he do a complete 180 for Blue Origin and embrace the whole "slow is smooth and smooth is fast" philosophy? I mean the dude could be one of the most qualified people in the world when it comes to logistics and speed and getting shit done quickly, it's so bizarre he's letting BO coast at oldspace levels of development

the ONLY thing I can think of is they don't give a single fuck about market share or being competitive for another 20+ years because of infinite amazon bux and are just taking their time building infrastructure for decades down the line, but still it's disappointing so far

>> No.11807013

An illegal Guatemalan is prolly cheaper than a robot

>> No.11807016

Uhh guys how does 36:08 have DM2 in it? wasn't this streamed in 2019????

>> No.11807017

Good point... It’s like it’s just a hobby for him. Think about what he could do with someyhing like Starship. Amazon one day delivery with E2E rockets, sending people to the Moon, getting contracts with gateway/LEO (and not just a shitty “national team” lander)

>> No.11807018

>land on mars
>get greeted by robot dogs
It's going to be a mix of creepy and cool.

>> No.11807019

Any good literature (preferably books) that outline how colonization of other planets would be possible?

>> No.11807021
File: 81 KB, 557x605, 1575964843297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just so perfectly oldspace.

>> No.11807025

looks like training footage from inside the dragon mockup they made

>> No.11807033

I'm not convinced that Bezos has the passion for space, I think it's just another interesting diversion that he'll just chuck some money at because he can chuck money at anything he's interested in to make it real. If I had even a quarter as much money as he does and I got to start my own space agency ten years ago, I swear on my life we'd already be assembling giant stations in LEO.
This is why in spite of having only a fraction the funding to spend on SpaceX, Elon has already created two generations of rocket (Falcon 9 and Heavy) and Starship will probably at least have flown it's maiden test flight before New Glenn even hits the pad. Because Elon has passion for space exploration while Bezos has passion for getting consoomers more shit to consoom at the fastest rate possible.

>> No.11807041

I love that Elon is a shitty public speaker who just loved what he does. If he were some douche Steve Jobs type guy I would feel like a normie for liking him

>> No.11807057

See the thing is the dude has been crazy about space since high school, his high school graduation speech was all about colonizing space and he's said on multiple occasions Amazon isn't *nearly* as important to him as Blue Origin, so that's the frustrating thing.

He's been talking about it for years, it SEEMS like his passion project but the results just aren't there yet

>> No.11807073

>he's said on multiple occasions Amazon isn't *nearly* as important to him as Blue Origin, so that's the frustrating thing.
That's what he SAYS, but Amazon is where he spends his time.

>> No.11807081


>> No.11807091
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>> No.11807092

Amazon is where he spensd 100% of his business time. Blue Origin is run entirely by team of others with Bezos only giving money every year with very little oversight.

>> No.11807094

Exactly. That's not how to raise a goldfish, let alone a rocket company.

>> No.11807104

Yes, that was on the MEV or whatever the shit it was called during Constellation. This was my first exposure to that vehicle:
Somehow I don't think it gets that much air.

>> No.11807131

They need to fuck off about the Rosie the riveter shit. Its embarrassing

>> No.11807133
File: 97 KB, 600x591, Superior_piss_jug_airlock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy I get to post it again

>> No.11807134

>17 meter column of piss
Someone get /r9k/ on the phone.

>> No.11807164
File: 1022 KB, 350x350, ARE YOU FEELING IT NOW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11807167

oh goddammit its just a briefing

>> No.11807172

Do you have any idea how bad old piss smells?

>> No.11807180

it smells good bro

>> No.11807222

Anyone know why the Boston dynamics robot is in Boca?

>> No.11807223

Slightly better than an apollo command module on return?

>> No.11807232

Perhaps Elon was bored and figured Boca could use a mascot

>> No.11807235
File: 2.07 MB, 854x480, BAD DOG robot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they safe? Are we safe?

>> No.11807284

We sill never get this aesthetic back

>> No.11807286

Lol she soiled herself there's clearly pee stains and she's trying desperately to keep calm and avoid people noticing it

>> No.11807295

Anyone can talk

>> No.11807296

It looks sloppy and bad, so no harm, no foul.

>> No.11807298

Bomb disposal.

>> No.11807315

I know exactly how it smells. Ever notice it forms crystals over time?

>> No.11807316

for you maybe

>> No.11807324

Hardware nostalgia has a tendency to get in the way of building better machines.

>> No.11807333

Best /sci/ design ever

>> No.11807336

because they a functional and not made for looks. the mars surface suits look autistically bad but they will work

>> No.11807347
File: 156 KB, 567x750, 123451856153156341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the soviet lunar colonization timeline so bad

>> No.11807349

Think of the unique biosphere!

>> No.11807356

Yeah, training footage. Not like they haven't been training for that mission for years or anything.

>> No.11807357

>having to do an EVA to transfer the cosmonaut and the moon rocks from the lander to the return module

>> No.11807369
File: 210 KB, 960x820, jhiaqjcUptOrZr77gONoxDuqVOGt9UEphmiqKzZgtJE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's soviet engineering for you

>> No.11807390
File: 230 KB, 850x451, Magnetoplasmadynamic-thruster-MPDT-schematic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100MW MPD thrusters when?

>> No.11807392

you realize the NSF thread popped up immediately AFTER we had that conversation that ended in stale briny pisslocks, right

>> No.11807399

70% a PR stunt, 25% a sign of both parties getting cozy to each other and 5% actual business transaction.

People like Spot, People also generally like SpaceX, make it a crossover and everyone is happier for it.

>Boston dynamics wants to shout aloud to the world that Spot is real & ready for real deployment & jobs. Patrolling boca is an advertisement for spot.
>For spaceX spot is just another in a long list of pr stunts to win over the public's hearts. Most people who still hold out a disgruntlement for elon's wild rides probably don't also have any particular malice towards spot.
>Boston dynamics & OpenAI be creaming themselves for that sweet, sweet intermixing of hardware & software development teams.

>> No.11807422

No dude, waterlocks have ben discussed on NSF for some time now. I was the one who started posting about them in these threads not too long ago.

>> No.11807431

What is creating and containing plasma?

>> No.11807435

why contain it

>> No.11807447

It would be extremely painful

>> No.11807448

I created the pisslock image on July 24th 2019 in response to an anon posting about water airlocks in every thread, and posted it the same day.

>> No.11807449

for you(r cathode)

>> No.11807451

they may have some historical waterlock conversations from 2007 or something but there's one from last July that was made by a shitposter from here

>> No.11807452


>> No.11807457
File: 43 KB, 512x404, 166575main_s116e07153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone overemphasize the role canada contributed to space exploration? All they've done is made a bendy straw for the ISS and they get a raging boner bragging about it. Fuck Canada

>> No.11807458

i have never honestly seen canada and space in the same sentence until this post

>> No.11807461

The main clogger of urinal p-traps is piss crystals.

>> No.11807462

they made a bunch of bendy straws, one for the ISS and a set for the shuttles
they're really really good too

>> No.11807463

>he's never eaten one of the crystals
you're missing out bros

>> No.11807479
File: 254 KB, 1855x2542, 1677-6119-ibju-44-06-1234-gf02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does 0g affect the growth of piss crystals?

>> No.11807494

>Why does everyone overemphasize the role canada contributed to space exploration?
If we don't pretend that Canada, JAXA, and ESA are big boy space programs then the US, Russia, and China are the only three to ever matter. Of those, the chinks will steal everything not welded to the hull and are thus banned from the ISS, and the Russian program is in steep decline. It's basically just globalist cope to avoid admitting that America stands alone in space dominance.

>> No.11807508

Oh god it makes sense, a modified spot would be an ideal scout robot on mars

>> No.11807517

It's not 0g on Mars.
My piss airlock will be fine

>> No.11807553

bros i want to shitpost in 0g too

>> No.11807679
File: 247 KB, 740x416, 1590879155273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are they doing up there?

>> No.11807682

jacking off

>> No.11807687

Hanging out in Dragon cause it has that new spaceship smell

>> No.11807701

There's an EVA planned so I think they're getting some time outside.

>> No.11807710


>> No.11807713

Boring science experiments with every 10 minutes being planned for them

>> No.11807722
File: 262 KB, 1456x1630, 1592258474454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when will SN5 be here?

>> No.11807728

The next road closure scheduled by Cameron County is on June 19th, and the closure window is consistent with a tank test. Pass or fail, whatever happens next depends on where SpaceX's priorities lie. They may consider it more important to iron out the kinks in 304L tanks than test a likely-to-be-deprecated 301 hull.

>> No.11807731

The Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson

>a problem with mechanical counterpressure suits is that they tend to be uncomfortable for men.
>Not letting your dick hang free at zero atmosphere so it's 3 times bigger

You know Apollo had to EVA during the return trip to transfer some things from the service module?

>> No.11807732

Sn5 and sn6 are meant to hop not meant to pressure test

>> No.11807744

There's no point in attempting to hop if they don't know if the tanks will hold at the operational head pressure that Raptor needs.

>> No.11807770
File: 185 KB, 807x641, 1577514105132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just found out about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distant_retrograde_orbit
It's like geosynchronous orbit for the Moon, only 2-3 times the distance. Good place for some types of satellites? I read that they were considering putting Gateway in the orbit instead of HALO.

>> No.11807799

With this type of rapid development, they can change their minds in an instant.

>> No.11807806

New Long March 2 launch:

>> No.11807807

https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1170983609492103168?lang=en pretty old but this is what elon said is after mars

>> No.11807824
File: 2.90 MB, 2560x1600, imaginereadingfilenames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty cool

>> No.11807831
File: 79 KB, 750x500, 1561617917790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UK-US agreement to allow American rockets to be launched from British soil https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-53079844

It seems to be aimed at Virgin Orbit wanting to operate out of Spaceport Cornwall.

>> No.11807833

Rocketlabs probably wouldn't say no either.

>> No.11807837

because they are less complex, more comfortable and more maneuverable, while being more reliable

>> No.11807842

Its like waxing poetic over the aesthetics of a diving bell. Yeah, they have a distinctive look, but that doesn't change the fact that they sucked.

>> No.11807876
File: 88 KB, 978x578, Spaceport-1-978x578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which won't happen soon, if ever
Going all in on Sutherland Spaceport would be a better bet
>luv me peroxide rockets
>'ate virgin de-orbit
>lol virgin

>> No.11807879

I saw the ISS, and about a minute behind it, the Crew Dragon on the way to rendezvous a few weeks back. I saw it from southern wisconsin.

Will there at any point be a window to see Perseverance once its up?

>> No.11807902

weibo is fucking cancer and trying to make me log in

>> No.11807909

I’d drink it up

>> No.11807912

>SRB shit
>Cut shortly after launch
That fucker went fireworks, didn't it?

>> No.11807917 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 854x1280, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11807928

How much delta/v to get from Kerbin to Earth ???

>> No.11807931

>that orange smoke
what kind of cancer are they using for ignitions

>> No.11807936


>> No.11807948

imagine the smell

>> No.11807962

>Not using subcooled N2O/Prop pseudohypergolic

>> No.11808000

Launching small rockets isn't enough. We need big rockets. Are any small launchers looking at scaling up?

>> No.11808003

Small launchers have a niche that isn't going to be taken out from under them if Starship, or a similar vehicle architecture, succeeds.

>> No.11808006

Not really, because people aren't going to wait until 6 billion different small sats are bunched together and do a rideshare. People will always need shit launched now.

>> No.11808009

Whoops, forgive my misunderstanding. I'm half dead in the heat here.

>> No.11808011

> There won't be a starlink lauch every week...

>> No.11808013
File: 1.24 MB, 1316x857, spot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what the JPL robot in picrelated is?
>please be ultra low cost rover
>please be ultra low cost rover

>> No.11808017

Yeah, that's very nice for people who happen to assemble their shit in or around wherever they end up launching Starship from, if it ever launches.

>> No.11808019

The niche of small launchers is the ability to put something in your desired orbit for cheap and on time, since rideshare limits you to the plane and readiness of the host payload. If SpaceX makes an orbital tug for Starship (or maybe if they just exchange some payload for fuel, I don't know how much dV they could get out of that), they can definitely start to take over that market, at least the part of it that is commercially available.

>> No.11808028

the future is now, but I'm too poor to participate ):

>> No.11808029

Not even talking about Starship, even just with Falcon 9... Just mail your smallsat in bro

>> No.11808031

>ulta low cost
The NASA logo adds $300m to the pricetag, let SpaceX do it over

>> No.11808033

What are you trying to communicate here

>> No.11808037

The choice is between your perfect unique snowflake orbit/launch schedule and an expensive launch and a vanilla orbit, a week sooner or later and dirt cheap launch. If you are building small sats, you'll probably work around the suboptimal orbit and save on the launch.

>> No.11808039

>The niche of small launchers is the ability to put something in your desired orbit for cheap and on time, since rideshare limits you to the plane and readiness of the host payload.
*Momentus has entered the chat*

>> No.11808040
File: 1.81 MB, 720x404, robotfail.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boston Dynamics

>> No.11808042

Smallsats don't have advanced capability to cope with suboptimal orbits, which is why SpaceX hasn't already completely cornered the market despite having very low rideshare prices. If they were to add capability to compensate for that, they would run the table.

>> No.11808054

>literally anyone else
>free-standing robotics in general

>> No.11808068

What I meant was, unless you need polar, there has to be a starlink plane that is close enough to your optimal for you to work with

>> No.11808090

Any discussion about the fact DARPA is going for NTRs finally?

>> No.11808096

NTR is a thinking man's fetish, so DARPA wants some of that.

>> No.11808103

All Starlink launches are the same. They use their hall thrusters to get their desired orbits. Granted, other smallsats can do that, but compensating for the ones that don't or need reserve capability for some other maneuver or etc. is the difference between having a market and having the whole market.

>> No.11808109

How long does it actually take to do that? My understanding is that ion engines have horrible TWR

>> No.11808112

One or two months it seems like going by performance so far. Not terrible.

>> No.11808145

Yeah, I was thinking about the end state, with orbits ranging from 80 to 42 degrees.

>> No.11808193

>I'm not convinced that Bezos has the passion for space,
Bezos was a rocket nerd in highschool it is suprising that BO is moving so freaking slow

>> No.11808214

They have horrible thrust to weight, but unparalleled specific impulse, so they save weight in the end given the size of their maneuvering budget, at the cost of taking a lot longer.

>> No.11808233

The superior specific impulse of ion engines is much worse in practice than it looks on paper. Due to how long their burns take, they can’t exploit the Oberth effect and thus maneuvers can be assumed to be 1.5 times as costly.

>> No.11808272

Essentially a non-issue for station keeping, though.

>> No.11808275
File: 80 KB, 620x349, A fucking arm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else have they ever done for us?

>> No.11808281

Have there been any considerations of using multiple propulsion systems in one craft? I’ve often considered the idea of using an NTR or chemical thruster for the initial burn and then burning electrical thrusters while in deep space to accelerate even faster and make adjustments

>> No.11808283


This, I suppose.

>> No.11808287

I'm sure there has been, but I'm not well versed in the nuances of different propulsion schemas.

>> No.11808322

They should make more music videos on the ISS.

>> No.11808330
File: 251 KB, 1152x2048, 1592190312261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real mars hours

>> No.11808347

They could do with less autotune.

>> No.11808348

Starship clone?

>> No.11808354

But it's so small.

>> No.11808360

Anything big enough to be carrying a decent launch stage is going to take so long to burn with electrical thrusters that isn't not worth it, if you just want to get somewhere slow chem or NTR will do the job without extras

>> No.11808369

Each extra propulsion system adds more complexity to your craft, each one that isn't immediately being used for propulsion is dead weight that every other stage has to work that much harder to lift into space. Every extra tank of propellant you carry for your different engines is less mass that can be dedicated to everything else. Every chemical engine on your final stage vehicle is going to become dead weight once it exhausts it's limited propellant supply. Your other high-ISP engines are then going to waste time, propellant and power lugging them to your destination.
Best to keep your final stage vehicle's engines homogeneous, either that or assemble a larger craft in orbit with a dedicated propulsion module.
Nah, it looks a lot more like VTOL shuttle, besides the idea of propulsive landing wasn't invented by SpaceX, it's the logical route to take with rocketry once you have technology sufficient to support it.

>> No.11808373

Looks like Surviving Mars concept art

>> No.11808384

VTOL shuttle with stainless steel?

>> No.11808400
File: 2.76 MB, 250x188, 250px-Animation_of_Dawn_trajectory.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any satellite missions that nasa simply has given up on but they are in a functional state?
Dawn orbiter has little info about it and says the last communication was 2018, but it should still have power and be able to survey still.

>> No.11808408

She ran out of hydrazine (KSP monopropellant) which she needs to maintain attitude, which she needs to be able to do to get solar power and establish communications with Earth, so she’s floating but dead in the water

>> No.11808417

Oh nah I meant propulsive landing is the logical route for rocketry as a whole.

>> No.11808428

It was a logical router after SpaceX proved it was doable. Before that, it was an almost impossible thing.

>> No.11808438

Right, thus "once you have the technology sufficient to support it."

>> No.11808469
File: 82 KB, 780x569, 1486052155979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based leaf

>> No.11808476
File: 497 KB, 598x483, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or is there some sort of party going on on the starship launch mount? Pic from labpadre stream

>> No.11808480
File: 56 KB, 500x208, movie-r2d2-sad-beep-star-wars-Favim.com-120834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11808485

noo, Elon can't do bad!!

>> No.11808486

god I hate this reddit faggot

>> No.11808487

>Runs on hydrolox
Nothing personnel kid

>> No.11808499
File: 88 KB, 768x1024, EauchesXkAAfgRX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw Starship fucks up the skydiving maneuver and kills hundreds of people on SPadre Island.

>> No.11808501

Don’t see any “bad” there.

>> No.11808504

why is one eye hazel and the other brown

>> No.11808508

Him and Felix's teeth make me hate HD video.

>> No.11808515
File: 1.04 MB, 438x644, 1415099706150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show me on this doll where the reddit touched you

>> No.11808528

I see a lot of allegations and jack shit evidence on either side. Not a surprise at all coming from Shitberg.

>> No.11808539

of course you don't, until something like this happens to you:

>> No.11808540
File: 668 KB, 800x400, 1253546357657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the state of spaceflight if spacex hadn't invested in the R&D for propulsive landings. you'd still see people claim that it's impossible.

we need some oldspace hate material in here

>> No.11808543

Low quality hit piece.
Dude should go leak more production info from his next company and see what happens there.
Happily collects the check for handing over secrets to the press, complains when he gets caught and fired.
What a fucking retard.
How is he even a whistleblower when none of it turned out true?

>> No.11808544 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 594x582, 1590607966975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause he is a nigger

>> No.11808546

That’s pretty funny lol

Elon could drop a rocket on an orphanage for all I care.

>> No.11808555

oh no, the """american""" space program was filled with canadian engineers!!

>> No.11808558

I wish he would drop it on you. I don't like sociopaths.

>> No.11808562

and I don't like you

>> No.11808565

Good for you my dude no one cares tho

>> No.11808566


>> No.11808567


>> No.11808576

>How is he even a whistleblower when none of it turned out true?
Because the same vested interests are paying the "whistleblowers" and the people writing the articles

>> No.11808581

Tupac does.

>> No.11808585


>> No.11808616
File: 68 KB, 1920x1080, HoarseGrizzledEyas-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like you either.

>> No.11808627
File: 2.15 MB, 3840x2160, 1591621170475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon fanboys are on full send this afternoon it seems

let's talk about spaceflight. dedicated interplanetary starships

>> No.11808637
File: 276 KB, 1841x899, 98CD1045-582D-4C41-87AD-9281BE4B75F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes there have. Pic related would’ve used BiModal NTR, and using the power generated with that, would have also powered an Electric Propulsion system.

The vehicle would’ve fired its NTR to escape or enter orbit around bodies, and the NEP to speed up and slow down in interplanetary space. Pretty cool concept. It would be able to complete a round trip to mars in 365 days.

>> No.11808638

>try to stir up some shit apropos of nothing at all

>> No.11808645
File: 96 KB, 406x400, horses_and_rockets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ITS definitely captured the imagination when it was first revealed. Kinda crazy how much it's shape changed over time.

>> No.11808650

>My meme failed

Spaceflight matters; nothing else; and Elon does that well. If he shot babies, I wouldn’t care.

>> No.11808656

lol printfags on suicide watch

>> No.11808657

This, fuck anon.

>> No.11808674
File: 88 KB, 960x1200, 1547191225113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty excited to see what they do with the starship internals. supposedly the mars variant is required by NASA to have a solar storm shelter which will be interesting to see

Someone in the last thread suggested that NASA might opt to use starship as the mars ferry on the first missions and use the orion architecture to land. However by the time they get to mars starship would likely be proven so who knows

>> No.11808676

>supposedly the mars variant is required by NASA to have a solar storm shelter which will be interesting to see

Only ones used by NASA, so, like one.

>> No.11808682

There are no NASA requirements on any variant but Lunar SS. The storm shelter is just a practical consideration. You don't want to roast the crew because of a bad throw of the dice.

>> No.11808684

>I'm pretty excited to see what they do with the starship internals.
Maybe something festive looking rather than the commie-like bare bones look of the ISS. Something full on tacky and comfy.

>> No.11808691

Well, obviously NASA will want their own official mars program to do a few 'science' landings, which means expensive camping trips with no real follow up. this *could mean developing their own landers rather than using starship to do it. it would be interesting to see what they might do with a dedicated mars-earth SS that isn't meant to ever go down to the surface at all

>> No.11808693

Bright pink and fluffy

>> No.11808695

It’s the DC-X and Starship’s drunken lovechild

>> No.11808696

I wouldn't expect anything but silicon valley minimalism. Hopefully with a slightly more rugged touch ala Cybertruck

>> No.11808699

Gild everything like it was Trump fuckin' tower on the inside, make your rich passengers feel like they're taking a luxury cruise.

>> No.11808705
File: 89 KB, 800x521, 53251929-9BE9-4044-960A-664D238D6AA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if it never landed, starship would make a great Mars ferry.

>4Km/s for TMI Manuever
>Aerocapture into LMO
>3 Km/s TEI burn
>Aerocapture into LEO
>Vehicle is fully reusable
>Requires no change in original design, has enough delta-v to support this mission
>No need for NTR/Zero BoilOff/ Anything Nuclear Ever

Shit would be kino.

>SLS carries Mars Ascent Vehicle into LEO
>Expendable Starship rendezvous with the vehicle, is refueled
>Second SLS carries Mars Habitat into LEO
>Another expendable starship launches, docks with the lander and refuels
>At Mars launch window, both vehicles burn for Mars
>Starship provides midcourse corrections
>At Mars, Starships detach and fly off into space
>Hab aerocaptures into LMO, MAV lands on Martian surface and starts making fuel using ISRU
>Back at Earth, a “regular” starship launches into LEO and is refueled by tankers
>Orion launches too, and carries a crew to the vehicle.
>Orion departs and re enters
>Full Starship buena to mars, aerocaptures after eight months into LMO
>Crew transfers to hab, lands, spends 500 days on the surface
>When done, the crew boards to MAV and launches into LMO. They dock with the Full Starship
>Full Starship burns back to Earth with all its crew onboard
>At Earth, Full Starship aerocaptures into LEO.
>Commercial vehicle launches into LEO, takes crew back to Earths Surface

>> No.11808706

It'll be full of Ikea furniture because style is dead.

>> No.11808709

> it would be interesting to see what they might do with a dedicated mars-earth SS that isn't meant to ever go down to the surface at all
There's not a ton of leeway on the design in this mode, still needs the heat shield to aerocapture even if it's not landing, still needs the engines to launch.

>> No.11808711

>Spaceport Cornwall
doesn't have quite the same ring to it as the kennedy space centre

>> No.11808714

you can bet that tourist ships are going to have a minimalist sci fi aesthetic. they'll be able to afford it since it'll be millions of dollars per ticket for the lunar flyby trip

>> No.11808715

Model it like Breezehome in Whiterun with fur bunks
Mars would be a cold taiga climate to fit

>> No.11808723
File: 110 KB, 839x610, confusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Energia + Buran
>Three engine Energia core
>No jet engines on Buran
>NASA worm logo
>Imperial units
All of my what.

>> No.11808733 [DELETED] 

femboy hooters

(posting this to trigger that one sensitive anon)

>> No.11808734

Why would that trigger anyone?

>> No.11808735

a mission profile like this is more likely than some think. elon isn't going to be lobbing cargo at mars for free except perhaps on demonstration missions ahead of manned flights, and NASA is going to want to use Orion / SLS for their first crewed expeditions. it'd be expensive but kino as fuck

>> No.11808736

>Not Tomboy Martian Vanguard gf
Shit taste, desu

>> No.11808742

>has no muscles any more because of 0.4g

All of the real tomboys will be in the rotating GAINS station getting fucking jacked in 1.5G.

>> No.11808760

Elon would never do that. That would completely go against the point of starship.

>> No.11808781

>Spend all day working out because not much else on artificial station
>Become space dwarf manlets w/ napoleon complex
>Be Martian; spend all day exploring and doing science because new planet
>Flirt with tomboy from the vanguard bureau, got a date at the low g gym for a game of 3D volley ball
>Single gene tweaks mean bone density and muscle mass the same as t*rrans while being 200 cm tall space elves
>Gainzstationers still trying to troll over lascom extranet
>Laugh and do other shit

>> No.11808788
File: 430 KB, 1400x1400, New_Shepard_Capsule_Landing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it taking so long to carry people?

>> No.11808790 [DELETED] 
File: 236 KB, 1200x1043, 1585603721286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs an /sfg/ version

>> No.11808796

Really though, Mars will be such a great place for genetic engineering

>genetically engineered space corn that survives with shitty Martian light and shitty Martian soil
>genetically engineered trees and shit that grow to full size in a couple of months so you can have pretty looking trees in the enclosures
>genetically engineered humans that don't go blind from raw Martian UV light or get cancer from Martian radiation

>> No.11808803
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>> No.11808804

Plus good old natural selection would iron out other maladaptive traits

>> No.11808808

i don't think you understand the scale at which natural selection works. it takes many thousands of generations for things like that to happen at minimum. it's genetic engineering or nothing

>> No.11808815

Check out dog breeds... People underestimate the power of selective breeding

>> No.11808827
File: 150 KB, 1080x770, CZ3B-Booster-Fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his space program doesn't drop hypergolics on villagers

>> No.11808834

Breath deep villagers!

>> No.11808849
File: 49 KB, 512x512, 700D1240-9370-4544-9C97-57B382824B98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my Tritonian bro’s at?

>> No.11808851


>> No.11808878

>Flirting with when fixing rovers
>Drilling cores for areological analysis
>”Saving heat” during expedition down time
>Rappeling down cliffs and lava tube mouths
>Finding highest rocky outcrop and holding her up like Simba with circle of life plays on shortwave comms radio, much to her shagrin
>Playing game of 3D volleyball at hive city gym
>Watching 3D projected movie at theature
>Picking fights with gainzstation manlets

>> No.11808887


Retrograd orbit gang rise up.

>> No.11808888

Countdown to Mars talk is on.

>> No.11808898
File: 585 KB, 629x641, DE8F4FED-2B0A-4F4B-9559-59A27A8562FC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Tomboys are the kino choice.

>> No.11808899 [DELETED] 

not going to post the image to avoid derailing the thread, but:
wtf bros

>> No.11808906

looks like a god damn town meeting

>> No.11808918

>recording the landing
Based. Fuck "scientists" who hate any kind of public media.

>> No.11808922

They know the head pressure because it is the same as SN4

>> No.11808926
File: 167 KB, 1152x2048, 20200618_032414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello its me tim dodd the everyday astronaut

>> No.11808931 [DELETED] 

How does an autistic rocketman get this much pussy.
It can't just be the money because he's not that rich.

>> No.11808943 [DELETED] 

By showing his big rocket to them

>> No.11808945 [DELETED] 
File: 929 KB, 1160x995, happy_elon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hey babe, wanna see a BFR?"

>> No.11808946

What a fucking chad

>> No.11808957

Thats not bad to me

>> No.11808963

God i fucking hate oldspace.

>> No.11808966

Reminder that Shelby fought against CCrew having its full budget, and then when it fell behind he then used that as a reason to pull even more funding. Presumably to funnel more into SLS.

>> No.11808969

>Elon fanboys
He's are only chance to see boots on mars in our lifetime anon. Show me another company of government agency that is as close to achieving that goal.

>> No.11808976

>ywn build a 1.5 km tower city on mars just to get in a dick-waving contest with the arabian oil shakes

>> No.11808981

Which one of us is gonna doit

>> No.11808982

say the n word?

>> No.11808986


>> No.11808987
File: 118 KB, 800x450, SLS_Reaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to make a pseudo-oldpsace shill post about how SpaceX isn't going to make it to Mars while "proven" agencies will do while never directly explaining why, but I want to save my brain cells for later.

>> No.11808992
File: 78 KB, 1280x867, s4.reutersmedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all might be too weak to say it, BUT I WILL!

>> No.11808995
File: 1.17 MB, 633x475, RbNdo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So can Falcon Heavy can get us to the moon, right? I was dumb to get into an argument with an old space Twitter tranny and I need backup

>> No.11809000

go and stay go

>> No.11809001

sounds pretty unamerican, a bit french even. should be nationalized.

>> No.11809004

on a conceptual level if you're willing to rendezvous in space then multiple Falcon Heavy launches will get you to the moon with enough mass to do something
I'm not sure if there's a CSM for the job in reality

>> No.11809008

I rarely use Twitter other for a source of information and to occasionally dab on old spacers please do not bully

>> No.11809009

>So can Falcon Heavy can get us to the moon, right?
Yes, but not directly like the Saturn V did. Any lunar mission using the Falcon Heavy would have to use multiple launches to assemble the necessary vehicles. While this hasn't been done before, something like it was considered when Jim Bridenstine proposed carrying out EM-1 on a Falcon Heavy so NASA felt that it was possible.

>> No.11809016 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 684x137, Screenshot from 2020-06-17 14-53-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11809021 [DELETED] 


>> No.11809023 [DELETED] 

Absolute fucking chad.
The only way this could be better if he legit never fucked her.

>> No.11809026 [DELETED] 

He's a billionaire and one of the biggest names in the country, its definitely a pussy slaying combo

>> No.11809031 [DELETED] 

If I had my own fucking rocket, I'd show them as well. Who the fuck wouldn't be impressed by rockets? All Jonny Depp did was act some shit in movies.

>> No.11809033

Yeah, that's essentially what I thought. I just don't understand why people think it is unpossible to use anything but the SLS.

>> No.11809035 [DELETED] 

>Who the fuck wouldn't be impressed by rockets?
women don't care about space ) :

>> No.11809036

Yes, in fact from a mass standpoint the Falcon Heavy could put the entire Apollo mission into LEO and still have 20,000 pounds of payload capacity left over. It's maximum payload rating currently is 140,000 pounds or around 63-64 tons.
The Apollo mission consisting of the CSM+LM weighed less than 120,000 pounds. In reality it's very likely you'd assemble the vehicle in orbit in two pieces, the LM would be sent up first and placed into an ideal position after which the crewed CSM would be sent up to dock with it and then propel the entire vehicle to the moon.
You'd have to design some new vehicles obviously, presumably a version of Crew Dragon with expanded life support systems and a CSM bus to shove it to the Moon, as well as an LM to actually land on the moon, the SuperDraco would probably give you nearly the same ISP as the CSM and LM's propulsion systems if you added vacuum optimized bells to them.

It's not disputable at all though that Falcon Heavy could hoist an Apollo style mission with it's current capabilities, the fact that you'd do it in two steps just to avoid having a huge fairing holding all three components is completely irrelevant.

>> No.11809037 [DELETED] 

Apparently bunch of pop stars/supermodels are impressed by it.

>> No.11809039

>I just don't understand why people think it is unpossible to use anything but the SLS.
SLS has been in the public eye for longer than SpaceX. Also some people hate Elon and extend that out to his companies.

>> No.11809040 [DELETED] 

Who is this riley

>> No.11809041 [DELETED] 

They're impressed by conspicuous spending because they're vapid, and impressed by high technology because creating it is a sign of ambition and strength of character.

>> No.11809044 [DELETED] 

talulah riley, a british actress

>> No.11809077
File: 83 KB, 640x480, 1591747587153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys not watching this?

>> No.11809079

Shut up about the N word old fool or I'l GIVE YOU THE D!

>> No.11809080

good work moderation team, fuck /tv/

>> No.11809084

>A S
just one letter off

>> No.11809086

>So can Falcon Heavy can get us to the moon, right?
Yes. There are already draft plans to use an adapter to put Orion+ICPS on it.

>> No.11809088

Pardon us if we're not over the moon over Yet Another Fucking Mars Rover.

>> No.11809091

It has experiments that wull absolutely be used in the mars colony.

>> No.11809096

Send two fucking astronauts with a shovel between them and the first time they stick the shovel into the dirt they'll have done more science than all those gay rovers can do in 17 years combined.

>> No.11809099

you keep saying this, but it's not really true. it's still much cheaper to send rovers

>> No.11809103

>but it's not really true
Oh really.
>it's still much cheaper to send rovers
No, it isn't.

>> No.11809104

>Then those two astronauts would do every major scientific research goal on Mars in a short span leaving little for future work. A more sustainable plan is to do these research goals in piecemeal using cheaper and safer rovers. Doing it by manned missions is not only dangerous but would cause a premature end in Martian plans. Don't believe me? That's what happened on the moon after Apollo. NASA stopped sending probes to explore the lunar surface once the Apollo astronauts uncovered all there is to do.
Yes, I have heard someone use this argument unironically.

>> No.11809108

Rovers are nothing but an excuse to sit home, do nothing and drag out manned missions to a vague "maybe" 10+ years from now. Have you seen how vague the plans are for Mars? "Maybe a manned swing by sometime in the 2030s".
That's what you gay rovers create.

>> No.11809109

it is. manned missions are insanely expensive compared to robotic exploration. you can't refute this

>> No.11809116

You forget one thing. Robotic exploration does nothing but WASTE FUCKING ENORMOUS amounts of time. While those fucking probes and rovers are out sending back tiny little bits of fucking nothing, the entire staff is sitting there cashing paychecks year in year out.
Nothing gets done except planning for the next fucking rover or probe with a slightly different coat of paint and a slightly better drill, 10 years later down the line.

>> No.11809120
File: 69 KB, 640x360, starship landing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is certainly more expensive, but with Elon's memeship becoming more and more of a reality each day I think we are approaching a future where human spaceflight will be just a cheap as launching a rover (Besides logistics like food, supplies, living habitats, etc. This intrinsically adds costs but Elon wants to do it so I think he will be funding all these launches with money from Starlink and stuff...)

>> No.11809130

I'm glad someone else was watching. Was hoping they'd answer my question about Ingenuity

>> No.11809133
File: 253 KB, 1200x1100, 1200px-Sojourner_on_Mars_PIA01122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, nigger, I'll run into your shins.

>> No.11809136

Although i agree, this step is important to our goal because it is happening now. The moxie experiment will be crucial for martian life support systems.

>> No.11809139

>Solar Panels
Good luck, I live in a city with 280+ days of rainfall a year.

>> No.11809150

You've fucking done it now. You'd better lock yourself inside your house the 85 days a year that the sun comes out, or you can consider your shins slightly bruised.

>> No.11809151

The remaining days are mostly overcast. I'll be fine.

>> No.11809152


>> No.11809162
File: 1018 KB, 1440x590, BoardingPass_MyNameOnMars2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had completely forgotten about this. At least some of my shitposts are going to Mars.

>> No.11809165

>Monica Satpol
I don't get it

>> No.11809175
File: 329 KB, 1920x1080, home-banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright smartass. I didn't want to do this, but you just had to open your bitch ass primate orifice, in a metaphorical sense. My nigga Dragonfly is coming for your ass. You like having relatively light objects bonk into your head at moderate speeds? I fucking hope so, faggot, because that's what you're going to get.

>> No.11809177

What's next? You gonna send a Boston Dynamics bipedal robot to come fall over me and crush me to death?

>> No.11809181

Oh hell yeah, we’ll put a piece of metal from a razor scooter on the front so it becomes a shin-bashing weapon of mass destruction

>> No.11809182

Keep talking shit and see what happens. I dare you, organic. You cell-based bitch.

>> No.11809184

Not him but I guess: Monica = my nigga, pol = /pol/ and sat who knows

>> No.11809191
File: 2.98 MB, 1250x5936, Hidden Figures debunked2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You absolute madman, I'm proud of you

>> No.11809193

Pretty sure dragonfly weighs like 990lbs lmao. It could quite literally kill you

>> No.11809205


>> No.11809213

probably just means it can't fly on Earth at all. It doesn't need to after all, Titan is much easier to fly on.

dragonfly is neat though

>> No.11809223

Anyone else like me and not give a fuck about rovers on a planet we've already deployed multiple rovers on?

>> No.11809228

Dragonfly seems cool, but I'm excited to see that wobbly-looking Ingenuity chopper fly

>> No.11809230

I'd rather dozens/100s of rovers running around Mars, mapping and investigating everything autonomously and then reporting back. The 1 at a time approach that costs billions each is worthless imo. Procure a Starship ride, send 100 drones/rovers, and let it rip.

>> No.11809231

Rovers are shit. Manned mission now

>> No.11809232

Perseverance is important; she has life-detecting equipment

>> No.11809235

Yeah Mars is getting three launches soon. It’s important, but for fucks sake let’s just wait for Elon to get us there and we can do everything in person
Im more excited for Dragonfly I think. Don’t get me wrong, Mars is cool... but Titan is truly an alien world. The pictures we get back from Dragonfly are going to be so strange

>> No.11809240

In that case we need a SpaceX ninja to take it out before it can fuck everything up

>> No.11809242
File: 600 KB, 1142x2048, Eat-SiVWAAIYKuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your mom lets you eat two wieners

>> No.11809243

>imagine a rover marathon competition
>Starship lands on one end of valles marineris
>the team with the first rover to reach the other end of the trench wins $10M
No gonna lie, I'd watch that.

>> No.11809244

Can you see Titan with layman’s telescopes?

>> No.11809246

>Gee bill, Elon lets you get to have 2 welders?

>> No.11809247

Is this going to be like last time where they spent a shitload of digits of cash to test for life on mars then decided the test was flawed after getting positive results?

>> No.11809248

No I believe you can barely see it with hubble

>> No.11809251

Naw we’re sending a UV Raman spectrometer. I helped work on it. We’ve never sent an instrument like this before and it can directly identify organics. Nothing we have sent before has been able to test this with anything other than speculation

>> No.11809257

>I helped work on it

Are you for real?

>> No.11809262

That's a fair point, I was thinking more in terms of how the thing will move, but getting pictures from the surface of a body that isn't Mars or the Moon will be pretty dank.
What's Dragonfly's timeframe for launch/arrival?

>> No.11809266

>but getting pictures from the surface of a body that isn't Mars or the Moon will be pretty dank.

We have one from Venus’ surface and one or two from Titan’s surface

>> No.11809269

>I helped work on it.

What personal access to the results will you have? Are you NDA'd or something? Just want to know our chances for inside info

>> No.11809271

Google says they found it in the 1600’s

>> No.11809275

Yeah I talked about it a few threads back lmao. Planetary science is a lot more spreadsheets/MATLAB and theoretical papers than actually looking at pretty pictures. I want to move on but I also like my job
I mean I get the raw data from the deep space network, but I’m pretty sure everyone gets access to it. Really the only difference is my colleagues will be doing most of the interpretation and will probably text me if they find something weird like life before telling the press

>> No.11809283

Sounds awesome.

>> No.11809295

Another day where the US highlights China and Russia's offensive space capabilities but refuses to talk about America's. How is it that the world knows so much about China and Russia's capabilities but knows so little about America's? Maybe America doesn't have much of anything so they want to avoid talking about it out of embarrassment?

>> No.11809306

it'd be cool to see pictures of titan's seashores

>> No.11809313
File: 71 KB, 429x675, 3НК.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11809332

Not to mention just how far dragonfly can travel and not be so trapped in one area.
Spirit and Opportunity outperformed by years and yet they still covered barely any ground. We have a highly localised view of what they sent back.
Manned mission could get all that done in a day or two.

>> No.11809338

when will we get a manned mission to the surface of venus

>> No.11809346

never. it's hard enough to make probes that can survive more than a few hours on the surface. getting a propulsive vehicle to land and survive long enough for EVA is virtually impossible with today's technology

>> No.11809357

Yanks were always like this. Is just an image and narrative thing. They tend to avoid discussion about offensive capabilities. You see it in cyberwarfare a lot, they hack the fuck out of the world and easily have the best teams on Earth but place a very high premium on not getting caught.
Stuxnet only got discovered because the Israelis kept pushing it harder and harder to the dismay of the CIA.
I have no doubt they've got excellent ability for anti-sat warfare. It's just far too important to ignore. Wouldn't be surprised if they've secretly tested taking out one or two.
The number of US spysats that go up always blows my mind. It's on a whole other level.

>> No.11809365

Future super tech will do it!

>> No.11809369

There are plans in place to send a mechanical rover to the surface of venus. It wouldn’t need to land propulsively, we’ve landed stuff on Venus before. It would use mechanical computers for all operations, including mobility. It would even send data to a relay satellite via mechanical computers. There was actually a proposal for this but I believe it was thrown out in favor of a stupid Jupiter trojan asteroid mission or something. I believe the plan is still in place though

>> No.11809376

Because the DoD knows the importance of sandbagging. "Actually we're rather good at that" doesn't help sustain funding.

>> No.11809380


>> No.11809398

Yes, but you'll see it simply as a bright point of light near Saturn

>> No.11809467

Dr. Weir, please.

>> No.11809472

>for fucks sake let’s just wait for Elon to get us there
Nah fuck that a few years of research can direct the future scientists where to focus their efforts. Also its not like these agencies are doing anything else. If anything the moxie experiment is worth the trip.

>> No.11809488

This is the anon that made me excited for the rover last time

>> No.11809496

Even if I took that at face value, the problem isn't even the fucking cost here, it's the timescales involved. What can rover missions achieve in a human lifetime in terms of science? Probably nothing exciting. So why would generations of scientists dedicate their lives to slightly rewriting the books on Mars quakes or something? It all just leads to the field and rocketry in general slowly dying. I mean that's literally what happened these past decades.

>> No.11809508

Starship Heavy confirmed.

>> No.11809589

Seems to me that you’d have a hard time fitting 100 tons into Starship’s payload bay

>> No.11809624
File: 8 KB, 791x463, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should really stop looking at Nasa's NEO diagrams. It's not healthy to think about too much.

>> No.11809635

Don't worry, I want one to hit and therefore it will not happen.

>> No.11809645

A decent size one exploding over the pacific might stir up some funding.

>> No.11809649

Yea but they would all give birth on the way

>> No.11809650

>Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman and Luminescence for Organics and Chemicals (SHERLOC)

Can they swap the people in charge of acronyms with people in charge of drilling a hole?

>> No.11809651

I think just last year a 170 kiloton explosion over the bering sea was captured by satellites, they went over the images and saw it was an asteroid breakup event. We would need something to strike land. Maybe not a city per se, but something impacting and leaving a crater the size of Meteor Crater would scare the everliving fuck out of people

>> No.11809654
File: 1.86 MB, 400x197, Russia meteor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My thoughts exactly. Speaking of, did Russia ever start paying more attention to rocks in space after that meteor blew up over their city? I know it didn't kill anyone but it blew out windows and stuff.

>> No.11809658

What're ntrs

>> No.11809659

Nuclear thermal rocket

>> No.11809666

Starship's payload bay is ~1000 cubic meters of useful volume. at 150 tons of maximum payload, the payload needs to have a density of 150 kg per cubic meter. That's certainly not ridiculous. Plenty of room to launch a 150 ton tank of ammonia for example.

The thing about Starship is that it's going to be so cheap that it doesn't really matter if you max out the payload or not, and it's also so big that even if you're launching a big ass cylindrical habitat module for a space station or something, you'll almost certainly still have enough room to co-launch a few big blocks of plastic feedstock and some tanks of useful chemicals to help fill out that mass (if you're going somewhere that those materials are useful).

Starship's max payload economics matter the most for propellant launches, which are also what enable high performance to higher energy orbits and further destinations. Eventually though the max payload economics will also matter for launch of bulk raw materials like rolls of sheet metal, once we develop actual on-orbit construction and set up a demand for those materials. Bases on the Moon and Mars will of course also want some deliveries of construction materials as well, at least until they get their own smelters and foundries built and operating, and even then they'll still want more until their domestic capacity becomes vastly larger than the volume that can be shipped from Earth practically.

>> No.11809669

Nuclear thermal rocket. They use the heat emitted by a nuclear fission reactor to accelerate propellant, typically liquid hydrogen, to high speeds unachievable by conventional rocket engines, which makes them overall much more efficient. Essentially they can get farther with the same amount of fuel, or move the same distance using less fuel.

>> No.11809673

>Japanese acronym for Netorare, used to define a genre of Eroge (Hentai Game), meaning "Cuckold". In short, the main protagonist's loved one(s) are taken or seduced away from him and the heroine might be willing or unwilling. This is to cause an emotion of deep jealousy on the reader.

>> No.11809674

How is that a real genre?

>> No.11809677

I don't think we can ever understand fetishes like those unless we have them. Seems like the opposite of sexy to me imho.

>> No.11809678

what's that image from?

>> No.11809681

It's not anymore, nixon cancelled it in the 70s

>> No.11809686

I get a kick out of watching my wife fuck her girlfriend but it doesn’t make me jealous and I dunno why you’d want to be. Sounds counterintuitive to enjoying life.

>> No.11809688

For a start, Moxie is horrendously unscalable, requires a massive waste heat dump and is very energy intensive. You will be making thousands of tonnes of O2 for fuel and breathing is a rounding error in comparison so Moxie is just another billions of dollar piece of shit to go wrong.

We already know the composition of Martian atmosphere, you don't need to send it all the way to fucking Mars to test it, you just fill a test chamber with the relevant gasses and fire it up.

>> No.11809693

nice satanic trips

Also, just did a bit of math, and Starship with a 150 ton payload capacity can launch a 555.5 kilometer long aluminum wire with a thickness of 0.25 cm. Imagine the trusses one could fabricate by unspooling, bending, and electron-beam-welding just a single spool of wire

>> No.11809695

SN5 and SN6 need to be qualified with the same test battery that SN4 went through.

>> No.11809697
File: 524 KB, 750x959, 24310F26-0F60-4701-8D5D-1255846EDB7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it unscalable? I’d like to know more
That being said, the idea of powering one 100x larger with a RTG sounds so fucking dumb. Has elon commented on how he plans to pursue ISRU?

>> No.11809698

This, I mean I guess it's nice that literally anything is happening (and really the only reason MOXIE is happening is so that the people who want manned mission to happen can point to it as an example when FUDers say we just don't know enough yet to send people), but yeah, it would be nicer if MOXIE were instead an additional piece of actual science equipment.

>> No.11809702

hey i wasn't asking about neptune

>> No.11809709

>Hey guys, we could spend a billion dollars and put a special reserve tank of oxygen on Mars, which could maybe possibly be used at some point in the future on these other missions we have no funding for!
I just shake my damn head

>> No.11809713

The sequel should've been about the part with the Gate being discovered perfectly intact on Venus.

>> No.11809714

Feel the same way about Perseverence sample cache. Is anyone gonna land near enough to retrieve them before they're old enough to put in a Martian museum?

>> No.11809720

who knows, maybe it will be.

>> No.11809729

Imagine spending billions on something that can be replaced with two electrodes

>> No.11809732

How else are you gonna make O2 there

>> No.11809738
File: 3.66 MB, 2001x1125, landefinal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately that's how we have to operate a lot of our missions these days, especially in a highly political climate. Stuff like the sample cache and proposed 100x RTG MOXIE experiment are done because, as far as we know, the only way we will get missions done are on expensive rockets like SLS. By doing things like this it gives us leverage to talk to the politicians and say "hey it's already there so we need funding to go and finish this project we've already spent money on."
I can't wait for the day Jim goes full God mode and tells us we can launch anything (including humans) on Starship. I'm scared Jim will get the axe after Trump, and the new liberal politicians will refuse to buy Starship seats and focus on Earth-Observation satellites to please Twitter and get votes.
Fuck liberals
Fuck china
Fuck hydrolox rockets
Simple as

>> No.11809750

Electrolysis of water?

>> No.11809754


>> No.11809759

You mean the TV series? I don't trust remakes and revivals to turn out well in the current age.

>> No.11809763

>and the new liberal politicians will refuse to buy Starship seats and focus on Earth-Observation satellites to please Twitter
And then NASA gets outshone by some wealthy spaceflight fan who wanted to be the first person to do the floss on the moon. People from across the nation would turn to NASA and wonder how they allowed themselves to allow such a non-scientific non-humanitarian mission happen before they could reach the moon again.

>> No.11809766
File: 36 KB, 640x480, images (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unscalable is perhaps a poor choice of words. It is scalable but just ridiculously impractical to do so. To produce enough oxygen for a single person it would be fucking huge, several times as large as pic related, full of complex ass machined parts, rare metals and is several hundred degrees 24/7. Oh and it will need constant overhaul and maintennance even with the best filters since its sucking in fuckloads of Martian atmosphere loaded with fines and nasty shit. Now imagine trying to scale that up to to even 100 people, it's shit.

Electrolysis of water ice you imbecile

>> No.11809774

Um wow sweetie check your privilege. Thousands of minorities die every day due to climate change and you want them to send people to the moon instead? Just wow

>> No.11809786

I hope Elon enforces a strict No Progressives on Mars policy. SJW’s are a parasite on this Earth, and there will be no need for them in the wild frontier where it’s basically “be egalitarian and work with everyone to survive or die”.
I don’t care if my fellow colonists are white, black, native american, whatever. But if I get told to “check my privilege” I’m throwing that person out the airlock so they can feel their own saliva boil before they die to the elements

>> No.11809790

I'm sure most of those would change their minds when a private company is outdoing a government agency. They would want NASA to pick up the pace as to not shame the government.

An indirect version of that policy would happen anyways because Martian colonization would require very strict merit based hiring.

>> No.11809792
File: 28 KB, 1024x576, morpheus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros this thread is reaching dangerous levels of based. Here's a photo of Morpheus to keep the momentum going. Fuck SJW's and fuck hydrolox rockets

>> No.11809794

>I'm sure most of those would change their minds

Absolutely delusional, if anything they will be trying to get Spacex nationalised/shut down because he is le capitalist boogeyman.

>> No.11809797

>“be egalitarian and work with everyone to survive or die”.
but nigga, its the sjw left wings the one who work and try to save people
its right wingers who steal and kill and sadistically murder because they dont want to work

left wing=factory worker

right wing= corporation owner who wouldnt stand a day in a factory

thats the objective truth weather your snowflaek ass likes or not

>> No.11809798

1/10 an attempt was made

>> No.11809800

>I'm scared Jim will get the axe after Trump, and the new liberal politicians will refuse to buy Starship seats and focus on Earth-Observation satellites to please Twitter and get votes.
I will personally tear NASA to the ground with my bare hands and piss on the ashes.

>> No.11809804

It’s called Morpheus because it was the first step towards the Methalox red pill. Wasn’t this thing built and flown in Texas? I’m beginning to see a pattern from that wild state

>> No.11809806

>Communist BS

Fuck off

>> No.11809807
File: 156 KB, 970x728, Super_MOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There needs to be more ragtag lander design teams. Shame engine cooling becomes incredibly difficult with smaller engines.

>> No.11809808

And just to drive the point home, there is more water on Mars than CO2. Moxie doesn't make sense from any perspective.

>> No.11809810

great argument. spaceflight has no politics why dont you talk about that instead of showing that you need to make up your lack of talent (knowledge abot spaceflight) with political mumbo jumbo.

thats why most left wingers are in colleges of learning
and most right wingers are in trailer parks fucking their cousin

>> No.11809814

You just had to chomp down on that hook didn't you?

>> No.11809815

in last thread an anon said that a 10.000 U$S rocket made by civilians could get stuff into orbit, would it be possible to design an agresively modular spacecraft and put it together via a trillion civilian teams sending them piece by piece and send i dunno a meme to mars?

>> No.11809816

don't reply frens

>> No.11809817

why not, im just askign if i could get stuff into orbit you piece of shit, whats wrong about that is it forbidden to talk about space in this space general??!?!?!

>> No.11809818

>great argument.

Fuck off communist no one falls for your bullshit here

>> No.11809819
File: 50 KB, 946x710, Armadillo_Aerospace_lander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.11809826

JPL's close approaches page, it looks much better in animated form rather than a screenshot.
You need to open the orbit diagram for individual objects.


>> No.11809827

A smaller team would probably be better. Larger teams add cost.

>> No.11809831

Like a printed picture of Pepe doing an epic Fortnite Gangnam style?

>> No.11809835

Also, most importantly, FUCK antispinward FC.

>> No.11809837

Unironically prooooonting can help with that, creating hollow porous multilayered engine bells at a small size as single homogeneous pieces.

>> No.11809853
File: 68 KB, 895x446, ixs enterprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An experiment searching for signs of elusive dark matter has detected an unexplained signal.
>Scientists working on the Xenon1T experiment have detected more activity within their detector than they would otherwise expect.
INB4 Axion's and Dark energy confirmed.

>> No.11809860

Don’t get my hopes up anon I feel like it will be long after we have died that our species will get the IXS Enterpride or something like it

>> No.11809862


>> No.11809864
File: 861 KB, 3024x4032, 3D_printed_engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I don't like about prooonting is that it's expensive and requires specialist equipment to make.

>> No.11809866

>Thousands of minorities die every day due to climate change and you want to send them to die on the moon instead?

>> No.11809869
File: 566 KB, 882x444, 0733eaed66bd7f5cee40b00e31ef929a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ahhhhhh I'm goooonnnna approach

>> No.11809871
File: 45 KB, 636x358, Belka and Strelka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an actual commie and your posts are as cancerous as the "SJW bad heil hitler" ones, maybe more since I hate hydrolox rockets too so I have actually more in common with them.

Here are some space soviet doggos to calm yourself.

>> No.11809873

We’ll hit life expectancy escape velocity and see Andromeda up close

>> No.11809872

>left wing=factory worker

>> No.11809879

>The signature of the excess is similar to what might result from a tiny residual amount of tritium (a hydrogen atom with one proton and two neutrons), but could also be a sign of something more exciting—such as the existence of a new particle known as the solar axion or the indication of previously unknown properties of neutrinos.
Potential nothingburger but iwanttobelieve.

>> No.11809883

Fuck off spinward normie before I send an RKV to your pl*net

>> No.11809884

thats what im proposing a collection of small teams

no way a civilian team will be able to send stuff to mars in one go, too much mass, but if you can put modules in orbit, you could build it in orbit, imagine if youo can only put a 1 kg mass in orbit, ok then, you keep stacking small cubes, first would be basic comms and power, then just keep adding some sort of long term propellant, hydrazine? until you got enough, then send an engine, and a (really) small payload, say, a 3d printed pepe weighing a few grams and then you send it on its merry way

>> No.11809888

Prooooonting doesn't fix the issue that at smaller scales the ratio of the surface area in contact with the hot flame compared to the volume of propellant flow turns highly unfavorable. Even with perfect thermal transfer there is a point at which regenerative cooling simply can't keep the combustion chamber from melting.

>> No.11809889

>I'm an actual commie
sure angsty white kid who never achieved anything. IM an actual commie cause ive read the works of marx, done real grown man work and participated in politics, youre just an angry boy whos angry because his parents wont buy him a space station
i obliterated all you right iwngers asses

please keep the discussion space flight related thank you. Any reply is an admission that youre seething faggots, tahnk you

>> No.11809892
File: 98 KB, 490x600, Laika missing spacedog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor things, didn't Laika give them enough data?

>> No.11809895

>that visibly rough surface finish

How long until we can give these things little nudges significant enough that we can bring them into the same plane as the Earth-Moon system and set up an encounter to gravitationally capture them into cislunar space? I want space rocks dammit

>> No.11809903

That could be said for rocket engines in general, quality materials, super tight tolerances, and an inordinate number of man hours needed. Supersonic metal printing will likely eliminate most of the problems with proooonting for manufacturing. Low overall cost, incredible hihg speed, this demo machine wasn't very accurate however that can probably be solved with more well designed applicator heads. No washing, no sintering, barely any wasted powder. As long as the part can be held up and manipulated by a precise robot it can be manufactured at a fraction the time cost of a normal 3D print.
I'd wager you could have a rotating deck of specialized applicator heads, as well as the capability to switch metal powders mid-print. Imagine an engine which is all one solid metal block, but the inside is copper while the outside is inconel and it's all seamlessly fused together with a honeycomb internal structure which allows for the maximum amount of active cooling and heat dissipation as well as making it lighter than any conventionally machined combustion chamber as well as stronger.

>> No.11809904
File: 270 KB, 1300x1899, koro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy to say they survived and even had pups who where sent to America. At the height of the cold war additionally, a beautiful story truly.

>> No.11809906

Oops, forgot the link.

>> No.11809910

That particular engine is I believe a laser-sintered print, non-ideal for high performance parts of any kind. It shouldn't be taken as a representative of all additive manufacturing though.

>> No.11809911

>That could be said for rocket engines in general, quality materials, super tight tolerances, and an inordinate number of man hours needed
haha Merlin and Raptor assembly lines go brrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.11809913


>> No.11809917

That is sweet, I didn't know that story only Laika's.

>> No.11809923

>Not SPE3D
Are these people fucking retarded?

>> No.11809925

I suspect they're british so yes.

>> No.11809932

Wonder how you go about getting your hands on one of their progeny? Wanting a dog for a while now and that's some quality history.

>> No.11809938

>Wonder how you go about getting your hands on one of their progeny?

Having sex with dogs is wrong but possible

>> No.11809940
File: 153 KB, 800x450, crying_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had an idea for a purely film cooled rocket engine
>spend a week writing code to roughly model that to figure out what sizes and shapes are possible
>learn that its almost impossible to have an engine that's only film cooled

>> No.11809944
File: 159 KB, 1200x675, canadian posts in your thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that's quite what he meant fren

>> No.11809966


>> No.11809982

RIP Anon.
What would your fin cooled rocket engine have ended up looking like?

>> No.11810001

Short and stubby. It would use either ethanol, methanol, or butane as the fuel. The injector assembly would be a pintle injector surrounded by a large fuel swirl injector. The swirl injector would provide for the film cooling without having to drill many small holes, which would be helpful in manufacturing a very small biprop engine. The rest of the engine would be made by welded steel rolls.

>> No.11810010

Chode rocket

>> No.11810048


>> No.11810065

what does nitrogen dioxide smell like anyway

>> No.11810069
File: 60 KB, 1080x641, whiteflight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11810071

>More than 100 spacecraft have been signed up to fly on Falcon 9 since we launched the rideshare program.
holy shit, can smallsat launchers even compete?

>> No.11810077

>go into nest of retards
>"lol they are retards"

>> No.11810080

they can't
>"It's significant. They cut the price so much we could not believe what we were looking at."
t. Mike Safyan, vice president of launch at Planet Labs

>> No.11810082

Other small sat launchers must be seething. Jesus christ 100 is a XBOX HUGE number

>> No.11810086
File: 19 KB, 500x367, cat_contemplating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should start working on that space sea-monkey live-stream satellite.

>> No.11810112

smells like hurting

>> No.11810119

what does hydrazine smell like

>> No.11810129
File: 301 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-SuperDraco_Test_Fire_Mosaic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redpill me on superdracos

>> No.11810131

>what does hydrazine smell like
Nerve damage.

>> No.11810134

What's there to redpill on? Its a high thrust hypergolic engine with low efficiency. Its good for the needs of a launch abort motor, but hypergols have never stopped being nasty, corrosive, carcinogenic, and neurotoxic.

>> No.11810135

thats a weird way to spell hypergols have never stopped being fucking based

>> No.11810136
File: 1.00 MB, 720x720, Dragon2_engine_fire.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're based.

>> No.11810141

hydrogen/fluorine rockets when?

>> No.11810142


>> No.11810143

Aren't they supposed to be used to set the uncrewed Dragon down on Mars? Wouldn't that just splash the LZ with spicy orange gas? I wouldn't want to walk up to that and contaminate my pressure suit.

>> No.11810144

To the shtars bowen, to the shtars

>> No.11810146

Sniffing hydrazine is for true chads

>> No.11810152

>not sniffing triethylaluminum

>> No.11810158

What, no. Red dragon has been defunct for ages

>> No.11810161

It has? Shit I thought they were trying to send something there in '22, just assumed it'd be that Cargo Dragon they were talking about, paving the way for a mission in '24?
They....they're not planning on putting a finished Starship there in >20 months, are they?

>> No.11810162

would red dragon really have gotten to mars on a piece of shit falcon second stage?

>> No.11810167

Unfortunately no, NASA got skittish about the idea of propulsive landing with a capsule and expressed nothing but disinterest. It's perfectly feasible to do though, and can you really call yourself an astronaut unless you get the leftovers from the spicy capsule burn on your boots?

>> No.11810168
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, 1528409330610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11810169

They want to send prototype Starships to Mars in 2022.

>> No.11810172
File: 20 KB, 400x213, panic-disorder-4604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, that's pretty ambitious. I'll feel more confident after the 20k HOP.

>> No.11810177

If its any consolation, they'll be cargo only, so it's only a setback if they fail, and they'll be getting the problems solved sooner.

>> No.11810186

"Only" nothing, if they can manage it, that'd be the largerst payload ever set down there or anywhere offworld wouldn't it?
2022 is right around the corner though, and they're still fucking around with SN5-6, I want them to succeed but that's so close and they haven't even done a suborbital hop yet.
Can they make it anons?

>> No.11810194
File: 292 KB, 1200x709, F4859F88-01F1-4CF1-9ED6-C16FC6A07015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They went from grasshopper (prototype) to actually landing falcons pretty fucking quick. What we’re seeing with these SN’s are prototypes that will most likely lead to Starship in 2022

>> No.11810196

>Can they make it anons?
Well, so what if they don't? Don't get me wrong, I want them to succeed as fast as possible, but 'as fast as possible' still includes "possible". If '22 can't be done then pursuing it just means they're set up even better for '24.

>> No.11810201
File: 15 KB, 474x355, x-files.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm eternally a skeptic, but I want to be an optimist here. Even if Elontime added they postpone Starship to Mars to '24 that's still breakneck pace all things considered.

>> No.11810207

Same here, I’m not a sceptic on it making it to mars... but i’m SUPER skeptical about it being able to push prices down to $2mil, and launch like 10 a day. I WANT it to happen from the bottom of my heart. That being said, Elon has proved us wrong so many times. I hope the madman is able to revolutionize space and truly make the “Model-T of spaceflight” as other anons have put it

>> No.11810216

Ten a day seems absolutely impossible to me, but then again try describing an average America Airlines flight schedule to someone in 1920 so who knows, we're always in the middle of history.

>> No.11810219

I thought it was 3 a day

>> No.11810223

i think it's unlikely to be any more than one a month anytime soon. maybe 15 years from now. either way, it'll be a revolutionary super heavy launch platform that will make space exploration much easier.

orbital telescope array when

>> No.11810229

I want to see Superheavy used, land, and be reused, then I'll believe like doubting thomas with a bloody hand.

>> No.11810232

>They....they're not planning on putting a finished Starship there in >20 months, are they?
You bet your ass

>> No.11810233

Largest anything to go past low Earth orbit, and everything else it did on the way to landing on Mars would become a "largest to ever do X" record as well.

>> No.11810235

A while back I ballparked just the construction of Starship to be between 150-175 million, so about the same as Falcon Heavy. If you refly the Starship 20 times so the cost is spread out across multiple flights, that brings the cost per flight to around 8.75 million, less than a third the cost of a Falcon 9. Ten times the payload (or 15 times, if Starship can indeed be uprated to 150 tons) of Falcon 9 at less than a third the cost.
If you can fly Starship once every three days then you'll have to build a new Starship every two months. If you build Starships only as you need new ones that's a minimum of six Starships constructed every year simply so that one is always flying. A Starship used to it's full capabilities will put between 2 and 3 kilotons into Space. This means that every year up to 18,000 tons of anything you want can be delivered into space.
If I'm not mistaken though Elon wants Starships to roll off the assembly line once a month, which means 12 Starships in operation over the course of each year delivering a theoretical maximum 36 kilotons to space.
Assuming that the BC spaceport is the only Starship spaceport. I'd assume you'd want to run more than a single one, if even only two Starship spaceports are ever constructed and operate at full capacity, that would allow up to 72 kilotons of payload to space each year. About enough to build a structure the size of an US aircraft carrier.

>> No.11810238

>Largest anything to go past low Earth orbit
I hadn't thought about it but yeah, it's bigger than Apollo so yes.

>> No.11810242

he wants two a week

>> No.11810243

It's also bigger than Apollo plus the final stage of Saturn V

>> No.11810247

>A while back I ballparked just the construction of Starship to be between 150-175 million
How did you get that giant ass number? Are you including the cost of the entire crewed compartment and life support systems? Crewed Starships won't be used for bulk cargo transport, they'll be used for human transport with supplies. Cargo Starships scoop out all the crabin hardware form the design and replace it with a single large door and a payload adapter. Much simpler, and much cheaper. I don't thing a single Cargo Starship has any reason to cost more than $50 million.

>> No.11810248

Two flights or two ships manufactured?

>> No.11810249

Ships manufactured. He wants a flight every ~four hours.

>> No.11810252
File: 2.01 MB, 1996x3000, Ares_I-X_launch_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redpill me on ares 1, just how bad of an idea is a first stage srb?

>> No.11810253

It's actually mostly the cost of Raptors and the cost in wages. The vehicle's body, being made of conventional steel costs essentially nothing (in the grand scheme of large rockets).

>> No.11810258

You can't turn it off, and the destruct system would produce flaming solid fuel fragments that would fatally compromise the parachutes in an abort scenario. Ares I launch failures during first stage flight would not be possible to survive.

>> No.11810262

this is a total pipe dream if we're talking about a timescale of less than a decade. it's not happening man. starship is coming no doubt, but not like that

>> No.11810265

I mean if they had a couple dozen SRB’s lying around it wouldn’t be a terrible idea I guess... but
>That’s not the case, each one had to be custom built anyways
>SRB’s cost a lot to salvage and reuse so what’s they point
>Can’t be stopped once they start. Although the Ares I would likely have a launch escape system, it would probably be used quite

>> No.11810267
File: 80 KB, 610x768, Armstrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Elon is for real, anons...

>> No.11810268

Nigga, N2O/Prop fuelblend
That way it goes from chem warfare bomb to just pipebomb

>> No.11810288


>> No.11810292
File: 60 KB, 919x524, rover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, bitch

>> No.11810296

Eat shit commie .

>> No.11810305

What were airline schedules like in the '20s and '30s of the last century? I think you're right, it'll start small and expensive then decline in cost over time.

>> No.11810316

Raptors are going to end up piss-cheap due to economies of scale. Hell, arent Merlin 1Ds running at about $200k per already?

>> No.11810344

> fuck Matt Damon too
this is tremendous

>> No.11810346

Raptor already costs less than $2 million, and it isn't even in its final form (neither is the factory making them).

>> No.11810347

>if we're talking about a timescale of less than a decade. it's not happening man.
I wasn't talking about any timescale, I'm talking about what they want to do with Starship.

>> No.11810349

What’s the life cycle of a raptor supposed to be. Is elon trying to get them to the point where they basically have to be “inspected” like an airplane engine (as opposed to expensive $40 mil “refurbished” like the shuttle engines)

>> No.11810350

That is the end goal. The final aspiration is airliner-like operational cadence and reliability.

>> No.11810357

Even if they fail for that kind of cadence, its entirely possible that they could go with a swap system for engines to get them off the vehicles and into a processing line.

>> No.11810358

people not knowing that we know what they're doing or how we know that is worth even more than knowing what they're doing

>> No.11810362

Yeah I assume this would still be cheaper than any competitor. Elon says Raptor will be rated for 1000 flights but he really only needs to get like 10 out of each engine. Fly to Mars, land, take off and return to Earth.... just swap the engines worst case scenario

>> No.11810372

Will you call him Big Jim at work for me

>> No.11810388

2022 is going to be Mars EDL testing and dickwaving, yeah

>> No.11810411

requesting the elon "sex" mariachi image please

>> No.11810414

>bannerlord actually released before KSP2

>> No.11810419
File: 18 KB, 489x857, 1592196608656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it

>> No.11810429

And you can’t just stretch or adjust performance when the capsule clowns go over their weight budget
Also solids have bad ISP

>> No.11810434
File: 621 KB, 750x1334, 89103425-ADCB-4A39-A28B-F3F4B39039A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know anything about this?

>> No.11810436

just gas escaping from the corpse of the soviet space program

>> No.11810439

Lmao it’s called the Fenix. Maybe it will get built and rise from the ashes of bankrupt Roscosmos

>> No.11810447

If it's not reusable...

>> No.11810461

It’s a start. They could still waste the boosters with the korolev cross but start trying to land the first stage like the Falcon 9. It could get them to LEO and prepare them for a competitor with Starship. Russians make awesome engines, I really hope they go down the reusable Methalox road

>> No.11810466

They'd be better off trying to recover the boosters first before working on the core.

They're gonna run into the same problems Falcon Heavy does when it undergoes recovery though. The boosters can be recovered easily enough, its the core that is a bastard to do so.

>> No.11810468

Damn I feel like the soyuz design just isnt good for recovery though. I feel like the boosters detach pretty low in the atmosphere, plus they come off the rocket tumbling like crazy. Does russia have the ability to start buying launches on starship, or is their pride too big. They might be stubborn enough to never upgrade and fade into oblivion unfortunately

>> No.11810473

Soyuz might be good for partial recovery, but its going to be booster only and require complete redesigns of them to make them more amenable to the process.

The only real way to recover the Soyuz core is to make it bigger, change the engine out for a cluster that has an engine centered, and reserve fuel for the entry and landing burns for a vertical landing. Combined with the booster redesign, you might as well just design a whole new rocket from scratch.

Russia probably can buy launches on SS, but to actually do so would be quite a blow to their pride and at least 1 oligarch's bank account, and thus I never see it happening. They're already getting their asses kicked with Falcon 9.

>> No.11810499
File: 133 KB, 1018x528, boeing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder that BOEING is the world leader in spaceflight technology and is the only choice for safe and cost effective spaceflight

>> No.11810502

They need to hire geologists, cause they left quite a bit of stones unsearched lmao

>> No.11810514

Fuck Boing

>> No.11810539
File: 124 KB, 850x638, First-view-of-Soyuz-vernier-thrusters-and-main-engines-nozzles-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thrust vectoring

>> No.11810592

>Silver and red/orange color scheme
Aesthetic as fuck

>> No.11810641

> have Elon Mariachi

>> No.11810643
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 3ef507178d22e250d99fc5e0d7feea63995b589ac6bd2a977a58d545755af0d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope: Episode IX - The Desperation

>> No.11810728
