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11792095 No.11792095 [Reply] [Original]

Will we get 'Full Dive' VR in our lifetime?

>> No.11792290

No and why would you even want that? Cringe and silly. Also, fuck off to /v/ where you belong, you little 13 year faggot.

>> No.11792300


>> No.11792404

There is every reason in the world to want that

>> No.11792426

there is literally no reason apart from maybe sex

VR is useless to anything but gaming, and current VR is already good enough for gaming

>> No.11792465 [DELETED] 

I found a bulletin board where you can talk with people all over the world.
This bulletin board has automatic translation function.


>> No.11792491

>there is literally no reason apart from maybe sex
That’s arguably the driving force behind nearly every aspect of human society.

>> No.11792554
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The same technology used for this medical technique needs to be improved and mapped onto a very powerful magnetic instrument like that helmet for basic things like visuals, however, in theory after a full brain scan and some acclimatization, the rest of the senses could be "hijacked" so as to create lucid dreams, with touch, taste, sound and even smell.

>"If I can do it with one sense, I can do it with another."
We are 1/5th of the way there.

>> No.11792557

It will become commercially available the day after you die.

>> No.11792574

And if existed it would not be used for commercial shit.
It would be used for training simulations for soldiers, pilots, astronauts, space miners and so on.

Not leisure and recreation

>> No.11792581

Or for medicine...

>> No.11792586

Tranny lives don't matter.

>> No.11792603

The leisure and recreation possibilities of such a technology are immediately apparent. People said the same shit about the internet until someone realized you could put porn on it.

>> No.11792607
File: 205 KB, 510x405, a31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up

Only 20% of the internet has market value
4% of which are for users

Back to your board, bitch

>> No.11792611

Very doubtful. It’s kind of hard to create signals in the brain. It’s basically impossible. Reading seems reasonable enough though.

>> No.11792618

Yes, I’m sure no one could find a way to make money off of marketing a highly immersive VR experience to consumers, anon. Obviously industry is the only potential customer for such a technology. As we all know, devices with the potential to entertain, like personal computers, are exclusively bought by businessmen.

>> No.11792621
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Because entertainment makes more money than medicine, military, academics, and technology.

>> No.11792632

>if you sell a technology in one sector, you can’t sell it in others
Fuck, I guess I better tell Microsoft they have to stop selling XBoxes if they want the corporate world to keep using Windows.

>> No.11792637
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Development in neurological research and treatments are of greater importance than your coomer fantasies

Brainlets have no place here
Especially not someone who does not want to learn lectures

>> No.11792648

If brain-computer interfaces ever become sufficiently effective and commonplace to be used to train professionals via simulations, you’d have to be absolutely retarded to assume they’d never be used recreationally.

>> No.11792661
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Yeah, I'm so totally retarded for thinking that entertainment purposes would actually be of greater importance than I don't know

Simulating the brain to have greater calculating speed
Injecting information directly into neurological pathways
Mastering different hormonal signals and electric circuits towards the medulla, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and so on

All in order lead to a world where information can be injected
Personality manufactured,
Ideology fabricated
And society an illusion

I warned you of this before but you don't realize how advancements in technology and research works. You just want pleasures.
Oh the dangers of decadence

>> No.11792665
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They literally explain how to transmit a visual signal through wire. To do it wirelessly in a headset is just a step away.

>> No.11792677

> do it wirelessly in a headset
Seriously now, man?
Our brain works by sending signals but to this day, all our research in electromagnetic fields have failed to even cause a signal hallucinatory effect on anyone.

Because the brain is complex.

There is however, certain wavelenghts that can induce extreme emotions like paranoia and shit . But that's the entire point of music

>> No.11792685

I remember those mouse repellant were marketed to use special wavelenghts that wards them all away.

Some guy on YouTube tested it.

Didn't work lol.
But what work was a mint repelant

>> No.11792690

>entertainment purposes would actually be of greater importance
I never said they’d be of greater importance, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be ignored.

>> No.11792691

If it can be done through wire. It can be done wirelessly. It just takes more energy.

>> No.11792697

>It just takes more energy.
That's the point.
The brain is super complex. You point in more energy then boom it goes.
Depending on targetted area, you can actually cause other parts of the brain to react differently because they don't care. Electric current shall be answered with hormonal signals.

Transmitting illusionary visual signals is impressive but it certainly isn't a step away

>> No.11792699
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You missed the entire post right there, boy
The technology to create illusionary worlds is the same technology that would allow for the manufacture of personality, memory, and society

May your VR never come to be

>> No.11792706

>Transmitting illusionary visual signals
It's literally one step away from being wireless.
Sure, perhaps calibrating it is going to be a pain in the ass, but it's clear that it's possible now.

>> No.11792711

Those wires aren't just wires, you know.
They are special devices that measure precisely which part of the brain they shall target.

It isn't the same as soundwaves that can be amplified into wavelenghts that are inaudible to anyone but the target

>> No.11792720

And yet, all waves can be refined and targeted with effort. Especially electromagnetic ones.
Wifi for example can pinpoint moving targets in a room, or scan a room with efficiency, using the same channels, a signal can be sent too.
The brain is just a smaller room to me.


>> No.11792889

shut the fuck up freud you just so retard

>> No.11792906

Sorry, late reply
Your research is about creating holograms using electromagnetic waves
My point is that sending information directly into the brain is massively different from how radio works

It isn't like radio transmitters that can transmit, recieve, encrypt, and decrypt frequencies. The brainwave has a wavelenght of 30-1Hz
Radiowaves are at 30GHz - 30Hz

What's more is that the brainwave are divided into Gamma, Alpha, Beta, Tetha and Delta precisely because each one serves different purpose and can induce various effects on the body.

In the radio transmitters, if you fuck up, all you will recieve are noises
Meddle with brain signals and suddenly, the guy suffered a "Brown Note" and could be so much worse

>> No.11792998
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Oh, and believe me, this can be weaponized
I was told that there are rumors that USA once experimented with Sonic weapons in Granada causing the people to be nauseous and vomit alover the place.

Sonic weapons are at inaudible frequencies and cannot be tracked by poor people.

I pray it wasn't true. Wavelenghts below 10hz can actually rapture human organs, Iirc and was therefore banned before it could happen. Which would happen

>> No.11793008
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>Will we get 'Full Dive' VR in our lifetime?

I hope WE WILL NOT EVER get it !

The fate of modern man is determined by technology. I'm interested in what prospects seem most likely to you? I can only see two possibilities: upwards or downwards.

Upward is, of course, perspective of colonization of Solar System. The American, whose name I unfortunately do not remember, expressed himself more or less like this: The red planet is our new frontier, a source of stimulation for American genius and a dignified outlet for our inexhaustible energy. Our culture grows out of the borderland and needs it, it is ours, the past, the future and hope... These words can apply to all of humanity.

Deep down, it is a further development of the possibilities offered by medicine and biotechnology. Who knows what we will eventually reduce ourselves to? The overriding law of sociology says that the vast majority of people tend to seek a rather narrowly defined self-complacency. The direction is clear: to amputate defects in our body and psyche. So why don't we end up as "BRAINS IN COMPUTERIZED JARS" bombarded forever by happiness stimulators?

Upwards, we will again become VIGOROUS and BRAVE space conquistadors. Into the depths - we will flare in the fumes of an infinite orgasm. I will give two miserable reasons to conclude on this subject in a slightly provocative way. In the book "Colossus" there is a comparison between the British and the Americans as world leaders. The former, when they had an empire, betrayed their striving for missionary work, sent their most talented (doctors, officers and administrators) to the Third World. This was an advance in the "heroic", missionary style of the 19th century. Today, the most talented Americans prefer to go into the entertainment industry, business or politics. Some observers LIKE ME see this as a clear civilisational turn towards hedonism and decadence.

>> No.11793027
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Full VR should never happen because it is too dangerous.
The brain never records any memories and just rewrite it all from scratch.
All it remembers is the emotion associated with it
For the brain, there is almost no different from memories gained just yesterday to the dream you had last night. Only difference is that the brain recognizes the dream is trash and must be removed

The VR tech shown in Sci-fi shows can easily override this by fabricating different memories so the person involved will have a more "convenient" personality

>> No.11793069

Nobody is going to change your diapers, OP

>> No.11793584


>> No.11793610

Not really on any sides but keep in mind there are a lot of applications.
Medical testing, vr could save costs on training dummies/supplies whatever and even perhaps more realistic flesh/whatever to practice.
Pilot/military training, weight loss (ie eating unhealthy foods in the virtual plane), virtual spaces to do stuff (learn/collaborate etc - eg companies with workers in separate locations or countries could work together) etc etc, just off the top of my mind.
Sex isn't the only thing people think about, in fact no one thinks about it except for simps or whoever, learn to think about other concepts

>> No.11793702

Why do tards always act like that is a bad thing? Resisting instant gratification is only important when it needs to be done achieve even better long term gains. Otherwise it's just meaningless suffering.

There is no long term gain greater than experiencing the maximum amount of pleasure for the longest possible time, so not wire heading you self while AI works on fulling all your needs and advancing scientific progress is just fucking dumb.

>> No.11793745

Let me guess, you never worked a day in your life and never felt the joy of being proud of yourself?

>> No.11793751

Why don't you re-read my reply, only slower this time? You'll get it eventually.

>> No.11793757

Why don't you just do drugs and leave us be.
Go die in a chemically induced hallucination surrounded by your waifu or whatever

>> No.11793765

>implying any of this shit matters
Oh, and we will NEVER colonize solar system or whatever else either way so you can forget about it.

>> No.11793772

God you're dumb. Seriously, this isn't a hard concept to grasp.

>> No.11793797
File: 115 KB, 900x700, Kaban Tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not in /a/
Everyone here are concerned about making themselves better, not to seek out pleasure.

We enjoy studying here. We don't care about sex or whatever
Shame you cannot understand the concept of maturity

>> No.11793805
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I used to think like you. Then I realized that the people/AIs in the world who are outside the FIVR loop (why, you may ask? Because of religion for example) might consider just exterminating the FIVR cattle as it is just a resource drain. And yes, resources will be important even in a post-scarcity setting. Even just the space that you occupy is a resource.

I can't give you the chance of a master off useless people happening: maybe it's 5%, maybe 50%. In any case, the long-term gain of not participating in the loop is greater chance of long-term survival.

>> No.11793809

>master off

Massacre of. Fucking autocorrector

>> No.11793823

2012 - AI beats humans at Jeopardy!
2016 - AI beats humans at Go
2019 - AI beats humans at Starcraft II, beginning of Machine Learning AI Winter
2020 - Coronavirus slows tech and induces recession
2025 - AI Summer arrives, new ML and human mind modelling techniques show potential for generalised learning abilities by solving a game like Monkey Island, genomics projects begin to identify genetic targets for stopping aging and other diseases, fine motor skilled robotics in early stages, Bitcoin reaches $100,000, after long recession, Nasdaq reaches 20,000. Neuralink launches a brain computer interface capable of increasing work productivity by 10-100x.
2035 - The first years of the AI Renaissance, a general learning machine is now capable of learning any jobs, combined with a fine motor skilled robot, the best software and hardware performs at expert level in many disciplines such as medicine, programming, civil engineering and research, while falling short in policy making and qualitative, subjective professions. Their work leads to an extreme ramping up of research and development in AI, genomics, medicine, pharmacology, nanotech, space, in fact all industries. In a single year, there is more productive output in the USA than the entirety of the 20th Century. After the first human landing of Mars, robots are largely used to sustain the colony. Roastie uprising against the launch of the Tesla Cyberthot. Nasdaq reaches 250,000.
2045 - Robots that look like humans but perform at superhuman level are commonplace. Virtual reality, the internet and the human mind are merging into a non-distinct spectrum of awareness and massive information exchange. Human disease ceases to exist, death is now optional to those who are part of the grid (99.999% of humans). Biological bodies are merely an optional fashion accessory. Star Citizen enters beta testing. Nasdaq obsolete as new postcapitalist information economy accelerates.
2050 - The singularity.

>> No.11793828
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AIs would never take over, bros
They aren't people. They are tools.
Anything made by humans are dependent on human assistance

As such, AI, Internet, Automation, Irrigation, etc all depend on human assistance. The greater the complexity, the greater the need for assistance, the greater the amount of jobs

Medieval world only had 200 trades
Industrial era had over 2000
Internet era have 150-200K carreers

>> No.11793861

>Weeb faggot doesn't wants to believe that full immersion VR will be possible one day or even within his lifetime
Coping mechanism?

>> No.11793878

>hey aren't people. They are tools.
>Anything made by humans are dependent on human assistance

This is the sort of dualistic horseshit that women think up. People are magic! You can't create a person!

>> No.11793888
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A lot of posts here read like sour grapes
Hurr why do you want instant gratification?
Hurr VR bad and scary reality good
Hurr technology bad cannot have productive applications
Hurr insert masturbatory humanity fuck yeah fantasies

>> No.11793896

At the cost of manufactured civilization?
No, thankyou.

>> No.11793942

>manufactured civilization
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11793950

Mass Brainwashing to turn everyone subservient to the elite, idiot.

So focused on wanting pleasure you can't see the dangers of brainwave manipulation, huh

>> No.11793952

>the elite
Ah I see, you're retarded.
Is it the jews?

>> No.11793977
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>Give the masses everything they wanted and more
>Let a small group of people in control also get whatever they want
>Brave New World done better
Seriously, what's so bad about this?

>> No.11793985

>everything they wanted and more
Apart from being able to decide anything about their own existence

>> No.11794010

look retards this will happen and it will be first for medicine military tech etc
after it's mass produced and used it will then trickle down into entertainment

>> No.11794018

>Implying you do
Free will is not real, all your thoughts are either copes for the fear of death or ego protection.
Why not drop the shit and just have a good time?

>> No.11794032
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It's surprising to me that the science board has such a short-sighted view of this technology as well as this Luddite attitude towards something that will most likely happen sometime down the line.

>> No.11794046
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Economy does not work that way
Most of the people wanted to be among the elites and that greed is the driving force of economy. It's not necessarily bad, it's just human nature. The Elites are safe and at $30M, happiness just stops A billionaire is no more happier than a millionaire

Anyway, Brainwashing would just erase your personality to better suit the needs of the elite. Which is bad

You are on /sci/
What do you think is the natural reason as to why we are focusing on studies instead of getting laid?

>> No.11794051

Blast your brain with emf nothing happens. Our brains are not wires nothing happens. It’s more of a chemical reaction It’s not easy to stimulate individual neurons without frying it. Its basically impossible

>> No.11794134

>What do you think is the natural reason as to why we are focusing on studies instead of getting laid?
Can't get laid most definitely.
Nothing bad with that though.

>> No.11794137

Can't get laid so we spent thousand dollars on a course dominated by men discussing stuff that does not interest women?

>> No.11794148

Yeah, why couldn't it be possible?
In fact, you could spend thousands of dollars on a course dominated by men discussing stuff that does not interest women and still get laid. t's not like it's a mutually exclusive thing.

>> No.11794162

We have no interest in sex, kid.
Life is so much more than getting stimulated

>> No.11794181

Please don't do that. This isn't /a/ or /r9k/.
>Life is so much more than getting stimulated
And no one is arguing against that. Like I said you can have both things. Your attitude makes me believe you're just incapable of actually doing it.
I have no interest in arguing about your personal life and I don't really care about you enough to discuss it further than this post though.

>> No.11794188

Our focus is studies.
Anything else is secondary
That alone defies natural reasons
Because free will is real and can defy nature

>> No.11794222

I will use this tech to bulli you. :O

>> No.11794236

And yet...it scrombles.

>> No.11794946

He wants to create the matrix and rule over it

>> No.11795097

then play the sims

>> No.11796192

The sims is just a sketch of the real thing

>> No.11796387
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You're a fucking retard for thinking 4% of a multi-trillion dollar market would not provide ample opportunities for making billions of good profit. Dumb fucks like you will never make it.

>> No.11796476
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Already happening

>> No.11796482
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Because the government of a functioning society would allow a brainwashing technology to seep into the culture of their tax payers.

Here's a horrifying fact to ruin your fantasy:

Anyone who dwells into sci-fi VR are going to look less of a man
>filthy with piss and shit on his pants
>emaciated and dehydrated to the bones
>bones cracking with bed sores from the intentional coma
>destruction of cognitive abilities due to the lack of sunlight, complete absence of exercise, and of course, the inability to reach REM stage of sleep

Sorry, reality does not care about your safe zone.

Do you want to learn some stuff about neurology? We can teach you

>> No.11796489

>source: your ass
LOL, take your meds schizo

>> No.11796517
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Oh, really?

>"Total Isolation"
>In January 2008, the BBC aired a Horizon special entitled "Total Isolation". The premise of the show centered on six individuals, four men and two women, agreeing to be shut in a cell inside a nuclear bunker, alone and in complete darkness for 48 hours. Prior to isolation, the volunteers underwent tests of visual memory, information processing, verbal fluency and suggestibility.

>After the two days and two nights, the subjects noted that their inability to sense time, as well as hallucinations, made the experience difficult. Of the six volunteers, three experienced auditory and visual hallucinations—snakes, oysters, tiny cars and zebras. One was convinced their sheets were wet. Two seemed to cope well.

>When complete, the tests that the subjects took before the experiment were conducted a second time to test its effects. The results indicated all volunteers' ability to complete the simplest tasks had deteriorated. One subject's memory capacity fell 36% and all the subjects had trouble thinking of words beginning with a nominated letter; in this case, the letter "F". All four of the men had markedly increased suggestibility, although this was not the case with the women.[22]

>"It's really hard to stimulate your brain with no light. It's blanking me. I can feel my brain just not wanting to do anything."

>— Adam Bloom (volunteer subject) — "Total Isolation"

The Hippocampus (the part responsible for memories) are absolutely dependent on sunlight in order to function properly
What's more is that we MUST reach REM state of sleep in order to have a healthy brain

If you remain concious in your sleep, chances are you never were in the REM sleep and therefore would cause your brain cells to poison itself.
At 3 days, you would suffer vivid auditory hallucinations
At 4 days without REM sleep, you would suffer permanent brain damage
At day 10, you will die

This is what your VR world would lead to

>> No.11796811

>current VR is already good enough for gaming
you sound like the 50 year old guy talking about how pacman is good enough and the elder scrolls should just fuck off, who needs skyrim anyway

why would you be so stupid/ignorant and so smug about it?

>> No.11796822
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Obviously. We're probably going to see general artificial intelligence, biological immortality and the total collapse of human society as we know it within our lifetimes (unless you're a fucking boomer). There's zero (0) chance we don't have fully realistic VR within the next 40 years. There's also a non-negligible chance that you won't have the capacity to worry about inane shit like that within the next 40 years.

>> No.11796873

Maybe it would be for stuff like that in the beginning but then it would be for entertainment a while later. Like the internet started as a military thing.

>> No.11796877 [DELETED] 

If all first world countries become Brazil-shitholes, we might not get all that progress.
Maybe the upper class will be very well segregated but they'll be such a small portion of the world so they might not be able to do all of that by themselves.

>> No.11796888
File: 69 KB, 768x438, skyrim1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah i am just able to realize that actually using my "body" to walk for 2 hours straight while doing fetch quests isn't in any way palatable

gaming can and will certainly be enhanced by future tech, but i rather stick to virtual fantasy

>> No.11796894

If all first world countries become Brazil-shitholes, we might not get all that progress.
Maybe the upper class will be very well segregated but they'll be such a small portion of the world so they might not be able to do all of that by themselves.

>> No.11796914
File: 16 KB, 1098x97, science bad people good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol if brazil's kleptocracy becomes a global standard it is gameover

>they'll be such a small portion of the world so they might not be able to do all of that by themselves.
they won't even have such aspirations because being an anti intellectual is a requirement for them

>> No.11796921

They will have robots. Think more of Elysium (movie) than brazil for how the future will be like

>> No.11796930

>nah i am just able to realize that actually using my "body" to walk for 2 hours straight while doing fetch quests isn't in any way palatable
yeah buddy, im sure if the westworld experience would be available right now through the fulldive technology you would be the first one to refuse using it cause

>> No.11796981

>there is literally no reason apart from...
>VR is useless to anything but...
This man has the entirety of all potential human knowledge, guys. Don't fuck with him, there is no reason to resist someone who knows everything with certainty on a science board.

>> No.11796997

no i wouldn't play death stranding VR

my point wasn't that i prefer to play seated, it is that i will always stick to fantasy because i prefer fantasy hence current VR suits me just fine (but could be enhanced)

bro the reason you're talking about VR right now is because a gamer decided to set a kickstarter page for gamers back in 2012
and everyone doing [*experimental*] enterprise and military work before that went to dust. so yeah don't fuck with me.

>> No.11798722

*headpats* I know stuff about biology. I know how to make sure emaciation stays far away. :(

>> No.11798732

I know how to avoid everything you mentioned. Also, V.R means that light and energy are still present in a certain way.

>> No.11798754
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Your inability to accept the dangers, and persistence on fantastical depictions say otherwise.

~Fantasy dies with knowledge~

>> No.11798921

No. Not that you would want to anyway, considering the current state of gaming that will only get worse.

>> No.11799440
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Imagination is just an abstraction of knowledge, and knowledge an abstraction of imagination. You will see that one day.

>> No.11799441

i don't know what that means
so no

>> No.11799458

The science fiction singularity is a point at which the human imagination outstrips what humans of that era can engineer.

The simple answer is: No.

>> No.11799485

This is a perfect example of an outsider thinking he understands “4chan culture” of being rude and outlandish as he is trying to fit in from another community such as Reddit. Notice how brutish he is, a complete incoherent outburst of rage over a simple musing. You are not suited for this place.

>> No.11799505
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I'm sorry, what?

>> No.11799521

The top three are caught in a loop by their own greed, and when hyperinflated, cause manufacturing outages. Arts and food services are under the same bucket in your graph, so it's nil evidence in either case.

>> No.11799677
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Stick to the realm of what you know, because my interests and pursuits regarding VR are clearly not things you are knowledgeable about. I don't own a VR set, but I have used it in several settings outside of a gaming industry to experience qhat others use it for. Pilot training, construction crew training, psychological therapy, academic teaching, etc. I also had a good bout of fun with it in a Korean VR gaming outlet, and that was nice to participate in as well. It's not just for gaming; it clearly has numerous useful applications for improvement of human skill and their well-being, particularly through immersion training. Stop being such a pessimistic closed fuckwad and use the few brain cells you have left. Or at the very least shut the fuck up and let the world develop new toys and gadgets, and don't you dare decide they are worth your time later once it is apparent how amazing they can be.

>> No.11799691

yeah like star citizen will happen pre-singularity, get real

>> No.11799805

Shut the fuck up faggot. Full dive would be cool.

>> No.11799828

If your imagination was backed with facts.

>> No.11799836
File: 99 KB, 992x640, Full Dive VR right there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shut the fuck up faggot. Being a vegetable is cool.

>> No.11799883
File: 23 KB, 1486x208, ayy lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it is so educative to trade peripheral vision, comfort, and image quality for immers... i mean, presence in a pixelated world. it totally isn't contemptible idealistic crap. cry me a river.

>> No.11799895

Pretty much. VR training is a completely idealistic depiction.

In reality, 80% of training is on the muscle memory not visual/auditory memorization.
I cannot provide the link but I've read that athletes, musicians, and dancers all do their stuff completely automatically and being told to always be aware of what they are doing have caused their efficiency to drop massively.

VR simulations are just as useful as manuals.
Nothing can compare to first hand experience

>> No.11799950
File: 1.69 MB, 1756x1004, Screen Shot 2020-06-15 at 7.33.25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes, already done in this video from 1998. You just would have to play the recordings of the electrodes again and the cat would see these things again (although a little fuzzier with the low number of electrodes they used back then).

>> No.11799966

That tapped the vision of the cat into a digital video though. As in capturing the visual messages and converting it to something we can see

Still dope how the cat "probably" sees us as catlike.
Any update on this though?

I would laugh if a dog really recognizes us as the alpha dog both in instinctual and visual

>> No.11800041

yeah, turning the keys over to robot masters that we created while giving up our autonomy is an easy concept to grasp. It's like crawling back into the womb. Technology advances and humanity regresses. And let me guess, you want someone else to build it for you?

>> No.11800057
File: 27 KB, 352x482, 1492971300_a horrified expression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11801217

Fuck off nigger