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11787380 No.11787380 [Reply] [Original]

im not very good at math but im not the worst. but anyways, recently ive become frustrated with spacetime and traveling near the speed of light. i have become comfortable with the concept of spacetime and space. but i do not understand time. not clocks and shit but like actual time. can anyone explain it in a more simple way? i know its not a simple topic but all papers i read and videos i watch seem to kinda graze over it or assume the watcher knows it. i really do not know where to even start with it and i would like to learn. thank you

>> No.11787390

Time isn't physical.

>> No.11787394

sorry i shouldve said time IN physics. and how it is tied to spacetime

>> No.11787405
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>> No.11787410
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>> No.11787422

schizo. ignore it

>> No.11787461
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>100% non-schizo post
>prompt "schizo" remark
Big red flag indicating anon posted something which is upsetting to some people and which they want nobody to know about. As /biz/raelis say when encountering heavy FUD; a huge buy indicator!

>> No.11787524

i don't think time actually exists, it's just an idea and a measurement device created by humans to make sense of our experience

when you go take a shit, it takes "time" to go to the toilet and to do the shitting, you can't teleport yourself to the toilet and take the shit instantaneously, physical action by you is required, movement is required... otherwise everything in life would happen instantaneously.

you can measure how "long" it takes to do these movements, and you can call this "time", but does that mean "time" is an actual dimension? or the idea of "time" just your brain dealing with reality.

when you die you will be older than you were when you were born, time will appear to have passed, but what really has happened is just that earth has been spinning around and orbiting the sun causing night and day cycles and your body has deteriorated until it couldn't stay alive... then you die... so ask yourself, did you exist in "time" or did you simply exist in physical reality?

>> No.11787610
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There's some good info about Time in various spots in these videos:






>> No.11787629

What exactly do you want to know? If you can't formulate a proper question you are only going to get schizo answers

>> No.11787677

There are three ways to transfer heat. Conductive surfaces like a heat sink on a CPU. Convective medium like the fan blowing cool air across the fins of the heat sink. Or radiation, such as the big big Sun providing the vast amount of energy hitting the Earth through nothing. There's nothing in between the Sun and the Earth. How does the energy get here?

Time, or relativity, is the medium of thermal transfer. Earth orbits the Sun, right? It does it because it's faster to slow down your clock, move, then speed it back up vs. just moving. You get an extra second. Everything does this to a degree because it's a lot easier than keeping an absolute time.

Sun's really shiny. Earth's really dark. Something that's dark has to store up internal energy first before it gets really shiny. You have a start, you have an end, you have a particle, a photon. When a photon hits, it doesn't matter how many, the intensity. What matters is how shiny it was when it was emitted, the frequency. The internal voltage, the photoelectric effect, acts across the entire object, not just where the light is hitting.

So, nature knows not space. Nature not knows time. Einstein says nature only needs to know photons and photo-electricity. Other people say nature can do to photons what it did before with space and time. Do anything it needs to take the easiest way.

>> No.11787693
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>There's nothing in between the Sun and the Earth.

>> No.11787713

With the speed of light, you can only go so fast before you are two separate things. Before you are two distinct things, you have to push back on everything that already exists which wants an easy place to dump it's heat.

Humans have known about light as a discrete maximum speed since at least Galileo, who looked at the moons of Jupiter and saw they changed speeds as they moved towards the Earth vs. away. What happens is light has a delay to it. That means it can only go so fast. Even if you were close to light speed, you still are not light, so you would still see this delay.

In the 1800s Faraday and Maxwell found out electric potential going through a wire was the same as the speed of light, and magnetism, the want of electrons from all around not just nearby on the wire, was linked.

Light is the transfer of heat through the medium of time. This enough capacity to suck up your mass from all the matter close to you. Moving anywhere close to that speed would vaporize you and ignite your trail in your surroundings.

The remaining questions are the singularities. The big bang. Black holes. Possibly human gravity applications, not lifting things up. Popping little matter waves in and out of existence and everything in the universe suddenly reacting to new matter out of nothing. There are theories that are very accurate in these regards. To do them we need motivation, not just interest, but if a bit of graphene in orbit shouldn't cause China to nuke India.

>> No.11787723
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Medium for thermal transfer. No air or wires from sun to earth, just empty.

How does that heat on the sun get to the Earth?

>> No.11787766

There is no past and no future. There is only an eternal present, an eternal /now/. Time is universal. And it's not a property which can be warped, bent, or distorted. It's not a magic fabric.

>> No.11787781

yeah thats the thing my brain is just that small. i keep seeing and hearing people say that Einstein said he studied space AND time and concluded that they are counterparts to a singular spacetime. and i dont understand what the time part is. i understand that spacetime refers to the way mass, speed, and gravity work together. but im not seeing time work its way in. like is it litereally just about time likes seconds and minutes? or is it something else. as of now i have assumed its not that kind of time because seconds and minutes are not exactly natural. so what is time?

>> No.11787792

radiation can travel through a vacuum. especially when it is going in all directions it is going to hit bodies in its path

>> No.11787797

thank you very much

>> No.11787825

t. schizo

>> No.11787831

>like is it litereally just about time likes seconds and minutes?

It is that kind of time. To give you a very pragmatic definition, time in physics just refers to what you measure with clocks. The idea is to talk about "events" which are something physical happening at a precise spatial location at a precise time (say June 11th 2020 at 8:44 central standard time)

>> No.11787856
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>space is just empty
So entirely wrong.

>> No.11788055
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There are no islands in space. Electric currents, plasma and magnetic fields permeate the universe - including the solar system.

>> No.11788076

>(say June 11th 2020 at 8:44 central standard time

damn that's when i fucked your mom for the first *time*. crazy coincidence

>> No.11788380

>Time, or relativity, is the medium of thermal transfer.
That's one of the most bizarre and most retarded statements I've seen on /sci/ in a long time.

>> No.11788593
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The solar wind is an electrical phenomenon. Experiments using a positively charged sphere show that a plasma torus forms above the sphere’s circumference. Charged particles couple the sphere’s middle and lower latitudes, similar to "anode tufting" - a plasma phenomenon entirely expected from a positively charged electric Sun.

Since the Sun is the most powerful electrical entity in the solar system, it stands to reason that its influence will extend outward as far as its heliospheric boundary. The solar wind, a stream of charged particles radiated by the Sun, accelerates through the solar system, yet is poorly understood by most heliophysicists.

Most heliophysicists ignore the primary electrical aspect of the Sun, preferring to focus on kinetic effects in an attempt to explain the solar wind anomalies:

>"The solar wind at Earth is about 70 times hotter than one might expect from the temperature of the solar corona and from how much it expands as it crosses the void. The source of this extra heat has been a mystery of solar wind physics for several decades" said Dr. Craig DeForest from the Southwest Research institute.

It is thought that turbulence causes variability in the solar wind, as well as its anomalously high temperature. So, two of the solar wind’s most important aspects, its high temperature and acceleration, are said to be from fluid dynamic phenomena.

>> No.11788597
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It's confirmed that the movement of electric charges in plasma forms electromagnetic fields that constrict the current. The constricted channel is known as a "Bennett pinch" or "z-pinch" - the pinched electric filaments remain coherent over long distances, forming helical structures that can transmit power through space. That phenomenon is what mainstream scientists refer to as "flux ropes". They also create electromagnetic structures called “plasmoids”.

Electric fields freely accelerate charged particles, which move outward in opposite directions, activating an electric current that follows the Sun’s magnetic field. The THEMIS satellites found Birkeland currents in the form of electrified plasma vortices rotating faster than 1,600,000 kilometers per hour, about 64,000 kilometers from Earth. They called these "space tornados". The THEMIS satellites, together with Earth-based stations, verified that those charged plasma formations are connected to the Sun.

Since plasma is composed of charged particles, any movement constitutes an electric current, which generates a magnetic field. Electrons spiral in the resulting magnetic field, creating synchrotron radiation that can shine in all frequencies, as well as preserve initial power output from the Sun.

>> No.11789259

>time in physics
How else can you define time, if not in physics?
Sorry if my questions are retarded, I have next to no formal education but I am currently trying to get into physics and math out of curiosity

>> No.11789266

What would the universe look like if time didn't exist?

>> No.11789267

>eu garbage
into the trash it goes

>> No.11789356

Time is just a long string of casualty

>> No.11789422

I'll disagree with the other anon, It's not schizo, it's just quackery. I inuitively get his argument, i find it strange that minkowski spacetime has this geometry, bur it's not a proof presented there. This is more of a philosophical issue.

>> No.11790013

End of the universe basically

>> No.11790158
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Spacetime is fake. Relativity is fake.

>> No.11790251

If you have an iq <140 you shouldn't worry about whether you can grasp physics lol

>> No.11790261


I'd say believing in Einsteinian spacetime is schizo tier.

Imagine proposing today that if you travel at a fast enough speed you'll literally time travel. It's absolute lunacy.

>> No.11790334

Watch this anon.


>> No.11790818


>> No.11791725
File: 3.88 MB, 3600x5040, 1577093727177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>video title: How Time Becomes Space Inside a Black Hole

>> No.11791742

Why do you /sci/ fags wanna learn this useless shit? what will you ever use this knowledge for?

>> No.11791763

mental masturbation

>> No.11791781

None of those clickbait articles in your pic have anything to do with the video I posted. General relativity first described the hypothetical (now confirmed) existence of black holes with the Schwarzschild solution described in that video, in 1916. That is, the video describes well established physics, not outlandish modern theories with no backing.

Stop being contrarian for the sake of contrarianism, makes you sound like an edgelord kid.

>> No.11793195

What is your goal for life anon? Mine is to understand as much as possible, because every other goal doesn't make any sense imo

>> No.11793354

This, to be honest.