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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11785852 No.11785852[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11785875

of course we fucking are

just look at the people here, perfectly straight, that progressively change their ways as they delve further into the shemale and futa rabbit hole, then traps, then at this point you're litterally fapping on twinks.

to be perfectly honest this just serves as a proof that sexual orientation is really but a social construct. Even if you try hard to be gay, you won't refuse a juicy pussy if you're horny enough.

>> No.11785876

and the more you deny it the gayer you are ;^)

>> No.11785881

I was straight until I became a furry

>> No.11785901

Doesn't it means that 100% gay people do not exist then even though scientists have more evidence of homosexuality being genetic rather than a choice

>> No.11785905
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A Jewish lie.

>article written by May Bulman
common surname used by Jews

>> No.11785908

Christians were right: homosexuality is a choice. LMAO

>> No.11785917
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>> No.11785923

> t. Ruben Weinblatt

>> No.11785927

Judaism hates homos and israel is one of the countries with the highest concentrations of gays

>> No.11785941

you do realize saying that sexual orientation is a social construct goes against the mainstream current ?

People are saying you're born gay. I'm saying you catch the gay.

>> No.11785944

>LGBT123XYZP(edo) UK sexuality office.
>"Ayy lmao everyone's a faget"
I think fags are desperate to the point of obsession with being accepted as completely normal like everybody else and will do anything and everything within their power to force that notion, in spite of it's glaring conflict with reality.
Just stop being so fucking insecure.

>> No.11785946

Linked article:
>The number of people identifying as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) has hit a record high in the UK, new figures show.
record high in the UK
>Data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows the figure increased by 50,000 in 2017, with the proportion of the population up from 1.5 per cent in 2012 to 2 per cent in 2017.
2 per cent
>People aged between 16 and 24 were most likely to identify as LGB, at an estimated 4.2 per cent, while men were more likely to do so than females, at around 1.7 per cent compared with 0.9 per cent.
young people who have been exposed to gay propaganda their whole lives
estimated percentages
>However, women were more likely to identify themselves as bisexual, at 0.9 per cent compared with 0.6 per cent of males, the figures show.
0.75 per cent
>Around seven in 10 of the lesbian, gay or bisexual population are single and have never married or registered a civil partnership, which the ONS said reflected the younger age structure of this population and that legal unions for same-sex couples were relatively new.
say they're gay but are single and have never been in a committed relationship
>Regionally, people in London were most likely to identify as LGB – at 2.6 per cent – with people in the North East and East of England the least likely, both at 1.5 per cent.
london has the most faggots (big news)
still < 3 per cent
>The ONS said the relatively high proportion of people identifying as LGB in London could be explained by the younger age structure and the diversity of the population, with the median age in the capital 35, compared with 50 in the North East and 42 in the East of England.
or it could be explained by mass brainwashing of the youth
>Northern Ireland had the lowest percentage of all UK countries with 1.2 per cent of the household population identifying as lesbian, gay or bisexual.
more catholic=less gay
Wow OP, definitely everyone.

>> No.11785953

Pic related article:
>The concept of the sexual orientation continuum was first suggested by American biologist Alfred Kinsey who published influential works on sexology...He also developed the Kinsey Scale, which measured sexual orientation on a scale of 0 to 6 (with 0 being exclusively heterosexual and 6 being exclusively homosexual) as opposed to a black-or-white approach.
published doesn't mean true, except in math (usually)
>In a published paper on human sexuality, researchers from Cornell University and the University of Essex brought more findings to light, suggesting absolute, rigid heterosexuality may not exist. Male and female volunteers were examined as they watched pornographic videos featuring either gender. Researchers specifically observed the dilation of their pupil, which is an indicator of sexual arousal.
we will watch people who volunteered to watch porn to see if they get aroused
>Interestingly, the study found women who identified as lesbians showed a stronger response to attractive women than attractive men. But women who identified as straight were aroused by both genders to some degree. Co-author Gerulf Rieger, from the Department of Psychology at the University of Essex, points out that evidence failed to show that the most masculine-behaving lesbians showed the most male-typical sexual arousal patterns.
women also show arousal during rape, doesn't mean they like it
>Savin-Williams added that aspects of male sexuality can exist "along a continuum," just as numerous prior studies have recognized with women. He believes toxic ideas of masculinity have been propagated by society for decades, suppressing men so much that "even if a man does have some sexual attraction to guys, they would never say it."
straight men were not attracted to gay porn so they made up shit about male society to explain it
The author, who recently published a book titled "Mostly Straight: Sexual Fluidity Among Men,"...
book plug by a professor in faggotry (literally)

>> No.11785962
File: 65 KB, 640x479, images (33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same-sex sex serves to strenghthen social bonds. Pic related is female bonobos doing GG rubbing

>> No.11785978

Bonobo society also involves organized premeditated infanticide and also a large degree of same-sex and heterosex rape. Why should we emulate them?

>> No.11785990


Then it means we all repress the gayness inside us?

>> No.11786010
File: 67 KB, 650x572, 96c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traps try to emulate a feminine body (drawn traps are basically 'draw a girl, call it a boy').

Is not the same to be attracted to what is almost a female than be attracted to some buff and hairy dude. The first is a stupid fetish, the latter is actually being a faggot.

>> No.11786015

Article is right if everyone is animal brain human in a dog eat dog world.
But as with everything there are exceptions like you know being sentient and not an npc that follow urges.

>> No.11786016

But females are naturally hairy. They kust shave. Plus, you are fapping to dicks

>> No.11786035

A lot of gay men shave. Are they straight for shaving ?

>> No.11786043

You are literally choosing to fap to cocks rather than pussies. You are a faggot in denial

>> No.11786045

this but starting with traps not shemale

>> No.11786059
File: 86 KB, 800x892, human-body-comparison-male-female-next-to-each-other-59174288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair aside, both body types tend to be different, pic related a somewhat exaggerated example to illustrate my point.

If you are a male and feel attracted to the dude figure on the right then you are definitely gay.

Still, yes gotta admit traps are somewhat gay (still have some heterosexuality because they look female), but not totally gay like fapping to actual male looking dudes.

>> No.11786080

Not all femmes are that curvy. So if you pick a trap over an ugly/fat/boyish girl you are a fag. You are literally picking a cock over a vagina. You are introducing your cock in an ass even though you could fuck a pussy, which was designed to have a cock inside it. You are rejecting someone of the opposite sex for someone of the same sex

>> No.11786126

the brain can’t distinguish between males and females perfectly

>> No.11786145

This is more true for women than men. The biggest reason men are getting gayer is because some men are getting more feminine.

Gayest thing most dudes would go for are passing traps and shemales. Twinks if they're drunk.

>> No.11786154

I'm a fag and I have to disagree. If I'm bisexual I would have gone and date females instead.
Finding a decent homo boyfriend is much more work, and my family doesn't like gays.
Also, if everyone is bi doesn't it mean the "I was born gay, it's not my choice, so stop hating me" bogus now?

>> No.11786166

Everyone is bi on a technicality. If you're a gay man for a 100 people you are sexually attracted to, there's a chance that at least one of them is female. Sexuality is a continuum not rigid compartmentalized boxes.

Though most women are unironic bisexuals. For them the split is likely 60-40.

>> No.11786249

It should be obvious that there isn't some magic switch inside ones brain that make one be heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual. But it's the same thing as with race. Even though the phenomenon is observed on a spectrum, most people clearly fall into one of the discrete categories.
Claiming that "everyone is a little bisexual" is just as pointless as claiming that "everyone is a little black", because that is surely true, but the difference to being completely heterosexual or completely white is miniscule and should be discarded.

>> No.11786384

I'm thinking big dick fun.

>> No.11786716

Politics masquerading as science.

>> No.11786721

Welcome to /sci/!

To the left are threads about IQ that are thinly veiled excuses to call for eugenics
To the right are threads about genetic traits that are thinly veiled excuses to call black people subhuman based on studies done before the structure of DNA was known
Straight ahead we have threads about literally everything else until someone derails the thread by blaming something on minorities.

>> No.11786776

It's a year old.
And it's ONS, which is more of a joke than not.
And could be explained in several ways.
Immigrants emigrating from their countries tend to be more liberal including sexually, so more likely to be gay & bi, so it's down to immigrants.
Or maybe op went to town filling out the questionnaires, who knows.

>> No.11786785

They haven't tested me!! ahaha bitches

>> No.11786945

>women are unironic bisexuals
Thats why I don't fucking date women. I don't want to end up married to a fag.

>> No.11787013

I wouldn't say so. I find penises visually arousing probably either as a result of classical conditioning, or because the brain is wired to find your own sex organs arousing thus becoming part of the sexual feedback loop with a partner, hence blowjob porn. I wouldn't seek out penises to do anything with them or the man attached to them. I think your degree of bisexuality probably correlates with your overall sociability. ie, I have no friends and don't hang out with anyone, so I have no underlying medium of connecting with other men to pervert or tint with sexuality. You would need an underlying medium. Women however are simply attractive, so the roles and medium are self evident and readily accessible.

Hard to say. I wouldn't say I'm bisexual.

>> No.11787020

>Though most women are unironic bisexuals. For them the split is likely 60-40.
They have to be, because they have to love and bond with both male and female children. Tend and befriend, and all that. Women are the glue of society.

>> No.11787754

All women consent at least a little, even if they say no.

>> No.11787757
File: 139 KB, 747x1059, cd10bbd9b59ee8c83661b7f6a0fda8ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first love ;_;

>> No.11787771

science showed there absolutely no scientific evidence of a gay gene so yeah its purely environent

I have always fell in love with women and fapped to women until I once binged super hard on weed and masturbation which led me to try trannies which then led me to try masturbation to gay shit etc.
Now I'm back to only women and I never had any feelings for a man but I'm pretty sure this shit is just acquired...

>> No.11787772

I also think that the fact that with a enough intelligent brain you can emulate a womans pleasure in your brain might lead you to arousal by gay thoughts.

>> No.11787779
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>So if you pick a trap over an ugly/fat/boyish girl you are a fag.
nope, you just have excellent taste, fuck fat women, fuck ugly women, and fuck women in general.

>> No.11787787
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>choosing to fuck roast beef flaps
>over superior bussy
pathetic, low test, and shit taste. real men will fuck anything that moves.

>> No.11787790
File: 11 KB, 316x160, 1591754307469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my experience ass feels better than pussy, and because of the fact that modern men actually have to put a modicum of effort into their bodies in order to get fucked, their ass will feel better than some whores loose roast beef. dilate.

>> No.11787798
File: 82 KB, 338x435, 1591842957805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are the glue of society.
>anon says, without a hint of irony
women are the opposite of the glue of society. they actively erode society.

>> No.11787800
File: 3.71 MB, 300x300, 1591862485062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are the glue of society.
is this nigger for real? society is founded and maintained by males, who uphold its infrastructure and systems. women simply hitch off of society and leech off of the hard work of men that toil to maintain it.

>> No.11787804

Yeah second underlined part is probably one of the biggest lies ever.

>> No.11787808

I want a futa gf, does that count?
I mean actual futa, with a pussy, not a tranny or "trap". I wouldn't want to be fucked by my futa gf either, but it would be nice to fuck her and see her dick swinging. And it would be pretty hot if we called a regular girl for a threesome and both fucked her.

>> No.11787814

pretty sure science is still out on that one, partly because you can't just say stuff like this without getting some serious backlash but who knows ?

But yeah, I am positive about that fact. People DEFINITELY can catch the gay by creating dopamine feedback loops, which technically means that everyone is in a sense bisexual.

>> No.11787819

It's not a black and white picture. Bonobos are one of our closes relatives, so it makes sense we would inherit some of their same-sex tendencies. Also, infanticide was practiced all throughout history, and rape was present as well, so we have emulated them for a massive part of our existence. Admit you're brainwashed by victorian era morals.

>> No.11787822


>> No.11787824
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MIGGTOE is a Reddit 2016 meme, and you are a Reddit 2016 nigger.

>> No.11787830

>Men are just going to work together with no women.
>Men just talk to each other naturally and don't meet women or other men, through women
>Women today are unskilled, therefore women have always been worthless dead weight
Guys, come on. This is like, I don't even know what to call it. Stupid. Like, I shouldn't even have to be posting. How old are the both of you? Genuinely curious. 26 here.

>> No.11787836
File: 12 KB, 195x258, 1591849170998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys, come on. This is like, I don't even know what to call it. Stupid. Like, I shouldn't even have to be posting. How old are the both of you? Genuinely curious. 26 here.
I'm not even either of these guys but I can tell that you're a faggot just by looking at the way you type. Your cadence reeks of Redditor.

>> No.11787838
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>>Men are just going to work together with no women.
unironically yes.
>>Men just talk to each other naturally and don't meet women or other men, through women
unironically yes.
>>Women today are unskilled, therefore women have always been worthless dead weight
unironically yes.

>> No.11787843
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it's hilarious, because of the fact that the projections you wrote are actually true.

>> No.11787846

>>Men are just going to work together with no women.
>>Men just talk to each other naturally and don't meet women or other men, through women
the joke is that the only reason why I'm currently dating a man is because as an engineer, I literally never ever see or interact with women outside of places like grocery stores

>> No.11787848
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 1591863827657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys, come on. This is like, I don't even know what to call it. Stupid. Like, I shouldn't even have to be posting. How old are the both of you? Genuinely curious. 26 here.
get a load of this massive cumguzzling faggotron over here.

>> No.11787928



Go on.


No, you.

>> No.11787941
File: 242 KB, 550x578, 1591649374996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are all Redditor responses and reek of low-testosterone and passive-aggression. Go back.

>> No.11787948

Well done.

>> No.11787960

you have to go r/back

>> No.11787965

After being here for many years I am inclined to agree with this. That being said, I still stand by my belief that anyone outwardly expressing homosexual traits or desires should be executed on the spot.

>> No.11787969


>> No.11787973

>Even if you try hard to be gay, you won't refuse a juicy pussy if you're horny enough.
lmao no

>> No.11787980

>comparing homosexuality to murder

>> No.11788502
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>> No.11788530

Yeah I would. That shits gross as hell. I don't even like to put my dick in guys let alone girls.

>> No.11788652
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>May (((Bulman)))

>> No.11789136

low quality ad hominems should be unironically banned on /sci/

>> No.11789146
File: 49 KB, 1262x498, opera_TiyD6s53As.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant post a link, google the title image.

>> No.11789234
File: 138 KB, 1707x940, taftaj8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems legit.

>> No.11789250

>grow hair apply makeup
>incel turns into stacey

why is this?

>> No.11789268

Hell fuckin' yea, gimme dem tranny dicks!

>> No.11789329


>> No.11789382



>> No.11789413

That's cause you're a total faggot

>> No.11789453

>purely environent
Why does it have to be a gene? Why does it have to be a choice?
WTF does it matter to anyone not getting ass fucked/fisted/tribbed?
If you want to protest parades then go protest them and STFU trying to stilfle the greater majority of gays who just want to fucking live without bothering anybody.

>> No.11789458

>roast beef
Women can't really help the size of their labas, man. You should read a fucking anatomy book.
If anything,you should berate women for not doing kegels the same way you should berate men for not lifting. Because pussy tightness has nothing to do with sexual frequency unless it's is extreme and repeated, AKA large dildos/porn. Most women don't come near to the sizes and frequencies required to see even a marginal (not noticeable) change in tightness.
Have you ever even been in a pussy before?

>> No.11789463

>a stupid fetish
So being attracted to a female shape is just a fetish?
And who's the gay one here?

>> No.11789469

Why do people even bothet with the homo/het/bi system? andro/gyne/ambi is more accurate.

If you're attracted to traps you're a homosexual. But that doesn't mean you are attracted to masculine forms. You're still an androphile.

>> No.11789471
File: 181 KB, 638x957, stefanlony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard of a fun experiment in which somebody attached some electrodes to the brain of a flaming fruit, who had before only show disgust for females, and stimulated his pleasure centers while he watched straight pornography. He then brought in a female prostitute and her and the erstwhile faggot had a grand old time.

The thing about human sexuality is, it's very flexible, and you can't compare it the sexuality of most other animals. I'm not saying crazy levels of promiscuity are healthy, but it's completely natural to be into both sexes. Really that's the default state.

>> No.11789473

>Why should we emulate them?
We're not. You're moving the goal posts, because bringing out one feature of bonobos doesn't include ALL features of them.
Also, as a thoroughly evolved species with a developed social structure, we've decided that those non-desireable traits of our cousins are something we should avoid. Therefore we punish people who display them.
Meanwhile, it's more and more clear that homosexuality is not harmful unless you're a fragile believer in fairy tales from the stone age, so the majority of people are willing to allow it since it hurts no one and allows them to actually have a fulfilling life.

>> No.11789478

If we allowed homosexuality it's almost paradoxical that there'd be less homosexuals. Gays don't breed.

>> No.11789483

>I'm not saying crazy levels of promiscuity are healthy
The very fact that you even have to bring this up shows how fucked up this site's mentality is towards gays.
How in anyway is "promiscuity," something that no one can actually define, let alone "crazy levels" of it, somehow inherently tied to being a homosexual?
Gays are capable of being hyper sexual or damned near asexual. they're Human Beings like everyone else, and their tastes, sexual and otherwise vary accordingly.
Stop indulging people who have kneejerk assumptions about gays for no reason at all other than an ancient book person told them it was true.

>> No.11789488

>If we allowed homosexuality
What do you mean "if?"

>> No.11789495

>Why do people even bothet with the homo/het/bi system? andro/gyne/ambi is more accurate.
Ain' tnobody got time fo dat.
Also, nice covert homophobia. If I like a feminine trans, then I'm a faggot? Ok, I guess 65% of males are fags then.

>> No.11789498

Because twitter sjws and hipster liberals don't represent everyone. For the rest of the whole wide world homos are still frowned upon.

>> No.11789499

>For the rest of the whole wide world
Only in fundie lands with sky daddy and cut-your-head off laws.

>> No.11789501

that's just plain logic. attraction to the same gender is by definition sexuality. and I reiterate my point. you're still just an androphile if you're just attracted to feminity.

>> No.11789502

>65% of males like hairless men with gynecomastia

Citation needed

>> No.11789504

and that represents the rest of the whole wide world. thanks for agreeing with me.

>> No.11789507

*by definition homosexuality

>> No.11789509

>you're still just an androphile if you're just attracted to feminity.
Perhaps. But you also snuck in that liking taps makes you gay.
What if you like traps, but limit your activity with them to making out/above the waist only?
What then? Is that still gay, even though you don't even come into contact with genitalia, or might not even be aware of them?
how is that homosexual? Because that's definitely what you just said:
>If you're attracted to traps you're a homosexual.

>> No.11789511

You shut the fuck up faggot. We have the capacity of thinking and acquiring knowledge. We are not gonna accept your dumb reasonings unquestionably so you feel less threatened cause we are not as stupid as you

>> No.11789513

>Citation needed
Citation is from my ass.
The point I'm making is that a very large portion of hetero males are attracted to transgender females with feminine traits. Even if they have penises. In fact, possibly even because of their penises.

>> No.11789516

>We have the capacity of thinking and acquiring knowledge.
So far, I've only seen your kind think and acquire knowledge it if happens to come from a particular book, and that book alone.


>> No.11789519

I repeat: that's just using plain definition of homosexuality. same gender attraction is the definition of homosexuality. unless somehow you're using a different definition of homosexuality.

>> No.11789521

>same gender attraction is the definition of homosexuality
Fair enough.

>> No.11789522


The fact that gays have a certain tendency to be flirty to the point of discomfort ? That's a male trait more than a homosexual one. It just happens that the discomforted people are fellow men.

Gays are promiscuous as a majority because men are promiscuous and since it's a sausagefest, mutually enable each other.

And it's not healthy to be promiscuous no matter your orientation

>> No.11789528

>flirty to the point of discomfort ?
Have you ever heard of the the words "no" and "boundaries?"
>And it's not healthy to be promiscuous no matter your orientation
Why? Scientifically why?

>> No.11789532

Gay men are literally the most prosmicuous people

>> No.11789537

And my point is you are wrong. Just because trap threads are popular due to a few curious teenagers on 4chan is not enough of an argument to conclude that a majority of men would want to fuck a tranny no matter how passable it is.

Your point is counter intuitive and as such requires actual figures and studies.

>Even if they have penises. In fact, possibly even because of their penises.

You are gay, but that doesn't mean all men are. Please stop projecting.

>> No.11789550

>Just because trap threads are popular due to a few curious teenagers on 4chan is not enough of an argument to conclude that a majority of men would want to fuck a tranny no matter how passable it is.
Science says otherwise:
If you have any other scientific studies to discredit it, then please cite them.

>> No.11789557

>Have you ever heard of the the words "no" and "boundaries?
As if i'm the gay dude grabbing man asses. Men are very often inappropriate, and afaik, gay men are men.

>And it's not healthy to be promiscuous no matter your orientation?
If you're promiscuous you most likely have deep mental or/and trust issues. Intimity and privacy is a basic human need and you have neither of those if you get fucked by a random dude or woman at your home every other night.

>> No.11789559

Only because they have penises*. If you pick trannie porn over het porn then it means you like dicks more than you do pussies and this is the main visual difference between men and women. You could have chose to see vaginas instead

>> No.11789563

>sends a retarded meme video as the only proof that men love dick

You know what ? You keep believing that bud.

>> No.11789568


>> No.11789573

>As if i'm the gay dude grabbing man asses.
Again, do you know what boundaries are? Do you know what sexual assault is? Are you aware that gender doesn't matter when it comes to begin assaulted?
>If you're promiscuous you most likely have deep mental or/and trust issues.
Citation needed. You are assuming a LOT here. Also, you're ruling out being able to get therapy to assist with any of your "mental issues," which I might add probably come from something other than your sexual encounters, because there are NO known relations between consensual sex frequency and mental illnesses.

>Intimity and privacy is a basic human need and you have neither of those if you get fucked by a random dude or woman at your home every other night.
I agree, and I add that you can avoid all of the problems if you engage in fucking a random dude/woman WITH YOUR PARTNER. That's a really good way of building intimacy.
You should try it!

>> No.11789580

>the main visual difference between men and women.
It is the main visual difference between men and women, but not between men and TRANS women.
sexual competition drives men to become aroused when they see an aroused penis. It's part of the evolutionary drive to procreate/sexual competition.

>> No.11789581

>People aged between 16 and 24 were most likely to identify as LGB, at an estimated 4.2 per cent, while men were more likely to do so than females, at around 1.7 per cent compared with 0.9 per cent.

One population is 1.7, the other is .9. Their average is 4.2? Hmm

>> No.11789591

Homosexual men are, in the West, generally far more promiscuous than anyone else. It's a combination of a few thing, such as "gay" culture and the fact that male sex drive times male sex drive equals a lot of sex. These are generalizations, of course, but I don't know why you pinkos have such a big problem with generalizations. Individuals are unique, I fucking know what, but humans don't have the brain capacity to take every one of the 7.5 billion human individuals into consideration. Generalization is the only way a human society can function at a size larger than a few hundred members.

>> No.11789595

>You know what ? You keep believing that bud.
If you bothered to watch it, or just read my posts above you'd see why men are driven by sperm competition to become aroused in conjunction with another penis and female.

But you know what? Keep being ignorant.

>> No.11789603

>gender doesn't matter when it comes to begin assaulted

Oh yes it does. Women are are far more traumatized by sexual assault than men, because they're genetically programmed to be, in order to encourage them to protect their womb. Age works in a similar way, young people are more traumatized by sexual assault than old people.

>> No.11789607

>I don't know why you pinkos have such a big problem with generalizations.
1. Stop calling me 'pinko' just because I believe differently from you on this ONE SINGLE SUBJECT. We probably agree on many, many others.
2. generalizations are bad because they don't consider data, which integrates possible factors that you might not have considered. Even if the generalization is right.
Finally, you follow up that statement with this:
>Individuals are unique,
WTF? Which one is it?
Science doesn't attempt to consider every Human on the planet. Sampling is every bit as much a part of science as the actual science itself. It's meant to reflect the correct portion of society that is relevant to the study. Since in this case the study is sex, and EVERYONE on the planet has sex, it's kinda fucking hard to sample that correctly.
So yes, your points are valid, if highly in conflict with each other, and a bit misunderstanding of how statistics are formulated.

>> No.11789620

>Women are are far more traumatized by sexual assault than men,
Uh... I really need a citation for that.
Also, I doubt there's a good study that actually found men willing to participate in good percentages.
Also, I think there's a HIGH difference in being assaulted by a female as a man, than by being assaulted by another male.
So yeah... that's kind a flawed argument to bring out without any citations.
This one's even worse:
>because they're genetically programmed to be
There's no study done on this. You might be getting somewhere if you bring up females being generally more emotional than men. But that includes EVERYTHING, not just rape.
>in order to encourage them to protect their womb.
Again, you're just talking out of your ass. How is a woman's womb in danger from a sexual assault. Perhaps a really extreme assault, but having her ass grabbed isn't putting any part of her body in danger unless the dude has a robot hand or something...
Not seeing how you're coming up with this.
>young people are more traumatized by sexual assault than old people.
YES! Because young people don't have fully formed brains yet, nor the ability to handle trauma like an adult does.
Why even bring this up?

>> No.11789634

All men are literally gays then

>> No.11789643

>All men are literally gays then
Which is one of the points studies like this one might lead us to believe. There's almost no difference other than what a person happens to like. Well, until you start piling social factors onto it,especially those that incur heavy ostracizing such as getting stoned to death!
It might very well be that the only difference between gays and straights is... PREFERENCE! Just like practically everything else in life.
Imagine that.

>> No.11789685

>How is a woman's womb in danger from a sexual assault

Look, if you don't understand basic Darwinian selection, you shouldn't be trying to understand complex things like sexual psychology. But I'll lay it out for you:

It's very simple. In human society, women are very picky about mates, more so than men. This is because getting pregnant is immensely time and resource consuming, and also very dangerous. Women however are also quite physically vulnerable to men, so they can't rely on themselves to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. Instead they get men to do it for them, usually related men. This is also why men are so protective of their sisters and daughters. Of course, women aren't necessarily aware of the evolutionary need to protect their womb, it works through instinct. Women have a lot of anxiety about being penetrated, and to reinforce that they get strong negative reinforcement if they get raped. With men there is good reason to avoid sexual assault, because of the social implications, but you're not going to get pregnant or anything so it's not that bad.

>> No.11789702

Plus a man raping a woman can cause severe internal damage on her body and even kill her. But the opposite doesn't happen

>> No.11789714

Im guessing everyone is a little racist, sexist, facist and rapist also then

>> No.11789721

why does fucking no one adress this, being gay is a non genetic trait mofos, you can ungayify or become make anyone gay its purely psychological.

>> No.11789724

>but you're not going to get pregnant or anything so it's not that bad.
So.. if I rape you with a broomstick or a baseball bat it's not that bad? >>11789702
>But the opposite doesn't happen
Are you sure about this?
Did you think this through?

>> No.11789735

yo calm the fuck down I dont care I accept everyone as long as they're not involving people who dont want anything to do with it or kids.

get fucked in the ass idc in fact I like massagin my prostate myself so fuck it.
Its just important to understand in order to comprehend why more and more ppl are becoming gay.

>> No.11789739

>everyone is a little racist, sexist, facist and rapist also then
Possibly. I certainly believe that everyone has the propensity for those things.

>> No.11789743

>why more and more ppl are becoming gay.
It's probably more that it's becoming more universally accepted.
I mean being stoned to death, beheaded, hanged or just losing your entire family and friends due to shunning are pretty steep deterrents to coming out.

>> No.11789750

>Mostly not genetic based on current GWAS, although some significant variance detected
>Must be entirely psychological then
>"just ungay yourself bro"

The absolute state of /sci/

>> No.11789776

Not as bad as dying in child birth, or being forced to raise a rapists child, no. Though I was talking about rape with a penis, generally inserting massive wooden objects in bodily orifices isn't healthy, whether or not you consider it rape. A normal sized penis isn't in and of itself going to much more than make you sore, but that's not what I was talking about.

>> No.11789792

Generally when people are phsyically harmed during rape, it's due to the beating that happens.
But... uh... okay.

>> No.11789802

Oh my god, you are so fucking dumb. A penis being forcibly shoved up in a pussy/ass can cause internal damage/bruise in a person. It is often reported to be extremely painful

>> No.11789807

Everyone is this board is stupid as hell

>> No.11789813

look at how much male-on-male sex happens in prisons and on navy ships etc and you'll see that yea of course everyone is bisexual to a degree

>> No.11789827

not saying you can entirely ungay. I'd even say impossible. Once you opened that door its there.

>> No.11789838

Yes, it can. Most definitely.
But don't act like it can't be just as devastating to a man as well.
You act as if women have some precious special qualities that make them more damaged by sexual assault than men, when that isn't the case. It's just your preconditioned mind eternally infantilizing women.
Rape sucks for everyone and it varys case by case.

>> No.11789973

>everyone being bisexual means your sexuality is a choice

>> No.11789984
File: 423 KB, 520x615, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's right. You can't deny your love for trap bussy once you're hooked.

>> No.11789999
File: 133 KB, 306x535, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rip that off him and lick his perfect flat chest

>> No.11790557

But jailhouse gay isn't the same as normal gay because its forced on them by circumstance

>> No.11790590

>always loved me some good tits
>get into furry tits early on
>things are good for a decade
>suddenly find a high tier animation of male mewtwo getting milked
>oh no a boner
>cum buckets
Not into gay shit but can appreciate a nice dick.

>> No.11790592

they decided to commit a crime by their own free will :)

>> No.11790611

I suppose, now I am imagining closeted men getting caught on purpose now to get 'punished' , thanks

>> No.11790622

Look into conversion therapy. You can remove an attraction through aversion but you can't implant a new one. Plenty of gays through history have tried. It rarely ends well.

The closest we ever got was a scientist who hooked up a button to the pleasure center of a dudes brain then pressed it whenever he looked at females. Supposedly he managed to get him to sleep with a prostitute but really he just wanted that button press. The guy would press the button for hours on end if he got his hands on it. Was actually pretty creepy. The frankencoomer

>> No.11790643

Sounds completely reasonable, although I haven't read the study, and won't. But I would also say that no one is inherently, or naturally, homosexual either.

>> No.11790687

well but it did work then. so why does everyone says it doesn't work?

>> No.11790692

Science proofed that you are homo if you like it or not.

>> No.11790697

It was N=1 and the dude didn't want to fuck the chick. He wanted the button pressed and was told it would only happen if he tried to fuck the chick. He didn't become straight, he became addicted to a button.

Plus it literally required wiring a button super invasively into his brain to stimulate the pleasure center.

>> No.11790783


I've had sex with pretty much every gender a person can identify as. Pretty much every time has been a spectacular experience.

>> No.11790798

nobody cares and you're lying

>> No.11790801

>everyone is a little bisexual
i'm 100% gay.. how can they post this up during PRIDE MONTH!

>> No.11790927


I'm not lying. Why would I lie? Before Craigslist got rid of its personal section, you could find quick sexual relationships in pretty much every combination you desired. It was often easier to go on CL than to go to clubs, bars, gay bars, trans bars, you name it. In fact, it was pretty much always easier. You could get laid on CL every day with someone new if you wanted. And you could get into some wild times, I tell you what.

>> No.11791073

Tbh in the end I don't care if genetic or environmental or whatever. Gays are fine. Trannies are not, they are literally destroying their lives and try to change reality so to fit their psychosis. And it has actually dangerous implications.