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File: 147 KB, 444x600, barack_obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1177578 No.1177578 [Reply] [Original]

Is he the actaul anti-christ or a someone who can hopefully get the world back on track ?

>> No.1177600

little bit of both

>> No.1177596

just another no good politician scum bag

>> No.1177606

he is a politician that has at least average iq, and isn't interested in turning the us into a police state

>> No.1177610

How is that hopey changey thing working for you?

>> No.1177614

at least the first half of your sentence is true

>> No.1177622

well ok how about this:"...and isn't interested in turning the us into a police state as quickly as Bush was."

>> No.1177632
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>> No.1177647
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>> No.1177650

>My face when you didn't know he graduated from Harvard at the top of his class

>> No.1177652

unfortunately for you they don't make affirmative action iq tests.

>> No.1177659
File: 54 KB, 570x570, 2422_570x570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill out Negro!

>> No.1177669

uh yea he graduated in "Law" not in "Mathematics"

>> No.1177681

I see nothing wrong there.

>> No.1177688
File: 29 KB, 400x400, john_mccain_sucks_tshirt-p2351058694986611743pso_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McCain was a faggot who was to dumb to get out of POW camp (tons of prisoners escaped)

>> No.1177700
File: 24 KB, 400x400, mccain_sucks_mccant_tshirt-p235475543125455655trlf_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, I dont give a fuck if obama dressed like that, no smart person would. It is totally unimportant.

>> No.1177707

Still got to disagree with you. Bush was all about big brother. Obama is all about serfdom. Neither is very good in my opinion.

>> No.1177721

>Implying that being good in Law doesn't take alot of intelligence
>Implying you aren't a jealous neckbeard

>> No.1177731

McCain = Obama

Anyone that disagrees doesn't understand politics.

>> No.1177735
File: 135 KB, 436x386, M17obamarocks7_50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama won in a landslide, it wasnt even a contest. McCain just sucked ass!

>> No.1177759

>implying that the 2008 election was not a referendum on GWB.

>> No.1177769


>> No.1177763
File: 38 KB, 400x338, obama_rocket_man_fuck_yeah4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obama is all about serfdom

And you heard that from who on Faux News? Glenn Beck?

How exactly has he "progressed" serfdom? examples? what has he done or what policy has he inacted that gives you this impression?

>> No.1177808

Massive spending increases which will necessitate massive tax increases on those that still pay taxes. We will all get to be poor and miserable and safe so long as we promise the vast bulk of our production to the government. And in a society where investment in human capital yields to benefits, people will stop trying to advance themselves. You end up with a work force with limited education and skills that is hopelessly dependent on it's government for everything. How different is that from medieval feudalism?

>> No.1177817

omg, I totally get that shirt,
you just zinged the fuck out of McCain,
he's old and his ideas are old, he's totally going to lose in 2008

>> No.1177883
File: 15 KB, 320x240, dumbfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Massive spending increases which will necessitate massive tax increases on those that still pay taxes.

Has this happened yet? NO, Did you get taxed more? NO, so your just BULLSHITTING. This is speculative bullshit.

The rest of your statement is just hyperbolic bullshit that follows from your "assumption", yeah I can tell you watch FAUX NEWS.

You need to learn basic LOGIC, so again. What has he done that is "surfdom" like? And none of this hyperbolic bullshit, your dumbfuck speculation is meaningless, I want actual examples. Actual proof, do you understand? Or is that too complicated for you? Do you even know what serfdom is?

>> No.1177913
File: 180 KB, 750x600, motivator8540663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know wtf "serfdom" means? Taxation, no matter how bad, is not fucking "serfdom", especially taxation with representation. Damm, you need to turn off the Faux news little guy, its making you stupid!

>> No.1177944

How about you explain a way to pay off a 13 trillion dollars in federal debt without an increase in tax revenue. Then explain how an economy based on fiat money can survive when the money issuer is so far in debt that there is no chance of that debt being paid off. Then explain how tax policy that rewards those who produce nothing at the expense of the productive members of society can be anything other than an incentive to not achieve.

Obama is at best a demagogue and at worst populist authoritarian.

>> No.1177971


fuck yes taxes have gone up you fool.

tobacco taxes literally went up 2200% soon after he was elected and the only reason he hasn't hiked federal income tax is that he can't do it without congress and popular vote.

>> No.1177987

If you believe that high taxes lead to anything short of de facto servitude then I wish the best to you and your progeny. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were my countrymen.

>> No.1178037

I'm from Denmark and what the fuck is this?

>> No.1178080

You'll find out when the cancer leaves Greece.

>> No.1178094

LMAO, who gives a fuck about tobbaco tax. Not me, STOP SMOKING YOU DUMBASS!

>> No.1178107

LMAO, who gives a fuck about health care. Not me, STOP WHINING TO THE GOVERNMENT DUMBASS!

>> No.1178110


> Comparing Greece with Denmark

.. Really?

>> No.1178131


you laugh now but one day they will try to take away one of the things that YOU like to do.

if you don't fight against each and every freedom they start to take away then you have no leg to stand on when they come after your porn, or your net neutrality, or any of the other things the government has their eyes on. mark my words bro.

>> No.1178143
File: 35 KB, 350x500, Zombie-Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, cause we always try and pay off debt ASAP...LMAO. No one is goona try and pay off that debt for a long long time.

So what should he have done then? Let a economic depression sink in? I mean what were his alternatives?

His speanding really isnt that bad, or that big compared to bush. What really makes it look bad was the fact that he put the "Wars" on record, Bush didnt so his spending seemed much smaller. And the stimulas was actually set forth by Bush, Obama just ran with it.

Regardless, I could give a fuck, only stupid poor or middle class people complain about taxes. Sucks for them, but its there fault they dont make more money. They chose to be failures financially with shitty life decisions.

>> No.1178162

that doenst even make sense. What is the government gonna "take" away?

>> No.1178196

It is refreshing to see another liberal (I use the term in the same sense that Jefferson, Locke, and Smith did).

>> No.1178201
File: 27 KB, 250x250, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEY! Paranoid anti-governement FUCKTARD!
Wow, I can tell you watch alot of FAUX.

You make America fucking look bad. Fuck, its people like you that are the cancer of our society. Fucking shoot yourself and die!

>> No.1178240


the government is slowly siphoning of more and more funds from tobacco sales (and spending it on shit completely unrelated to tobacco) until the cost prohibits anyone from buying them, essentially taking them away.

There are acts/committees forming to seriously lock down media sharing on the internet (giving power to the FCC among other things) and who the fuck knows what they will come after once all that is done.

>> No.1178249

The poor don't pay taxes.
Obama is spending money at 3 times the rate Bush did (I agree that Bush was spending too much money though).
The economic depression hasn't even hit us yet. Watch what happens when Bush's tax cuts expire at the end of this year. The current holding pattern in due to income earners trying to get as much production as possible under current tax rates to build up reserve capital for the next year or two.
Debt on the part of the issuer of fiat money creates uncertainty in markets and contributes to slow growth and instability. And if any individual was as irresponsible with their personal spending as our government has been they would be very thankful we no longer have debtors prisons.

>> No.1178259

I'm not amused

>> No.1178274

When you are done raging, try discussing ideas based on facts. That is what the rest of the big kids are doing.