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11777531 No.11777531 [Reply] [Original]

Humanity will probably die out somewhere between 2050 and 2200.

1. Man-made climate change will destroy the ice caps. The global temperature will increase 5.4 F (3 C) by the year 2050. The melting of the ice sheets will cause massive droughts, fuck up rainforests and make the air even hotter and more toxic.

2. Overpopulation. Not enough food, massive unemployment, riots, constant political and economic crisis. At the end, people will fight over water.

3. There's always a chance of some gigantic natural disasters that no one could ever stop. Asteroids, vulcanos, earthquakes. There are still no ways to prevent these.

4. Coronavirus showed us how people and countries can't handle a simple virus. Imagine the panic and human stupidity if a hardcore pandemic would happen. A new black death of spanish flu. Overpopulated, low IQ countries like Indians and Americans would die out pretty quick.

I don't think science can save us in the next 30 years or so. Prove me wrong.

>> No.11777533

>Man-made climate change
Retard detected.

>> No.11777540
File: 58 KB, 510x510, 3534859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument.

>> No.11777549

It was a scientific observation.

>> No.11777561

Any sauce on that?

>> No.11777574

>Climate Change

>> No.11777589

Well, he's right about overpopulation, but also wrong. We're overpopulated long ago. With modern civilization and all its demands, as "little" as 2 billion people is already way too much.

However, overpopulation eventually takes care of itself. The more populated a place becomes, the faster it reaches a mass die off event due to starvation. There was some experiment where elks (I think it was elks) were put on a island. They had no predators there and plenty of grass and plants to eat from. After a while they multiplied. Eventually they starved to death. Everyone died. When it comes to humanity however everyone won't die, just most. Even with mass starvation in combination with some nasty virus, a few hundred million will survive.

>> No.11777595

There is no overpopulation crises.

>> No.11777602

>Climate change

ah yes that branch of science that is completely falsified from start to finish, gotcha. Stopped reading there.

>> No.11777604
File: 396 KB, 1536x817, american future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humanity will probably die out somewhere between 2050 and 2200.

Humanity will not extinct , at least not COMPLETELY EXTINCT.

So called "New World Order" will create 2 types of countries on Earth:

Corporate Dystopia with population changed into enslaved wageslaves / autistic life losers for mono-racial countries like in China.

Racially segregated criminal police state like nowadays Brazil for multiracial countries.


-no creativity, no ability to manage and operate companies, no comedy, no documentaries.
All entertainment will be lowbrow staged dumbed down slapstick humor to appeal to all races, total refrence-fest shows to induce public cohesion and forcefeed whatever narrative the corporate leadership wants.

-All media will be censored and fake like MSM , Facebook is now, we wont know what happens anywhere in the world because the credibility will be gone. Cities can be wiped out overnight and nobody will know. Populism and activism (actual activism) will never happen.

-All scientific progress will be exchanged for social and political progressiveness.

-Eating bugs will be a luxury as will your fish head, bowl of rice & watermelon rind.

>> No.11777606

sounds pretty based honestly, i'm all for it

>> No.11777614

>cringe picture
>climate change
>small chances or insignificant chances
>a virus pandemic

lmao what a fucking retarded

>> No.11777618

Not yet. Not yet.

>> No.11777635
File: 229 KB, 584x840, brazilia according to brazilian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sounds pretty based


>i'm all for it

Do you even know what ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ?


Do you think that you will be some "BOSS OF IT ALL" in this future vision of world ?

No . YOU will be POWERLESS SOCIAL COG who will see how modern dystopian world empire will be created, the state which will by the time descends into the abyss of economic and technical stagnation, consumed by corruption and lawlessness, from time to time as the authorities weaken someone revolts and promises a new order - but either they liquidate it or after a few years it turns out that after a few years it is the same evil as the previous authorities. And you wont be able to do anything to fix this sick reality.

>> No.11777643

god I fucking wish the NWO population control meme was a real thing
maximum of 250 million people on the planet when?

>> No.11777649

Deny away.
It should be emphasized that these predictions are optimistic in the sense that they exclude sudden natural and anthropogenic catastrophes like solar storms & world wars--combinations of them especially. On the other hand, if one happened early enough, and wiped out 90% of the population without completely wrecking civilization, that could delay & ameliorate most of the serious threats of extinction for centuries.

>> No.11777661

It sounds nice to know that they will at least be able to form such a stable social structure. History has shown that civilizations are plagued by instability and the New World Order sounds like an escape from that.

>> No.11777666

>negative IQ
Poltard detected.

>> No.11777705

>literal end of history retard
I think the 90s are calling you.

>> No.11777829

You seem to not understand. Overpopulation does not mean there's a "crisis". Humanity has been harming the environment (and I don't mean in an imaginary way with warming thru CO2, I mean real environmental issues like soil nutrient depletion and deforestation and the sheer growth of cities and roads etc, and pesticides and other chemicals, and on and on) faster and with greater impact than nature can handle, than nature can heal itself, for maaany decades now. Even if we had only 1 billion people, that would still be overpopulated WHEN combined with modern civilization. If we didn't have modern industrialized civilization, then there would be no problems with the number of people. Of course, if you're gonna keep 7 billion alive then you need modern civilization and all the modern tech we have now. Remove all the modern stuff and the number of people would need to drop.

Take the country of Spain for example, it's slowly turning into a desert because the whole country must act as a giant greenhouse for Europe to produce fruits and vegetables all year round.

If we're going to have modern civilization (which we shouldn't, it's bad), then we shouldn't have so many people as we do now. Choose, modern civ with much much less people, or a few billion people perhaps but in combination with turning the clock back at least 500 years.

>> No.11777893

Not going to happen. Seriously calm down. If people actually cared about this they would push for workable long term solutions (regenerative farming etc)

In africa yes. Europe and American populations are stable if they stop importing people. Like Japan.

True. Cannot argue with this one, except it is very unlikely to happen in your lifetime.

If a hardcore pandemic happened it would have been taken much more seriously. The initial lax response of many countries, and then wrecking the global economy is a funny parcel granted. But if people started dying like a plague most countries would close their borders pronto.

>> No.11777913

Implying you are going to be one of the 250 million.

>> No.11778449
File: 48 KB, 850x400, 6e7aa318efe4d1710f5944a032e2d8de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New World Order sounds like an escape from that.

History also teach us that ALL KINDS OF GOVERMENTS , almost everywhere on this planet have tendency to by the time INCREASING attempts to CONTROL OF THEIR OWN CITIZENS, which in the case of a government that has no other competition from any other government of other countries must inevitably lead to the creation of the worst possible forms of a totalitarian state, including the most sickly ideas in the style of government control of all official Internet content in its own country, as is already the case in China and Saudi Arabia, for example, or the obligation to wear location devices (OBLIGATION , not an option as in the case of current mobile phones), or logging on to social networking sites using only your own ID card.

In general, the establishment of a world government would be a REAL CIVILIZATION DISASTER - then politicians will only be able to make ice cream and raise taxes indefinitely without fear of someone fleeing to another country. In addition, the unity of power will not guarantee peace.
- It is never the case that one person has absolute power - there will always be someone or a group of people who can rebel.
- Lack of competition from other countries will spoil the state - there is no need to improve the state or maintain a reasonable level of administration and corruption - because no one will still do with the authority that can control the whole world order
-It's even an argument about a world without wars. -If there's only one country, there's simply no one to war with.

The example of Yugoslavia shows that not necessarily. In that case, we would simply call EVERY war on EARTH a CIVIL war.

>> No.11778541

half of humanity dying is pretty easy but full extinction is impossible. humans have big brains

>> No.11778668

i don't think the things you listed will wipe out humanity. yes a lot of people will die from either of those but of course there will be survivors, we'll figure out a way to live with melted ice caps and viruses don't have 100% mortality

>> No.11778798
File: 54 KB, 960x680, CC_hadleyCell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh honey, the crop-destroying droughts will hit already in the '30s, around 450ppm/+2C

>> No.11779011


1&2 are not worth addressing

3 is a legitimate concern

4 lol

>> No.11779031

>" The crisis is 10 years away!!"
>Wait 10 years