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11770409 No.11770409 [Reply] [Original]

What will humanities future look like?

>> No.11770412

>blm spam

>> No.11770488

Twerking niggers on the ruins of civilization with jewish overlords. Forever.

>> No.11770493
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>> No.11771526
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>What will humanities future look like?


We wont colonize space (Earth's Moon and other moons and planets) .

"Brave New World' predicted future better than any other novel.

His book warns us of the dangers of mass media, passivity, and how even an intelligent population can be driven to gladly choose dictatorship over freedom.

He also predicted:
-Endless distractions
-popularity of antidepressants
-Mass consumerism
-mass surveillance
-political correctness

Is this the most redpill novel ever written ?


>> No.11771572

If you got transported to 3000 you'd see the world in peace, filled with distractions, one world government and very few rich people holding most of planetary wealth.

The biggest change that would shake you is the lack of genders, as nobody is neither male or female and everybody is augmented by some sort of tech to help them navigate through life with more ease.

While seemingly free, people of this age are pulled so far into the rabbit hole of base reality and heavens at their fingertips that technology has to offer that they've become completely unable of true original thought.

At this stage it is no longer possible to tell apart natural from that which is of society. The state (world government) has infiltrated every aspect of citizens' lives and nobody questions it anymore.

>> No.11771581

it'll look like the 1990's in brazil for the next 300 years as most of the world struggles to climb out of the pit resource scarcity and low living conditions caused by global overpopulation

>> No.11771732

> everybody is augmented by some sort of tech to help them navigate through life with more ease.
There was a miniseries on YouTube some while back about everyone in the Western world having an uplink to the Internet installed in their head.

Some terrorist sent out one simple command: reboot. Millions dropped dead of heart attacks immediately. Those that didn't, dropped from diabetic comas when their pancreases shut down.

Part of the series focused on a group of survivors that just happened to be parking their car in an underground lot. The wifi transmitter nearest them was broken.

>> No.11771743
File: 76 KB, 650x487, Soma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this the most redpill novel ever written ?
It is. And everyone should read it.

>> No.11772303

this kind of thing makes for a great sci fi concept, but would probably never be a real possibility. vital functions aren't going to be integrated into the internet anytime soon if ever

>> No.11772578

It's like the redpill for consumers who like to think they're redpilled but in reality they're just consumerist NPCs like everybody else.

>> No.11772590 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 670x670, 1e2f110d435d161d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit thread fuck yall
This is now an ELEVEN thread
Like bedroom pop?
Like indie rock?
Like cuco/clairo/joji/billie eilish and all them niggas?
Then you'll definitely enjoy this song!

>> No.11772593 [DELETED] 
File: 1.38 MB, 1080x1920, rhDuR8y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you
This is now an ELEVEN thread
Like bedroom pop?
Like indie rock?
Like cuco/clairo/joji/billie eilish and all them niggas?
Then you'll definitely enjoy this song!

>> No.11772598

21st paradigm shifts in technology and cosmological understanding with either lead to our enslavement or our complete liberation

>> No.11772599

the brain does not even run on binary so its a dumb ass concept that makes iq110's go duuuude rly made me think

>> No.11772603 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 591x606, x5rdxg1pcol31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up caveniggers
This is now an ELEVEN thread
Like bedroom pop?
Like indie rock?
Like cuco/clairo/joji/billie eilish and all them niggas?
Then you'll definitely enjoy this song!

>> No.11772607
File: 55 KB, 550x531, m1ooq71z1c441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What will the future look like?"
>50 responses from different idiots talking like they actually know the answer
We don't know and can only guess. Anyone who states their answer as if it's fact is larping.

>> No.11772626

ok mr fun guy

>> No.11772706

You ever see a black girl get her hair stuck in a subway train door, while her fatter blacker friend screams while holding a hoagie?
The future will look a lot like that, except everyone else watching the carnage is slightly annoyed and wants to get laid.

>> No.11772707

>BNW is about production and consumption
What a retard. It's about globalism, social stability, and peace, at a cost. You've never even read it. Fuck off, proto-epsilon faggot.

>> No.11772744

reboot what exactly? humans don't run operating systems. the heart is controlled mainly by the pacemaker and the pancreas is controlled by hormones and blood glucose concentration, so if the brain was to "reboot" those organs should not be affected anyway

>> No.11772780

As if the writer is a scientist

>> No.11772785
File: 246 KB, 2400x1600, perry_nuclear_power_plant_032919_-_chow_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US will balkanize
>China will try to step up and fill the vacuum but will only control their region
>Cold war between china and japan
>New super power will be a cabal of corporate entities
>technological stagnation
>availability of technology will be only for the lucky few
>massive degradation in standard of living as ocean biosphere die off proceeds
>world will stabilize into economic bloc based on international trade between quasi corporate entities, the chinese and its satellite states
>china takes its turn fucking around in africa and the middle east
>colonization of space postponed indefinitely
>EROI looms
>eventual spinning down of industrial capacity as fusion turns out to be a pipe dream
>humanity eventually reverts back to victorian industrial levels of manufacturing capability
>space travel now impossible, not enough energy available
>humanity dies with a whisper, no resources left for any subsequent sapient life to attempt off planet exploitation

>> No.11773025

if you think 90s brazil was bad i honestly hope you never study our recent (15+) history

>> No.11773529

china will have enough with itself.

>> No.11773753

For our silicone creations to lifelessly float about in the vacuum of space, forever awaiting on our instructions. Infinite silence.

>> No.11773794

Anyone who thinks it will be some technological utopia is deeply deeply naive. Not only are we very obviously hitting diminishing returns, but the technology we manage to make is having a marked deleterious effect on us.

Social media and automation will just make us contact-less, jobless serfs. Perhaps we will have new cheap plastic from china (phones) that do little more than the last 10 years of phones. The west will continue its decline--especially America what with demographic change. America will turn into Brazil at best or South Africa at worst.

Space travel is obviously dead. You can't make rockets if you have to deal with affirmative action hires for women and minorities. You just don't.

It won't get better until political issues are resolved. No way around it.

>> No.11773806

Absolute shit unfortunately. It could have been amazing but white peoples altruism ruined everything.

>> No.11773810
File: 691 KB, 1328x2380, Huxley vs. Orwell vision of society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It won't get better until political issues are resolved

Rather SOCIAL and DEMOGRAFIC PROBLEMS than just a "political issues".

However, somewhere in western Europe at the end of the Middle Ages, a different approach to improvement than in earlier historical periods began to emerge. Things were improving NOT JUSTto survive, but to improve, to check. Change for change's sake, not out of necessity. This new way of thinking developed slowly to explode with full force in the 19th century. Eccentrics, inventors, madmen discovering something became "pop stars". Thinking and discovering became fashionable. It lasted somewhere until the middle of the 20th century and became commonplace.
In my opinion, nowadays invention is not fashionable, but only desirable to satisfy consumers, which means that we partly return to thinking from before this revolution, but on a different level. We expect that there will be inventions, but the people who design them are not famous, and these are just another anonymous work, which we do not admire but demand.
Admittedly, there are universities, pop-culture productions promoting slogans: "all the way forward", "don't give up", "it's all up to you", "you make your way", but how many people listen to them? There is no such a push for these slogans anymore and I am afraid that we are entering another period of stagnation, but at a higher level of development, which in turn is more difficult to maintain in the case of the REALLY HUGE CATASTROPHE as : an eruption of some volcanic caldera / super volcano, hitting some giant rock straight from space, a deadly epidemic on a global scale (not like the overrated "Covid-19/Coronavirus"), but on a similar scale to the famous Black Death from medieval Europe resulting in the deaths of 30% to 60% of Europe's population.

What will we do if REALLY HUGE CATASTROPHE and WORLD-WIDE catastrophe will happened ?

>> No.11773925


>> No.11773928

>It won't get better until political issues are resolved. No way around it.

I think you're confusing politics with culture

>> No.11773943

t. /pol/

>> No.11774196

Those issues are so intertwined the distinction is nearly negligible now.

>> No.11774463

>diminishing returns
Why are economistas still shilling this bullshit after Malthus got BTFO 200 years ago?

>> No.11774476

obey the machine god.

>> No.11774599

Probably because 200 years ago =/= today, retard

>> No.11775119

Predicting until 2100.

There will be small colonies on the Moon and on Mars, and a few robotic bases on jupyter moons. An AGI prototype will appear before 2030, and by 2040 it will become smarter than any human who has ever lived. There will be full automation, but capitalism won't collapse: people's job will consist in endlessly consuming personalized media content, food and drugs, giving up on any hope of intellectual contribution to society. There will still be scientists, but they will just be observing what the AIs are coming up with. Wealth inequality will massively increase, with (((elites))) effectively becoming a new aristocratic class. Corporations will become several orders of magnitude more powerful than nations.

Aging will be fully reversed and all disease cured. Birth rates will drop below 0.5 per woman, and degeneracies will vastly increase, with people going back and forth between sexes thanks to improved surgery techniques. Newborn babies DNA will be modified and controlled by governments, without any care of the parents will.

A few humans will still live as in the old times. Hoping.

>> No.11775148

If your prediction comes to be then those humans who live as in the old times will be the only ones who have anything approaching satisfaction.

>> No.11775176

humanity has to find a new equilibrium. civilization has changed so much in so few generations, just give it time

>> No.11775189

Humanity will slowly dissolve (or evolve, depends on how you see it) into something else.

>> No.11775204

exactly, the current norms are so far removed from our social coping mechanisms that it's going to create immense cultural selection pressure

>> No.11775248

You would need hundreds of thousands of years at least for there to be any meaningful change on a genetic level (i.e more time than anyone cares to wait). I guarantee there would be worldwide revolution before people accepted a life like you described world over.

>> No.11775267

If we can get independent self perpetuating space colonies going you'd increase the rate of speciation of the human animal.

>> No.11775290

i wasn't talking about genetics, i was talking about human society adjusting to technology

>> No.11777461


>> No.11779307
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We are heading for a Cyberpunk future.
Visit >>>/g/cyb

>> No.11779335

You won't wanna be in the cities I'll tell ya that Granddad.