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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11770374 No.11770374 [Reply] [Original]

Anime husbando edition

Last: >>11762928

Thread for the discussion of allopathic evidence-based medicine. We discuss research, offer advice (the best one is to see your family physician), make fun of premeds and shitpost.

>What's the best spec for research?
Path, onc, anesthesia, etc.
>Best spec lifestyle wise?
Psych, ophtho, derm, rads

>> No.11770388

First for fuck premeds

>> No.11770390


>> No.11770393
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>> No.11770395

>Discuss EBM


We know the best speciality for a comfy lifestyle is Rural Med.

>> No.11770398
File: 323 KB, 850x399, The-Enthroned-Enki-BM-103232-The-British-Museum.ppm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Enki is still btfo'ing you to this day,

>> No.11770399

>rural med
is this is a new meme? you won’t make any money with rural med

>> No.11770401

Anons why are liberal arts majors making it into med school?
Man I would pay to watch them crash and burn (theres none at my med school)

>> No.11770403

I did fuck a few of them back when I was a 3rd and 4th year undergrad
1st year premed girls are cute

>> No.11770404

>rural med

Based and FMpilled.

>you won't make any money

?? The lifestyle is great.

>> No.11770405

$200,000+ per year

>> No.11770408

enki was a rural FM, the first to get a 280 on step 1

Who do you think created the anki card system? He carved those facts on stone tablets back in the day to make flashstones

You new age med cucks should be eternally grateful for Dr. Enki

>> No.11770410

>The lifestyle is great.
??? rotting in some village shithole is not great mate, unless the village people offer their virgin daughters as sacrifice to you every 2 years

>> No.11770411

how many new cards do you guys run per day. 20 per day per deck??

>> No.11770417
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>You new age med cucks should be eternally grateful for Dr. Enki

Never used Anki and don't plan to.

That's where you're wrong, dude. You have to eye the villages that are near a big city so you can escape there from time to time. It's quiet, you'll be a part of the community and patients will seek you first, well respected and don't have to deal with the nepotism a hospital job comes with.

Rural FM is peak comfy.

>> No.11770418

>Living in a city constant traffic, plebs everywhere who dont give a shit about you. Constant problems dealing with city cucks who are aloof and arogant in a rush.

>> No.11770420

What do you mean why? Recruiter boomers want more art student cucks because they think are more well rounded

Also because a lot of these rich fucks and program directors have spoiled kids who major in liberal arts from expensive colleges and then get recruited by daddy in top med schools and become a doc within a few years while rest of us middle class cucks struggle through sciences and maths, mcat and other bullshit to finally get a chance at med

everything in US is extremely corrupt

>> No.11770422

>Liberal arts major well rounded

My sides

>> No.11770424
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Does your country have laws put in where if you date a patient of yours in less than 5 years after they consulted you, they can use it down the road as you using your power to basically rape them?

>> No.11770428
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>Well rounded

>> No.11770429

Looking at your patients in a romantic way ever

>> No.11770431

it's not as easy you'd think being a pediatrician

>> No.11770432

kek 0 per day, I don’t get the anki meme. I only used it way back in 2018 to memorize some drugs. But ideally you should do around 200-250 cards per day if you are doing dedicated step 1 study.

It’s not about how many cards you do, it’s about how well you do it. Anki is good for review but if you haven’t seen the concept at all and you are just hammering away some obscure factoid in your head, then you are doing it wrong.
Understand the concept, do uworld, you’ll find out how much you still have to learn, go back and re-read the concept, if you don’t get certain words or meds, use anki to hammer it in, give more related uworld qs and then you should be good to go

>> No.11770433

doubt it’s that high everywhere mate, most village counties must be bankrupt

I guess, just that living in villages is pretty weird, guess you can fuck up your patients and not get sued there

>> No.11770434

US has retarded laws that prevent doctor patient relationships, won’t be surprised if docs secretly bang their cute patients though. Liability for that shit is too high and you can get in trouble for that

>> No.11770439

You earn enough for a decent escort why would you risk your lifes work for some freak who wants to frick their doc,

>> No.11770440

god I just wanna pound one of my patients in the ass till she cries and begs me to cum

she’s so cute brehs, she can’t even speak yet but she makes me diamonds

>> No.11770441

kek yep, no way I’m trusting any hoe in this day and age. I’m an asexual binary fission nigga as long as I’m at the hospital and with my patients

>> No.11770445
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this made my day

>> No.11770447

threads are going pretty fast these days

>> No.11770448

>asexual binary fission nigga

>> No.11770449

>he doesn't get hit on and offered drugs by BPD young women in the psych clinic
>he doesn't get hard talking about contraception to the mid 20s young professionals
>he hasn't enjoyed being sexually assualted by a drug induced psychotic model in a side room in the ER

Anon I'm not sure medicine is for you

>> No.11770455

I never used brainlet cards enki can go fuck himself

>> No.11770460

bpd chicks are whores, professional women are arrogant whores and drugged up whores grabbing your cock counts as rape in muttmerica

But yea big titty milk truck female patients makes me want to drop everything and start sucking on em puppies and go to sleep in complete peace

>> No.11770462

you’ll be mine one day i swear

>> No.11770463

Young nurses between the ages of 22-33 should be forced to work in only bras and panties and nothing else, change my mind

They should be spanked regularly for being rude or making mistakes till they beg for forgivemess

>> No.11770464
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A-anon-chan, my kokoro...

>> No.11770465

preach my brother

>> No.11770466


Theres no greater pleasure

>> No.11770469

This reminds me, back in high school I used to volunteer at a disability clinic checking up on all the downies and retards there..

This one downie chick was completely infatuated with me, calling me her boyfriend, trying to hold my hand , being weirdly sexual. The supervisors thought it was cute and she meant no harm but that chick freaked me out.

I wonder if a downie finding me insanely attractive should be flattering or insulting, on one hand she had no mental restrictions so whatever she was saying was unfiltered, on the other hand she was a downie.. wonder if regular chicks find me attractive too, just too shy to say it or will downies is all I’m gonna get in life

>> No.11770474

Indeed, nurses should let us suck on em puppies to help us destress desu

>> No.11770477

Is this what a horny /med/ thread looks like? I know I chose a pretty hot OP pic guys, but come on.

>> No.11770478

Not my fault nurses and female patients are so slutty
plus as a doc you kinda are their daddy

>> No.11770479

>on one hand she had no mental restrictions so whatever she was saying was unfiltered

Anon she knows your in her league. Im afraid its bad news

>> No.11770480
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/med/ after dark baby
I'm sick of medical tv shows having all the sex and irl no one even has the fucking time to date

>> No.11770482

you’ll like it here in georgia and we can visit your mom anytime you want if you ever miss her

>> No.11770484

I figured, she probably thought I was from her tribe

>> No.11770486

Especially the pregnant ones.

God damn I swear I was the most horny during my OBGYN placement. All the babies and prenancy shit makes the women crazy, maybe it was pheromones or something. All the midwives and female obgyn docs being stern with me then doing shit like holding my hand to the right spot on the abdomen and leaning up against me during a c section or talking about correct intercourse technique and how I would have handsome children. One consultant demonstrated the effect of oxytocin release in males by hugging me, I get hard just thinking about that


>> No.11770495

>I'm sick of medical tv shows having all the sex
kek exactly, Doctor chicks don’t date other doctors, they shoot for richer guys, nurses are hoes and can’t be trusted with a relationship, can’t fuck patients, don’t have time to go out and talk to a chick for long enough till she agrees to suck your pp and let you put it inside her

Oh well

>> No.11770501

So are those chicks in OBGYN, so are they..

> leaning up against me during a c section or talking about correct intercourse technique and how I would have handsome children

Lewd.. I’ve felt chicks rubbing or pressing their titties at the my shoulder or my sides while trying to watch some procedure or whatever. It’s a lewd and unholy feeling.

Plus the whole Baby thing probably makes a lot of them real horny

>> No.11770503
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I'm in.

>> No.11770504

Where the fuck is my /med/ bf? I'm in third year and I'm going to die a fucking virgin reeeeee

>> No.11770505

Id rather take a bullet than date a med girl

>> No.11770508

it’s a mentally ill tranny

>> No.11770512

so now we wait till corona border lockdown is off and i’m coming for your hand

>> No.11770519

Same with practicing ophthalmoscope technique with a female partner and their face is like an inch from yours and you can smell them or when they do a thyroid exam on you and have their hands on your neck. I was so touch starved in 1st year looking back. I swear getting taught by a female senior is like JOI to me. Then there's the whole other dimension of teaching younger years.

Reading house of god made me realise it's normal to be horny all the time in medicine.

>> No.11770524

>it's normal to be horny all the time in medicine.

I'm genuinely concerned.

>> No.11770529

Have sex

>> No.11770537

>female partners
lucky, in our class most of the chicks stayed away from bois, did teach reproductive and pussy exam to some girls in my class though, made pussy jokes all the way through and they loosened up (no pun intended) after a while. I was also close to do doing abdominal exam on a cutie but she kinda backed out and we had to do it on a fat dude

honestly we are too removed from other people and our head is filled with so much trivial and bullshit medical factoids that there’s hardly any processing or memory space left for romance or love or socializing.

I used to feel brainfucked every fucking day after siting for 6.5 hours in class lectures every fucking day, answering questions, understanding unusual concepts and so on.. I forgot most of it but that’s another matter

girls in med school are fucking boring too so there’s that.. mostly the quiet/arrogant type or self isolating nerdy type that doesn’t really talk much

shame, there were quite a few cuties but never got a chance to spend much time with em, there German chick too and she was pretty sweet, she was already engaged so nothing came of it.

>> No.11770539

med school is lonely bro.. plus you’d be mindfucked every fucking day with a ton of info so you’d have neither the time, confidence or the mental capacity to seduce chicks

>> No.11770548

>girls in med school are fucking boring too

Indeed, I thought they would be cool and chill. Instead they tend to be uptight and annoying leeches

>> No.11770550

>Instead they tend to be uptight and annoying leeches

So...gunner personality?

>> No.11770554

I guess you indirectly answered my question. I fucked my dating opportunities over by choosing med. Guess I'll die alone.

>> No.11770566

Go for student vets, nurses or therapists, they have no males on their course and all fancy med students. I think female medical students can turn on this shell of talking to everyone like patients, really formal like, so you can never get to know them or have a meaningful conversation. Then when everyone is out for drinks after the rotation and they are fucked up they are normal people for a bit and show emotion.

Talked to a few of them about how challenging dating can be for professional women and they all agree, many of them can't find a long term relationship. IMO they are beyond help

>brainfucked every fucking day after siting for 6.5 hours

I know bro, I was so burntout studying for finals I didn't have any motivation to date or speak to girls. My mate was taking viagra all revision period as he was so burntout he didn't want to sleep with his bird

>> No.11770602

>Go for student vets, nurses or therapists, they have no males on their course and all fancy med students.

Yep they are smart enough to be in healthcare, not smart enough to be an autistic doc, what I prefer. I liked dating a teacher too once, she was pretty feminine

>I think female medical students can turn on this shell of talking to everyone like patients, really formal like, so you can never get to know them or have a meaningful conversation. Then when everyone is out for drinks after the rotation and they are fucked up they are normal people for a bit and show emotion.

I think it’s imposter syndrome, they take the doctor larp way too seriously. Plus most of them come from upper middle class/rich households so they are probably extremely sheltered and used to daddy’s little princess, now they are in the real world and just overwhelmed by it all. Most of the time they just seem fake, arrogant and kinda aloof. Not that I am an party animal but they seem especially aloof. Girls from middle class/lower middle class tend to be chill or international students are not bad either, guess they have more experience with socialization and life sucking every fucking day.

The high class bimbos probably won’t stick around for long with you anyway, they tend to get their MDs, get into a comfy derm or obgyn field and marry some rich dude and life happily ever after.

Plus girls always date up or their equals, if they aren’t hideous they’ll probably snag some rich dude. They do end up wasting some of their most fertile years in medicine so that must suck real bad, a lot of them get married after completing their basic sciences and passing step 1

> I was so burntout studying for finals I didn't have any motivation to date or speak to girls. My mate was taking viagra all revision period as he was so burntout he didn't want to sleep with his bird

lmao ikr and the funny thing is, most of it was completely useless during step 1 prep

>> No.11770746

Met my GF week one of first year. It's fucking great, we just study, lift and bang.

>> No.11770803

Good for you anon, most relationships breakdown when you're with another person 24/7. After studying with girls, Its fun they love it but I need a break from that shit after a while, recharge those batteries. I find peace in putting on some music and lifting weights.

>> No.11770836

It depends on the girl I guess. My GF prefers that we both go through first aid and I teach it to her, which is nice.

>> No.11770843
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>first year gf you spend all the time with
I miss her so goddamn much bois :(

>> No.11770844
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This. I met my now fiancee when she was in nursing school, now she's a 3rd year in medschool and I'm in my 5th.

We don't study together and I don't really like to help people study, but she does pretty well on her own. Apart from that, the lift and bang stuff is true.

Pretty nice to have someone that understands what you're going trough and even better when you come home after some shitty rotation to find a home cooked meal ready for you.

>> No.11770852

sorry dawg

>> No.11770873

Epidemiology, demography, all the specs that do not require contacts with patients

>> No.11770901
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>tfw no medicine
>tfw no gf
True pain...

>> No.11770931

>is Osteopathic Manipulation Therapy actually beneficial for the patient in a non placebo way?

Yes, as a DO you learn to feel tight muscles and small abnormalities in bone position. A lot of it comes off as voodoo type shit, specifically "cranial" OMM. That being said, it has a basis that physical therapy, chiropractory, and yoga use to achieve results. It's basically all of those mixed into one thing.

>and if it is, why is it limited to osteopaths? Why don't all doctors know it?

Because there was a stigmatism against it for so many years because MD's didn't want to be wrong. Now some MD schools are actually teaching it, I think Harvard is one of them.

>and also why are osteopaths not just simply M.Ds if they are equivalent?

See above. But there was also pride on the side of DO's because they felt they were better doctors who would actually treat core problems instead of treating symptoms.

Both sides are to blame for the nonsense, but MD's started it all.

>> No.11770939

>most relationships breakdown when you're with another person 24/7
what does it mean if my gf and I have been seeing each other and hanging out everyday for a year now

>> No.11770944
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That was just a bullshit statement probably. I've been 24/7 with my fiancee since we've been together for like 6 months. We're going to have our 5th year anniversary in August coming up and nothing changed. Once you get comfy with each other, everything clicks.

Don't mind it, anon, I'm happy for you!

>> No.11770945

Do you live together? If not, nothing.

>> No.11770952

>house md theme song plays in head while I’m studying pathology/derma/giving uworld questions
>think of abrupt house jokes
>start subconsciously limping even though my legs are fine

A-am I retarded bros, I am actually good with diagnostics just have autism

>> No.11770955

>I am actually good with diagnostics just have autism

We are all a little austistic, it's necessary to become a doctor.

>> No.11770956

Isn't that what 24/7 means?

>> No.11770957

That's pretty fucking retarded anon

>> No.11770958

You must have a lot to talk about, the fuck do you even say to each other after a year? You discuss movies and medicines or some shit?

I always feel like an unconscious urge to impress a waman when they are around even though I know she has lower iq and shit tier medical knowledge than me, I just suck at social things and girls are good at that so.. I feel insecure weirdly enough ..

keeping a girl around seems like a chore

>> No.11770959

Seeing each other everyday doesn't mean living under the same roof as someone. Huge difference.

>> No.11770961

I know I don’t even particularly like house, but it’s nice for a binge watch.. I like how he diagnoses diseases that’s mostly why I watch

but I miss him bros

>> No.11770966

thanks anon :) you too!
We both are very talkative people with the same sense of humor I guess. We just make up plans for the day see what happens, see if we gotta study or whatever. Always a new inside joke for the day

>> No.11770968

Shit how do I get a med gf? Or any gf.. fuck I’m lonely
I don’t even want much just blowjobs, cunny, friendship and a home cooked meal


>> No.11770971

You won't get a girlfriend unless you stop being a desperate weird faggot.

>> No.11770972

I know there's a difference but I assumed that it already implied living under the same roof.

>> No.11770975

>talkative and new inside jokes
interesting, give more tips, I can’t maintain a relationship for more than a month, you can’t even talk about guy stuff with these hoes

I don’t have too many friends and it makes me feel weird.. like if I got with a girl, we won’t even have a group to hangout with because I have 2 friends and we don’t talk much because we are mostly busy.. i imagine a girl must be turned off if a guy didn’t have too many friends, didn’t have many social things to do

I pretty much just study, lift, run, watch shows and sleep and study

>> No.11770976

med girls are just as lonely
just be a cool dude to talk to, girls are bound to take interest
Also get some confidence, it's actually suprising how much people like a confident speaker

>> No.11770978

>what does it mean if my gf and I have been seeing each other and hanging out everyday for a year now

this doesn't at all imply that they are living together

>> No.11770979

>stop being desperate faggot
I’m mostly aloof and do my own thing, it’s not like I’m chasing these girls down the street. My poker face is pretty strong

>> No.11770986

>I can’t maintain a relationship for more than a month, you can’t even talk about guy stuff with these hoes
my gfs a tomboy so we have a lot in common. You just gotta find someone interesting I suppose
>i imagine a girl must be turned off if a guy didn’t have too many friends
I had 3 friends and never saw them because of your reasons when I started dating my gf. Girls dont really care how many friends you have
>I pretty much just study, lift, run, watch shows and sleep and study
Pretty much what I do to this day just with a gf, she likes watching me work out or make lunch/dinner so I have something to eat right after.

>> No.11770994

I'm in a troubling situation in which I have to choose between money and maximum learning, either

> Comfortable ER job in a small hospital, 12 days of work/month, 14600 usd/month


> A more demanding job in the hospital wards that eventually leads into specialization, 20 days of work/month, 4000-5000 usd/month

I'm just afraid of ending up a retarded generalist who loses grasp of all spezialised medicine. Is money a trap?

>> No.11770997
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>I have an important decision
and you're letting fucking 4chan help you decide of all fucking places?

>> No.11771000

>she likes watching me work out or make lunch/dinner so I have something to eat right after.

Sounds gay and boring maybe that why I am single lol

>> No.11771003

trip speak the truth
turns out the guy in the loving happy romantic relationship is massively homosexual

>> No.11771004

>Pretty much what I do to this day just with a gf, she likes watching me work out or make lunch/dinner so I have something to eat right after.
Damn that’s nice, we’ll have fun anon and enjoys your cute gf life

This nigga isn’t me

>> No.11771019

>loses grasp of all specialized medicine
>he's not an all-rounder

Anon, I...

>> No.11771258

With that 14k per month you can buy a year long uworld subscription to step1, 2, ck and 3 and regain all lost knowledge.

Stop being so dramatic and go for the shekels and low working hours

>> No.11771283

Anyone been studying for step 1 for 10 hours a day since February and still doesn't have a fucking test date?

>> No.11771303
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I'm coming for ya...

>> No.11771308
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Bit by bit. If I have my way medicine will not just be incrementally reformed, it will be destroyed completely, and made anew.

>> No.11771309
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>> No.11771313

i don't know if its the best place to ask but i'll try anyway.
is it possible to feel a bloodclot through your skin? i've had a slighty painful lump on the back of right thigh since around mid way through quarantine.
i've been heavy drinking, smoking and eating badly with little exercise
should i call my doctor or is it dumb to think i could feel it?

>> No.11771319

Call your doctor

Is the lump still there? Its hard to understand what it is without any photos.

>> No.11771323

Is your leg painful/red? Doubt it's a clot, probably a lipoma or an abscess.

>> No.11771326

it is yeah, is it possible to feel a bloodclot or should i just say lump when i make an appointment?

>> No.11771333

Let the cute girl at the desk know its a lump and youve been referred by Dr anon on 4chan

>> No.11771363

It’s a lump not a clot, if it was a clot your muscles would be dying by now and you’d be in pain

>> No.11771417
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>> No.11771423
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>> No.11771430
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A CNN report from 1985.

[m][Symposium, New York Academy of Medicine] 1979 - SYMPOSIUM ON HEALTH ASPECTS OF NONIONIZING RADIATION
"In the context of these experiments, it should be mentioned that there is a medical therapeutic device, known as the LIDA, developed in the Soviet Union and patented in this country. It is designed for the treatment of psychoneurotic illness and emotional disorders. It emits pulsed radio signals up to one tenth of a second long at rates up to two per second, with a maximum generator output of 40 to 80 watts. The instrument can also generate pulsed light, sound, and heat, and the four stimulus modalities can be delivered separately or in any desired combination. Reports of clinical tests in the U.S.S.R. in juveniles and adults suffering from emotional disorders are said to have been favorable."

>> No.11771577

reported your /x/-tier bullshit

>> No.11771590 [DELETED] 
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Reported. ;^)

>> No.11772628

/med/ is the nicest and most polite general on any board on 4chan. Thank you frens

>> No.11772696
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>have blood on stool
>go to doc
>"I dunno, go to the pro"
>go to pro and get a colonoscopy
>nothing gets revealed
>blood goes away
>mom now bitches whenever I feel a stomach-related problem because "I have nothing"

Sorry for ranting, have a hoe.

>> No.11772710

There is such a thing as too big. It's like a curious novelty you like to look at and mess around with, but would never buy and bring home with you.

>> No.11772762

I agree but those aren't too big

>> No.11772792
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What's the best OB book?

Tired of using Williams

>> No.11773030

blood on stool isn’t really symptomatic of anything. Sometimes your ass bleeds when you take out a particularly large log or one that lots of nuts and sharp pieces

cuts the rectum while it’s coming out, makes it bleed, hardly a need to panic over that. Would recommend eating more fiber and drinking more water though

If it bleeds a lot and frequently , then it might be hemorrhoids or an internal colon problem

>> No.11773107

Is there any evidence behind the DO's practices

>> No.11773279
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This "Open Letter" signed by about 1,300 public health professionals literally states that protests against racism are not risky for COVID-19 transmission, but protests against shutdowns are.

What happened to science removing political, cultural, and ideological bias from the field of study? I honestly don't give two shits about any of the protests from either side, but I feel like shit for dedicating my life to something that isn't taken seriously anymore and can be manipulated for the current political flavor of the month.

>> No.11773305

>What happened to science removing political, cultural, and ideological bias from the field of study?
Decline in medicine started when the ratio of males:females in medicine decreased below 3. Women think everything's about feeling and so feel the need to see it in everything.

>> No.11773749


Just google it and look for trials that used it.

Most of OMM is simply stretching or relaxing muscles. Anyone can feel a tight muscle and anyone can feel immediate results when a tight muscle is stretched. What evidence are you actually looking for?

>> No.11773914

Anyone here take forms of nootropics?

>> No.11773921

some nurses have cute fat butts and it’ should be ok to grab that ass to relieve stress and boredom

>> No.11773932

I take modafinil semi-regularly AMA. I havent taken proper study drugs like adderall though

>> No.11774039

Could you be more specific about what you mean by semi-regularly.
Does it improve your recall?

At the moment Im taking 6mg of ritalin every 2/3 days I dont know if this is to my detriment long term. Feels good at the moment though wont ever up my dose. But downsides are I dont give a shit about what anyone thinks this has led me to saying inappropriate jokes just generally being an asshole.

>> No.11774083

That's a fair observation. For a more philosophical question, is science (particularly within medicine) worth pursuing anymore because even the people at the top of the field have thrown it away? Because my mindset previously was that there will always be idiots out there who think vaccines cause autism and there's nothing I can do to stop it, but now even people within the field have killed science.

>> No.11774097

This has always been the case, thats why all the big scientists history remembers pissed off the rest of the scientific community of their day.

>> No.11774129

Maybe 100mg once or twice a week if I get no sleep the night before. Makes me feel more focused and it takes longer to get bored with grinding flashcards. It doesn't improve recall though.

Would not recommend, I've developed anxiety and hypertension from abusing it in the past with obscene amounts of caffiene. On the other hand its also a PED for edurance sports so I've PB'd in the 5k and 10k while using it. Also is an appetite suppressant so consider it if you are fat

>> No.11774137

Do what you like, any scientific field or any other field/job is all about connections and nepotism anyway, if you know the right people you'll go high and remember that top tier medics are political figures.

>> No.11774140

I can see alot of similarities with the ritalin it certainly has an effect on appetites supression which sucks because I need to gain weight. In terms of study whats your daily routine like?

>> No.11774146

Ritalin is a stimulant, you won’t gain weight while you on it

>> No.11774156

Well I'm not studying now as I've done my final exams (UK student) but back when I was working I would do my anki decks, 120 new and all the reviews, then about 100 questions from passmedicine. Then I would practice for OSCEs (similar to Step CS 2) with my mates for 1-2 hours in the evening.

I would suggest not taking stimulants, it's not sustainable long term and you become reliant on them. Medicine study is all about working just under your burnout threshold for a long period of time.

>> No.11774265

Im a first year, pass medicine questions are tough but have been recommended doing them by older years. In terms of anki it takes a while and Im not 100% confident on some of the cards but I do similar amounts to you. My main worry is not being able to recall the information in an exam.

>> No.11774271

I've always wondered what it would be like to be a neuropsychiatrist

>> No.11774288
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What the fuck is that abomination?

>> No.11774294

>A neuropsychiatrist is a psychiatrist specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the brain which cause behavioral, psychological and psychiatric symptoms.

>> No.11774300

So...a psychiatrist.

>> No.11774307

Orthopaedic psychiatrist here AMA

>> No.11774313

Lmao, I was thinking of dumb combinations of specs too.

I bet you deal with stress fractures.

>> No.11774316

Well yes but they have training in both neurology and psychiatry. I've always thought of it as a sort of compound speciality. When I was a child I was treated for my epilepsy by a neuropsychiatrist but he also dealt with the mentally ill.

>> No.11774322

>stress fractures

>> No.11774464

Did extremely well in high school biology, slept through the class (literally because of chronic fatigue) and still got an A. Is a biology major right for me? I am interested in genetics and computational neuro. Mainly interested in research position because DNA gives me such a hard-on. What sort of salary can one expect?

>> No.11774469

major in something like bioengineering.. so you can actually use the degree in future. A BSc in bio won’t get you a job unless you do further specialization and who the fuck wants to do that

>> No.11774472

Holy shit mine too.. I go completely blank and I’ve failed my end of basic science exam..

>> No.11774473

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA fuck thiss shit so fucking angry and exhausted even romanon’s hug would not quell this rage fuuuuuck

>> No.11774481
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>even romanon’s hug would not quell this rage fuuuuuck

I double dare you, georgianbro.

>> No.11774483

Should I switch from BSc in bio to BSc in biotech as a backup? My primary plan is med school

>> No.11774502


>> No.11774547

>in 2020


>> No.11774562

Has anyone got any experience of learning R in med school?

I have a fair ammount of free time at the moment and think learning to programme in R may be useful. Will it be?

>> No.11774591

no brainlet, if med school is your ultimate goal then pick a path that will ensure maximum gpa, take the easiest degree possible and ENSURE you get a high gpa and would be able to pass MCAT within the 85th-90th percentile..

Do actual research on how hard med school selection process and decide whether you wanna do it.. don't let your ego get in the way if you feel like medschool and premed isnt for you. better to back out now than 5 years later..

so heres some homework for you:
1. figure out if you have the iq to pass mcat in 90th percentile
2. figure out if you had to do something other than medicine what would you do.. if something else comes in mind and you have passion and talent for that, go for that..
3. do some research on internet on med school selection process.. what they look for, what gpa, what extra cirriculars, who is prefered, med schools that are cheaper than others etc. - if you really want med, you should have an idea about these before you start
4. After this if you still wanna get in med, choose an easy degree that will ensure the highest gpa possible for you (3.8-4.0), don't take needlessly complicated undergrad degree if med school is your ultimate dream, take one that will ensure high gpa.. keeping in mind the general pre requisite courses that med school demand ofcourse
5. volunteer at a hospital for the summer or whenever the corona shit is over and get a feel for it, to decide whether you'd want to work in that environment.
6.your high school scores don'r mean shit, even a monkey can get an A,

good luck brainlet

>> No.11774602


God damn I hated being talked down to as a premed but now I'm in I shit on them as much as possible


Fuck premeds
Fuck nurses
and fuck patients

>> No.11774607

>studied cardio,renal, psychiatry topics for 7+ hours last 4 days and completed it
>sat down to do uworld questions about 3 hours ago and find out i don't remember 80% of what i studied in the last 4 days

is suicide my only option now? I didn't even rush it, learned it in a quiet,calm environment

Am i low iq or is this supposed to happen? been studying dedicated for last 3 weeks with little to no results on uworld

>> No.11774613

>Fuck premeds
>Fuck nurses
>and fuck patients

you forgot fuck insurance companies and hospital administrators as well.

>> No.11774617

shitting and torturing our juniors has been a long standing tradition in medicine

>> No.11774646
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>> No.11774698

Shut up, dumb premed.

>> No.11774703

>He hasn't learnt R to data mine open source datasets and then apply incorrect statistical analysis to engineer significant p values which are then deemed publishable to boost his resume

Hope you enjoy FM retard

>> No.11774749

lmao you haven't even started yet, fuck you.

>> No.11774754

trying too hard to fit in

>> No.11774776

It's okay bro, good luck next application cycle

>> No.11774780

Honestly, fuck the hospital building itself. As well as the parking lot, and the roads leading to it.

>> No.11774811

I hadn't thought of that, That's an interesting perspective for sure. I'll definitely look more into that because I'm curious. I know off the top of my head that Darwin was ridiculed for his findings because they contradicted political norms.
Very true, just the world we live in I guess

>> No.11774826
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Just going to say it. One day you will all simply understand.

>> No.11774879

Interesting read for sure. To be fair, we are going on Frey's word that this scandal is real. I'm not saying that he can't be trusted, but he didn't add any sources exposing the brooks afb group which is somewhat suspicious.

>> No.11774901
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Well, Frey was a prominent figure in the field during that era, so his word carries a bit more weight than a historian piecing it together after the fact. The "Microwave Auditory Effect" was also initially called the "Frey Effect".

>> No.11774914
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Adey was another prominent figure. He was doing early brain research, but got into it as a contractor at UCLA's brain research institute, analyzing EEG data for the Pandora Project. It's also probably he was one of the people commissioned for MKULTRA subproject 119.

See the Woods Hole meeting document, to the National Academy of Sciences for some of what Adey thought about USAF at that time.

>> No.11774915
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>> No.11775062

Damn, really interesting stuff for sure. I guess I was thinking more about his own biases about trying to prove that microwaves were significant concerns for health, but after a looking at your stiff and other stuff online, it doesn't look like he's pushing his own agenda at all

>> No.11775208

Make your own cards. I've been using CLOZE for my cards and so far it's been good because they have become my notes. Basic is the best but it takes too long for me to make.

Don't copy from the textbook, try to rewrite the information in your own words and always find facts or examples about the card. If you can relate it to something it makes it easier to understand and remember.

There's also another method but it's time consuming and really hard.

- You read a whole section of a chapter and close the book.
-You try to explain to yourself what you just read.
-You skim the section to see if you missed anything
- You give yourself a grade, 0,1 and 2, and write it down in your book or a piece of paper
- You move on to the next section
- Repeat until you finish the chapter
- Go back and try to transform your 0's and 1's into 2's

>> No.11775219
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Or you could just do a postbacc program if you can't get in. Basically, it's first year of med school on steroids and if you do well, they take you into the next years med class.

Fuck the MCAT and fuck undergrad.

>> No.11775226

I'm an M3 fuckface

>> No.11775241

>state pays you to do fuck all
its very good meme if you ask me

>> No.11775254

>postbacc program
I am not familiar with that but the AAMC website says you still have to do MCAT and admission into a med school isn't guaranteed even with post bacc


given how many premed losers drop out of the medical dream by their 3rd-4th undergrad year, im surprised this path isn't talked about more

>> No.11775262

what a girly insult lol.. fag
>t. M2

>> No.11775264

there are some programs that have linkage so all you need is to do well and the MCAT is basically waived or you only need like 500 or so

>> No.11775274


Just to add to this, I scored a solid 25 (with a 6 on verbal reasoning lol) on my MCAT. I had a 3.9 in undergrad with a major in biology, 3.6 in my postbacc program.

Then I went on to score in the 96 percentile on COMLEX 1, 74 percentile on USMLE step 1, 78 percentile on COMLEX 2, and 93 percentile on COMLEX 3.

I then matched rads. The MCAT is a trash exam simply for filtering people, but there are ways around it.


Indeed, some programs will take you right into their med program if you pass their postbacc program. The required MCAT score for LECOM was 500 when they changed it over, no idea what that means now but I think it was a 23 or 24 for the old one.

>> No.11775275

>and the MCAT is basically waived or you only need like 500 or so
that's pretty interesting, well that's another viable idea then

>> No.11775366

Suck my dick, I hope you get blasted first year and end up in summer school.

>> No.11775375

DO schools are a death sentence for any aspirations besides primary care due to the merger. Anyone applying DO needs to be aware of this.

>> No.11775397

>I then matched rads

It is not. The only restrictions one will face are for highly specialized fields like radiation oncology and such. When I matched the DO residencies were on their last legs due to the merger and everything was becoming one, I ended up getting an MD rads program. Most programs have at least one DO in them and now that they are getting ride of step/level 1 scores, GPA, step/level 2, and research are going to be that much more important.

>> No.11775493

Compare pre-merger match results and the most recent 2020 results. DOs got worked and it's only going to get worse before it gets better.

>> No.11775562
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I mean, they don't really look that much different. Yeah, across the board there is a small drop, but if you look at the number of DO applicants over all compared to the prior years AOA match, it's roughly the same number of DO's matching over all.

Those ortho matches though.

>> No.11775567

The reason I mention Ortho was because I was wondering if DOs would get pushed out of that, but compared to the AOA match from the previous year, it looks like ~7 spots were lost or something? So not terrible.

>> No.11775841
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Women with nosebleeds arouse me, why?

>> No.11775897

What's up with that right exploded pupil?

>> No.11775966

Pinched occulomotor nerve on left side of head I guess.. someone punched her on right side of the face

>> No.11775968

Also means she’s extremely aroused by the punch, well, half aroused I guess

>> No.11776110

Ok guys, I'm overweight and will be attending med school soon. I've been losing weight rapidly but I won't be able to lose it all until around a year in. How badly will I get bullied, will it impact rotations?

>> No.11776155

No one gives a fuck you lard bucket.

>> No.11776215

Someone tell me how to treat nerve/tendon damage from Fluoroquinolones. Bonus points if you can tell me why a drug that fucks people up in such an egregious manner is prescribed by countless doctors for routine infections even though in the medical community it should be common knowledge that the risk outweighs the benefit by a huge margin.

>> No.11776227

They actually do. There's nothing more absurd than a fat healthcare practitioner. People will always wonder if your methods even work. Well, at least, they should. You shouldn't be fat anyway. Stop being fat.

>> No.11776268


>> No.11776280

Have to talk to your diabetic patients about lifestyle adjustments whilst being a fat fuck. Goodluck. Also enjoy learning obesity is a risk factor for pretty much every condition.

>> No.11776330

My mom had a fat primary doc, probs about 400+lbs. Dude died from breaking a ladder while hanging Christmas lights. So stay the fuck off ladders you fat shit.

>> No.11776344

No one will outwardly care. Good luck on your weight loss and getting into med school, anon. I hope you can keep it up.

>> No.11776354

Thanks for the motivation anons, I will lose the weight. I'll post a small update in a few months.

>> No.11776422


I’m overweight but also losing it for graduation. You’ll be surprised there so many obscenely fat patients to make fun of. Like it’s mind boggling how people get to 350lbs+. You’ll be fine.

>t. senior resident

>> No.11776834
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as a small child I was born very prematurely and I had multiple head injuries I was diagnosed with autism and had some minor behavior problems as a child.

I rapidly improved during elementry school in the years following my concussion I went from special ed to getting applications for the gifted program this trend continued up until age 16 when I had a brain injury and began to lose my memory.

heres the catch I think I have CTE the football players dementia the rationale is this= autistic children like to bang their heads against the wall when they get angry its called "head banging syndrome"

perhaps as a small child I would bang my head against the wall and now that the doctors are unable to diagnose my dementia it is probably CTE triggered by childhood head injury.

>> No.11777040

My mother used to bang her head on the wall crying, as a child. Her parents didn't even bother to come and check on her. I now finally realize my grandmother was the real problem all along.

My mother is also kind of autistic. A little bit. Then again, it's difficult to differentiate mild autism from neglect and CPTSD. Hard to know what to tell you. There are a number of factors.

>> No.11777280

ARYAN: trauma surgery (vascular, ortho, general), OB/GYN, FM, ID

SEMITIC: psych, endo, cardio

>> No.11777320

Absolutely based.

>> No.11777333

>OBGYN not semitic
>The speciality of abortion and contraception

>> No.11777436
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>> No.11777442


>> No.11777445
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False. When you get patients over the age of 50 with labia that looks like roast beef, it's pretty fucking disgusting, senpai.

>> No.11777446

that just makes it hotter bro

>> No.11777566

why fuck nurses :(
i thought we were a team :((

>> No.11777578

Fuck in another way

>> No.11777656

Nurses are pretty awesome when they are good. They shield you from most of the bullshit and are pretty good about giving you a heads up on stuff.

I think most of the med students/residents get pissy because many nurses have a much stronger clinical sense than they do. They may not be able to tell you why a treatment works, or what disease they think someone has, but they've seen shit used so many times they just know how to treat the pt's symptoms. ICU nurses are particularly strong in this aspect.

>> No.11777709

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11777719
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>> No.11777724

if you coom to puss oozing and old used up roast beef pussies that smell like fungal infection and fish..

>> No.11777727

fuck nurses right in the pussy to relieve all the stress, also of lot of your kind is into feminism and have a weird chip on their shoulders which makes you people extremely annoying

>> No.11777731
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Anyone know a good way to learn anatomy online without going through a massive anki deck.

>> No.11777733

No u 2


>> No.11777734
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Never in my life I imagined a post on 4chan will make me want to vomit my guts. Congrats anon.

>> No.11777741

> Dig up a body from your local graveyard
>get a scalpel and knife and get digging
>Use gray’s anatomy to learn while you explore the body with your hands

>> No.11777743

Obgyn and girl pussies are pretty gross, women have a poor sense of hygiene. Not to mention they bleed and get infected down there quite regularly or atleast once every year or two

>> No.11777748

I guess that's why they remain proud aryan virgins.

>> No.11777751

Just draw everything out. This was particularly useful when learning the vascular anatomy. For muscles, just learn what they do and then it's easy to figure out where they attach.

Then again, I am a DO so we had to know all of the muscle functions anyway to do OMM, so it was 2 birds with one stone.

>> No.11777755
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>lmao, just draw this bro

>> No.11777757

I remember back in M1 during our physiology class, our dean of medicine walked into our class to meet and greet us and to check up on our progress

He was talking about the value of professionalism and dressing for the job and looking and acting like doctors; how doctors used to be respected a lot by general populace back in his days (70s-80s?) and how doctors have ruined their own image these days by not being professional, by being too casual and careless and they’ve lost all respect that medicine and doctors used to get back in his time.

I always wondered if that has been the case, I can see doctors have been turned into middle managers and have little power in hospitals, it’s mostly just insurance jews and administrators and other useless people hogging up all the money and power while you work like a cuck for 12+ hours only to get a fixed income and zero control over your professional life

We need to make medicine great again and kick out these outsiders, medicine should be controlled by Doctors, not by paper pushing mba fags

>> No.11777760

Again, draw the vasculature. For muscles, memorize what they do. The ligaments and shit are usually self explanatory for their location. There's very few illogical set-ups in the human body.

>> No.11777761

why draw something that already is drawn out, idiot?
also simplify the drawing, learn about the high yield structures, minor ones can be learned later

>> No.11777763
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I'm not OP you dumb faggots.

>> No.11777765

Seeing rotten, puss filled, smelly pussies must turn you off when you get home to your own personal pussy owner

>> No.11777768

>anime girls
>calling others faggots

>> No.11777770

Because the act of drawing it makes it a stronger memory. Staring blindly at something is fucking stupid and is why most med students suck at learning. Audio and visual cues are important for learning massive amounts of information in a short period of time.

>> No.11777772

That must be it. They probably don't even enjoy sex anymore, they might as well just do it for the sole purpose of reproduction.

sorry if I offended you by calling you a faggot anon-chan.

>> No.11777774
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>tfw you'll never experience retro-doctoring

Why live?

>> No.11777775

>I think most of the med students/residents get pissy because many nurses have a much stronger clinical sense than they do. They may not be able to tell you why a treatment works, or what disease they think someone has, but they've seen shit used so many times they just know how to treat the pt's symptoms. ICU nurses are particularly strong in this aspect.

Nah, you are just blowing some smile up the nurse’s ass, we wouldn’t care if nurses could handle some of the minor cases or had extensive knowledge of diseases. But nurses have massive chip on their shoulders, have a weirdly autistic grudge against doctors, think they are similar to docs and waste our time and mood with silly arguments and what not.. they gotta just shut up and learn to do their job with some professional courtesy, this ain’t grey’s anatomy or some other faggot tier rom-com that they get so wet over, this is real life.. just do your job and go home

>> No.11777780

>That must be it. They probably don't even enjoy sex anymore, they might as well just do it for the sole purpose of reproduction.

I have no idea, I do know when we were doing anatomy lab and cutting up a cadaver back in M1, it used to make crave chicken and omelette, but at the same also made me hate myself for thinking of that while I was cutting someone up.

You see fat and muscles of a dead body kinda look like chicken and omelette.. the fat is bright yellow- white yellow mix

now imagine seeing a rotting pussy all day and then you come home and see another one, it probably won’t arouse you much, but at the same time, seeing a normal healthy pussy must be relieving

>> No.11777784

>smile up
it was smoke up, fuck this faggot ass phone and it’s autocorrect

>> No.11777788
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I remember in my first year during anatomy that I found a lymph node in the cadaver and it looked like a dumpling, but I definitely wasn't thinking of omelette and chicken, wtf dude.

>> No.11777799

I had a really dried up cadaver and his muscles reminded me of Korean barbecue.

>> No.11777802

You're not going to get that back without some sort of dystopian social collapse inbetween. People these days have a general mistrust of authority figures and are heavily '''informed''' so they think they can google their symptoms and know better than any doctor.
'Woke' doctors say it's good because now people are taking their healthcare into their own hands and it can lead to better outcomes.

>> No.11777813

you have no idea how hungry I used to be after dissection labs.. yumm
also the way nerves and tendons could be played like guitar strings but they didn’t make any sound because they were kinda wet and oily, covered in body fat.. the heart was smaller than expected, all dried up and my gloves used to get all oily because of the surrounding fat tissue on the heart

Kek yeah ours was defective in a way, she had one leg, one hand, and a pacemaker like thing installed in her chest. She looked to be in her 70s, hope they got a 50% discount on that one..

She had a ton of deformities, but she was still nice enough to donate herself, bless her deformed pacemaker heart

>> No.11777820

None of the cadavers at my school were willing donors. Their bodies were left unidentified and/or unclaimed at morgues and funeral homes so they were sold after a while.

Bonus points if you can guess the country.

>> No.11777831


>> No.11777833

Romania here. Ours were hobos or dead prisoners most of the times.

>> No.11777837

>People these days have a general mistrust of authority figures and are heavily '''informed''' so they think they can google their symptoms and know better than any doctor.

That’s the thing though, doctors have always been anti authority, they stood upto the tobacco industry, the drug epidemics, actual epidemics etc.
Now they’ve tried to bring down doctors from this scientific authority figure to your preppy neighborhood aunt who cheers you on from the background and throws pills or whatever you want, no questions asked
>'Woke' doctors say it's good because now people are taking their healthcare into their own hands and it can lead to better outcomes.
Kek yeah except on average people are mentally retarded, paranoid, panicky and arrogant. That’s the average so you can expect even more retarded behavior from the lower half.. self medicating, self surgery, self diagnosis.. blaming doctors for shit their bodies are doing to themselves and then there are privileged elite white and jewish doctors who got their Harvard MD thanks to the generous “donation” made by their daddies to the school who now write sjw articles on how patients and doctors should be on equal footing, how patients know best and doctor must listen more to hysterical women and must take all their emotional, overdramatic ramblings seriously and how evil, racist MALE doctors are flag bearers of patriarchy and sexism and should be fired on the spot

These are the same retards who keep pushing the “nurses are the same as doctors and should be allowed to practice independently” meme.. I swear these faggots should get fournier’s gangrene in their ass and cock and never recover from it for the good of the world.. fuck each and every privileged cunt from NY, NJ and Boston and their faggot ass commie liberal worldview

>> No.11777844

Philippines desu

>> No.11777851

Could be america or Brazil
But dissecting hobos is a thing, and we respect and do all the religious/end of life rituals for them after we are done with dissections and have sewed them back up.

The lady in our case was extremely thin, like she had been intubated or been in coma or something.. she wasn’t healthy at all and she had stumps for where her hands and legs should’ve been

There was another man who was in 60s, bald with tiny hairs growing on his head, tattoos on hands, kinda chubby with a pot belly

Probably drank a strawberry milkshake or something, had some pink fluid in his stomach and some disgusting rotten food

>> No.11777852

What book is that?

>> No.11777856

Hi, fellow Romanian. Are dead prisoners' cadavers still used? Never heard of that. Until now.

>> No.11777868

Look at the filename.

I don't know how it is now, but 4 years ago, ours was a prisoner. The fact that he had tats all over his back and chest was one of the things that gave it away, but the prof confirmed it in the end. They take the cadavers from the dead prisoners that have no family and are not picked up from the morgue.

>> No.11777871

Most people don’t want their or their loved ones bodies being mutilated so I assume all that’s left are generous liberal hippie donors who hope others will learn from their bodies, homeless hobos that no one cared to pick up and prisoners who probably have been in jail for a while and no real connection to the outside world so no would come to claim them after their deaths

Those are kinda the only options teaching hospitals and medical schools have sometimes.. I’ve heard they go for 5000-6000 bucks a pop, sometimes higher than that

>> No.11777997

You guys are pretty cool.

>> No.11778027
File: 25 KB, 399x374, doctor_numale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

completely agree, biggest symptoms of the problem are probably the TV medical dramas, doctors being portrayed as limp dick cucks who fuck around all day has been pretty detrimental to the image

>> No.11778122

I wonder what >>11777777 was

>> No.11778124

What are some valid treatments for anxiety? Does 'positive thinking' and avoiding negativity actually work?

>> No.11778210

Why's pathology so bad?

>> No.11778261

>taking poltards seriously

>> No.11778292


>> No.11778298

Face your fears, prepare for them in advance, get some valium prescribed from your docs

>> No.11778302

>lmao, just be happy bro

>> No.11778308

is a sudden and drastic change in sleep pattern for no clear reason something concerning?

>> No.11778349

exactly, fear and sadness= anxiety
the fuck do you want me to say, nigger? its either that or take drugs that will alter your brain chemistry and make you less anxious or do yoga/meditation and work on issues that make you anxious


>> No.11778355

change how exactly? sleeping less, more? feeling sleepy all day?

could be sleep apnea if its the last one, are you fat?

>> No.11778386

Holy shit, imagine being a faggot this big.

>> No.11778464

sleeping more and not waking up to alarm clock (later became 2 phones + alarm clock). i am actually fit and before you ask no i am not consuming more caffeine and i am not cutting, i am on maintenance diet since coronachan took all the gyms away.

>> No.11778514

I have this weird head-bobbing sensation, a kind of rocking feeling as if my head were twitching forward or something to that effect. I have no idea how to describe it. Could it be an inner ear thing? I used to have tinnitus in my right ear and it hurt occasionally but now I just have the weird feeling I described and it's driving me nuts

>> No.11778518

You should see your local witch doctor about that.

>> No.11778522

What are the odds of it being neurological? At one point I was convinced that it was a genuine head bobbing or inner tremor and phoned my neurologist who told me he would have a look, but I put it off.

>> No.11778751


Was the first thing I thought off. I've never heard of any neuro issue causing a head bobbing feeling.

>> No.11778816

Damn that’s an interesting condition

Get your heart sounds heard by a doc to confirm an aortic regurg.. did you ever have rheumatic fever? any history of heart disease in family?

>> No.11778837

it means you are waking up sometime during the night, try lying down and loosen all your muscles, does it feel like your throat is kinda falling over and obstructing your airways?

It seems like it’s sleep apnea by physiological change.. obesity can cause one form, obstruction of airways during sleep can be another.

Next time you go to sleep have a pillow under your head and your neck.. when we go to sleep we lose control of our muscles.. sometimes our the back of our tongue obstructs our airways while we are lying down with no control of our muscles.. this causes cycles of sleep followed by sudden lack of air and waking up, you won’t even remember waking up. But this disrupts the REM cycle which is kinda needed to have a full nights sleep.. apnea fucking over sleep cycle= feeling excessively sleepy and missing alarms

I’m assuming you don’t feel very energetic through out the day either

>> No.11778846

Hear me out anons: I went to a cardiologist a while back to get checked for a recurrent heartache. I had an ECG done and the cardiologist listened to my heart briefly and said I was fine (she put it down to some handwavy pseudo diagnosis that I can't remember now) and the aching went away on its own eventually. Could this be why I can also feel my pulse very strongly when I lay down to sleep at night? Like if I rest on the side. If I clasp my hands together I feel vigurous throbbing that's more or lees in sync with my pulse.

>> No.11778883

The aortic regurg should be pretty obvious if listened to, so I would think it's likely not that if a cardiologist listened to you. The EKG would likely show left ventricular hypertrophy as well, and this would probably be seen on a chest xray if you've had one.

The pain probably wouldn't be related, the symptoms you'd be having are more in line with dizziness when standing, shortness of breath with exercise (out of proportion for what's normal), and as it progresses, signs and symptoms of heart failure. Like I said, sounds unlikely.

I cannot speak to the vigorous throbbing though.

>> No.11778887

Ask your PC to have an echo done.

>> No.11778889

What should I do then? Get checked again? What kind of doctor do I even go to at this point?

>> No.11778900

what were you doing when the pain started? Have you seen a cardiologist for something before?

Btw did they do blood work? How high was your blood calcium? do you smoke/drink?

I’m thinking you are have aortic Valve stiffening, so you heart has to work harder than usual to pump blood to your body which means your heart might have become big.. do you have cold fingers and toes usually? Feelings of nausea? cold hands/feet?

You can hear the pulse louder because when you lie down or clasp your hands together, slightly more blood comes back to the heart, when you stand up, slightly less blood goes back to the heart because of gravity.. if you had a bad aortic stenosis.. the high pulse, sudden pain and tiredness would make sense.

Aortic stenosis typically is seen in older patients, unless the young patient has had high calcium issues or a prior bacterial infection/heart disease or has a tendency to smoke..

try consulting a different heart doc if it’s possible and explain the whole story to em so they can get a better picture

I assume your cardiologist didn’t think of much of it because these tend typically don’t cause any major issues but certainly if this is causing any other problems that should be checked out/treated

>> No.11778904

>pulse gets louder on sleep or clasping hand
My nigga has hocum

>> No.11778907

>Studying for the MCAT
>Question of the day was on the Kinsey Scale
Do I really need to know this crap when I'm a physician?

>inb4 fuckoff premed

>> No.11778911

Anons I am only 18 and have a bunch of other shit to deal with already. it wasn't supposed to be like this. God damn why did my parents have my in their mid 30s

>> No.11778913

Is need a better history.. like what you were doing when the pain started, Any peculiarities you have noted about the pain and throbbing, what happens when you stand up suddenly, what happens after an hour of aerobic exercise (running, cycling, swimming), do your fingers get cold frequently, any history of fever lasting more than a week and blood calcium levels if you have em

>> No.11778915

Like the previous anon said, you could see if your PCP will order an echo for you. Otherwise, you'd need a more proper workup of your tinittus which may involve an MRI as the headbobbing feeling could actually be a mild form of dizziness.

HOCUM is the opposite, more vascular resistance = larger preload which pushes the bulging septum away and lessens the murmur.

>> No.11778934

you can’t change that, but you can change what’s wrong and try to make your life a little easier smol anon..
let’s work on it and solve this bitch, alright?

>> No.11778937

>HOCUM is the opposite, more vascular resistance = larger preload which pushes the bulging septum away and lessens the murmur.

Welp gotta study cardio physio again ;(

>> No.11778942

>what you were doing when the pain started
Usually nothing. Sometimes it came with sudden movements. The episode that got me to the cardiologist was just me walking to uni and suddenly feeling pain so intense that I thought I was gonna have a heart attack there and then
>Any peculiarities you have noted about the pain and throbbing
Not sure
>do your fingers get cold frequently
They are cold all the time
>any history of fever lasting more than a week
>and blood calcium levels if you have em
I had 3 tests done in the span of a few months but that was a while ago: one on a routine check-up, and something was off with my blood cells so they sent me to the hematologist, another at the hematologist but she said my blood is thicker than usual and I should drink more fluids (kek) and another at the cardiologist's behest with the same result but she told me to just ignore it. Everything else was normal

>> No.11778962

>Pt comes in with pale ass skin and a heart rate of 170+
>Hook up the 12 lead
>Classic PSVT symptoms
>Been wanting to do an adenosine push for forever
>Have it drawn and ready
>Fucker converts on the IV stick
I have never been so disappointed that my patient got better. Got medical blue balls.

>> No.11778971

HOCUM is one of the odd ones unless you realize exactly what's going on. In general, if you study medicine to understand why things happen rather than simply memorizing, you will do a lot better on exams. For basic murmurs, think about what will increase and decrease flow across a valve. Aortic stenosis murmur happens because blood is shot through a small valve, so if you reduce flow across the valve (increase peripheral vascular resistance) the murmur isn't as loud, and likewise aortic regurg is backflow across the valve, so increasing PVR will cause more blood to flow across it and make it louder.

HOCUM murmur comes from the bulging interventricular septum into the left ventricle. If you reduce the bulge (increase blood in the left ventricle) it does not cause the murmur.

Btw I learned this years ago and haven't used it since I took step 1 (3 years ago now) and still remember it just because its logical.

>> No.11779014

>thick blood
>stable angina (sudden intense chest pain that feels like heart attack but isn’t)
>cold fingers
>aortic stenosis

Yep this is an aortic stenosis most likely, stenosis increases chances of angina, imagine how hard the heart pumps now imagine if a faulty inflexible valve was trying to block that heart from pumping= would cause intense chest pain. Heart doesn’t pump blood properly to all corners of body= cold fingers and toes, low blood reaching the organs= body thinks something wrong with the body and makes more RBCs= thicker blood

As the other anon said, you should get an Echo, there’s a structural defect in your heart that needs to be taken care of while you are still young.

Btw do the cold fingers look bluish/purplish occasionally and get better?

>> No.11779017

Yep I will write it down and study again, I revised it not even 4 days ago :)

>> No.11779027

No, they don't, thankfully. Jesus fucking Christ, with the amount of things I have, it might be better to just jump in front of a train.

>> No.11779094

It blows my mind as to why more echos aren't performed. Non-invasive and you literally look at the heart.
You need to advocate for yourself better. Lie and say your symptoms are worsening and that an echo is a good idea.

>> No.11779129
File: 2.51 MB, 1546x1182, Screen Shot 2020-06-09 at 3.32.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this?

>> No.11779138

I believe that is called a finger

>> No.11779154

The thing on it

>> No.11779171

Skin and nail

>> No.11779187


>> No.11779213

Is it painful?

>> No.11779222


>> No.11779229

pop it

>> No.11779235

Probably a wart of some sort. Try buying the over the counter freeze shit and using it on it. Regardless of what it is, that shouldn't have any real negative effects but may cause scarring if its not a wart.

>> No.11779242

It’s not that dramatic mate, shit happens, my life ain’t peachy either and I’ve considered offing myself a thousand times atleast.

It’s a valve issue, overact a little, tell em you are not feeling well and you have had chest pains a few times in the last 2-3 months and you couldn’t get to a doc due to corona and stuff

Be more assertive, there are a lot of boomer doctors you should avoid, those old fucks don’t give a fuck really

>> No.11779266

Yeah I might be retarded, thanks for the help anon

>> No.11779267

well the patient is very young, has barely used her heart and probably is healthy looking. 18 years is nothing in terms of human life span, has lived hardly 1/8th of “her” life if we go by avg lifespan

Plus the patient is probably a girl judging by her writing style. It’s been shown that doctors generally don’t take teenage girls and their panic attacks/emotional issues that seriously because, well, teenage girls tend to be dramatic
her young age means they are probably thinking it’s just a fluke, can’t blame her really, typically heart issues tend to pop up either really early in life (birth defects) or really late (60s-80s and above)

Her symptoms do seem unusual, and don’t sound like just panic attacks or depression which she seems have given she is feeling suicidal or something.

>> No.11779271

Lick it and suck the juice out of it
probably tastes like vanilla strawberry

>> No.11779272

You're a small guy

>> No.11779278

You have girly soft hairs on your hands, are you a dirty pimply girl anon?

>> No.11779289

for you

>> No.11779295

yes, now spread your cheeks I’m going in

>> No.11779333

quoted wrong

>> No.11779358


>> No.11779371

l-lewd, you better be a girl(female)

>> No.11779425


>> No.11779465

Am I an absolute idiot if I'm very passionate about medicine (literally my childhood dream is to be a doctor), but I just can't get into med school in my home country and now I'll be applying for med school in Eastern Europe?

>> No.11779527
File: 21 KB, 215x271, Fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with that? You'll probably get a comfy FM job and do what you like in the end.

>> No.11779693

What country are you from anon

>> No.11779716

Hey anons normally I am quiet good at keeping my political views a secret. But the long hours of study stress and no sleep means like eventually I will snap they are pushing this BLM bull in my medschool. All the porch apes are up in arms because lymes disease is racist lol saying if Im silent im the problem. Bro I want to tell them to go fuck themselves so bad I treat all my patients as best I can regardless and I earnt this spot at this school. So stop peddling your BLM shit which makes nosense here because if you believe that shit you do not have the rationale to be a doctor.

>> No.11779729

>I suffer in America

>> No.11779747

Not from the states. I couldn't give a fuck what goes on there. In my country there is no racism in fact being a white male chances I are I would be discriminated based on my skin colour for medical school places. Even though most people in this country are white and I can assume would appreciate more doctors they are able to relate to. Literally everyone I speak to is sick of foreign docs who cant even speak english properly

>> No.11779753

Is there hope med bros are there based conservative docs, everyone is too liberal in medschool

>> No.11779772

>Not from the states
>Students pissing themselves about BLM

What the fuck lmao.
Rural FM is conservative.
IM and gen surg in a small hospital in a small town is conservative.

>> No.11779889

>are there based conservative docs, everyone is too liberal in medschool
there are but they never get promoted, only nepotism will get you in higher up positions

>> No.11779910

MD is MD, once you get it you are good to go.. I am a shitty test taker so i fucked my gpa and mcat real bad

didn't get in US so went caribbean, worked my ass off while everyone was drinking and fucking and failing.. came back to US, got decent scores in step 1 and im not doing my rotations and maintain my work ethic and trying to learn as much as possible.

In the end i think I am atleast as good as some of the top USMD kids in my class if not better.. you'll have to make greater sacrifices and keep your step scores up.

In the end who cares if you get into senpai med or something.. even the shittiest docs earn 100k or more.

In this economy, that's more than one can ask for, but yeah there will always be the stigma of not being a USMD so try to build your resume up when you come back

Ofcourse replace US with your home country if you aren't murrican but same principals apply. Fuck what SDN, forums, reddits, 4chan says.. be a talented doc, work your ass off like your life depends on it for 5-6 years and get a residency.. then you can relax a little

>> No.11780149

Let me guess, you are Argentinian

>> No.11780940

>I suffer in Canada

>> No.11781017


>> No.11781145

Do you have to study languages at your med school? In my country there is Latin as a core subject for the first year, then during the second and third year you have to choose between German, English and French and you can continue studying them till the fifth year. I'm pretty excited about that desu, I've always wanted to learn Latin and German or French will be useful if I move out some day.