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11769932 No.11769932 [Reply] [Original]

Why racists deny the 'Out of Africa' theory?

>> No.11769933

Africa bad savage place white people not from there

>> No.11769936


>> No.11769938

So firstly you've got leftists who think that because OOA is true then everyone is descended from black people. This isn't true because by then the races haven't even diverged and modern-day africans are just as different from those ancient humans as everyone else.
Then you've got the /pol/tards who take their bait and because they are blinded by ideology, they assert the complete opposite which is just as, if not more, retarded.

>> No.11769941

The reason other races are smarter than blacks is because all the smart people got the hell out of Africa as soon as they could.

>> No.11769942 [DELETED] 

I'm not a racist, I'm actually African.
I believe the 'Out of Africa' theory is wrong as it would disprove evolution.

>> No.11769945

As an African, I believe the 'Out of Africa' theory is wrong as it would disprove evolution.

>> No.11769946

we get it. but can you clarify why?

>> No.11769951

Because Cockausians are dumber than us Afrocans

>> No.11769954
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>> No.11769959

educated racists do not

educated racists accept and work with scientific evidence

we might have all originated from africa, but adaptations to different ecological contexts plus hybridization with other species of homo have had deep consequences

>> No.11769969

There are people who believe if they can deny Out of Africa they can deny a relation with Africans today. That Africans are an offshoot of a neighboring branch of the Human family tree, like Homo erectus or Homo habilis or something. This would allow them to claim that there are two species of humans, Homo ... I dunno, Homo superior? and Homo inferior? Or Homo Europeanisus and Homo africanus? Then they could implement horrible laws aimed at blacks to purge them from society and create an ethnostate without feeling bad about hurting 'fellow humans'. Things like mass deportation, internment, and forced sterilization.

Out of Africa gets in their way.

>> No.11769973


>> No.11769974

Based nigger

>> No.11769982

Because there exists conflicting and contrary evidence, (although often repressed because of the sensitive nature of the subject matter).

>> No.11769983

t. white South African

>> No.11769995

Because racism, duh.

>> No.11770000

Dunno about your ad hominem, but there are evidence to support other theories.

>> No.11770010

So evolution necessarily means people should become smarter over time or what are you trying to day?

>> No.11770012

quite possible it was either the bible or the quran, I work with a guy from south sudan who's christian, his village got ethnically cleansed by muslims. tends to motivate a fella.

>> No.11770015

In the literal sense, yes. In the Cockausian sense, no.

>> No.11770023

That's dumb

>> No.11770030

Evolution isn't like a ladder where the species just become more and more objectively good. A species can evolve to have a lower intelligence too. For example if the lower intelligence is still sufficient in their environment and it saves energy. A big brain takes a lot of energy so it has pros and cons

>> No.11770034
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It's like when kiwis found it advantageous to not be able to fly and their wings evolved into vestigial appendages.

>> No.11770063

>Why racists deny the 'Out of Africa' theory?
For the same reason antiracists use it to justify mass migrations.

>> No.11770074

>This would allow them to claim that there are two species of humans
How silly.

They don't need to deny OoA, the genetic distance between the two sides of the Sahara is already within the range different species.

>> No.11770107

Well your first problem is thinking out of Africa means all from the same root. Out of Africa doesn't mean we are all related and so it doesn't really change how racists think.

>> No.11770143

How is your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandpa doing?

>> No.11770147

Hahaha funny roast joke

>> No.11770188
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The creator of the theory himself has rejected it, Cohen.

>> No.11770189
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>> No.11770192
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>> No.11770194
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> About the Theory of Evolution

> "We are all Africans"

> We are NOT Africans

>> No.11770203
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Saying Native Europeans evolved from Native Africans is like saying wolves evolved from pigs -- both have four legs but that's pretty much where the similarities end.

>> No.11770247

No one denies "Out of africa" but the scope of the theory has shifted.
There seem to have been several waves of migration out of africa starting as far back as 300,000 years ago.
Subsequent populations left and interbred with previous migration waves.
It is no longer widely held that there were just some other hominids outside africa. Then magically about 50,000 years ago homo sapiens showed up and left africa, concouring the planet in about 12,000 years. This was the consensus from the 1970s onwards. THIS previous theory is false - or at least only partly true (there certainly was a migration at this time)

>> No.11770248

You do understand that the out of africa theory doesn’t mean that Africans and Europeans are related. It means that the groups of humans that would populate the world came from the same continent.

>> No.11770273

This is what I've never understood about out of Africa denialists. Where do they think people came from if they didn't come out of Africa? They always start with when neanderthals were living in Europe as if that's when the universe began.

>> No.11770487

Low IQ Nig

>> No.11770491

Nobody is debunking my two posts

>> No.11770841


>> No.11770854

>roastie just got the BBC and didn't want to admit it

>> No.11770932


>> No.11771210


>> No.11771218
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He's dead. I'm sorry, what is your point ?

>> No.11771253

i'll take gish gallop for 1000 alex

>> No.11771324

Not really, there are plenty of good arguments that people may have come from a region like turkey.

>> No.11771588

Because we were already out of Africa when we started the civilized human race.