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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11768662 No.11768662 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11768702
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>> No.11768708
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>> No.11768714
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>> No.11768717
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>> No.11768719
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>> No.11768722
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>> No.11768725
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>what is Einstein's Pseudotensor?
In an attempt to make his General Theory of Relativity comply with the usual conservation of energy and momentum for a closed system which a vast array of experiments has ascertained, Einstein constructed, ad hoc, his pseudotensor. That it is not a tensor is outside the very mathematical structure of his theory. Beyond that, it violates the rules of pure mathematics.

>Einstein’s Pseudotensor fully explained here:

>what is The Landau-Lifshitz Pseudotensor
In an attempt to make Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity comply with the usual conservation of energy and momentum for a closed system which a vast array of experiments has ascertained, L. Landau and E. Lifshitz constructed, ad hoc, their pseudotensor, as a proposed improvement upon the pseudotensor of Mr. Einstein. Their pseudotensor is symmetric (Einstein’s is not) and, they say, it permits a conservation law including angular momentum. That it isn't a tensor is outside the very mathematical structure of Einstein’s theory. Beyond that, it violates the rules of pure mathematics.

>The Landau-Lifshitz Pseudotensor fully explained here:

>> No.11768787
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> The Logical Inconsistency of the Special Theory of Relativity

> General Relativity -- A Case in Numerology

> Black Holes & Relativity, Part One

> Black Holes & Relativity, Part Two

> LIGO - It's Claims for Black Holes and Gravitational Waves

> In-depth scientific analysis of Relativity Cosmology and Einstein’s "Gravitational Waves"

> RON HATCH: Relativity in the Light of GPS

> Perhaps you've already heard that GPS, by the very fact that it WORKS, confirms Einstein's relativity; also that Black Holes must be real. But these are little more than popular fictions, according to the distinguished GPS expert Ron Hatch. Here Ron describes GPS data that refute fundamental tenets of both the Special and General Relativity theories. The same experimental data, he notes, suggests an absolute frame with only an appearance of relativity.

> Ron has worked with satellite navigation and positioning for 50 years, having demonstrated the Navy's TRANSIT System at the 1962 Seattle World's Fair. He is well known for innovations in high-accuracy applications of the GPS system including the development of the "Hatch Filter" which is used in most GPS receivers. He has obtained over two dozen patents related to GPS positioning and is currently a member of the U.S National PNT (Positioning Navigation and Timing) Advisory Board. He is employed in advanced engineering at John Deere's Intelligent Systems Group.

> Special Theory of Relativity: Logical Inconsistencies

> Can Stars BEND LIGHT? General Relativity and Gravity

> Sky Scholar

>> No.11768842

Check out PBS Spacetime's early videos. They did a great series on gravity there. The Fermilab youtube channel has some good SR stuff too. If you're eventually ready for a more detailed but still informal treatment, I highly recommend ViaScience's series on relativity.

>> No.11768849
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> I am No Einstein!

> Einstein - The Mythology of Celebrity

>> No.11768858
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>PBS Spacetime
>The Fermilab youtube channel

>> No.11768979

>b-but how can the jews say nationalism is bad while striving to create a nation to protect themselves from nationalism?!
/pol/ please. you have so many infographics. you can afford to filter out the trash.
even under the pretense that the holocaust did not happen, the world wars were sufficient to justify early zionism. if a group of people wants to form a political union in order to protect themselves from becoming collateral damage as a side effect of geopolitics, they are justified on grounds of self defense. if they want to build nukes in order to ensure they aren't bullied by world powers, they are also justified.

this is what einstein is talking about. white nationalists are not struggling to secure their future existence. if they had been, then they would have already created their own country.

>> No.11769035

>ViaScience is NPC
Weak bait

>> No.11769043

stanford lectures on general relativity on youtube. He gives intuitive examples that may help if you don't understand the math. Still, to really get it, you have to understand the math.

>> No.11769110

ViaScience regurgitates the pseudoscientific quackery of current scientific dogma *, so yes it's 100% NPC -- made by NPCs, for NPCs.

* as is evident here:





Could go on with more examples, but the point has already been made.

>> No.11769119

You have to be able to do the math like differential geometry, or else you're not going to understand it outside of some popsci-level simplification. If you're truly a retard, then there's no chance.

>> No.11769123

Read a book by Charles Proteus Steinmetz

>> No.11769126

holy schizophrenia

>> No.11769129

why do you have to get political?
there's a board for that
go there