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11767725 No.11767725 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, why are men dirtier and smell worse (poop, fart, fish, sweat) than women?

>> No.11767957

Tell us how you came to that conclusion

>> No.11768001

Because men are created expendable so women can procreate with other tribes.

>> No.11768010

>t. incel

>> No.11768042

Several factors come to mind:
1) They work harder, more labour-intensive jobs, for longer hours.
2) Less preoccupied with their appearance (which is a less-significant factor in overall attractiveness, compared to women), and so may shower less frequently or more carelessly
3) Spend significantly less on perfumes and cosmetics, which mask odours

These would explain your observation, but your observation in faulty and clearly ignorant:
1) Women also poop
2) Women also fart
3) Women also sweat, but I admit it is somewhat reasonable to conjecture that men sweat more (owing to more physical exertion as above, but also having to physically move more weight and regulate a physically larger body)
4) You've neglected some obvious contradictions to your premise, as you simply assume women are the cleaner and gentler sex, and thus evidence your ignorance. Two of the most notable exceptions are 1) Women menstruate for approximately 2 days every month. This is unwanted discharged which must be collected and removed throughout the process (i.e. cleaned). That is to say, dirty. 2) Besides menstruation, women regularly produce vaginal discharge. A woman buys new underwear because all her old pairs are grotty. A man buys new boxers because his old pair have become worn and tattered. This is also, perhaps more obviously, dirty. A penis is much easier to keep clean than a vagina.
5) Men are hairier which may prejudice people to think they look dirtier than they really are.

>> No.11768050
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>> No.11768147


>> No.11769130

>2 days a month

>> No.11769139

Perhaps because you're a man and so a woman smells good to you and a man does not. Whereas if you were a woman, you may find a man and a woman's smell to be appealing, but a man moreso.

>> No.11770858

I cannot imagine that anyone can find the horrid stenches produced by most men on a daily basis to be "attractive". Most guys I know seem to walk around regularly smelling of BO, farting and burping everywhere, having ass breath, etc.

>> No.11771024

>why are men dirtier and smell worse (poop, fart, fish, sweat) than women?

It's because we carried most of the physical chores throughout history and because we're built to do it

>> No.11771044

men definitely fish more than women

>> No.11771121

can you distinguish women's smell from men's?

>> No.11771895

Also men leave skidmarks on their undies and yellow stains on shirts