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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 366 KB, 834x478, spacex ninjas pale blue dot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11766429 No.11766429 [Reply] [Original]

Space Ninjas Edition


>> No.11766438
File: 2.35 MB, 3264x2448, B4B6884F-6FE4-4669-8BC1-127F61CD1889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for fuck delays, I just want every company in aerospace to thrive. Even Boeing. Our best bet is to advance to the Moon and Mars asap. Although Starship will probably be the ship to carry us there

>> No.11766439

starlink pass here in 45 min, will report back with photos
>fucking clouds reee

>> No.11766456 [DELETED] 

>Even Boeing
No not yet, boeing will be fine with defense and aviation contacts. They need to be punished for their actions so they know to not do it again.

>> No.11766467
File: 236 KB, 1260x707, Frog_Sat_Concept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I took up on your suggestions and drew out this very VERY rough concept.

Essentially, the satellite is in two parts. The capsule; which contains the frog(s), everything needed to keep it alive, and anything to watch it. The bus; which contains the maneuvering system, main power, cable control, and anything else. The Bus has a fly wheel to control how fast the whole craft spins. The capsule has a door to allow the frog(s) to escape once the Capsule splashes down via chutes (not pictured).

To give the best chances that the Capsule splashes down in a fresh water environment, the target landing site will be the Great Lakes and thus the species of frog chosen to live in space must be a Great Lake native. As the capsule reenters, the Bus will detach itself leaving the Capsule's batteries as the only source of power to view the decent and landing. There will be a transponder on the Capsule to allow for 4ASS specialists to track it down once it splashes down in the unlikely event that the escape door will not open.

What do you all think?

>> No.11766473 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 1300x864, rocket launch arc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space flight

Sounds like you believe in the meme that rockets work in space. Sorry OP for shattering your fantasy world, but it needs to be done.

When you use logic, reason and actual real science, you realize rockets only work (definition: propel themselves forward) inside an atmosphere. This means they don't work in space.

They can't work in a real vacuum. Any claims of the contrary is a fraud and a lie.

>inb4 you parrot "newtons 3rd law!" like an NPC without any thought involved

That law /isn't/ in dispute here. Appealing to it to "prove" rockets "work in space" shows you don't grasp the fundamental problem here. The 3rd law is 100% correct. When asteroids floating in the vacuum of space crashes into each other, the 3rd law applies. Likewise, the law applies to objects interacting on the ground on Earth, underwater, and in the sky. The 3rd law is 100% real, but it doesn't "do" anything for a rocket when its engine is fired in a perfect vacuum.

You see, the atmosphere gets thinner at higher elevation until it disappears completely (out in space). That's the issue here! And you can't get around that issue. Parroting "newtons's 3rd law!" or throwing math equations around, doesn't magically make the issue go away. That's just you avoiding to deal with reality. Man up and stop avoiding reality.

If you're currently under the "rockets work in space! xd!" spell they cast on you through the entertainment industry and educational system (the indoctrination system), and you want to break free from that spell and shatter the illusion - then see these two educational videos (they play inside your browser):

1st vid: https://files.catbox.moe/dl9ldw.webm
2nd (also important): https://files.catbox.moe/so2rrt.mp4

Once you know that stuff, then you know beyond any doubt rocket technology will never be viable outside of Earth.

>> No.11766475 [DELETED] 
File: 334 KB, 1624x1868, illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No atmospheric pressure, zero atmospheric density = no thrust. It truly is that simple.

If you don't understand already, then the following videos, in addition to the ones already posted (here >>11752646), may help you understand:




>regarding pic related

For those of you with short attention spans who have difficulty following scientific presentations in video format, here's an illustration which can assist you in understanding that rockets indeed do not work in space. You're welcome.

>> No.11766478
File: 645 KB, 2048x2048, conestoga 1488 ops logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's an idea I would put actual money towards if launch costs got cheaper.

>> No.11766485

I want a Space Ninja gf so bad bros

>> No.11766496

I know it's still in the concept phase, but how will do you plan to maintain the signal/solar power/thermal characteristics while spinning?

>> No.11766501

Dont feed it.

>> No.11766502

That one's easy in isolation. Set the axis of rotation tangent to Earth's surface and use a parabolic antenna. Combining both that and solar/thermal configurations that don't suck is the hard part.

>> No.11766514

Perhaps a third module could be added which is just a dumb counter-weight at the end of the cable opposite of the Capsule and have the Bus be at the center of rotation so there could be a relatively stable point for an antenna. Not sure how the solar and thermal issues will be solved. Maybe the whole spin gravity concept can be ditched for simplicity.

>> No.11766518
File: 815 KB, 431x767, aqua spin rinse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe the whole spin gravity concept can be ditched for simplicity.
You could add a motor to the bus module and rotate the cable to provide spin gravity towards the walls of the capsule although that'd be more like pic related for the frog perspective.

>> No.11766524 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 1200x900, dPrCpXQXxatvGdxhLxdWKZ-1200-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's keep up the artemis discussion. 18 billion for SLS is absolutely unreasonable and stupid. What is the realistic soonest date for Artemis

>> No.11766528
File: 111 KB, 1252x1252, pepe_motion_blur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frog's reaction when twitch starts spamming "SPIN SPIN SPIN" along with every twitch emoji

>> No.11766530

Orion is ready now, isn't it? They could slap together an adaptor for the Falcon Heavy and launch a flyby in six months if they wanted to. Hell, if NASA human-rated the Falcon Heavy you could do a Moon Dragon flyby next week. The Gateway station's hab module won't be ready until 2023 and none of the landers are ready so that's the constraining factor now.

>> No.11766548

What does SLS funding have to do with Artemis? Artemis has its own funding, as well as Orion

>> No.11766561 [DELETED] 

They're using SLS for the bulk of artemis

>> No.11766566 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 680x583, 1590938550272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor space frogs. We don't want to get arrested for animal cruelty..

>> No.11766571 [DELETED] 

So 2024 is actually a good date?

>> No.11766579

But the payloads also have their own 20 billion dollar cost on top of the SLS and another 10 billion or something sunk into Orion
Hard to understand where this money goes

>> No.11766583

no one really knows when they would get a lander

>> No.11766587

Maybe we have a frog or pepe "zero g indicator" toy in the capsule instead. Then we don't even need to pressurize it or have life support.

>> No.11766588

Perhaps giving the live stream chat control of the spacecraft was a bad idea. Even something like controlling music would probably just end up with them selecting "SCOTLAND FOREVER" over and over again.

>> No.11766589

also, a 2024 mission will have to skip the gateway

>> No.11766596


I would once again like to express my appreciation to the band Slipknot for their consummate professionalism during white room activities. I had no idea that the metal band were also a trained ground crew.

>> No.11766599

yeah but Scotland Forever is a good song

>> No.11766604

I can't argue against those doubles. What would it even sound like for the frogs inside? How bad would the reverb be?

>> No.11766605
File: 173 KB, 438x424, 1590961652297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11766608

>playing the music for the frogs
wrong, you play the music on the livestream and SAY you're playing the music for the frogs

>> No.11766611

>moderation team deletes my on-topic post with the beautiful engineering camera footage from DM-2
>leave the "rockets don't work in space" spammer up
why is the /sci/ moderation team so shit

>> No.11766615


>> No.11766616

Where’s the turtle

>> No.11766620

Repost the video. I missed it.

>> No.11766622

no, fuck you

>> No.11766629

but rockets literally don't work on space. while spamming that other shit is useless. the lunar space landing was faked just like these recent launching which were cut at convenient times to make ti more realistic. We never been to space.

>> No.11766630

One Latin phrase was corny enough two is redundant

>> No.11766633
File: 140 KB, 750x889, 5E22A744-EB75-41FD-9C15-F43F7DA08ED7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re offered a ride on the first starship demo, but there’s low chance of it landing in one piece. They have a 50/50 trust level in the programming. Do you take the ride?

>> No.11766638 [DELETED] 

Ever heard of newton's third law?

>> No.11766641

Don't reply to that mod.

>> No.11766643
File: 375 KB, 640x640, 1565958492053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying the FAA would allow it to carry people in that state
It would have to be built by Boeing to be allowed to fly under those conditions. So no, I wouldn't.

>> No.11766647 [DELETED] 

Make your own thread, this is for non glowniggers

>> No.11766653

Why the fuck would a mod on /sci/ of all places parrot that bullshit?

>> No.11766654

there's a conspiracy theory that the mods on /sci/ post conspiracy theory schizo bullshit to get people to post more

>> No.11766656

Mods are enormous faggots and are site wide.

>> No.11766659

Satanic trips says you are both correct.

>> No.11766661

that's not trips, digits don't count unless they're at the end

>> No.11766662

Because it stirs up more posts, more posts means more page views, and more page views means more ad revenue. Why do you think such persistent shitposters manage to stick around for so long even though they should be permabanned by now? Because they are actually mods who shitpost by policy.

>> No.11766664


>> No.11766665
File: 88 KB, 610x623, e8a27492e6095b97fff710abda547a82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.11766666

why would this board need that? while most thread do end p in limbo there are quite a few ones that do hit bump limits quite fast. there's nothing to gain in turning us into /pol/ levels of speed with constant shitposting.

>> No.11766668


>> No.11766669
File: 217 KB, 1500x844, BFR_Sep_Longnose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but i expect a parade and a metal like John Glenn, oh and an airport named after me but instead of Columbus, Ohio I want it in Lansing, Michigan.

>> No.11766670

I've been on 4chan for 7 years now and I've always considered them trips, regardless of where they are in the post. Strange.
Makes sense, won't reply to the mods next time.

>> No.11766672

Checked and agreed. Faith of the heart pilled

>> No.11766673


>> No.11766674

>there's nothing to gain in turning us into /pol/ levels of speed with constant shitposting.
See >>11766662.

>> No.11766675

wasted on meta garbage, shame on you

>> No.11766676

medal* fucking phone

>> No.11766683
File: 118 KB, 1000x600, 1591351660305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys when is SN5 gonna be up on the block? i feel like I'm dying of anticipation

>> No.11766699

Early next week

>> No.11766700
File: 21 KB, 1222x332, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll probably transport it to the testing site on June 8th from the road closures it seems.

>> No.11766713
File: 31 KB, 429x253, Zeon-flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does the dragon come back?

>> No.11766714

yes, that particular brand of retardation did spring up about that time

>> No.11766715

quality shitpost lmao

>> No.11766728 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 795x156, 1591297944231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are garbage, remember last week when they shut down /sfg/ and banned the OP in favor of an anime bait thread.

>> No.11766736 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 506x719, 1590708873264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime weebsite

>> No.11766737





But seriously they need more test stands, they have them fucking stacking up there and they can't test them. At this rate there will be a line of like 10 starships waiting to be tested.

>> No.11766738 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 630x487, images (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gas the jannies space war now

>> No.11766739

Assuming someone is currently in college now, were they born just in time to go to a Mars colony if their STEM degree could be utilized? At least in like the 2050’s or so at the latest? Starship was just a meme for a long time but I feel like it will truly change spaceflight forever.

>> No.11766747 [DELETED] 

Literally isn't but ok

>> No.11766748 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 750x1000, d91020c5c982ed0aa8a8c876dccdbbf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon that flag sucks, here's a better one

>> No.11766750

Being aged 10-30 right now is perfect for when the first generation of Marian astronauts peaks. You want astronauts to be 30-50. Armstrong was 39 when he walked on the moon

>> No.11766751 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 576x792, 9441e46f6c251ce79959ea51d6812b70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime weebsite

>> No.11766752

stem fags aren't going to mars. archaeologists, botanists, general tradesmen and jarheads will and you will guide them on their daily tasks back from earth

>> No.11766755

engineers and shit will go to mars

>> No.11766759

They will need geologists and engineers, doctors and biologists. I can’t really see any use for mathematicians

>> No.11766761 [DELETED] 

I don't really care if people post anime. That thread was a clear bait post that was a troll who spammed the previous thread until people started arguing and even started the thread with a strawpoll about the argument. It was clear which thread should have been shut down since the other thread was a normal /sfg/ but instead they choose the baitpost for ad revenue.

>> No.11766762 [DELETED] 

They are going to need a lot of professions and a lot of contact tradesmen.

>> No.11766766
File: 218 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11766768 [DELETED] 

it's not a baitpost if I'm right though

>> No.11766774 [DELETED] 

1.you aren't right
2. If it was created to bait people it is a baitpost

>> No.11766790 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 194x259, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah someone should start grilling them on where that money is being spent

>> No.11766793 [DELETED] 

Blow and hookers.

>> No.11766800 [DELETED] 
File: 611 KB, 1920x1080, Lunar_base_made_with_3D_printing_pillars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd assume a 2024 mission would be to setup gateway. I want gateway as it will mean a moon ISS which will mean an IMB.

>> No.11766803 [DELETED] 

actually I made the thread to exult the glory of Zeon and say fuck Earthnoids

>> No.11766804 [DELETED] 
File: 312 KB, 598x645, 1590922419691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a few frog toys?

>> No.11766807

Hmmm assuming Starship stays on track, it will probably be the first lander. It doesn’t require gateway to land. Thoughts? Who will be the first to bring astronauts back to the moon

>> No.11766808 [DELETED] 

No it was made to bait the people mad at you because you wouldn't stop spamming anime pics in the last thread.

>> No.11766809

no, gateway is not firmly part of any currently planned missions

>> No.11766814

Reminder, 3 more months until Starlink beta is launched. There's 480 Starlink in orbit right now. 120 more will be added this month. Another 120-240 will be added next month. They need ~720 for complete US coverage. This will happen by early/mid august.

>> No.11766815 [DELETED] 

If starship is ready to take crew to the moon before the 18 billion dollar rocket program i am going to kek.

>> No.11766818

Elon will launch a water tower to the moon before SLS flies

>> No.11766819 [DELETED] 

>NASA has focused Gateway development on the initial critical elements required to support the 2024 landing – the Power and Propulsion Element, the Habitation and Logistics Outpost (HALO) and logistics capabilities.

>> No.11766820

Not only would it be a pile of salt for oldspace, but I would love for Elon to have the opportunity. Jim is most likely willing to let it happen without gateway, at least for one landing. Imagine the people at boeing watching Starship touch down on the surface of the moon.

>> No.11766823

is SLS human rated from the get go
as in the rocket that's supposed to go up next year does not need additional tests or certification to fly manned missions?

>> No.11766826 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 640x353, 1590796352241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly if it does beat the SLS we should petition for an audit on the program. There is no excuse for such a shitty result with 18 BILLION in funding

>> No.11766831

didn't mean to reply

>> No.11766833 [DELETED] 
File: 272 KB, 3072x1728, 2_h4N1LiOHVZUCVBJikAW7YKQH3jLt2nKcq1KkZJmmI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the thought makes my rocket stand up.

>> No.11766838

I’m fine if SLS flies like, 7 missions. I just want it to get over with. What I DO want is a transition from NASA. I know they are bogged down with politics- but for fucks sake I’m so sick of them choosing the same contractors who drag out projects and set us back by possibly decades. I don’t know what Jim has the authority to do, but he should kick all of old space to the curb and tell them to get their shit together. Also we’re fucked if we get a different POTUS who wants to undo everything. At that point SpaceX would be on its own

>> No.11766839

is there any other way mission planners could have approached this?

are the contractors really stuck to only making one specific part and can't be tasked with making something different for a completely new better rocket design?

>> No.11766840 [DELETED] 

I would love for the media to cover the less than 1 billion developement reusable starship costing 2 million a launch beat the 18 billion dollar single use SLS. Imagine the heat that oldspace would suffer from the public

>> No.11766841

>are the contractors really stuck to only making one specific part and can't be tasked with making something different for a completely new better rocket design?
SLS was designed to preserve Shuttle contractor jobs so yes. If you start updating the design you might as well cancel the entire project.

>> No.11766843

as long as spacex keep delivering results they'd be more or less be untouchable by a change in administration

the commercial crew program survived 2 changes in presidents because they keep showing they're the better value proposition

>> No.11766844 [DELETED] 
File: 307 KB, 2048x2048, EY8XrFWXQAAN08v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, i want it to set up gateway and then die. Also i don't trust biden at all for space funding, he was part of the administration that almost killed nasa.

>> No.11766845 [DELETED] 

>you might as well cancel the entire project.
Which they should have done from the get go.

>> No.11766846

Good thing he's completely senile and won't win.

>> No.11766851

Nope that’s the philosophy of it. With so many different people across the country, changing something drastic (or small) can’t be done unless it’s a safety measure.
SpaceX can change what the want, when they want. They test, build, test, build.
What I don’t understand is how NASA’s way of doing things isn’t streamlined. You would THINK spacex would fall in the same hole the F35 did where it just gets redesigned into oblivion, and NASA pumps out stuff rapidly because it’s already designed. But for some reason it’s the other way around

>> No.11766853 [DELETED] 

True but we need multiple plans for a permanent space presence so Artemis must survive. We can't lose another decade just because we shift away from the moon focus like we did in 2008

>> No.11766854

>anime pics hurt my feelings
I don't see how that's related

>> No.11766856 [DELETED] 

Nothing is ever guaranteed in this world anon

>> No.11766860 [DELETED] 

Go back

>> No.11766862

Without getting too political on the situation- Trump would only buy us four more years. After that the pendulum would swing left, at least if it follows the trend. I can’t imagine a Conservative winning again after trump.
Whatever the case, a president defunding NASA will make me riot. I’m tired of the petty politics. You can shit on trump all you want but he is faithful to spaceflight.

>> No.11766864

The toilet on the dragon is next to the nose hatch.

So to leave a captain's log. You have to squat right behind the control panel. So even if there is a curtain. Everyone else is just sitting there in their seat. Looking ik the direction of the guy turning tang into leonmande.

Why didnt they put it behind/below the seats?

>> No.11766868

at this point I'm confident nobody is going to get rid of Space Force and if SpaceX and BO and whoever else can live on USSF contracts and whatever anemic contracts come from the defunded NASA I wouldn't be TOO bothered about canceling Artemis. My real worry is that Russia and China are going to get upset about something and make Biden halt all beyond-LEO commercial spaceflight by forcing them to wait for a new treaty to go through the UN (of course while Russia and China catch up).

>> No.11766872 [DELETED] 
File: 419 KB, 1366x2048, EZq9piKXYAERKa9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It honestly makes me lose hope, everyone the DNC has put forward is the type to take funding away from NASA. If you told me a decade ago that our best hope for space exploration was the Republican party I wouldn't have believed you. Now if we can figure out how to stop oldspace from wasting so much money on porkbarrel projects I'd be very happy.

>> No.11766875

Roscosmos is going to go under. The Russians will be selling them selves cheap to china.

>> No.11766889 [DELETED] 

>I wouldn't be TOO bothered about canceling Artemis
You should be, artemis is just reskinned constellation and if we lose artemis we lose another 10 years. Biden was part of the admin that shifted away from a lunar focus and it hurt us. With the ISS going away we need the moon. I have faith in spacex but i also want my tax dollars to get us on the moon permanently.

>> No.11766892

if you're selecting people to go to mars why would you take an electrician over an electrical engineer, mechanic over a mechanical engineer, etc.? Unless you're super desperate for labor which is unlikely

>> No.11766903 [DELETED] 
File: 1.34 MB, 1360x1200, 5dc451abb3f0c92dfeecebdf_inhabitat-aisf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welders, plumbers, construction workers electricians and mechanics are going to be needed pretty quickly because the engineering teams will be busy with more important work. Look at the artic for example. Besides musk wants regular people there, sure the first few missions will be the usual suspects but it isn't a NASA small scale mission. Its starting a colony and that means manpower

>> No.11766919

You're in luck with the contractors, because newspace is starting to get a lot of money and Boing! has been passed up on two big ones recently.

>> No.11766924

>two big ones
Artemis lander, what’s the second one?

>> No.11766926

NASA will be a climate change science and minority outreach program under biden.

>> No.11766928

I want to leave this gay Earth

>> No.11766929

Yang was pro-space and pro-fusion, but his campaign was too gimmicky.

>> No.11766930

Thousands and thousands of people making 6 figures but only doing middle management work

>> No.11766932

Won't everyone from any of those professions require months if not years of training in preparation for space travel + building new structures in Martian conditions? They're not going to send Jose from the construction site down the street, it's going to be qualified people whose education is much closer to that of an engineer. I imagine there will no shortage of engineers when the time comes but maybe I'm wrong

>> No.11766933

>make Biden halt all beyond-LEO commercial spaceflight by forcing them to wait for a new treaty to go through the UN
UN has no leverage or ability to force anyone much, less a permanent security council member, to do anything.

>> No.11766936 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 1177x1600, program-Constellation-test-rocket-Ares-I-X-Launch-Oct-28-2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA under biden would look exactly like NASA under Obama. Underfunded, with no real goals and a program starting over in the hands of whomever in oldspace has the best connections.

>> No.11766937

>we lose another 10 years.
By the latest (2009) projections, Constellation would not have been ready before SLS was supposed to be, in a scenario which also required the deorbiting of the ISS.

>> No.11766939 [DELETED] 

Yang's plans were too budget heavy, NASA would have been on the chopping block.

>> No.11766942 [DELETED] 

Goddamn i hate this gay earth.

>> No.11766944

Iss should be used as dry dock to build a bigger and better station. Then broken up for useful components.

A 70m radius torus station producing .3g should be considered essential.

>> No.11766946

Gateway Logistics Services
The document has some particularly savage bits regarding Boing

>> No.11766958 [DELETED] 
File: 988 KB, 1437x816, screen-shot-2018-09-24-at-10-27-03-am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if not years of training in preparation for space travel
No, thats part of the point with Starship. They won't pick jose but there are plenty of highly skilled people in those professions anon and most will be able to work faster than engineers due to job experience. I think there will be plenty of engineers there but i don't think its and endless supply. Also do you really want engineers stuck doing normal work when there are going to be complex and demanding tasks requiring engineers and scientists?

>> No.11766964

>why would you take an electrician over an electrical engineer, mechanic over a mechanical engineer, etc.?

I don't know how much you have thought about this. To start with you have to want to go to Mars, a surprisingly small amount of people want to. Then you have to have the money, 200k+ for one person is not something most people have lying around. Then you have people with families, not happening. Then you have to be competent to not go apeshit in a confined space for the rest of your life. Then you have to be competent at using tools, if you haven't noticed most engineers don't know their way around a drill.

By the time you have gone through the selection process you will be left with a surprisingly small pool of candidates.

To be frank, if you want to go, have the aptitude, skills and money you will be able to go because there will be so few.

>> No.11766966 [DELETED] 
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>Constellation would not have been ready before SLS
I'm skeptical about that, also the point is we took away the lunar focus only to put it back 11 years later. 11 years working towards that goal would result in something.

>> No.11766973

Yang was literally a Chinese spy.
>gun grabbing plus free drugs (opium war v2)
>weakening the President's authority to respond to nuclear attack
>open borders
>increased fusion research and space spending with no restrictions on Chinese immigration
The PRC couldn't possibly pick a better candidate, except for one that will just openly sell out to them for personal gain. Enter Biden.

>> No.11766978

I don’t claim to be a logistics manager, but I think the best way to do it (at least initially) is to establish something like the NOAA corps. Perhaps the NASA corps could be created depending on NASA’s involvement. You sign up as an officer and spend 2-4 required years on Mars building installations and doing science before coming back home. Later they can start establishing permanent colonies. This way you could keep it organized in teams of people like head engineers, head doctors, head scientists, etc. with teams of people under them who work as a unit to get projects done. Not to be gay or anything but this would also function like a pseudo starfleet

>> No.11766979 [DELETED] 

I don't think they will make workers pay 200k to go but i think they will have a hard time finding engineers ready to risk everything and ditch their high paying earth job to go to mars. You will see plenty of tradesmen jumping at the opportunity to make better money though.

>> No.11766981

Finding women to go is going to be a serious problem. They might well have to end up paying them.

>> No.11766990

I'm a tradesman, easily 95% of tradesmen are incompetent retards who I am amazed manage to not kill themselves or someone else on a regular basis. The successful and competent ones mostly all have families, very slim pickings.

>> No.11766992 [DELETED] 

I mean yeah initially they will have that but the plan is to scale quickly. A corps like that wouldn't work

>> No.11766993

Well I hope you're right. As someone who will ideally be one of those highly skilled people once colony construction gets underway, having a door into going to Mars without being rich or an engineer would be great

Is the 200k+ just for tourists or are you saying you'll have to pay to work on Mars too?

>> No.11766996

What's the point in paying someone if you are going to send them to a place with no economy?

>> No.11766997 [DELETED] 

Fair but you'll still see them sent

>> No.11766999

I guess you could get your company to sponsor you but no Spacex isn't giving out free tickets. And it would be a rare employer to sponsor you. You don't play tourist on Mars for a long time yet, it's really a one way trip.

>> No.11767000 [DELETED] 

Yeah it won't be the first decade but you'll be needed. Also don't listen to him, they couldn't get anyone to work there for a 200k fee

>> No.11767002

I have a little more than that in assets. I would sell all that shit in an eyeblink to go and build Mars, there will be enough orhers who will too. You can stay here, bye.

>> No.11767006

Hmm interesting. I would go even if it offered shit pay- the prospect of science and exploration fits my degree so well. But if they expected you to pay I don’t know how they would expect people to get there. Especially top tier individuals already making great salaries on Earth. But the logistics behind it make me think it will be big companies sponsoring trips- like the original European explorations :(

>> No.11767010

>return journey

I don't see many taking the return journey to be honest. I think people are underestimating 6 months in a tin can full of radiation. Once will be absolutely enough for most and more than a few will lose it en route.

>> No.11767012

You probably won't be coming back, you would be going to build the start of a new world. I would do it for fucking free.

>> No.11767022

I have around that with all my stuff. I would sell it all in a heartbeat if it meant scrubbing toilets on Mars

>> No.11767027

The whole "whole first woman on the moon" is a smart move to keep Artemis immune to potential admin changes.

>> No.11767035

Should have made it first tranny and first furry dogfucker on the moon to really secure it in.

>> No.11767036
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space is pozzed now https://twitter.com/planetlabs/status/1269046985119727616

>> No.11767037


>> No.11767038

Based Mars Janny doing it for free

>> No.11767040



>> No.11767042
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oh fu

>> No.11767043
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Here comes the booze and valium fueled shitposts. Love it.

>> No.11767044

The goalposts is never ending with this group. I have an acquaintance (art major) who said that the space budget would be better spent on welfare programs and public housing, and unironically stated that the moon landings should only take place if they intend on landing a trans woman of color. I’m voting red ticket the rest of my life so long as they support space

>> No.11767048

bet it's the reason for the NASA dude stepping down
or, >>11767040

>> No.11767052
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>> No.11767055


>> No.11767056


>> No.11767062
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>> No.11767064

dude weed lmao

>> No.11767066


>> No.11767070

weed on mars confirmed

>> No.11767072

He's right though. But still I don't give a shit about most of those nigger gang bangers in prison.

>> No.11767077
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I only give a shit when people claim to want to fix the weed issue if they only then care about similarly deregulating every other mind altering substance. If they don't agree, then I ask why the FUCK alcohol is still legal since it causes immeasurable societal damage. Where's the cutoff?

t. libertarian

>> No.11767082


>> No.11767089
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Which is why it should also be illegal

>> No.11767091


>> No.11767096

Mostly agree, deregulate every psychedelic 100% but you just can't have shit like fentanyl and PCP on the street man.

>> No.11767100

To be frank, I was expecting worse.

>> No.11767105

maybe he's annoyed that they can't hire people for SpaceX that fail drug tests due to the growth in Boca etc

>> No.11767117
File: 102 KB, 850x970, SaturnEarthMoon_Cassini_850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should make added sugars illegal then too lol

alright nerds back to spaceflight
>Explanation: What are those dots between Saturn's rings? Our Earth and Moon. Just over three years ago, because the Sun was temporarily blocked by the body of Saturn, the robotic Cassini spacecraft was able to look toward the inner Solar System. There, it spotted our Earth and Moon -- just pin-pricks of light lying about 1.4 billion kilometers distant. Toward the right of the featured image is Saturn's A ring, with the broad Encke Gap on the far right and the narrower Keeler Gap toward the center. On the far left is Saturn's continually changing F Ring. From this perspective, the light seen from Saturn's rings was scattered mostly forward , and so appeared backlit. After more than a decade of exploration and discovery, the Cassini spacecraft ran low on fuel in 2017 and was directed to enter Saturn's atmosphere, where it surely melted.

>> No.11767125

>Ban unhealthy food
>Ban snowboarding
>Ban running
>Ban skating
>Ban going outside

Commu-fascists, folks. They want to make decisions for you in the name of “safety”.

>> No.11767129

>comparing addictive brain-damaging recreational substances with exercise
your brain on drugs, everybody.

>> No.11767132

You could get hurt when you exercise! WE MUST BAN IT

>> No.11767139

Please, keep going. Watching your swiss cheese junkie brain try to form arguments is really funny

>> No.11767140

There’s no argument to have. You’re a totalitarian fascist and I’m not. The only possible resolution is violence.

>> No.11767143

he's right, you know

>> No.11767146

Mmmm different anon but I just bought swiss cheese, it’s so good. On that note I was thinking about the logistics of future space missions. I suspect Artemis will have a simple food delivery system similar to ISS
But what about Mars? Eventually they are going to need meat. They can grow plants, sure, but at some point they will either need to synthesize meat or bring live animals for slaughter and cooking. How will they be transported? Will they keep chicken eggs and cow embryos in stasis? I can’t imagine a starship full of live animals for 6 months they would atrophy away

>> No.11767149
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>> No.11767150

Holy fuck the worm works so well

>> No.11767152

>Eventually they are going to need meat.

Humans don’t need meat. Some want it.

>> No.11767160

Do you even know what fascism is?

>> No.11767162

telling me what to do

>> No.11767164

about what? no one is saying we should ban things that might cause harm. if you can't tell the difference between an activity that is necessary for health and one that is totally unnecessary and always causes physiological damage then I don't know what to tell you

ok, I guess the FAA and NASA and every other aerospace-related agency on the planet are totalitarian fascist agencies for having restrictions on what you can and cannot do in regards to spaceflight. Why not let jim bob strap himself to a rocket in his backyard, right? If only we were allowed to live in such a utopia

>> No.11767166

whatever makes you feel better

>> No.11767168

they do let Jim Bob strap himself into a rocket in his backyard
as long as his backyard is the mojave desert

>> No.11767169

Yeah, you definitely don't know what fascism is.
Just give up honestly, this guy doesn't care about the truth.

>> No.11767170
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>> No.11767171

don't tell me what I can't do on my own property, hitler

>> No.11767172

yeah but your flight plan has you leaving your property

>> No.11767174

>Do you even know what fascism is?

Mussolini called it corporatism, in the sense of viewing society as a living thing, and Fascist Italy had the highest amount of state-owned industry outside of the USSR in Europe. The Nazis on the other hand engaged in large-scale privatization, but both forms were totalitarian nationalist ideologies which engaged in imperial conquest.

I myself use it as an umbrella term for authoritarianism, an example of which is drug laws which seek to prohibit people from making the personal choice to do certain drugs or not, and preventing private enterprise from openly engaging in the production and sale of certain drugs.

>> No.11767177

If humanity was composed of people like you, civilization would of never developed.

>> No.11767180
File: 50 KB, 1764x816, 4ASS Satellite 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my design for the 4ASS Manned mission
Think you could send a massive 4ASS flag out into high orbit?

>> No.11767181

You simplified it by a lot. Corporatism is the economic aspect (and you simplified corporatism too), but there is more to Fascism then corporatism.
>I myself use it as an umbrella term for authoritarianism
Why not just say statism?

>> No.11767182

Fish and crustaceans, delicious eating, easy maintennance, tolerance to weird/no gravity, helps with nutrient cycles.

>> No.11767183

because fascism gets a gut reaction out of people

>> No.11767185

>about what? no one is saying we should ban things that might cause harm. if you can't tell the difference between an activity that is necessary for health and one that is totally unnecessary and always causes physiological damage then I don't know what to tell you

Neither should be illegal. People can harm themselves if they like. It’s their choice. Not yours.

>ok, I guess the FAA and NASA and every other aerospace-related agency on the planet are totalitarian fascist agencies for having restrictions on what you can and cannot do in regards to spaceflight

If it doesn’t pertain to preventing harm to others that they don’t consent to, yes.

>> No.11767188 [DELETED] 

>Why not just say statism?

Fascism sounds cooler. “Statism” invokes images of boring bureaucrats in grey suits, not stomp the Nazo-commies.

>> No.11767192

Fascism sounds cooler. “Statism” invokes images of boring bureaucrats in grey suits, not stompy Nazo-commies.

>> No.11767200

I also don’t oppose the existence of the state entirely. It should just be limited.

>> No.11767201

So you don't care whether you are actually correct about the use of the term

>> No.11767203

>telling me I'm wrong

>> No.11767204

>being this dumb

>> No.11767205

>you can't use words that way!

>> No.11767206

>So you don't care whether you are actually correct about the use of the term

Definitions are arbitrary and quite literally made up.

>> No.11767207

It's not about making decisions for people, it's about creating a society that disincentivizes self-destructive behavior. At a certain point those people who are "just harming themselves" start to harm everyone around them because guess what, most people don't live in a cabin in the woods. Do you agree that we should limit the amount of dysfunction in our communities or are you gonna keep parroting the same edgy ancap lines? Surely someone interested in space exploration should be able to understand why certain nations developed into space-faring civilizations and others didn't. Hint: it wasn't because of libertarianism

>> No.11767208

Ideologies on the other hand are not arbitrary.

>> No.11767210

Kys with your nazi dogwhistle

>> No.11767215

s/nazi dogwhistle/frogposter garbage/

>> No.11767220

>It's not about making decisions for people, it's about creating a society that disincentivizes self-destructive behavior.

Destroy yourself if you want to. It’s not my problem.

> At a certain point those people who are "just harming themselves" start to harm everyone around them because guess what, most people don't live in a cabin in the woods.

Some dude ODing does not harm me.

> Do you agree that we should limit the amount of dysfunction in our communities

No. I say freedom should be maximized as long as the NAP isn’t violated

> Surely someone interested in space exploration should be able to understand why certain nations developed into space-faring civilizations and others didn't.

Space-faring civilizations don’t exist, but it looks like the first one will be launched on private launch vehicles for private reasons. No, wasting time in LEO isn’t space-faring.

>> No.11767224

you should have mentioned that you deny the moon landing at the start so I knew not to waste any time

>> No.11767230

>you should have mentioned that you deny the moon landing

Wastes of time conducted only for political reasons that ceased once their political usage was over. No profits were made and worthless knowledge was gained.

>> No.11767288

There's some hardcore gaslighting going on in this thread.

>> No.11767297

I’m just watching it go to shit from the sidelines, hoping for some comfy late night space posting

>> No.11767364
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Could this have saved the Shuttle program?

>> No.11767373

>shuttle riding on top of a giant tiddy


Why did no one tell me about this

>giganigga fucking huge SSTO Hydrogen stage
>seven (7) linear aerospikes
>suicide burn landing of tiddy with jet engines

Is this the most Kerbal thing ever designed?

>> No.11767374

>worthless knowledge
That is a contradictory statement. It's like saying "dry water".

>> No.11767391

Maybe. It would be as reusable as a Falcon Heavy if you had the LRBs land propulsively.

>> No.11767395

>That is a contradictory statement.

Please explain how we’ve used data gathered during the Apollo missions to establish colonies and harvest minerals on Luna

>> No.11767396


>> No.11767406

The only way to save the shuttle would be to give it a big first stage that lands and use a low maintenance fuel cycle, then the shuttle becomes the upper stage on top of that and burns delta v with standardised heat tiles and then lands on a pad. That's how you fix it.

Hold on

>> No.11767409

>blue SLS
Is this from the alternative timeline where it did maiden flight ahead schedule and on budget?

>> No.11767411

Lunar science is super valuable. Yes the apollo program was meant for the US to flex it’s dick over the soviet union, but so much was gained from the rocks that were collected. The moon serves as a holy grail for geologists

>> No.11767412

Nah in that timeline it launched in 2040 because they needed another two decades to paint the foam.

>> No.11767413

>The moon serves as a holy grail for geologists



There's no fucking geologists there.

>> No.11767419

Well but the geology instead it's all over that place.

>> No.11767421

What are you talking about? We trained the apollo astronauts in geology and sent a geologist there. We brought back hundreds of pounds of rocks and did a bunch of petrology here on Earth with the samples. Yeah apollo ended up being defunded because lack of public interest, but we’re going back and we’re sending geologists there again

>> No.11767423

There doesn't need to be. Studying the composition of lunar regolith and photos of it landscapes can provide vast amounts of knowledge.

>> No.11767444

>Lunar science is super valuable

Yeah, for establishing moon colonies and mines, which we haven’t done in the intervening half-century since

> The moon serves as a holy grail for geologists

Oh yeah there’s lots of them up there....
I can’t wait until NASA spends a gorillion dollars to have people amble about up there again, pick up some rocks, then return. Don’t get me wrong; it’s cool to see, would be a positive image, which I think normies may need these days, and I’ll certainly stick the kids in front of the TV to watch it happen, but what does it achieve materially?
I want colonization, not tourism.
Space is to conquered, exploited, and inhabited. Not merely observed and visited.

>> No.11767446

We still send surveyors to evaluate potential mineral deposits while satellites exist.

>> No.11767447


>> No.11767606
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>> No.11767627

Did musk demand the falcon9 had to carry 100kilo extra to dab all over the shuttle?

>> No.11767629 [DELETED] 

I mean good for you man but a lot of the early work will probably rely on non permanent workers. Although I assume people like you will get picked first

>> No.11767633 [DELETED] 

Fucking jannies being useful for once

>> No.11767649

AKSHULLY they wouldn't be called GEOlogists

>> No.11767659

Why was the original falcon9 and the Polar Satellite so cheep even though they are expendable.

>> No.11767683
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, CE9356D1-3672-4F83-9399-D935F2E84499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the boomers paint fake windows on their monstrosity?

>> No.11767689

>Polar satellite
Don't know much about Indian rockets but it probably helps that it's mostly solids with some hypergolics. No cryo or anything fancy
>Expendable F9
Still benefits from the long period of iterative development which was made possible by the data gathered through reusability. Good corporate ethos, like focus on vertical integration (taking as much production as possible in house, not making the rocket standing up jej) and accepting taking tradeoffs for expense over autistically chasing maximal performance.

>> No.11767692
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Too fool predators

>> No.11767777

why not?
geo means earth, not Earth

>> No.11767782

Give them jewels.
Women really love that stuff.

>> No.11767802

Reminder that poojeets are launching people to space next year

>> No.11767819


>> No.11767820

Good on them. US should partner with them instead of this Chinese. Both are Democratic countries and both have vested interest in limiting Chinas influence.

It was a mistake to ally with Pakistan and threaten India with nukes.

>> No.11767831

Pls don't bully Space Shuttle anon

>> No.11767833

So how much fuel and resources does it take to put a person in space?
For instance, could we put every human into space or on the moon/mars, or would we run out of resources to do so.

>> No.11767840

>Payload (LEO) 22800 kg
Falcon 9 has never launched anywhere close to that payload to LEO, where does that number come from? The heaviest payload to date was 15600 kg

>> No.11767841

botanists are stemfags in literally every way

>> No.11767863

Wait, what is it exactly that you’re insinuating anon?

>> No.11767866

Yes we could

>> No.11767868

Theoretical based on calculations I believe, but does sound a bit high.
Obviously in expendable mode.

>> No.11767870

From SpaceX

>> No.11767934

"Upto" They won't push the limit if they don't have to.

>> No.11767939
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>> No.11767960

For Falcon 9, propellant mass is ~500 t, of which ~150 t is RP-1. Let say that you're launching 7 persons per launch, ie a billion launches to get everyone to orbit, this means you need ~1.5e11 t of RP-1.
For comparison, world total kerosene (from which RP-1 is derived) consumption is around 190 million liters per day, or 1.5e5 t per day.
So you'll need the 1 000 000 times the daily production of kerosene (which isn't RP-1) just for the fuel part of launching 7 billions people to orbit.
Also for comparison, the consumption of crude oil is around 1.34e7 m^3 per day, ~1.1e7 t per day.
If you're magically able to change all crude oil to RP-1, you need to consume all the oil production for 40 years.

>> No.11767963
File: 98 KB, 287x697, f9 block 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you looking at specs for the Full Thrust? Block 5 is what's flying these days. FT = Full Thrust.

>> No.11767992

When is the first Starship flight?

>> No.11768041

I'd suggest contracting Elon himself and having a Frog Dragon. Basically a Cargo Dragon with a self-sustaining habitat for various frogs to live in. The trunk could have an extendable ring module that can be attached to the ISS or something for the frogs to have artificial gravity.
What would've saved the shuttle is sacrificing a large amount of that cargo space for an integrated fuel tank and replacing the SRBs with reusable rockets like the Falcon 9 or something. Also, the RS-25s should've been replace with methane-fed engines.
Poos are caucasians too
just overcooked and overproduced
Especially the literal kind.

>> No.11768052

Starships carrying 100 people work out a lot better. Methane (nat gas, although you do have to isolate as nat gas isn't 100% methane) production is high, and the fuel ratio is oxidizer rich (like 20% methane by weight as far as I can tell). 5 years of just US production could do it, ish.

>> No.11768069
File: 96 KB, 852x556, F227438D-2CF9-4CB2-94CB-F6CA82E0F85E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden wouldn’t fuck up anything at NASA too badly, and he might even help a moonshoot along if elected

>> No.11768097

Biden has had a 50-year political career and has voted on exactly 0 substantial space-related legislation:
Worse than being openly anti-NASA, he just has no opinion whatsoever and almost certainly will use defunding NASA or hamstringing American commercial spaceflight as a bargaining chip in another piece of legislation or international negotiation because he clearly just does not care

>> No.11768101

Biden isn't getting into office even if he wins. He's off to the nursing home and his VP takes office if that happens. He's not eligible for office with his condition.

>> No.11768107


Biden, if he ever gets elected, doubt it, can not mess with the current "return to the moon" program at least.
With the sole reason being NASA has set this mission up as having woman being the first one to return to mars this time, no politician in the current political climate will risk being the guy who stoped that mission.

>> No.11768112

Of course they fucking can and they will mess with anything that can be perceived with as a posthumous win as the Trump administration. I don't think you realize just how petty politicians are and just how little they give a shit about space exploration. They'll just let it run on the back burner for the first 3 of their 4 years of the first term, then they'll announce that it's taking too long and has too many tax dollars that "could have been spent on more important programs for the local communities" or some bullshit like that, then they'll axe it. Just like Constellation.

>> No.11768115

>executive order: Artemis Accords are hostile to an inclusive and cooperative outer space environment by excluding many of the world's foremost space powers. The Artemis Accords must be passed through the UN and internationally recognized before we sow the seeds of competition and distrust among our great international partners (which now includes China) on the stage of space.

>> No.11768124


The Artemis Accords are nothing that substantive.

>> No.11768137

the artemis accords create property in space without calling it property. Without them ISRU would be arguably in violation of the outer space treaty.

>> No.11768146

Are soil samples theft? No. There is your answer.
You can use oceanwater for desalinization purposes. Space is treated like the open ocean.

>> No.11768153

soil samples are in the pure interest of science
>There shall be freedom of scientific investigation in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, and States shall facilitate and encourage international cooperation in such investigation
this doesn't cover refueling a starship or mining

>> No.11768157

Neat concept. Although, I don't think a cylinder would be stable enough during reentry. Might have to make the whole thing cone shaped.

>> No.11768178

Did Biden say that?

>> No.11768186

no, I'm just trying to point out how easy it would be, politically, to crush American spaceflight aspirations and push us back into an age of "spaceflight is only good if it's for climate research" and yet another Mars rover and no moon base and yet another ISS extension... When Musk talks about our window to become multi-planetary being short, this is what he's talking about. Political will can easily hold back all of manned spaceflight if it doesn't hold it in high regard and is willing to give it up or cut it out for little-to-nothing in return.

>> No.11768192


such activities would occur without it if they are going to occur

>> No.11768193
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>The exploration and use of outer space
>regardless of their scientific or economic advancement

Use being the key word. As long as it is peaceful you can use space for economic gain.

>> No.11768198

In that case, good thing SpaceX exists and isn't vulnerable to the whims of any childish president.

>> No.11768203

>in accordance with international law
Settling the moon is not like desalinating the ocean. Either way, it's not "which interpretation is right" it's "can it be interpreted this way" and if so, there's nothing stopping the president from forcing this viewpoint.

>> No.11768204
File: 1.86 MB, 1125x2436, 7DC68F2F-6D7B-47EE-8681-AAE946614567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the love of god please can Biden just lose. I’m not eve. A huge fan of Trump but he seems to sincerely support space travel.

Is Biden gonna win? The polls are scaring me guys.

Also Elon’s done and said a lot of things that would piss off someone like Biden.

And here’s a 500 kilogram Europa lander for you guys. Pretty cool stuff.

>> No.11768215

desu, my favorite timeline is

>Trump loses
>apocalyptic levels of autistic screeching on /pol/
>Artemis program goes ahead as scheduled anyway
>comatose president gets to shake the hands of the returning astronauts despite doing none of the work

>> No.11768222

Honestly /pol/ wouldn’t mind that anymore. They’ve gone to even more shit than they were in 2016. At this point it’s Chinese and BLACKED shills trying to bait people in every thread.

>> No.11768225

>Biden cans Artemis because it's "Trump's legacy"
>He tries to shunt SpaceX out of any NASA programs because of Elon's controversy
>SpaceX continues on with funding from it dominating the LEO market
>Starlink goes online and generates even more revenue
>SpaceX uses that money to send people around the moon while NASA is stuck in LEO
>People wonder why a private company can do more than the government
>Biden goes down as the president who gutted NASA

>> No.11768228

Both are use of resources common to all humanity. The Outer Space Treaty literally allows settlement and utilization of lunar resources. It's not there to limit the exploration and utilization of resources in space, rather to prevent the politicization and militarization of space.

>> No.11768230

>When Musk talks about our window to become multi-planetary being short, this is what he's talking about.
No, he's talking about far more pervasive social collapse. NASA is interested in pilot projects and r&d, playing with NASA missions/funding can delay or speed up progress in some areas but it is not the long term driver.

>> No.11768234
File: 69 KB, 600x426, CB302A5A-6AB5-451E-8594-6B4A8A29316E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah to be fair NASA is the king of wasting money. They don’t even have a plan for a mars Architecture, just some vague stuff about “oh yeah there’s a Gateway” and “yeah the uh Transport”. At the same time they’re not even willing to spend just a few million to bend some metal even. It’s so weird. Literally a wooden mockup of the Deep Space Transport or at least select a specific design of smarts Mars lander you fucking retards instead of changing it ever four months.

>> No.11768238

>Elon’s done and said a lot of things that would piss off someone like Biden.
Like what?
Biden isn't Bernie. I don't think he would hold a grudge against Musk simply because he's an outspoken billionaire.

>> No.11768243

>At the same time they’re not even willing to spend just a few million to bend some metal even. It’s so weird.
It's not so weird if you think in terms of grant farming. Coming up with vague plans and endless studies is more profitable than making physical examples towards a solid goal.

>> No.11768254

>Go to space
>Literally nothing there
>Go to mars
>Just fucking rocks and dust

I'd rather stay here

>> No.11768257

>Go to mars
>No normies
You should reconsider.

>> No.11768263

mars will be the NEETS paradise.
Only have to tend to your shit taders once a day. Piss bottles are encouraged for water recycling.
Your best friend and worse enemy is a little green faggot.
3d printed tendies from nutrients.

>> No.11768265

>get back to earth
>bitches know that you're an astronaut, the first man in space on a Starship, and an incredibly brave explorer who is willing to put his life on the line for the advancement of the species
>your entire life from that point on is just one big blow job

Seems like there would be fringe benefits.

>> No.11768278

>He thinks being a shitty settler on mars = Apollo 11 glory


>> No.11768287
File: 532 KB, 1280x1008, Spacecolony3edit.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not born in the 2100s in a O'Neills cylinder colony at Legrange point 5

>> No.11768295

I'd be surprised if we don't make significant progress in anti-aging tech within this century.
If you get /fit/ and don't die from obesity-caused coronary heart disease in your 50's you just might be able to live your dream.
Anyone who says that it will forever only be available to the rich is a doomer faggot who doesn't know how technological progress works.

>> No.11768297

Could you get this down to 1U cubesat size? It's probably possible.
How do rockets work in space?

>> No.11768298

I'm not getting my hopes up. People will try to push any snakeoil science to get funded.
Lobsters are pretty cool though.

>> No.11768299

Be glad, you wouldn't want to get colony dropped, now would you?
Agreed, maybe not on the timeframe, but the availability. Governments in the west would get a boner at the thought of keeping people perpetually young and tax-paying. Economic growth is strongly coupled with population growth.

>> No.11768310
File: 51 KB, 968x681, zapp-brannigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems comfy when you're sitting in your computer chair, but I would actually be hell in practice. Unless space flight is so incredibly routine you can return to Earth or visit other planets regularly, an O'Neill cylinder would be a claustrophobic hellhole.
t. from the future

>> No.11768311

Overpopulation is only being kept in check by everyone dying. Anti-aging would just mean ant tier living. Although it would certainly make space more palatable.

>> No.11768325

Japan had a birthrate of 1.26 (births per 1000 people per year) at its lowest. A population growth rate of literally a tenth of a percent if no people die. Every modern nation can handle that and would in-fact be grateful for it.

>> No.11768326

not this shity meme again

>> No.11768330

So is there a reason they got rid of the SLS post?

>> No.11768333

Mods are shitters.

>> No.11768335

Wtf mods, what were these posts?

>> No.11768342

Digits of truth

>> No.11768383
File: 121 KB, 783x363, o0783036313298900408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cylinder would have to be pretty damn large simply by design because you can't really live comfortably in anything small that spins.
I really liked the design from the movie Elysium. Had an open roof with gravity keeping the air in. See pic
This thread is off the charts for deleted posts. All the pol nonsense shitting up the place still remains though.

>> No.11768398

>Had an open roof with gravity keeping the air in. See pic
the walls will have to be several order of magnitudes bigger than what was shown in the movie. Still works though.

>> No.11768400

For this shit to ever work, space colonies will have to be low density living spaces so that people don't go insane. although perhaps VR becomes so integrated that nobody will care where their bodies are

>> No.11768403
File: 1.33 MB, 320x180, CjlDko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boca Chica this week.

>> No.11768416
File: 69 KB, 579x1024, 1587664657996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is scary. all it takes is a random accident and the oxygen stops coming or the heating systems fail. i imagine that this is going to end up with some horrific incidents before they get the safety routines down

>> No.11768432

Multiple redundant systems.

>> No.11768434

that looks dope as hell, i really like the concept

>> No.11768453

I'd imagine the life support of any well made colony or ship will be a triple redundant system which can if possible perform it's most basic functions without even requiring power. Idunno, somehow use the differential temperature between waste heat and the supercold vacuum on the dark side of the station to circulate air in an emergency. Passive CO2 scoops located so that the natural air currents and station spin force enough stale air into them to keep levels from reaching the hazardous line. You'd want to build as many systems as possible like the passive safeties of an atomic reactor, so that they can be tripped by changes in the environment without the need for human or even computer intervention.

>> No.11768457

>I'd imagine the life support of any well made colony or ship will be a triple redundant
Nah, quadruple redundant.

>> No.11768460

>All the pol nonsense shitting up the place still remains though.
Wrong, the J*nny has deleted a ton of political posts in the last few threads and locked the second last thread because of it. He also deletes anything that is against anime shitposting and got the mods to give out month long bans but let's not get into that. Beyond those two things, there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to what else gets deleted, maybe it's just anything that he disagrees with.

J*nnies need to get spaced.

>> No.11768465

These are nice ideas, but realistically we're decades at least away from having tech that can do these kinds of jobs with such low risk. I wonder about a mars colony considering how much maintenance work the ISS needs done constantly

>> No.11768484

In a large cylinder it'd take weeks for the oxygen to deplete. Same for heat, especially if there's a lot of water.

>> No.11768490

The problem tends to be buildup of CO2, not depletion of oxygen. Any large ship or station will need a substantially upscaled regenerative CO2 scrubber system, ideally with at least two redundant backups and a mode of minimum, nearly unpowered and unregulated function in case of extreme emergency.

>> No.11768497

>Is Biden gonna win? The polls are scaring me guys.
The polls are fake as shit just like 2016, with low n and ridiculously bad sample composition. Look at primary turnout, look at Biden's endless parade of senior moments, look at rally attendance before corona stopped them. Trump will win based on those.

>> No.11768500
File: 250 KB, 1600x1600, 1590208562632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah we just need to ban anime until the shitposting calms down. Also Talking about the quagmire that is SLS is very relevant to /sfg/, we shouldn't ban everything just because it is political. Look at all the good replies to deleted comments.

>> No.11768515

This Anon >>11768497 gets it, their methodology is absolute fucking garbage because they don't give a fuck about representing reality at all anymore. Pretty much every political """poll""" I see these days is either trying to gaslight and blackpill it's target audience or artificially inflate the confidence of it's target audience. Zero accuracy or relevance, 100% pure manipulative propaganda.

Ignore outright any poll that isn't a very well put together aggregate.

>> No.11768634
File: 67 KB, 1200x600, happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine actually being happy

>> No.11768638

Literally cannot relate

>> No.11768654

Someone claims that Orange telecom in France has made a deal with Starlink.

>> No.11768663

What will Starlink’s capacity be when it goes online? Will we live in a world where companies like Xfinity and AT&T are getting btfo by Musk and his fast internet/reasonable prices?

>> No.11768666
File: 243 KB, 1794x1080, Mount-Fuji-1565615301-1565615301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space colonies will have to be low density living spaces so that people don't go insane
Where is my horse

>> No.11768667

I keep reading people saying that the first satellites won't have much capacity, we have to wait for the next generation.

>> No.11768677

Lads I have a really dumb-ass question but I'm genuinely curious:
How can satellites take high res images of the Earth's surface when they're moving so fast with respect to the ground?

>> No.11768681

>Still works though.
You sure about that?
In order to have sea level pressure do you understand how tall the walls should be?

>> No.11768686

Light moves faster

>> No.11768700
File: 535 KB, 320x200, 7421CAD8-6C42-440C-9C77-E8A35D66C9C3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is that Earth is large as fuck, and satellites (even in low earth orbit) are very far up.
Imagine this... you’re on a road trip going really really fast in your car, like 100mph. Obviously the buildings right next to you will be moving very quickly. But the further away things are, the slower they appear to move. Because satellites are so far away, the Earth below them appears to move slowly due to its distance and unfathomably large size. This results on plenty of time to use a camera to snap a high res zoomed in photo

>> No.11768732

Any videos of this? I have only seen the camera centered on Vice President Pence, while this was happening.

>> No.11768882

For the same reason that a mountain in the distance hardly seems to move even when you're driving at 100 km/h

>> No.11768903
File: 247 KB, 740x416, 1590879155273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are they doing up there?

>> No.11768918

Nothing too important, since it was mainly a test mission they weren't carrying any important cargo and their short stay means they will be mostly just supporting whatever the other astronauts are doing

>> No.11768943

Alliance with India to contain China when?

>> No.11768947
File: 2.43 MB, 1128x1244, DC15EAAF-21C0-4A22-82D1-61C48DAC2440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon sent them up there to prepare the ISS as part of his mars colony plan before American civil war 2: Race war boogaloo kicks off

>> No.11768952

Science without practical application is a hobby.

>> No.11768961

>Why Grug tribe leave hill? Other hill just rocks
Grug stay on hill

>> No.11768965

100 Mb/s down
1 Gb/s if you're willing and able to set up twin mobile parabolic dishes (which cost about the same as a small car)

>> No.11768967

>Any large ship or station will need a substantially upscaled regenerative CO2 scrubber system

Yeah that’s called a fucking tree

>> No.11768972

I’m happy all the time. You should learn to control your emotions.

>> No.11768974

And naturally, the Sabatier processors.

>> No.11768982

science is the essence of practicality

>> No.11768987

you're right, it would be way better than the apollo 11 fame

>> No.11768994

Go outside

>> No.11769001

>anti-aging tech
what makes you think that if they invent it you and me would be able to afford it?

Western birth rates are even lower if you dont acount for the migrants breeding like rabbits.
Japan is doing fine.

>> No.11769005

>Japan is doing fine.

Japan is literally dying and their economy is shrinking.

>> No.11769015

Call me crazy but japan will be the first nation to prove that you can survive with endless economical growth and expanding the population.
We are up for a second industrial evolution thanks to AI software, from replacing truck drivers to replacing low level white collar workers.
And again, japan has much better birth rates then western nations.
And they gave a pretty decent space program.

>> No.11769018

Without, I believe you mean?

>> No.11769020

>Call me crazy but japan will be the first nation to prove that you can survive with endless economical growth and expanding the population.

Survive, sure, but in a stagnant, inferior state. Men who have less than three kids are low-t

>> No.11769022

Yeah, sorry.

>> No.11769023

>prove that you can survive
Survive as what? Vassal of China?

>> No.11769024


>> No.11769028

I now it's a old meme, but china is a bubble that is going to explode one day.
Just look at how some trade wars between Trump and Xi made the chinese desperate in the whole rare earth mineral situation.

>> No.11769032

China is also dying, but that’s expected from degenerate communist societies.

>> No.11769033

China bubble story has been spoken about since before 90% on on /g/ were born. I'm serious. China bubble/collapse story is just a feel good story, there's nothing to it.

>> No.11769034

China won't exist in the form that we know by the end of the decade.

>> No.11769039

Lets hope for better. I'd rather not a militaristic China but if they suddenly decide to go democratic and treat their own citizens with human rights/dignity, I'm all for it.

>> No.11769042

people said the same thing about america after the revolution happened, that it would eventually pop.
It just took 250 years, is all

>> No.11769044

That's because the CCP has been keeping the booth against the necks of the people all this time, at some point something will happen that will give slack.
Then your going to see some crazy shit, hell, even the chinese fear it because in the past everytime a civial war happend millions died in china's history.

best case scenario is a balkanized china.

>> No.11769052

anon, the entire history of China is "things go to shit, millions dead"

>> No.11769053

>balkanized china
It's gonna be this. The rest of the world wants to keep parts like Shenzhen around and functional, but China as a monolithic concept and state will fall apart in the near future.

>> No.11769055

>at some point something will happen that will give slack
probably not going to happen while Xi is alive. Chinese government is fairly free of corruption at this point, but once he dies and there's a power vacuum it's all over, as has been the case in many communist states before.

>> No.11769060

agreed, anybody putting a date on it is full of shit but it will go to shit sooner or later

>> No.11769063

space is for the spacenoids

>> No.11769113

do not discuss the spacenoids. this is your only warning

>> No.11769115

What the heck is that?

>> No.11769120

shut up, Feddie
Mars will be independent before the century is out, and then you'll get yours
But seriously, if the numbers that Elon is saying are founded in sensible predictions (12 synods/25 years to a fully fledge civilization on Mars) then the geopolitical landscape is going to shift dramatically

>> No.11769134
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>> No.11769155

Only after they become self sufficient.
Until then, they will be bending over for that 1G earth cock.

>> No.11769232


>> No.11769265
File: 226 KB, 2048x2048, 636409911375084902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post mars physiques

>> No.11769268

boca chica spaceport is so tiny

>> No.11769272
File: 311 KB, 1536x2048, 1584997121797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.11769273

wait until they finish the next high bay. It's twice as deep (so a square instead of a rectangle) and taller than the existing one for stacking Super Heavy

>> No.11769288

You think real estate in and around Brownsville will significantly jump in the coming decades because of SpaceX? I imagine it’ll get a lot of activity once Boca becomes the staging point for Martian voyages

>> No.11769291

Swamps are disgusting. When will they fill in that shit?

>> No.11769295

Never, swamps are beautiful

>> No.11769306

>Stinking rotting mud is beautiful

Okay Shrek

>> No.11769310

Yes, it is beautiful. It's a boundary. Life and Death. Ocean and Land. Surface and Air.
In the boundary is where things flourish.
So to have rockets.

>> No.11769318

That particular boundary is disgusting. They should cover it in concrete and exterminate whatever vile animals inhabit it

>> No.11769321

enjoy your commie blocks

>> No.11769336

I love commie blocks. I hate nature more than I hate anything else except for criminals, who should be gassed.

>> No.11769340
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>> No.11769354

Noice, I love it. Ideally they'll get most of the explosions out of the system now.

>> No.11769357
File: 88 KB, 769x561, z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Heavy coming!

>> No.11769365

The ideal Martian body

>> No.11769386

At least you're honest, commieanon.

>> No.11769397
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>> No.11769406
File: 480 KB, 1500x500, 1590121950894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DM-2 and Crew-1 this year
>Starship could actually orbit next year
>Boing! STILL hasn't reached the ISS with Starliner
The absolute state of oldspace.

>> No.11769412
File: 331 KB, 1920x912, anya-jo-elvidge-high-elf-major-settlements.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Elongrad doesn't look like a martian hardened 2nd on the right, I will be sorely disappointed and build it on Mars myself
Mars needs a true grand capital for a new ubermensch branch of humanity

>> No.11769415
File: 837 KB, 1493x984, 1564462984430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a swamp, we don't have swamps in South Texas. Those are barrier islands. They protect from things like hurricanes, high waves, high tides, and other waterborne disasters from the ocean. Lots of countries build artificial ones to protect cities and harbors, pic related.

>> No.11769416

large lad

>> No.11769421
File: 147 KB, 1024x768, Project Orion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the exact dimensions of the Starship's cargo bay?

I need this because I'm working on an OC project which is basically a concept for a replacement space station for the ISS. The main feature being a rotating torus assembly serving as crew quarters. The torus must be divided into modular segments which are prefabricated on Earth and assembled in orbit. Consequently, each segment must fit in the Starship's cargo bay.

Another issue I'm trying to work out is the main bearings for the torus assembly, so that only the torus part of the station rotates while the rest (ie. docking areas, microgravity labratories, solar panel arrays, etc) remain stationary. It would need to produce extremely little friction or else the torus must use propellant continuously to keep it spinning at its target speed.

>> No.11769427

yes, I do know the dimensions of the Starship cargo bay

>> No.11769429

>microgravity laboratories
>in a torus station
you're better off having them free-floating, anon

>> No.11769431
File: 202 KB, 831x794, 0AD13653-36A9-4DD6-95F0-B1F196807393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is peak performance

>> No.11769437

That's moon wizard mode. Martians get longer in the torso.

>> No.11769441


>> No.11769445

aww, I was going to make him beg for it
party pooper

>> No.11769448

Moonwizard mode is spiderlegs

>> No.11769451

The Starship page on Spacex's website has the preliminary user's guide and that has a diagram of the payload volume on page 2.

>> No.11769453

Guys. Hear me out.
Neutron star matter AGRAV floor plates

>> No.11769455

>Does anyone know the exact dimensions of the Starship's cargo bay?


It’s in here just scroll

>> No.11769457

You post this often enough that I think you actually believe it makes sense, which is baffling

>> No.11769465

No, no, no: negative mass ceiling plates.

>> No.11769472

The neutrons would be dense enough to generate a noticeable gravitational attraction, so you could theoretically create floor plates that have appreciable gravity from their density
The real issue is how to synthesize that much superdense neutron material and logistics of assembling a floor plate like that

>> No.11769477

>synthesize netronium
>keeping it stable

>> No.11769481

There are only two ways to get effective gravity, acceleration and actual gravity. Your solution is just actual gravity, which means it would require the same amount of mass as carting around an entire planet. Having more dense matter doesn't change the way gravity works. Neutron matter isn't stable outside of a neutron star, anyway.

>> No.11769485

>I know everything

>> No.11769519

You don't synthesize neutronium. "Neutronium" isn't just another element like Gold or Iron, it is an ultra-high energy gas which behaves somewhat like a solid due to the unique environment in which it occurs. Neutronium is almost purely neutrons and is crushed together only in the presence of an extraordinarily strong gravitational field. Without the presence of a sufficiently large gravity source (AKA a neutron star) neutron degeneracy pressure pushing outward will instantly overcome gravitation and the neutronium will undergo several minutes of "decay" which would be more akin to a prolonged nuclear explosion, shedding enormous quantities of super high energy protons and electrons.

Removing the neutronium from it's natural super-high-gravity environment would cause it to instantly "explode", releasing exponentially more energy than it's own weight in atomic warheads.

>> No.11769552

And to hop onto this train of telling anon he's retarded, the tidal forces would be hilarious

>> No.11769586

Used to be a fair hand at technical drawing and considering I'm now unemployed figured I'd find a hobby. Would you guys like to see a technical drawing interior concept for starship? Like cabins, kitchens, systems and shit?

I also see that it says the interior diameter is 8m on the user guide but it's a 9m diameter with a thin ass skin. Where is the half meter on either side? Is this like stringers and stuff that won't impact fitout too much?

>> No.11769591

Probably stringers and safety margin

>> No.11769592

If we can unify gravity with electro-magnetism, would it be possible to find out a way to cause gravity with electric current just like electromagnets work?

>> No.11769594

Please do. Probably random shit stuffed into the walls

>> No.11769596

Yes, reminder that the universe is electric as the surface features on Mars prove.

>> No.11769601

Then build a hill with an electromagnet

>> No.11769605

>If we can unify gravity with electro-magnetism
Sure, just recreate the conditions of the early universe. The resulting big bang will make it very difficult to use your station, though.

>> No.11769608

Gotta figure out how to first but it happened on Mars. Please explain bullseye craters, concentric lines of craters, scalloped canyon walls, etc...

Simply not possible under standard impact/erosion models. Yet electric discharges can replicate these perfectly.

>> No.11769610

Fuck yes, I would shit. I’ve been looking for conceptual starship interiors. It’ll hold me over until we see a launch

>> No.11769613
File: 6 KB, 196x185, 0746 - gguLquw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ground control found the doujins I hid in the stringers

>> No.11769616
File: 167 KB, 750x556, 1CBB401B-EEA3-4589-8815-883131CD1746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet the interior will be very tesla-esque. I wouldn’t be surprised if Elon uses the same design team

>> No.11769627
File: 33 KB, 540x283, 1567030209454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another starship docks with ours
>Instruments of Destruction begins playing over the comm system

>> No.11769658 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 1080x1080, 1590863691721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't respect women or jannies, bros.

>> No.11769662

Yeah, fair.

>> No.11769664

>Not changing the laws of reality to make engineering easier for yourself\
*Laughs in Timelord*

>> No.11769667

Why is almost every /sci/ thread outside of this general absolute garbage filled with retardation?

>> No.11769670

gonna be sort of difficult since you're designing for a 0g environment that may also need to be fully accessible when landed upright

>> No.11769674

No one stays on topic, people without STEM degrees usually start talking about shit they have no business talking about, anime and politics infiltrate

>> No.11769677

there's a non-trivial amount of /x/ and /pol/ cross boarding that generally ruins most threads

>> No.11769680

/sfg/ is filled with killers with super autism that won't hesitate to tear you a new asshole if you're even slightly wrong about something in a technical discussion.

>> No.11769684

And that's why we need to become our own space agency
super autism collectively would launch us into orbit within 5 years

>> No.11769721

>Holy moly!!!
I swear to fucking god every time EDA says anything I want to stab him in the face.

>> No.11769740

Cringe to the bone but wholesome nonetheless. If he were born in a different era he would probably have a show like Bill Nye. He’s more of a fag than Nye but less of a sellout

>> No.11769758

You could have laboratories in the ships main body any have the crew live in the torus.

>> No.11769762

"microgravity laboratories" have surprisingly strict restrictions on vibration and such, a rotating torus will not be conducive to that

>> No.11769782

can you stop being reddit

>> No.11769789
File: 73 KB, 550x482, 1544582650073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> main bearings for the torus assembly
> extremely little friction
air bearings or magnetic bearings

the comfiest general

>> No.11769855

Chris B showing all the same mannerisms there too. Is he emulating EDA, or was he always like that?

>> No.11769880

At this rate just building the frog satellite and capsule would get us into space in two years if Starship flies on schedule and buying a smallsat payload costs less than $50k. Flying the capsule on a cargo Starship would actually let us steal a march on NASA and be the first to fly living payloads on Starship.

>> No.11769897

>4ASS steals a bunch of milestones from NASA using the power of autism


>> No.11769921

Yes I would, pretty please.

>> No.11769989

Is it possible for a civilian to put this into orbit? Like physically? Even if you do. You'll have the fucking army in your doorstep 2 seconds after launch

>> No.11769996

You need FAA clearance or else your GPS will notify the feds that you’re launching a missile. It would be way more convenient to pay a company to do it either through rideshare (i.e. in a cubesat riding along a bigger launch) or on a small rocket like an electronrocket

>> No.11770016

A ride on an Electron solo is still over a million dollars, and cubesats are $100k/U even on SpaceX rockets. That's a lot cheaper than scratch building your own rocket but it's still not "affordable" per se.

>> No.11770020

cheaper than inventing a smallsat launch vehicle

>> No.11770114

>neutron degeneracy
What did you expect from a particle like that?
There should be only two poles.

>> No.11770255
File: 152 KB, 1200x900, dPrCpXQXxatvGdxhLxdWKZ-1200-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orion on falcon heavy when?

>> No.11770261

After the first SLS launch blows up. You heard it first here folks

>> No.11770263
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Next year, probably. SLS slips one more deadline and it's getting fucking cancelled. Trump badly wants boots on the moon in his second term, and SLS is already marginal for that.

>> No.11770265
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You can get tubesats with launch for $12k if it's non-commercial. Far more within the grasp of 4ASS and other autists.

>> No.11770267

is coffee good for you?

>> No.11770270

Probably, in moderation.

>> No.11770272

>maximum mass of 0.75kg
Too small for frog capsule. Would be a good start, though.

>> No.11770274

Hello dudes, having fun with this starship interior drawing. A question for the audience.

You have a 6 month trip to Mars on a 100 person ship (this is totally doable btw but would want the extended fairing version), your cabin can be a little smaller than a regular room, but you share it with someone else on another bed.


The same floorspace but only 1m high instead of the 2m ceiling in the double cabin and you get your own cabin.

Personally I would take a room with sitting room only because fuck sharing a room.

Although I suppose I could divide the double room in half the other way so you get standing room but you'll pretty much just get a bed in terms of floorspace.


>> No.11770277

>Personally I would take a room with sitting room only because fuck sharing a room.
This. In microgravity one orientation is as good as another anyways so put a fold out "standing desk" above your bed.

>> No.11770281

Fuck sharing, I’m a selfish bastard. If I want social time I can go hang out with the crew in the larger areas. My room can be as small as possible as long as it provides me with a place to sleep

>> No.11770285

Whatever gets a moonbase faster

>> No.11770300
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>implying SLS will ever launch

>> No.11770302
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literally the ISS quarters. All you need

>> No.11770315

I imagine most people would agree, cool.

I was kinda thinking about something with a little more room, 6 months is a long time. Looking at my current design I bet i could pack them even tighter but I'll go with this for now which is 96 crew.

>> No.11770355

falcon heavy isnt human rated.

>> No.11770356

elon confirmed 81 meter high bay for stacking SH

>> No.11770361

At least he has a good english accent

>> No.11770371

It could be if Elon wanted it to be, but he won't ever human rate it because he is focusing on starship, the whole point of crew dragon was to get experience dealing with life support systems and get more acceptance from NASA pretty much, as well as BTFO'ing oldspace.

>> No.11770426
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>> No.11770476

I remember assembling the base from that line of sets a gorillion years ago