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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 177 KB, 503x497, Miliary TB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11762928 No.11762928 [Reply] [Original]

Last time were were discussing doctors, risks and benefits, medication efficacy, Duning Kruger.

Get your asses over here.

>> No.11762939
File: 672 KB, 1079x1318, 1591312759203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup, guys. Thoughts on the recent retractions by NEJM and the Lancet?

>> No.11763032

Wtf is this OP.

>> No.11763035

Genuine incompetence. This wasn't some type 1 error, it never should have been printed. It was a hoax paper written in haste to discredit the President.
Unfortunately this retraction won't get anywhere near the play as the original article.

>> No.11763095
File: 40 KB, 522x644, ETHDFEDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I occasionally have pains there, my last blood test said that my leukozyt's are slightly higher than usual. I also had hookworms (the small white ones) but that couldn't be it since meds already killed them.

Any idea what it could be?

>> No.11763128

Are you constipated?
Pain there is most likely descending/sigmoid colon pain. Most likely just constipation. Could be cancer, but properly digestive in nature. Could be Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis, but unlikely. Very rarely it can be appendicitis, if it gets progressively worse you should head to the hospital immediately. Appendicitis starts in the middle and then progressively moves outwards to the right side of your body, but rarely it can move leftward depending on the position of the appendix and how inflamed it is.

>> No.11763176

>giving advice online
>scaring poor anon


Family physician visit.

>> No.11763235

Surgery seems fun but I'm a brainlet who struggled with anatomy. What do?

>> No.11763288

become a hand surgeon

>> No.11763586

Dunning-Kruger is the most useless concept. Obviously it exists as a phenomena, but without bidirectional communication and a hard metric to assess different methods, it's impossible to prove who's right. Usually it's just applied when people are met with any dissenting opinion. It's scientism's version of "heretic".

>> No.11763591

what do i have to study to have a basic understanding of medicine
not interested in a degree

>> No.11763592

Microsoft Teams decided to unmute me while in a 150-student lecture. I want to fucking die.

>> No.11763612

Anyone else studying for step 1 w/o a test date?

>> No.11763622
File: 203 KB, 2048x1152, 1590601206055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't that, most likely, be a stomach ulcer?

>> No.11763701

It's the lower left quadrant.

>> No.11763833


>> No.11763842

Anatomy and physiology

>> No.11763927
File: 693 KB, 1080x1365, 1591334708645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's now an anti-germ theory conspiracy. I thought I'd seen it all.

>> No.11763957

Why do doctors have so many issues with confirmation bias? They ask leasing questions constantly to confirm their diagnosis they've given you before they've even walked in the room.

>So does it hurt when you do X
>But like does it hurt when you sometimes do X
Well yeah, but it hurts periodically regardless of X
>But it does hurt during X sometimes though, right?
Yes, but....
>I kNoW eXaCtlY wHat's wRoNg!!!

>> No.11763973

Because most people are idiots and you need to rephrase things several times for them if you don't want to miss anything.

>> No.11763977
File: 221 KB, 673x2510, Despiraling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This goes back to Bechamp vs Pasteur. Large components of it are also probably true, particularly when it comes to viruses.

Look, you need to stop and think why so-called "conspiracy theory" actually takes root. Yes, I've heard it all, don't bother. We'll focus on the one aspect I am interested in: The shortcomings, holes, and disjointed aspects of the whole theory of disease in medicine. For example, you have viruses and micro-organisms which cause cancers. And yet, no no, cancer is caused only by genetic damage, cancer is uncontrolled cell growth! And yet in the 1930's it was known that many organisms, which live in all of our tissues (whether they be fungal, L-forms, or otherwise), including our brain, when stressed to the point of near death they emit a virus. Some experiments have found when "cancerous" daughter cells are carefully removed from the tumor environment and placed near normal cells, they also become normal.

It goes on and on. The notions put forward by modern medicine are not iron clad. The more you look into them, and their history, the more you realize it's illogical and frankly irrational swiss cheese that just got layered over repeatedly. Take bacterial monomorphism vs pleomorphism, for example. Rockefeller tried to shush up pleomorphism, and succeeded, though modern day it's well accepted.

You've never seen it all. There is always more to come.

>> No.11763982

So the excuse for confirmation bias is cognitive bias? Lol

>> No.11763985

ok clamper take your lithium now

>> No.11764013

You should read into the history and reasonings behind the medical interview. Stop wasting medical resources by being a combative prick of a patient.

>> No.11764015

Why can't he just stop shitting threads up? The histrionic fuck has announced his exit at least four different times now and yet he still lingers here like stench of formaldehyde in your hair after anatomy lab.

>> No.11764059

gib details

>> No.11764061

anti-germ isn’t new at all

>> No.11764064

he doesn’t shit threads up those kind of reads are interesting, it is interesting to read stuff you or general population don’t agree with, thats why you have brain so you can decide what is true and what is not, it only gets bad when it is repeated spam otherwise i don’t mind if he keeps posting. not all of what he says always is false, you can’t dismiss everything he says as false even if 70% or 90% are false. I personally got tired replying to the false ones with truth but i still read it sometimes

>> No.11764069

Just do what the doctor tells you, dunning kruger faggot.

>> No.11764075

What exactly is groundbreaking about what he writes? It's all just shit known to medical science tinged with a touch of schizo. You think oncoviruses are new?

>> No.11764085

never said it was new faggot, i just said it is interesting read sometimes. i am interested in schizo opinions sue me.

>> No.11764096

Schizoposting isn't medicine.

>> No.11764111
File: 119 KB, 1000x1000, Enough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just started my gastro rotation
>Elderly lady admitted to the ward with decompensated liver cirrhosis a week ago
>confused and completely jaundiced
>husband with her is chill
>Turns out he's from my hometown
>Sit chatting with him for ages about his wife and their marriage
>Next day
>Go into their sideroom on the wardround
>She's gotten much worse
>Clotting is fucked
>Consultant says she is close to the end
>Husband just looks down
>Finish wardround and go to see him
>He's just sat there holding her hand
>Starts to thank me for talking to him loads, says he knows his wife was listening
>Gets out his wallet and trys to show me photos of his wife and him when they were young
>You only saw her when she was here
>He's looking right at me
>In the photos her eyes are clear white, her skin is palest pink and her hair is black with no gray
>He starts to cry

What's the saddest thing you've seen during med school?

>> No.11764141
File: 301 KB, 712x958, chameleon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir Come Sized.
Vacks innate id.


>> No.11764166

(Just in case you didn't get it, my post was on a similar level as yours.)

You should stop acting like a robot.

>> No.11764169

>20 minute gap between post and follow-up
bro just quit it

>> No.11764175

Yes he does. I'm not here looking for contrarian opinions and shitty conspiracy theories. He can't back up any of his claims. I'm sick of this fag.

>> No.11764176

Go on?

>> No.11764246

lots of sad shit terminal kids, terminal old folks, shocking stuff back when i worked in ED. there is something very different when you communicate with a person that is gonna die soon, i can’t explain it. most people that are not in the field will never experience it to such level and quantity i wonder how it affects an individual after lifetime of these experiences and i’m only just finishing medschool this year so there is lot to come.

>> No.11764249

stay mad redditor

>> No.11764329

this >>11763842

With particular emphasis on anatomy, physiology, and pharmacy IMO

>> No.11764334
File: 10 KB, 236x236, c227304089f07b1514272aa489401184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ignore and move on, dude. If you truly want to waste time, by all means, argue with him, but you should know by now that it's futile and you just feed him (You)'s.

>> No.11764392

Is it possible for a blood choke to trigger a heart attack?

>> No.11764423

How does one manage post-surgical pain in a patient with a pre-existing opiate addiction?

>> No.11764428

Intrauterine fetal death at 36 weeks. I had to go home early

>> No.11764459

Although talking to him is nice, you shouldn’t let it affect you.

>> No.11764466

take your meds
also what happened and was controversial in 1800s is not relevant anymore. Germ theory is correct, the fact that surgical deaths and infections drop dramatically when it’s done in sterile rooms with sterile instruments kinda proves its worth

>> No.11764480

give non opiate pain meds? Ketamine, Gabapentin, NSAIDs (Stick to celecoxib if he has bleeding disorders, nsaids can worsen bleeding disorders) can be given depending on patient history. Is the patient showing opioid withdrawal symptoms? Naproxen can be given with these if it helps.


>> No.11764481

>Germ theory is correct, the fact that surgical deaths and infections drop dramatically when it’s done in sterile rooms
Not what the conversation is about.

>> No.11764482

Not only that, but you can grow bacteria (From other's people secretions/skin surface/other) on a petri plate which is undeniable proof.

>> No.11764484

hrs a poltard and a probably christkike.. if the mentally retarded janitors had some interest in running this place properly they would’ve deleted his bullshit within minutes but they don’t care where 4chan goes, probably a bunch of poltards themselves kek

>> No.11764495

Don’t care faggot, you expect me to read and digest all that schizio rambling?

Yep, even with precautions, bacteria and viruses in hospitals tend to develop resistance towards sterile environments themselves and tend to become “super bugs”.. infections that used to be benign and easily treatable can know kill an entire ward and not be stopped by anything.

It’s evolved to such a level that there are certain bacteria that are just known to cause infections in hospitals like c. diff and klebsiella associated pneumonia

I wonder if these mentally retarded conspiracy theories are deliberately popularized by psychopaths or perhaps an enemy country to kill more people here by brainwashing them with stupid theories like vaccines don’t work, germ theory is false, cancer is fake (I’ve seen this on fb) kek

although efficacy of vaccines and their side effects are valid concerns, declaring that they don’t work is completely retarded. Btw doctors don’t shit for recommending vaccines.. if you want to make money in healthcare become a pharma company ceo or an insurance jew because medicine is firmly controlled by these two groups instead of doctors.. the faggot 2-3 generations of docs in the last 40 or so years have given complete control of medicine to outsiders and a bunch of administrators who have fucked over everyone involved and worsened health outcomes with their stupid policies

They are the ones who overwork doctors and interns/residents till they commit suicide or end up accidentally killing someone.. they are the ones who eat in fancy 5000 a night hotels and are paid 2-3 millions a year from the money they make off of poor med students who are in a ton of debt and have practically no other skills.

You want real conspiracy in medicine? Look up and fight against NBME, hospital admins, insurance jews, pharma company jews, regulators etc

They are the ones who have turned doctors into mere managers and salesmen..

>> No.11764503

How does one bring up to a shrink that you suspect you suffer from medium depression (you can still function but only okayish and only get a fraction done of what you wanna do)?

>> No.11764554

>"Is it the germ, or the terrain?!"
>Hurr durr if i cut open person and put shitty hands in, day get sik! Proof it iz germ, n it iz germ teeory iz curekt!!!!"

Fuck's sake, you don't even know what you're talking about. I find it disturbing people presumably in med school don't understand what "germ theory" actually is, and can't even rationally process any dissenting opinion. "AAAHHHHH THEY ARE SAY THERE IZ NO BACTERIA AHHHHH!!!"

You know what's a clear sign of trauma based brainwashing? Black and white thinking and loss of empathy.

>> No.11764558

Look at PHQ-9 and what symptoms score for moderate depression. Then tell your doctor you have them

>> No.11764561

low iq poltard is gonna teach me germ theory now, fucking kek

>> No.11764565
File: 745 KB, 1600x1062, 1589945966659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't post on pol, never have. Captcha won't let me post on any of the orange boards.

I never thought I'd wish for the days of people calling everything a logical fallacy to return. This is what's known as "argument from genetics". An irony.

>> No.11764574

What exactly is the dissenting opinion to "certain microbes are pathogenic"

>> No.11764578

Is it the germ, or the terrain?!?!

>> No.11764585


>> No.11764588

terrain evolves every few years to cause severe infections? You do know terrain takes thousands of years to change?
retarded poltard parroting “terrain” like an autist like it’s an actual explanation for anything.

terrain in hospital causes infection which when looked under the microscope shows moving bacteria? Even bacteria that isn’t part of normal fauna in the body

>> No.11764593

>I don't post on pol, never have
sure, you just coincidentally peddle the same bullshit that they do. You must be telling the truth if you say so

>> No.11764606

Nah bro it's terrain bro it's not Vibrio cholera or Mycobacteria it's the hospital tiles bro

>> No.11764608

Microbiology is a hack field pushed by big pharma and lens manufacturers. Microscopes aren't real.

>> No.11764617

had a hearty laugh there. CUI BONO?

>> No.11764621

I'm an ER doctor

I used to browse /sci/ when I was bored and depressed in college

I'm back!

>> No.11764629


>> No.11764635

Fucking hacks, I knew those "microscopes" were not real. Imagine taking a class which uses microscopes lmao what a shithole.

>> No.11764659

welcome back please take a seat on the right next to the shit pile yes

>> No.11764687

hello doctors
do you worry about automation?
to what extent does medical work involve following standard procedures that can be written out as flowcharts and to what extent does it involve applying problem solving skills to novel situations?

>> No.11764710

If the job of physicians and surgeons could be automated almost all other jobs that currently exist could be automated. I think I won't be concerned about having a job at that stage

>> No.11764752

most of it will make it so that i actually only have to sign a paper instead of doing my job so it's fine

>> No.11764758

>implying doctors who got into med school thanks to rich parents aren't biggest dunning kruger's on the planet
Okay fag.

>> No.11764762

>Noooooo, you can't show human emotions as a doctor!!!! Everyone has to be a psychopath like me!!!

>> No.11764792

The physician community is more worried about the increasing scopes of practice from mid levels. Although I'm gunning for surgery so I'm not really worried about that.

>> No.11764825

What speciality do you think is the most future-proof? (from automation,mid-levels,treatments)

What new specialities do you think we will see this decade?

I think diabetes doctors will branch from endocrine especially with rising obesity and type 2. Space medicine may become more important with space force and SpaceX. Maybe some doctors will revert back to generalists with the rise in elderly patients with cross speciality co-morbidities.

>> No.11764873


Thank fuck for Eastern Europe and poverty so we don't see that kind of humiliating shit over here. Just imagine arguing with a mid level and them claiming they have the same training as yours after you finished medschool and residency plus having a fraction of your crippling debt.
I can only speak from my country's health system perspective.

We have a stand alone spec for diabetes and metabolic diseases set apart from endo. AFAIK, US has it incorporated into endocrinology and can become a diabetes doc trough a fellowship.

As for automation - it won't happen any soon, future proof spec from mid levels seem to be surgical specs but considering we don't have that kind of shit in my country, I'm talking out of my ass right now.

>> No.11764883

My parents are middle class and paid only a fraction of my med school fees, I’m in 150k debt and suicidal

>> No.11764891

Chatting with medical students. Im like imagine getting killed by a piece of clotted blood. Is this distasteful

>> No.11765111

unironically an abortion on demand, the rest I don't care desu

>> No.11765274

should i get brain tumor removal surgery if i am not experiencing any symptoms?
it's benign and it's not growing and from what i understand invasive brain surgery permanently damages your brain and has serious complications. the doctor didn't give any information on where the tumor is but he told me that the operation will take 5 hours

>> No.11765294

Nice larp

>> No.11765402

>the doctor didn't give any information on where the tumor is but he told me that the operation will take 5 hours

kek nice larp faggot, but this gave it away

>> No.11765531
File: 64 KB, 400x400, A89bwlA6_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the best specialty for an autist who spends 20% of his day posting frogs on a bengali basket weaving forum?

>> No.11765540

Become an onco bro

>> No.11765541

Whatever spec you want. 20% is like what, 5 hours?

>> No.11765545

Get your life sorted and grow tf up. You aint a fucking kid anymore stop pissing your life away let go of 4 chan be free

>> No.11765571


>> No.11765576

an autist telling people they have cancer is like a chimp with a machine gun

>> No.11765586

Next time I see my patients I wont tell them

>> No.11765613

>an autist who spends 20% of his day posting frogs on a bengali basket weaving forum?
try being that and also being a pharmcuck

>> No.11765630

Patho, radio

>> No.11765633

What's going on with mid-levels in the US? You have PAs and nurse anesthesists and somehow, people can be nurses without having a bachelor's in nursing?

>> No.11765644

I bent over and hurt my back no warning and now when I do anything except lie down it hurts like a bitch.

What did I do to myself.

>> No.11765655

911 What is you emergency ?

>> No.11765661

I'd like to remind everyone that the human body is incredibly complex, and doctors must rely upon patient's subjective descriptions of symptoms to make a diagnosis. It's not an easy job.
That being said, doctors should be less afraid of these three words - we don't know.

>> No.11765671
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>> No.11765676
File: 363 KB, 1019x979, horror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to your patients

Calm down, satan.

>> No.11765688

Question for any neuro specialists here. I have communicating hydrocephalus with slit ventricles, and was shunted at 8 months of age. I was told by one of my neurosurgeons that some hydrocephalics seem to possess higher than average verbal IQ, provided they were shunted in early infancy. The theory being that the increased levels of CSF in the cranium cause the brain to develop more folds than it would otherwise. Any truth to this? Or was my doc just trying to make me feel better about being a water head?

>> No.11765702

Lower back, central. Probably around S1.

>> No.11765707

assuming this is /psych/ friendly
I have autism (22, m) and around 10 months ago developed issues with nausea and panic when eating, at first it was diagnosed as stress related but now I've been referred to help for my autism, so far I've found cutting out oil (as much as possible) and tomatoes completely has helped - my question is this, what is the likely outcome? will it just get progressively worse? and secondary to that is there anything I can do to help myself whilst waiting for help from the doctors?

>> No.11765829

Any reason why it causes nausea and panic? Worried about weight? Choked on food recently?

>cutting out oil helps
less greasy food= better digestion, probably a gut/digestion issue that causing nausea and feelings of unease. Any diarrhoea? Stomach pain?

Try eating more fibers or get a dose of laxatives to clean your stomach out. I think greasy foods make you nauseous. There’s no specific reason to associate autism and diabetes. The fact that it developed recently means it’s perhaps caused by something recent

>> No.11766012
File: 2.06 MB, 4702x2536, agriculture-blue-sky-clouds-countryside-464321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best lifestyle specialty, while being interesting and good-paying? Basically the specialty that has it all.

>> No.11766018
File: 78 KB, 595x600, jygQs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pain (back and front, flank too occasionally), no vomiting, no blood in/on stool, bad breath.

What could it be?

>> No.11766022

Rural FM.

>> No.11766032
File: 538 KB, 760x750, 1590985067611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Search & Rescue worker

>Average pay: $88k
>Top 10% pay: $170k
>Get paid to be in shape, have tons of useful survival knowledge, know how to swim, climb, ski etc.,
>Meaningful work; saving lives
>Tons of fresh air

Your job is to be a fit chad and literally rescue people

>> No.11766082
File: 329 KB, 1008x1156, sugoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather sit in a dark room reading x-rays and watching anime in between.

>> No.11766106

>best lifestyle
find a small village and become their shaman

>> No.11766126

What effect would a bear tooth imbedded an inch deep in a person's head have? The tooth is midline with the person's left eyebrow, about 5 inches above the eyebrow. The tooth is about half an inch in diameter.

>> No.11766151

I have tinnitus, but sometimes I also have random ear defeaning/loud ringing, even in silence. Sometimes it's just sudden ringing like I got stunned by flashbang and sometimes it's just weird loss of sound for a few seconds in one ear (like submerging your ear in water) and disorientation. Am I losing hearing?

>> No.11766175
File: 470 KB, 1196x1600, 1554507271604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck's sake you guys. You don't even know what "terrain" means. Terrain is THE STATE OF THE BODY, AND THE ENVIRONMENT.



Believe what you want man, whatever. Take it or leave it.

>> No.11766218

No fucking shit the state of the body contributes to if a microbe should become pathogenic or not. How do you think opportunistic infections work?

M-MUH TERRAIN. Fuck you.

>> No.11766225

No, fuck you. Fuck you too. You know without knowing, and you speak without realizing. You've been trained to doublethink. Think about that one.

>> No.11766235






>> No.11766245

Study the recent history of medicine. Start with Rockefeller and Carnegie in the early 1900's, or Morris Fishbein and the AMA. Then you'll realize the meaning of "medical-chemical complex". Modern day perhaps it's a broader medical industrial complex, but the core is still chemical.

>> No.11766253

Yeah, you're right. The current schema is wrong. Humoral theory is where it's at, suckas.

>> No.11766275
File: 1.14 MB, 490x327, JG_Rauschen_small_490_en2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a break, most doctors don't actually have a theory of anything. It's all just general ideas, basic problem solving, and then hammered in rote memory. This is why they often get confused when stimuli on one part of the body alters the function of another part of the body, they have no ingrained way to handle novel ideas, which tells me they have no understanding of the body as an interconnected whole except in the most limited scope where a drug can be shoehorned in.

Seriously, I'm not kidding you know. Look at millimeter waves. Look how confused people get when the wave theoretically can't propagate into the brain, yet changes the brain. Will they also become confused when they prick a finger and notice a change in brain activity?

Wish it weren't so by the jimminy, but it is. It's the way medical education and residency programs have been eroded and reworked over the decades, probably. Compartmentalize all the things, especially in the physician's brain. Can't have a drug dispenser starting to... dare I say, think unapproved thoughts. That's how they see you. Fuck them. And if you won't separate from them, fuck you too.

>> No.11766320

Hello, medfags. Reply "based Rockefeller" to this post to get matched into the residency program you want. If you ignore this, you get replaced by a PA and/or AI.

>> No.11766351

And you know, the other (obnoxious) thing is this is a complete non-sequitur. I'm not invalidating your knowledge, skills, or experiences. That's not the point, and your response doesn't properly address what I said.

>> No.11766359

>they have no ingrained way to handle novel ideas, which tells me they have no understanding of the body as an interconnected whole except in the most limited scope where a drug can be shoehorned in

Ok, bud.

>> No.11766369

The two are not incompatible. Words of the old world, "they know not what they do." Plato's cave as later classical epistemology.

>> No.11766370

Probably rural FM

If you find Derm interesting then that. But it's objectively not interesting

>> No.11766382

>Plato's cave as later classical epistemology.
Wow, my brain is pretty fried today. You get the idea.

>> No.11766398

As a second year med student, what would be the best approach to get a teacher to be my advisor on a paper? Everyone I ask tells me they are too busy or the research is not on their field of study.

>> No.11766455

suck them off

>> No.11766465
File: 1.25 MB, 1500x1596, 1591410386487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bunch of people had asked for reading recs in the past few threads so I made this piece of shit chart.

>> No.11766792

Your brain is fried every day

Don't abuse drugs as a teenager kids, or you'll end up being the clamp poster

>> No.11766813

Lack of exercise and mouth hygiene

>> No.11766824

>Your brain is fried every day
I set myself up for that one. Lack of sleep.

I didn't do drugs as a teenager.

>> No.11766855
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>> No.11766883

Threadly reminder to cease all vaccinations.

>> No.11766899

You promised you were going to stop :(

>> No.11766914


>> No.11766945
File: 22 KB, 500x500, 1589345746221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>head and neck anatomy
kill me

>> No.11766976

Dextroamphetamine and lysdexamphetamine (ie adderall and vyvanse), prescribed to me by a board certified Medical Doctor, and filled by a licensed pharmacist. :^) I don't remember off the top of my head what year this was, but I was probably 15 or 16, and I only remember one winter, so I couldn't have been more than 6-7 months. In short, it would turn out that caffeine is actually the gateway drug. I declined a number of times, but bit by bit the notion seeped in and I began to think I'd see what it was about, and use it as I saw fit. And indeed, in large part, I did. I mainly used it to offset the effects of sleep deprivation and put myself into autopilot, to do things I didn't care about, in a place I knew I could never truly be part of. Alcohol was just a crude attempt at a painkiller, and to bring down the "walls" of the mind. Hence, later, cacao.

The context (and meaning) of the rest is more complicated, and ultimately you'll never really know anything. Though I've found it an interesting read on some level, your pastebin suffers strongly from confirmation bias. eg "Hallucinations" is quite vague, and doesn't mean what you think it does. There's a tendency to see what you want to see in a relatively small amount of data, with little context. And when additional detail is added, the whole thesis crumbles. Another thing I came away with is the sense that the author has something wrong about them... They display absolutely zero empathy, diminished ability to create and apply a theory of mind, no indication of insight. A certain underlying thread. There are a few false positives as well, like the 2013 post, and the bupropion one.

Like I said, one of these days I may write out an actual response if this is going to keep going. It's also a good thing you've gathered together so many good posts that would otherwise be buried and lost to time, like my herb lists and other advice. Sometimes it seems like you're on my side.

>> No.11766980

It's easy to say "doctors should say 'we don't know'" but try saying that to the irate family about why their mother had a massive PE and died en route, or why the fetus, initially appearing healthy, self terminated just a few weeks prior to the due date, or the baby who died from SIDS, or the cancer patient not responding to chemo.

>> No.11766986

I disagree, I think that this could represent the beginning of increasingly picky eating - very common with autism. Consider exploring the options with your psychiatrist, and your GP to consider exposure therapy, before you find you can only bring yourself to eat white bread or something

>> No.11766987

Microwave radiation and vaccines. There ya go. Maybe you ought to start actually looking instead of whining like a little bitch, amiright? Course I'm right. How else will you get anything done. There are times to observe and listen, and there are times to lead and seek out a truth for yourself.

>> No.11766991

That wasn't me, assuming that''s what you meant.

>> No.11767059


>> No.11767118
File: 875 KB, 363x235, 1589347774289.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>have fungal infection(probably) on benis
>doctor gives me steroids
>they don't work, but I move out of state.
>new doctor doesn't notice anything, says looks fine
>still itchy, fragile skin
Is there uh anything I can do about this OTC? This volcel shit is getting old

>> No.11767119

How do I know if I have occipital neuralgia?

>> No.11767120
File: 668 KB, 718x719, 1591428735675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those fucking spaces AAAA

>> No.11767135

It's not my pastebin. I lost the link to the v3 one. If someone could link the new one, that'd be great.

Anyway, it's not that deep, lol. You denied doing drugs as a teenager and I simply posted something you said before that contradicted the statement. You're pretty easy to find on the archives because you use the same buzzwords over and over again.

None of this shit is a serious attempt to discredit you because your claims do most of that. It's more of a mockery, really. None of the shit you say will ever be taken seriously. Love you, you beautiful schizo.

>> No.11767176

>want to be surgeon that also travels the world, in the most dangerous and remote places on earth and does the job in the field and moves around a lot.
>better if i’ll die horribly at a young age
what do?

>> No.11767189

Médecins Sans Frontières International? The UN also has job openings for some really remote shithole warzones.


There's one for the DRC available now.

>> No.11767195

Read the books 'The Dressing Station' by Jonathan Kaplan and 'War Doctor' by David Nott and realise how shit their lives are then start learning french to join MSF. Also watch the documentary 'Living in Emergency'. Hope you enjoy your PTSD anon

>> No.11767198

I live in africa, it's pretty chill here
Everything is dirt cheap.
Physician is the only job that's guaranteed to always be available. Demand is high and therefore pay is
We're almost at 0 Covid-19 cases
The sky is beautiful right now and I'm shitposting on 4channel

Can't ask for a better day

>> No.11767226

pics or didn’t happen

>> No.11767235

>t. microbe

>> No.11767249

Quite elegant compared to the abdomen.

>> No.11767277

It comes down to definitions. By my definition, caffeine and many common food items are drugs, by the common definition prescriptions and so forth do not constitute "doing drugs" in the way it's typically meant. If you find yourself having to explain this however, you already know they're angling to hang you by any means possible.

Ambivalent. It doesn't matter, ultimately. That's just the way it has to go.

>> No.11767280

Sounds pretty based desu. Where in Africa?

I remember a video from a neurosurgeon from my country that went to South Africa to learn right after Apartheid and he said he never saw trauma (neurosurgical) like that and learned a ton during those months.

Are conflicts still a thing?

>> No.11767284

haha sometimes my poop logs distend my belly right there

>> No.11767296

Are you not a doctor yet?

>> No.11767301

Medecine here is really good compared to anywhere else in this continent, but that isn't saying much.
You do get to see a lot of cases that are pretty much extinct in the western world because of massive undeveloppement. Also we do use a lot of uncoventional and rather hard procedures because we don't have too much funding (At least in the public sector). We study about fancy tools and machines but we just do whatever is cheapest in the end because most patients just can't afford them. It also means we rely a lot less on things like imaging and very specific biological tests and more on clinical data.
Other than that, the medecine for the most part similar to france because of historical reasons.
I'm not sure what you mean by conflicts? conflicts between who?

>> No.11767307

Sounds like my country's health system lmao.

By conflicts I mean civil wars and shit that's usual for Africa but being Tunisia, I doubt it.

>> No.11767319
File: 18 KB, 235x235, b4daa8e3c971cde5b9b98eb2ef1fb7f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty nice. How did you make the chart? Paint?

>> No.11767323
File: 68 KB, 539x960, girlwithtunisianflag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah lol no we're fucking pussies when it comes to wars
Algeria lost a million people fighting france, we just were so expensive and worthless to them to keep managing they just left us alone once we asked
We started the arab spring by asking our president nicely to leave and other arabs foolishly assumed that would just work for them
What else can you expect from a place whose biggest export is high quality olive oil?

>> No.11767338
File: 35 KB, 480x480, a461c4fc21a922ea0813bc44b737209f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lmao, we don't even do that here.

>> No.11767347

Photoshop desu. I still have the PSD so if anyone has any suggestions on what to change or add, just reply I guess.

>> No.11767352

I wanted to make a /med/ chart for clinicals but idk how to use Ps. Yours seems fine, entry-level stuff.

>> No.11767363

Yeah, I meant for it to be an introduction since a bunch of anons were asking what to begin with.

>> No.11767370

What are some books for someone halfway through med school, so intermediate level I'd guess.
I'd really be interested in a very extensive book about medical semiology. Obscure medical signs fascinate me

>> No.11767379
File: 864 KB, 2730x1464, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, just finished this and got lazy so I didn't include any books per speciality, just the essentials for general medicine and some resources.

>> No.11767385

The website oscestop is pretty good for lots of UK clinical stuff like exams, interpretations, procedures etc would recommend

>> No.11767407
File: 14 KB, 236x264, cb2d073e45c4d38ed10594151094b0e3--nisekoi-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yep, I like it, looks good.

The chart I made left a lot to be desired, so if someone wants to remake it or idk, add shit onto it, please do. That's most of the stuff I use to learn and some stuff that uni provides but I doubt any of you want something in Romanian.

>> No.11767424

There are many surgeons who travel to South Africa(Cape Town) specifically to get experience treating trauma wounds.There are a lot of townships in the surrounding areas where over the weekends, hospital emergency rooms are inundated with patients suffering from all sort of machete wounds which arises primarily from alcohol related fights.Then there’s also the area known as the Cape Flats which has a high rate of gang violence and gunshot related injuries.Government hospitals such as Tygerberg and Groote Schuur have a waiting list of surgeons from the US and Europe hoping to gain more experience in dealing specifically with gunshot wounds.

>> No.11767430
File: 15 KB, 236x281, 4ca9182ad302726e699d85ca0cb65768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are always the beautiful coastal cities that get the most violence?

I always have a thought that I will get kidnapped or something if I go to practice in a city like that.

>> No.11767431

Same in Joburg at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, very popular for student electives to see more trauma in 8 weeks than you will in the rest of your career. British military doctors were considering an arrangement to rotate doctors there to get experience for battelfield medicine

>> No.11767449


Basically any of these will do for trauma?

>> No.11767469

I just know the Bara is a massive hospital (3000+ beds) where half the admissions are for trauma and it has a well trodden path for arranging elective placements

>> No.11767476

are you supposed to get a headache every time you jump?

>> No.11767480

If you fall on your head, yes.

>> No.11767485

>Why are always the beautiful coastal cities that get the most violence?
Guess it’s the same with Rio in Brazil with the impoverished favelas so close to the beach.At least with Cape Town those areas are some distance away from to the tourist spots which are heavily policed.

>> No.11767495

people like living next to bodies of water
so coastal areas tend to have a huge population
huge population will most likely result in a lot of crimes

>> No.11767517

sounds like old school based medicine
maybe I should do my elective in a third world hospital

>> No.11767531

Fix your sleep schedule, senpai. Go get some sleep.

>> No.11767640

Ask them again but this time with a gun in your hand

>> No.11767688

Thanks for the laughs, anon.

>> No.11767727

Within the past decade PAs and NPs have successfully been able to expand their roles as healthcare professionals. In many states NPs can practice without physician oversight. This has been of concern, particularly for anesthesiologists. Hospitals prefer to hire nurse anesthetists because they are cheaper and get the job done most of the time. PAs are making strides to actually change the name of their profession to physician associate, which I believe is the first step for them in their ultimate goal to practice independently, In regards to nursing, and RN has a 4 year degree whereas an LPN I think has a two year degree.

>> No.11767737

bachelors is a meme anyway.. the entire med school process is fucking retarded from start to finish, it’s still stuck in 1920s or 1800s, and it doesn’t necessarily pick the best doctors, just best test takers and bootlickers

doctors need to grow a pair and kick out administrators and pharma/insurance jews.. the last 2-3 generation of doctors have been so pathetic and retarded that they let outsiders take control of medicine and make it into a money grubbing business. Doctors have been slowly but surely turned into middle managers

You know shit is bleak when heroin addict bimbos can do 10 month nursing course in college and be considered an equal to you without the 200k debt or the 10 year+ education, both theoretical and clinical and the stress.

Maybe if older doctors in position of leadership focused more on making medicine about medicine,science and people instead of looting money from 18-25 year olds, we wouldn’t be in the gutter we are today.

The entire USMLE system is retarded, let bright kids do a 1 year pre med course and then get them in med school based on their gpa, there’s nothing in first year med that they wouldn’t have learned in high school.

Requiring undergrad is just more money grubbing and make doctors great again.. if any old bastard doc is reading this.. focus on torturing insurance jews and administrators, not 25 year old med students

>> No.11767748

patients are mentally retarded, panicky, unreliable.. their symptoms usually aren’t.
Your job as a doctor is to gain enough experience and have enough knowledge to interpret what the symptoms are telling you.

It’s rarely zebras, unless the symptoms are zebras or the patient is.. that is either usual symptoms show up in unusual patients or unusual symptoms present in usual ones.. that is when you should consider zebras

>> No.11767753

I am in med school my GPA is 3.5 at this point
What is your gpa bros?

>> No.11767759

herniated disk maybe, try lying down on a flat surface and try not to stress your back too much

Also apply heat and ice to the area.. 15 minutes of heat, 1 minute break, 15 minutes of ice pack

Do it 10-15 times for a few days, you should feel better

Also figure out some back exercises to strengthen your back muscles and your abdominal muscles.. clearly your body can’t handle your fat ass. Do stretching exercise as well. Ofcourse do all this once you’ve healed yourself. Start the exercise Maybe 1-2 weeks after you think you’ve healed.

>> No.11767764

Honestly it doesn’t matter what the family says as long as they aren’t tryna sue you. If only these idiots knew what a fucking chore being a doctor is, everyone below you and above you is having fun and getting rich at your expense

>> No.11767766

>herniated disk
Isn't that requires surgery? I swear you better check to the doctors before too late and damaging your nerve

>> No.11767776

here we have a psychiatric patient kek
SIDS is probably just post partum depressed mothers, kiling their babies. It’s not a new or unknown phenomenon.

mothers do go through a brief psychotic episode where the constant crying and constant attention that a baby needs drives them crazy. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone did a survey of SIDS babies and found out most of them used to frequently cry loudly, had a shrill voice, needed attention constantly. I guess it’s one of those things that people don’t talk about.

Also babies are fucking delicate, you could break their bones just by holding them too tight.. they are extremely vulnerable and sometimes they just don’t make it. It’s not the fault of mothers or doctors.. just nature

>> No.11767788

You conveniently omitted the “maybe” I wrote after that sentence. As much I’d like to, I can’t do psychic CT scans.

Typically they happen in lower back area, cause pain and numbness in hands or foot. No one can be sure till a CT is done. You didn’t mention numbness or tingling in the leg or the buttock area (typically areas innervated by S1)

Either way, you should try heat and cold treatment before jumping to surgeries. You should avoid invasive procedures unless they are absolutely needed

>> No.11767792

1.3, your gpa doesn’t mean shit, just your step 1 and step 2 scores :^)

>> No.11767795

what if not? i get headache from any minor form of shaking or fast head movement

>> No.11767798

Lol where do you go to medical school, a community college? US schools are P/F and don't keep gpas, but instead are internally ranked.

>> No.11767799

It shouldn't be concerning. I have a big head and that shit happens to me too.

>> No.11767801

headache that lasts for hours? Or even an hour? Or just a short headache which lasts a minute or so?

If it’s the latter it’s nothing to worry about

>> No.11767804

Where do you study man. You are getting DO if you are in my med school

>> No.11767808

Could be vertigo

>> No.11767813
File: 143 KB, 600x408, epley manuver.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do this manuever

>> No.11767816

who gives a shit nigger

>> No.11767847

lmao, zanki or bust

>> No.11767855

>2 billion people dont have access to health care world wide
>The wests focus on going to mars

Why does this make me feel so bad

>> No.11767923

have you even talked to any patients lately?
fuck em, the less the better
people are so stupid and annoying and I'm sick of it

>> No.11767950

Maybe its my lack of contact with patients at the moment. However finding it hard to empathise with their struggles of type 2 diabetes when I just finished watching a documentary about Siera Leon. Makes me even more pissed off about the the blm movement. The world has so many problems, what do they chose to focus on some bullshit which doesnt exist. Fuck liberals man they are the main problem I see right now.

>> No.11767965
File: 1.20 MB, 928x1030, Screenshot 2020-06-03 at 22.22.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epley Maneuver is only effective if you remain very still following the exercise. Do not drive, stay at home do something comfy like watch tv all day. Lets hope it works.

>> No.11767969

Agreed, what is even more frustrating is that medicine has become so fucking liberal.

>> No.11767974
File: 12 KB, 235x237, 30b02c468273fa33529229c139157ed7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about patients

You're like 100 years too late, senpai. Some are annoying, some are fine and some are actually pretty cool and can lift up your morale.

Depends where you work too, of course you'll get frustrated working in the ER and patients with headaches and common colds come in.

>> No.11767984

go to doctor and check your sinuses

>> No.11768022

Probably an outpatient IM subspecialty like cards or GI. Rural FM for sure tho, but depends on if you enjoy living in a hick town.

I imagine academic medicine can be good, because you have interns and students stroking your ego. Attendings can you confirm this?

>> No.11768043

>tailbone hurts when i sit for a long period of time
i dont have the money for a new chair this is gonna be the end of me

>> No.11768051

take a break from sitting then
go take a brief walk or if you're in an office just walk around an socialise for a bit

>> No.11768061

https://pastebin.com/B2mmisWm V3 is here

>> No.11768213
File: 7 KB, 236x236, 7fbb9cbec36cb02b9dd0993704ff1b74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, what do you like to snack on while studying? I really enjoy dates, figs, dried apricots and cashew nuts.

>> No.11768220

Try actually sitting on your ass and not your spine

>> No.11768301

Don’t lean in when you sit, you are sitting on your tail bone instead of your pelvic bones and butt

>> No.11768409

Stop eating snacks
Keep up a healthy diet
The fat and weak doctor look should die
We hold people's lives in our hands, we should look the part

>> No.11768627

You were conditioned into a pseudo-collectivist self righteous superiority, and you thus have a deeply ingrained feeling of guilt when you aren't selflessly taking care of others. In this case, it's extended beyond the family and community (where you acquired the trait via early childhood conditioning), and applied to the whole planet. This is because you feel bad for being a have, if there is even conceivably, a have not.

Your ego was destroyed and replaced by an inner God. You view yourself as a God, and part of an even larger God (the West). You shouldn't feel bad about anything. You should recognize the geopolitics and exploitation that goes on, and various other causes, than you should act accordingly.

>> No.11768679

>Healthy diet
>You literally need 3 meals a day with two snacks in between them

>> No.11768793

No one should be eating three meals per day. I eat one or two.

>> No.11768811

Bro I just feel like I can do more good there than I can here

>> No.11768825

No. You don't realize it, but your own house is on fire.


>> No.11768881

cringe, space meme eats up a lot of money that’s better spent on improving lives here on earth

It made sense to do those things in 1960s because America was rich back then, these days we have lots of internal issues that require more immediate attention

>> No.11768897

No my dude, I never said I was fond of their retarded "space program" fronts, and satellites.

>> No.11768915

my hopes and dreams.. every time I fail a uworld block I die a little inside

>> No.11768954

Zibby beans

>> No.11769140

>schizio poltard admits he’s a mentally retarded drug riddled basket case
By the way, are you the one who posts about the black protests, clamping and iq as well?
Are you paid by someone or do it for free :)

>> No.11769141

I don't follow.

>> No.11769142

Just learn the high yield parts brainlet

>> No.11769145

His attempts at clampposting in /pol/ weren't really paid attention to because /pol/acks have actually attended their wives' deliveries.

>> No.11769147

What if he wants to be a head & necc surgeon?

>> No.11769153

Actually the few threads I made on pol got the opposite response. Many people in the US and UK noted that indeed, they did either clamp or want to clamp immediately.

Go on the archives and check yourself. I think two of them hit bump limit, and one went for two threads.

>> No.11769160

why is genetics so complicated doctors

for most science topics i feel like i can skim encyclopedia articles to get some dunning kruger level knowledge and that's all i really need to be happy but genetics... it makes me insecure bros. i can't even see the peak of mount stupid.

it gives me this uneasy feeling of sadness and regret like i don't have enough years left to live.

>> No.11769163


A few more posts than I thought.

>> No.11769166

What exactly about it troubles you?

>> No.11769167

Why can't you just fuck off?

>> No.11769170

Also, this wasn't my thread, but seems interesting.
It reminds me of the idea that the parent companies of the mainstream music industry actually have financial stakes in the prison system, thus they desire to increase recidivism and so forth.

What do you mean?

>> No.11769172

>haha just use premade decks for spaced memorization
No wonder the clamper thinks we're all uninformed idiots.

>> No.11769175

>I don’t follow
ofcourse you don’t, you beautiful bastard, must be hard to comprehend what I wrote when all those voices in your head are screaming and yapping away

>> No.11769177

Okay Anon.

>> No.11769179

he won’t be training for that for atleast the next 5-6 years, doubt he’d remember anything he’s reading now, other than basic framework

>> No.11769180

Why do you keep derailing my threads into a shitshow about you and your spiel?

>> No.11769182

just the sheer complexity of it all. i feel like there should be some low resolution model to help me organize all this information and get a basic picture, but i can't find or improvise one.

>> No.11769184

does clamping affect penis size? I know it affects hygiene but how about overall health of penis and size?

Childhood and teenage obesity fucks will decrease your penis size (low t during puberty due to excess fat)

>> No.11769191

genetics is not taught properly, also it’s because you are studying evolutionary adaptations and such, a lot of it is not remotely relevant to your day to day life, not applicable in anything, you wouldn’t even discuss it with your friends

Try to think of genetics concepts in day to day parlance.. I’ve found it helps in memorization and such. Like topoisomerases are scissors that cut off dna to avoid super coiling, helicase is like a velcro that undoes two strands and so on

Take 2 pieces of string and understand how the transcription translation enzyme would work on them.. these concepts are hard to visualize in head

>> No.11769193

Hard to say. Perhaps the lack of stem cells to repair vascular microhemmorages incurred by pitocin and or being squeezed through the birth canal will lead to suboptimal vasculature in the penis. Though that seems remote. A general weakening of the child and stunting of early development could have various effects on hormones, resistance to environmental toxicity in key developmental windows, and so on. Also remote though, overall. I would actually like to see if there's a correlation between clamping and scoliosis, when taking into account cesarean births of course.

Circumcision is another matter, there are a number of ways it could inhibit correct growth.

>> No.11769194

>low resolution model to help me organize all this information and get a basic picture,
Never heard of google images?

>> No.11769196

Because someone posted:
So I responded.

>> No.11769203

you're right google images is good at this stuff but i neglected it too much

>> No.11769206

I've recently been taking escitalopram (10mg, once daily, just coming up to a month now) for anxiety/depression and is it normal for this medication to cause skin breakouts? I've had rather persistent pimples on my neck, on both sides of my adam's apple and forehead that I've never had before.

>> No.11769209

It's not even about that post. You constantly post shit about yourself without anyone else mentioning you. Fucking narc.

>> No.11769210
File: 100 KB, 683x400, yotsuba 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty fucking based, senpai. Zanki is for brainlets that just memorize the info for a limited time and then forget it.

>> No.11769223

haven’t you retards ever heard of google?


are you sweating a lot recently? That’s blocking your pores, probably causing the acne. Shower before going to sleep and in the mornings and you should see less of those acne

>> No.11769229

Spaced memorization has its place in remembering shit but you can't just go into it without fully understanding the concepts behind those terms.

Idk if y'all can read but the chart contains general references that a lot of med programs use. It's more of a primer for non-medfags who want to learn more about the body.

>> No.11769246

the way i see it, the thing to be repeated is supposed to be the concept or parts of the concept
repetition is what you do after you "learned" the concept to actually cultivate your memory because your immortal freewill soul has low storage capacity

>> No.11769254

And I use it for, what?
What is the reason?

>> No.11769262

Go fuck yourself, dropped a 265 on step and watched to a top 10 ortho program. Suck my dick.

>> No.11769267

need help /med/

was given olanzapine + valium while on a high dose of caffeine

i can't get high anymore, its like a 1/10, 3/10 at best if i cough really hard

i think it may be related to the blockade of dopamine receptors and adenosine receptors but i havent figured it out beyond that

if dopamine receptors are fucked is everything fucked?

>> No.11769279

Big if true. Congrats, anon. I'm proud of you.

>> No.11769282
File: 3.36 MB, 225x324, dancing anime cat girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure you did

>> No.11769290

Help I tore my asshole
I did some butt play like a month ago and only used water for lube and for a while afterwards going to the toilet was painful and I wiped up some blood
The issue went away eventually but now it's back, whenever I take a dump I'm wiping mostly blood afterwards

>> No.11769292

I recommend getting out of the closet and getting your ass checked by the big Docs

>> No.11769301

Believe what you want. Zanki was huge for step 1 prep. Obviously you can't do well by only memorizing every card but books are a waste of time. B&B, sketchy, and pathoma are how I actually learned material.

>> No.11769303

Anal fissure. Stop straining so hard when you shit. Use lube next time you shove shit up there.

>> No.11769316

I'm not straining, and I don't know how to recover from my existing injury

>> No.11769351

Hey /med/... take your /meds/ xD

>> No.11769509
File: 319 KB, 1584x2048, 20200607_101158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggsdee eggsdee

>> No.11769683
File: 213 KB, 983x1294, 1590329942508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the most painful illness/injury one can have?

Perforated ulcer? Heartattack? Cancer? Gall/Kidney stones?

>> No.11769695

Trigeminal neuralgia.
Certain degenerative disorders that affect nerves or mental state/nutrition (causing a reduced ability to manage pain).

There's another condition I've forgotten about, but it's considered among the most painful as well.

>> No.11769698

- Globus sensation
- Constant pain in throat, unaffected by swallowing
- Constant mild nausea, becomes very problematic after eating and limits my food intake
- Constant mild pain in the upper stomach, becomes problematic after eating
- Massive belches 2-3 times an hour
- burps taste like metal most of the time
- none of these symptoms respond to 30mg lansoprazole
- lost 10% of my body weight over the last two months from decreased appetite
- bowel movements unremarkable, no occult blood in stool
- completely unremarkable abdominal ultrasound

I'm already in touch with an actual physician about these problems but I'd like to hear a 4chan-quality guess here.

>> No.11769703

Post your blood panel. I don't give a shit until I see it.

>> No.11769709

you want the CBC or the metabolic panel?

>> No.11769711

Both please anon-chan. If you're not comfy posting them, just tell us what's abnormal.

>> No.11769720

Alanine transaminase 366 U/L
Aspartate transaminase 51 U/L

CBC was fine

>> No.11769736

Questions now.

1. Does it hurt after you eat anything or after eating something in particular?
2. Do you usually eat spicy foods/dairy?
3. Was the weight loss unintentional?
4. Are you eating less than normal? (If so, it's normal to lose weight considering the pain after eating)

All in all, it makes me think of stomach ulcer considering the pain after eating, but doesn't explain the metallic taste which is a sign of GERD. Honestly, if I was your doctor, I'd do an upper digestive endoscopy just to make sure there's nothing alarming. The weight loss, if unintentional, is kind of bad and should do an endoscopy or a full body CT scan with contrast.

>> No.11769739

not giving out exact reference ranges, but the ALT is at least 5x higher than the upper limit of normal

>> No.11769747

1. All food is equally unpleasant. Pizza is as bad as yogurt or salad. Quantity seems to matter but I honestly haven't been recording good data on that
2. Not particularly often
3. Yes, and I was at least slightly underweight beforehand
4. Yes I'm eating less than normal for two reasons: it makes me feel like shit in general with the pain and nausea, and my appetite itself has decreased a lot

>> No.11769749

Also you are in agreement with my doctor about an upper endoscopy, congrats anon

>> No.11769754
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It's fine, I know the normal range.

Well, then, we can attribute the weight loss to number 4, then.

Thanks, but it's not much. Any doctor would go for "live" images of your digestive tract just to make sure everything it's okay and you don't have any unpleasant surprises. I wish you the best anon.

>> No.11769761


Per one of your comments, the weight loss is definitely #4

If you read the first post I mention that the nausea limits my food intake and that I lost weight because of decreased appetite

I could have been more clear about both factors being involved

>> No.11769765

Tell me about MS, my sister just got diagnosed.
Hows things gonna work out for her and should I be worried

>> No.11769806
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I'm just a student, but MS has a few different phenotypes that determine the clinical course your sister will take. See the diagram in pic related. Best case scenario she will be like in the graph on the top. Just life long relapsing/remitting symptoms that will have to be controlled through strong anti-inflammatory drugs perhaps in a hospital setting. Those type of patients comprise 10% of MS phenotypes.
There is a much higher chance (around 70%) that she will start off in a relapsing/remitting phenotype and then perhaps after 20 years will progress to a progressive and difficult to treat phenotype that will cut her life expectancy considerably.
Worst case scenario she is in the progressive and difficult to treat phenotype immediately (around 20% of MS patients), she will progressively deteriorate neurologically, especially including loss of sight, paralysis, mental status and cognition changes etc.

She will likely need to see a neurologist for the rest of her life just to check to see what is going on. The neurologist based on their experience may have a hunch on what phenotype she is a part of based on genetics, clinical history and risk factors.

All the best

>> No.11769829

>Globus sensation
excess acid reflux causing burns and damage to the esophagus, seen in GERD

> Constant pain in throat, unaffected by swallowing
Burnt esophagus causing pain and discomfort. Your lower esophageal sphincter is probably fucked, do you drink a lot of alcohol?

> Constant mild nausea, becomes very problematic after eating and limits my food intake

Excessive gastric acid production, probably what caused an ulcer in your stomach.. that pain you feel is when the stomach releases acid after you eat, that acid burns the ulcer as well, causing more pain.

> Massive belches 2-3 times an hour
>burps taste like metal most of the time
that’s what stomach acid tastes like, look up disgeusia- acid aftertaste after burping- again classic sign of gerd

>PPI won’t have any effect
This one tells me the command for more gastric acid production is coming from somewhere else.

>no blood in stool
That’s because you aren’t bleeding, you have an ulcer in your stomach that keeps burning by your stomach acid

>ALT 5 times greater than normal
yep you are an alcoholic, liver damage is setting in, unless you have hepatitis which your history doesn’t suggest. High ALT= liver damage. Tell me the truth anon, how much do you drink?

Your alcohol history would confirm my diagnosis, I’m feeling you have Zollinger Ellison syndrome, a tumor on your pancreas, telling your stomach to pump out oodles of gastric acid, high gastric acid in stomach= stomach ulcers (also called peptic ulcers)= pain after eating because your ulcer is being burned by acid

Alcoholism weakens your esophageal sphincters so you have acid reflux and nausea, lack of appetite, weight loss, can’t eat anything, elevated liver enzymes because you have probably fucked over your liver.


>> No.11769831

Also I’m surprised your doc didn’t say anything about elevated ALT

Endoscopy would be first thing to confirm esophageal damage and peptic ulcers, those are fairly obvious. I’d recommend discontinuing drinking and smoking if you do, it’s fucking you over

>> No.11769832

Probably no way to say this right and little reason for it to be said, but the following comes to mind:
-The idea that it's an autoimmune disorder is very possibly false
-Mechanical causes should be considered, this includes the spine and digestive system. Scoliosis, pinched nerves, forward head carriage, etc.
-Diet and nutrition should be considered. Pesticides, herbicides, and junk of all kinds should be eliminated to the extent possible. this alone will improve gut flora as it naturally drifts back to a non-pathogenic distribution. Saurkraut, kimchi, etc is very easy to make if it's tolerable. Not everyone can tolerate fermented food.
-The balance between endogenous antioxidant and detoxification defenses, and the total production and load of toxins, is important as well. Particularly in terms of nano and micron sized metallic nanoparticles. If you're ever put a fork in a microwave oven, you'll notice you get voltage discharges between the prongs. Likewise for ridges along crumpled up aluminum foil. This same thing is happening if you have tiny clumps of metal embedded in the cell membrane, in the extracellular matrix, in the myelin, or wherever it may be. The important things here are glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, metallothioneins, superoxide dismutase, and catalase. To manufacture these you need cysteine (sulfur, get it via MSM, galric, onion, NAC, etc). Copper, manganese, and zinc are involved in the superoxide dismutases. You cna look up the other enzymes. Basically, you want to get these metals out. She could try a small-mid size bulb of garlic and half a large onion, with an oil, everyday. Uncooked or cooked. I make a paste of carrots, vinegar, onion, garlic, sunflower oil, coconut oil.

>> No.11769835

-Elimination of microwave radiation exposure to the extent possible. The reasons for this are too numerous to list, but it involves the aforementioned metals (which as nanoparticles exhibit ion cyclotron resonance in alternating fields, not good for surrounding structures), oxidative stress, a general stressor effect on the body, immune system changes, endocrine and hormonal disruption, DNA damage, cell death[....]. There are a number of reasons and pathways by which a given person can be more susceptible or become sensitized.

Good luck.

>> No.11769840

Very good post anon, you are learning well

>> No.11769843

Don’t you sleep schizio anon?

>> No.11769845


>> No.11769851

It’s a neurodegenerative disease, it means she’d be hitting herself with her own hands and wouldn’t know who’s doing it lol

If it’s the kind that majority of MS patients get then she would need frequent medical attention but she’d survive.

genetic testing and nerve biopsy of any affected area would give some ideas on where she is and how aggressive her disease is.. the ability of nerves to send signals is affected so she can possibly lose control of limbs or lose sensation and such

>> No.11769857

Nibba fuck off you're a munchie who pretended to have MS

>> No.11769860

That's false. A shame you may well be a doctor one day. Amusingly you'll help manufacture more people like me. :^)

>> No.11769861

>One day
Post more emoticons, it totally fools us and hides your rage

>> No.11769874

lol, keep posting no emoticons and accusing me of being enraged, it only makes your own building anger and discomfort more clear.

:^) to me is a sort of aggressive form of almost a bemused mockery. Not quite passive aggressive. It's more like, making fun with/of you and encompassing the irony and absurdity of the situation. Like "you don't see it", The winking variant ;^) follows. It's a shorthand for "improve" or "think big picture" or "step back and reconsider". Not entirely sure how to explain it, but I figured this was implicit. Do you actually think I'm including a face to provide the illusion of being diplomatic, or happy, smug, etc, to mask anything? Why? It's ridiculous. If anything you should be calling it out as "bait", as in trying to pull you into a conversation you don't want to have, in a more forthright and open manner. It is an irritating face now that I really think about it.


>> No.11769875
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>> No.11769877

Hello /med/
I sustained a traumatic brain injury from a car accident almost 8 years ago. I was in a coma for a bit and went on to recovery decently well, finishing college with a non-stem degree. Now I want to go back for a second undergrad and hopefully med school. Math and science are difficult for me, but I'm interested in them and can work through material if I try hard enough. Do you suppose mentioning my brain injury in medical school interviews as motivation for wanting to work in neurology would be a good idea?

>> No.11769878

I know Anon, you got 0wn3d. It's okay. It was your own doing, you're 0wning yourself. Therefore, becoming not 0wn3d, and thus transcending the 0wn4g3, is also within the realm of your own doing, By just not doing it that way, anymore.

>> No.11769883
File: 246 KB, 1320x569, EA8054AE-CAE4-44F3-8398-25C286B9C6E6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the ballpark of 1700-1750cm^3 a good cranial volume?

I know that brain volume is slightly less than the cranial capacity but I cannot get a good read on brain volume or cranial capacity using the mri scan.

Estimate cranial capacity 1700-1800 one time I measured 1900cc using a very high quality mri scan with very thin slices including over 100 image slices. It might have been a slight overestimate by including the surrounding skull in the measurement.

1700-1900cc cranial capacity brain tissue 1600-1700 volume.
Head circumference a little bit over 59cm.

>> No.11769935

It's really late, friend. Go to bed.

>> No.11769949

Me too nigga

>> No.11769952

Every person who has ever used Dunning Kruger with me (on Reddit) as an argument is always the biggest example of it.

>> No.11769955

>wanting to work in neurology would be a good idea?
Sure, why the fuck not? Those old bastards love a good cheesy story, I had to make up a fake grandma that died of cancer when I was 5 to make up a cute story about how I wanted to help people from that day

In truth I got into medicine just because I really enjoyed biology and got good scores in science from the beginning, unlike English or other bullshit courses, I actually enjoyed physics, biology and chemistry. And maths when i actually understood concepts

personal stories give you an edge

>> No.11769957
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is Osteopathic Manipulation Therapy actually beneficial for the patient in a non placebo way?
and if it is, why is it limited to osteopaths? Why don't all doctors know it?
and also why are osteopaths not just simply M.Ds if they are equivalent?

>> No.11769965

Hang from a pull up bar. Look up youtube videos with your symptoms

>> No.11769972
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>and if it is, why is it limited to osteopaths? Why don't all doctors know it?
Well, here again, this brings us back to the early 1900's. Start with Morris Fishbein and the early AMA. Carnegie and Rockefeller (The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research), and especially their role in the early days of WHO , and just the general shenanigans which went on as medicine in the west was beginning to self organize. Ultimately, as you can see, the medical-chemical complex is what won out (by the time penicillin was brought to market it was firmly solidified), all other methods and modalities were crushed out. Chiropractors were among the few to survive this period. The early FDA formed out of if I recall the board of chemistry they called it, and was used to strongarm dissidents out of existence. The medical licensing process was used similarly.

Royal Rife and Harold Hoxsey are good examples of what happens when Fishbein wants to buy the rights to your method, and you refuse. Just look at what happened to everyone involved with Rife. Arthur Kendall who brought forth bacterial pleomorphism got shut out by Thomas Rivers of Rockefeller, the sole source of stable funding during the depression so few dared stand against it. Milbank Johnson ended up dead. A few physicans continued to use his machines in secret. Etc. It's a good parallel lens to view early medicine through, and to view it not in terms of capability, but control.

>> No.11769976

You have a lot of internal issues because you keep focusing on giving useless help to nigs. You have it the other way around

>> No.11769980

Let's say I'm a shitty CS major 1 year from graduating, but have complete confidence I can understand all the med topics (discipline, not intelligence, is what limits me), what would be the pathways to becoming a doctor if I get my BS with a 3.0 in CS?

>> No.11769985

Didn't mean to reply to that

>> No.11769992

yeah but what about a non-schizophrenic answer?

>> No.11770001

Well, I can't help then. Your question has to do with human power and organizational structure over time. Beyond the present day and superficial details that's really where your answer lies.

>> No.11770009

>medical school

>> No.11770279

Is this the thread to talk about genetic modification or not?

>> No.11770289

If it applies to humans in a medical aspect, like with gene therapy, why not

>> No.11770313

>dates, figs, dried apricots and cashew nuts

>> No.11770378


>> No.11770387
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Hit them in the feels if you can. The ole "Well I have been considering medicine for a long time and there are alot of things which feed into it but if I had to pick one memory that really spured me on it would be...." . If I had a traumatic brain injury I would certainly be playing that card but dont focus on it to much.

>> No.11770712

yeah without a doubt, it seems to have genuinely sparked an interest for you in medicine. With good stats and ECs you'll be golden

>> No.11770811

Anatomical pathologist.
>No patient contact
>Sit in an office looking at slides all day.

>> No.11770916
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>is Osteopathic Manipulation Therapy actually beneficial for the patient in a non placebo way?

Yes, as a DO you learn to feel tight muscles and small abnormalities in bone position. A lot of it comes off as voodoo type shit, specifically "cranial" OMM. That being said, it has a basis that physical therapy, chiropractory, and yoga use to achieve results. It's basically all of those mixed into one thing.

>and if it is, why is it limited to osteopaths? Why don't all doctors know it?

Because there was a stigmatism against it for so many years because MD's didn't want to be wrong. Now some MD schools are actually teaching it, I think Harvard is one of them.

>and also why are osteopaths not just simply M.Ds if they are equivalent?

See above. But there was also pride on the side of DO's because they felt they were better doctors who would actually treat core problems instead of treating symptoms.

Both sides are to blame for the nonsense, but MD's started it all.

>> No.11770992

>chiropractory, and yoga use to achieve results

>> No.11771021

You can disagree with chiropractory, but if you think yoga doesn't help you clearly have never done it.