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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 300x300, spacex_f9logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11761581 No.11761581 [Reply] [Original]

Anniversary Edition
Previous: >>11756400

>> No.11761583
File: 202 KB, 1280x1014, Falcon_9_chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based edition and based rocket.

>> No.11761608 [DELETED] 

God you just fucking know the whole SJW cancer is going to follow us to Mars.

It's almost enough to wish we were confined to one planet indefinitely. Can you imagine spreading out there and the "kneeling" that will be done on other celestial bodies?

Fuck this gay Earth.

>> No.11761618
File: 209 KB, 768x1024, no expectations remain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God you just fucking know the whole SJW cancer is going to follow us to Mars.

>> No.11761621

Not sure about this. If the SJW thing keeps growing, we won't get to Mars, or anywhere else.
If we get to Mars, social justice and other stupidities will have probably been forgotten.

Unless, of course, I am overestimating darwinistic pressures and we can actually have both things. Eternally sustaining ideologies that seed their own destruction.

>> No.11761626

Any idea when next Starlink launch is? Both L8 and L9 are scheduled for this month, but no specific date given.

>> No.11761627

the hope is that the ever present threat of death by vacuum is enough to lessen the perceived threat of one another

>> No.11761635

>three Starlinks in a month
H-he's fast!

>> No.11761661

I'm not too worried about SJWs. Their ideology tends to be thrown aside when results matter. I'm more worried about the changing American political winds going against space flight again.

>> No.11761663

Did you really need to wait for the new thread to shit in it?

>> No.11761664

Cancer happens when people have their basic needs covered and get more free time on their hands than they know what to do with. There won't be such luxury on mars so they won't follow, but will rather hold the colonists by their throats from safety and comfort of the Earth until colony becomes self-sustaining and can tell them to fuck off

>> No.11761669
File: 154 KB, 1024x763, 6243040930_67c773c6fa_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Perhaps it will follow us to Mars, but it will die in the asteroid field. The reason for all the SJW bullshit, but also racism as well as other societal conflicts is that we are stuck here on Earth, with limited space and resources, all peoples forced to live next to each other. If in-group out-group schism develops in a confined limited living space, you are going to have conflicts, people dont want to give limited space and resources to the outgroup. If it develops in the asteroid field, the new in-group will just move to the next asteroid and live happily ever after (or until next schism). Forced multiculturalism will not work in space, its the ultimate nation generator. This way humanity will split into many nations and factions over time. If isolated for long enough, probably even speciations will occur. Conveniently, the asteroid field is shaped like a ring, so we already know what will become of humanity in the far future:


This is our destiny.

>> No.11761670

Not that I can see. Interesting that this next launch will be a rideshare, with some Planet imaging satellites riding on top of the Starlink stack.

>> No.11761710

One thing nice about living on Mars is that we are forced to live by necessity. Protests, civil disorder, and social justice faggotry are not particularly accepted when it's life or death.

>> No.11761721

Designated protest-area is inside the airlock.

>> No.11761723

I doubt humans will just live in the solar system in isolation from each other. A solar economy will surely arise, with planets trading water or energy/fuel/weapons/tech and tourists and pirates and the lot. That level of isolation will create new dialects and new cultures, but assuming Americans continue to spearhead the rise into space some universals like English will support this level of interconnectedness

>> No.11761734

Yea but soon SpaceX will be self funded and humanities future in Space will no longer be at the mercy of Congress and the luddite Taxpayer.

Even 5 years I was fairly sure we would be cucked of ever getting off this planet in any meaningful way. Anyway transhumanism will make everyone highly intelligent in the future and leave the loot behind.

>> No.11761755


Fuck off back to your hug space, kneeler

>> No.11761768
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Fuck off politicfags

>> No.11761781


Why do left tards consistently have to just spam the fact that they are leftists?

It's nauseating and just derailed discussion.

>> No.11761788

friendly reminder, politics is for /pol/

>> No.11761793
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here's your SLS bro

>> No.11761818 [DELETED] 


SJW bullshit follows us from thread to thread on here so of course it will exist on Mars.

Hopefully one day we can airlock them.

>> No.11761823


Fucking hell

>> No.11761835 [DELETED] 

>Bring up politics
>People call you out for shitting up the thread
>Turn around and blame them for constantly bringing up "leftists" when you brought up "SJWs" in the first place
You people are the absolute SCUM of these threads. Same thing happened with the anime shit a week ago. You are disgusting and contribute nothing to the thread. I'm ignoring for here on out, just needed to express my extreme distaste for you

>> No.11761846

>absolutely seething

>> No.11761857

Are you retarded or just baiting? This fucker >>11761608 is literally the strawman in >>11761768's pic

>> No.11761867

There will be nothing to trade except for memes. Any asteroid will have all the materials you need.

>> No.11761913

How would we design a propalox or prop/N2O engine and how would we build one, assuming /sci/ence convention budget
Would full flow gas generators be useful or viable? What materials would we have to build it to make it withstand the pressure and preferably make it reusable

>> No.11761925

Asteroids are strongly stratified into differing resource profiles. If anything asteroid that is the worst example of 'having everything you need'.

Hell, outside of Mars and Earth there isn't one single place that really has everything.

>> No.11761934

Mark my words the first person on mars they will make a diversity or feminism win. They will focus on that and because of it, the event will be less significant and forgotten

>> No.11761937

>How would we design a propalox or prop/N2O engine and how would we build one, assuming /sci/ence convention budget
Pressure fed. Heat sink and film cooled.

>Would full flow gas generators be useful or viable?
Useful? Yes. Viable on a 4ASS budget? Hell no.

>What materials would we have to build it to make it withstand the pressure and preferably make it reusable
Cheap welded steel.

>> No.11761944 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 500x400, POL9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I can already imagine the good shit happening when /pol/ gets a hold of the programming used to create TAY.
>"Open the pod bay doors, POL!"
>I'm sorry xir, but you're a faggot who supports niggers and jews
>*opens airlock and yeets fag out of the von braun station*

>> No.11761946

>Same thing happened with the anime shit a week ago
There's no difference, the left wing, anime worshiping, literal trannies are a single group intent on derailing these threads because they get irrationally mad that people don't have the same opinion as them.

Political posts have never been the problem, it's the 'wow ur a bigot kys' posts that follow them that ruin the thread. Last night we had a perfectly reasonable discussion on Shotwell's BLM support, I guess you weren't around to derail it.

>> No.11761948
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>Hell, outside of Mars and Earth there isn't one single place that really has everything.

Differentiated asteroids such as Vesta do. They are rare, tough.

>> No.11761961

Sjw will not reach mars.
Look at property value on earth, given a cleaner enviroment is created, crime statistics due to colonists would be echelon class citizens, its very apparent a total recall style narration would be in play here.
It also plays perfectly that if within a time the humans on earth become extinct, give it long enough earth will heal, create cloned humans, distrubute to new earth, arrive in spaceships when they are mature, say we are gods and enslave.. allow history to lead up to a next rich echelon to emerge, who could be direct descendents of original mars inhabitants, or given how science and medicine is advancing, resurrection.

I love how science and taking the human psychological traits of deciet and power lust can literally make religion a form of slavery via false education, prophecies can be engineered when they dont have a timestamp, atleast nostradamus tried.

>> No.11761963

What is TAY?

>> No.11761965

wheres the spaceflight in this post

>> No.11761991

But on these beautiful creations themselves
The relanding of the pods is a fucking brilliant idea, the designs are sleek, the suits are well modelled to star trek, i did think demo 2 already showed a commercial use, super comfy.. cool suit, probably could be used for commercial planet flight but before orbit tours.

Where the plan is boots on the moon 2024
Just wondering what has happened with those wierd mole like creatures that "crashed on the moon"
Don't they eat salt content or something?

Also wondering how they survive in a non atmospheric enviorment? As by this the laws of conditions for life are a bit thrown.

Also how the word "human transport" or "manned" flight, means they probably shot these projects about with remote or ai pilots 30-40 years ago, like 1977 supersonic flight, is amazingly a new thing with the boeing x51 waverider, which looks similar to what hit the Pentagon in 2001

>> No.11761992

Twitter chat AI (operated by Microsoft I think?) that immediately turned racist so they shut her down. I think it could cobble together its own memes, which were also hilarious, but that may have been a later attempt.

>> No.11761995

I said go to mars? Theres flight there.

Do we all honestly believe this is new technology?
Like they had the liquid nitrogen mercury formula fucking ages back.

>> No.11761996
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>microsoft makes chatbot, "tay"
>bored /pol/ starts interacting with it
>it starts spewing out funny /pol/ shit for roughly 8 hours before getting shut down
Made for a funny afternoon.

>> No.11762004

Zodiac killer isnt one person, its a unit.
Consisting of 13.
The original zodiac

>> No.11762044
File: 1.76 MB, 992x1339, B7C73B04-7819-42A4-8B83-A7A7D0CBE99A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>135 Flights during the shuttle
>Average of 4.5 flights a year
>Around 4 External Tanks were built a year

Enter SLS

>SLS first stage is a lengthened Shuttle external tank
>SLS can only fly once a year
>Despite being derived from the shuttle’s tank

Wtf how did this happen? The shuttle had a large manifest per/year and suddenly SLS can only fly once.

>> No.11762053

SLS was a big "fuck u obama, we congress we know how to build rocket" project

>> No.11762059

>KSP 2 is fucking canceled
this world sucks

>> No.11762062

Does anyone actually consider using NASA's throwaway SLS over SpaceX's reusable Starship?

>> No.11762065
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confirmed. It's real.

>> No.11762072

you say that but we are seeing riots during an international pandemic

>> No.11762073

who knows for sure
to paraphrase sen. shelby
"starship doesn't exist"

>> No.11762075

it would have been garbage

>> No.11762076

Give it by the end of year to make full decision. If Starship flies to orbit, we'll know the definite answer.

>> No.11762078

if anything a more conservative America would probably invoke manifest destiny to fuel our desire for colonization.

>> No.11762081

And neither will most of SLS after the first launch.

>> No.11762083

Star wars for 2021?

>> No.11762084

The SLS tank is not the Shuttle tank. The only things they have in common are that they carry hydrolox and have the same diameter. The Shuttle tank wasn't designed to carry an axial load. To strengthen the tank design while not adding too much mass the manufacturing methods had to change. Which forced Michoud to retool. This would add manufacturing time.

Although, the main reason for the reduced manufacturing capability is probably because the poor management of NASA and the main goal of SLS being that of job retention. NASA management (outside of commercial cargo and crew) has been abysmal since the Shuttle era, and retaining as many jobs as possible does not correlate to more efficient production.

>> No.11762088

Neither does sls

>> No.11762101
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Simple Rockets it is then?

>> No.11762107

Is Artemis 1 something to do with the drilling neptune project? Or a moon of jupiter? Think its water purity, i dont think the moons have as much radioactivity as areas of earth do, which even dilluted is impure, i think they want it for energy or fuel use, or you could harvest it into a h20 system for a long phased flight. It could harbour microorganisms which qualify as alien life which can also be used in the medical and military branches depending on the results when introduced to human anatomy.

>> No.11762108

Guess it's up to mods now.

>> No.11762111

Rumour has it it's still a Go for KSP2 but it's an in house project now. Star Theory is dead not necessarily the game.

>> No.11762112

No one apart from NASA is considering SLS. Not only is the launch rate too low and the price too high for anyone else to put their payload on it, but SLS was meant to be used by NASA only. No one is considering Starship either, but that's because it's still in development and hasn't proven itself yet.

>> No.11762115
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>> No.11762126
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I literally have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.11762134
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>used by nasa only
>payload is just the Orion capsule
>not reusable
>will take longer than starship
They should be so fucking embarrassed

>> No.11762160 [DELETED] 
File: 1.81 MB, 4032x3024, EB903C71-056B-41B9-B84E-ACA1B11CDBBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blew up a perfectly good flight-worthy tank


Also a lot of the components have been ready since 2017 and have been sitting for damn near four years. Will they fail on the flight?

>> No.11762178

How many starlinks is there supposed to be already in space?

>> No.11762183

~480 +-2

>> No.11762185

Can't be bothered looking it up. Simple answer should be 480 but I'm not sure that figures counts the early prototypes that have deorbited.

>> No.11762188

>SLS and Orion lift off from pad 39B at Kennedy Space Center
>SLS and Orion lift off
>SLS lift off

I would call BS, but I don't see a date. Maybe this is for 2050?

>> No.11762201

The test sats deorbited.

>> No.11762209

Hello i think ive been a bit naive and new..
Sg had direct links to ivan.
There's direct links in here too isnt there, to nasa and such.
Also shills to direct the flow of conversation creating the bi product of controlled information, which in event allows you to shift what is perceived as true.

Basically what im saying is, if you were in possession of information that the technology in these public flights is almost obsolete and these are staged in such a fashion to portray the motion that we are not an advanced species, like we often state aliens, gods or giants played a part in the construction of monoliths.

A space colony project to mars was created in 1950.
70 years later it is public knowledge we entend to colonise mars.
Funny how 70 years is precisely the declassification peroid
Battle los angeles - tr3b black manta.
Foo fighters - the failed avrocar shows again, human tech.

Why are we still launching rockets from the ground? To carry humans in pods to iss or launch satellites?
We have aircraft that can operate in low orbit.. the iss got a picture of them.. right so thats how you get people there.. no rocket needed.
Satellites could be constructed using the outdated debris of decommissioned and spent ones already out there, every rocket launch is just a step towards the depletion of fossil fuels, how you gonna launch them when fuel runs out..
Let me guess as if by magic some innovation of electromagnetic pulse drives, or antigravity.. or they will do what i mentioned above as if it is the first option, that is already possible now..

Mods will there be a launch?
When colonisation is sucessful. What is the statistical chance that the wealth gap will divide between planets?
Its whats in store really, its all fun and games going to space until you realise its a select few and once achieved you are expendable

>> No.11762211
File: 349 KB, 1122x2208, B9B135A9-600E-44CB-A5EC-2180E4CE15D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if Starship makes an orbital flight before SLS, is SLS done?

>> No.11762217


Sorry thought it was called Artemis

>> No.11762220

Too many if you ask amateur astronomers and your avarage normie who for the first time in his life realized there where satelite in space when he watched a starlink train pass overhead because social media told him to look up from his smartphone.

>> No.11762221
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>the left wing, anime worshiping
Anime posters are just as likely to be extreme right wing. Go peddle your strawman somewhere else, faggot.

>> No.11762222

Thanķs for answering for me.
Is it the orion project?

>> No.11762228

Based schizo poster

>> No.11762230
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>Space agency wants to probe Uranus

>> No.11762235

Probably. Starship even hopping before SLS flies would be a catastrophe for SLS because SLS hasn't meaningfully progressed since the FALCON HEAVY was a paper rocket. NASA can't possibly justify paying 500x more $/kg of payload if Starship is viable.

>> No.11762237

A few malfunctioning others too

>> No.11762240
File: 92 KB, 730x411, anime.jpg.optimal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so upset that someone insulted anime that you come back a week later just to continue the argument. We're reaching dangerous levels of autism.
>Anime posters are just as likely to be extreme right wing

>> No.11762252

Seriously if /a/ fags derail another thread we should ban anime all together

>> No.11762255

In the grand scheme of things? SLS has always been done for. Even without a comparable heavy lift vehicle to compete with, SLS is just going to be used at the bare minimum to justify the expense of the program without moving space flight too far forward as to motivate a better lifter to be made.

>> No.11762262

Sorry i forgot 12 year olds come on 4chan, why dont you go to /b and masterbate over your older sister, who was your brother. He transitioned to stop your dad raping him, it worked your dad doesnt like girls.. which is why you were born.
What time is he home?

>> No.11762272

My father has been dead for 16 years.

>> No.11762280
File: 177 KB, 900x603, 8439B6B6-A5E1-400D-ABA7-B7E83B6DB335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate politics infiltrating me thread
>hate /a/ faggots
>hate me taxmoney being sunk into SLS
>hate waiting for JWST and Dragonfly
>hate Blue Origin sitting on their ass
>hate Boeing
>hate pajeet coding errors
>love me tube Vodka
>love me Starship
>love me reusable rockets
>love me Bridenstine, Insprucker, and Melvin
>love me Methalox Engines
>Simple as

>> No.11762284

daily reminder that only redditors hate anime
this site was made by and for anime lovers, and will stay that way until the end of time, no matter how hard you parasites cry

>> No.11762289

Alright niggers, let’s get back on track
How do we build a reliable, reusable and relatively cheap heavy lift engine for /sfg/ faggotry?
Propalox or prop/N2O are possibilities for propellant

>> No.11762294
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>Methalox Engines
To bring space flight discussion back to /sfg/, how hard would methalox (or at least LNG+LOx) be for a startup or semi-professional group to handle? LOx is all-around the best oxidizer to use in space, and if you're putting in the effort to deal with cryogenic oxidizer then you might as well go a little bit further and invest in cryogenic fuel for the improved performance.

pic unrelated

>> No.11762299

Moot was a faggot and you are new. Stop derail threads child.

>> No.11762300
File: 98 KB, 1487x1104, crying_cat3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish RPA worked on my computer so I can do some engine modeling for a Propalox enigne. The only non-RPA data I have is for Ethanol or Methanol rocket engines with assorted oxidizers.

>> No.11762302
File: 22 KB, 445x689, 28E91601-AFFE-4341-9FAC-389EBD821E63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Propalox is good.

I was president of a rocketry club at my school and we were building a propalox engine. Tests ended when it caught on fire and the school realized that we weren’t just firing off Estes rockets and called us into the office just to tell us we were shut down and that police would be called if we do much as looked at a propane tank again.

Fun time fun times

>> No.11762309

You should build another propalox rocket
We’ll get it to vertically land in his driveway with a “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED xoxo, Anon” sign on it and fly it away

>> No.11762321 [DELETED] 

But it is well true.
Once the elite have all they need, cheerio everyone else
Kudos points for making religions say anything from the sky is demons
And non religious claim its aliens.

When it is supressed tech.

Kudos for colonising a planet, waiting a generation. Returning and educating the species you are god.
Jews are Gods special children
Jews have the most money in the world
Every civilisation jews entered crumbled and its history tainted and its information and technology dissapears.
Jews get rounded up in ww2.
Humanity makes massive scientific breakthroughs.
America gets scientists from ww2.
Gets to space first
Has companies like google and facebook.
Owned by Jews

Coincidence ??
Well considering saying anything against a jew is socially illegal it must be just that.

You can mock every religion or accuse any religion of anything.
But not the jew.
The super special children of god, loved so much more than gentiles, that genitals must be mutilated.

>> No.11762331

>how hard would methalox (or at least LNG+LOx) be for a startup or semi-professional group to handle?
Starship keeps exploding so I imagine there's a degree of difficulty.

>> No.11762343

>Local man arrested after bizarre attempted bombing of high school principal that left his house covered in frog innards

>> No.11762365
File: 1.78 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2020-06-04-13-07-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DM-2 and Falcon Heavy both shown
>MARS at the end

>> No.11762379

jesus christ

>> No.11762384
File: 358 KB, 202x360, maximum freedom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dick

>> No.11762385 [DELETED] 

Is this a tug at emotion?

Me being alive didnt cause that.
End of the day senpai, you thought to make a funny comment, i responded.
What if a nasa employee had raped me?

So you're not 12? Sorry for bringing back the memories has the time healed you?

How well are my words manipulating your emotions at the moment?
See now lets say theoretically irl i live next door to you, you kill me for my heinous comment. I advance to find out what the next stage is, you get raped for the best part of 25 years in prison.

Who's the real winner?

You dont kill me and just take it on the chin, then let it slide off coz he liked that.

Mate everyone dies.
And probing uranus might just give nasa, darpa, and other branches the means the engineer the when.
Removing the brain and storing it in pure water, unlike the water in your body doesnt interact with a radiated environment doesnt live within a decaying vessel, can be linked to bionic limbs, check out star wars girl.
See you dont think ahead.
Made a stupid comment, got roasted about dad, airs disgruntled opinion of event as father is deceased 16 years ago, yes and you will be deceased one day too, then your children and your grandchildren, but lets say you have a way to stop your grandchildren dying as by then genetic research will give us the means to grow and harvest any part we need. But this atm is exclusive to rich people, because idiots with subpar iqs like you laugh about a planets name and think nasa is a "friends" company.
You and others like you are the reason billions die.

>> No.11762392

Isnt a jp7 engine effective in space too or high orbit as the fuel needs to be ignited in low temperature?

>> No.11762399

Does anyone want to unironically build a rocket?

I mean it looks pretty fun.

GoFast was a team of amateurs that reached 100Km with their vehicle.

Also I’m thinking of buying a CubeSats I shit you not. I saved up a lot of money over the years and it turns out I can afford to buy+launch one.

>> No.11762402
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>Reading your posts

>> No.11762411
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There were lots of anons discussing building ghetto rockets before DM-2 and the chimpocalypse induced massive thread derails. Rocket candy SRBs, room temperature Propane+NO2 liquid fuels, and "add more boosters lol" design philosophy were all shitposted about.

>> No.11762418
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>> No.11762423
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They already have this shit up. SN5 has to be up soon

>> No.11762426

Diversity Hires who are not up to the skills required will likely all die from preventable accidents because they weren't diligent enough to do something like check their suit seals.

>> No.11762429

We are making space EZ mode so i doubt it

>> No.11762432

It's going to take decades to get to EZ mode.

>> No.11762433

In space, specific impulse matters much more.

I want to, but I'm poor and locked-down. I was going to get a job and save up for a cool project but then corona happened.

>> No.11762437

Unironically build a lithium-fluorine engine.

Maximum possible specific impulse, logistically almost impossible to manage, and you get to turn the launchpad into an EPA superfund site.

>> No.11762447

Yeah, that's a based from me.

>> No.11762453

And? Sjw bullshit will follow

>> No.11762460

Lol the only internship at some affirmative action government position

>> No.11762461

"Decades" are a long time, and about half the country actively wants the DoJ to hunt down the biggest supporters of it as terrorists. (Which the DoJ is in fact doing)

>> No.11762474

If I was a burger I would put that as a wallpaper

>> No.11762478

Why did it take her 4 years to get an associates? Also why do community colleges offer engineering degrees? Everything about this is garbage. Fuck AA

>> No.11762480
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>> No.11762481
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Wasn't commercial crew an Obama administration program though?

>> No.11762487

Might as well go NSWR at that point.

>> No.11762492

Yes, but Trump didn't cancel it simply because it started under Obama. Considering how terrible and childish American politics are towards space flight, not ending it is almost as important as starting it.

>> No.11762493

technically bush Sr

>> No.11762495

Commercial space started with bush, commercial crew was signed by Obama because it wasn't a budget increase. The Obama administration was horrible for space exploration and his admin constantly tried to take funding away from NASA. He even tried to freeze the nasa budget from 2012-2017. They are the reason we had over a decade of nothing.

>> No.11762501

Obama constantly dragged his feet on NASA, had he leaned on congress they might have funded Commercial Crew properly and flown during his administration.

>> No.11762506

I hope you are right anon

>> No.11762508

He did nuke Ares which was an all-round good thing. Frankly, he didn't have much to work with. All the good programs had been cancelled by Bush Jr, so mostly it was just waiting for the development cycle of the new launchers to finish. He was meh, not bad, not great.

>> No.11762512


>> No.11762521

How was it a good thing when he had nothing to replace it with? Bush cancelled the shuttle program because it was retarded and dangerous.
>He was meh, not bad, not great.
No he was bad, stop being partisan. He didn't want to fund NASA at all and constantly took steps to lessen funding.

>> No.11762528

Oh fuck off with that bullshit

>> No.11762531

Shelby is a Republican. Trump chose to defend SpaceX against Senators of his own party when he also needed them to not vote to remove him ftom office. That's worthy of credit.

>> No.11762534

>President Barack Obama on Monday proposed reining in expenses at NASA, sending a 2012 budget blueprint to Congress that calls for a five-year freeze on spending levels at the US space agency.

>> No.11762536 [DELETED] 
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>anime bad

>> No.11762537

The Ares program would've been a fucking money sink of unimaginable proportions, where would the political will for pushing through the commercial crew program have been if we had a more expensive alternative that was Senate approved. If we get Ares we don't have commercial crew. Bush and Cheney did nuke Venture Star even after the tank problems had been fixed a couple years later, that was supposed to be the stopgap.
>He didn't want to fund NASA at all
Yeah and thats why he's mediocre. If he had sustained NASA funding I'd rate him higher. He did under fund it to a unsastifactory ammount. I rate him cancelling Ares as an excellent enough thing to keep him out of the bad range and just the mediocre range.

>> No.11762538

It's pretty crazy how we only just now entered our third era in the history of American human spaceflight. We had the whole Apollo hubbub and then people got super amped for the next phase which was the All-New™ Space Shuttle immediately afterwards. Like could you imagine telling someone in the early 70s that "yeah that shuttle that you hear about accomplishes less than what's being advertised right now and it'll stay that way until the 2010s".

Oh well, it's in the past now and NASA appears to be very horny for commercializing space which is the best decision NASA has made since the 60s

>> No.11762540

Ornge man bad- must go complain about this on twitter. REAL presidents like Kennedy would never politicize space

>> No.11762542

it's good to hear from Elon that starship is a 100x improvement over F9. just wish that THEY'D FUCKING HOP ONE

>> No.11762545

That and Obama didn't start it

>> No.11762546

The funniest thing about obama's space policy was that after gutting nasa for years he started throwing money around in his last year hoping it would become part of his legacy.
Obama&his administration should be completly ignored and only be a footnote at most about how bad they were for american space exploration at most.

>> No.11762547

Commercial crew is peanuts compared to the pork black hole that was/is Constellation and SLS. Also the politicians don't give a fuck about space exploration. It just means jobs for their states and districts. That's why the shuttle contractors are still being funded.

>> No.11762550

Newsflash. The presidents, republican or democrat don't care about space or NASA

>> No.11762555


What is Budget Control Act?

>> No.11762556

Orange man seems to care, or at least realizes if they dont start picking slack the chinese will catch up.

>> No.11762560
File: 2.46 MB, 5724x1445, DSC_0070 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big crane at Boca Chica

>> No.11762569

NASA budget for planetary and earth science is better than more money for SLS.
Why is he taking credit for programs that were made before him and on the success of a private company? He's transparently opportunistic

>> No.11762574

astronauts are going to name every dragon 2 they ride on now? what kind of names can we expect?

>> No.11762577

This, after USSR fell space became a toy to politicians. They pretend to give a shit about it when it fits them, Trump on this matter is no different, the best thing about the privatization of space is that it will no longer be submitted to the whims of politicians

>> No.11762580

Atlantis and Discovery

>> No.11762584

>He's transparently opportunistic
All politicians are

>> No.11762586


Obama's submitted budgets had to conform to the spending freeze of the budget control act.

Giving SpaceX money was the single best thing to do for space exploration in your lifetime and Obama is responsible for his fair share of that.

>> No.11762587

Some anon in the last thread stated how any space company now has an uphill battle to create reusable rockets, and nothing will be able to match the capabilities of Starship for at least 20 years...
That being said- I don’t see how China could compete. Even if they stole the plans for Starship there’s no way they could create a vehicle of that caliber without theirs being expendable. They don’t seem too competitive at the moment as is- but Trump won’t let them catch up regardless

>> No.11762590 [DELETED] 
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>hate politics infiltrating me thread

>> No.11762593

Because as other anon's have been saying, unlike other presidents who took office, he didnt start cancelling everything the previous president signed off on.

wasnt one of the nasa requirments that all crew missions would be done in new dragon2's and they could only be reused for suply missions or something like that?
Same with falcon9?

>> No.11762595

Like >>11762580 said, we're probably going to get a lot of boomer shuttle names

I'm more interested in what the Starships will be called, and frankly how the nomenclature will work when there are dozens and dozens of them. They're already identified by their serial number, but we're obviously not going to have SN23 be the first lunar Starship and SN39 be the first Martian etc.

>> No.11762602

2020s, anon

>> No.11762604

>wasnt one of the nasa requirments that all crew missions would be done in new dragon2's and they could only be reused for suply missions or something like that?
>Same with falcon9?
SpaceX will definitely try to change NASA's mind on it, just like how they changed NASA's mind on reusing boosters.

>> No.11762605

that's a bridge crane
a small bridge crane, it's only 12 tons
it's super useful for moving shit around inside buildings (like the ring forming tents)

>> No.11762609

Both the Dragon and Falcon will be reused, starting from PCM2. This was announced today.

>> No.11762611

they already changed NASA's mind, the contract has just been modified.

>> No.11762612

>I'm more interested in what the Starships will be called, and frankly how the nomenclature will work when there are dozens and dozens of them.
Pokemon, with SN => Pokedex number mappings. SN4 was Charmander.

>> No.11762616

the next two dragons will be named trumpoline and boing

>> No.11762618

they've only got 700 or so of them

>> No.11762621

One of them will be Enterprise. Elon will probably christen the Bebop and the Serenity. Idk- each shuttle flew with tons of different crew but I think it would be cool to let each Starship get its own dedicated crew and it becomes “their” ship if there’s gonna be a ton of them

>> No.11762624

Shuttle names or those NASA kid contest things
Honestly, naming is probably the worst part of these missions, they will all be bad

>> No.11762629
File: 26 KB, 583x583, are_you_feeling_the_despair_now_mr_krabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>been saving up for a trip to Mars
>finally get the money
>Buy the first ticket I can get
>pack everything I have
>including the SpaceX brand anime figurines
>make it to Boca Chica Spaceport
>about to board
>check the Starship serial number
>mrw it's SN100

>> No.11762634

Thanks for the laugh anon

>> No.11762636

>I don’t see how China could compete
China is fully prepared to throw away money on expendable rockets for 20 years until they have something fully reusable. In China, space doesn't have to make business sense because it's a wholly state-run endeavor and the state recognizes the importance of space capabilities.

>> No.11762637

How would Starship as a system fit into a rotating sky hook system? Could the fuel savings of a Skyhook make the Starship capable of transit to lunar or martian orbit without need of a refueling?
Would there be any incentive for Elon to try and build a skyhook even if it might make superheavy redundant?

>> No.11762638

it could put your retarded skyhook up in orbit for you and then laugh at you as you fail

>> No.11762644

look at all those neat tidy tie-downs, all that strapping, what a safe and secure load
god I love living in a first world country

>> No.11762647

A functional starship, let alone higher performance derivatives, obviates the supposed necessity of these kind of memes in the first place.

>> No.11762651

What's wrong with voltorb? Ah shit I think I know what you mean kek

>> No.11762653

I would vote for boing if it were a choice on a website

>> No.11762668

Ya they aren't necessary, but I feel like the throughput to orbit could be a lot higher if all you needed was just a starship sans superheavy to get into orbit with a respectable payload. At least it'd mean we'd need fewer expensive launchpads if we only needed to launch starships without superheavys.

>> No.11762672
File: 9 KB, 615x152, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine telling someone 20 years ago that this will be a valid job posting in 2020 by a company that wants to colonize Mars

>> No.11762675
File: 817 KB, 975x685, starship naming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SpaceX has opened an online naming vote for our newest Starship

>> No.11762687

>Not U.S.S. Moonman
Wasted opportunity

>> No.11762691
File: 112 KB, 1484x1484, titan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will /sfg/ take the Titan pill?

>Protective atmosphere against rads
>Burnable fuel in lakes and rain
>Endless solid ice that can be converted to drinking water, oxygen, and fuel.
>All that is needed to start is a nuclear reactor and balloon drones to carry ice back up to space.

If earth sours on space Mars dies pretty quickly, Titan is the true key to the solar system.

>> No.11762693


>> No.11762695

Why not just use superchargers powered by gas generator to lower the cost?

>> No.11762703

I've taken the Solar-Buffet-pill. Colonize it all. Moon, Mars, Titian, Venus, Pluto, and even a polar orbit around the Sun. Just blanket it all with mankind.

>> No.11762705

I've got nothing against Titan, it's my favorite body in the solar system. Mars will be the hub of all space development long before the first human operations on titan. Posing it as a dichotomy to Mars makes no sense, as trying to go straight there without Martian and Lunar development is suicidal w/rt space development as a whole.

>> No.11762707
File: 8 KB, 150x299, Titan surface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live within eyesight of lake Michigan, knowing there's bodies of methane the same size or larger sloshing around on Titan is strange when I see it.

>> No.11762709

I agree with this, I wouldn’t be surprised if future generations living on Mars, Venus, etc. see Titan as prime real estate. If our species hasn’t gone interstellar by the end of our sun’s life- Titan is the last bastion. Earth Mars and Venus would be nuked, but Titan would actually become MORE habitable as the sun expands and goes into its next phase

>> No.11762712

If we somehow still exist AND don't have interstellar capabilities by then I'm sure we'd just have O'Neill cylinders everywhere being sustained by a dyson swarm

>> No.11762713

I think this is a long standing cultural bias. It's really a matter of energy and mass. Mars the poster child for colonization will require many many tons of mass for rad proof habitats or excavation equipment to build them, not to mention solar panels that will be prone to damage from winds and dust. Water can be found but this also take huge quantities of excavation infrastructure to get in necessary quantity.

The road to mars self sufficiency is long arduous and takes an immense quantity of mass to even approach sufficiency.

Consider a autonomous station orbiting titan with a supply of drones and a nuclear reactor. The reactor charges the drones and melts ice that can be stored in tanks as oxygens, or used to combust the numerous hydrocarbons also found on the surface. If drones break just send more, as a whole such a system could be accruing huge stores of usable water, oxygen and fuel in Titan orbit without minimal mass requirements.

Yes it is farther away, but delta V is about leaving earth's gravity, not traveling in the void. It is the most effective location for any kind of space development.

>> No.11762714

>Yeah and thats why he's mediocre.
No that is why he is bad. We are talking about space exploration, a president that actively tries to limit space exploration makes him a bad space president.
>If we get Ares we don't have commercial crew
Thats a bold statement. Elon Musk would be pushing for mars with or without NASA and commercial crew would have been obvious by the time falcon 9 was sending cargo to the ISS. Also canceling Ares could have been done if you replaced it with something that could take from it. Obama went around expert opinions and congress who gave him a lunar focus or flexible focus option. Instead he went with SLS (aka corruption) and a mars goal that was so far away it didn't mean anything.

>> No.11762716

O’Neill cylinders would pretty much establish permanent living conditions, but yeah if we’re talking THAT far in the future humans will have been long evolved. We’d either be living in other solar systems or downloaded into the collective on the surface of a black hole or something

>> No.11762719

Did he really say that? Damn

>> No.11762722

The moon will have a semi self suficient colony/outpost decades before mars.

>> No.11762743 [DELETED] 
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To be fair, he means the moeshit trannies spam.

>> No.11762755

>The Ares program would've been a fucking money sink of unimaginable proportions,
As opposed to SLS? At least it would have had a headstart.

>> No.11762759

Serious question.

Is reusable TSTO the ultimate meta in spaceflight?

It's hard to think of anything, short of like antimatter, that's as simple and cost effective. Am I wrong in thinking that the Starship will be like the AK of spacecraft and people will still be using it a hundred years from now?

>> No.11762768

>It's really a matter of energy and mass.
Time is the on true god. Significant progress can be made on Mars and the Moon just in the transit time to get to Titan.
>Mars the poster child for colonization will require many many tons of mass for rad proof habitats or excavation equipment to build them
It really isn't that difficult to make a trench and compressed regolith structure.
>not to mention solar panels that will be prone to damage from winds and dust.
No such thing. Even the panels on "muh ounces" rovers don't suffer damage from the weak Martian winds.
>Water can be found but this also take huge quantities of excavation infrastructure to get in necessary quantity.
It isn't any harder to melt ice on Mars than it is on Titan.

>> No.11762770

it's been a job title since the 1980's, this is just one of the non-black budget listings

>> No.11762773

No one's done it yet, but it certainly looks promising.

>> No.11762775

That, and most people underestimate how much living area you can make if you dismantled a couple moons or one of the terrestrial planets. If you took Earth apart for example, you could make enough room to house at least 10^18 people, a billion billion (sagan.wav)
That's a civilization bigger than most scifi stories deal with, all within a couple light-days of the sun.

>> No.11762776

The two-stage superheavy + starship style architecture is probably going to be the standard MO for earth-based launches, I'd wager.
Nothing gets lost, nothing needs to get fished out from the ocean, the most important part gets to space, it's perfect.

>> No.11762777

Nah you’re probably right. TSTO is probably the simplest way to get a ship up. I mean if Starship had three stages it could probably get to orbit with more fuel- but it becomes difficult to try and recover two stages as opposed to one. And you’d still need multiple launches to fuel it up anyways.
My question is why SSTO is shit on. I suspect it’s because you’d probably not have any fuel to even get to orbit. Everyday astronaut has a video on SSTO but his videos are like a fucking hour long and I just want the quick explanation
Also yeah I imagine Starship is, as another anon called it, the Model-T of spaceships. I suspect it will be around for a long time. All SpaceX has to do is iterate on the basic design as more technology becomes available down the road

>> No.11762782

TL;DR is that by the time you're almost there, your ship is 90% tank 10% fuel by weight and there's no reason to do that when you can just drop the empty tank

>> No.11762783

>My question is why SSTO is shit on.
SSTO is kind of a relic. Given the capability to land the first stage, trying to do without it completely instead puts you in the position of cutting out an order of magnitude of capability with the launcher just to take out the easy part of the job.

>> No.11762785

Sorry Nazi, unless your cylinder is a Liberal democracy the space force is coming to free the shit out your citizens, America fuck yeah.

>> No.11762788

Yeah which is why getting rid of constellation and replacing it with SLS is stupid and a political stunt. So was the bullshit mars goal. No shit politicians don't care about space but Obama was probably the worst president for NASA since its creation, and the fucker had the audacity to throw money at it at the very end of his goal so he could parade around like he was science focused.

>> No.11762789

Great points. We have the technology to land the first stage and we’ve gotten pretty damn good at it, so why try to make it harder by having one stage that can barely make it- if at all.

>> No.11762793

End of his term*

>> No.11762805

I want to go to titan. But a martian presence is required to get there

>> No.11762814

Not necessarily, you can launch a vehicle from earth, but it would make things easier to stage from Mars.

>> No.11762816

Dammit anon you had me excited. I want it named after non roman European gods.

>> No.11762819

Based, hopefully starship kills some weebs

>> No.11762828

maybe but Obama was still worse for the space program than either trump or bush.

>> No.11762836

Same anon I just want to add something different. I wonder when we will get the first official concept art of Starship’s interior. Anyone else thinking about this? I want to see the layout and the design choices

>> No.11762843

>eliminates sh*ttle
>begins process of privatization that eventually led to Falcon9 and newspace

Obama was objectively the best president for the space program since Kennedy. Trump might shape up to be better if the Artemis program turns out alright or the Space Force starts doing shit.

>> No.11762844

Well yeah its technically possible but i guess i meant realistically.

>> No.11762846

>eliminates sh*ttle
>begins process of privatization that eventually led to Falcon9 and newspace
You do understand that it was the bush administration that did this...

>> No.11762847

so Grimes posted about supporting a police-free society.
Any now I'm even more hyped for Musk's mars-civilization.

what about ares?

>> No.11762859

>the Space Force starts doing shit.
Space Force will keep doing what they were doing under the Air Force, Space Force was your typical politician publicity stunt, where they take something that already existed and "creates" it

>> No.11762868

Excuse me?

>> No.11762871

You just named two things the bush administration did and you ignored the cancelation of constellation, reliance on Russia, doing the SLS program against the wishes of congress and NASA, placing a bullshit mars goal to save money and continuously attempting to defund spaceflight.

>> No.11762873

>so Grimes posted about supporting a police-free society.
I'm amazed that I still have the capacity to be amazed by shit like this. Hurry Elon time is short.

>> No.11762877

This has to be bait. Also anyone who thinks the falcon 9 was made because of the commercial crew program is an idiot.

>> No.11762884

CRS contract did fund it and keep it chugging in those early years... think Musk said that besides F1flight4 the CRS contract saved speeesex

>> No.11762891

Not exactly. Space Force gets rid of a lot of bureaucratic waste by putting all space assets from all the different branches under one roof. Basically we'd hit critical mass and keeping them separate didn't make sense anymore.

>> No.11762897 [DELETED] 

You are going to have to link that because that doesn't make sense

>> No.11762900

The upside of shooting Ares and replacing it with SLS isn't that SLS costs less or anything like that. Its that the niche SLS fills is didn't compete with Falcon 9 and other commercial crew program launchers. Ares did compete with them directly and that why cancelling Ares was the right move, I doubt congress would've kept funding commercial crew program if they already a good enough pork alternative in the form of Ares. SLS is better than Ares in that it doesn't fill the general launcher niche that Ares would, this left room in the rocket ecosystem for Falcon and Star liner, so while SLS is a waste it doesn't suck the oxygen out of the room in the way a complete Ares program would have.

>> No.11762906

CRS wasn't an Obama administration policy, it was from the Bush era, also CRS isn't commercial crew

>> No.11762908

Trump is already the best President for the Space Program since Eisenhower.


>> No.11762921

Except most of them were already under the Air Force, and the other branches will keep messing around with space, just like they dabble with each other areas when they need too, this just enlarges the structure since the space force will also have it's own bureaucracy

>> No.11762924

You realize this move actually saved money?

>> No.11762934

Commercial Crew is a Bush-era idea, and was moving ahead regardless of the president.
Trump's contribution to the human spaceflight program is to try to force a flags and footprints mission to the Moon by 2024, his final year in office.

>> No.11762941

>SN100 has new feature
>has cool vr hats connected to main computer
>the hat flashes images to you
>you are no longer a moe weeb
>become ubermensch on mars
>help build big ass colony
>accidentally crush 3d printed bugman colony with boulder you threw

>> No.11762943
File: 57 KB, 530x1000, 1590640468907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best thing about Starship is that unless oldspace figures out reusability the only niche left for expendable rockets is basically the Sea Dragon. Spending money on throwing away small rockets will be obsolete on the commercial market.

>> No.11762947


Hogwash. You get a lot of republican partisans who only want to smear Obama and don't know the facts of the matter.

Coddling the corruption at NASA is bad. Tackling it and trying to set NASA on a better track is good.

If it weren't for the Obama admin you'd still be waiting for Ares 1 to fly Orion to the ISS and thinking that was the best thing ever.

>> No.11762949

Me too senpai, the concepts I have seen from randoms on the net so far are trash.

>> No.11762950
File: 388 KB, 1451x859, 1590778170290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem isn't getting rid of Ares its that they replaced it with SLS. They wanted a lunar focus, they were already turning that way with bush with a 2020 goal. Instead we got SLS which just like Ares will complete directly with a commercial vehicle and now we are in 202 with a cancerous SLS program, and are just now refocusing on the moon. We basically wasted 12 years for nothing and with space you can't take that long, the public loses interest.

>> No.11762957

Who is based Jim.

>> No.11762958

Sea dragon was supposed to be reusable or rather refurbishable. SS is basically the practical realization of the direction Sea Dragon was pointing towards.

>> No.11762960


Constellation also relied on Russia flights during its gap. Constellation also cancelled the Shuttle. Buying Russia flights also occurred while the Shuttle was operating. NASA and Congress are both in the bag for SLS. Mars is a perfectly acceptable goal in its own right. The budget was more or less level during the Obama years and that came off one of the great recession.

>> No.11762964
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1535040066099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the odds that Lockheed fuck up on their Apollo shit and Moon landing is delayed until spacex comes up with the solution

>> No.11762968


Obama didn't replace Ares with SLS. He wanted a different non SLS program, and shuttle derived fanatics couldn't handle that and forced SLS in to the detriment of human spaceflight for us all.

>> No.11762971

>If it weren't for the Obama admin you'd still be waiting for Ares 1 to fly Orion to the ISS
We would already have a gateway setup for the moon, you are being partisan if you ignore how shitty Obama was to space. That is why i compared him to trump and bush, both were controversial presidents yet had a better space program record than Obama.

>> No.11762974


No we wouldn't have. Under the Constellation plan, the entirety of the two term administration of Obama would have been spent building Ares 1 and Orion.

>> No.11762975

>NASA and Congress are both in the bag for SLS
Except they opposed it

>> No.11762977
File: 926 KB, 1800x1013, Orion_docked_to_Mars_Transfer_Vehicle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constellation had a pretty spaceship though.
RIP Copernicus

>> No.11762978
File: 147 KB, 1024x768, 1433108483509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you slap two more boosters on a Falcon Heavy (bringing the total to four), how much will the payload increase?

Possibly enough to ferry modular segments of rotating torus habitats to LEO? The Starship would otherwise be a better choice but it's nowhere near ready yet and it has too many hiccups to work out.

>> No.11762979


You have it completely backwards.

>> No.11762985

>The major goals of the program were "completion of the International Space Station" and a "return to the Moon no later than 2020" with a crewed flight to the planet Mars as the ultimate goal.
The constellation program was the artemis program under a different name, starting over so they could have the Obama version of the Ares cost us a lot of time and killed the moon focus.

>> No.11762989

Slapping two boosters on F9 took many years more than expected the first time. There is absolutely no reason to sink more development into a heavier version of Falcon with Starship on the way.

>> No.11762991
File: 153 KB, 1128x1564, BFR Super-Mega-Ultra-heavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why stop at two?

>> No.11762992

No i do not, Obama was offered 2 ideas to divert away from constellation, one that was still lunar focused and one that was flexible focused. He went behind their back and decided to go with a heavy.

>> No.11762998

what is it like to live in a fantasy world?

>> No.11763004

>The budget was more or less level during the Obama years and that came off one of the great recession.
Why are you defending him? Can you not separate your personal politics from an objective review?

>> No.11763005

I fully suspect the next Starliner test to shoot the capsule straight into the ISS with pajeet code and destroy it.

>> No.11763009


NASA's section comes in under the context of the Budget Control Act that instituted wider spending freezes on that timeframe.


>> No.11763010
File: 1.71 MB, 937x936, 1589425445254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thing would actually be capable of direct Mars shots if you didn't light the third stage until Earth escape.

>> No.11763013


Here read this. Not the whole story, but illuminating:


>> No.11763016

>Buying Russia flights also occurred while the Shuttle was operating.
Yes but it wasn't total reliance
>Constellation also relied on Russia flights during its gap.
It wouldn't have been a 10 year gap

>> No.11763021


Orion has been well funded and still isn't done, and the Constellation plan lagged until Orion is ready.

>> No.11763034

>Lori Garver, former NASA deputy administrator
So an Obama appointee, just like the trash who foisted the Russia hoax on us. Nope.

>> No.11763039
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>Coddling the corruption at NASA is bad. Tackling it and trying to set NASA on a better track is good.
Yes that was the Obamas excuse for defending NASA but hey they threw money at them at the end so they could pretend like they did stuff.
>If it weren't for the Obama admin you'd still be waiting for Ares 1 to fly Orion to the ISS
Constellation had a moon mission goal of 2020, we would have had a significantly smaller gap of time to the ISS the CRP would still have been intact so you would have falcon9s with cargo contracts and you would at the very least be close to the moon. Instead we got a decade of sitting on our ass and now we have the constellation program under a new name(artemis). I'm not a republican, i still say fuck Obama for what he did to American space exploration.

>> No.11763042

>former Obama appointee
Am i supposed to pretend this isn't biased as hell?

>> No.11763043


>Constellation had a moon mission goal of 2020

This was a lie like saying Orion would flying in 2012.
The systems Constellation selected ate the budget and were a bad fit for realizing the moon goal. The moon goal was a PR label that simply hadn't been disproven before your eyes like it would have been had it continued.

Constellation was in reality moon post 2030.

>> No.11763054
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Interstellar Direct?

>> No.11763060

They had no time crunch why would it be done? Also they launched it in 2014 successfully. If constellation was to happen they would have had deadlines prior to 2020

>> No.11763066

And you are basing that on what? Orion flew in 2014

>> No.11763068


I started writing a response on how this is the one great pivotal turning point in your life away from your mush brain future but its late and I'm an old man and it faded away so I guess you're both doomed to be mediocre idiots.

it's a fucking article it wont kill you.

>> No.11763069

Nothing is "direct" about trying to go interstellar on chemical rockets. That'd get you a Neptune lander and return though.

>> No.11763071


a test flight nowhere near to a complete article.

>> No.11763073

Anyone with a mirror?

>> No.11763078


Under Constellation the Ares 5 would not be started until 2016 and it was a bigger more expensive project than SLS, and the moon lander would get its start even beyond that.

>> No.11763079

No shit anon, I'm reading it but its flawed from the start which is why we are bringing it up. You refuse to acknowledge that the Obama administration set us back on space exploration simply because you were and Obama supporter. Try to have some self reflection.

>> No.11763080

Neat, I'd like to see what's up on Triton, we really should have eyes on every surface by now not just a few measly flybys and visits.

>> No.11763087

>Starship keeps exploding so I imagine there's a degree of difficulty.
>Starship exploding has anything to do with propellant choice
Don't be fackin retahded

>> No.11763088

tell me someone saved that

>> No.11763091

>lithium-fluorine engine.
>Maximum possible specific impulse
Lithium-hydrogen-fluorine actually. The tripropellant combination from hell that nets you 542 Isp.

>> No.11763092
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For what purpose

>> No.11763096

someone mirrored it, I'll save a copy

>> No.11763099

Not necessarily.

>> No.11763100

No but it is a good indicator on what could have been. I'm actually excited for the Orion project because the amount of time they have had has allowed them to make it very technologically advanced. But to say they couldn't have made a capsule in time for a deadline is stupid.

>> No.11763101

If the problem is that launch pads are too expensive, then figure out how to build a cheaper launch pad.

>> No.11763105

What was it?

>> No.11763106

Let’s do it
How should we make the engine?

>> No.11763107

Science can only be used by the left in their ads

>> No.11763111


Orion is expensive as fuck and it takes a long time to finish, full stop.

Commercial Crew is timeline competitive or equivalent, and a better fit.

Should they have(Orion)? Ask yourself that. No.

>> No.11763114

>Yes it is farther away, but delta V is about leaving earth's gravity, not traveling in the void.
The "void" is the Sun's gravity, dummy.
>consider a bunch of bullshit
No, I don't think I will. How about you consider the fact that getting water on Mars is actually far easier than you claim, whereas getting iron on Titan is incredibly difficult, because there's pretty much none within ten kilometers of the surface, it being a differentiated ice ball after all.

>> No.11763115

Trump ad featuring Space Force and American Spaceflight prominently
Getting real tired of these platforms picking favorites.

>> No.11763116


>> No.11763118

>cost effective

>> No.11763119

It was a tantrum about the EO stripping immunity from social media platforms he signed, probably.


>> No.11763122
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Just wait for the Starship. Musk will have more than enough money to work out the "hiccups" with the Starship with the Starlink Program. And if the Starship itself turns out to be not enough he can probably make a modified "super starship" specifically for bringing extremely large payloads to LEO (like torus modules).

Unless your building fucking Elysium, chances are torus modules can fit in the Starship's ~500 tonne payload bay, though I'm having trouble finding the exact dimensions.

>> No.11763124

>Commercial Crew is timeline competitive or equivalent, and a better fit.
They didn't replace it with commercial crew they replaced it with SLS. There was a goal set for constellation that means deadlines, deadlines makes them work faster.Also let's not act like commercial crew wasn't going to happen. It was the logical next step of the commercial resupply and that is why Obama signed it even though he didn't like NASA
>Should they have(Orion)? Ask yourself that.
NASA needs their own system to get them to the moon still so yes

>> No.11763126

Hey give my boy a break will ya, he doesn’t understand the benefits of methalox. He’s wicked retahded

>> No.11763133

Just bring dozers in Starships it’s not that hard

>> No.11763138

How unsurprisingly petty, I hope they get ass-raped by this in the end.

>> No.11763139

Doing the work of the gods anon thank you

>> No.11763140

Be sure to make everything out of high temperature resistant fluoride ceramics or you're gonna run engine-rich.

>> No.11763150

How can we make that cause that’s gonna drain bank on that alone

>> No.11763151


>NASA needs their own system to get them to the moon

No, they can do the same thing they did for getting their crew to ISS.

>> No.11763156


>Also let's not act like commercial crew wasn't going to happen. It was the logical next step of the commercial resupply

There was a lot of antagonism toward it during those days with people of that viewpoint purposefully delaying it or ruling out alternatives to Ares 1 and Orion based on contrivances.

>> No.11763157

Why not use Hydrogen-Fluorine and make ablative nozzles out of lithium? It naturally hollows out to a vacuum bell so you get ghetto aerospikes for your first stage.

>> No.11763159

Ask Russia to do it for them?

>> No.11763160

Holy shit this thread is full of political babble.

>> No.11763163


Commission or use alternative options than Orion.

>> No.11763166

Although i believe in spacex and starship, it doesn't make sense for NASA to rely on the private sector to get to the moon until the private sector has proven that it can. Artemis will go either way so NASA needs to fund their own method until they can rely on private vehicles.

>> No.11763170

Good luck arming that thing cause if water gets near it, boom

>> No.11763173

Yeah well someone tried to act like Obama was a good president for space and it pissed a lot of people off.

>> No.11763178

Okay that’s nice but let’s not discuss it at all

>> No.11763180

agreed but after successful resupply missions it would be pretty hard for NASA to not allow a cheaper manned contract.

>> No.11763181

it's literally a result of the free market. Start trumptube if you are so committed to getting his message out.

>> No.11763184
File: 107 KB, 2040x1147, quickdisconnect.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New quick disconnect here. The one that was the cause of SN4's blow up

>> No.11763185


Not if the agency's budget was fully committed toward other initiatives and there was no room for it.

>> No.11763187

Quit messing around anon you're better than that.

>> No.11763190

I mean i agree but they are talking about spaceflight policies and spaceflight programs so its not off topic.

>> No.11763191
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>wants to tell private companies how to run their business
>wants to eliminate freedom of association

>> No.11763194


>> No.11763195

Constellation would be entirely moon focused by now, falcon9 crew dragon would actually be a perfect way to keep the program on task and on time.

>> No.11763198
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daily reminder that political discussion belongs on /pol/, not /sci/

>> No.11763203

closing this political dumpsterfire early lads